Expert council
On social safety and social progressing
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" About social 
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International Academy of public progressing and

Expert council of Committee on safety ГД ФС Russian Federation

"«Reversionary right"

( From the manuscript of the book « the reversionary Right and safety of the person »)

1. Summary, contents   and foreword of the book
2. Системообразующие tags of the reversionary Right
3. Reversionary right: historical ретроспектива
4. Table of milestones changes of aircraft attitude of the right in Russia
5. Reversionary right and prosecutor's office: dialectic 
Interpenetration of the purposes and problems
6. Advocacy and е ё of a function within the framework of the operational Reversionary right
7. Table of confrontation of the reversionary Right and Reduction justice
8. Concluding to the book
9. Table of nominal functions of tribunals 
Under the prevailing law and at transition to the reversionary Right
10. Pattern and functions of bodies(organs) of a System of social safety
The recalls on the book « the reversionary Right and safety of the person » 
The members of the Supreme Court of Russian Federation: В.В. Дорошкова and С.А. Разумова
The chief of development Минин Борис Алексеевич, bodies (095) 241 38 08, 241 39 03

1. Summary

Recently activities on essential activating in country of a system of social safety at last were moved off the dead centre on the basis of reorientation of principles of our codified legislation: from adopted ещ ё древнеримскими by the lawyers on natural, natural, founded on возмездном, "«reflexive" approach. It guesses substitution « of the legal responsibility » on the responsibility only social, on an extent of the marked economical and social damage - without dependence from, whether the permission or prohibition of this or that particular act in the statutory acts whether or not is stipulated. And on the contrary: the absence of any responsibility, any responsibility is established(set) to suffer punishment for want of the expressed damage - actual and - or potential. The almost universal substitution of all set of existing kinds(views) of punishment is simultaneously supposed, switching on as the main(basic) deprivation of liberty, on the unique form(shape): On full material indemnification(compensation) of all marked damage: economical, physical, ecological, moral...
The book actuates outcomes of durable studies of an entity of a problem, presentation of the practical approaches to a rating of damage and effect, algorithm of implementation of a designed system and outcomes of analysis anticipated   consequences from implementation of the reversionary Right in exchange or in bridge existing; the essence of tendered variations envisioned by the draft federal law « About social safety and social progressing » is set up.
The book is intended for the specialists in an orb of the right, teachers, students, and also for the mass reader who is were interested in problems of the safety and outlooks of social progressing.


Recently at last have moved from a dead point of work on essential activization in the country of system of social safety on the basis of reorientation of principles ours of the legislation: from accepted still Ancient Roman by the lawyers on natural,   based on "«returnable" approach, with replacement « of the legal responsibility » on the responsibility only social (on a degree of the put economic and social damage, without dependence from, whether stipulate the sanction or interdiction on that or other action in the normative certificates (acts) whether or not. And on the contrary: the absence of any responsibility, any duty is established to incur punishment at absence of the expressed damage (actual and - or potential). Almost universal replacement of all set of existing kinds of punishment simultaneously is supposed, switching as the basic deprivation of freedom, on the unique form: on complete material indemnification of all put damage: Economic, physical, ecological, moral...
The book includes results of long researches of an essence of a problem, statement of the practical approaches to an estimation of damage and effect, algorithm of introduction of the developed system and results of the analysis of expected consequences from realization of the Returnable right in exchange or parallel. existing; the essence of offered changes provided by the project of the federal law « About social safety and social development » is stated.
The book intends for the experts in sphere of the right, teachers, students, and also for the mass reader interested by questions of the safety and prospects of social development.
  (Machine Translation. The text is fulfilled).
The writer — Б.А МИНИН., president of International Academy of public progressing, director of Federal Center of certification accredited at ЦНИИбыт, chief of group of expert Council on social safety and social progressing (ГосДумы ФС Russian Federation), candidate of engineering science, doctor of economical sciences,   the member of International Academy of informatization
The curators of activity - Deputies of State Duma of Russian Federation, vice-presidents of committee on Safety Госдумы, academicians П.Т.БУРДУКОВ and В.И. ИЛЮХИН
The section 4.6. is written together with В.И. ИЛЮХИНЫМ by doctor of juridical science.
The section 4.7. is written В.В. ДОРОШКОВЫМ, judge of the Supreme Court of Russian Federation, master of laws
The section 4.8. is written А.П. ГАЛОГАНОВЫМ, President of Federal Union of the Attorneys of Russia
Opening speech kindly has agreed to write the Judge of the Supreme Court   the Russian Federation, professor of the Russian Academy of justice at the Supreme Court of Russian Federation Deserved lawyer of Russian Federation С.А. REASONS
At opening-up of separate sections and discussion of the used here materials the theorists of the right, members of expert Council received the most active involvement on social safety and social progressing at Committee on safety (Госдума Russian Federation): Е.В. БЕЗНОСЮК, В.Ф. ЖУРАВЛЕВ, О.С. КОЛБАСОВ, В.З. JUGS, Ю.С. ОСИПОВ, Н.И. СИДОРОВ, Ю.Е. СЦЕПИНСКИЙ, Г.Н. СЮТКИН, А.Г. ТЕРЕХОВ, Р.М. ТИХОНОВ, and also involved(attracted) specialists from law enforcement bodies, including from an orb of practical legal proceedings: Л.А. ИГНАТОВА, n.m. КАМИНСКАЯ, В.А. МУРАВЬЕВА, В.К. ШУЛЬЦ
BY HIM(IT) and all by other, even by the one who has pronounced us negative judgement, but has given constructive proposals, we express huge gratitude for exhibited by them a creative insight, steady faith and comprehension, and also definite professional boldness and sincere availability to help in this obviously off-gauge business.
We are specially grateful to ideas and boldness Росса PEN, which one by the desperate act before selection of the president of USA of 1992 has pushed us to comprehension of quite real feasibility of the programs apparent to us up to it too scale and absolutely firm.

The foreword

Dear readers!
The book, which one lays before you, is a courageous digression in far past and, it would be desirable to believe, in the nearest future of our Justice - Justice, which one for certain can find in itself forces to refuse enforced following to principles "«codified", дробленого of the legislation. These principles are left to us in the patrimony ещ ё from times древнеримских of the lawyers a pair тысячелетий ago, when the time was almost static, when, it happened, the centuries in life did not originate almost any essential variations...
But for these тысячелетия and specially last centuries these principles really notably have become outdated, and now they create many difficulties for the workers of courts and mass of the enforced breach of justice for the citizens.
It is impossible to disagree with the President of Russian Federation В.В. Путиным, that the court in our country till now did not become speed, right and fair... The normative - legal base to the full does not decide problems, put before justice, as many laws mirror formation and departmental concerns... As the outcome it is in country, alongside with shadow economy the tendency to forming the shaded justice is exhibited.
The path tendered the writer of this book with сподвижниками, sounds as though the answer to these words. Yes, the transition to new rails, if he will happen, will be hard. It is impossible to say, that the new approach is so uneasy technically or that he is contradictory - but just by simplicity, as it often happens, he psychologically will appear very difficult for perception by the specialists who have got used to a complexity of the legislation, founded on principles of the prevailing law.
Already therefore his(its) implementation can begin only if there is huge political will of the president and potent civil support. Today as never in other time we in Russia have for this purpose all reasons, and it is necessary to be prepared for this.
The book for certain will call living concern among the creatively customized lawyers, courageous polyhabit spasms and thinks citizens - not only for us in Russia, but also abroad.
The judge of the Supreme Court   the Russian Federation,
The professor of the Russian Academy of justice
At the Supreme Court of Russian Federation,
The deserved lawyer of Russian Federation
С.А. Reasons


Instead of the foreword: the reversionary RIGHT, STAGE PRE-DAWN
The introducing.
1. Social safety: for a long time and today
2. What inconsistencies and problems of legislative practice of today?
3. Where to go and what to do(make)
4. Reflexive principle, maiden approaches
1. Major nonsense
2. Definition "«perils", or plotted damage,
3. What from the existing texts of the acts are given by(with) the basis for optimisms
4. How in practice the reflexive principle will work?
5. That today   is problematic
6. Existing legislation and Reversionary right
7. Mode of payment of indemnifications(compensations)
1. Социометрия (brief digression)
2. Kinds(views) of social damage
3. Metrology of social damage
4. About the rules of charge "of the «reflexive" sums at indemnification(compensation) of damage
5. Some consequences
6. Rule of the introducing of a system of social safety in locale
7. Procedure of the introducing ССБ
8. Activity of bodies(organs) ССБ
9. Mode of payment of indemnifications(compensations)
1. Active thirst of substitution old and looking up of the new concept
2. From a stand of system approach
3. At formulation of the new doctrine
4. Practical operatings in case of a beginning of implementation of the Reflexive concept
5. Anticipated variations
6. Reversionary right and prosecutor's office: dialectic interpenetration of the purposes and problems - together with В.И. Илюхиным (on the coordination)
7. Legal proceedings at stages of implementation of the reversionary right. Capabilities and problems   - В.В. Дорожков
8. Advocacy within the framework of the legislation, founded on the reversionary Right - А.П. Галоганов
9. Reversionary right in a light historical ретроспективы (on materials И.Б. Новицкого)
1. There are many kinds(views) human баловства...
2. Доколе by him(it) to correct by a dancing party?
3. From the report on conference International   academies of informatization 21.11.2000
4. Globalization and антиглобализм
5. About priorities and reference points of world public progressing
1. For true priorities
2. "Reversionary right" a plus a system of forward(straight) democracy as a clue to active social progressing
3. Reversionary right " a plus a system of forward(straight) democracy: a step forward and to the left
4. About religion, Ленине and business - schedules
5. How to shun terrible costs of our civilization
6. About necessity and inevitability of shift of the concept of a law in force: national and universal aspects
1. To become the gods after the god
2. Protrusion in Госдуме
3. Грядут the large changes
4. About the recalls of the professionals - controversy and commenting:
· Institute of militia
· the United Nations
· the Vehicle of committee on safety Госдумы
1. Medical cataclysms, one history
2. Efficiency of science and concerns of public progressing
3. The effectiveness criterions are necessary for effective science
4. On social progressing
5. Small secrets of the large science
6. Quality and ecological purity — two sides of a social medal
7. About бездуховных sources of a corporate egocentricity
1. Withdrawal from 9-th edition, 2001
2. Explanatory slip
3. Concept of the law
10. IF TOMORROW ВП... Предвидимые personal, public and global consequences.
1. New Госдума: If only not импотентность. - but also not the children - freaks
2. « Elections: who is who » - as it is necessary to select Duma
3. Effective science - effectiveness criterion
4. Auto neutralizing agents is only half. And even it is less
5. MASS-MEDIA: concern in общественно useful
6. Advertising: the full responsibility. - Whose?
7. Moral = ненанесение and непричинение. It is no more and not less
8. Социономика - отграниченная an orb of social production. The social - ecological doctrine
9. « The Biblical doctrine » - till September 11...
The appendix П1 НОВОМЕТРИЯ And СОЦИОМЕТРИЯ, brief ликбез
The appendix П2 the PROJECTS REALISED And READY For IMPLEMENTATION (withdrawal)
1. Project "«Reversionary right" (ВП) - within the framework of Expert council КБ ГД
2. Project the Российско-European Agency "PROGRESSING" (РЕА "PROGRESSING")
3. Project Новистика (НВ)
4. Project a Maximum qualifying commission (ВКК) in frameworks МАОР (cm).
5. Projects МАОР.RU
6. Institute world антиглобализма (HIM)((IT))   - in frameworks МАОР
7. International Academy of public progressing (МАОР) - realised project
8. Federal center of certification (ФЦС) - realised project
  the appendix П3 the Literature
The concluding. TO LIVE, DEVELOPING
The nominal index(indicator)
The subject index
Reply to call of time
…. XXI the century will be indisputable by century of transformation of Russia and all a pattern. This destiny we предрекли the astrologists have a lot of honeycombs of years before our surprising time. We need only to not deceive their prediction. For except for us this transformation could not be made.
First step to the necessary turn of progressing should become cardinal variation in our legislation.
Judicial and legislative power create, at all events, make out all main(basic) rules, assigned to us, of our life, since the maximum concept of our social, political, economical progressing and finishing the petty rules and our daily behavior. And at all events concept, assigned to us till now whence from the outside, sense   our existence.
Judicial and legislative power if to ponder, mean for all of us much more, than we with you suspect. As well as than the criminal for the marked damage will answer, whether so he wants ещ ё of time «to "outrage"? And whether want in this business to be retracted new forces? As far as will live comfortably казнокрад and officer braking progressing of country? On what conditions we shall contain the whole clan of science - on a condition of the positive contributions and full scale responsibility for miscalculations (sometimes huge on scales) or in the mode of full irresponsibility? Whether we shall silence the interethnic, interreligious, interracial and interpersonal conflictings or them to stimulate? Whether we shall find capabilities and paths for a unification - or for mutual разбегания of races and peoples? Will be on the Earth ХХ1 century century of continuing with pavor and terror or maiden century to epoch благоденствия and pattern? And whether there will be this of patterns an empire of stagnation or gantry for   active socially useful creativity?
It is already completely clear that to give this process the momentum,(pulse,,impulse,), quite necessary for all of us, in the necessary direction the reversionary Right will manage only, which one was by a subject of the given book.
…. What such Reversionary right, main(basic) subject of the given book?
The reversionary right is "«philosophy" of forming of the legislative statutory acts ensuring the natural death of the person on return, on adequate (full and well-timed) indemnification(compensation) of damage from any supplied to him by other of forfeitings and sufferings, any negative trials; and on the contrary: the right on indemnification(compensation) of his(its) own gains directed on the positive contributions "to «other", i.e. in public развитие.- That and other, certainly, is proportional to outcomes (instead of costs!).
As well as any thing, any steady (self-played back in time) product of the nature or product, claiming for stability,(immunity,) of human mind(wit), Reversionary right (ВП) is a system, set(combination) « системообразующих of tags », each of which is indispensable, and together they are sufficient for effective fulfilment of a definite function, effective in comparison with the already known prototypes - existing clones. And this performance is determined from the point of view надсистемы, in this case - company.
The examples, which one will be given in following section, should show public necessity of development and implementation of a legislative system, founded on priority of the social responsibility - i.e. on principles of the reversionary Right, with gradual substitution of the legislation for activity it(him) instead of or while together with existing.
The problems which have demanded such substitution, - not only one our western, Иудее-christian civilization. Further we shall show, that this trouble from us and much other, number(series), side by side with us to existing earth civilizations. Shattering biosphere of the Earth, diffusing corrupting the person   psychology, we damage to social and ecological all mankind. And it revenges us by all ways, accessible to him, terror including … … …
All indispensable evidences of performance and, therefore, of potential stability(immunity) of this system after е ё of implementation (if she will happen), we shall put(cause) in the applicable sections of the book, and here for the best mutual understanding of the writer and reader, and also for the subsequent maximum full comprehension by the reader of a subject of our reasonings, at once we shall put(cause) a list системообразующих of tags by this of enough new system. … … … … …



1. Priority, and for overwhelming majority of cases - in general alone yardstick at the solution on culpability and about an extent of culpability a parameter(index) of the marked damage to other person, company with simultaneous   by waiving of any link on necessity of definition so-called of legal responsibility as a fundamentals of proceedings.
2. Assertion to the infringer (infringers) of the responsibility of indemnification(compensation) in the material form(shape) of all marked damage, not envisioning deprivation of liberty as universal method of punishment (except for the persons who have really shown the social danger). Indemnifications(compensation) can be from itself from the colleagues or cognates. Or by the way of improvement on high-gravity - but not humiliating! - activities.
Thus about any to cancellation or about drop of a level of investigatory activities can not be and speech.
Complementary system principles indispensable for practical implementation of a system of the reversionary Right:
3. The writ in the degree of jurisdiction can be sent by any person at submission(representation) of the objective items of information; the claim can be collective for two and more damaged - отграничение will be made during investigatory and expert activities.
4. The realization of investigatory activities on the fact of damaging, definition of objects and subjects of deposition, and also realization of expertise with a rating of value of the actually marked damage or damage of potential (risk) can be entrusted to the convener (accredited) on that entitiess (legal person) by court or any of the sides. The realization of the investigatory and expert sides can be accepted by such organization under the own initiative, it is necessary - with engaging for a rating of methods and facilitiess of sociology and социометрии among the applicable quota of the persons in respective conditions.
5. The solution on sufficiency of the items of information for commencing a suit and for his(its) completion receives court (full court); he is obliged to select this or that version of the concluding by results of a consequent and expertise. Or to offer.
6. All persons participating in opening-up and decision marking on particular business, bear a parity liability for damage from any solution, including for the subsequent damage of one of the sides because of delayed stimulation and completion of business, overestimate or underestimation of sums of compensation outside the established permissible boundaries etc. the Solution on it receives the court of appellate jurisdiction.
7. A special explanation requires(demands) item 3 of this list. The necessity it(him) can be explained by a psychophysiological feature damaged, their lack of information or fears for the life, and also features of the affecting factors (for example, their latent or latent nature of effect - radio waves, irradiation, ultrasound...).


Social factors which are taken into account at a rating of damage

Rise of threat to life, health, property and personal contributions of the population,
Loss of the family provider, other negative factors, foreseen Civil code of Russian Federation,
Material, psychological, временны'е and diverse overloads of the person separate groups of the population and company as a whole;
Impurity harmful техногенными by chemical agents and biological objects of air, potable water opened basins and soil;
Effect of the physical factors: radio waves, radioactive contamination, noise, dust etc.;
Forward(straight) contamination by parasites, including Through the domestic animals;
Sanitary - epidemiological impurity and деэстетизация of territory;
Negative, effect on physical and mental condition of the person over the established official and public norms(standards) — of a social background registered subjectively, through all sense organs of the person, including acoustical, visual, olfactory, gustatory and other, and objectively, by the way beefing-up available or occurrence(appearance) of the new expressed signs of diseases (defeats), delay of treatment, aggravation of illness, negative variation of the main(basic) biochemical and physiological parameters(indexes) etc., including because of an ineffective and incorrect direction of treatment, non-presentation by treating entities of the information indispensable ill or his(its) cognates, other treating entities;
Rise of social tension (for example, because of переуплотненности and multinationality of settlement, heightened криминогенности of conditions(situation), dangerous behavior of the domestic animals, drivers of a motor-vehicle transport, off-standard activity of power systems, orb of servicing, state of a municipal infrastructure etc.);
Negative informational - psychological effects, including through printing, body and radio program, as a whole from aesthetic, spiritual impurity of the information environment;
Misinformation, allocation distorted and false of the information;
Education of youth and as a whole companies in antisocial spirit,
Distribution(propagation) of antisocial philosophy, which one in the long term can plot to company material, economical, social, moral and diverse damage, social instability, tension and social failures(stalls);
Conservation общественно harmful or общественно of useless productions, any activity, or artificial termination of activity общественно useful;
Fraud of the buyer and seller, including declination to self-deception from undeserved rise of prestige (image) of the producer;
Developments of an obvious or latent corporate egocentricity by the way of unjustifiable complicating of items, conditions of allocation of services, departmental rules and operating instructions; общественно not conditioned, opened or implicit arrangement of the producers etc.;
Delay of patenting and promulgation (publication) of socially significant achievements;
Violation(disturbance) of the copyrights, неуказание of a name of the writers of achievements or holders(owners) of intellectual property,
— And also any other factors negatively affecting health, psychological and physical condition of the person calling(causing):
Ungrounded drop of a material well-being, spare time, impairment of a psychological state of the people, оглупление, forfeiting of the people of the right to decide the destiny in a measure of the capacities and, on the contrary, own licentiousness of the people,
Peaking of feeling of aimlessness of existence, ненужности for family or company,
Infringement of feeling of own advantage,
Spiritual, mental and psychophysiological degradation of the person,
Spiritual and spiritual spiritual bankruptcy, including from breaking down of national culture, from forfeiting a faith in the future, in characters, in the resisted inclinings without adequate substitution and (or) psychological indemnification(compensation).


This section was prepared by results of analytical materials setting up fundamentalses of the right of foreign countries, since ancient epoch and epoch of antique Rome, in particular(personally) - so-called "«Roman Law". Among these materials the activities of the professor of the Moscow university Ивана Борисовича Новицкого, deceased in 1958 are specially selected(allocated): the Roman Law, - M.: association « Humanitarian knowledge », ТЕИС, 1995. The links to pages of this issuing will be given in the text of the unit in brackets. The remaining quoted activities will be indicated complementary.
The section is placed in the extremity "of a «exploratory" part of the book not incidentally. At first, he is prepared practically after conceptual opening-up of the bases(fundamentals) of the reversionary Right; secondly, he has allowed ourselves to lay the ground rules ВП, to evaluate them from the point of view of historical ретроспективы and to manage to see by his(its) and to show to the reader in matching with past expertise; thirdly, it has allowed us to consider capability to do(make) any variations of legal system, having convinced and convincing, that she - not by the God given in a ready kind(view), she a discovery vein, developed in accordance with progressing company, complicating of life and social production.
As it is possible to note from the text of the previous sections of the book, main(basic) alternative of the reversionary Right, is more exact - his(its) baseline level, the point of reference by us mentions the Roman Law more often. Between that, it has absorbed in itself huge number of rules(situations,positions) ещ ё more ancient legal system (brief links on them will be given below), main of which one the codification of normative rules(situations,positions) - customs, then "«installations" of the bodies of legislation Цезаря, Senate is. The Roman Law as the accumulator of former legal expertise and later operating time(running times), and best studied, also is received by us therefore as a fundamentals for matching. Especially if to mean huge, if not crucial importance of his(its) original positions on all without exception of branch of the modern right of the Евро-American culture. As is known, the Roman Law (РП) is a right proprietary, civil. It actuates a lot of aspects, the part which one does not encompass the reversionary Right, keeping them as though in an invariance: it both concepts of the rules of law, and acts of the judicial authority, both concept about the subjects and objects of legal relations, and concept of blanks of the legislation... But ВП introduces a lot of new.
1.   the reversionary right actually upgrades, attempts to tender correcting variations not only in the civil (proprietary) right, but also in criminal, and in administrative law. But only in one, though also major section, which one concerns "«responsibilitiess". By words И.Б. Новицкого, « the responsibilitiess concern: the rights of one side to require(demand) and responsibility of other side to execute the requirements » (116).
  so-called « the responsibilitiess from the torts » concern in РП "of «proprietary" offences, violation of rights and concerns of the proprietary citizens, instead of rights and concerns of the state as a whole - felonies. The solution concerning the person making the tort, here idle time: to pay lossed (instead of state!) fine or "«at least" to pay damages. Thus such entered(included) also in a circle of proprietary offences gross, but as a matter of fact personal   crimes, as mutilation, theft... On vague to us to reasons they now concern to criminal (217). - In communal, all this speaks, as far as the boundary between lists those and other - and is blurred, зыбка between that judged on the completely miscellaneous laws. On our view, all business here only in gravity of the marked harm. (And social perils of the criminal, if he it does(makes) repeatedly - but ВП this circle of persons does not encompass). The remaining dividing "of «rights" on a part is inexpedient and in due course it will be for certain removed.
  the old aiming of the legislators to most communal, недробленым to the solutions Is characteristic. Обший the tort of damage of another's things has appeared not at once, but only from issuing of the law Аквилия (approximately in III in. Up to AD);   it(him) применители have enveloped not only cases of solid effect, but also nonphysical, and indispensable conditions of usage of this law there was a hurting and requirement of subjective fault (221), that is the relationship of cause and effect between the subject of the tort and marked damage is established.
2.   major dividing of the responsibilitiess - on the basis of their originating: they can be from the agreements or from offences (118). ВП, as it was possible to see, actuates both these of a kind(view) of the responsibilitiess. Though the non-contractual responsibilitiess happening from the tort are least recognized in general and in frameworks ВП - in particular(personally) - which one by us is understood as an offence in a broad sense, that is as the violation(disturbance) not only rule of laws, certain "«installation", but also as the human right on safety and progressing, at least at a level is (not (lower) than public practice in the given time in the given place, and without dependence from, whether this level officially is established. For example, nominally there is a noise level +50дб, somebody has raised noise +60 дб, if these +10 negatively acts per capita, on the people is negative, this somebody is obliged to pay plotted damage - even if the standard in 70дб is established.
3. Originally responsibilitiess the Roman lawyers introduced in frameworks of strictly personal attitudes(relations), and the interference in them of the third person was not enabled, if it had no any of money concern.
  However with progressing of economic life the representation (141) was allowed, though and in limited limits. - ВП guesses broad usage of institute of the third persons, even if lossed, lossed for whatever reasons do not give the claims - for example, at effect of not felt radio emissions, if there is definite fears damaged for the life because of revenge guilty (convicted) etc. Today also excite business "the «third" person - for example, prosecutor's office can.
4. The Roman Law enables a capability of presence of the several creditors is « the active side »   and several obligors is « the passive side » (145). ВП considers(counts) it of itself азумеющимся, for the occurrence(appearance) of the torts organized by a number(series) of the persons and affecting a number(series) of other persons, company is quite possible. But in РП the system of the fines was advanced, and the creditor could receive the sum some times, on number guilty (146), we consider(count), what is it expedient alone solution too is unfair - but in relation to the infringers:   to require(demand) indemnification(compensation) of the marked damage on « to fractions of involvement » guilty. It is no more and not less.
5. РП enters concept of a delay of payment of the debt. Already then was established, that for a delay the percents (150) - though disclaimers should be collected thus more, than rules. ВП directly establishes(sets) growth(increase) "of «debt" proportionally среднебанковскому to the credit.
6. Originally all responsibilities were directed only on the person guilty, obligors: an imprisonment, deprivation of life; subsequently ещ ё by the law Петелия in IV in. Up to the AD responsibility was transferred on property guilty.
  thus there was a lot of disclaimers, утяжеляющих or facilitating fault (deposition of a harm deliberate, from imprudence, negligence...), and that is interesting: the gross negligence is equated to wilfulness. - ВП here costs(stands) on the side lossed: the damage to him should be reimbursed completely. But a case, natural invincible force certainly should reduce(descend) a fraction of fault, if she equally affects,say, the stolen thing before rip-off. You see the case is possible(probable), when if not would be of rip-off, the thing would not perish.
7. About moral and diverse exemplary damages. In one section of the book the Writer writes: « the Problem on, whether was reimbursed on РП of a harm of non-property nature, remains disputable » (153). In the other section it is underlined that in a remote antiquity the major sanction « for a harm and insult » on the part of lossed and it(him) сородичей was revenge. After inhibit of revenge was established, that an alone consequence was the fine and reward lossed (217). And ещ ё of time: « the Personal insults are punished by the fine for the benefit of the claimant ». I.e. the concept of the tort encompassed any offensive, neglectful attitude(relation) to the another's person - though thus was allowed, whether the insult designedly whether or not (219) was marked.
  the implementators ВП consider(count) necessity of indemnification of the moral damage uniquely mandatory.
8. Concept of a harm the Roman lawyers composed from positive losses (forfeiting that already was) and missed profit. The size of indemnification of a harm was sometimes determined on a market value, but more often the cost of a thing was allowed under particular circumstances (154) and only as consequences nearest (instead of long-distance, indirect). ВП this problem while keeps opened.
9. In epoch of domination РП the claims lossed to the infringer (obligor) in case of his(its) mors automatically were shifted, it «were "afforded"("«granted") to the successors, if in their property something acted(went) obtained as a result of the tort. ВП here again costs(stands) on the side of a victim and considers(counts), that the successors or are forward(straight) подельники of the criminal or his(its) cognates should bear the definite responsibility for the torts of the criminal died or who has run away from under the responsibility. Except for run away abroad - country, in this case accepting them, is obliged either to give the criminals, or to pay for them all damage.
10.   About necessity stringent персонификации of the tort. We read И.Б. Новицкого (page 222): « If from a window of a building something вылито or is thrown out on a public fare, everyone, who will suffer from it any damage, has gained on преторскому эдикту the claim against the host, even if that personally and was not guilty. Thus and for causing of mors the fine (in the sum 50 thousand сестерциев) » was established.   That is already then was stipulated необязательность stringent персонификации of the subject of deposition of a harm. ВП it considers(counts) too permissible: if from a tube of firm валит the harmful smoke, for him(it) responds « the director of a tube », instead of particular working, incorrectly putting screen.
11.   Was then the potential of deposition of a harm, that is his(its) threat is stipulated also: if on a window sill of a building something is necessary or is hanged so, that threatens with dip or hurting, any citizen, not expecting the fact of hurting, could make a claim against the host of a house or flat with exaction of a penalty in 10 thousand сестерциев.
As our analogy to radioirradiation here close, though and not on 100 percents is possible to see,: the thing only can fall, and the radio waves already act, but are not felt. But there and there all becomes isolated on damage - potential and actual. He also is for ВП linear argument of a function of the responsibility.
So, re-reading pages of activities dedicated features РП, it is possible to learn(find out) some полузабытые pieces retrieved in ВП at a new level of today.
Historical help
It is formally possible to consider(count) definitive forming of the Roman Law, since compiling the unified legal system at Юстиниане (middle VI in. AD). Ф. Энгель wrote, that « the Roman Law is so classic legal expression of biotic conditions and conflictings of company, in which one the private property dominates, that all позднейшие of the legislation could not introduce to him(it) of any substantial improvements ». И.Б. Новицкий has marked, that « having entered through the reception in practice of the medieval states, the Roman Law has impregnated by itself then and subsequent codifications of the civil right... The juices of the Roman Law impregnate the theory of the civil right (12).
But the Roman Law had rich centuries-old previous history. The Roman historian Тит of Libya has called as a source all public and private law the laws XII of the tables (V in. Up to AD), which one represented predominantly codification of customs (16). Customs, instead of писанных of the laws.
In due course "«common law" keeps out of the way to the law and other forms(shapes) правообразования.
During principate (maiden three centuries AD) the laws were reshaped by an imperial authority, though she, this authority, and was covered with the republican forms(shapes) and the laws were conducted through a senate. Step-by-step developed правотворческая activity of judicial magistrates, they spacefilled(stuffed) in blanks цивильного of the right. The quoters of ruling class were interested in conservation of primordial authority of the lawyers, as those in most cases conducted their policy. Most produced from them the right was given to give official consultings. But since IV in. The known downgrade of activity of the lawyers and drop е ё of creative nature took place. The lawyers will use any more as the creators is right, and on the positions of the imperial officers.
In II in. AD emperor Адриан has assigned to the lawyer Юлиана codification of the separate orders. In the maiden half V в.н.э. The maiden official codification was carried out: the emperor Феодосий II has issued the Code in 16 books. But only in one century Юстинианом the full generalizing code was prepared.
Кодификационная the activity at Юстиниане was poured out in issuing per 533 years of the accumulator cell from 50 books (about 120 печ. Sheets), which one has received a binding force. The elementary tutorial from 4 books which have obtained too a force of law was simultaneously published. All these activities is rather quick(rapid) on those times (after some centuries) were distributed on Europe.
Basically, occurrence(appearance) judicial   and bodies of legislation has helped римлянам to be saved from беспредела at a selfdefence. But the centuries-old practice has shown, that the judiciary practice of those years result ined to huge complicatings, and only two laws of August established rules of simplifications of the judicial procedure, among which one one of major was a capability of the confession of an action which has been not necessarily set up in exact words of the law. It recognized a capability to concede new attitudes(relations) of developing life. It also allowed to keep occasionally without protection of attitudes(relations) formally answering a law in force, but essentially(in essence), отмирающие together with this law (37).
We today too should recognize, that old, Roman Law. As it was possible to see, - a not so unified monolith, not steady, tested on necessity, sufficiency and performance a system, and simply sum, set in miscellaneous epoch and miscellaneous governors of gated in receptions(tricks) and installations, but major - strictly codified and founded on божественности « of radical upgrading установителей ». The new public attitudes(relations) require(demand) it(him), and in the essentials - full substitution, and the reversionary Right from all to us of known versions to the greatest degree meets the requirements international unification of earth civilizations   and cultures, for is based on the most natural reactings all living and even lifeless on any effects, which one and is, as a matter of fact, any tort, any illegal (in social sense of this word) particular act. It, probably, also will be by the most effective resource of regulation of the responsibility in conditions of the level, which has sharply increased for last century, of a self-consciousness all or at all events of majority землян.



( On activity « a History of the state and right » - M.: юрайт-m, 2001)
1. Террит-
ория and period 
А. Ancient 
Up to full 
IX-XII вв.
Б. Gold Орда, 
Including Moscow, Kiev …, ХIII in. 
В. Novgorod
ская and 
The Pskov republic, 
ХV in.
Г. Russian 
The state 
Д. Русь, 
Representative monarchy, 
XVI - XVII вв. 
Е. Russia, 
The extremity XVII - 
Beginning XVIII вв.
2. Main(basic) 
The rights 
« Russian Truth »:
( Most ancient truth - 1015 
( Ярослав Wise), Truth Ярославичей - 1072 
( Sons Ярослава), Charter Мономаха - 1120 … 1130)
( Владимир Monomials) 
Great Rotary jar Чингисхана - 1206, norm(standard) of the sharia, "«command" domestic управителям, « a Secret legend » ~1240  The Pskov letter 1467г.; the Novgorod letter - 1471 The litigants 1497 
( Иван III) and 
1550 (Иван IV) 
великокняжеские the statutory acts 
Соборное уложение* 
- 1649г. (Алексей Михайлович). 
Соборное an establishment -1649г. - after partial systematization and codification of the branch norms(standards): новоторговый the charter (1667), новоуказанные of the article about разбойных, татебных businesses and assassinations (1669) etc. (Алексей Михайлович), ПетрI
3. Volume 
Concepts of a crime; objects of a crime 
"«Insult", i.e. causing moral either material damage to the definite person or group of the persons; objects the person and property   The caused damage to the private persons and state
And moral 
Damage proprietary 
To the persons and 
To the state. 
Imperial will 
Or law. 
Objects of a crime: 
The state, 
Family, person, 
Property and 
The dangerous particular acts which have caused of a harm to the state.
4. Kinds(views) of crimes    Especially - military crimes  Treason to the state; the offence 
The judicial official, « a secret promise to the judge », robbery, robbery, 
Theft, arson; assassination, battery, deposition of assault
Treason to prince, plot, mutinity, call-up 
To revolt; a bribe, graft, 
The established order of legal proceedings …, assassination, battery and word; a robbery, robbery, theft, kidnapping 
Against a faith, 
The states, about control, against благочиния, 
The persons and 
Morals; property 
Чародейство, идолопоклонни-
чество, blasphemy, non-observance of church rites …, wilfulness to kill and offence of king, bundle, treason …; bribery, graft, non-payments of taxes …; evading from military service, treason, counterfeit of printings, forgery, false oath …; a contents of dens, распевание of obscene songs; utterance of obscene speeches …; assassination, duel, assault, defamation, offence by a word …; theft, robbery, arson, fraud, damage of another's property …; rape, мужеложство, bestiality, блуд, incest, bigamy, adultery, occupation by prostitution.
5. Предусма-
триваемое punishment 
The capital punishment is not mentioned (de facto was); 
For assassination - money 
Penalty (person with the privileges   dual(twin)) - 
In княжескую treasury 
As much for the benefit of family killed;
For caused to the person 
Damage - money 
Indemnification for the benefit of lossed; for remaining crimes - fine depending on a gravity of the offence (in treasury)
The capital punishment and членовреди- is mentioned
For dangerous crimes - capital punishment; the fine depending on a gravity of the offence
Capital punishment, 
битье кнутом 
« On tender », члено-
And corporal punishments; complementary 
The fines in relation 
From gravity of an act 
Capital punishment, 
Corporal punishments, 
The link, confiscation of property, 
Discharge from 
The positions, fines.
The purposes: intimidation, 
Retribution and isolation(insulation) of the criminal 
From company 
Capital punishment, corporal punishments, imprisonment, link, confiscation of property, decapitating, fines + hard labour, forfeiting of honour and advantage, fine by the way of deductions from the salary; a church repentance. Punishment already for wilfulness. The purposes: intimidation; retribution, isolation(insulation) and exploitation of the criminals.
6. Учиты-
ваемые objective 
And subjective features 
Wilfulness and imprudence    Concerns of the women, monks, old men and children The gravity of punishment was put depending on a social fitting; are designed 
« The forms(shape) of fault » 
Extents of fault: 
Deliberate, careless, 
Drunkenness, affect; burdening: 
Several, « sizes of a harm » (?); special 
The status of the object and 
Subject of a crime.
Deliberate, careless, random; the extenuations: an affect, mental illness, infancy, auxiliary eagerness, ignorance and limitation; aggravating: drunkenness etc.
7. Subjects of crimes  All persons, excluding холопов (for them responded the hosts)    All persons, irrespective of a genesis   The persons, group of the persons  
8. Complicity and responsibility  All participants without division(separation) 
On roles and responsibility 
  All participants with identical ответствен-
  In group - person
Major and 
Minor (accessories) 
The accessories were penalized equally
9. Basis 
      From the private persons - 
Bringing a case before the court of the claim 
And repayment of the judicial stamp duty; 
The initiative from state 
Body(organ) and official 
Челобитная the petition from the interested person.  

10 Fulfilments judicial 
Government bodies; church   Judicial делопроиз-
водство order дьяки
  Court Court

11. Form(shape) 
The process 
  Contention; the testimonies, swearing, torture were applied   Accusatory
Contention and search. 
Was not carried on 
Contention and 
Detective processes. Pleadings oral. After the third absence not being automatically lost the process
( On activity « a History of the state and right » - M.: юрайт-m, 2001) prolongation
1. Террит-
ория and period 
Ж. Russian Empire, XIX in.  З. Russian Empire, extremity XIX - beginning XX вв.  И. Russia after February revolution 1917г. К. Russia, transition to НЭПу, 20 гг. And further  Л. After decay(disintegration) USSR, year 1993 and further  М. Russia, ХХ1 century (and behind her other countries) - transition to the reversionary Right (forecast)
2. Main(basic) 
The rights 
The corpus of the laws of the Russian empire, 1832; the criminal code 1845 (224 articles) - Nickolai I  "«Penal codes", 1857, 1866, 1885; the criminal code (Александр II), 1903 (687 articles), after 1905 - laws directing and supplementary, communal, domestic, especial - on definite businesses special - to especial group of the persons (Nickolai II)  Managing beginnings on criminal law of RSFSR, 1919 (« on principles of expediency »)   УК RSFSR, 1922 - 
227 articles 
ГК Russian Federation - 1994, УК Russian Federation - 1996, УПК RSFSR - 1960, УИК Russian Federation - 1996, КОАП - 1984  The decree of the President 
2002г with 
By the methodical appendices, Federal act 2003г.
3. Volume 
Concepts of a crime; objects of a crime 
Illegal particular act and violation directed  Illegal particular act and violation directed (without variations?)  « Violation(disturbance) of public attitudes(relations) guarded by criminal law »   Everyone общественно dangerous particular act or sleeping, 
Threatening to the bases(fundamentals) of the Soviet formation and established law order (for administrative violations - refinement)
Общественно dangerous particular act prohibited by the present code under threat of punishment. Is not a crime the operating (sleeping), though is formal and containing tags any of particular act, but by virtue of малозначительности not presenting the social dangers … (УК, the item 14) Administrative violation (misconduct) is recognized encroaching on state or social order, …, right and freedom of the citizens, on established   the order of control illegal, guilty (deliberate or careless) operating or sleeping, for which one the legislation stipulates the administrative responsibility Causing or threat of causing of any damage to the person, group of the persons and company as a whole
4. Kinds(views) of crimes Against a faith, state, about control, благочиния, life, freedom and honour of the persons; official  The division(separation) into grave crime, is simple crimes and misconducts.      state, 
Against the order of control, economic, property, 
Military etc.; 
Since 1980 - administrative violations
( Including minor hooliganism, 
Gamble etc.) 
  Against the person (УК, section 7), against the social security and social order (УК, section 9), against a state authority (УК, section 10), against the military service (УК, section 11), against a pattern and safety of the person (УК, section 12), in an orb of economy (УК, section 8)  In codification there is no necessity
5. Предусма-
триваемое punishment 
  the deprivation, state, penal servitude, capital punishment, settlement in Siberia and on Caucasus, imprisonment, stability, « работный the house », reprimand, fines, suggestion  Were partitioned on criminal and corrective, on gravity: a capital punishment, forfeiting of all rights and advantages, penal servitude, banishment for free settlement in Siberia or on Caucasus, concluding in a stability, prison, house of corrections; arrest or fine; a compulsory treatment, trusteeship. With 1910г. The custody pending trial began to be actuated in time concludings.  Suggestion, publuc censure, forced learning of a course политграмоты, boycott, exception of collective, remedial, decapitating, confiscation of property, forfeiting of political rights, declaration « by an enemy of the people », forced hard labour, deprivation of liberty, outlawry, shooting Publuc censure, 
Ejecting for limits of RSFSR, deprivation of liberty, 
Forced hard labour,
Expropriating, fine etc. Sole penalty - 
( With 1947 on 1950 - cancellation). 
At 30-40 гг. A hardening   capital punishments; 
After 1941 the right to attract of the citizens in the labour duty, 
Since 1943 - capital punishment through hanging, 
Hard labour up to 
15-20 years. 
The fine, mandatory and correctional labor, debaring to take the definite positions, limitation on the military service, confiscation of property, forfeiting special, military or title of honour, class grade and state awards, limitation on the military service, limitation or deprivation of liberty (on definite term or пожизненно), arrest, capital punishment (УК, item 44)  Indemnification in the material form(shape) of all damage, all of his(its) kinds(views) (physical, material, economical, social, ecological, moral …); for the persons общественно dangerous - with deprivation of liberty
6. Учиты-
ваемые objective 
And subjective features 
Removing the criminal liability: contingency, infancy, folly, unconsciousness, error, enforcement, force majeure indispensable self-defense  The basis eliminating punishment under criminal law: undertaking of particular act in the performance of the law or order, with дозволения of an authority, executing the professional responsibilities, in a state of extremity or self-defense; was allowed: inadvertently or on imprudence  Are allowed a social status of the criminal, political or personal nature of motives, extent of realization of the particular act, professionalism, availability of violence, nature of the object of a crime The perils of the criminal and crime   was allowed an extent both nature; The justifiable defence (УК, item 37), hurting at detention of the person making a crime (УК, item 38), extremity (УК, item 39), reasonable risk (УК, item 41), fulfilment of the order or disposal(order) (УК, item 42), physical or mental enforcement (УК, item 40) Involvement objectively of force majeure and self-defense
7. Subjects of crimes   The persons who have reached(achieved) 10-year's age  The persons with 14-ти of years The citizens of RSFSR and foreigners; on administrative violations - 
Since 16 years 
All sane natural persons who have reached(achieved) age, established by the present Code (УК, item 19) All natural and legal persons and states which have plotted damage to other persons, entities and as a whole to country
8. Complicity and responsibility   Were divided into the instigators, accomplices, подговорщиков, prompters, accomplices, попустителей and accessories after the fact  Ю Approximately as; Since 1903 refinement: the persons operational certainly together or who have agreed on particular act.      Deliberate joint involvement of two or more persons (УК, item 32) as the Accessories alongside with the initiator are recognized the organizer, accomplice and prompter (УК, item 33). The responsibility is determined by nature and extent of actual involvement each (УК, item 34)  All actual participants, including an intention, opening-up and implementation - depending on « fractions of involvement »
9. Basis 
  The petitions of the private persons, message of police etc. гос of bodies(organs), giving up, discretion of the inspector or public prosecutor      The applications   and letter of the citizens, message of public organizations, message of firms, entities and officials, article, note and letters published in printing, giving up, direct acquisition by agency in charge of preliminary investigation … of tags of a crime (УПК an ITEM 108)  The applications in one of bodies(organs) of the law order from lossed (lossed) or "«third" persons

10 Fulfilments judicial 
Police, court; the abbreviated structure of the police officers  The organs of inquiry, земские courts, inspectors and district police administration; надзорные of a function: the public prosecutors, appellate courts and губернские of control; courts: world and communal. Within the Maiden world war - major militarian and военно-circumferential courts.  Communal ревтрибуналы are undone, the militarians are saved Courts; after 1941 military tribunals; with 1955г. 
The activity of prosecutor's office   is retrieved;
( For well-timed 
Applyings of measures on canceling any violations(disturbance) of the laws);
In 1962г. the system of партийно-state check is created; the arbitration courts, with 1991г.   have become stronger; the arbitration logins the courts of justice and
Esteems spores between any subjects
  All existing + bodies(organs) of civil expertise accredited on the right of activity in a System of social safety.

11. Form(shape) 
The process 
Инквизиционный nature; the witnesses and experts were not called(caused); were used: extra-judicial confession accused, оговор of the by-standers, indication(reading) of one witness, search, evidence.  The charge was bolstered by(with) the public prosecutor, protection executed itself accused or advocate; the problem on a capital punishment was decided "«коронным" by court. Reconciling the sides was enabled     openness, 
Sittings, устность of legal proceedings 
  All existing functions without confrontation to rule of laws, but with accent on clearing up of all kinds(views) of the marked damage, including indirect (potential and overlooked effect etc.) and fraction of involvement наносителей of damage

The material is prepared jointly
  with the member of Committee on safety ГД ФС Russian Federation
В.И. Илюхиным



As is known, the national legal system - rather complex(difficult) gear, normal operation which one was piled step-by-step, many decades.
With this judgement С.И. Герасимова, director of the research institute of problems of a consolidation of legality and law order at Gen prosecutor's office of Russian Federation it is impossible to disagree  .
The leap by one or several parts in this gear can call an imbalance of all law-enforcement system. Especially if the speech goes not about substitution of the separate norms(standards), and about shift of the whole concept as it is offered in this case. Therefore even if it is shift will be is demonstrated is justified by public concerns, it is necessary to manage in time to define(determine) optimal transformation of those or diverse functions of each subsystem. Prosecutor's offices including.
It especially is difficult now, at a stage устремлений "of the «liberal" forces to shear off е ё of a function.
Between that, it is possible to show, what even at full transition at a Reflexive system all trial functions of prosecutor's office can and should remain at minor transformation of problems.
Should be resized and some attributes of prosecutor's office.
In particular(personally), the corner-stone concept "of «lawfulness", one of the relevant social values, now is expedient to define(determine) not as « correspondence to rule of laws of operatings and solutions of the participants of offences » and as other rather close to this of definition  , and a level is higher, that is on a level of public concerns as a state of legal relations, at which one the public losses from antisocial activity are minimized. This verbiage ещ ё should pass biassed discussion in the scientific and public environment, but the essence е ё, on our view, should be approximately such.
Thus, problem of prosecutor's office as main(basic) state body(organ) on overseeing by lawfulness during all process правоохраны - from preventive maintenance, commencing a suit on any fact, the catchings of the criminal and completing adjudging of court (that is actually - sentence of company), and his(its) fulfilment - during all this process all надзорные of operating of prosecutor's office should be directed on drop of losses of company, including victim and accused, and losses any - economical. Material, social, moral...
It is impossible to disagree with the writers of the book « Procurator's supervision behind fulfilment of the laws at factfinding crimes », that the implementation of legal behavior « is authorized everything, that is not forbidden by the law » has plotted huge damage of lawfulness   - and if to see, in both е ё definitions! Let's remark by the way concurrence(coincidence) of our definition with the reduced writers there requirements "of «expediency" of lawfulness, from a stand which one it is necessary, in opinion of quoted by them А.Д. Бойкова to value any legal act already on the moment of his(its) creation - and the more so his(its) applying and supervision on all these phases.
It is considered, that the main role of prosecutor's office is encompass byed volume, that she establishes(sets) and arranges to canceling any violations(disturbance) of the laws, from whom they would not outgo (bodies(organs) executive, judicial and, to a certain extent, legislative power). Thus the prosecutor's office promotes interplay of authorities, their matched operation as unified state authority interested in an observance of the laws in the state. These properties, as it is represented, allow to refer prosecutor's office to a system « сдержек and counterweights ». Thus the specificity of prosecutor's office consists, in the reasonable judgement В.Б. Ястребова, that « the prosecutor's office is an alone state body(organ), for which one the supervision of fulfilment of the laws compounds sense, essence and basis(fundamentals) of activity ».
It is impossible to disagree, that the introducing new правозащитных of entitiess, in particular(personally) of Parliamentary convener on human rights, hardly probable can substitute prosecutor's office. Only prosecutor's office with е ё by authority, level of comprehension of all set(combination) of problems on supply « всесторонности, entirety and objectivity of factfinding » will provide « a unbiased approach to a rating of the own evidences and in decision making... »
In this respect transition will not change to the reversionary Right essentially sense and volume of operatings of the public prosecutor. The truth if to mean essential transformation of definitions "of «lawfulness" tendered us, that is the absence of necessity of confrontation up to the character of an investigated offence and rule of laws, this field(area) of cares of prosecutor's office will essentially be narrowed down. Though essentially will extend е ё правозащитные of a function,, today of little-known broad public, - in particular(personally), most effective capability for different legal and natural persons, citizens of the appeal in prosecutor's office with the applications and petitions to other persons, including state bodies(organs).
Is remarkable, that
« In Russian Federation in prosecutor's office for one year only through link of communal supervision it is authorized approximately 300 thousand petitions. Among them 70 thousand - on violations(disturbance) of a labour legislation; 45 thousand - housing; 23 thousand - legislation on the minor; 6 thousand - on problems connected to a land reform (the data for 2000г.).
According to the concept adopted in socialist and постсоциалистических the states, the prosecutor's office appears by the advocate of concerns and rights of the citizens when it is not enough of authorities of other bodies(organs), including controlling independently to retrieve the disturbed rights or to address to court. The advantages of procurator's supervision in this orb in comparison with the appeal in court are concluded and in a capability of initiative detection and protest not only personal solutions, but also statutory acts, the negative effect which one on the human right is much wider. Is remarkable, that in Russia, for example, the number of the appeals of the citizens behind protection in organs of the Prosecutor's Office more than in 10 times exceeds number of the appeals in courts: the gear of judicial protection and громоздок, and roads for the citizens ».
Contrary to расхожему to judgement, it is marked sufficient демократичность of activity of the public prosecutors: « esteeming the petitions and applications, the public prosecutor carries on personal reception(trick) of the citizens, articulates damaged the order of protection of their rights and freedom; he [] have the right to require(demand) of the chiefs and other officials поднадзорных of bodies(organs) and entitiess of submission(representation) of indispensable documents, materials and diverse items of information, to call(cause) of the officials and citizens for explanations concerning violation(disturbance) of the laws.
By results of consideration of the applications and petitions the public prosecutor in the statutory order arranges on warning both suppression of violations of rights and freedom of the person and citizen, recovery of the disturbed rights, freedom and legitimate interests, indemnification of the caused damage and impeachment of the guilty officials.
The Prosecutor General of Russian Federation has the right to access in the Constitutional court of Russian Federation on violation(disturbance) of constitutional laws and freedom of the citizens by the law applied or subject to applying in particular business (item 6 of an item 35 of the Law on prosecutor's office of Russian Federation) »
The transition will not change to the new, Reflexive concept essentially major - social purposes and essence прокурорской правозащитной of a function, but he notably will correct algorithm е ё of implementation: instead of casuistic looking up on rule of laws of authorizing and prohibiting rules(situations,positions), the definitions of visible and latent motives of deposition of a harm personal, corporate, psychological and diverse - will be increased by(with) the responsibility for installation (for check of installation) true circle guilty, their roles in damaging and accordingly by fraction in his(its) indemnification(compensation), and also check behind adequacy of installation by a consequent of a circle of persons subjected negative effect.
In this aspect there is a sense to quote interesting rules(situations,positions) from the book А.Б. Соловьева, М.Е. Токаревой and А.Г. Халиулина (the seconds 146-147) - here are saved the punctuation of the primary source: « On sense of a contents of an item 136 УПК, the order about an admission of the person lossed is endured at once as soon as to inspector it should be known about causing by a crime moral, physical or property damage to any natural person. The moment of an admission of the person lossed, as a rule, should coincide with the moment of stimulation of criminal case, and only in case on this moment it was not known, to whom exactly was caused of a harm by a crime, order   about an admission of the person lossed can be endured later. The body(organ) of preliminary factfinding, making a decision about an admission of the person lossed, is obliged:
1) To place(install) availability of a moral, physical or material harm;
2) To place(install) the causal connection between criminal action and set in consequences by the way of caused harm;
3) To bear the order about an admission of the person lossed.
The order, in our judgement, should be born under the own initiative of investigatory agency. As a surety of rights of the lossed item 136 УПК envisions a capability of rendition of the order ground applications of the person, to which one by a crime was caused of a harm. It is represented, that despite of existence of such rule(situation,position) in УПК, public prosecutor in case the investigatory agency has not born the order about an admission of the person lossed, should give the indicating on immediate rendition of such order. In judgement В.Н. Осипкина, with which one it is possible to agree, the body(organ) of preliminary factfinding is obliged to bear the order about an admission lossed and in case the person, to which one the crime causes a moral, physical or material harm, objects to it... »   (is pointed out by us).
These operatings specially will be necessary to prosecutor's office for factfinding a lot of crimes, which one now difficultly yield to standard, "«codified" legislation: spread of drug addiction, brigandage, children's prostitution, corruption of human psychology by mass media, ecology etc. Together with transition to the reversionary Right, which one envisions a simple enough and adequate procedure of definition of damage, in particular social and moral, it can give in arms of justice the fine tool of depressing of antisocial phenomena, and even in conditions liberal, всепрощающего of a formation.
However ecological and many other set forth above problems soon become and already become as most urgent not only for public organizations, peoples, but also for their governments, and it is possible to be sure, that in the most near future all национально-selfish problems today precluding the solution of urgent questions at a world-wide level (for example, signing Киотского of the minutes on limitation of ventings СО2) nevertheless will be overcome. Internal prosecutor's offices of miscellaneous countries and, it is possible to hope, organization, tendered us, - International prosecutor's office will manage to help in overcoming these selfish tendencies most effectively.
With the introducing of the reversionary Right, in an orb of supervision of prosecutor's Office together with Antimonopoly Committee the activity will enter also, which one can not master any правозащитная organization, - corporate egocentricity (factory, scientific, departmental...), other refined forms(shapes) of deposition of a public harm. It is possible to rank as them such, as the introducing in vehicles and instruments of units with an artificially heightened physical aging (for acceleration of a turn-over of commodity), issuing переусложненных of the method of applications for collimating by him(it) (to themselves) of greater "«relevance", failure(refusal) of the ministries and offices in an admission of «another's' systems, if they are competitive "«@", hiding of own spares at budget time financing etc.
Essentially will change and reporting, monitored by prosecutor's office, of law-enforcement bodies. Not number of the detected offences, and their general damage - in percentage of communal damage marked to company becomes main. It will cover ineffective practice of a discharging of percents of deployment of crimes at the expense of small and smallest misconducts.
The impurity общепланетарных of the environments is recently exhibited special, global, апокалиптическое value of ecological problems -: grounds, water, air and accelerated destruction of natural resources.
The liberal - democratic legislation in this problem became as a matter of fact in dock. Quota&, which one have invented USA and together with remaining "«highly developed" countries distribute to other countries then to buy up these quota& and to receive the right on a complementary pollution of the environment, that is damaging to all - instead of it(him) полновесно to pay to indemnify. It is the new refined form(shape) of a robbery of the peoples of a planet instead of the help to the brothers in motion on paths of a civilization. Therefore already it is now clear, who becomes the maiden opponent of implementation of the reversionary Right, specially as the international standard. It is represented, that the Russian prosecutor's office, will find in itself forces effectively enough to counter to all these tendencies both for itself, and at an international level.



Within the framework of the OPERATIONAL REVERSIONARY RIGHT.

The material is prepared by the President Federal
Union of the Attorneys of Russia А.П. Галогановым
As is known, during law-enforcement activity the advocacy takes the isolated enough place, considering (quite is reasonable) independent institute of a guarantee of rights of the natural and legal persons. To trial functions of advocacy concern:
1.   involvement in preliminary investigation, and in an ideal independent factfinding of the merits.
2.   a psychological contact to the quoters of objects of protection, witnesses and other persons, that is worthy and it is professionally competent to conduct protection.
3.   forming of the own point of view generalizing all materials of a consequent, investigation and own factfinding.
4.   involvement in court of 1-st authority.
5.   involvement in activity of court of cassation.
6.   activity   in supervision
7.   activity in the European court
According to spirit and character of the existing legislation, the attorney is forced to spend significant(sizeable) time for a lot of formal circumstances, which one handicap protection, do(make) е ё in significant(sizeable) casuistic and formal.
Involvement in processes, which one go by the rules of the reversionary Right, will allow to simplify a procedure and to reduce terms of factfinding of businesses.
But the activity of the attorney will simultaneously essentially be complicated at definition of damage, and all of his(its) kinds(views).
In communal and whole in a scoring there will be those attorneys, and it is a lot of them, which one less places keep to the emotions and rely on the stringent evidences, on the registration of all objective and subjective circumstances of business, allow on business of a harm as for a consequent of this or that particular offence.
It is supposed, that the offloading on the attorney, as well as on all bodies(organs) of legal proceedings, at transition to the reversionary Right essentially will decrease. And major - will be improved the quality their activities.
П/п 22.10.2001





The specification statement of systems  Reduction justice 
(ВСП) * - (Restorative Justice)
The reversionary right (ВП) - (Retunable low)
1. Who commences a suit  Selection(sampling) criminal and civil cases - 
By prosecutor's office, police or 
Under the initiative of one of the sides; 
In Norway - and diverse соцслужбами.
Is possible(probable) and after adjudging,
And during an imprisonment
At the maiden stage - on demand of damaged (victims),
In subsequent - court or prosecutor's office or 
"By «third person" - any, who has noted of a harm,
Plotted to other person or group of the persons, company
2. Procedure  Preliminary conversations with both sides, 
Then conciliation occurring - очная or 
The indirect arrangement between the sides; 
Signing « of the Conciliation agreement » 
With priority of concerns of a victim. When an occurring 
Victims and offender « by the person to the person » not 
Takes place, carrying on appears « in a role of the shuttle »
( England and Belgium). 
The application of a victim or "«third person" about an offence 
( As fact or as his(its) obvious threat) is transmitted in court 
And - or in one of the specially accredited bodies(organs) 
Social expertise (ОСЭ); by this body(organ) is carried out(conducted) 
Factfinding by a commission assigned by court and it 
By body(organ); he(it) values all directions of effect 
On a real or potential victim;   ОСЭ calculates 
All kinds(views) of damage in the quantitative (cost) form(shape). 
The general damage is presented by court to the offender 
For payment (or improvement on unattractive activities). 
ОСЭ are connected by a liability 
For discrepancy(inaccuracy) of calculations.
3. Optimal 
Propagation conditions 
Communities, psychologically ready 
To the acts всепрощения. 
There is no limitation.
4. Who participates  The intermediary (is more often the volunteers) and 
The close people to both sides 
The specially accredited expert bodies(organs) (ОСЭ) and court
5. What violations(disturbance) 
Are encompassed 
Practically any crimes, 
Spent through court.
Practically any, even numerous daily,
Legal by low level of our legislation, 
Including aggrieving to an acritical circle of persons.
6. … are not encompassed  When the victim will disagree to sit(land) 
For desktop near to the infringer 
At the maiden stage - except for political 
And national value
7. To what is indemnified
Material losses; moral 
And social losses   are allowed 
Verbally, also «are "patched" by apologies 
Etc. by receptions(tricks) with allowance for of needs of a victim, 
Which one is ready to correct infringer - 
Furthermore receiving thus « the program
To not enable look-alike situations ». Is reached 
This involvement in all process nearest 
Social encirclement. 
All kinds(views) of damage, all not indifferent for the person, 
Companies the factors, plus the costs of factfinding, 
Expertise and legal cost
8. « The Social cost » 
Moral and psychological (frequently 
Repeated) offloading on a victim; 
Huge losses of time it(him) and his(its) close 
The offender pays all kinds(views) of damage 
Plus the costs of investigatory activities, 
The legal proceedings etc., so that to him will be 
It does not pay them artificially to complicate.
9. Dissatisfaction 
The sides 
Victim the plus   multiply suffers;
Involved(attracted)   the people 
The party in fault: a dissatisfaction "by «children" 
With it(him) by manner (for the type « for all it is necessary to pay »)
10. Dissatisfaction
The persons from law-enforcement 
About ВСП Иво Айртсен (from the log-book « the Bulletin of the reduction justice », вып.3): … the public Prosecutor first of all is oriented on the occurred events, facts, 
And also on those legal acts, which one he should undertake (legal proficiency of a situation). 
It(he) is not excited with such problems, how « who a victim of this crime? », « what е ё of need(requirement) and problem? », 
Whether also there are in company other capabilities of permission of a situation? … …
The resistance of the judges expressed in following words: « When I in that business, receive which one,   I see such written agreement, 
I do not feel any more by judge, at least judge on criminal cases … Same expected and at the introducing ВП
Is consolidated by the way of independent(autonomous) laws of Austria, 
Germanium, Finland and Poland. It is offered even 
Directly to integrate in the criminal legislation. 
Permanently there is an exchange of national expertise.
Some international initiatives were exhibited. 
Advice of Europe has accepted the special guidelines 
R (99) 19 on mediating in criminal cases; 
ЕК has appeared with the appeal about necessity 
Complementary studies. Is designed 
Action plan on formation « Territories of freedom, 
Safety and justice Евросоюза ». By Portugal 
The frame agreement on a rule(situation,position)   was originated;
Victims in the criminal procedure. (for implementation till 2006). 
In 1999 in Europe the program   is established аспирантская;
( Coordinator - University Курта Беме in Сьюне, Switzerland). 
Since 1997 - attempts to consolidate by the way independent 
The federal act   the Russian Federation and 
To leave with the proposal from Russia on an international level. 
In 2001 on the proposal МАОР in the United Nations 
From the Quoter of Russian Federation in the United Nations the hard promising   is obtained;
To back up obtaining МАОР consulting 
The status at ЭКОСОС the United Nations. In 2001 of the proposal 
Are transferred(handed) to Advice on perfecting
Justice at the President of Russian Federation, the schedule   is submitted(shown);
Implementations, including development of the proposals 
From Russia to 11 session of a Commission of the United Nations on warning
Criminality and criminal justice, 
Which one is held in 2002   in Vienna
Reduction justice The reversionary right will give:
The generalized rating of both systems 
For a definite category of offences 
( In attitude(relation) to an existing system) 
Introduces a significant(sizeable) step forward, BUT:
1. In ВСП for the offenders   are absent 
Sufficient antiincentives. 
2. ВСП does not oppress home, ecological 
And diverse look-alike offences
3. The moral damage basically is leave outed.
4. Setting the offender, criminal 
For desktop near to lossed, we it is wrongful 
We equalize maiden with second, obtained 
From the maiden physical or moral shock, 
By him(it) was plundered or is offended. 
5. Through ВСП, probably, the realization all   is possible;
Teenage crimes. But then at failure(refusal)
The cognates to pay indemnification(compensation) of damage 
To victim should undertake the state 
1. Rigid adequate depressing antisocial 
Activity, gradual education in the people 
Resistant   reluctances to put to somebody 
Any harm in any form(shape).
2. For the infringer disadvantage to be disguised:
Has committed and was lighted - without delay сдавайся 
( That not набежали percents also it was not necessary 
To pay the complementary cost of looking up 
And factfindings) 
3. For countries it does not pay to disguise another's 
Criminals - fugitives (it is necessary to pay for them damage).
SO, only ВП: · 
Damaged provides indemnification(compensation) of all damage 
( Including social and moral). · 
For the offenders creates constant threat 
Full payment for the marked damage, i.e. 
Provides the mode Дамоклова меча, 
Inevitability and adequacy
(Justice) of punishment.
1. Let at the expense of complementary psychological and material losses of a victim, but it is necessary to mark, that in engineering process ВСП were наработаны receptions(tricks) having large воспитательное the value, and them, no doubt, it will be possible and it is necessary to use by activity in the mode   ВП.
2. It is obvious, the interpenetration and взаимообогащение of both systems is necessary. Probably, hereafter it will be possible to try to design(elaborate) and to realize the Возвратно-reduction right (electronic field production).
3. It is represented, that hereafter above each of us, prone to асоциальным to offences of any nature the threat to proper response of company by the way repayments of all marked damage, social and moral including should hover.
4. Outside of doubt in some cases under some conditions damaged (victim) can go on the mode ВСП -   снизойти up to some condoling of the rapist, infringer and it(him) to forgive, completely or partially (not excluding and material damage), - but this version can not become mass already outgoing from the demanded huge psychological and temporary costs. Necessities in specially trained and naturally thin psychologists, patient and persevering. Thus always for the greatest success at talk to the infringer it is necessary to start, on our view, from a rating of all damage and assertion it(him) to him from the maiden words.
Both these of version can coexist in quality полновесной of alternative to an existing system of justice, a final pitch by which one is while the threat of long-term deprivation of liberty of a significant(sizeable) part of our fellow citizens with all е ё by negatives.




8. Concluding. TO LIVE, DEVELOPING...

We do not have any doubt that the mankind at last will go on a path of qualitative self-perfecting, putting off(taking out) of international, interethnic and interbranch inconsistencies, on a path of putting off(taking out) of social contrasts, mutual respect of all people of our planet.
The political struggle with usually tracking her(it) and in a peace time шумихой, barrel(drum) battle frightening раскраской and a constant поливанием by mud the opponents eventually will cease to be alone and   now all by less effective gear of progressing of mankind. The place of a political struggle will be held precisely and cleanly organized Forward(straight) democracy and е ё by(with) the sister - Reversionary right.
Researching here communal and incidental points of the reversionary Right, we is not simple romanced. We would like, that each, who will work on our building site, was sure, that he builds a great temple - unconditionally on the necessary place and in the necessary time.
Here we give only some substantiations of a capability of implementation of the concept of the reversionary Right. The bill, which one now to be in Duma (Section 9), actuates in-depth enough paths of his(its) implementation. In the book the in-depth developments of paths of implementation of all main(basic) pieces of this right are given and within the framework of the current legislation. The problem, as it happens more often, only in liquidation of a deficit of the Russian will.
From the point of view of the theory of upgrading (progressing) of a social production, that is НОВИСТИКИ, as the reversionary Right, and his(its) implementation in a System of social safety and progressing, in general in a social orb (СОЦИОНОМИКЕ) is a next innovation, but innovation rather radical and in a part idealized нестандартности, and from the point of view of possible(probable) abrupt turn of practical (remedial) policy, and from the point of view of anticipated consequences in many orbs of public life.
At implementation of look-alike innovations, especially in a social orb, the natural barriers and препоны, visible even now, at the stage of just scientific discussion can be exhibited quite.
At first, already from the very beginning of implementation of the reversionary Right significant(sizeable) number of today's rules(situations,positions) being the basis(fundamentals) of teaching of the specialists and constant education of masses, will appear incorrect or on an extreme measure waste, and new - while misunderstood. It is uneasy to break consciousness of the lawyers, which one affirmed, was stamped many hundreds and even thousand years, it is a lot of breeds. And not only lawyers, but also people, which one involuntarily tested(experienced) on itself(himself) the crooked legal consciousness the same long years.
Secondly, some - but not all - subject of scientific activities, books, thesises, as of today unconditionally actual,   can suddenly appear irrelevant and ineffective. It   the large trial for those who, purely, also routes today progressing of our legislation, - for legislative science.
In third, the considerable number of the citizens exists, lives, in the best way exhibit the knowledge, capacity (for example, ораторские) only within the framework of existing model. On a new field they can suddenly appear not destiny.
But it so to say, till "«that" side of barricades. As we see, on "«that" side active enough desire all will keep "as is" or at all events, being turned to the reversionary Right, all time to swear an accuracy former, "«codified", and everywhere to declare that their turns - only pitches on perfecting existing, only his(its) new, earlier not opened capabilities, and that they, all of them, - is simple the fighters for rational upgrading everything, that requires(demands) upgrading.
Let all and will be. The consequents of real complication of human mentality are those, and this should be subject. If want, Маркс has called it профкретинизмом, but has not said as with it(him) to struggle. We are sure, that the potent international cataclysms in public consciousness after September 11 2001 will force us to think of necessity   cardinal shift of the bases(fundamentals) by ours, Biblical (founded on postulates of the Bible) civilization, i.e. about constructing the new doctrine of our existence, at all events - about necessity of rendezvous(approach) of the legislations of miscellaneous countries both civilizations. And the best basis(fundamentals) for this purpose really can appear "the «reflexive" concept. An operating enough positive answer on our proposal for the United Nations on the part of the resident Representative of Russia in the United Nations С.В. Лаврова gives us a definite portion of reliance(confidence).
But if it will not happen even after terrible debacle of September 11, the quick(rapid) introducing of the reversionary Right after стольких of years of dark night does not shine us. The strife of the national legislators (till "«that" side of barricades) will be long and persistent.
And till "«this"?
Despite of obvious positive consequences for company as a whole to appear it is a lot of dissatisfied here again. Also it is all too not incidentally:
At first, much from those who today препровождает, guards the criminals and even who sits for crimes, it is necessary to study, and not only new administrative rules, but also new simple fashions: to not put by other damage. Instead of permanently searching for blanks and holes in the current legislation, that something to steal, something to snatch, to take away, to take... Will get used to this uneasily. hХотя, as it is possible to see, these rules more human, than today, and to be subject to them it will be offered to all and simultaneously, including an authority propertying;
Secondly, if administrative law today encompassing rather narrow   a zone of small-sized crime, small-sized misconducts such as smoking in the not trusted to places etc., will be suddenly substituted Reflexive, it really will envelop a significant(sizeable) part of administrative and other activities; there will be problems on an ineffectiveness of a manual, about discrepancy(inaccuracy) of treatment etc. - that today no and in помине! Including about неверности of legal proceedings, phenomenon for us absolutely exotic. h But at the new rules of the game a capability of accidental errors   (including in legal proceedings) multiply will decrease;
In third, quantitative calculation, mandatory rather boring procedure of a rating of performance etc. notably will lower mystery and romantic, and from here and unpredictability of many legal trades - and, therefore, and repayment of this transactions. Some of these trades become where less attractive, than now. h But to appear a capability of hard earnings, and in pre-election attack - and significant(sizeable) scoring for those who behind soul something has: by him(it) the capability will be expedient to introduce   the really effective programs. By the way, sequential queues to a seat of the president to a seat of the president to a seat of the president to a seat the of the president on all is what to introduce and not all are ready to pay then for the errors;
In fourth, some of the wolf - concluded instead of вольготной of life of the leaders will lose овец and more, probably, on forced hard labour suddenly become equal among equal. h However we shall remark: in case of successful переполюсации of their reference points they   (instead of the mean officers, simple землепашцы etc.) can introduce company a rather potent creative socially positive momentum(pulse,impulse);
In fifth, in opposition to the new order involuntarily there will be a thick seam землян, hardly believed in the creative disability or pretending in it and not wishing on the existing rules to change friend (in existing conditions) the point of view. h However all this can notably vary at variation of these "«existing" rules and conditions. It is clear, that this relation concerns to category(discharge) recurrent and requires(demands) an external action for its(her) gap.
As it is possible to see from the second sections of listed(transferred) points, the business not so is remediless, as can seem at once. Though, we are recognized, problem this more than not prime.
All this was intuitively clear and earlier, ещ ё at a stage of selection of the concept of the reversionary Right. But also now, even after several years of meditations, developments and discussions (as a result of which these materials) also have appeared, all the same there are many problems - not so much idealized, how much practical, remedial nature. Probably, it even is good. It is nutrition for inquisitive mind(wit) of many scientists. Some of these problems   - not principled, they can be fulfilled step-by-step, during implementation ВП; other is required to be resolved immediately, the solution on his(its) implementation as soon as will be accepted. - And concerning third it is necessary to recognize, that they on the given level of development of our company and our jurisprudence without the special costs of development of a subject and on education of the company can not be resolved. But if the company will understand relevance of a tendered pitch, it will find the necessary facilitiess, that   to pay these activities.
Disassembling possible(probable) hereafter it will be necessary to remember reasons of resistance to the new doctrine,, that in any formed social system exists sometimes quite real, but often in mass practically not realized (though from it not less significant) corporate, centripetal force, which one, without dependence from usefulness « for all », for company, causes(urges) "«vehicle" in a name of self-survival and guards herself from superfluous cares to do(make) everything, that the external action thrusting it(him) on superfluous cares, was neutralized. Counter to this even more potent force from the outside from the plenipotentiary of the citizens - state can only. In the given particular case by his(its) quoter can appear and proprietary state system - МВД, the adding up situation in legal proceedings hinders which one not less, than company, or United Nations, which one will accept the new doctrine as most natural and thus will bend on this pitch the majority of countries.
But mean here and problems of personal nature much.
Already at stage of the maiden acquaintance with prepared draft federal law « About social safety and social progressing » (withdrawals from him(it) are given in Section 9) each, who got acquainted with it(him), started to try on it(him) to itself(himself), calculating about itself(himself), that he is more   than - will gain or will lose? That, the life is those. Many, which one we invite to go with us, it is necessary to convince sometimes to set in « on a throat to an own song ». And further already to study a new tune. Not many have understood us.
Knowing human psychology, inert and resourceful in desire to stiffen on reached, it is possible to itself to introduce and such situation: new, Reversionary right (and by analogy with Roman it(him) better to call as Russian or Moscow, for it has appeared in Moscow, in Russia) eventually it will be accepted at a state level under persevering stress of the pioneers and intellect of their colleagues. And "«professionals" will ignore it(him) all the same, will pronounce to him boycott. That, in that case it is necessary to recollect a known turn-over in the will 80-year's Фрэнка Синатры, as is known, of huge patrimony, leaving a main body, to the young wife: « The one who only will raise a problem on revision of the will, automatically forfeits the fraction of the patrimony for the benefit of the state ». He has delivered it on the will a fatbit. Differently толкователям and спорщикам there would be no extremity. In this case solution seems absolutely simple: To the one who will risk to be engaged by the obsolete rules, it is necessary to pay all damage damaged. Moral including. Uneasy to itself to introduce, as dearly it to him will cost!
Alas, on these psychological and material   victims it is necessary to go if to remember us, Russians, so severely unfortunate all last centuries. Perhaps, we are worthy, that from the very beginning of third тысячелетия to begin new, best life. Even in a small extent to this will help at that, that here is called as the reversionary Right.
Above we attempted to give the substantiation of principles of the new legal doctrine, founded on the concept of the reversionary Right. But this legal doctrine is (should be) integral part of the Social doctrine, which one, except for problems, usually realized by all, of the help poor and wretched, except for entitiess of strain-relief crystallization working, their salaries, manuals etc. etc., should necessarily actuate sections of supply of social safety and accelerations of social progressing.
Already now, at surface discussion of the given problem, пессимистов is greater, than design critics. As we know, on the average in a pattern one idea from 60 will be realised only, that is concerning novations пессимисты be right in 59 cases from 60. But this 1 case from 60 also is our chance. Even long before occurrence(appearance) ЕВРО only half of germans approved of transition from the national brand on this currency. As one german newspaper much(many) from пессимистов figuratively has written hissed, calling new currency « morbid недоноском ». But since the maiden days of his(its) occurrence(appearance) this became clear, that « розовощекий карапуз - bulwark of the future European economical repeatability » (« Die Zeit », 10.01.1999). And at the same time worthy alternative to green currency dominant now on a significant(sizeable) part of our planet.
Sometime to all of us will be given to understand, that the factor social for the person is main(basic), mainest. We   with you both owe, and we can make Russia by bulwark of social perfection(efficiency). Not only our country, but also other peoples which were turning away from ё.
The supply of social safety in human company is only first stage on paths to great свершениям in business of social progressing of all mankind indicated majority of the astrologists in third тысячелетии. It also will begin from Russia.

The schedule of 1-st stage of measures

On implementation of the bases(fundamentals) of the reversionary Right on territory of Russian Federation

№№ п/п 
The initiators
Creation at Advice at the President of Russian Federation 
On perfecting justice of Coordination Advice
On implementation of principles of the reversionary Right (КСВП) 
Advice, МАОР 
> Opening-up of materials ВП (Concept, technical study, 
Milestones of implementation …) and dispatch on the main(basic) entitiess, 
Defining the theory and practice of justice on territory Russian 
Federations, - for opening-up and dispatch to address Advice of the remarks and proposals, 
Including on involvement in the Program of their entitiess. 
Treating of the obtained remarks, discussion of the total document 
On КСВП on пилотной of implementation of the bases(fundamentals) ВП in 3-5 district courts and 
Opening-up of total documents for transfer(transmission) to the coauthors for 
Implementations including expertises 
And - or 
КСВП and 
The involved(attracted) specialists
Creation at РЭЛ or International Academy public 
Progressings of Methodical center on public expertise and rating 
The marked damage (МЦВП) 
Completions of the maiden stage of implementation - selection(sampling) of group completed and 
The finished actions of proceeding amalgamated calculation of damage on them, transfer(transmission) 
Accused and convicted of the proposals to revise businesses with a condition of repayment 
By them of the marked damage; definitive selection(sampling) of the maiden 10-20 businesses; 
Realization on them of in-depth expertise and further procedure ВП; 
Indemnification(compensation) of damage and redemption concluded 
Realization of round desktop with the quoters of law enforcement bodies, 
Public правозащитных of entitiess and MASS-MEDIA for discussion obtained 
Outcomes and summarizing of the maiden stage of implementation ВП
Opening-up and transfer(transmission) of the official report to the chiefs law-enforcement 
Bodies(organs) with the substantiation of optimal scales of realization of the second stage 
Implementations ВП, and also beginning of activity on creation (accreditation) in country 
Networks(grid) of bodies(organs) of public expertise, i.e. A complex(integrated) system 
Social safety and social progressing (КССР)
Opening-up of the proposals for a Commission of the United Nations on implementation ВП 
In relation 
From terms 
Scheduled(budgeted) conference of a commission of the United Nations on warning 
The program of implementation should envision creation of Coordination Advice by the way of constant Working group at Advice and МАОР from 7 up to 10 чел. With engaging of the quoters of Advice, МАОР, Госдумы and with a capability of engaging on the temporary basis(fundamentals) up to 20 чел. - theorists and практиков, opening-up of information materials of different formats: the small monography, methodical material for courts, it is expedient to approve the manuals in popular presentation, article in the log-books etc. the Program by two sides: by the chairman of Advice and President МАОР.
The program can be most effectively carried out at the centralized financing at the rate of repayment at a rate of, at least, foreseen now for repayment of the sportsmen: 15 000 rbl. on чел. Per one month, or about 0,7 thousand rbl. per day; and also organizational consumptions and consumptions on the publication, business trip (within the limits of country and separately - 2-4 foreign).






10. PATTERN And FUNCTIONS of BODIES(ORGANS) of a System of social safety

Zero edition
For discussion and   the coordination!
· Bodies(organs) ССБ form, and the functions are mastered step-by-step, in accordance with progressing a System and increase of a fraction transmitted in ССБ of businesses
· the Fraction of businesses transmitted to exclusive management ССБ, is augmented step-by-step, in accordance with development of methods both facilitiess ССБ and consent damaged, from 1-3 % up to a limit 60-80 % (excepting a fraction among the offenders of the socially dangerous persons).


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