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Ecological certification


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    Exposure from the book  
    And ecological certificate "


    МИНИН Б.А.



The summary

        the book is dedicated to actual problems of becoming of a completely new kind(view) of certification - certification of quality of commodity and productions on parameters(indexes) describing their actual usefulness for the person and company with expression of this usefulness (degree of quality or level of ecological purity) on the certificate. This kind(view) of certification by the way of organized System of certification of quality SCQ has appeared, has got stronger also of beginnings is active to develop as the relevant member of upgrading (progressing) of a social production, as to a resource of rise of its(her) competitiveness of commodity in the internal and exterior markets. In this book the purposes, problem and procedure of ecological certification of quality and е ё of a piece of commodity and productions from a stand of concerns of a customer, company, including on conservation of the nature, i.e. social - ecological certification, and about   are set up; features of accreditation of regional and branch bodies(organs) of certification on a system SCQ. And then and more broad - Complex(integrated) system of certification КСС. Both systems envision gears "of «weighing" of deviations(rejections) of parameters(indexes) rather normatively established and as a result to do(make) a rating of a level   complementary usefulness new (сертифицируемой) of commodity both production for customers and company as a whole.

      the given book enables from the primary source (from the writers and implementators) to receive most common view about this new in country and in a pattern a kind(view) of certification of products and productions. She also opens out a capability to many entitiess and corporations to take this new and perspective kind(view) of activity and eventually to envelop by her(it) commodity of all branches of national production and imported commodity, having learned to select(allocate) from not ё all best and ecologically most clean.
      the book is intended for the chiefs of firms, businessmen, workers of technological services, suppliers (exporters and importers), teachers and students of educational institutions.


The foreword
THE INTRODUCING. Social and economical functions of social - ecological certification   (on quality and ecological purity)

    1.1. Practice of a rating of quality (usefulness)
    1.2.   progressing of a general theory of usefulness (ОТП)
    1.3.   the biological and psychophysiological reasons
    • 1) Feature of effect of toxic substances
    • 2) Feature of effect not ionizing (wireless) of radiatings
    • 3) Feature of effect of ionizing radiations
    • 4) Feature of audio and psychological effects
    1.4. Communal methods of calculation   a degree of quality and ecological purity used at certification. КВАЛИМЕТРИЯ And СОЦИОМЕТРИЯ
          discussion of outcomes


2.1. Socially - is oriented system of certification of quality (SCQ) as implementation of a general theory of usefulness.
2.2. Ecological certification as an independent piece of certification of quality. Examples.
2.3. Service   as the special object social - ecological   certification.
2.4. Organizational fundamentalses SCQ. Procedural features of certification of products
2.5. Общеметодические of a feature of certification of quality of the goods of home and manufacturing assigning. Examples: screens for clearing petroleum,       copy and facsimile engineering
Pattern of the certificate and accompanying documentation.
2.6. Feature of certification of quality of food
2.7. Feature of certification of quality of potable water
2.8. Feature of certification   engine fuels
2.9. Methodical features   certification   services — on examples:
  • 1) Telecommunication services
  • 2) Service of public catering
  • 3) Service of hairdressing saloons
  • 4) Financial   services (bank and внебанковские)
  • 5) Insurance servants
  • 6) Tourist services
  • 7) Service of MASS-MEDIA
  • 2.10. Стилизованные examples (Dairy products, металлополимерные of a tube, service of paging link and trade services)
      2.11. The registration of regional features of certification of services
                        discussion of outcomes


      3.1. Certification of a production activity: sense, purpose and problem
      3.2 Main(basic) production factors encompassed(spanned) at social - ecological certification. Full certification   firms in view of quality,   ecological purity of commodity and public production efficiency
      3.3.   examples of certification of productions:
    • Production of ice-cream
    • Production of computers
    • Production activity and petroleum refining
    • Стилизованные examples
    • 3.4. Feature of certification of working conditions and life
      3.5. Feature of certification of polygons ТБО
      3.6. ИСО 9000 and 14000 — of an outlook and capability of progressing.
                  discussion of outcomes


    4.1 Accreditation of regional and branch bodies(organs) (on certification)
    4.2. Communal problems of certification. Activity of the accredited bodies(organs)
    4.3. Management and marketing on the basis of outcomes of certification
    4.4. Information for the client: the certificate and where behind it(him) What for is necessary to address
    4.5. Order of realization of certification
    4.6. ЭКАмаркировка as a resource of forward(straight) actual leaving out of a customer
    Discussion of outcomes
    5.1. Social - ecological conditions as the object for mapping and certification
    5.2. Social - ecological mapping on environmental factors
    5.3. Registration of social factors
    5.4. Social - ecological ratings in city designing and building
    5.5. Rating of intensity of toxic impurity of territory
    5.6. Approaches to a rating of quality of soil and water of opened basins. The registration of carrying
    5.7. Rating of intensity of radiowave irradiation of territory
      discussion of outcomes
    6.1 Certificate of fitness as a member of price policy
    6.2. Ecological certificate as the basis(fundamentals) for regulation of taxes
    6.3 Honorary certification
    6.4. Usage of outcomes of social - ecological certification for opening-up of materials to regional and national competitions and parameter(index) of progressing of entitiess (ABOUT)
    6.5. International expertise and certification of the complex(difficult) projects, export-import commodity and international activity (with РМ).
    6.6. НОВОМЕТРИЯ.Творческие of an extent by results of certification. The diploma public   progressings.
    6.7. Organizational forms(shapes) of the introducing of a social - ecological rating and certification: a complex(integrated) system of certification, ЭКОТЕСТ ТПП. The international bodies
                  discussion of outcomes

    The appendices
    А. Social   and ecological mosaic see all recordings
    Б. Non-polluting commodity abroad — of a problem and retrieved solutions
    В. Matching existing kinds(views) of certification
    Г. Activity of Russia in the field of certification and standardizing
    Д.   To the substantiation of calculations of quality
    Е. The examples of the designed nomenclatures of figure of merits of the goods are ((more full)
    Ж. Organizational forms of work on a system SCQ
    З. Substantiation of calculations of a level of ecological purity
    И. Examples of the designed nomenclatures of figure of merits of services
    К. Form(shape) of the agreements on certification of quality and ecological purity (with Л.И.)
    Л. Operational procedure in a system SCQ
    М. Form(shape) of the form of submission(representation) of ecological parameters(indexes) of firm, branch, locale
    Н. Agreement on accreditation on a System SCQ
    О. Example of a Rule(situation,position) about a body(organ) SCQ
    П. Committee of public progressing (tendered purposes, problem and pattern)
    Р. Forms for calculation of a rank of creative achievement
    GLOSSARY of the used concepts
    THE CONCLUDING Social - ecological certification and outlooks   public progressing

    1. Quality in a modern pattern (from кн)
    2. Certificate of fitness (with an example of infill)
    3. Sign of quality
    4. Ecological certificate with an example of infill
    5. Social - ecological map of Moscow
    6. Carrying toxic substances through soils and plants
    7. Pattern of developed Committee of public progressing
    8. Pattern of World-wide center of certification
    9. Diploma of the Doctor of public progressing
    10. Diploma of a creative extent of public progressing

    The foreword

                      the book is written by results of scientific and practical activity of the writer and co-authors on many proprietary sections.
    The writer — МИНИН Борис Алексеевич -
    The director of Methodical center of a System of certification SCQ,
    The chief of Federal Center of certification (accredited at ЦНИИбыт),
    The president of International Academy of public progressing,
    The member of Public Advice at Минюсте of Russia, chief of expert Council on social safety and social progressing (Госдума Russian Federation),
    The candidate of engineering science, doctor of economical sciences, academician of International Academy of informatization
    The chief of system development of certification of quality (SCQ), trusted to in the basis(fundamentals) of a recent trend of progressing of the theory and practice of certification.

    The specialists involved(attracted) on miscellaneous development cycles philosophical, аксеологических, methodological and methodical problems of social - ecological certification, are marked below on particular sections of the book (under the order of hooking up to activities):

    КУРИЦЫНА Валентина Васильевна — sections 2.1, 3, 6.1
    ТЕРЕХОВ Александр Георгиевич — sections 2.3, 7.2
    ПИНИГИН Мигмар Александрович — sections 2.3, 7.2
    ЛУЦКИЙ Иван Михайлович — sections 2.3, 7.2
    СЮТКИН Георгий Николаевич - section 6.2
    ОСИПОВ Юрий Сергеевич — section 7.1
    ДЕМИДЕНКО Эдуард Семенович — the Introducing, section 1.3
    ТЫЖНЕНКО-ДАВТЯН Евгений Семенович — section 5.4, Appendix
    ЗИБЕРОВ Валентин Евгеньевич — section 4.5
    РУДЯК Константин Борисович — section 2.4
    ШОКИНА Лидия Ивановна - section 5.5, Appendix of M
    ИВАНОВА Татьяна Михайловна - section 5.5
    ВЛАСОВ Виктор Иванович — sections
    HORSES Владимир Александрович — the Concluding
    The section 3.4 is written independently ГРЕБЕНЮК Галиной Никитичной
    The appendix Г is written ВАРНИЧЕНКО Юлией Викторовной
    The appendix And is prepared for the publication МАРЧЕНКО Мариной Валериевной.

    It would be desirable to mark (also by way of hooking up to activity) active involvement in not prime debate on development trends of domestic certification of quality of the chiefs both specialists ГОССТАНДАРТА and his(its) entitiess: Виктора Яковлевича БЕЛОБРАГИНА,   Сергея Фёдоровича БЕЗВЕРХОГО, Геннадия Петровича ВОРОНИНА, Алексея Алексеевича НЕСТЕРЕНКО, Виктора Николаевича СМИРНОВА, Ростислава Михайловича ТИХОНОВА.

    At forming philosophy on ecological certification the close activity was conducted with the workers ГОСКОМЭКОЛОГИИ: Александром Александровичем СОЛОВЬЯНОВЫМ, Всеволодом Валерьяновичем ГАВРИЛОВЫМ, Ириной Васильевной ЛИМОНОВОЙ.

    The huge practical and creative activity on opening-up and implementations of a System SCQ is carried out(conducted) by(with) the specialists of regional centers, specially in one @. Ekaterinburg — the chief ШАЕВИЧ Арон Борисович, in Vladivostok - chiefs ШКАРИНА Татьяна Юрьевна and ТИЛИНДИС Владимир Анатольевич, in Kaliningrad - chiefs ВЬЮЖАНИН Владимир Павлович, КАЛИНЦЕВ Юрий Александрович; have begun is active to work centers at Bryansk ТПП - chiefs СУВОРОВА Татьяна Фёдоровна, PLATO Ольга Филипповна, and in Murmansk - СОКОЛОВА Love Константиновна.
    In the latest time the entitiess of a Complex(integrated) system of certification (КСС) participate in developments on social problems Юрий Васильевич ПИСКУЛОВ, Лидия Ивановна ШОКИНА (CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY), and also Татьяна Михайловна ИВАНОВА and Michael Александрович ГОЛОВАШКИН and many other.
    We are grateful to the employee ВНИИС: Арсентию Лазаревичу ТЕРКЕЛЮ for the help in careful improvement of the text of a Rule(situation,position) about a system SCQ.

    By all of them we express a profound gratitude.


    All charm of the market (correctly organized) - that he stimulates in company общественно useful activity. But in that and business, that between the market by ours,   and market ideal - distance(range) astronomical, and on very many parameters(indexes).
    Let's remark at once:   and there,   far in West,   and in far East the distance(range) too is, though and not so huge (due to a lot of the moments, about which one we shall talk below). In what this distance(range) is exhibited? As to the goods magazines,   that here again,   and there   all is almost identical: the refrigeration cabinet costs(stands) so much, the producer how much will pronounce.   But even when refrigeration cabinets in magazines it is a lot of,   that   can   to see a customer?   an aesthetics,   availability miscellaneous ящичков?   Alas, mass major for a customer of parameters(indexes) - annual costs of an electrical power,   on repair, even noise and the more so service life - all this at a buying for us — behind staff(frame).   Therefore in West, often too not knowing how all this to straighten out(find out) for certain, are forced to trust by selection basically only name of the corporation. In our vague time we are dispossessed also of this capability.   Yes it   at   Our spaciousnesses also would not help: the namings of hundreds producers of refrigeration cabinets nobody can learn.
    We need to adjust other information links and adjusting economical gears.   correctly organized certification of the goods on quality - one of them.
    It as to the goods.
    The certification of services is relevant to us not in smaller,   if not in the greater extent.   a service shop, hairdresser's, турбюро, insurance agency, bank we select almost incidentally - who will give more more advertising.   At one time Маркс   was surprised,   that   on exchange by sale угля the strife goes for each percent of the cost,   while difference it(him) on caloricity, that is on usefulness   (twice and it is more), nobody allows.   With углем,   by ore etc. somehow to decide have managed.   But hundred,   thousand new kinds(views) of commodity   - services and goods on quality remain not rated.           And their producers act in a measure of the submissions(representations) about honour and advantage, нахрапистости and adventurism.         the corporation,   Has appeared; has manufactured(issued) one hundred,   one thousand new jars of a herring, for engaging the client in beautiful packaging.   While have bought up, распробовали and have refused - new one hundred or one thousand in new packaging has appeared...
    In magazines   Germany you will see tens types of recorder cassettes from one up to ten brands.   All Low Noice,   High Quality, but all absolutely miscellaneous.   Moreover: open the log-book "Demand" N 1 (7) /94, and on page 19 you will see:   " Low Noice " the noise is brightly flashed on those cassettes, for which one... Greatest!   thus very much,   very seldom price corresponds(meets) to quality. As if to advertising or wrapper,, how we see, all happens with   by fidelity   up to   on the contrary   - representative case,   when because of our miscalculations "to seem" is more expedient, than to be. That is, even   in conditions this path is ""clean" of market attitudes(relations) is not stainless, if there is no exact information on quality and the customer " hits on a fishing tackle " of a beautiful wrapper. Or, at its best, trusts a loud name of the corporation - not always deserved.
    All this   causes(urges) capitalist countries,   for a long time перешедшие to the market,   to create and to bolster the whole serial of absolutely indispensable facilitiess of stabilizing накатанных of market attitudes(relations).
    Whether but so "накатан" there market?   For example,   about what   "market"   internationally it is possible to speak, if there is a frank sharing of countries of sales between the monopolists?   Let's recollect the sensational facts of protection of "markets" by the fishermen by the Spaniards,   we shall recollect, how "западники" artificially limit our output(exit) on someone somewhere   held   stands...   And facts   arrangement   between   by the monopolists,   is opened   discussed   in printing! Let's recollect even history timelagged for two years issue on the market of systems of a digital (silent) sound on a belt(ribbon) because of the protest remaining with anything   sound recording   corporations   -   how much   this   a history   has taken away of "happiness"   for the people!
    The market, which one we have created on an image and similarity of samples, existing in West,   is farthest from an ideal. In a nem the malicious elementss dominate. The customer in a nem is blind and is deaf(indistinct), the progress at a nem is similar more to a zigzag, than on more - less straight line,   There is an impression,   that those,   which one will organize this huge show, which one participate in a nem as the actors, are amused,   more; they are more held either strife or dances one another, rather than by something общественно useful.
      Besides this market is unsafe to the nature and people. We already изгадили everything, that could - both in the nature, and in ourselves, we strongly have inserted in ourselves consumer psychology and rigid egoism. With becoming of market attitudes(relations) the corrosion attack dives into more and more and younger cages of our organism...
      And for us, and even there, in West, where both the civilization is higher than ours and people more in a civilized way, much clearly, that the real market goes not to an ideal, and from him(it),   е from l and...
     ... If instead of implementation of a honest competitiveness that and business, on any channels of the mass information, hear that there were no chiefs of such international corporations for the units of commodity markets on our terrestrial globe;
     ... If to realise   fruitful idea, it is necessary years   to go with the proposal on miscellaneous corporations (writer электрографии some years upholstered thresholds of corporations, while the small "Copier" corporation has not undertaken development. - Now she, by the way, controls 50 % of the market ксерокопировальных of vehicles);
     ... If three jumbos of motor industry already there are a lot of years dead strong brake progressing the electromobile transport, because by him(it) it does not pay to overhaul the production (do not believe - look the log-book " the Moscow reviewer " shortly before closure after an attempt at his(its) major editor);
    ... If for us on country   насоздавались miscellaneous ассоцисции of the miscellaneous producers and almost all by the maiden point have protection of concerns of these producers, - and   not so public;
    ... If both in West, and for us the major supplier for company of the information about the made goods and services,   the advertising, - most sure, that does(makes), so it calls the producer, but as features   ладана is afraid - or is simple is lazy -     to ask and to declare true quality made;
    ... If for all "non-state" stomatologists, which one,apparently, should compete among themselves on quality   and price, price-list unified and nobody in the right it(him) to upset, and the quality » it(him) is simple nobody meters.
    ... If any mean magazine responds for everything:   for a beginning and extremity of the daily activity,   for the sums (up to rouble) and for terms (about day) payments of duties to the suppliers etc.   - but only not for quality of the commodity. The certificates, demanded for his(its) activity, - only on safety to not confuse them to the certificates of fitness!. In quality almost anybody in anything, as before, is not interested.
      What is this market, if the gears, real-life in a nem, can not help to a customer to distinguish the healthy and useful product from дряни in a beautiful cover? And if his(its) adherents, ideologists categorically against implementation of the most simple, most effective and most logical gear of suppression all harmful and useless - by full indemnification(compensation) of this damage damaged?
    Our so-called market is those.
    In the for a long time and strongly approved capitalist countries officially is preached protectionist   policy   as   state, legitimated. If   to us   render   the help,   the credit, only   is given; almost that with mandatory,   vocally or privately expressed   by a condition:   to not pose   production,   which one, do not give the God,   can hinder their corporations there, in West
    Receiving on West fruitful idea of the market, cranking the business,   we at all are not obliged to adopt all his(its) lacks. We tender to look   in   a nem also complementary advantages.   to us almost on a goal a place them to implant easier, than them(him,it) to rework накатанное.           all this   "«устаканившийся", approved capitalism   even close did not lay with ideas of the capitalist market!           However, as well as our "socialism" - with ideas socialist.
    Let's remark, that all past decades to us by no means   not   was   the selection   is ordered; "socialist"   version of creation if not "natural", then "artificial selection" on   reasonable   to yardsticks.   It is known, that the attempts them to enter for us were done(made) repeatedly.
    So, almost since the maiden days of installation of the Soviet authority Ленин began   to require(demand)   from   the economists of the introducing of a precise parameter(index) of progressing of firms and entitiess - "index-number", which one could objectively and visually, it is dry and caategorically to declare, who is who, what factory runs forward, and with what by decades is tramped in place .. However everything, as is known, was made, that this requirement was executed(made) not.           much later,   in   хрущевскую   "thaw",   the aircraft designer Олег   Антонов a lot of energy has spent for the substantiation and introducing instead of the notorious arbor   ideas   "кваливала" -   a parameter(index),   taking into account product   quantities   on quality.   However and this idea was successfully buried.
    Завороженные by idea of a general brotherhood and her(it) оскопленным by implementation by the way is coarse inverted while translating (even before revolution) « of the maiden principle   socialisms »,   we have rejected proposals, all these and look-alike to them.   we have seized by dents in us erected in a rank of absolute true   a principle   equallings   and   have built to itself primitive accounting socialism, founded on total скрупулезном the registration of the costs.   In a traveler   for   by fidelity of these accountings we absolutely have forgotten, that except for them there are also outcomes,   radium which one, purely, we also work. If by the maiden principle   ours   socialisms there was a repayment not on a transactions,   and by his(its) outcomes (equal product of quantity on quality developed: a potato, machine tools, theories...), it is not yet known, whether it was necessary     to us now to pass to market attitudes(relations),   Especially in their present coarse version полудикого-полуглупого of the market.
    All of us experience this transition and stresses, accompanying him.           And still,   let very slowly,   for us start to be inputed   effective gears   controls - urging   qualities   and stabilizing of market attitudes(relations). For us   starts,   only   starts to act a protection law of the rights   customers,   antimonopoly   the legislation.   a weighty word   in this problem the Law about certification of products and services " should say absolutely recently appeared ".
    " To operate(control) - means correctly to stimulate ".   this formula developed by capitalism,   as it is paradoxical, in the essence quite corresponds(meets) to ours maiden   to a principle in exact transfer(translation):   " each on capacity, each by results of a transactions ". Both they, here again, and there, notably недооценены and недореализованы. And consequently at all without the basis in the introducing to one of the books   on   to economy   American   capitalism costs(stands)   literally following: " Any of the intellectuals of America is not pleased with capitalism ".   That through set of years we same   not   have said about capitalism ours, we should хорошенько think, that we from him(it) should take, and that is not necessary, and what still it is possible to make for it(him) облагораживания.   the people are the people,   each hopes to take more more,   though hardly it is more,   than he that merits.   "They" have learned cheaply to pay for another's raw and furthermore accurately it(him) to use. "We" it is bad, very badly we use own.   Let's say,   of one cubic metre of a forest we do(make) in   10 times   it is less papers,   in 11 times - cardboard,   from ton of ore - one bench instead of thousand radio receivers...   One behind other мрут our banks. Behind this phenomenon - drama both become bankrupt bankers, and broken investors. Dramas is not tragedies. But nevertheless. As, really to achieve the necessary quantity and how to stimulate quality?
    Any specialist on systems will answer, that for this purpose first of all it is necessary to place(install) the applicable positive and negative feedbacks. At first it is necessary to meter quality, public usefulness (certainly, quantitatively, instead of "yes - no" or "good - bad"), to certify measurings officially, with е р т both ф and ц and р about in and т ь, and then, by results of measurings to enter the applicable incentives and sanctions.
    In the complex all this program can be esteemed as the basis(fundamentals) at deployment of wide area activities in country and in a pattern on disciplining and облагораживанию of market attitudes(relations).
    It would be best subsequently to not commute already made,   to complete this concept with engaging of the specialists at an international level. Therefore ещ ё in the beginning of modification and rough dissolve to us of miscellaneous international entitiess the solution on transfer(transmission) of the look-alike Soviet initiatives to International fund for survival and progressing of mankind was accepted. This application was prepared with engaging of the specialists from Госплана USSR, Госкомприроды RSFSR, Institute of toxicology. Better international entitiess, alas,     least are interested in health of our citizens. In it we should be engaged. But in a resonance with the international tendencies. Therefore by us the proposals on creation of international social - ecological bodies(organs) and bodies(organs) challenging their public progressing do not cease.
    The registration of quality of commodity and social overall performance of firms, rating of effect per capita патогенных of environmental factors, development and implementation of biomedical and psychological measures of protection of his(its) health, including from negative consequences of implementation of any projects, any operatings, realization of any measures on recovery of the environment it(him) обитания - ours most relevant for today of a problem, solution which one should be urgent. This will be promoted for certain by the information on social damage, plotted to the people instituted(spotted) by facilitiess of social - ecological certification.
    The data of a problem are envisioned to be decided as STATE, for at correct posing of business the state can and to be obliged by the organizer of protection of concerns of the population. However it does not mean, that such system should operate on the budgetary funds: for example, our calculations conducted by the order of Committee of economy at government of Moscow, have shown, that the natural damage to the population from exceeding ПДК in atmospheric air is so great, what even a small part of his(its) exception from contaminants   can provide not only indemnification(compensation) е ё to each person, but also financing of indispensable ecological patterns without затрагивания of the state or domestic budget.
    Whether there will be from it for somebody negative consequences? Will be. But thus ours will be affected only universal consumer аппетиты, взращиваемые artificially by our personal licentiousness, and also connivance ours бесспросного of the legislation. His(its) principles were based two тысячелетия back by the way Roman Laws, which one substitutes the responsibility for plotted damage by the responsibility for contempt of law written farly from being(not) always irreproachably and permanently lagging from life.
    However if to recollect, than our passions are preheated, what cords for this warmup will use market forces, — here and петушиные of an ambition of the spiritually poor people, and папуасские gusts модности, and prestige offended by the nature, often at the expense of health them and other: the neighbours on a court yard, on city, on a planet - that mankind only will win, if will be set up of modesty and by some gains will achieve victory above the passions, will go on a path of reasonable moderation for strife for true happiness - and our future breeds.
    Certification all made by us and by yardsticks of quality and ecological purity, i.e. social - ecological certification   — it is one of many major members indispensable for transition of Russia to new time.

    Federal Center of certification is authorized to conduct on territory of Russia certification of quality and ecological certification, and also accreditation of regional and branch centers - any locales and any branches.
    The chief FCC - Boris Minin ph.:241-39-03. The fax: 241-38-08.   E-Mail
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