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The Russian Expert League
Russian Expert League 
On major page

The encyclopedia of Expertise

The log-book  
"Expertise and certification"

Social and economic


" Elections: who is who " 
The program for allocation to the voters.

" About the introducing of a system of forward(straight) check of an overall performance of firms and entitiess "
The proposals for the plenipotentiarys of the President in Federal districts.


" ELECTIONS: WHO IS WHO ". An auto portrait of each candidate
Outgoing from the supposition, that each crew, unit, the association has something valuable to company, we schedule(budget) to begin the publication of design pieces from materials, presented by you prepared on the quite definite form(shape) with the answers to quite definite problems - are given below with an example of infill. The materials will not be edited.
On 1 - 6 problems the answers are mandatory, remaining answers on selection, in the sum up to 3 - 4 thousand signs.
WE With YOU shall have soon honour to participate in selection in the maximum body of legislation of country - in State Duma. From many claimants we should select most worthy. WHO THEY? Our Initiative working group from the quoters, chiefs of a number(series) of entitiess of country for the first time tries by words of crews, associations, but on the problems, strictly selected by us to explain " WHO THERE IS WHO ". We give all equal capabilities. In total some central newspapers have undertaken implementation of this not prime program. To them we shall be rather grateful.
WE HOPE, that you save these publications and directly ahead of selection will manage with them to familiarize once again to make the correct selection. You understand, that those who has responded to our call-up and has introduced these materials, has what to offer to company and quite responds BEFORE YOU for the promisings. "
WE ARE DEEPLY SURE, THAT Hereafter to crews, motions separate persons the capability enter the main(basic) body of legislation of any country, in our Duma - including, should be given NOT by(with) financial and diverse capabilities of a mechanical set of voices for involvement in pre-election marathon, but only availability of the precise programs, projects, ideas of a progressive reorganization of company, same company recognized effective and sold.
THE PROGRAM DESIGN of comparative analysis of performance of practical intentions of different electoral associations is made under the initiative of the members founded in these days " of National Academy of public progressing " by the specialists " of Federal center of certification " МЦ SCQ of International Academy of informatization, Center of social-political studies of Institute of microeconomics Минэкономики of Russia with engaging as the advisers of the specialists of Presidium of WOUNDS, Russian Center of electoral know-hows Центризбиркома, log-book "Expert", employees of a number(series) of the newspapers.
To ACTIVITY of a software to the PROGRAM EVERYONE ARE INVITED, WHO CAN INTRODUCE THE CONTRIBUTION, INTELLECTUAL(INTELLIGENT) And FINANCIAL, - banks, funds, insurers, research institute, Academy...
For interested in such activity of help by telephone (095) 241-39-03.
From Working group Минин. А.


0. Title of a crew, unit, association; the maiden and main(basic) persons

  THAT MOST VALUABLE for company in your program in orbs:  

1).. Social;

2).. Industry

3).. Agriculture;

4)... State structure;

5).. Exterior policy.

6) THE FUNDAMENTAL LAWS, which one want to enter:  

*суть: that they will direct, will authorize(resolve), will prohibit (will cancel);

*какие Branch of production (economical, social, scientific...) laws affect, and also whenever possible:

*какое Their place in public life, as as far as will be improved, at the expense of that

*кому It becomes better, how much them in Russia; at the expense of whom (to give under each law separately)

That it is offered to change (what way, at the expense of whom, that):

7)   in a tax system,

8)   in demographic policy,

9)   in army,

10) In law enforcement bodies,

11) In regional policy

As how to do(make) in such orbs, as:

12)   the right, legal proceedings

13)   privatization

14)   the property on ground

15)   a rise in crime

17)   an ineffectiveness and коррумпированность of a state machinery

18)   growth(increase) of the ungrounded incomes of a part of the citizens

19)   ресурсосбережение; squandering of resources(safe lifes) of Russia

20)   real involvements of the people in control


22)   religion

23)   an ethnic question

24)   hotspots: Чечня, Serbia, Crimea...

25) Separate countries: America, Germanium, England, China, Israel, former соцстраны and CIS

26) How going to act in conditions of arrival in State Duma of the quoters of many crews for want of the parliamentary majority.


" About the introducing of a system of forward(straight) check of an overall performance of firms and entitiess "

The proposals for the plenipotentiarys of the President in Federal districts.

  Within the framework of Expert council on social safety and social progressing at Committee on safety of State Duma since 1999 the forces of a number(series) of entitiess, in particular(personally), International Academy of public progressing (IPDA), carry on active development of the legislation envisioning, in particular(personally), introducing in public economic and judiciary practice of meters of performance of progressing and plotted damage, and also   incentives and sanctions is proportional to these parameters(indexes).
The quantitative impartial assessment of end results of production would allow you to stage:
  1. Forward(straight) check behind a state and performance of progressing of productions and as a whole of locale;
2. The forward(straight) administration of government by this performance by creation of objective economical and moral incentives is proportional to outcomes of a rating.
The cost of activities under the introducing of a system of a rating of performance will be is   the no more existing costs of activity of accounts departments of the applicable firms and entitiess.
In more detail substantiation of this problem is given in appended HELP. (see. The appendix 1)
We tender you to consider expediency and capability of realization by the orders of Representation of cycle of activities on creation of the methodical vehicle for implementation in a District on пилотных objects of a system of a rating of an overall performance of firms and entitiess and further introducings of a parameter(index) of their progressing and progressings of the particular subjects of Federation on the basis of a quantitative rating all basic and end results: consumable resources(safe lifes), quantity and quality of commodity, and also damage from a pollution of the environment.
Yours faithfully,
The member of expert Council on problems
Social safety and social progressing (Госдума Russian Federation),
The chief of Federal Center of certification, ЦНИИбыт,
The president of International Academy   public progressing,
д.э.н., к.т.н.,   проф., academician IAI
The appendix 1
To the letter on the introducing of a system
Forward(straight) check
  the problem of calculation and periodic check of performance of progressing of firms, including quality and экологичность of his(its) commodity consumable resources(safe lifes), pollution of the environment and social settings of a transactions of the workers mounted repeatedly, in the elementary sense — ещ ё В.И. Лениным (repeated requirement to create and to enter "«index-number" for all socialist firms).
For vague reasons the solution of this problem was permanently boycotted both with scientific and from the practical sides.
Between that, per 20 years such parameter(index), let in a primitive kind(view), could be created. He would cause(urge) also directors, and all vehicle ЦК from phobia of the regular reports, yes ещ ё meaning stiffness of the sanctions of those years to be engaged more often in business, than philosophy, and would not allow diverse factories on tens years to remain on a freezing point, not changing commodity neither by quantity, nor on quality.
It, on our view, — one of major reasons, why we could not correctly realise idea of socialism. And the maiden principle of socialism, as is known, while translating from the primary source was distorted just what isn't needed.
Now there are all conditions — both scientific, and practical, and now, with creation of federal districts, - and political, that idea of check of the main(basic) firms and entitiess on a Parameter(index) of progressing (ABOUT) to elaborate at the highest scientific level and to realise in practice. All activities, indispensable for it, on progressing the theory of public usefulness (потребительной of the cost), as against clean(only) of the cost, is carried out(conducted)   by us more than 25 years:
· 1973 — 74 гг. - beginning of activities;
·   In 1985 — 88 гг. The methods of a rating social, and in 2-3 years - both scientific effect and term of an obsolescence of achievements were lead up to practical implementation;
  · In 1994 at once after acceptance in our country of the Law about certification our own System of voluntary certification of quality (SCQ) with calculation of a degree of quality and level of ecological purity was registered in Госстандарте, which one are indicated on a field of the certificate. Now on a System SCQ together with the regional centers, accredited by us, more than 500 certificates on commodity and productions already are issued;
·   In 1996 the development of the concept (purposes and problems) creation of a state body(organ) — of Committee of public progressing was conducted, which one would take on itself a lot of организационно-methodical functions executed(designed) now by each ministry, each office in parts, on miscellaneous at miscellaneous levels of perfection(efficiency).
Approximately into the same years at IPDA we entered a Maximum qualifying commission, which one executes(designs) problems   detections общественно высокозначимых of achievements,   calculation of their rank and awarding of the Diploma of public progressing, as against the Nobel committee - by results of stringent calculation, but without the generous premiums.
The realization in your Federal district of activities on creation of the methodical vehicle for implementation on пилотных objects of a system of a rating of an overall performance and parameter(index) of progressing of entitiess on the basis of a regular quantitative impartial assessment of end results of production (consumable resources(safe lifes), quantity and quality of commodity, and also damage from a pollution of the environment) will allow:
  - volume, degree of quality and level of ecological purity of made commodity rather среднерыночных   levels: regional, state and countries - importers;
  - productivity labor, material and power resources;
  - ecological, material and social - ecological damage from a pollution of the environment on location and on workstations.
  Now quite real all listed(transferred) to run in absolute and in relative digits in comparison with the previous periods per unit volume productions. Last also is « a Parameter(index) of progressing of entitiess ».
2. FORWARD(STRAIGHT) ADMINISTRATION OF GOVERNMENT by PERFORMANCE   PROGRESSINGS of productions and territories by creation of objective economical and moral incentives is proportional to outcomes of a rating,     meaning
Economical levers(arms):
— Level control of financing from госбюджетных of facilitiess;
— Price control to public procurements;
— Regulation госналогов;
— Check behind a standard of life and social state of production, in particular(personally),   observance(holding) of the guaranteed wage, and also:
Moral incentives:
— At last management on unified, carefully verified methodical basis(fundamentals) of the state premiums proportionally communal   usefulnesses on номинациям:
·   For performance of progressing of production,
·   For quality of commodity,
·   For ecological purity of commodity and production.
· For communal effect, transferred(handed) to company,   with issue   the special Diploma of public progressing in the unified sample, established in the state.
It is expedient to conduct last three номинации, on our view, on documentary established facts strictly proportionally to quantitative responses established at   voluntary certification, and to conduct permanently, in accordance with allocation of the applicable data (and not just on holidays), with broad illumination(lighting) of the most relevant events in MASS-MEDIA.
The same yardsticks can be used for a rating not only material, but also scientific production (science), invention, including social, etc. the Definite expertise of look-alike activities (in refrigerating and in some other industries) for us is present.
After development on firms   methods of calculation потребительной of the cost (public usefulness) outcomes of production,   and in a not less severe extent, than it is done(made) today by accounts department at estimation of cost, and after the introducing of the sanction for damage from appreciable errors at such ratings the costs on them will not exceed charges of accounts departments - by the way, offloading on which one, probably, it will be possible   to lower at the expense of drop of ungrounded complication of the account documentation (specially this remark concerns the documentation tax; probably in subsequent   it will be possible to achieve a gradation on the resource taxation, at which one will not be дестимулироваться outcomes of a transactions - and the clerical work) will be simultaneously considerably simplified.
Hereinafter, after development, discussion and implementation on several пилотных objects of a different branch fitting (including production of goods, service, firm of oil processing, telecommunication, MASS-MEDIA...), the consideration of a problem about the introducing of Committee of public progressing - unified in Russian Federation or on federal districts is possible. He can be entered at minimum staffs, envisioning fulfilment of organizational functions of compiling ТЗ on the applicable competitive developments spent by your orders, implementation them on particular productions and in entitiess qualified check of the items of information, presented to you, and also regularity of emanating of incentives for the obtained effect and sanctions for public damage at violation of those or diverse separate jobs(definitions), articles of the federal acts or Constitution.
The member методсовета REL - Boris A. MININ
Ph.:241-39-03. The fax: 241-38-08. E-Mail
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