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Expert council
On social safety and social progressing
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On page of Advice

The bill "About social safety and social progressing"


Materials to development  the returnble low

The brochure "the reversionary RIGHT and SOCIAL SAFETY" 

The report   "About rise of social safety of the educational process at the Russian schools"


" About necessity and inevitability of shift of the concept of a law in force: national and universal aspects " the Article.

" New Duma: if only not импотентность. - But also not the children - freaks. " Сокр. The publication in НГ from 21.01.2000г.

" Доколе by him(it) to correct by a dancing party? "

About necessity and inevitability   shifts of the concept of a law in force:
National and universal aspects.
Минин Б.А.
          For each person, each people, as a whole of human community is, perhaps, two наиглавнейшие of a problem, around of which one concentrate set remaining: safety control, conservation all of best of reached, life, and progressing, augmentation available best. The safety control, law order is a major function of the state. Purely, in due course it also formed mainly for this purpose. 
      With all evidence it is possible to assert(approve), that the law order and safety of the citizens, « hardening from an outrage рэкетиров, gangsters and bribe takers » in any country depend on a lot of the factors: national mentality, overall performance of law enforcement bodies and that look-alike, which one in turn, essentially depend on the current legislation. 
      If to look narrowly more closely at our life, the law-enforcement system - is easy to see, that its(her) exact cast. 
      As it is sad to understand, but our human progress both in large, and in small is done(made) by the persons on the basis of own interest only in more often to commercial success and very much often is tracked затаптыванием of concerns other: the neighbours on a staircase, along the street, on a planet... So that frequently, in the sum, this or that pitch turns round with regress. Let's try to be convinced, that our right - casuistic, unnatural, insensitive, often is simple distorted, with paradoxical outcome, return true stimulating not outcome, and his(its) visibility, human whims, instead of real needs(requirements), - major volume fault, that instead of more or less straight-line(rectilinear) paths to the light future, separately and all together, we go by curves by paths, too often countering one another. 
      According to the writers of the article in one of last numbers already left тысячелетия of the german newspaper "«ЦАЙТ", « in XX century гомо сапиенс introduced the most convincing evidences of the unreasonableness. Twice for 100 years barbarism and cruelty reached stagnation points, and each time mankind came to a conclusion(injection), that saving of mankind for him(it) can become only creation of world COMMUNITY ». A problem only in on what to grout company and his(its) separate members? - On philosophy? On religion? - hardly probable it sometime will be possible; on mutual trade? Is something, but it is far from being вс ё. 
      the newspaper continues: « Already today complementarity of nations of the world day after day increases. Debacles in any locale a pattern, whether it be applying of new kinds(views) of weapon, air contamination, разваливание of economy or, not in the last instance, clogging of information channels by waste of pseudo-culture   threatens to all mankind. The poetic pieces of foreign exchange of the future тысячелетия there should be one: the global mankind should behave пристойно ».
      But link on пристойность, пристыжение... - unless it is effective argument? Probably, at any forms of co-operation or the main warranty непричинения one another of damage will be simple of coexisting. And full responsibility, that is indemnification(compensation), "«return" of all damage, which one was incidentally or is nonrandom is marked to other. Today it not a rule, and without delay exception. In Russia it specially notably. It is no wonder therefore, that the President of country in the Message to federal Assembly on 2001г. problems of the legislation has delivered in a number(series) maiden: 
      «... A strategic problem of past year was strengthening of the state on behalf of all institutes, of all levels of an authority it was obvious: without the solution of this key problem to us to not reach(achieve) successes neither in economy, nor in a social orb. We have delivered the purpose to line a precisely working executive vertical, to achieve branch of jurisprudence and effective judicial authority. And we should not retreat from it. Here - gear of implementation of a state authority, effective protection of the rights of our citizens... The degree of confidence of the citizens to the state is determined by , as far as it defends them from an outrage рэкетиров, gangsters and bribe takers... Today judiciary reform is extremely indispensable for us... The court and did not become neither speed, nor right, fair... Our normative - legal base, on the one hand, is redundant(excessive), with other - is partial, she and does not decide put problems, as is adopted under pressure of formation or departmental concerns.. .. The judge or can on a sole discretion select diverse правоприменитель the norm(standard), which one seems to him more reasonable. As the outcome, alongside with shadow economy for us is reshaped also shaded justice... The preliminary investigation is pulled by years. In the places of confinement and custody pending trial is contained for us - ponder upon this digit! - more than one million the person. A consequent of deprivation of liberty become breaking down of families, impairment of health of the population and moral atmosphere in company. The problem from legal has developed in общегражданскую... » (Recording from a track)

      Really, if to look narrowly that движет an overwhelming part of human fluctuations, рефлексий in ours ostensibly to well civilized environment, the main(basic) motive of their development - thirst of new and new enticements, small and enormous on sizes, and at the expense of own facilitiess - material, social, moral, spiritual (for example, at the expense of waiving superfluous visiting of theatre, concert hall...) - but also at the expense of happiness, health other. Such takes place everywhere, where our right it does not see, and the tool of the responsibility is too gentle or is slow to execute(come true) an active screen to rip-off forward(straight) - or indirect, for example, by impairment of living environments other or at the expense of destruction of natural resources in fractions much more(much) superior own, personal, and state fraction in a world-wide scale. 
      So, pressure bumps CO2 - and it only proprietary parameter(index) техногенного of stress on an environment - is completely various for miscellaneous countries and peoples. In calculation on one person annually in USA it is 24 tons, in Belgium - 12, in China - 1, in Haiti - 200кг... The population of USA which is compounding(drawing up) 5 %, consumes 50 % of world resources(safe lifes), and for example China, where 25 % of the population a pattern lives, consumes 5 % of world resources(safe lifes) [From the mentioned below report В.И. Попова]. If the civilized peoples bathed in the waste and this gas not расплывался on an atmosphere of all planet and did not create for all землян real threat of building-up of a hotbed effect and disastrous thaw of a climate of the Earth, if the natural resources were taken under a surface of the own Earth it there would be especially private affair of the Americans or бельгийцев; If each of the motorists breathed by a carbon monoxide from the own automobile (and behind half an hour he works out as much, how much mean smoker for one year), if the fans(amateurs) of combats would exterminate only themselves, vandals изгаживали only own housing, and the suppliers of films of horrors looked them in the families, if the badly educated dog attacked only the host, from a flat любительницы of grapnels any molecule of an odor to the neighbours did not dive, and hackers баловались only with the computers, all this would be only them is instead of public business. While our inert right with rather dull reactings to these and look-alike factors essentially reduces(descends) mutual understanding between the people, between the peoples. And major - approximates all of us, sitting in one boat, to not to the best ending, at a today's stage - creates tension of public attitudes(relations) and promotes a physical and mental degradation of the person and mankind. 
      last century разбегание of races both civilizations is speeded up, and fault to this in many respects - our right, internal and international. 
      our civilization обгладывает, robs all planet, keeping the one who with us not behind one desktop, only объедки. 
      But she robs   and too! Unless was on a little to Earth of civilizations, which one have completed the life by suicide? 
      Recognizing many pluses of our civilization: it is necessary to recognize meliorating home and social settings, strengthening of the civil rights, acceleration of technological progressing etc.,, that all this is tracked by enormous miscalculations in our social orb, including at usage of achievements of science and technology as a rule requiring by production of enormous destruction of natural resources and tracking copious pollution of the environment by toxins, tracking noises, with a copious pollution of the environment, to mankind, electromagnetic waves and   by irradiation. In a number(series) of cases the negative effect on the damage is comparable and even exceeds positive. 
      On the other hand, the novelties new goods and services, occur more often at the expense of cosmetic upgrading, are entered disregarding   real concerns of the people. The progress appears imposed, artificial. 
      It specially notably in a spiritual orb. Under the message of one of the employees of radio station « the German surge » (Элизабет ВИБЕ), is real sales volume of compact discs with a folk music much more exceeds sales volumes any other - and till a television and the wireless her(it) is not audible almost, it is more than that, her(it) клянут and despise.       the show business - is coarse коммерциализованная a system, founded on the registration of the most primitive instincts of the person. To squeeze 90-year's старушке a wedding dress - limit of their art. Only it is necessary well to itself to introduce: you see such business - at the expense of harms by this старушке! In 1997 in Germanium transfer at an electronic system of counting of the sold compact discs. And at once those initiators, which one not раскручивальсь have come to light. Them purchased and so. 
      we here imply show business both advertising, and political know-hows..., everyone, who sells "«goods" - whether it be dress, either deputy, or actor   - disregarding of his(its) true quality, is simple manipulating our consciousness. 
      It he, the show business, is increased advertising copious nutrition and expensive(dear) cigars, «has "untwisted" « Day of the father » at first in Holland, and then in Европе.- At the expense of family purses and health of the men. The particular customers here - мясники and producers of cigars. And so in all or nearly so in everything, step by step, the progress occupies human company, step forward - two back, one - on heads other, вкривь and вкось, one peoples taking away have more, other - have less... 
      For a long time spread problem with automobiles, in general with incineration of hydrocarbon fuel, not so is harmless, as it seems, and concerns not only those who is near to motorways. Originating from incineration of this fuel СО2 - major party in fault "of «hotbed effect" and anticipated thaw of a climate - down to 200 - 400 hailstones(deg) With through 150 - 200 years! On World-wide conference in Киото in 2000 all countries have signed a convention with promising to reduce pressure bumps СО2. Only one country her(it) did not ratify - USA.         the administration Буша has pronounced, that is not going to bolster any initiative, which one can preclude with economical progressing of USA, - even if it will be contrary to concerns of human community and even if it can bring all of us to an edge life or mors. 
      Let's recollect still absolutely recent multidifficult, so by anything and not completed epopee of strife of one scientist for yellow Saccharum instead of white, useless and already therefore harmful. And furthermore much more expensive(dear), transactions, requiring the large costs, of the greater number of the people - that is why to any hundreds or thousand the person expedient. - At the expense of half-received, i.e. stolen health of many millions. 

      As an example it is possible also to mention shouting lacks of a globalization with artificial secret section by the several transnational companies of commodity markets of the commodity - including miscellaneous ostensibly of harmless technical toys. But on business with huge social and ecological damage, as a rule without his(its) indemnification(compensation) and even without demand and full rating on the part of company. The progress really appears imposed, мифическим, antisocial.
      miscalculations of medicine, too founded on principles of profit of the producer. Are well-known.
      we shall say About ridiculous and bitter historical "«expertise" of implementation in our life antiseptics later. But is and absolutely свеженькие examples!
      the stomatologists, is active advocating ostensibly as absolutely indispensable intensive - on 5 (!!) minutes twice per day - cleaning of dents, kill at once two   зайцев: provide to itself a current(stream) of clients and help the producers of toothpastes - in the bulk abrasive, as a sand paper. Both groups widely sponsor demanded advertising, that is same show business. And the advertising of Pastas гелевых, without mechanical fragments, i.e. harmless, lives as poor крестьянка. I any more do not speak about the simple prescriptions of usage for this purpose marine or usual   salts with dry milk. Them almost nobody notes.
      With drugss without certification of their quality all ещ ё запутанней. It is interesting, that exhausted the book « Medical Немезида » years 30 back was is simple выкрадена from all libraries, known for us...
      the grimaces of behavior of a human kind are borderless. Perfecting the laws of a human hostel with clear and all-inclusive presentation of principles of the mutual responsibility is required. 
The show business is not so much "«business", how much "«show": in this kind(view) "of «sports" are torn huge number of the people with primitive game show - psychology and with fragile, расхлестанной by mentality, which one and take to reshape and visiblly reshape, it is better to say: distort tastes "of «ordinary" of the spectator and listener. They face for the microphone, direct, sponsor a wireless and телестанциии... 
      Or same Administration Буша. When she is failed to bolster the shares directed on economical progressing of country, she maintains concerns of the population, economical priorities which one has managed to educate... Show business. And these « the rising needs(requirements) » can grow indefinitely if not to deliver business so: it is necessary to pay for all. Instead of to purchase another's quota& « on the right » to pour out the mud for other. The pluses and minuses in each particular goods should be seen by(with) each. 
      Without potent and inevitable feedbacks from under a yoke of own fallacies to not be selected. It concerns also Americans, and us with you, and all remaining. 
      the given rule(situation,position) is confirmed by(with) uncountable supervision(observations) and severe studies. Yes that there, it is possible to say, half vigorous life of science and business and is absolute completely - all криминалитета depend on fearlessness, and more correctly to say - непуганности of their adherents, at the expense of large is brave for itself and in the even greater extent - for other, at the expense of health and well-being which one all these growths, purely, and prosper. Here and there, on closer examination, with an evidence it appears, that in this cannibalism the absolute role is played by(with) the right, « legally made out installations ». 
      the brightest, most terrible example well studied and any more(not so) of time mentioned науковедами a historic fact, of a mentioned, ignoring by all heavenly bodies of Europe of discovery antiseptics in an obstetrics 1,5 centuries back. The semi-secular non-recognition of this discovery has plotted to mankind a scar by a size in one hundred millions life, - these losses are more, than in all wars, known for mankind. And all this ignoring - not that diverse as баловство of mass of the academicians, scientists and практиков, to which one passionately accessed Земмельвайс of the whole 17 years of the life and which one in an emphasis(stop) did not see terrible consequences from nonuse of facilitiess antiseptics - strongly steadied then 20-ти percentage death rate of the parturient women. 
      the then right it баловства is simple has not noted. But the same right dominates and now! It попускает great crimes, at the same time казуистически скрупулезно chewing infinite number small. And still is not capable them to stop. 
      health - problem ill for any, and for the Italians including. The medicine, to some extent, probably, quite is deserved, - one of public occupations with a potent corporate egocentricity, selfdefence. « The German surge », among other, tells as the self-defense of the doctors in Italy is organized, just there, the Roman Law whence went.
      It is considered, that each year approximately 90 thousand Italians suffer from medical errors. « The Tribunal on a protection of rights ill » works in a full loading. But he be not capable to defend all offended patients from powerful « Awards of the italian doctors », 327 thousand, including in the numbers,(series,) specialists in white dressing gownes. "«This" union of the doctors - рвачей » defends only official authority, instead of concerns ill », were actually under protection of all-powerful casuistry. And in Virginiums it was possible to set on the dock of the Minister of Health and his(its) people for delayed acceptance of the law about mandatory check on AIDS of a blood of the donors. The truth only after several tragical cases.
    the outcome of lack of general rules of the legislation, founded on existing legal system is an extraordinary congestion of channels of the legal information, congestion of all degrees of jurisdiction, прокурорских and lawyer entitiess, huge переполненность of places of confinement with horrifying conditions of a contents and still as though ineffective, unconvincing activity of all our law-enforcement system! Let's only ponder upon such fact: about 20 % of our fellow citizens, in the main(basic) men, have visited in prisons, i.e. each sat fifth, and still unpunished there is a large number of antisocial particular acts which are not falling under the existing legislation - which one, it is necessary to repeat, permanently, disastrously lags life. 
      Outgoing from the text of the brilliant report on one of conferences on strife with organized crime and globalization of the Moscow institute МВД Russian Federation of his(its) director of the deserved lawyer of Russian Federation, doctor of juridical science, professor В.И. Попова, last year second тысячелетия in Russia was accomplished more than 3 млн. It is more crimes, in than 2 times, than USSR was committed in all earlier. 
      the computer crimes concern To the off-the-shelf crimes of our civilization. Неисчислим of a harm from multiplied computer viruses. The virus I love You has brought to the largest companies a pattern damage on many billions of dollars. By the way, the party in fault was retrieved, but, as far as we know, has not suffered punishment on смехотворной to a reason... Let alone indemnification(compensation) of the marked damage. 
      the moral harm from corrupting, вредоносных and dull television programs Is huge. The link that a broadcasting organization to itself хозяйка, for pays the activity, - is groundless, for she will use much more dear(expensive) - temporary and psychological resource(safe life) of company. It is necessary to learn it(him) to meter and to input into a turn-over. 
      the problem can be decided only then, when the solution on all problems will be is made at a quantitative and qualitative consideration for the interests of company. Best - by operating microreferendums. 
      maiden has attempted to execute(come true) here superrevolution in a scale of the whole country the American billionaire РОСС PEN on selection of the President of USA in 1992году. During election campaign major he has delivered this idea, having pronounced, that the FORWARD(STRAIGHT) DEMOCRACY by facilitiess of direct vote of the people (with the help of special attachments to a television) should substitute democracy representation. And at the same time to cancel (!!) party strife - today, as it is not ridiculous, almost alone method of permission of social, political and many diverse conflictings. It is necessary to say, that ещ ё of half-century back idea of forward(straight) democracy was offered by(with) our scientist and writer - фантаст И.А. ЕФРЕМОВ in the ingenious book - program « HOUR of a BUTTRESS ». That happens today, is a converse to all common sense. 
      That, for example there is such invention of our today's legislation, as ООО or ТОО, by which one is established, that is it is authorized, having done mass of troubles and having sold previously at the office all machinery, except for a stool, for the cost of this stool and to bear all measure of the responsibility!? Commerce, and now global commerce - most quick(rapid) path to beneficiating, but he - brake of social progressing of company and country. 
      the shares of opposition, dead expression of the complaint by separate civil companies were always. Always the advocates of the nature were active. By the way, recently on Everest, roof(cover) a pattern, the climbers go any more for conquest of top, and for redemption her(it) from tons of waste, left by the forerunners. For many from us can call(cause) condoling or at least comprehension the rough shares of the protest against ВТО. On the other hand, can call(cause) for us the protest and disturbance the acts of terrorism on the part of the quoters of those communities, what not усажены for "«civilized" desktop with яствами, collected with all test leadss of our planet. 
      whether But that is a path of struggle with defects of our civilization? 
      Simultaneously let's try them to understand and eventually to muse: whether there we go, professing технократическую   a civilization by an alone way fortunately? 
      whether it is time to us to input more potent brakes, than those legal fundamentalses, on which one ours so-called civilized society exists last 2000? Whether the now existing legal bridle for those suffices who robs the neighbours, country, human community, responding only for the fact that is entered in our legal laws? They, these laws, and truly disastrously are not in time(caught up) life, though are multiplied as a fly - дрозофилы. 
      Under the data of the professor И.Н. ГЛЕБОВА, the full package(packet) of the acts, designed English and American specialists only for one small Latin American country - Panama - has compounded... 10 thousand documents. Russian documents, only those, which one actuate a word "«safety", the Internet more than 9,5 thousand is contained in a network(grid)! - But who осмелиться to declare, what created by them « the legal field » does not contain disastrous blanks? Also what it is irreproachable as a matter of fact? 
      In opinion of the professors В.В. ЛУНЕЕВА, made the in-depth report in Institute of the state and the rights of WOUNDS on one of last conferences of going around century, under a press of criminal law now qualify basically only those who has failed to employ the very good attorneys, either to pay off, or to be estimated mentally ill or to face political lossed, or to invent other verisimilar version... 
      Unless it not ущербность of our dominant right? Let's see all list of real exterior and internal threats to national security of country, reduced in the report, mentioned by us, В.И. Попова: 
« These threats have different nature:
-   the economical poverty of the majority of the Russians, their food vulnerability, downgrade of an agriculture, animal industries (поголовье of cattle was reduced for 10 years in 10 times);
-   approach of a pica of stability(immunity) of a fixed capital and conditioned by it техногенные debacles already bullying us all elapsed year; an economic dependence from foreign states by the way of bondage duties;
-   a unfavorable ecological habitat of the people in many locales of country;
-   natural cataclysms;
-   progressing криминализация of company, economical attitudes(relations);
-   aggressive invasion alien to us of pseudo-culture;
-   waist of access of a huge part of the Russians to formation т to national culture;
-   information war, ideological violence;
-   dip of the moral abutments, corrosion attack of national mentality, physical health of the people, progressing death rate of the population;
-   interethnic tension, interethnic конфликтность, religious and political extremism;
-   the regional separatism... »
      If to ponder a large part of these threats from an imperfection of our legislation. 
      Now it is possible to assert(approve): accumulating huge, the shouting inconsistencies of the theory and practice of a law in force already for a long time have prepared base for radical revision of his(its) concept. A law-enforcement system and, therefore, as a whole company from it only will win.
      It is time to enter as a fundamentals of our coexisting the forward(straight) and clear responsibility on the fact of damaging. 
      Only potent permanent all-inclusive feedbacks "«by results of" can decide business and in proprietary, внутригосударственном, and on a global scale. 
      this thought, as a matter of fact old as patterns, but for each - as though completely unexpected, should be realized by everything, we have grown before almost, but... 

      As the theory of innovations (новистика), any novelty testifies, in general any stable system - technical, biological, geologic, social … - has a natural beginning and natural (or artificial) extremity; any system at adequate conditions originates in frameworks and at the same time on the basis of audit of a former system, at some stage competes to her and if there is sufficient advantages is foregone wins. But too not навечно. 
The origin new takes place even without interference of artificial reason, is simple as outcome of mutations from stochastic effects of exterior and internal information and energy "«noise", from which one there are new and new combinations available, known members - or new, born by a similar way. The newborn systems appear to competitive that system, in a subsoil by which one or on the basis of which one they were born, and her(it) eventually win. True: the developmental process of progressing of mankind, i.e. public progress (or at separate stages - regress) takes place by constant multiple, mass substitution of obsolete, loosened economical, technical, scientific, social, material and spiritual formations on new (alas, is far from being always best). 
Imperative interference in whose this process of will   can it(him) postpone the stall or, on the contrary, by revolutions, a little to accelerate. Otherwise it expresses in public losses: material, economical, social and psychological to evaluate which one, sitting inside a system, it is extremely difficult, if at all it is possible, and it   it is necessary to do(make) behind its(her) limits, operating concerns надсистемы, for social reorganization - concerns of company. 
      from these it is enough well-known of stands we and we tender to see at our right as at a system it would seem quite steady, resisted, more than two thousand years, potent and rather influential on public life of many countries and peoples - those are active самовоспроизводящуюся, which one have formed "«ours", most active on the Earth технократическую a civilization overwhelming all other civilizations - which one by all facilitiess, available for them, including by a terror, attempt to resist to our potent stress on their economy and culture, is far from being always salutary. 
     ... So, our civilization, progressing by which one last centuries was poured out in huge acceleration of technological and economical progress, and last decades - in a globalization of economy and masses - медиа, because of absence there are enough of developed negative feedbacks, i.e. simply - brakes brings all an increased harm to the people and planet as a whole. As a matter of fact, all countries outside a so-called gold billion are robed, approximating us, all together, to world-wide ecological and social disaster. 
      And it is really easy to watch, that all or nearly so all pluses and the minuses of our civilization with its(her) main(basic) trump - technological progress are conditioned by ours правоустройством. Including disastrous backlog(lag) from technical and economical progress of our social progressing as a whole and ethical level - in particular(personally). 


      our right, on details, on members rather different in miscellaneous "«civilized" countries, at a conceptual level, between that, has certain communal features, tags, by which one it essentially differs from other legal systems of other earth civilizations dwelling on the other religious and ethnic foundation. It notably contrasts that was up to him(it) and that is number(series), that is in time and in space. 
      Among many negative features of our right, undoubtedly, weaved under potent influencing   our religion, christianity, or even from him(it) copied, I would call such, on my view, major, as the bet on a certain responsibility for violation(disturbance) писанных, "«established" rules, - legal rules (« a sin as violation(disturbance) of divine installations ») and on provisional punishment as a sufficient measure of retribution for perfect "«offence". 
      this bet on the so-called legal responsibility instead of social and on punishment instead of indemnification(compensation) of damage has reduced in huge number of inconsistencies and to an enormous harm - both public, and social, commensurable in a number(series) of cases with communal favour of achievements of a civilization or even to its(her) superior.
      from this available mass foregone negative, shouting consequents, which one in all красе were exhibited last century left тысячелетия - and which one should not proceed(pass) in new! 

They, collected together:
1.   a defiance, at all events transfer(transmission) on long-distance priorities of consequences from any, even of grandiose antisocial particular acts, if they are not registered by the way of rule of laws.
2.   casuistic, дотошное settling-out of the legal laws - and at the same time defiance of many scale socially significant requirements of our life.
3.   Неинтересность, ничтожность from the point of view of legal proceedings of a figure lossed, which one becomes twice lossed: from the infringer and from the judiciary.
4.   the mass statement(confirmation) in the people of psychology of a heroic aura from удачливости in looking ups and in selfish usage of legislative, technical, administrative and diverse blanks and огрехов "a «civilized" pattern instead of implementation of psychology ненанесения of a harm.
5.   Криминализация of human community and разбегание of human civilizations, many of which basically can not accept our way of life, do not want or can (important) participate in plunder of resources(safe lifes) of a planet.
6.   Переполненность of prisons, in which one has visited about 20 % of all population of country, basically man's, with respective exception from production and housekeeping of many millions arms and heads.
7.   deserved or undeserved озлобленность many, if not majority of punishment, convicted by the breach of justice.
8.   self-reproducibility of the underworld at the expense of usage of places of confinement as schools and polygon for teaching to receptions(tricks) of usage бесспросности, tolerance(insensitivity) and lack of general rules of our right.
9.   improbable затянутость of legal proceedings and in general his(its) extreme ineffectiveness.
10.   the growth of the administrative vehicle and circle of polyhabit spasms, torn to an authority, in usual, послевыборной of life, however, is effective оппортунирующих and cancelling any reorganization, them(him,it) unprofitable or them misunderstood.
11.   existence of a clan of scientific (science) and officers (vehicle) put in conditions practically of the full indifference in общественно positive outcomes of the activity and which is not in charge of sometimes horrifying negative consequences from implementation of the achievements or from conservatism (on Марксу: профкретинизма) in relation to effective achievements another's (« Not invented here »).
      intergovernmental, interethnic, and even the racial conflicts, forward(straight) physical destruction(annihilation) of the people in wars, however, fade before numerous victims of constant miscalculations because of connivance of our right, miscalculations already accomplished(perfect) and committed daily, hourly without declaration of war never legally condemned, but creating as a whole potent field of a social directivity, неприятия of a political system, человеконенавистничества, I crave to leave from company and even life... Already mentioned by us В.И. Попова in the report results the following facts: 
      «... By 2050 our number to decrease on 26 млн. The person also will make 121 млн. And the President Путин considers(counts), that of the Russians can become less on 22 млн. The person in 15 years... If in 1988 in calculation on one thousand the person of the population was born 16 children, in 1992 - 10,7, in 1996 - 8,9, in 2000 8,6... » 
      the reason of these miscalculations can be seen even on "«educational" examples. 
      See Тв-show such as « Court goes! » - well, for example, where is reasoned to place(install) or to not place(install) repayment of telephones on duration, or: to log or to not log home dogs... 
      mass словоблудия instead of... Of the simple and clear approach through definition of damage, look: the costs of time of a phone call - through repayment of depreciation of equipment, salary of the operators etc.; a problem of registration of dogs - through a rating of saving of the costs on investigatory activities at definition of the holders(owners) of those dogs, which one have attacked, have bitten or «is "simple" облаяли of the person, for it would seem by the foreseen present legislation of indemnification material and moral damage. 
      Here it is necessary to remind, that now in settlements one dog is necessary approximately on 20 persons. If in family 2-3 persons and all of them madly like her(it), remaining 17-18 are forced to suffer everything, that from it(her) follows: загаживание of territory, occupation of parks, attack or the threat of attack, покусы etc. In a pattern from attacks of dogs annually perishes about 33 thousand the person, 5 - 6 millions the person are forced annually to do(make) vaccinations. The fine, officially established in Russia, for вс ё it - 30 roubles. But let's interrogate bitten, for what sum of compensation they are ready to repeat вс ё subsequent to it: a pain, treatment, moral damage...? Are many and many thousand, tens thousand roubles! To you latent, dead damage. It is those fair sums, which one should be established for indemnification(compensation) on the part of their holders(owners).
      Despising, were indignant, being galled a highest level "«особаченности" of our population, it is necessary, however, well to remember, what is it not only ill mentality of his(its) significant(sizeable) part: half - aggressive - boorish, half - кукольно-toy, it is egoism and bad manners, extremely low level of home culture and ethics one, apathy other, to some extent and real (or far-fetched) need(requirement) for a constant selfdefence! And still major - absence the sensing legislation which is knowing how to create a constant field of the mutual responsibility and thus to know how to oppress any developments of a mass psychosis suffices.
      Only threat of the fines comparable to the cost of a flat, will allow adequately to react to those who manages услаждать itself at the expense of other: whether by loud music, mat, on those who trades in drug traffic or economizes by wrongful descent in the rivers or in an atmosphere of toxicants. Etc. etc. 
      About dogs. There should not be without attention of jurisprudence (present) only attack, even «is "simple" облаивание by a dog, to be exact through a dog ill-bred or is simple by the mentally ill holder(owner). In Poland, by the way, for it it is necessary the fine, and considerable. Let alone punishment for more severe consequences. - pre-image that should be established by company for protection against the aggressive fellow citizens. 
      Yes that there dog! Where more смертоносны toxic exhaustes of motor vehicles. Introduce only: 1 liter of engine fuel turns in the motor engine to 400 grams of hard toxic substances, which one settle on soil, in ours mild... One of the heroes « of Hour of a buttress » И.А. ЕФРЕМОВА from the future "«recalled", as in dark « an Aeon of the disconnected worlds », in an aeon our, « громыхающие smoking повозки » заполонили all our planet... 
      By the way, social damage from it recently is calculated. In Moscow he compounds neither much - nor a little... About 200 american dollars per capita annually. For family from 3-4х the person the exception of this sum for contaminants would be a noticeable increase to the incomes. But major - drop of kilometers on полунужные of trip! 
In transfers(transmissions) such as « the Court goes » - solid comedy. As well as on real sessions of the court. But on them is even more ridiculous and where more dramatically: you see there are decided of real destiny of the real people accused and which have lossed. Courts, a major problem which one is, as a matter of fact, confrontation   the practical fact with the legal rule, frequently and е ё reduce up to a level of remedial games. 
     , look, listing аудиозаписи of judicial proceedings of the Moscow municipal court of December 6 2000г. The secretary of judicial proceedings is absent. The minutes and verbatim record by court is not carried on. A beginning of session of the court 12-20, termination(ending) 13-04. On what there was almost hour? 
The chairman of session of the court, hereinafter "«chairman", П: Мосагетов is? On business Мосагетова Андрея Сергеевича.
- Yes, yes.
- Chairman: « Show, please, your passport(certificate) ».
- Jugs Владимир Захарович (hereinafter of Jugs, К): Know, the petition asked to transmit...
- П: who?
- К: Барышенко.
Jugs transmits the petition to the chairman.
- П:   he in what hall?
- К: he now is absent
П, interrupting:
- That, ask to postpone, whether what?
- К: No, he now will come, for him(it)...
- П: we have not reached yet before.
- П: the petition is esteemed by board: the chairman - Миронов, judge Борисова and Ионова. There is no diversion? The petitions have any?
- Мосагетов: No. Though I have application
- П: Please!
- М: the Petition should be considered.
- Yes,   as a rule.
- I attempted to hit on business previous, which one just(now) was esteemed; unfortunately, could not hit on session of the court under the private complaint Филиповой. Me the employees of law-enforcement bodies have not leaked(skipped) in a hall of sitting.
- П: It not to us a problem.
- М: I realize, I give clear definition to address these employees
- П: we can bear the intermediate order, if only we shall break a law предусмотрения of businesses
- М: I realize, by consideration of the private complaint Филиповой was coarse the article 9 is disturbed.
Etc. and т.п...
      And it словоблудие at that congestion of legal proceedings and as a whole of legal system - till 30 dollars per capita annually, almost on one for working week. 
      casuistry, крючкотворство - person and nape of an existing legal system of installation of the law order. Assert(approve), that today there are more than two hundred definitions of terrorism more than hundred definitions of democracy... In what are forced to practise the theorists of the rights selfcontained within the framework of existing - on definition, of the existing, В.А. Шемшука, "«сатанинской", [Шемшук В.А. OUR GRANDPARENTS. - M.: world-wide Fund of a planet the Earth, 2000, seconds 100] of the absolutely unnatural concept of the Roman Law. In practice, except for mass of only remedial problems, instead of simple and clear estimation of antisocial misconduct from a stand of the marked damage, the lot of time of judicial tribunals leaves on formulation in all courts of each offence where to refer this business - to criminal, administrative or civil procedure law, when it such (for example, criminal), and when ceases by him(it) to be (and becomes,say, civil), that is "«wrongful", and that is "«criminal" - and from it, it appears, almost on 180О the solution of the question is inverted! All this - daily cares of the practical lawyers, judges, advocates, attorneys, public prosecutors - them for us about 100 thousand, in USA - more than 2 millions. In our codes: criminal, Civil, Administrative... There and here articles with threats of repayment in rbl., in МРОТ, commitment for one month, year ten flash(flicker)... - all this свистопляска instead of the natural requirement: Indemnifications(compensation) of the marked damage. Whether it promotes an overall performance of law enforcement bodies, all law-enforcement system and, accordingly, well-being of our life? Certainly, no. 
      one more, is far from being last problem of law enforcement bodies - international.. 
      the reorganization, which have begun after our capitalist revolution, shuffle and the perturbations to goods have reduced not all. The huge contrasts in skills, ещ ё are more - in the artificially created initial (launching) conditions after облапошивания of broad masses a plus a low spiritual level облапошивающих, their dislike for the people, and also absolutely the bad so-called liberal - democratic legislation have reduced in mass discharge of the people from activity, to flight of a huge banking capital and brain drain abroad. 
      And there, in turn, there was вовсю a problem неприятия of our immigrants. 
All over the world, not only we, have directional expansion of the citizens of one countries, more often economically less developed, on territory other. This expansion is carried on by wrongful paths by those more often by persons, which one know how to overcome boundaries by the persistence, perseverance, which one specially study blanks in the legislation of those countries, on territory which one dive. These people as a rule do not stay before anything to be consolidated on « of the held territory ». 
      Besides it is not necessary to overlook(forget), that the encouraging "with the «liberal" democracy переманивания of brains results in successes переманивающей of the company, but at the same time and to damage for the population of country, in which one "«brains" flow away. Its(her) population frequently without sympathy concerns to the immigrants - and it is necessary to say, as a rule quite is deserved. 
      And somebody calculated, what damage bear those peoples, from which one the migrants run down? You see most persevering run, most enterprising, cleverest. 
      whether Has the right a civilization, world law radium некоей of commercial profit of the separate persons to encourage rich countries вс ё time to rob poor? Whether and so it is expedient rich? To the separate businessmen and employers of a cheap manpower - yes. And as a whole to peoples? 
      In our hemisphere the Armenians, турки, Russian, украинцы, the Jews, болгары under all excuses permanently get over in manicured countries of West, first of all in Germanium. Let's congratulate arranged and посочувствуем to the germans. The radio station « a German surge » in the review(view) of world press for January 2000г. has given the following rather self-critical quotation from the Bulgarian newspaper: the cheap transactions of the nonregistered emigrants — is the workstations, taken away from the germans, use by the ready social values, it is brands from bins of the german tax bearers. « The Plus ours вонючие of a galley », — is written by(with) the Bulgarian newspaper.         Let's add: the and more sharply increased criminality, and potent дискомфорт for indigenous population, and his(its) gloomy national outlooks from многодетности of the visitants. Etc. etc.
      whether with it by all the native born peoples Can be pleased? 
      the persevering attempts пражан отгородиться by a wall from overpopulated and загаженного цыганами are no time of fine region of Prague have shown: no and very much no. By the way, in a context of the existing "«civilized" legislation these attempts, alas, have failed: it appears is a violation of rights of the person. And who has thought of the rights of other side? Who and why imposes to us priority "of «THEIR" rights? Whether it was more correct to recollect ours own? 
We should recognize, that free migration while, in today's legislative   frameworks, - малоприятное seizure of present democracy. 
      On the other hand, unless roughly less developed countries develop only at the expense of the skills and natural resourcess? Where they put the dirty productions, where store the waste, paying for it only пфенинги and cents? You see same Europe or USA, if their pressure bumps СО2 and the more so токсикантов not расползались on a planet, and would remain above these countries, long they would suffer it? And who вовне in this case would begin to mind? Or if the countries - contaminants wholly paid damage to contaminated countries... Then for these countries chance to be in time(catch up) ours somewhere by speeded up civilization would be incomparably higher, than now, when they on laps and with the extended arm. 
      all this, alas, is absolutely not capable to trace the existing casuistic legislation - and thus at present huge speeds of technological progress mankind, speaking a technical language, goes « in an offset ». A natural consequent of this acceleration can be only exhaustion of resources(safe lifes). Or self-breaking down. In any case this suicide. 

      Why at all lacks of our civilization, at all capability of a global tragic outcome, predictablis best minds(wits) of mankind, the universal policy remains practically invariable? Why our legal system now as is steady, how was all two thousand years it(him) concerning quiet life? Why for each of us it almost as a physical constant, how by the God the given essence? Why it so is steady самовоспроизводилось and самовоспроизводится all these тысячелетия? 
      the answers, that is called, lay on a surface: 

1.   It is christian principles absorbed by us with milk of the mother, including yes - нетная psychology (good - bad, is guilty - is innocent, the hell or paradise   is guilty - безгрешен,; etc.). From words of one of the theorists of the Orthodoxy Серафима Роуза: « the Person достоин of a hell... If he недостоин of heavens. Who lives not on christian revelation, that lives on other, false, and all false revelations carry on in an abyss » etc.: « who not with us, that against us ». 
2.   a relative simplicity from the point of view of the specialists and on the other hand objective complexity for "«clients". This system after development of the language both some minimum of the norms(standards) and rules is rather expedient to a significant amount of the adherents of an existing system - lawyers - financially and, major, psychologically, quite often allowing easily « to powder brains » with all not by inhering to their clan and major - friend before the friend, as on bullfight. 
3.   the obvious hardening, creates which one she for significant(sizeable) number of criminal members, управленцев and in general for some small part of the population (basically man's), for which one the ideal life is a solid game. At the expense of other.
      Certainly, the main(basic) front of resistance to tendered radical shear in theory rights, in legislative and in законоприменительной to practice, undoubtedly, hereafter will be organized by(with) the specialists held by it daily. And they can be understood. And as to all remaining mass of the citizens, the hope is created by(with) that simple fact, that the new rules suddenly should be subject to all and at once, without visible exceptions. But it will happen нескоро. 
    … Perhaps, brightest expression of damage from all it is non-recognition in flow полувека already of history, mentioned by us, of discovery antiseptics with victims by number about 100 млн. чел. The major reason of this damage - absence of a potent lasting field of the responsibility, which one could not and now in mass can not stage ours казуистически бесспросное the insensitive right. The same as today it powerlessly to create a screen, for example, mass of smallest sins of the drivers on roads, or dismissed by magnificent color заразе of computer viruses which are taking away from the people billions of man-hours of on-duty time and billions of dollars and roubles or sluggish occupation of our territory by the persons of the most miscellaneous nationalities... 
      As a result of a perusal all here written the readers can have problem: whether and there is a worthy alternative to the prevailing law, which one would help to remove or even essentially to lower these troubles? You see if her(it) no, бередить ill wounds not that that is useless - immorally; whether there is a solution of this problem? 
      YES, SHE IS, here again already was repeatedly mentioned. 
      On our view, worthy alternative will be revival on the new basis(fundamentals) that was before occurrence(appearance) of the bases(fundamentals) of the Roman Law and that till now there is in many other civilizations ours a pattern: ВОЗМЕЗДНОЕ, or we speak - the reversionary RIGHT, системообразующие it is possible to set up tags which one so: 
1.   priority, and for overwhelming majority of cases - in general alone yardstick at the solution on culpability and about an extent of culpability a parameter(index) of the marked damage to other person, company with simultaneous   by waiving of any link on necessity of definition so-called of legal responsibility as a fundamentals of proceedings. 
2.   assertion to the infringer (infringers) of the responsibility of indemnification(compensation) in the material form(shape) of all marked damage, not envisioning deprivation of liberty as universal method of punishment (except for the persons who have really shown the social danger). Indemnifications(compensation) can be from itself from the colleagues or cognates. Or by the way of improvement on high-gravity - but not humiliating! - activities.
Thus about any to cancellation or about drop of a level of investigatory activities can not be and speech. 
Complementary system principles indispensable for practical implementation of a system of the reversionary Right: 
3.   the writ in the degree of jurisdiction can be sent by any person at submission(representation) of the objective items of information; the claim can be collective for two and more damaged - отграничение will be made during investigatory and expert activities. 
4.   the realization of investigatory activities on the fact of damaging, definition of objects and subjects of deposition, and also realization of expertise with a rating of value of the actually marked damage or damage of potential (risk) can be entrusted to the convener (accredited) on that entitiess (legal person) by court or any of the sides. The realization of the investigatory and expert sides can be accepted by such organization under the own initiative, it is necessary - with engaging for a rating of methods and facilitiess of sociology and социометрии among the applicable quota of the persons in respective conditions 
5.   the solution on sufficiency of the items of information for commencing a suit and for his(its) completion receives court (full court); he is obliged to select this or that version of the concluding by results of a consequent and expertise. Or to offer. 
6.   all persons participating in opening-up and decision marking on particular business, bear a parity liability for damage from this solution, including for the subsequent damage of one of the sides because of delayed stimulation and completion of business, overestimate or underestimation of sums of compensation outside the established permissible boundaries etc. the Solution on it receives the court of appellate jurisdiction. 
      a special explanation requires(demands) item 3 of this list. The necessity it(him) can be explained by a psychophysiological feature damaged, their lack of information or fears for the life, and also features of the affecting factors (for example, their latent or latent nature of effect - radio waves, irradiation, ultrasound...).
      Let's agree with our opponents: yes, some of the existing laws already as though envision indemnification(compensation) material and moral damage. But better they it at all would not do(make)! For only spoil, distort all natural and simple as patterns idea of indemnification(compensation) of damage - return lossed everything, that you have taken away in him(it). By the way, including costs of activity of law enforcement bodies. 
      to company this approach for a long time also is well-known. Up to a uncontrollable spreading in all sides of principles of the Roman Law, we shall repeat, throughout friend for the lawyers - практиков and theorists of the right, for the people and was. And now Operating equally to counteraction(reaction) » still expresses by the well resisted verbal title block such as « or « it is necessary to pay For all », valid even at a level of a lifeless fabric (Third law of Newton)! Practically it quite effectively acts for many peoples, including for a number(series) of the peoples of Caucasus, helping them to survive in hard conditions. 
      what orbs can be enveloped by the reversionary right? 
      the answers to this problem are mirrored in our draft federal law " About social safety and social progressing ", which one actuates original positions by designed our group of the concept of the reversionary Right and are diffused to all kinds,(views,) known for us, of negative effect per capita and company. 
     ... At definition of social safety and social progressing such factors, as are subject to the registration:
  • Rise of threat to life, health, property and personal contributions;
  • Loss of the family provider, other negative factors, foreseen ГК Russian Federation;
  • Material, psychological, temporary and diverse overloads of the person separate groups of the population and company as a whole;
  • Impurity harmful техногенными by chemical agents and biological objects of air, potable water opened basins and soil;
  • Effect of the physical factors: radio waves, radioactive contamination, noise, dust etc.;
  • Sanitary - epidemiological impurity and деэстетизация of territory;
  • Negative effect through all sense organs of the person, including audio, gustatory, visual, olfactory, other socially active factors on physical and mental condition of the person over the established sanitary - epidemiological official and public norms(standards) — of a social background;
  • Delay of treatment, aggravation of illness, including because of an ineffective and incorrect direction of treatment, непредоставления by treating entities of the information indispensable ill or his(its) cognates, other treating entities;
  • Rise of social tension (for example, because of переуплотнения and multinationality of settlement, heightened криминогенности of conditions(situation), dangerous behavior of the domestic animals, drivers of a motor-vehicle transport, off-standard activity of power systems, orb of servicing, state of a municipal infrastructure etc.);
  • Negative informational - psychological effects, including through printing, body and radio program, as a whole from aesthetic, spiritual impurity of the information environment;
  • Misinformation, allocation distorted and false of the information;
  • Education of youth and as a whole companies in antisocial spirit;
  • Distribution(propagation) of antisocial philosophy, which one in the long term can plot to company material, economical, social, moral and diverse damage, social instability, tension and social failures(stalls);
  • Conservation общественно harmful or общественно of useless productions and any activity or artificial termination of activity общественно useful;
  • Fraud of the buyer and seller, including declination to self-deception from undeserved prestige (image) of the producer;
  • Development of an obvious or latent corporate egocentricity by the way of unjustifiable complicating of items and - or of conditions of allocation of services, departmental rules and operating instructions, общественно not conditioned, opened or implicit arrangement of the producers etc.;
  • Delay of patenting and promulgation (publication) of socially significant achievements;
  • Violation(disturbance) of the copyrights, неуказание of a name of the writers of achievements or holders(owners) of intellectual property;
— And also any other factors negatively affecting health, psychological and physical condition of the person calling(causing):
  • Ungrounded drop of a material well-being, spare time,
  • Impairment of a psychological state of the people, оглупление, forfeiting of the people of the right to decide the destiny in a measure of the capacities and, on the contrary, own licentiousness of the people,
  • Peaking of feeling of aimlessness of existence, ненужности for itself, for family or company,
  • Infringement of feeling of own advantage,
  • Spiritual, mental and psychophysiological degradation of the person,
  • Spiritual and spiritual spiritual bankruptcy, including from breaking down of national culture, from forfeiting a faith in the future, in characters, in the resisted inclinings without adequate substitution and (or) psychological indemnification(compensation).
      Easier everything, certainly, now to do without by calculation economical or material damage. But it is all крохи. Already there are communal enough approaches for a rating of social damage (where, for a simplicity, we engage all his(its) "«incorporeal" kinds(views)). 
      the existing legal system anything, except for tension of public attitudes(relations), with itself does not bear. And social losses from   all they was greatest. Therefore, except for and without dependence from usual kinds(views) of expertise of the programs, projects, any novelties (on saving capital and carrying costs, on realizability etc.) now introducing social quantitative (and not just verbally expressed) expertise strongly is required, which one would manage beforehand to forecast, to evaluate and to count all social consequences - positive and negative. Also would express anticipated variations quantitatively, in roubles or in dollars on rouble or dollar of the demanded costs. 
      As it is necessary to value and any reorganization, any electoral programmes of all crews. Now they at its best defend concerns of any social strata ostensibly most offended and degraded, - as a rule at the expense of oblivion of other strata, for which one other crew struggles already... About any public concerns there, сям anything does not flash(flicker) at all. 
      On the fact it means absence of any limitations (bridle) in relation to any scientific, technical, economical and social experiments above mankind - including experiments communist, liberal - democratic and any diverse, the writers and explorers which one - ideologists, scientific, управленцы, chiefs of countries and companies really in any way do not respond for any negative consequences from the shares, including, for predatory destruction of resources(safe lifes) of the nature, at the expense of which one we, purely, and live. And for destruction(annihilation) of a psychophysiological potential of the person - for example, at uninvited expansion чужеродных of the immigrants. 
      If in a pattern instead of the infinite renvois on infinite писаные of a rule of law the well realized and stored rule of repayment of the marked damage, in total material, economical, social, physical, ecological, moral was entered alone..., and resorting from another's countries thus beforehand knew, that on a visit they should wholly pay for all introduced there troubles, and country - exporter, памятуя about necessity to pay damage plotted where that was the citizens, would manage to pose wishing попастись on manicured another's fields the applicable screen - not on political, and on social motives (i.e. to not confuse to the Iron Curtain!), those would run from the country only who wanted to be typed for civilized countries of mind(wit), that itself to become better and then to present something to the brotherhood, it would be absolutely other migrants and all would be then too absolutely differently, including concerning a tolerance, tolerance of the population of countries, on territory which one there is an expansion of the citizens of other countries. 
      existing законодатнльство to envelop all this is unfit. 
To the natural DEATH

    So, we shall not speak about a practical capability   indemnifications(compensation) of plotted damage on the basis of the existing legislation. She is not peer to zero point, but she is insignificant.   she anywhere practically will not be used. And this fiction corresponds with really plotted damage, as today gathered ecological tax with an ecological harm, about 10: 200. In Germanium, by the way to equate ecological tax to "«truth", calling the price for gasoline and 4, and 5 brands, attempted "«Green", when were torn to an authority. And now, having seized, have no political bravery to call more than 2, 4 brands at tax in 2,5 пфеннинга. As any indemnification(compensation) of damage here also does not smell. 
Though it is necessary to say, is, and already for a long time, developed enough method of applications of definition, quantitative calculation of damage economical and material - today it knows how to do(make) almost each second. Lack them, perhaps, in redundant развитости. There are also guidelines on definition of the moral damage - they just on the contrary, are too primitive. All this is. But as the independent argument any respecting itself and science the lawyer trained by the mandatory link to the legal responsibility, voluntarily them does not perceive and to not perceive begins, and the main(basic) front resistance to such radical shear in theory rights, in legislative and законоприменительной to practice certainly will be organized by(with) the specialists held by it daily, which one will experience, that... Something hard, well familiar suddenly leaves from under legs. 
In my disposal(order) there was a recorder recording of conversation with one of the most experienced lawyers, here it(him) we shall not call. Decryption her(it) with some reductions(abbreviations) I shall try out to play back here. From conversation it is possible well to see representative arguments of the representative adherent of the prevailing law. Or their absence? 

... OPPONENT: is a recovery of a principle око for око, eye for an eye, dent for a dent... Two thousand years back mankind from it has refused. (ARGUMENT 1)
Я: Is not "«it" has refused, and to him have refused
THE OPPONENT: - If to speak about distribution(propagation) of the doctrine of the Roman Law (РП), it is an incorrect conclusion(injection), it is diffused to civil attitudes(relations) (ARGUMENT 2), and other does not encompass. There is a tangle: a critic РП is used concerning Criminal law. It is unacceptable, as it is miscellaneous branches of law.
Я: - What I can on it say? At first to me, looking with the side, it is pure all the same (not sitting inside a system). You know, that the system inside itself can not come to self-progressing; to a self-destruction can, to progressing - no. I am quietly referred, if someone outside of a system tenders something native born. I invoke you quietly for this to consider. And the ignorance of the terms is in general twelfth business.
THE OPPONENT: is only so it seems, the incorrect use of the terms results that it is impossible to understand and to make the justified conclusions(injections). (ARGUMENT 3)
Я: - Give about essence we shall talk, instead of about the terms, and I am ready the terms to change though till twenty eight times on one week, if only it was understandable and clearly.
THE OPPONENT: - So no, business that all this is; that you tender, it all is.
Я: - What "«it"?
THE OPPONENT: - Well, there is a mixture(mixing) proprietary and public law, (ARGUMENT 4)   two main(basic) global directions, which one are guided by miscellaneous principles. You criticize РП, but at the same time attempt principles of Roman Private law to distribute to the right criminal. Criminal - branch of public law.
Я: - And say please, unless we necessarily should divide them? What for to us it?
THE OPPONENT: - What for to divide? But even that now in them the miscellaneous principles, miscellaneous approaches are perceived. (ARGUMENT 4) Alphabetical: if in private law so: that is not forbidden, it is authorized, in the field of public, state law this principle does not act, and acts opposite. (ARGUMENT 5)
Я: - So. Well, and what for it is all have invented?
THE OPPONENT: - it is difficult to me to say, but the business in, that was not tangles in the approaches. (ARGUMENT 6) Understand? You there that the dog has bitten the person. We have on it answers. Other problem - definition of a moral harm, method of application of definition of this harm, I would understand it and with pleasure it has seen, mathematical definition, высчитывание of this harm, it yes! But when speak, that we do not have responsibility, - yes there is for us a responsibility! (ARGUMENT 7) Including indemnification of a moral harm and material! There is this responsibility, she is stipulated by the civil right. And in the field of criminal law the responsibility is stipulated by the legislation. Material including, and buy-back, and the application of the civil actions is possible during processes and other, other. Then, substitution of court by certain administrative commissions... (ARGUMENT 8) I do not know, what is it such. More precisely, I know, what is it was earlier...
Я: - they are and now..
THE OPPONENT: - But forfeiting of the person of the right on judicial protection (ARGUMENT 9) that there are any commissions... Administrative production   - not court!
Я: - Артур Евгеньевич, say, please, and protection whom you mean? The one WHO has plotted an offence, was plotted by(with) damage or WHOM are marked. Whom?
THE OPPONENT: - Unconditionally, whom are marked.
Я: - So, and whom this protection is necessary, if damage indemnify completely? To him indemnify, and everything, what for protection is necessary? Who needs this legal proceedings, which one incredibly tightens business?..
      Approximately same arguments were introduced also by(with) many other lawyers... 


      Certainly, main(basic) front of resistance to tendered radical shear in theory rights, in legislative and in законоприменительной to practice, if this shear could take place specialists held by it daily, undoubtedly, will organize. And they can be understood. And as to all remaining mass of the citizens, the hope is created by(with) that simple fact, that the new rules suddenly should be subject (if it is necessary) to all and at once, without visible exceptions. 
      At severe transition to the reversionary Right psychologically by most difficult will overcome waiving the links on the legal responsibility. Besides nevertheless it is necessary to revise and to unitize the existing method of applications of calculation economical and material damage. And it is necessary to input definition social, including social - ecological effect and damage as a certain novelty for the majority. 
As it is possible to see from the elementary example, reduced above with a rating of the moral damage from attack a dog, the method of application of a rating of this damage is rather simple and is universal enough. Even basically. Certainly, the methods of a rating other, not less significant for the person and company of kinds(views) of social effect and damage - for example, from toxic, radiation or wave action, on the order are more complex(difficult), but also they are quite fulfilled. 
      Yes, they keep any equivocation. BUT! This equivocation where is more certain, and the number of methods of a rating in hundreds, in thousand time is less, than the number of those real situations, with which one deals the today's judge and which one he is forced to customize with existing pigs of definitions - articles of huge number of the existing laws. So that many from the judges, whom this свистопляска already for a long time sits in печенке to, after the declaration of the reversionary Right only with facilitation will sigh. Remaining it is necessary переубеждать long and persistently. It by him(it), as колосок in a throat, will not go. 
      the implementation of the reversionary Right, sluggish and installment, can be conducted "«from below", within the framework of the existing Russian legislation, gradual increase of a fraction of judgements with carrying of center of gravity on definition of all plotted harm, it is necessary with usage unified, well verified systems of a complex(integrated) rating of damage. Or "«from above", legislative solution or decree of the President. But in any case necessarily step-by-step and slowly, since actions of proceeding of the least complication with the subsequent biassed discussions in MASS-MEDIA of adopted judgements. Besides to remove any possible(probable) reproaches in discrepancy(inaccuracy) of calculations, in недоработанности etc., it is necessary to start, presenting for repayments lower of the counted values of a sum of compensation. 

        If the implementation of the reversionary Right will begin, there will be reproaches of miscellaneous caliber and nature. Including to the person of the pioneer. Whether it is possible to consider(count) logical, what осмеливается to insist on the new approach and even tenders the solution as though at all professional, and the person, in communal that damaged, endured his(its) disgrace is completely not more than other countrymans?
      For acquitting we shall repeat here once again that from a history is well-known - Маркс it has assigned explicitly and even with humour: -   the most significant, most radical discoveries   in any field(area) do(make) непрофессионалы. The professionals then study them, research, design(elaborate)... Obviously, professionals to see in customary exotic hinders that Маркс when that has called "«профкретинизмом".
      But what me to the engineer, then economist, then specialist under the theory of innovations (новистике), that is formally located outside of an orb of the right, has allowed to approach to this solution?
      is, at first, well-known, paradoxical facts, striking, probably, any normal person, large and small, but infinite on number of cases of mutual damages plotted by us one another, observed personally and told MASS-MEDIAS horrifying and simultaneously ridiculous on the evidence of cases on the right and to the left of us legally not qualified as offences and consequently remaining unnoticed by existing legal system.
      There is an oilpainting full ненаказуемости - no, it, purely, not so it is important, major - full непрекращаемости all these покусов, shocks, theftes, rackets... For many types with pathological psychology the look-alike attacks, probably, substitute act of war, and are for them an acutely indispensable resource of the appendix of the aggressiveness   or licentiousness. Or is simple by substitution of disastrously missing capacities to do(make) общественно useful business, that is implementation ambitious устремлений without real capacities, that is why without an analysis(disassembly) of facilitiess and methods develop   rough activity, общественно harmful including,   - not prohibited, and therefore solved our right.
      And all this unpunishedly only because does not yield to a legal rating and, therefore, does not call(cause) proper response of company.
      Secondly, me desperately was lucky(carried) with my maiden trade, thin and multilateral is a long-distance radiolocation. All of us very much early on technical, concerning simple examples have learned(found out), that such ёмкость and resistance, upbuilding and escape energy opened and closed system, positive and negative feedbacks, classification on speed and many other things, having almost exact clones in the speaker of public attitudes(relations).
      In third - there can be, it even major - personal involvement in several long-time litigations as the witness and indirect spectator - litigations, so by anything and not ended neither for accused, nor for damaged, but demanded   huge gains from all three sides: both it is more judges, and suspects, and ещ ё - lossed.
At last, to reasons that allows me is active to insist on a capability of implementation of principles of the reversionary Right, it is necessary to refer and that fact, that for last quarter of left century we managed well enough to complete and to test on hundreds examples from many branches of a national economy effective enough principles, methods both method of applications of a rating of effect and damage, any, - real (actual) and perspective (potential): economical, material, ecological, social, moral...
      all this so to say, subjective - personal aspect. But there are also other, where more acute reasons for the opponents to marshal potent lines of self-defense: phobia to appear outside of the rallied group those who now introduces idea to company. Certainly, than the introduced idea is less designed, the hopes for its(her) severe perception by company less. But than she is more designed, especially another's feel to her from the very beginning not attracted. 
      In the given particular case not all so. In maiden, even at all дотошности preliminary development of the main(basic) piece of the new right - quantitative rating of all kinds(views) of effect both damage and rich practical expertise of its(her) usage in a System, officially operating since 1994, of certification of quality ССК, the judiciary practice will present mass of problems requiring of the creative solution on whole mass of hard aspects. Them will suffice on all. 
      it is completely clear, that for implementation to the full concepts of the reversionary Right still are required gains many thinking правовиков, practicing lawyers, economists, specialists on social problems - "«социомистов" ("«социомика" - by analogy with "«economy"), people of other specialities on problems, at this stage not completely foreseen. Many from them for last years to decide it was possible, many to decide it is necessary. 
      On an example of the amalgamated calculation of a rank of this achievement it is uneasy also to show, as laurels, if someone at one time will dedicate them, достанутся not to one, not to two, but many specialists who have wished to be involved and to development and implementation ВП, the pioneer among them most likely will be simple затерян. 
      the calculation is made for a definitive stage - completion of development and implementation on three orbs of effect:
      1.   On 100 thousand Russian lawyers: for half from them the direction and performance of their activities at least in 2 times will change, i.e. the annual effect will be equal 0,5 х 100 х 103 чел х 50000 rbl. / years (annual ЗП) х (Е = 2 - 1) = 2,5 х 109 rbl. / years. Full effect for С.М.И.,* = 20 years: 2,5 х 109 х 20 years = 50 млрд. Rbl. (50 х 109). Is an effect for all years of MASS-MEDIA after implementation ВП.
      2.   On 1 млн. Departing term: 106 х 0,5 (the minimum from full number, on which one will influence the introducing of the reversionary Right) х for 5 years of a mean of drop of residual term of the concluding at the expense of indemnification(compensation) of a part concluded of the damage, marked by them, ** х10 т. Rbl. for one year (them СЗП) =1 х 106 х 0,5 х 5 х 104 = 25 х 109 rbl. ***
      3.   On 100 т annually condemned х 0,5 their numbers (as a minimum) х 10 т. Rbl. / year х 20 years = 10 5 х 0,5 х 10 4 х 20 = 100 х 109 rbl.
      calculation of a full potential ПП and relative potential of a software: ПП = S = 175 х 109 rbl. » 6 х 109 american dollars; the software = 6 х109 dollars / 5 х 103 dollars / чел. **** 106/чел., i.e. is a million times more than productivity(output) mean землянина.
      a rank R = Lg a software = 6. On classification ВКК, creative extent of the maiden persons - chiefs of development and implementation « the world-wide academician ».
      On the lower floors - tens other academicians of creative progressing.
      all this - in case of full implementation. At the given stage odds of usage of a potential in = 0,01 - 0,1; R = 4-5

      updating(adjusting) for a case of the subsequent implementation in USA (calculation only on 1-st orb).
For the American lawyers 2 млн. чел. Approximately for 100 etc. / year =2 х 106 х 100 х 103 х 0,5 = 1011доллов х 20 years = 2 х 1012 dollars (for 20 years from a beginning of implementation)
      For USA the stage of full implementation in Russia can be esteemed as full-scale experiment, i.e. odds of usage of a potential в=0,1 *****
      R = 2 х 1012 х 0,1 = 0,2 х 1012, R = 2 х 1011/ 5 х 103 = 0,4 х 107
      R=7,2 - in ВКК the classification of creative extents is absent.

      Now speak about a place of Russia in world community much. Obviously, hereafter she can become a source and polygon for full-scale experiments progressive socially of most significant experiments. The patent system for registration and возмездного of distribution(propagation) of look-alike achievements ещ ё should be created, but е ё of a rule(situation,position) already for a long time are known.

* С.М.И., Term of an obsolescence,   - time, during which one the substitution of the Roman Law on the reversionary Right can be considered as achievement new and useful concerning a status quo of public practice (before implementation of the reversionary Right). 
** At their consent to substitute deprivation of liberty with forward(straight) return (indemnification)((compensation)) of the stayed sums of damage or on hard works,(tough jobs,) indispensable for company. The share single, therefore on С.М.И. Is not multiplied. The complementary economical scoring for the affected party from obtaining sums of compensation is not taken into account(discounted).
*** It is their future(next) ЗП; the made commodity approximately in 2-3 times is more; in calculations too is not taken into account(discounted).
**** Среднегодовая productivity(output) of a human labour at the rate of on 1 inhabitant of the Earth (about 5 х 103 dollars / чел. Year.)
***** « A Rule(situation,position) about a Maximum qualifying commission », Appendix 1, table Р, - IPDA, m. 1996
      As it is possible to see, the creative extents of miscellaneous levels wait tens and tens competitors. The truth, instead of for certain considerable number of thesises executed(designed) on the former basis(fundamentals), which one will be more difficult and more difficultly all for defending. 
      it is possible to understand the specialists, certainly. But early or late all this will comfort, on that is historical examples. Науковеды speak, that before occurrence(appearance) of the Ohm's Law in Europe hundreds plump thesises on the subject of about a ratio of pressure(voltage,stress) and current in explorers were annually defended. The competitors and already defended диссертантами met the novel by a not applause. But the outcome, as all of us know, was « in our favour ». 
      And as to all remaining mass of the citizens... The hope is given by(with) that simple fact, that to the new rules, we shall repeat, suddenly it is necessary to be subject to all and at once, and without visible exceptions. 
      But most important, is necessary to say, that the problems of social safety today are much more perceived, than 5, 10 and the more so 20 or 50 years back, if they then were formulated and are deserted in ours then still very quaggy, unripe company. Clearly взрослеет all world community. Having recollected твердокаменную opposition of USA to all human community concerning policy of protection of an earth climate (and other look-alike финты), whether is surprising, that USA in the beginning of 2001 the places in   have lost;               commissions of the United Nations on human rights? For them it was as a thunder among a clear palate and already for certain has caused(urged) someone in Staffs to muse. It is necessary to express hard reliance(confidence) that per the most nearest years of idea of the reversionary Right for all human community without exception will be perceived as of itself азумеющиеся. But for this purpose it is necessary much to make, since Russia. 

    many prophecies assert(approve), that Russia in 30 years new тысячелетия becomes the most powerful, most attractive country. Of itself it will not happen, such her(it) should be made by(with) we. But really, will ask many, it is possible, that such these people could? 
      That, from a beginning of modification the maiden turn of a phase in us already has taken place. We already not that were in ostensibly « an Aeon of general equalling and благоденствия », pair of decades back. Now each wants and should be necessary even to someone, and it causes(urges) to be, well even to seem better, than you are. Still breed, and it in us will be consolidated. Now it is necessary to learn not smaller - to not put by other of a harm - personally, through the organization, neither whole people, nor religion or religion. 
The implementation of the reversionary Right will allow, will force us literally переродить our psychology from free or involuntary looking up of blanks and capabilities somewhere something to snatch, at any capability to exhibit наглость, or хамство, or, as to the officials, - a night-blindness on a principle full избегания of any forms(shapes) of deposition by other of a harm. 
      whether the look-alike metamorphosises Are possible(probable) within the limits of one breed, one social organism? 
      successes new, but already of reduction medicine, which has well got stronger branchess conducted by the produced surgeon Л.В. ПОЛЕЖАЕВЫМ, (log-book « Miracles and the adventures » №2 for 2001год) assert(approve): YES! NOT a MECHANICAL PROSTHESIS, not чужеродный a transplanted body, and REACTIVATION - third, most effective path in reduction medicine! Л.В. Полежаев has demonstrated: the reactivation of not regenerating tissues for an animal and person is possible(probable), and not only tissues (for example, at a myocardial infarction), but also even of finitenesses, dents, bones of a calvaria... And, as has appeared, it takes place easier and better, than prosthetic repair and implantation. The tissues become здоровее, than were! 
      On the same subject see newspaper « CAN NOT BE » № 112: the Swedish and Israeli scientists possible to deoxidate damages of a spinal cord animal at the expense of reactivation of nervous cages - and you see the capacity this completely has disappeared during changes of aircraft attitude!.. In Novosibirsk proscribe a crab and hepatitis by a method of a hyperthermia, heating a body of the person up to 43,5 grades... Eventually, the scientists have managed to reveal a gene, which one does not allow cages to regenerate. And not only to reveal, but even it(him) to switch off - and thus cages start to grow! 
      So, the reactivation is third, most effective path in reduction medicine. Also it is possible to be sure: in a reduction social orb too: company, social organism, his(its) "«cages" too can regenerate! It the history of many human communities, including has shown to Russia for послеперестроечный period. 
      What is required to actuate this process, to make by his(its) by least morbid? We read one of last articles Л.В. Полежаева: for obtaining reactivation of a not regenerating tissue (for example, at a myocardial infarction) it is necessary to shatter the basic constituents of his(its) connective tissue, to manufacture simplification, as though rejuvenascence them   entitiess. A plus an offloading. So: the demanded rejuvenascence of a social organism by simplification entitiess and "«loadings" also should manufacture implementation of the reversionary Right. 
      At one time it предрекал Иван ЕФРЕМОВ, which one in the novel « the Hour of a buttress » also spoke about « careful observance(holding) in public attitudes(relations) of the third law of NEWTON (operating equally to counteraction(reaction)...), about necessity « divine воздаяния НЕМЕЗИДЫ. 
      the reversionary right, in general reorientation on a rating of any events, any tactics of the people separate entitiess or whole countries through a prism of plotted damage (or brought effect) could already now really help and in the solution of the international conflictings and conflicts of duties. 

      Let's say, already now it is possible quantitatively to introduce damage from incessant motion of mankind to world-wide heating of our surface up to 200-400: for it even if not to allow social, ethical, cultural and diverse factors of a self-destruction of mankind (9 млрд. чел.) at least all social production (now it about 5 х 103 dollars / чел annually. х 9 х 109чел = 45 х 1012). If to section them into number of the citizens of USA - country, which one is unique is failed to reduce(descend) the pressure bumps СО2, and if to take a volume only of annual production - that it there will be a sin of each of the Americans - on 45 х 1012/120 х 106 = 250 thousand dollars / year
It is possible to evaluate and specific зловредное effect incinerated basically in motor vehicles of hydrocarbon fuel. If to start with the data production activity about 9 х 109баррелей annually, having sectioned damage on these barrels, we shall receive impressive digit of potential damage: 45 х 1012/ 9 х 109 = 5 thousand dollars on each barrel of oil, in hundreds times more cost price   its(her) production activities. - such outcomes allows to receive a view from a stand   damage, plotted to us.
      adopted by all peoples, all communities on the Earth, this stand will allow us within the nearest years, as a last resort of decades переориентировать human and state psychology on absolutely new лад - лад mutual ненанесения one another of any damage. It will be by the beginning of droop interethnic and religious розни, wars and conflictings, becoming of a completely new, rather humane civilization on our planet. 
      Now speak about a place of Russia in world community much. Obviously, hereafter she can become a source and polygon for full-scale experiments most progressive socially of significant experiments. The patent system for registration and возмездного of distribution(propagation) of look-alike achievements ещ ё should be created, but е ё a rule(situation,position) already for a long time are known. 
      we at home owe not only master art of market (competitive) attitudes(relations) in a rigid field of self-supply, but also, passing from anisotropic behavior « in an edge(boundarouse) непуганых идиотов », are simultaneously obliged облагородить life by the introducing of a uncompromising field of the full mutual responsibility. For this purpose it is necessary to leave from a liquid broth, from a stochastic set of especially administratively oriented patterns - and to begin general constructing общественно of an effective system of progressing encompassing all and everything, in maiden, competitive (market) positive - developing, and legal negative - stabilizing feedbacks of the mutual responsibility. The path, on which one will go, there should be our civilization from the very beginning of new century. 
     ... The majority, if not all religions a pattern put as a fundamentals of the doctrines love, kindness, compassion: the majority, if not all developed philosophical doctrine contain sections about ethics and morals. All trouble that these major categories of coexisting frequently completely variously are understood. And often are a subject unending philosophical and political debates. However, if to ponder, whether are they reflex by one, absolutely simple essence - непричинения one another? And whether the introducing of the reversionary Right envisioning the forward(straight) responsibility for marked damage, most simple, most universal, most effective resource for achievement of all-inclusive mutual understanding, therefore, will be uniquely? 
      Only rendezvous(approach) of the laws on the natural basis(fundamentals) will put(cause) us to drop of opposition and will slow objective разбегание of races and civilizations, which one now results in awful consequences, to social contrasts, terrorism and т.д.. 
      anybody now can not indicate term, time, when and as there will be a substitution of the former concept of the right on new, gentle developmental врастание of one system in other. But it will happen necessarily. 
      And Russia in it should show an example maiden. 


Минин Б.А.
  the new Duma starts to work. What will be this activity? That it is necessary to make, that it was not a shame with it(her) somewhere there,   in near two-thousand?   - the specialist on upgrading a social production, Chief of Federal Center of certification and president of International Academy of public progressing - doctor of economical sciences Борис And reasons on it. МИНИН

Past Duma not vainly reproached in импотентности. But whether better there was a previous Supreme body?   And up to him(it), almost same? And unless best was even earlier, on the Old floor space? Or that remained from it(her)   now? Has visited there many miscellaneous proposals from different directions by our rich ideas of country. And mine too. The life has shown: many from them very quite good. But all disappeared as in sand water. The uplifted problems are not resolved till now - material was at its best transmitted to the specialists, for which one all facing was as the charge in personal feebleness and, therefore, doomed on oblivion. With the applicable outcomes of progressing of country, all of us, - scantiest 


- Extreme, primitive a little   state regulations, - even there, where the state Machinery is obliged to act: is when the speech goes about those orbs, which one, it is clear, that are necessary to everything, but anybody   separately and, therefore, can not find commercial paths of implementation. It both ecology, and the certification of quality of activity is forced of monopoly services (public transport, link...) and many other things. But anybody anything really will not realise. 
Occasions nothing to undertake always as much as necessary: is not written to the responsibilities,   touch someone's another's concerns (it even more terribly: tomorrow someone will touch yours...); there are no facilitiess, there are no specialists... - want, of these reasons I to you for five minutes of half-hundred shall eject(issue)! No, детишки both for Advices, and the Duma had, but in mass any sickly and impractical, назавтра patched(rectified), adjusted, and then and at all   canceled, извиняемые, indemnified - certainly, at the expense of the budget, i.e. at the expense of all of us. 
Whether it is necessary to be surprised? You see, all as was earlier, so, obviously, and remained: if not same, the same people, same or nearly so same orders, same responsibility for public outcome - any... In such conditions would surprise, I would say - abnormally, unnaturally, if all was differently. 
Earlier, already for a long time, referred to the great Schedule, on the great Directives and on great Кормчих. And, short of the loud shares, down to Афгана, all remained in place .. Today same or same powerless and helpless chorus refer to the Market, which one all can. The guys, entirety! 


The market, which one we have created on an image and similarity of samples, existing in West,   is farthest from an ideal. In a nem the malicious elementss dominate. The customer in a nem is blind and is deaf(indistinct), the progress at a nem is similar more to a zigzag, than on more - less straight line,   There is an impression,   that those,   which one will organize this huge show, which one participate in a nem as the actors, more are amused, than do(make) business, they are more held either strife or dances one another, rather than by something общественно useful. 
Besides this market is unsafe to the nature and people. We already изгадили everything, that could - both in the nature, and in ourselves, we strongly have inserted in ourselves consumer psychology and rigid egoism. With becoming of market attitudes(relations) the corrosion attack dives into more and more and younger cages of our organism... 
Even there, in West, where both the civilization is higher than ours and people more in a civilized way, much clearly, that the real market goes not to an ideal, and from him(it),   е from l and... 
... If instead of implementation of a honest competitiveness that and business, on any channels of the mass information, hear that there were chiefs of such international corporations for the units of such commodity markets on our terrestrial globe; 
... If three jumbos of motor industry already there are a lot of years dead strong brake progressing the electromobile transport, because by him(it) it does not pay to overhaul the production (do not believe - look the log-book " the Moscow reviewer " shortly before closure after assassination of his(its) major editor); 
... If for us on country   насоздавались miscellaneous associations of the miscellaneous producers and almost all by the maiden point have protection of concerns of these producers, - and   not so public; 
... If both in West, and for us the major supplier for company of the information about the made goods and services,   the advertising, - most sure, that does(makes), so it calls the producer, but as features   ладана is afraid - or is simple is lazy -     to ask and to declare true quality made and for damage in any way does not respond; 
... If for all "non-state" stomatologists, which one,apparently, should compete among themselves on quality   and price, price-list unified and nobody in the right to upset it(him), and quality...   it(him) nobody is simple meters. 
... If any mean magazine responds for everything:   for a beginning and extremity of the daily activity,   for the sums (up to rouble) and for terms (about day) payments of duties to the suppliers etc.   - but only not for quality of the commodity. The certificates, demanded for his(its) activity, - only on safety to not confuse them to the certificates of fitness!. In quality almost anybody in anything, as before, is not interested. 
What is this market, if the gears, real-life in a nem, can not help to a customer to distinguish the healthy and useful product from дряни in a beautiful cover? Or if his(its) adherents, ideologists categorically against implementation of the most simple, most effective and most logical gear of suppression all harmful and useless - by full indemnification(compensation) of damage damaged?   Let's remark only: and you see it he has spawned so-called ТОО - company with absolute(absolutely) by limited liability, it when проворовался or проторговался, has translated all property to the wife   - and the bribes are smooth. At the expense of clients. Or: понаобещал in advertising three короба, fraud at the expense of them. It is called the market and democracy. And now and at all ridiculous thing happened. Somewhere enter, we have signed something, and now everywhere are obliged to write:   if made by us contradicts the international norms(standards), priority behind them. Even if ours multiply is more beneficial... 
What is this market, if to realise   fruitful idea, it is necessary years   to go with the proposal on miscellaneous corporations. The writer электрографии some years upholstered thresholds of corporations, while the small "Copier" corporation has not undertaken development. Now she controls 50 % of the market ксерокопировальных of vehicles. It was for a long time. But try today to offer, for example, seller of a music saloon for acceleration of looking up necessary (and for his(its) turn-over!) to make even simple accumulator cell of fragments of hundreds наличествующих of compact discs - you with this proposal to go today not less, than half-hundred years to the that writer электрографии... 
Many from the acts prepared in "реформенный" period in the urgent order and attitude,(relation,) forming in Russia, are farthest from present, even approximated to market, steadied in the majority of civilized countries, called(caused) and call(cause) the extremely negative attitude(relation) of the majority of the population. 
Ours is those, so-called market. 
Between that, satisfactorily working infrastructure and - major - ювелирно the sharpened legislation would allow essentially to smooth reacting company to reforming of our economy, to accelerate its(her) stabilizing and further progressing on the new bases(fundamentals). 
About госрегулировании. Actually for us no special   the legislations adjusting (challenging) our progressing creating of the effective gear progressings. 
But for the people inert, limited, poor ideas and capabilities afraid to lose the alone workstation, precisely working gears, is successful сработанные a universal title block is a knif for a throat. The officer, if near to it(him) on a wall will hang up a ready pig, simple prescription of documents, which one to him should be received, involuntarily thinks: then what for I am necessary?   Then many officers what for are necessary in general, his(its) client - tax bearer will ask. And they in communal will be right. If there will be by those a general rule, it is necessary to keep only those who can work creatively, can without phobia invent the universal prescriptions or even guess up to their instant necessity. And such of own will in the officers do not receive. Therefore, the reasonably compounded(reasonably drawn up) legislation is necessary, it is better direct acting. 

I think, that each of us, призадумавшись, can mark a LOT of ESSENTIAL LACKS   In NORMATIVE SUPPLY of an ORB of PROGRESSING. Some of them within the limits of our horizon: 
1. Unsufficiently spent systems of a rating of public usefulness or harms from the proposals, ideas mortgaged as a fundamentals for upgrading (progressing) of the goods and services, and accordingly scientifically reasonable forecasting(prediction) of the income (profit) from them, and also legal and economical protection of outcomes инновационной of activity (the operational patent system, primitive guards of the copyrights, certification of scientific staff(frames) and proficiency of their achievements etc.) is coarse. 
2. Badly operational system of leaving out of a public about outcomes of production of the goods and services; unjustifiable rise in price of advertising, its(her) primitiveness on a level of selfdescriptiveness for a customer; absence of mandatory national systems of certification of quality of commodity on market space, including at export abroad and import. It is essential дестимулирует strife for quality and reduces(descends) востребуемость of qualitative high technology products on the part of productions. 
3. Practically невостребуемы общественно significant social outcomes of a transactions, which one are necessary as though to everything, but anybody separately. 
4. Vulnerability before the officer practically at all stages of operation инновационных of firms: from registration before liquidation. 
5. Сверхусложненность of the accounts and tax legislation. And as a consequent - huge relative costs of their fulfilment. 
6. Absurdity of the concept of a tax system: deductions established not on consumable resources(safe lifes), and (value-added tax), that   is proportional to outcomes; obviously дестимулирует these outcomes; 
7. Absence of incentives for "рисковость" (privileges at crediting, help for "start" etc.) and at the same time precise responsibilitiess on repayment of plotted damage; 
8. Unadapted for mobile инновационных of patterns and in general, banking system, unfairly expensive(dear) for all of us. 

All this does not allow neither business, nor normal госадминистрации to exhibit even искорки новационного of the approach, present business, it is essential дестимулирует any non-traditional form(shape) of progressing and occasionally   requires(demands) спазматически of pressing revolutions, which one all the same are not in time(caught up) life. It is necessary something to do(make) with the system нормотворчества. In this case speech goes about Duma. The Duma, having yielded on fascinating fairy tales about the ideal market, anything it has not decided and at all did not decide, though proposals was as much as necessary! 
... There are two approaches to forming any collectives: to hope on unique guard ropes of the qualitative candidates or, having recollected, what pliability, what inexhaustible capabilities has the person to lower stiffness guard rope and to stage severe constraints of self-perfecting already in place .. If we want to approximate to an ideal, better, certainly, to use both courses. 
About present Duma - 96 (as well as past look-alike), all to consider изначала. 


Дотошные the journalists assert(approve), that for victory on selection it was necessary to have from one up to five millions roubles for an one-mandate place and something similar - on party lists. Speak are not relevant even a name or biography. Money does(make) all almost automatically. The programs, promising? - Yes you see all of them as the unioval twins: everyone promise paradise earth, it is not less - no more, all against unemployment and inflation, behind patterns and friendship etc. 
Whether it was possible   something to offer on this score? It is possible. Our proposal   the time and on - place was made in -: weeks for three before last selection in Госдуму. 
Now about a nem there is a sense to recollect, for грядут even more accountable elections of the president of country. That we can offer to it   to selection? That     tendered to past — to make it on - scientific. 

For anybody not a secret, that very much many crews, the units are similar against each other, as two drips of water, and differ only by ambitions of the chiefs. To give anything new they more often and do not think. The problem is to force them maximum precisely to exhibit the intentions and to show to the voters, who is who actually. To cause(urge) them it is possible to reveal only in precise problems with the requirement of the precise answers. 
The essence of the offered program consist in development and implementation of methods of objective matching of the party programs on their end result, which one they, instead of usual for this genre of diffused and verbose programmatic documents and slogans, will introduce as the main(basic) outcome (for company). And major (!), without околичностей will indicate:   as, at the expense of whom and at the expense of that he will be obtained. For certain. Also is demonstrative. These rules of the game were adopted not. Избиркомом too. 
So, if is brief, the program " Elections, who is who " includes, major, publication in a broad press of the forms of polling lists (it about twenty problems on the most acute subjects) with the appeal to crews, associations and social movements to fill in them in the preselected volume to the preselected instant and then publication of the items of information from crews (once only or under the order of receipt(entry)) from the appeal to the readers itself to conduct a rating, in their judgement, relevance decided by a crew, unit of problems and     performances of the solutions, tendered them. And all this to take into account at voting. 

We are deeply sure, that hereafter   to crews, motions separate persons the capability enter the main(basic) body of legislation of any country, in our Duma - including, should be given NOT by(with) financial and diverse capabilities of a mechanical set of voices for involvement in pre-election marathon, and   only   availability of the precise programs, projects, ideas of a progressive reorganization of company, same company recognized effective and sold with subsequent stringent (major - material) liability for nonperformance of promisings. 

The program design of comparative analysis of performance of practical intentions of different electoral associations is made with engaging of the specialists of International Academy of public progressing, Federal Center of certification, Center of social-political studies of Institute of microeconomics Минэкономики of Russia and advisers of Presidium of WOUNDS, Russian Center of electoral know-hows Центризбиркома, log-book "Expert", employees of a number(series) of the newspapers. The material was dispatched to the solid newspapers. Whether solidly they to this came, not having published anything from offered, is a problem. But to following scale selection such approach is necessary that became mandatory. 
So,   something reasonable to offer about   entitiess of reasonable selection   it was possible. Rigid selection(sampling) of the deputies by yardsticks of public usefulness has not quitted, There were hopes for springs the ambassador. 



  promised at its best wait for three years. And there and new Duma structure... And again all will begin at first. Therefore, the permanent gear of selection(sampling) and major then constant "подпруживания", without dependence is necessary from that, elections it in Госдуму or in domestic Municipality, president or chapter of administration, the deputies it will be from "Apple" or from "Pear", from a crew Зюганова or itself Зюганов personally from themselves. 
Hope for that the new members of new Duma are not too spoilt yet, that they are as though sterile, are very small. And not the sterility is necessary, and art of strife - but for общественно-significant outcome, instead of for itself. All of us is fine we remember, that the past structure of State Duma has gained the activity of the beginnings from heroic strife for a level of the own salary and brilliant victory. It would seem, that victory will suffice on many years. It would seem, to our new Duma at once and to undertake business. Ан no, now she has taken   by a sharing of parliamentary seats and regroupings. 
  That, if hard and fast rules of the game, major - precise incentives   no, it should be expected. In the people often speak that the Duma неэкономна, that she much ест, that the salary there is more ministerial... To entirety! Let she for them under ten millions, let on all about all this one hundred billions. But what is it in comparison with one hundred billions, on which one Duma наввела of privileges   and, it is necessary to hope, on not the smaller sum of other businesses - if only useful! How to stimulate only useful? 
... The connoisseurs of foreign countries tell, that the difference between german restaurants, and in general between western german cities 60 and 70 years strikes. In the maiden case both mud, and callousness - and it despite of german qualities! In second is a purity, accuracy and politeness. All this, as assert(approve), only that the germans have guessed, were typed of mind(wit) and boldness to enter where it is necessary elementary incentives and sanctions. Same and in Hungary, but there shear has taken place of years on ten later - this I there was a witness. The outcomes, whether know, were rather visual. Yes, the incentives can make miracles. Not without reason speak: " to operate(control) - means correctly to stimulate. " 
It is the capitalist formula of control. To within sense she corresponds(meets) " to the maiden principle of socialism " if to take it(him) in correct transfer(translation): " Each on capacity, each by results of a transactions ". Contrary to prays of 17-million chorus of the communists schedule, кормчий could not become тысячерукими and тысячеголовыми and operate(control) all and all. But the blind faith in this philosophy has deprived many from us of sober mind(wit). 
We should study to do(make) gears of progressing. Economical gears of social and economic progressing itself. 
By the way, Ленин more than once and not two required(demanded) of the economists to create a parameter(index) of progressing of socialist firms (them "index-number"). To create and to enter everywhere. Alas, the economists it have not made. Though already then it could be made. Can be, having taken self-progressing under оком of this meter, yes under a press of the present strong incentives, which one those years were rather rigid, we not погрязли in a swamp ideological болтологии and not профукали fine socialist idea, having intimidated her(it) almost all of patterns and having tainted life to the population on 1/6 parts of an earth land. 


In USA, as assert(approve) American медики, 30 percents of impotents. There can be, for us as much - an essence not in it. Essence that nine of ten impotents - moral, instead of physiological. Certainly, for many from us is a prohibition of the nature, it most likely, absence of the rights репродуцировать to itself look-alike, to have bad or freaks, that is why this phenomenon   it is necessary to consider(count) as the great value. For remaining is the absence of the applicable incentives is simple. Травка or шпанская the fly is from crafty, it is all a substitute. It is not necessary to wait good children, that is worthy outcomes from for them. Anything except for the freaks, will fail. 
To learn(teach) itself   to exhibit, the present, natural incentives, instead of counterfeit, not порнографические of a card are necessary. The life, if by and large, is not the game, and ruthless strife - strife for life, for a nation, for country -   and for mankind, if the speech goes about global debacle. And bad, without the rules, own policy, i.e. - дурство one person or one crews, and the more so one body of legislation even " in one separately to taken country " quite really can reduce in a full confusion and   to downgrade. And to full безрезультативности. Ostensibly from powerlessness. 
Let's recollect words of great Russian classics two major troubles in Russia - bad roads and fools. And you see классик obviously has played a cunning trick! It was correct to go in generalizing   hardly one is farther also to raise above other... But such   whether under the nature дурачок ours Иванушка? If to speak by the modern terms, all business in incentives. It is clear, that for each people they should be, special. The great incentives, as speak, do(make) great businesses. Let's ask by results of, outcomes and we shall receive. It will not be a shame with children from such transformation. 
When me speak: I can not, or: they can not, I recall uncountable vivid examples of unique human capabilities in extremal situations. Something close to an extremum, on my view, can and should create the correctly organized incentives in new Госдуме. 
  who would undertake for major, for   these rules, yes such narrow, such close and such unequivocal(unambiguous) what to disappear anywhere to anybody it would be impossible. Only to move forward, on rails of public progressing, only to the value of company, which one feeds all of us. 
Here there is, certainly, one "but": and from the theory of systems, and from public practice is well-known,   that any system itself for a hair to drag from a swamp to develop, even on millimeter to be shifted NOT in the concerns, basically can not. Well, is simple be unable. All this is capable to make only надсистема. Or rigid environmental conditions: war, debacle.... Or - legislatively gated in incentives. They can be same on force, as debacle. And same destructive. Or creative - depending on a vector of concerns those who them creates. Нормотворчество, therefore, process more than accountable. Let's suspect, have accepted the law   or have elaborated the method of application, and in them have entered a superfluous multiplication sign - and all country will begin senselessly тысячекратно to multiply; not учли something most effective at present - and thousand time any effect country will receive less. 
It is necessary damage from it to cause(urge) legislatively to allow. The purpose by this legislative удавки for Duma is, that such miscalculations should to reduce to minimum. 
But if we shall recollect, that the Duma is the body of legislation, the business starts to seem practically remediless... 
However, some hope nevertheless is. At first, it is effective presidential "veto". Though they are overcome is rather foolproof, especially well organized a lobby (would say earlier: кодлой). The president can go and on greater: to fill up country with the decrees and to enter one communal order about the responsibility for that, other, third kind(view) of violations(disturbance) and major - to accept the decree about a rating of an overall performance each думца... 
But you see it would be not absolutely fair. Business that except for Госдумы нормотворчеством in country hundreds collectives, tens thousand people are engaged, and any such bridle for them no. Than the Duma is worse than them? And than its(her) gross errors are more terrible, than gross errors of the officer who is not missing(skipping) общественно the useful proposal with social or an economic efficiency in a pair of billions of roubles? Or newspaper which has dismissed lie on two million of the readers? Or, eventually, of operatings of the gang which has erased one hundred of the hostages? - 
Certainly, all these berries almost one fields, and each should bear, responsibility, applicable to the personal contribution. The unified Law therefore is necessary, one on all - and behind the price here it is impossible to stand. It will be the Law on full remedial from wrongful acts, missed profit (effect), misinformation and non-optimum нормотворчества. And   in bridge to him of the same scale   the law on self-management. Let's begin from last. 


Is understood as strong-willed regulation of domestic businesses by domestic bodies(organs) in a counterbalance(balance weight) central more often. Though it is necessary to pose it(him) much more widely: control both domestic, and central problems by people. That we tendered for entitiess of selection, is a small piece of the present self-management, present open market of the proposals. 
If on presidential selection suddenly have conquered so-called "left-hand", they could take into account very much much positive, that is reached for last years. There was a president - democrat, and him to not ignore lessons of the left-hand attacks, which one were on business. But reliance(confidence) of it, naturally, no. Means, each of them would not hinder to begin to adjust gears regular   the registration   judgements of the majority of the population. 
That for us (and in general in all so-called civilized) was placed(installed), is called as representation democracy, the lacks by which one are too well-known. Obviously, it is time to pose a problem on full scale implementation for us in Russia of idea " of forward(straight) democracy ", "direct control" - that is implementation as a usual, regular procedure of decision making by people all more or less fundamental issues, - in those volumes, which one encompass his(its) concerns: if within the limits of several kilometers - population on these kilometers, т. е. A microdistrict or settlement, if fields(area) - means by the population of all field(area), if national, by all of us. And more hundreds problems! 
It is not necessary to refer to our technical backwardness or   that the people "will not understand". Selecting(allocating) huge facilitiess for creation of an expensive system "ГАСВЫБОРЫ", we guessed, that she will decide and current problems of our life. The present self-management too. About same tendered Росс Pen on past presidential selection in USA. It партийцы, naturally, have not admitted. Including, and with the link to dullness of the American people. 
As to dullness of our people, if we shall show him, and he will manage to be convinced, that from him(it), from him(it) basically the conditions of his(its) own life and depend what in it it(him) nobody deceives, the people itself on own expertise will learn the responsibility in the solutions. For is quick(rapid) will experience on the skin drama, and can be and tragical consequences of the passivity and short-sightedness. To the people, is more exact by all in this or that problem interested, it is necessary to undertake "control panel" instead of today's dead expression " of social tension " and acute charges in all mortal sins of the democrats, сталинистов, red - brown, miscellaneous statesmen and all state as a whole - everything, except for itself. So is. So be does not owe. 

But if we shall keep in an invariance our system of administration of government - legal system first of all, - any forward(straight) democracy any direct control will not work. The officer, scientific, lawyer always will have capabilities to distort any national solution under pressure of those or diverse groups or crews. Or is simple to play in independence. 
To hold down in good тонусе all wishing irresponsibly   to play independence (from concerns of the people) officers, of the scientists or правовиков the mentioned general LAW On FULL INDEMNIFICATION(COMPENSATION) of DAMAGE FROM WRONGFUL ACTS, MISSED PROFIT (EFFECT) could already, the MISINFORMATIONS And NON-OPTIMUM НОРМОТВОРЧЕСТВА - to hold down for certain where are more sick, than the present legislation promising administrative, civil, criminal and any(everyone) other малоэффективную "responsibility" for numerous is complicated эксплицированные of a sin, misconducts and crimes. 


However,   requires(demands) more in-depth consideration. 

There are many kinds(views) human баловства, from small-sized, ostensibly harmless, up to rather large and sensing, which one exist only because nobody will guess to calculate from them damage by other and to show the score for payment. 

You will say: огрехи in the proprietary laws? - But them and so huge number. It is abnormal, when comes nearer to infinity. But you see something   it is necessary to do(make)! 
The acts of petty self-satisfaction of the officers, days, and that and months not executing any insignificant help;   very much накладны also are unpunished for an environment and for the population автолюбительство, рэкет, рокет, the "loud" workmanship in multi-storey transaudient houses (and is simple in a quiet agricultural street), rip-off of the books from the library and for the hosts (on a visit), loud clearing up of attitudes(relations) in a court yard, trucks, night газующие for windows of apartment houses, ostensibly harmless amateur   собаководство: from becoming usual обгаживания of vacation spots, lawns, beds and scroll bars up to shocking облаивания and fatal покусов. 
Impressive examples almost that daily and already almost customary to us of cases of damaging remaining without owing indemnification(compensation): 
 ... Шестиклассник has written a slip about заминировании of a building of school. Two educational days for полутора of thousand schoolboys are lost. And the parents have involved(attracted) only in the administrative responsibility. And schoolboy - to complementary lessons on Russian (as in a slip there were many errors) 
... The inspectors in the underground have beaten the elderly person - for him(it) was not at itself of the pension book. The responsibility - only for an exceeding one's authority, disregarding of damage. 
... It is necessary such to invent computer effractions, theft and brigandage, irrevocable pension funds, новомодные of a pyramid so-called limited company (it!). 
... MASS-MEDIA do not bear any responsibility for a dissemination of information of doubtful veracity. In particular(personally), for mismatch of true consumer properties (performances) to advertising. 
... Ненаказуемо взламывание of computer programs: there is no applicable legislation.... On these crimes the complementary legislation is prepared, but is not yet known, how it will be made, whether there will be there true output on damage is a problem. 
... Annual покусы dogs in Moscow are of 16 thousand lossed - here both physical, and economical, and moral damage. For this subject (Wireless of Russia, 5, 1996г.): the boy in a park was attacked by(with) dogs of the host growing them for sale. They have removed from the boy a scalp, and with strong покусами it(him) have flown in hospital. To salvage it was possible, but many months of treatment are expected. The necessary article of the law for punishment of the holder(owner) a dog, as has appeared, no. Whether see, all is returned on good will of the hosts these зомби! Specially dangerously загаживание dogs of children's platforms and basins is a direct path to contamination of an eye.... 
- Consequent of "harmless" entrainment. As has appeared, people, assert(approve) the specialists, prone to involuntary passion to an animal,   usually to dogs, have quite definite alienations, the mutual coding(code) one another - and will be derivated a unseparable pair(vapour,couple) зомби, not capable to live the friend without the friend. For the hosts " seized the dog ", notes sharp waist own мировосприятия, drop of humanity in attitude(relation) to short-range, obtusion of confessor (in a counterbalance(balance weight) чувственности) etc. 
To tear up such mental pair кнутом is to cut on living. Only economical measures, and strong enough - for example, requirement of repayment of a lien (fee), equal mean damage from покуса a dog (at a today's course it not less some millions), requirement выгула of dogs in specially constructed собаководами the fenced zones outside of dialogue with the normal people, scroll bars with detecting instruments of a urine, with an immediate stop in any place (and with   by the applicable sanctions if there is militia, or, as a last resort, with smoke pots which are operating automatically)... 
Whether and much we do(make) for дестимулирования of impurities ambient cреды? Damage   from are harmful of habits, customs and industrial practice we to itself is sometimes simple we do not present,   If to consider(count), that in Moscow of 1,5 million motor vehicles, and that on them in the sum is necessary about 85 % of all pressure bumps in an atmosphere, outgoing from general value of 15 billions roubles annually to damage to the population (under the data of telemarathon "2х2" 2.02.1995 years) only economical damage compounds 150 млн. Dollars, i.e. in the prices of 1996 - about 1 billion roubles.) the Full social - ecological damage for the inhabitants in calculation on one motor vehicle compounds about 9 millions roubles. Certainly, for the holder(owner) of the automobile this value more than is significant, and to present her(it) for payment immediately in no event it is impossible. Obviously, it is necessary to act(go) how the Japaneses in relation to pressure bumps of the Japaneses in relation to pressure bumps of the Japaneses in relation to pressure bump annually. 

In effect,   the speech goes about shift of the doctrine and, accordingly, concept of our legislation. 
It is considered, that principles of our legal system   close   correspond(meet) to principles of "Roman LAw",   steadied more than two thousand years back. An adding up system of the rules of law,   founded on these   principles, actuates huge,   precisely not taken into account(discounted),   quantity of the rules of law, acts, laws,   since the Corpus Юстиниана (533). Already   then   his(its) volume compounded about 120 printed sheets.   Now he, apparently, in thousand times more. Such volume of the legal acts bodily is conditioned by the essence of the given system ("Roman Law"). 
In correspondence   with   by principles of "Roman LAw",   the legal proceedings actuates following in bridge and sequentially conducted   a procedure: персонификация   particular acts   - installation of the person of the offender, criminal; identifying of an offence by confrontation (up to the character) with a particular rule of law and through it(her) - fixing a sentence. 
All this is essential, for months, elongates a procedure, multiply удорожая her(it) and disastrously reducing(descending) performance of punishment.   this maiden. But not major. 
Besides the concentration of a уголовно-criminal member of a miscellaneous extent криминальности creates the real reasons for "exchange" of criminal expertise and recess of feeling озлобленности to all company. That the deprivation of liberty for departure of punishment for the majority is offensive, it restrains the rights and freedom of the person, degrades the person and, as a rule, does not reach the ultimate goals: corrections, re-education and preventive maintenance of unlawful conduct. Besides thus practically damage lossed never is indemnified and is accomplished large costs to clerical work - to clerical work - to clerical work - to clerical work - to 
We should only introduce: more than two thousand years, i.e. in hundreds breeds, the people were educated not on principles ненанесения one another harms, and on art it(him) to disguise, on skill to not qualify as any to punishing article of the law - which one though also set, but nevertheless not the infinity, and any extensive законотворчество is not capable to be in time(catch up) for   by really developing company, 
It is not necessary to overlook(forget) and that stipulated fact, that the legislators, held by casuistry, and initiators of the laws, lawyers are actually eliminated from the active process of prevention of crime and could there return in case of essential simplification of legal proceedings. 
Certainly, the Roman Law, having arisen more than two thousand years back, long corresponded(met) to those sluggish rates of growth of company, which one was representative of the majority of countries down to the extremity of our century. 
Now pace of life was sharply accelerated: on a volume of the made information - in hundreds time, on population shift, especially international, - in tens time. From here, clandestine, antisocial and criminal activity multiply was increased. All by it fatally is not in time(catches up) the legislation, which has stiffened in the bases(fundamentals). 
Purely, the mismatch of the legislation to our time was possible to note for a long time, some decades back, but we   were (and while we remain) in a film of customary submissions(representations). The legislations of miscellaneous countries, if were perfected, only on   the lower floors, in details. The natural professional flywheel action (inertness) did not allow to pose a problem on revision of the supreme concept. But not having decided communal, we, as is known, shall be about him(it) permanently спотыкаться. It is necessary to change concept, communal approach to a problem of fixing a sentence, definition of the responsibility. 
Actually there is a problem of perfecting of the existing concept of a legislative system of our company, and is unique, that today it is possible is severe to esteem as its(her) worthy alternative, so it is a principle of indemnification of the marked damage, principle of "reflexivity". 
The implementators of the concept of "reversionary rIght" outgo from that nude fact, that variety of kinds(views) of damage and accordingly of ways of his(its) definition multiply (in hundreds, if not in thousand time) it is less and easier, than the number of real situations, on which one according to the requirements of the existing legislation, founded on the Roman Law, should be formulated the charge. The "reflexive" right, as against Roman, guesses (at conservation practically in an invariable state of a procedure of investigation and consequent) variation of status quo of legal proceedings, including substitution of usual punishment by full mandatory money, material, labor and diverse indemnification(compensation) of damage   Lossed (natural or legal person) and all costs of clerical work - indemnification(compensation) from the side personally guilty, group guilty (till them " to coefficients of individual share "), partners, probably, their cognates and even of countries, if the business will touch international crimes. So, the speech goes about unconditional and full indemnification to the citizens, in general to natural and legal persons of any damage, plotted by him,(it,) -   material,   social, social - ecological, moral, - including from wrongful acts, missed profit (effect), misinformation   and non-optimum нормотворчества 
Pronounce about full and unconditional exception of any damage: from a pollution of the environment, from покуса of dogs, from missing per day or for month of the salary..., and on our eyes our life will begin to become better, more purely(more cleanly), is more humane... 
The truth, transition to one more effective reflexive (is possible even to say: "Russian", as against "Roman")   the concept, among other things, was braked by that down to 80 years there were no reliable and enough all-embracing methods of definition all or even of main(basic) kinds(views) of damage. 
Boom at 70-80 гг. With generation of tens method of applications of a rating of innovations (subject very close) in mass has ended in anything. The apparent simplicity was a fraud, the problem has appeared by extremely complex(difficult), specially for fundamental activities, inventions and discoveries, for which one essential the potential effect, how much prospects, term of an obsolescence with allowance for both initial performance, and level of novelty, and even of a creative level is not only actual and at all so much. By us all this was resolved. But is specially active by us the methods квалиметрии, including with allowance for of proprietary factors of effect and damage, including ecological - but, truth developed in concerns of current practice of certification of quality of the goods and services (activities), excluding while damage moral. 
So, now metrology of social and economic damage is already quite prepared for problem solving of indemnification(compensation) of damage, which one there can be a judiciary practice. The business costs(stands) behind the applicable progressing of legal problems on the basis of the new concept - "REFLEXIVE". 
For the legislators it means literally following: if you, your command, your organization send for limits of the rights, that is have committed wrongful act, - please, pay damage to everyone, whom he is marked to (if he is marked); if you, your organization have postponed and have laid up новационный the project, and the company thus has received less than effect on any significant sum, you from the bin, from a bin native and close should pay this sum; at last if from several normative bills, any point of any statutory act you selected not best, you with all your command, with everyone, who designed(elaborated), received and signed the project, it is necessary to pay that has received less than company. How to pay is already your care. The severe rules of the game are those, which one to us for severe social progress should be accepted. Certainly, it becomes a little bit more boring to them госметодологам to live, they become as though someone's trailing-edge piece, instead of head, but what concerns of several tens or hundreds in comparison with concerns of millions? 
Adopted by all peoples, all communities, this policy will allow us   within the nearest years, as a last resort of decades переориентировать our psychology on absolutely new лад - лад of mutual respect one another on is true to human qualities, on public usefulness made to render to each on the present talents and capacities. It will be by the beginning of a completely new civilization - Civilizations of Human Revival. 
The law on full indemnification(compensation) of damage will affect field(area) of legal relations in all fields(areas) of a social production and simultaneously life more than half of population, essentially will accelerate reacting company to perfect misconducts, crime, will lower their number to percent true психопатологии. The truth, he will limit the incomes and prestige definite (and considerable) circle of the citizens, and consequently hardly probable will take root easily and is simple. But the Legislator should on him(it) go. 
Thus per the most nearest years should completely be rebuilt законодательнная and normative - methodical base of expertise. 
For all are known today's up to ridiculous ugly fads of expertise of miscellaneous structures(profiles): patent, technological, ecological expertise of any state institutions, charitable funds... - expertise, which one in hundred крат fans every possible finess, but in any way does not want (or can not) ask and answer is simple and it is clear: what costs and what outcomes of any project. 
And you see main(basic), ultimate goal of expertise of any projects - технико-technological, town-planning, normative... There should be a check of a ratio of outcomes and costs, since major - from forecasting(prediction) and quantitative rating of any consequences from implementation of any projects, especially of socially significant initiatives and social programs... 
It is obvious, that the implementation of the Law about full indemnification(compensation) of the marked one another damage essentially will reduce sequential queues and in the experts,   both in the officers, and in the scientists, and even in the presidents. But business not only in it. The working appendices for such law - huge quantity. There are indefinitely much concerning simple problems and rather clear solutions, which one, that is called, lay on a surface, problems, the social order for which one, however, is huge. Let's show this stratum of a so-called fines on several examples. 

Among these appendices there is also SCIENCE, any инновационная activity. 
In communal and whole science, any transformations(conversions) are necessary to the people, company in that volume and so, as far as structurally they change a social production - material, social, scientific..., that is, is coarse speaking, provide to production the greatest scoring per unit of the costs - as of today and, major, on a far outlook. While favourite operational mode of our scientists - exploratory. Without a hint on the practical appendix of outcomes of their transactions. Mahlo that, science academic requires(demands) of the Legislator to free her(it) from the responsibility for any consequences from its(her) activity. 
From science   economical we have the right to expect - and already very much for a long time - introducing общественно of an effective system of a self-rating challenging her(it) to not cling for own dogmas, and compelling, forcing is quick(rapid) to go forward, to give общественно the relevant outcomes. And she till now still digs in the costs. Yes, we for this purpose should rebuild much: both manufacturing reference points, and scientific method of applications, and even ours миропонимание, зашориваемое until recently by all by ours is coarse материалистическим by education. But without it we further cannot live. Without such reorientation instead of rapid motion military, диктуемой by class inconsistencies and national hatred, we, земляне for a long time shall stick in a track of rapid motion other, not less exhausting - economical, the conditions will dictate to which one not less pernicious human defects: Envy, competing in модности, петушиные of the game in престижность - and from here prolongation of intensive destruction of natural resources, human kindness, creative energy...- Everything, at the expense of that lives and the mankind develops. 

It is necessary to say, natural resources, in general   the environmental FACTORS suffer from all by ours of a financially oriented Civilization to no small degree. The nature can not bear an offloading, which one we tender to her. We take from the nature too much and is too active her(it) we contaminate. We become the hostages of own psychology - rotten   and faulty. Our children will better. But we should not keep by him(it) a naked desecrated planet. And that is definitive her(it) to not taint, we should urgently take measures, enter economical gears, is active challenging social progress oppressing any unjustifiable costs and растранжиривание of natural resources, including resources(safe lifes) of clean air, water alone, clean soil. 
As of today, when we have refused the military doctrine and administrative policy, there is only one - all the same logical and quite effective policy for active constraining ours unbridled аппетитов and безалаберности:   п about l н and I   repayment   to and д ы m   from us not only consumable resources(safe lifes), but also     l ю about г about   damage, which one we plot one another,   in   т about m   number through impurity of an environment. I.e. by results of. 

All of us did not recall outcomes 70 years. The whole seventy years we, as very well know, lived on absolute(absolutely)   a wasteful principle. About a nem even rustled, in a nem even reproached, - truth not the ideologists of a crew, and   the economists. Really, the word "outcomes" for them was in general as though custom проклятьем.- By the order of the same ideologists. It was possible even to think, that about them have forgotten. And on you: has appeared, that   it at all so. When the speech, already today, has gone about taxes, them, these taxes, suddenly at once, have placed(installed) " on the added value ", i.e.... On outcomes! 


  - It anybody never learns. Yes now it also has no value. Done. But if above writing and signing the solutions on the introducing of the VAT hung(hovered) Дамоклов меч of payment for damage from that overlooked effect, which one is real дестимулирует " tax for the accessory cost ", somebody somehow yes would guess up to such simple problem: and why, purely, taxes for outcomes?   Why not on the costs? Not that you потребляешь - fuel, forest, water...? This concept for a long time punches to itself a road, her(it) not I have invented. What, it is difficult to be decided on it(her), because, " not how for all "? 

PROBLEM On the TAXATION very morbid. In a nem, as is known, two sides: "how much" and "as". The second side is most morbid just, it would seem little significant, but silly inflated, is far-fetched переусложненная... - is abundantly clear, that all this only thanking "lacks of jurisdiction" of the Ministry of finance, in a favour of well browsed(viewed) chicken care to save number and "relevance" of the staff(frames). 
It is possible and it is necessary considerably to simplify a system   charges and collection   taxes and mandatory payments with sharp reduction(abbreviation) бухотчетности - and for everything, and not just for very small enterprises. Thus the manpowers of army of the accountants will decrease, there will be a significant(sizeable) liberation of energy of the workers of a tax system, the capabilities for suppression of taxes will sharply be diminished. 
The introducing " of the resource taxation " in the long term is necessary, i.e. to envision to levy not on the added value,   not on outcomes of a transactions, and on the costs, on consumable resources(safe lifes). For firms the incentives for rise outcome will appear. Rather the reverse. 

So, the new Duma continues the activity. Among infinite number of active tasks she can pose before herself and principled problems, problem of progressing of human community for many years and decades forward. 

  • About a state rating of a public (social) overall performance of entitiess, corporations, public associations, all бюджетно financed, all entitiess, declaring about the social directivity, and receiving thus any dividends, moral - at all events, same rating the activity госслужащих, as a whole of state machinery requires(demands) also;
  • About certification of quality of commodity (goods and services) and about   mandatory ecological certification;
  • About full indemnification(compensation) of damage from illegal activity overlooked effect (profit), misinformation and non-optimum нормотворчества;
  • About full self-management and transition to " of forward(straight) democracy ";
  • About a procedure of selection in government bodies and liability for nonperformance of pre-election pledges;
  • About the introducing of a system of full objective certification of creative, scientific staff(frames), scientific collectives and scientific entitiess on общественно to oriented yardsticks both proficiency of scientific and creative achievements on an extent of their public usefulness;
  •   about installment management of the resource taxation,
  •   about a liability for damage from mismatch of actual consumer properties (performances) - promoted.
Therefore the positive solution of a problem, put by us, about creation in Госдуме is represented, that at Committee on safety (В.И ИЛЮХИН, П.Т. БУРДУКОВ) Expert council on social safety and social progressing more than is actual. Problems of this Advice 
Detection of a capability of occurrence(appearance) and analysis of social damage, incidentally or designedly plotted to company by the separate citizens, state patterns, entitiess, and also citizens one another owing to wrongful acts, and also development of the proposals   for his(its) preventing — including by updating(adjusting) the applicable sections of the parsed bills. 
Any kinds of damage from any kinds противообщественной of human activity will be allowed. The detection and analysis of latent defects in already laws in force, rule of laws, in social gears and social attitudes(relations) and creation of the reasons for depressing the factors and phenomena calling(causing) a misinformation, оболванивание, forfeiting of the people of the right will be conducted to decide the destiny in a measure of the capacities and, on the contrary, social instability, tension and social failures(stalls) in company, spiritual, social and biological degradation of the person etc. 
The development of the bill " About SOCIAL SAFETY And SOCIAL PROGRESSING " is now carried out(conducted), one of rules(situations,positions) which one states, that scientific studies, all spent and sold on the budgetary funds, and developments, in general all innovations, administrative, financial and other solutions, including bills, in due course will be obliged to go on social expertise on a capability of occurrence(appearance) material, psychological, временны'х and diverse negative consequences for the person and company, on a capability of impurity by chemical agents of air, potable waters etc. it is and more envisioned idle time, but fixed rule: unconditional indemnification(compensation) guilty any, including social damage (in fractions of fault). But also hard repayment for effect. 

The full scale solution all these large and small общественно of significant problems   will be made only in new тысячелетии, at its best - within the maiden ten-twenty years. But to start these activities it is possible and it is necessary already today, in large and small orienting on alone yardstick - public usefulness tendered and reached. 
If only to not do thus of the children - freaks. Differently it is better to not start at all. 

The member   expert council Boris A. MININ
Ph.:241-39-03. The fax: 241-38-08. E-Mail
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