The durable enough acquaintance to teaching materials, programs and
methods of activity in our high school results in following conclusions(injections):
1. The primary attitude of the writers of the tutorials, selection(sampling)
both opening-up of methods and method of applications of teaching and education
in high school pledging the foundation of all subsequent life of the person,
is now made by yardsticks, more than far:
From a level of education, formation, приличествующего to the beginning
XXI of century;
From a real level of psychophysiological progressing of the modern schoolboy
both his(its) competence and knowledge;
From capabilities granted постперестроечным by time;
From masterpieces « of refined literature » of the classic literature
and best modern literature.
There are quite definite suspicions, that the educational and methodical
literature forms and is taken by the people which are not presenting the
responsibility of company and own for this stage of forming of the person.
The process of such creation, is released on the absolute, unmonitored
state freedom. In outcome, from many schoolboys grows ripe a weed общественно
fruitless, without the expressed need(requirement) for a transactions,
without excess of feelings of patriotism or sober internationalism, without
thrust(link) to creative understanding and creation of an actuality - that
is without those qualities, which one are best, it is more effective than
all взращиваются per children's years, since desires to independent study
by those by schools, those by the teachers, which one know how to do(make)
teaching interesting and useful.
Only school, at correct usage of capabilities of these years, can and
is obliged to neutralize lacks of family education. Now they are specially
increased by an orgy of market attitudes(relations) and монетаризма, that
quite naturally carries on to эгоистичности, ленивости, рвачеству, aggressiveness,
to the statement(confirmation) of hopes in the young people on a case,
good luck, scoring - instead of the bet on an own transactions, persistence
and creativity. It the school just also does not educate - largely on fault
of the fruitless tutorials and applicable methodical installations tendered
to the teachers, and also because of incompetence, low professional level
of teachers, in many respects instituted(spotted) by their low-level wage
and other objective reasons.
2. much that here is said, concerns first of all learning
Russian literature. There is an impression, that for the writers of
the books under the literature from defections of own education or from
the subsequent own underdevelopment (or for any other reasons) the persevering
reluctance was approved, to call for the schoolboy thrust(link) to Russian
literature. The schoolboy, honestly elapsed course of the literature, formally
knows that were and there are such writers and poets, as Ampere-second.
Пушкин, Н.В. Гоголь, В.В. Маяковский, А.А. Ахматова, С.А. Есенин, Максим
Bitter, К.П. Паустовский, Игорь of Talcums, Евгений Евтушенко and many
other. But their products are presented in such kind(view), that начисто
the desire disappears to get acquainted with these produced writers more
deeply. The schoolboys almost do not know that they had independent public
stand - what and why; that there was a normal human life with personal
and public drama events. Instead of it to the schoolboys during strange
"«education" of love to Rhodinum are tendered whole or выпотрошенные fragments
from the somehow selected products.
The tutorial 6 classes "«Enlightenment", 1996г.
Пушкин a plus all there is submitted(shown) by one, not by the best
poem (!) The story "«Blizzard" (for 6 classes!).
For the schoolboys 5 classes are offered are to learnt by(with) the
story Гоголя "«Утопленница" (!).
And methodical receptions(tricks):
Лесков Н.С. The story "«Левша" is studied almost three weeks.
Let's suspect, she that costs(stands). But instead of learning on a material
of the story of life and household activities of those years, what the
Writer of the tutorial tenders? - he tenders the job(definition): « To
dedicate receptions(tricks): зачин, repetitions, conversations, концовку
». Let's remark in brackets: the job(definition) costs(stands) after the
text of the story. Also what, schoolboy all to read at first? At a read
rate шестиклассника it not hour and not two. As the total; the desire disappears
to study.
And how the writers are introduced? Well, Н. Заболоцкому, А.Я. Яшину
the Writer of the tutorial was lucky(carried) - has reduced their own words
about itself. And about m. Зощенко are adduced completely worthless,
никчемные of a word of any L. Утесова ("«any" - for for the modern child
he - anybody). By the way, for Зощенко there is a fine essay - autobiography
- alone, where he speaks not by the language of the heroes, and own, -
an interesting material! Why he is not taken for the basis(fundamentals)?
The myths североамериканских индейцев - them would not retell better!
After such retelling anybody from the guys for all life of any myth does
not want even to see.
In total in the tutorial галопом пройдено 30 writers both poets - and
brilliant and some (Никитин, Майков, Полонский...); the pages are selected(allocated)
not proportionally to talents (Пушкин - units of pages, Пришвин
- almost thirty).
Is not parsed at all песенное creativity. And you see many texts of
songs is a massed presentation of our life.
We designedly have not reduced a surname of the writers of the tutorials
- you see most likely, this representative phenomenon. The texts, which
one are given, often remedilessly have become outdated morally and physically
and be interesting can only from the historical point of view.
Is given Леонид Андреев, which one appeared in protection gentle and
degraded. But there are no stories encouraging, calling on strife and demonstrating
how to struggle and for what to struggle. The texts without delay softening,
убаюкивающие, disarming, than calling forward, to best, to maximum ideals.
Between that all of us know, that the literature not only and not there
is a lot of художественность, but also гражданственность, skill to see
essence of phenomena. It is necessary to understand, that the selection
of a genre - verses, prose, cine, dramatized programme is eventually not
so much form(shape) as a prime target, and as a way of the report of thought
of the writer up to the spectator, listener, reader, up to the person.
The thought is more relevant than the form(shape) many times over. No е
ё - and any form(shape) is senseless. And even high literacy. Many do not
understand it. And at school this do not learn(teach).
Маяковский: « from a good line of a word will not throw out ». - But
if to see the today's tutorials, from them without harms it is possible
to remove more than halves. Why it is so much superfluous? - can be, because
the author's fee is proportional to printed sheets?
3. Russian is not better. Instead of in-depth study of living
examples « the maximum literature », selected, отсеянных by decades and
centuries from the best classics, from sidereal finds of the modern writers
- shall not be брюзгами, they are, - instead of these worthy materials
our writers of the tutorials of Russian for analysis and the anchorings
of his(its) legitimacies take as the main(basic) tool the certain invented
rules, the learning ostensibly can learn which one to the letter. Actually,
as it appears at the nearest acquaintance to the graduates of schools during
last several years, such teaching provides horrifying illiteracy. A plus
resistant hostility to the native language.
Examples from the miscellaneous tutorials.
The schoolboys are offered to store, that in combinations such the soft
sign never is put; that such words (and them much) are written either through
"«and", or through "«е"; it is offered to formulate rules of writing on
the extremity of adverbs "«and" and "«about", use in adverbs of a hyphen...
Etc. etc. 7-10 years are given to the Schoolboys tens, if not hundreds
rules developed not by smaller quantity of the scientists - linguists,
for example, type: « the adverbs on « about », derivated from qualitative
adjectives, have extents of matching ». Or them poll on subjects of a type:
« In what cases the worm between subject and predicate » or « is put than
the matched definitions from discordant differ? »
But it is a fruitless path! Especially, meaning, that for us is more
than exceptions, than rules. Yes, on them it is possible to do(make) infinite
number of thesises, but all is impossible invented in an orb of grammar
the scientific guidelines to implant in life! - then, помучив of children,
we them is quite often quick(quite often rapid) we override. But помучив!
Really, only full идиот can remember all life these rules and each time
how to write, for example, word «to "complete", is quick(rapid), as an
adding machine to recollect the necessary rule that in буквосочетании "«нч"
the soft sign is not put, and in a word "«глазоньки" - is put. By the way,
the schoolboy cause(urge) to learn(teach) mass of rare words by heart -
though odds to meet them in life and the more so to write in the accountable
letter is smallest, is insignificant.
Hardly probable remembers them and mean teacher. Let's bar(shut) in
teacher's ten teachers - who, except for yesterday read this rule and these
words, can them recollect even to within sense?? - And you see more often
those who reads not adapted and not the primitive literature, on the internally
experienced motives much, write and speak correctly! So, this прочувствованность
also should be educated from the zero class. - Yes, it is much more difficult,
than to give a rule on three strings(lines), then to ask demanded and on
it to bar(shut) a subject.
Obviously, it should be the constant literary - grammar activity. Can
be, for this purpose it is necessary to aggregate Russian and literature
- by the way, in the majority of schools them carry on the same teachers,
by him(it) it will be uneasy for joining up. It is necessary to read classics,
to analyse grammar cases, stylistic turnovers... At their correct selection(sampling)
it not only educational, but also воспитательный the process! Whether it
is necessary to be surprised, that the talented teachers of non-traditional
directions, with which one "«orthodox" school furiously struggles, know
how, and most advantageously, to find the approach, where more effective,
successful, than approved officially! And where more favorable for learning,
not отвращая them from knowledge, from the literature of the own people.
Today it is done(made) by(with) the talented teachers and at school.
But as though in excess of the plan... They create the methods and method
of applications. It is necessary all this to study, to understand, to snap
in the cleverly made operating instructions, the method of applications
and tutorials - that further all this even retried "the «mean" teachers.
And now, that all demanded to squeeze in childrens of the head in insignificant
hours retracted on Russian and the literature, is it is necessary more,
than talent.
4. To natural subjects of the claims not it is much less. Here
again there is a dull learning at full absence the dialectic logicians
of occurrence(appearance) of each of discoveries. For each of them the
fascinating drama, and from the schoolboys all this today is closed. Certainly,
this закрытость not so is morbid, not so is catastrophic, as in the literature.
But what for to deprive of children of a capability to take a great interest
in with what they today only dry get acquainted on pages of the tutorials
on natural sciences? Probably, and in a history of Russian it is possible
to find the same pieces. They will allow all to understand, as these rules
- not by the God the data.
If to throw клич, to set as severe constraints of honest competition
of the tutorials, quite obviously, it will be possible to create the useful,
interesting, fascinating tutorials with applying of receptions(tricks)
of the old books (Киселева, Перельмана, Перышкина etc.). In natural sciences
it can be made easier, than under the literature and Russian, and the more
so histories, where the alternate points of view at all are not given,
where the new finds in the tutorials occur with shift of social epoch,
is not more often. And major - on looking up them are not encouraged of
the teacher!
5. The expertises with creation "by «our" specialists of the tutorials
for example, English language, alas, too are unsuccessful. They
also are grey, are empty... That, unless for the schoolboys 4-6-го of the
class (now it is the quite steadied person!) for retelling in English there
is no more interestingly plot, except for a history, how prince Pepper
contrary to a witch Acetum has gone to search to itself for the magician
Mustard? And it in section « Travel and transport »! - (Enlightenment,
1996). What, unless for землян there are no philanthropic and pithy fairy
tales of American and English peoples, there are no instructive Russian
fairy tales, which one can be translated to English language? Whether or
not in country of social, economical and political problems, which one
should be mortgaged in ребячьи of a head and on a foreign language too?
Or this writer of a fairy tale about Pepper and Mustard lives outside of
space and time? But whether can be diffused as the tutorials of the book
of such empty writers? You see in outcome - besides disgust of the schoolboys
for study and attachment to пустопорожним and to aggressive computer games.
- So we also have learned to educate from our guys grey, никчемных of
the persons involuntarily toggling the attention in looking ups "«interesting"
to modern grasping mean literature, to wild pictures from repertoir of
today's MASS-MEDIAS, to involuntary романтизации of crime as ostensibly
of harmless entertainment, overlooking(forgetting) that crime it - antisocial
phenomenon of rip-off of happiness for one for the benefit of other. And
поэтизация and романтизация of crime is a direct path to criminality. So
that, on our view, for damage, which one in huge quantity is rendered by
the minor criminals, the considerable responsibility should bear and writers
of the grey educational literature, and those who gives to them the permit
in life. By the way, it is possible easily to calculate and this share
responsibility, and damage, in roubles or in dollars. Sometime people will
guess to enter into a mandatory rule indemnification(compensation) of this
damage by all parties in fault. For now it is necessary to think how to
stop by facilitiess, available for us, this antieducation.
As a whole high school while is very far from life and problems of company.
She (by the way, as well as HIGH SCHOOLS) is crowded with volumetric materials,
each of which, as can seem, is largely selected by the writers outgoing
from two yardsticks: a maxima of a volume of the tutorial + maxima of display(demonstration)
of own learning. So was also half-centuries back, so remains and now. Not
having explained, as it is necessary to understand essence of algebraic
equations, us gave mass of knowledge on the most miscellaneous mathematical
delicacies, which one... It will not be necessary for the scientist, even
to the student or engineer. Never.
And between that, the principle is well-known: all useless - is harmful.
At one time it knew at a level of intuition, now it is one of major principles
The education system should not overlook(forget) it, for the waste in
a head is a minus favour on business. The laws - from living speech, rather
the reverse. It is impossible to cause(urge) to do(make) speech from the
invented laws.
6. About guard rope of educational subjects for school education.
Outwardly here all is satisfactory. But only outwardly. Actually that:
this full absence of incentives, that is why also of desires for schools
to self-progressing according to new capabilities opened as a result of
modification and openness. The new exotic book new teacher with special
общественно by useful talents new proposal "«from below", from the schoolboys,
- all this is punched very uneasy, or is not punched at all...
Biology. If is particular, at school the especially abstract knowledge
of our microcosmos, about hundreds kinds(views) of helminths - our enemies
sucking ours a blood and juices, poisoning our existence is given only
initial, furthermore. And that вживляют them to us the domestic animals,
« the brothers ours smaller », - about it children do not guess at all.
The explorers speak: knowing mass of idealized delicacies, the schoolboys
after school do not know, how the iron is arranged, as the flu is transmitted...
It would be necessary to give a fundamentals of such practical subjects,
as invention, патентоведение, the healthy way of life, is essential to
increase hours at sports occupations... At the expense of that? At the
expense of those subjects, where the school can not find the talented teacher,
and Минобразования can not provide with the tutorials of the talented writers.
To school to entitle all this to adjust(regulate) itself - necessarily
under check of public advices.
Yes, until recently school almost contented(fited) our needs(requirements),
was not worse and even in something better foreign. But step-by-step she
disastrously has lagged life, major, she has luxury to not note this backlog(lag),
to not search for new paths of self-progressing, to not be run up behind
all useful, that occurs around, - whether it be log-book with the surprising
concept new view on known old, whether it be professional in interesting
field(area) dwelling in city, in an adjacent street new phenomenon in public
or literary life or in science, which one at once both to discuss and to
use for the notification(warning), and to offer to the schoolboys to improve...
a germ, source by ours today's бездуховности, futility, aggressiveness,
неутоляемой of thirst of the pupils (and then and derivative from them
adult) to seem, but to not be is our today's family and school. And at
once behind her the same adult life: empty songs, empty games on a television,
reportings about anything. They "«create" the writers, which one do(make)
the applicable books. The vicious circle should be torn.
« Push the push button, and your dream will be executed(come true) »
(from modern songs) - ideal of the distorted persons, the education which
one starts with our school. It from not ё (and from family, certainly)
goes расползание бездуховности, forgetfulness and fastidiousness to the
nature, to a transactions, to high love... And further natural substitution
by their substitutes.
7. Our school, and consequently also our children, lag the new requirements
and new capabilities. But vacuum and triviality here are spacefilled(stuffed)
criminal. It creates a real threat to security and social progressing of
country and company; the concern to life and to self-education, desire
is lost to have "«such" children « in this awful pattern »... That is the
path to a degradation and extinction of our people is made.
Unfortunately, as appears from the theory and practice of systems, any
system is not capable to self-progressing. In this case it should undertake
надсистема, that is all company and е ё the quoter - State Duma. That is
the problem of education is a problem both families, and school, and certainly
8. On our view, it is necessary in the most urgent order to conduct
Parliamentary listenings on the subject of: « the FUTURE SCHOOL AS BULWARK
of SOCIAL SAFETY And SOURCE of PUBLIC PROGRESSING » with engaging to them
most fruitful, creatively thinking teachers known writers, scientific,
at will (if it will be) - vehicle Минобразования, workers of schools. As
a final stage of activity of these listenings it will be necessary to accept
a concept of the new Federal act « ABOUT ORGANIZATIONAL And METHODICAL
Major problem of these listenings - not only to define(determine), as
far as it is necessary to save school in an existing kind(view) or as far
as the experiments of non-traditional schools such as Щетинина, Никитиных
are beneficial...- Hardly probable who here will have unexpected conclusions(injections).
A major problem - to define(determine) how to cause(urge) school саморазвиваться,
what should be philosophy, tutorials and method of applications of activity,
which one could cardinally change a directivity of the educational process
in the side, necessary for company, which one not only perfected, but also
anticipated the today's requirements and which one would be oriented on
usage available in our schools of the usual teachers, instead of уникумов.
But with usage of the best tutorials, all available as of today technical
feasibilities and with engaging of staff(frames) from the side. The Internet,
computer - in something yes. But not on 100 %. Not in them the saving,
from them would not be harms! You see major - than these are filled up
the Internet and computer!
The parliamentary listenings should schedule a series of steps on gradual
environmental sanitation of our school for essential социализации of our
children, rise(ascent) of internal forces of a young organism - physical,
mental and moral, moral, on persevering implementation in consciousness
of the young people of ideas of public usefulness as main(basic) yardstick
of a rating of any behavior, any activity, all life, all public progress.
For this reorientation all best forces of country, best, specialists, liking
the business should be involved(attracted). School it is possible and it
is necessary to make by bulwark, source of forthcoming transformation of
Russia, all slavic, and then and other countries on rails of joint steady
public progress.
The member of expert Council
Committee on safety ГД ФС Russian Federation,
д.э.н., к.т.н., professor, academician МАИ
In definitive edition the remarks and proposals are taken into account(discounted)
The following specialists (under the order of hooking up to activity):
д.ф.н., professor Демиденко Э.С.
д.ф.-м.н., профессорПярнпуу А.А.
к.ю.н. Агешин Ю.А.
The member - корр. МАИ Иванов А.П.
The teacher Муравьева В.А.
The director of school №
The teacher
The member expert council Boris A. MININ
Ph.:241-39-03. The fax: 241-38-08. E-Mail