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From german and other newspapers (DW, 05.01.98)
... Missis Фукуяма has proclaimed in 1989 the extremity
of a history in connection with achievement of the definitive purpose —
of liberalism, that is full, world-wide victory of democracy and market
But today we live in a pattern of uncontrollable
and not stopping changes. We know, that any definitive purposes no, there
are only transition periods. Victory of democracy, the market cannot
be considered(counted) irreversible. The globalization can overturn
her(it), if in consciousness of the people connected by a globalization,
the losses will move(weigh down) outlooks. Even the Americans step-by-step
reaches, only social state can convince the people to accept a globalization.
Bating the abutments of the social state, we is bated a fundamentals of
the free market and free trade. The ruthless reduction of the social programs
is capable in the issue to bate and democracy. She you see зиждется
not on the idealized calculations of the politologists, and on the capacity
to decide practical problems of the people by humane methods. —
— The german newspaper "«Zeit" Indicates and comes
to a following conclusion(injection): the unrestrained liberalism should
come across the protest, because momentary political concerns he puts of
above long-term social needs. The unguided market be not capable to
decide of problems, which one he and spawns. To decide them higher
authority is invoked, that is the Establishment, elects which one to itself
company. This apex should by targeted operatings eliminate fear of the
citizens. The person is distinguished from all other living entities by(with)
capacity is not simple is dull to exist in the present, but is patient,
is persistent and is active to look in the future. And one more feature
distinguishing the person from an animal, — capacity to targeted operatings.
— the newspaper "«Zeit" Underlines.
Looks in the future and Swiss newspaper "«Weltwoche".
Thus she calls in question a number(series) it would seem of firm postulates.
Maiden of them sounds so: capitalism will be and henceforth to correct
by a world. It is an error, the newspaper, and that is why considers(counts):
market economy — this extremely successful solution of an old problem,
namely how in the best way to stage племя to extract мамонта. Only for
last 20 years a volume of world production has grown from 4 billions dollars
up to 23 billions. But simultaneously and the number poor was increased
at 20 %. It ахиллесова a footstep of capitalism. He creates fabulous oofs,
but very nonuniformly them arranges. In opinion of the log-book "«Newsweek",
wild capitalism is immoral, as is subject the logician of concentration
of oof and capital in arms of the lesser number of the holders(owners).
The Europeans closed down on it eyes while their welfare has grown. Now
here again rule(situation,position) varies, as it is required to the capital
ever less than hands. He has infringed the former public agreement. He
demounts the state and is separated from company. Our forecast: already
in nearest 5 years the scientists - economists will proclaim a gap with
capitalism and will offer the new forms(shapes) of a social production.
— the Swiss newspaper "«Weltwoche" Supposes.
She disagrees and with other forecast, according
to which one new communication aids, for example, the computer network(grid)
will convert "«Internet" all of patterns into one global деревню. Vice-versa,
the newspaper, circle of persons having access to the major information
considers(counts) will be limited to their material and intellectual(intelligent)
capabilities, therefore instead of a globalization us the further gravitational
segregation of company expects.
Concerning the thesis about an irreversibility победного
of procession of democracy, the newspaper writes: It would be desirable
in it to believe. And is real, the democracy develops in countries of East
Europe, in China, in Latin America. A problem only that the global capitalism
is not conformant any more to democracy, because the businessmen deprive
company of resources(safe lifes) (for example, evading from taxes) and
workstations. The sociologist Роберт Kassel asserts(approves), that in
countries with high unemployment выхолащиваются democratic patterns, and
the off-the-shelf European history testifies, that during public смуты
the capital is bent to the authoritarian solutions.
Our forecast: the main(basic) state form(shape)
of following century becomes oligarchic демократура, — предрекает the
Swiss newspaper "«Weltwoche". But to brighten up the sad forecasts, concludes
the article by the quotation from Жан Жака Russo: « crucial Importance
I challenge capacities to anticipate that much we to anticipate is simple
be not capable ».
Гамбурский the log-book "«Spiegel" too gives a lot
of places to the forecasts, truth, not global, but Russian. Only 5 % of
volumes of security trading in Russia implements today on exchange, remaining
will be realised in often cabinets. Thousand large and mean Russian firms
are privatizated. Basically they are the property of labor collectives
and on exchange do not send, they still should put in order the balances.
The majority of the accountants of concept have no how to prepare the annual
report for shareholder meeting, however from times of command-administrative
economy they well remember how to conduct a double-dealing and on a paper
to convert average general costs into profit. As independent audit in western
comprehension in Russia no and therefore uninitiated can not place(install)
a real financial position of firm, the boundary between investment of capital
and game in a pocker in Russia is frequently blurred. — writes the log-book
"«Spiegel" and continues: If share price has less зависили from the psychological
factors and more from a real rating of firms, here would be straightened
out(find out), that the courses of the Russian shares are unfairly undervalued.
For example, ton of oil from some more not run in reserves of the American
oil concern "«Эксент" is valued in 6 and that and in 8 times above, than
same ton of oil already mined by the Russian concern "«Лукойл". Therefore
analysts forecast: it is necessary to finish with головотяпством and cheating
in the reporting, and the shares "«Лукойла" immediately will fly up upwards.
The chief of group of the western advisers at the
Russian Treasury Ёхан Vermouth is sure, that the growth(increase) of
production in Russia will go much faster, than in former GDR. He considers(counts),
that in 3 years the gain(increment) of production in Russia will make 6
%, and the subsequent 5 years the gross national product will be doubled.
By 2002 Russia if to believe the forecast of the german financial expert,
even will carry out маастрикский yardstick. But all this provided that
the president Ельцин will resist(stand) against enticement of a bottle,
and Russians before enticement of a political extremism, — concludes the
log-book "«Spiegel"
The member expert council Boris A. MININ
Ph.:241-39-03. The fax: 241-38-08. E-Mail