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The solution on creation is accepted at International Academy of public progressing of research and development and practical center of learning   and updating(adjusting) of motions антиглобализма, their methods, facilitiess, purposes and problems - « of Institute world антиглобализма ».
The doctrine by HIM(IT),
Designed for discussion by a public
We outgo from that indisputable fact, that despite of an obvious humanist directivity,   public usefulness of mass movements and desperate shares антиглобализма, they ещ ё разрознены not only организационно, but also methodically, their performance ещ ё low, they be unable enough to counter to enormous accelerations of negative events of a globalization, монетаризма and capitalization.
We well realize, that these signs are bolstered for the score of «warmed "up" self-interest and other low passions of the person on a surge технократического of progress.
We recognize, that this progress   bears, undoubtedly, huge positive consequents. But they it is essential перекомпенсируются, and sometimes and are cancelled by negative processes, accompanying them, for the registration and neutralizing of which one effective gears ещ ё is not created. Антиглобализм we consider as the major public detecting instrument of necessity, провозвестник and prototype of creation of these gears.
We are hardly sure what to stop motion of progress it is impossible and is inexpedient. Now it is necessary a problem to learn and to reduce in the civilized form(shape), to optimize on performance   existing motions антиглобализма,   the shares of the protest, and to leave on   a contact to the quoters of the theory and practice антиглобализма for joint creation eventually of maximum exact theory and programming of effective practice of public progressing on a gantry of a unification глобалистских and антиглобалистских of forces - two sides of one medal.
  we consider(count), that антиглобализм is a long-awaited phenomenon directed on stabilizing of public progressing, which one necessarily will put(cause) to a balancing of commercial expediency and social - ecological usefulness of all economical achievements, in subsequent - to the installation of the tendency on sluggish, but inevitable drop of a social - ecological harm - first of all at the expense of stabilizing and streamlining of consumption of material benefits by the miscellaneous peoples, miscellaneous social strata of company at sharp ascending of priorities of spiritual values, physical and spiritual health of the people..
We realize, that to the present time the huge arsenal of facilitiess of acceleration of economical progressing of production is accumulated, that the bias(unbalance) in a level of development глобалистских and антиглобалистских (stabilizing) forces is now huge, and their accelerated progressing therefore we put by the main(basic) purpose - in that number and with draft on funds and methods, stored during economical progressing of company.



For the solution hereafter of global problem of association of gains глобалистов and антиглобалистов for creation of the future harmony the pattern, on our view previously is necessary:

1.   a proclamation of social and ecological yardsticks of a social production in any orb, in any country, in any geographic dot of a terrestrial globe as main(basic)   and guides..
2.   association of healthy forces of company for creation of public on these yardsticks public, state and commercial gears of self-regulation of processes of a globalization.
3.   improvement of methods and looking up of ample means of encouraging of the writers both participants of scientific and creative novations, any achievements in a social production directed on drop of the costs of natural and human resources(safe lifes), on rise of social - ecological effect from l ю about й of economical (manufacturing) activity.
4.   association hereafter of scientific, all creative power of company for perfecting an effective theory of social development (TORUS), including социомики and новистики - scientific - practical discipline directed on upgrading (progressing) of a social production, on the solution of regional problems and specially of problems of progressing of less developed countries.
We invite to cooperation of all sober people, ready to nest a spiritual, creative, intellectual(intelligent) and financial potential for progressing the applicable ideas, methods and facilitiess.
We consider(count), that as a priority it is necessary to call the requirement of mandatory definition, charge and assertion for indemnification(compensation) to the infringers, in general as all legal and natural persons contaminating the ambient social and ecological environment, all damage, plotted by them, any: economical, physical, material, social, ecological, moral... The applicable bill is designed(elaborated) by us in Russia within the framework of Expert council Госдумы on social safety and social progressing.
But business not in this bill. All this can be made and within the framework of the existing legislation of any country, the applicable political, state and public will should be only developed..
We receive any proposals on the introducing of the data of methods in country and in general any, which one will promote policy of acceleration of social - ecological progressing in country and in a pattern.
We invite not only theorists, but also active практиков, which one want together with us to go on very not prime paths of transfer(translation) of mankind on rails of natural progressing in harmony with the nature, not разграбляя and not shattering е ё, our own organism.
The substantiations of some rules(situations,positions) of this Doctrine are taken from the manuscript of the book « the reversionary Right and safety of the person », section " a Globalization and антиглобализм "

Globalization and антиглобализм (project on treating)
On a world scene now send is quick(rapid) forces, typing weight, антиглобализма. An antiglobalization - phenomenon not new. By centuries the existing international trade, however, did not call(cause) such disputes and worryings, as now, when practice of moving(movement) financial   essentially was boosted; and industrial capital also there was enough idle time a transfer(transmission) of new know-how there, where it appears expedient е ё to the holders(owners). But someone unprofitable - and already it results in originating potent антиглобалистских of motions. The following factor aggravating negative perception of phenomena of a globalization and at the same time and capitalism, both technocracy, and pollution of the environment - rise(ascent) of a self-consciousness of masses and comprehension of that price, which one is forced to pay mankind for all successes on it a field.

At last, in peaking антиглобалисткой of the tendency and the concentrations of the applicable forces have played the same processes, which one boost a globalization: technical progress in an orb of telecommunications permitting to mean the stands by all and at once and to mass   gains on time and place.

What particularly calls(causes) tension of public attitudes(relations) - association of the financial and industrial capitals outside of and above national concerns?
  the occurrence(appearance) of a wireless already almost century back is there was too phenomenon global. And it too was implementation another's and frequently of alien culture, and not only culture. It is possible to assert(approve), that in shaking the bases(fundamentals) of a socialist formation a main role the broadcasting to foreign countries has played. It is not necessary here to speak about that, what is it there was a notably distorted and inhuman socialism. But if he was ideal, the fact remains by the fact: the aerials(antenna) of mass of radio stations of capitalist countries were directed on USSR and country of national democracy. From that side went to us not only neutral explanation of principles of other formation, but also propagation of their advantages with condoling, whole surge of condoling - without the notification(warning) about lacks. These lacks now have become aggravated up to a level, when the protests transmit from those intellectuals, which one condoled to us earlier. For a rating of a phenomenon антиглобализма it would be necessary to receive the answers on some problems:

At first, as far as it массово and what his(its) speaker? Secondly, what ideals it defends? Thirdly, radium what exception of public losses it exists? In - fourth, what plutonic ideas of this motion and whom it will be organized?
Perhaps, there is a sense to begin from last problem. Alas, unified purposes, ideals this motion yet has no. Let's put(cause) pieces from a telecast on НТВ for July 2001г. One of the quoters Russian антиглобалистов, present, by the way, on disassemblies in Гетеборге in June 2001г. - director of Institute of a social ecology, member of international social - ecological union, seconds appeared there. Фомичев.
«... Антиглобализм is   it is a lot of social motions, and they of a completely miscellaneous directivity. And separation of emulsion of show-windows..., but if it was not, there would be no picture on the TV, there would be no also discussion of problems антиглобализма... In антиглобалистском motion there is no organized pattern, there are many coordination centers, basically they work in the Internet... Антиглобализм is not only demonstration. The seminars are carried out(conducted) контрсаммиты... Opening out boundaries for the finance and goods, we should also open boundaries for the people and know-hows, that... The know-hows were accessible to the undeveloped now countries... Carrying on: So you for basis or deckhouse? - I the opponent of determinism, I for freedom of the people, that the people decided the destiny.... Can be, it is idealism, but I knowing, that company should to this come ».
Антиглобализм is a motion not necessarily public, but predominantly манифестационное, протестное and prohibiting. On the same screen the daughter of our known economist Евгения Ясина - Ирина Ясина has appeared also:
« When we put for иномарок customs barriers is too антиглобализм ».
It so to say state антиглобализм, is the organized protection of national concerns. Both state and unorganized антиглобализм outgoes from following selection: not the people radium production (read: radium whose commerce), and production and commerce radium the people. And violent впихивание in his(its) throat цивилизационных of the values is not less immoral, than creation of a deficit, especially artificial. To this stand we adhere also. About, as far as now массово антиглобалистское motion? The official items of information on this subject while no, but we can judge the speaker of his(its) progressing by following pieces of telecasts for   same in July 2001г. Round desktop on НТВ. The businessman Каха Бендукидзе, which one appears, as someone from present for this desktop asserted(approved), has purchased a noticeable part of Russia: « I would like to answer about mass of protrusions against capitalism. Know, mad are be everywhere, and in Europe too. I was in Давосе during one of such protrusions. There from all the pattern has driven 200 persons умалишенных and them have shown on a television. With Adeps бесятся... » And literally one week after program Алексея Пушкова on ТВЦ:
... It is expected, that to Genoa on саммит of an Eight of July 20-21 there will arrive more than 200 thousand (!) The demonstrators protesting against a globalization. Among them many terrorists are expected and. To aces Бен-Ладен threatens to route on Genoa an airplane - bomb with камикадзе inside - against the President Буша and at the same time against all participants of an Eight. Italy already has pronounced about temporary escaping Шенгеннского of the agreement. Genoa will be taken in a treble collar(ring). The airports, stations, highways will be overlapped; it is recommended to all inhabitants of center to leave in 4х day time holidays. In downtown the curfew is actually entered. The order will monitor(track) 20 (on the fact has appeared - 40) thousand policemen. At the airport of Genoa the battery of missiles of the class ground - air is already established. Is already resolved, that саммит will go on not in дворце,   and onboard a motor ship « European Vision » - the mobile purpose is more difficultly struck.
Yes, comments А.Пушков, the world elite in осаде of the citizens - bitter irony of a history, can be even a character set in 21го of century... By the fact recited РТР 20.07.2001, the actuality was a little bit other, but not less impressive.
Policy of a steel collar(ring). Around of a Red collar(ring) a dual(twin) metallical barrage. The supermodern machinery is established even in waste ditches. All this against антиглобалистов, dissatisfied policy of developed countries.
Жозе Бове, leader French антиглобалистов: « we here to say to the European governments: do not imitate America, which one closes down the market and contaminates an environment under pretext of economical necessity. Буш lies, when speaks, that his(its) policy helps someone. All over the world there occurs crisis of democracy. To combat collect for all at once: from a pollution of the environment and domination of reserved corporations before importation of a hormonal beef and inhibit of marijuana. In total to not enumerate ».
To a problem on moral « of a today's course ». We shall be set by such problem: and what defends this guided-missile system and against what protest attacking? There are, obviously, certain values, which one let is not realized, but necessarily figure in such opposition. What is put here on a map? - We shall say directly: this survival of mankind, person as biosocial entity, life on a planet the Earth. Some of a selection of materials on this score.
About what have appeared the inflated fetuses "of the «scientific" approach to conquest of the nature, writes В.А.Зубаков (ЗУБАКОВ В.А. Глобалистика and futurology. - In Сб. « Social sciences and modernity », 2000, № 5, seconds 142 - 152.). Except for a thaw of a climate, which one seems to some while by a quite harmless phenomenon, he sees some global consequences from unbridled anthropogenous, is more exact - техногенной (scientific and technical) activity of the person. And each of these consequences carries on mankind to debacle, to an apocalyptic Style. The problem only that becomes for us maiden and fatal, when to us does not want to live not only hundred years, but even superfluous hundred days. That from already set in consequences it means В.А.Зубаков:
1. Irreversible transition возобновимых of natural resources in невозобновимые and steady termination of biochemical turnovers. The speed of a degradation of soils on the order exceeds processes of their recovery.... For refinement of the rivers it is required 50-100-кратное dilution by water alone, i.e. 75-150 thousand км3, whereas a volume of all fluvial sink the pattern compounds only 45 thousand км3! From forests for ХХ the century was cut down 40 %! All types возобновимых of resources(safe lifes) either transfer, or are close to transition in невозобновимые. In opinion of one of known Russian урбанистов Э.С.Демиденко, it is main in the scheduled global process of a self-destruction of mankind.
2.   Психоинформационный a shock of the person. Usually, the boundless capacity living to self-distribution(self-propagation) is precluded by the genetic gear of a self-destruction. For the person he is expressed by the way of syndrome of suicide and wars on destruction. Statistics of last years testifies to actuation of this gear in activity.
3.   technological availability of the whole states for a self-destruction and further to destruction(annihilation) all living. The explosive power of stored automatic weapon is equivalent 1,2 милл. хиросимских of bombs. The zone of a defeat bacteriological and токсинным by weapon in 400 times exceeds those for nuclear.
4.   Эндоэкологическое poisoning of the intercellular environment. The process of concentration in intercellular tissues технохимических of contaminants is called Ю.Левиным эндоэкологической as illness (ЭЭБ). The transactionses Е.Стирлинга and Ю.Левина design эндоэкологическая an aftertreatment ill, but thus to bolster health even halves of population - practically impracticable problem, as ЭЭБ are enveloped not only people, and and all living. The people can not exist outside of биоты at all.
The consequences of effect per capita electronic смога (электромангнитного of radiating, and also инфра- and ultrasound, MICROWAVE - RADIATING) practically are irreversible. The cumulative effect ЭЭБ and electronic смога results in a genetic degradation of a nation. Most terrible is that overwhelming majority of the people in a pattern do not understand consequences total экокатастрофы.
Let's recollect our great scientist - ecologist Никиту Николаевича Моисеева. One of it(him) of last books is dedicated экологизации of formation (Н.Н. Моисеев. An ecology and formation. - M.: "«ЮНИСАМ", 1996.). I hope, each of us е ё has read. But give ещ ё of time we shall read into brilliant thoughts of this remarkable person:
Patterns is not an environment, and our alone house, in which one we only and can live! Other for us no and will not be. To provide the future, we should know this house and know how it(him) обустраивать. For this purpose are to us both our Reason, and our Will which is capable to use obtained knowledge that to provide to us a capability to live in this house....
The treatment of expression « sustainable development » in Russia is specially unsuccessful, where it(him) transfer(translate) as « steady progressing », that has spawned numerous and dangerous illusions and even the solutions of a government level treating modern ecological difficulties as something преодолимое by technological facilitiess and rather simple government solutions....
In West... The illusion of a universality of the trivial market reigns. And in it I see main(basic) ущербность of modern western culture keeping in the depth postulates of Protestant ethics, allowing to pay for scalps индейцев, and wild market of epoch of Klondike, when there was a war all against all!
In this boundedness of market philosophy and in broad (can be, deep-rooted) distribution(propagation) е ё of the most primitive interpretation I see the main(basic) threat to the human future. We really face on развилке цивилизационных of paths. One is a limiting(marginal) animal egoism and individualism, operation only by momentary categories. Other I would call by "«heroism&" and revival of old traditions invoking to sacrifice by a part the present in a name of the future of our children....
I see foregone impact of civilizations - and not so much peoples, how much civilizations, carriers miscellaneous comprehension of a place of the person in company and company in the Nature....
If all will develop under the current script, "«charm" induced by person, the people already on a threshold new тысячелетия will see is a not future, it is tomorrow's day. Yes it is only doubtful, that the mass media, without which one these problems be resolved can not, will refuse the advertising fees and demonstrating of an infinite number(series) not of the best films and entertainment transfers(transmissions). Потакать to human incompetences where is more expedient and is more lighter, than to tell about kindness, mutual aid indispensable limitations and furthermore to give a broadcasting time for the lectures on an ecology.
Necessity « to be entered in the Nature » to agree всерастущее power of a civilization conditions of progressing of the Nature will force civil company to work out gears целенаправляемого of progressing - not systematic, and целенаправляемого!
These ideas Н.Н. Моисеева are quite conformable with ideas антиглобализма, roughly developing in last years. If to remove from words Н.Н.Моисеева патетику, by all this more sober language it is possible to express so.  

Антиглобализм is a motion not poor and mad, this motion of the intellectuals concerned with huge negative consequences глобализирующегося of capitalism,     by consequences is not simple by someone's   personal, and world, global. It while ещ ё in a definite extent the natural strife between the intellectuals and businessmen, between tomorrow's and yesterday's, between ECONOMY and as that by analogy is possible to call СОЦИОМИКОЙ. And she now requires first of all understanding, analysis at a maximum scientific level. That this strife was successful, общественно useful, it is necessary to analyze reasons of dissents, which one have arisen between ostensibly progress and ostensibly by stagnation, between the locomotive (commerce) and coaches (company as a whole).  

At first, it is necessary to itself clearly to introduce and to hammer into a head to each, who does not see it in an emphasis(stop), that the locomotive is necessary only radium motion of coaches. Business, in general any the artificially created form(shape) of public activity, any е ё the self-propelled organization is necessary only radium motion of all organism. Any subsystem is necessary radium effective existence of a system,   effective from the point of view надсистемы, that is in this case of all company. Here I рискну to pronounce thought, which one more than once will be repeated further: a human, animal organism, his(its) each cage was ingeniously created by the Nature, Divine intention. The public attitudes(relations) form by the person and while that very unsuccessfully.  

The humanist ideals which have arisen a little bit(some) of tens тысячелетий back - now we shall not discuss, it is good or poorly, - have barred(shut) a major natural path living to self-perfecting: natural selection(sampling). But simultaneously artificial methods of depressing of negative biological and public phenomena, methods of preventing social and ecological catastrophes were not established. Yes, the demonstrations, share of the protest can pay attention to nearing bad, negative. But hardly probable they can successfully counter is fine to the opponent, organized for last two century, - capitalism, especially in his(its) developed phase of progressing - globalization. The not less organized resistance forces, stabilizing are required, which one should allow us, not выплескивая of children, to pour out all water and to not admit rotting of company. Especially of his(its) lethal outcome. To go to this it is necessary only through the introducing of social and economic gears consecrated by company, radium which one, purely, they and should be held.  

So, returning to analogies of a type locomotives - coaches, the motion of all structure there, where carries on us глобализм, should be is justified, and the freight to someone is necessary. Our history, alas, abounds absolutely return examples. At socialism were вскрыты the multiple facts of transportations from Leningrad for Ural and back only radium fulfilment of the schedule of cargo carriage. The Russian capitalism justifies rip-off and export цветвторсырья, and world capitalism - unrestrained exception from a subsoil of a planet of natural resources and unceasing pollution of the environment only radium the slogan of freedom of business. One other costs(stands).  

Let's remark thirdly, as that and other formation did not concede and does not recognize till now social loss as the equilibrium and neutralizing factor to economical scorings.
Our problem - this sad gross error in due course исправитьСо time social and economical become by two sides of one medal. For now it is necessary to study to use by those by methods, which one were worked out by(with) economical capitalism, in general ECONOMY. Acting on selfish, mercenary motives, he has achieved very much much. It is necessary to bow to his(its) pioneers and to undertake learning of their methods to achieve not smaller successes in СОЦИОМИКЕ.
What is a propulsor, explorer of progress economical? - Personal interest, profit of the businessman. And in социомике the businessman should have profit at an implementation of the socially effective goods and services.
What provides success of the businessman? - Advertising with attitude to quantity of implementations, often without dependence from their quality. To sell to the old woman подвенечное a dress - maximum success of economical advertising. The advertising was, is - and should remain. But with one disclaimer: the promoted goods should be harmless and socially reasonably useful. It will be more complex(difficult) for showing. But radium the profit in new conditions that the businessman will not invent!
For what the one responds by a head and sanctions who invents the new goods in economy, science first of all, - for his(its) quantity and exterior. In социомике on the foreground will quit quality as a social scoring. And besides absence of a harm for a customer and company as a whole.
On what the responsibility main(basic) фигурантов of the economical market - on the legal responsibility for violation(disturbance) « of the established norms(standards) » is grounded. For what there will be a responsibility фигурантов in an orb социомики?   - For damage, allowed by them, social including.
What major economical parameter(index) of success in economy? - volume of the realised goods and services and applicable profit as the differential of his(its) income (sum of the prices, on which one was possible to realise the goods or service), and his(its) costs. On what the success of the businessman   will be grounded; in социомике? - on the obtained social effect and profit as established percent from this effect.  

The association, confluence of these two orbs - economy and социомики - in one will allow to aggregate and прибылеобразующую base. It will be a volume of implementation a minus of the sum, which one transmit on indemnification(compensation) of allowed damage, any: economical, material, social, ecological, moral... Now there are examples is a repayment by an environmental pollutant of the established payments. But it is a substitute. They are established in hundreds (more particularly: in 300) time there is less actual damage and, as it appears, are established only for a contents of nature protection bodies(organs), instead of for depressing the process of impurity or indemnification(compensation) of the marked damage -   for example, population.  

The population, company is eventually should become a main subject of operating антиглобализма. About economy will see to it, is already troubled both state, and proprietary commercial entitiess. Their mass. Therefore main the taking into account major generalizing negative factor is SOCIAL АНТИГЛОБАЛИЗМ,: social damage. For registration, charge, exception and indemnification(compensation) of this damage damaged the vehicle of the reversionary Right also should be entered, which one now by us in Russia is active develops.
Thus, when антиглобализм as major facilitiess of stabilizing in economy and transition of mankind on steady, counterbalanced path of development   will enter civilized frameworks, приличествующие to the beginning ХХ1 of century, he will elect the not ground steel rods, and much less romantic, but much more effective social and economic legal mechanisms new   the right, which one step-by-step becomes completely reflexive.  

Social, оцивилизованный антиглобализм is ещ ё it is necessary to create, to forge. For this purpose it is required to aggregate forces in one centre of science, which one is now created at International Academy of public progressing. His(its) title - Institute world антиглобализма.

The chief IPDA - Boris A. MININ
Ph.:241-39-03. The fax: 241-38-08. E-Mail

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