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Борис Минин, chief of expert Council
On social safety
And social progressing
There were two Ministers. Were engaged almost same and consequently mercilessly struggled for everything, that could not section. But when there occurred exterior threat — were coupled... In communal, in spirit Салтыкова-Щедрина, the time which one in Russia, to our horror still will not be terminated in any way! — And it despite of revolutions, modification, деноминации and other бури. In communal, wanted to write on - yellow. But then have decided: it is enough of yellow color everywhere and so. 
One mine for a long time familiar Jew, leaving in 80 years with all family in America, has told to me at last such joke: face till the companies in дерьме the Soviet intellectuals. One of them suddenly extrudes: доколе?!... And him here from different directions by exhausted whisper: « do not raise a surge... ». Can be, and truly early raise a surge? 
It seems, for Высоцкого there was return, more design judgement: we violent have not enough, and there are no fleet ropes. Probably, true somewhere in the middle, we shall try to clear up is balanced, keeping arrows of weights of our arguments somewhere near to middle. Let's discard a venomous slope(tilt) of the article according to the maiden appeared version of a title of this article: « As the ministers » are coupled. But we shall crosses also such, as for example, « Analysis of an adding up situation in... » The Article should be not untied dirty - yellow, and not порно-light-blue.. But whenever possible and not colorless. And can be also useful for those locales, in which one the mayors will manage to manage(consult) an entropy among the Vehicle and will make better, than in Moscow, where the heads lives as in country непуганном.  
So, about the language of the article. The people has the right to respect for it(him), he does not like, when it(him) consider(count) for the fool and write as for the child, but he has absolutely n to study in the language of scientific elite to learn(find out) in communal about simple trues, as his(its) money frequently turns to a dust, as укормленные by them of an adult uncle on the upper echelons of power play the hardware games. And in a pair(vapour,couple) with itself look-alike is active protest, if them catch out of antinationality. 
Examples, on which one it is represented a case to describe, as have a good time for not the score of an adult uncle and aunts, for me for my long life was accumulated much. That children them have not ceased to respect, we shall not call their surnames, but about something we shall tell. 
Each of them, is possible so to say, is rather little significant. But one thousand these smallnesses — is our life, life of the people, which one бедновата and absolutely пакостна, despite of immense natural resourcess, mental abundance and spiritual generosity. Good, we shall bring discount on known laziness and спесивость national. But nevertheless rest(remainder) should be much more than zero point! Where there is an outflow(leakage)? — Russian riddle, above which one many are beaten — and for us, and abroad! And solution on a surface. 
No, business not in vodka. 
In Russia always there were many officers. Now especially. But the administrative vehicle as follows does not operate. The forward(straight) total it — bad life here and reinforced emigration from here: minds(wits) and money, both дарованных by West. And Примаков understands: that to sense to select(allocate) of Russia the credits, when they here appear forwarded abroad. Really, so what sense to give to Russia money? — that the radio station « a German surge » transmits also substantial in the opinions, parsing words of the miscellaneous foreign newspapers. 
Why Russian, having picked up here, in Russia, how much money, hurries them to translate from here подальше? And then there and to move? From whom they run? From the people, from an aspen or birch? No. For soon they will choke there with nostalgia. They run from infinite жлобства — since an entrance and finishing the Ministry. And the above by him(it) are tainted, the it нестерпимее. The жлоб-minister — is a limit беспредела. While we shall not be saved of him(it), life here to not see. Whether and then the market, capitalism or socialism... — what difference at ours « national features »? West, itself fairly distorted by an americanism and монитаризмом, nowadays acutely ностальгируюет on ancient national values and even under the red - brown order, and for many from us West, and today's West too, both was, and remains by an ideal, center of sweet attraction — only because there жлобства notably it is less, much less. If to us of him(it) to be saved! You see жлоб — it not only хамство. He is terrible by the lowest, extreme low efficiency. And everything, that hits to him in arms, низводится by him(it) up to the applicable level with the applicable losses for company. 
From all examples, captured by us, of an infinite outrage on примитивизации, on сведе'нию on - no, ignoring or distortion of общественно-useful undertakings, we have selected from conversation with is biassed by the correspondent, interrogating me, there can be not most scale, but rather actual example concerning literally today: ecological purity that we едим. 
... The history started is fine: from the solemn government Order, one point which one, outwardly very retiring, but put itself Ю.М. Лужковыми, assigned a program design « Ecological safety of food ». The Minister also was assigned maiden in a list accountable for some reason, which one responds for an environment. — Instead of for a feed(meal,power) and not for health! Everything, both from below, and from above, were more than his(its) are well-known some psychological and ethical, softly speaking, feature: « by All to rise and to sit(land) here » — it is his(its) maiden words on the maiden conference on the given subject. — But lips of the Order he became accountable, it, as it became clear beforehand, the ending was determined. But as was pronounced scale, interesting and me well familiar, rather - таки acute both for Moscow, and for many cities of Russia, other countries a problem, I with pleasure have come in working group. 
The maiden time many went to conferences. Then current(stream) has run low, there were enthusiasts, which one have managed to work out and to agree the concept and to elaborate the realistic gear of its(her) implementation and to show his(its) functionability. That is to make quite serviceable, I would say — the fine program. Not worse, than recently approved Лужковым the program « the Moscow film-display(film-demonstration) »., obviously, rather cultured people did(made) her(it)! And I, yet not understanding frustration of the attempts, tried all and tried to pose her(it) as an example. 
And still imperous arm of the Minister has discharged all made and as the witnesses under the slogan « the people differently assert(approve) the program will not understand » was lead successfully up up to примитивизма. In a mix(mixture) with a gigantism. As will be soon submitted(soon shown) on Government of Moscow. So the next remarkable undertaking has turned with gains ours непуганного of the Vehicle in « as always ». And on those who most of all умничал, has set militia. The truth, ecological. And prosecutor's office, that were not put out. Whether it is possible to understand this reacting? — certainly: what for on market space to keep is active of the operational competitor? 
And as it « as always » — the phenomenon for the Russian practice representative, at all events — rather often, is lower we shall offer порассуждать, that this phenomenon could oppose, using quite civilized facilitiess, not resorting,say, to medieval methods of mutilation. 
But at first, inquisitive readers, some words about essence of the given problem. Literally some words. 
To all of us is well-known (and whom it is not known, that guesses), that on shelves of our magazines are sold miscellaneous on quality of the goods. Miscellaneous, at first on a level of harmful impurity(additives). What for impurity(additives)? Basically they dive through ecologically not irreproachable conditions произрастания of agricultural raw, взращивания of animals etc. — therefore and the generally accepted term "«Non-polluting" — a subject of rough oppositions both refined ecologists, and specialists on a feed(meal,power) is possible to consider(count) quite justified(quite reasonable) already. Ridiculously, and you see in a name of settling-out already of term, adopted by the people furthermore quite legalized Госстандартом, in working group there are a lot of forces and time. Further there was a strife for settling-out absolutely @ of a ridiculous stand: time the standards of harmful matters are maintained,, therefore, all product falling on shelves of our magazines, and so, they say, secure. And only at fiducial conversations there is a fiducial admission: Certainly, if harmful matters will be less, nevertheless it would be better! — Just by calculation, in how much of time is more beneficial, i.e. the product is less harmful, real, hitted to us on certification in comparison with «normative "- contaminated", and our Center of certification working on a System of certification of quality (SCQ), registered Госстандартом is engaged. On her, by the way, same centers in many cities of Russia successfully work. And us are invited to cooperation all remaining. Certainly, we realize: while for us a deficit, we and our centers on cities of Russia will not suffer from excess of the orders. But you see Russia such poor will be not eternal! So, this system which has made a little bit(some) of steps forward — including in comparison with foreign — and became a red rag for two ministers who have involved against us ecological militia. Second — almost minister, but спесью overflowed for two. 
So, the Program should shield us, muscovites, from unmonitored dissolve domestic and import products. And simultaneously to manage to dedicate best, most clean — on a voluntary gust of producers, for which one thus the quite visible profits were envisioned. It is clear, that выгадал from it and customer. All terms of the introducing of this Program already have burned down. At the expense of that? 
The lion's fraction left on usual hardware games: who is obliged, whom to attract... Then the long litigation has gone on the subject of: and and here word "«ecology" for nutrition, which one we is consumable. At last we it is long, as blind котята, тыкались in improbable complication a problem: and whether it is necessary thus to allow for quality of commodity? Or to let on the market everything, i.e. not only absolutely clean, but also absolutely useless commodity — how, for example, distilled water? I so realize, it is very particular problems. But at first to you to explain, because of what this cheese - boron around of this problem: ecological safety? Not a problem? — do not say. If to accept, that annually each person consumes of nutrition on the average on 2 thousand rbl., it is possible to consider(count), that muscovites съедают of nutrition on the sum from 20 х 109 rbl. / years. If to suspect, that this program will envelop and will manage to stimulate improvement of the quality all on 5 %, its(her) magnitude of the task — billions of rbl.! — We compare to charges of all motor-vehicle transport. And time so, would be full sense such program to not tighten... 
Strikes prolongation of all this history. Have begun her(it) to do(make) 20 persons, all has left up to units: — to pay activity have forgotten, at dialogue with us us for the people did not consider(count), and have received outcome: the urban program in billion of rbl. year was done(made) by forces of the enthusiasts. 
And what, if on correct? Why to not pronounce competition by the cost in 100 or even 10 thousand rbl. why to not select the most effective project and to not subordinate to the winner all remaining? Why the department of a natural conservation became and решателем and judge of all solutions, having reduced eventually all up to a level of a primitive, and most persevering in realization of a forward(straight) and effective course also have begun to leak by ecological militia? But major, certainly, that rich on idea the program was poured out in combination of a gigantism with примитивизмом. 
... There is nothing easier, than to tumble down the cut down tree. « That all of you are tramped! — the Minister Was indignant as on conference. — 2 weeks would suffice me on it! » — And it after several months of a collective transactions, and rather intensive. Therefore reacting of a hall to this expression of the Minister by soft words to qualify it fails. If who such has said to the that Minister in the person, he would cause(urge) it(him) to mount and to leave. Though, speak, at talk with higher he bends as a hose pipe. But it not a limit: his(its) colleague « almost Minister » on one of conferences as запросто has thrown to one member of a commission: « you are silly ». Though before bore in all voice the nonsense: « you the chief - I the fool... » 
« The Vehicle will spoil all »? — There is no, I against such generalizings. There are examples of irreproachable activity of the Vehicle. For example, during war. But two conditions are necessary: an operating, almost instant rating of his(its) operatings and potent feedbacks, i.e. incentives and sanctions. In непуганном to an edge(boundarouse) so it is impossible. By the way it would be necessary to pronounce Ю.М. Лужкову on the future one admonition: if he will not refuse idea to exhibit the candidature in the Presidents, do not give him the God to forget about entitiess in the Vehicle of a condition of demand automatically working negative and positive feedbacks, and on a maxima — differently there are no such arms, which one would be capable on each large and small business to reach Alaska. Even up to Murmansks. And in general, whether you consider(count), what if there is a Ministry of economy, that is public service for entitiess of productions, whether it is time to think of creation of the Ministry of public progressing for activity in concerns of progressing of productions, and major — of the people, all company? — it is our Expert council on social safety at Госдуме recommended in the missives both mister to Schroder, and mister Лужкову. 
The officer - manager — this integral link in keeping up of a standard of living and progressing of company, quoter of the state, trade representative, военпред...., frequently высокоопытнейший the specialist — and it all of us should recognize. And to find to him a normal legal and economical niche(well) in a social production. And more to create a system of positive and negative feedbacks, incentives, sanctions for high-performance activity for the good those who feeds all of us. To put it briefly, he should gain a hard fraction from effect of the novelty, successfully realised with his(its) active involvement, and the damage from the skip or protraction all new and useful should be collected from him(it). But while that it no, and the outrage has no boundaries. Therefore about our Vehicle and speak: гаргантюа-look-alike bureaucracy. Доколе to her to correct by a dancing party? 
But we keep our example about an ecology of the foodstuffs. 
So, to the moment of occurrence(appearance) лужковской of a problem before our ministers our expertise on differentiation of quality both ecological purity and goods, and services was opened. Certainly he, this expertise not so is great, as for bodies(organs) of mandatory certification Госстандарта and Санэпиднадзора, which one, thanks God, successfully clipping absolutely already unsafe products, do(make) методично, continuously good business. But вс ё the volume of our type certifications is many times more, than for other systems of voluntary certification! And we is not backed up госорганы: we do not clip inferior, and we allocate best. 
BUT! On our trouble, there was no look-alike expertise abroad. We so to say, were pulled out on a body forward. A bureaucrat in непуганной to country and in the disinterested view on it only кисло кривиться and ухмыляется. This absence of foreign applying for the dull officers always was and remains by a major, main(basic), insuperable obex to his(its) comprehension and reason of huge trouble. And absolute trump for strife with homebrew "«умниками", "«prophets". By simultaneously potent incentive to become a wall to be integrated, to be coupled one another in strife to exterior threat: you see besides that IT as a rule is poorly understandable, IT sounds by reproach to their professional responsibilities! As though зазря поедаемым to money! — Though their fault at all in it, and that by them is disclaimed all useful, that they — ретрограды. Generically whether or not — it already other problem. But that actually, so it is exact! 
The foreign expertise, foreign clone in this business really no. Recently published article in « the Standard and quality » (№ 5, 1998), hardly earlier — substantial transfer(transmission) all same « of a German surge » on the subject of about non-polluting commodity (from 20.11.97 which is carrying on And. Гурков) have shown: as a system well debugged system for fulfilment of this function for them there also does not smell. And the abundance of ecological signs, is furnished with which one miscellaneous commodity abroad, mean everything: both clean container, and warranty of secondary waste-handling, and danger to marine flora and the faunas — but only not danger to the person and especially not a level ecological are pure(clean) kept in repair — that by us поедается or is drunk! 
So, the program « Ecological safety of food » formed almost completely on own Russian expertise — including ours, and Institute of a feed(meal,power) РАМН, and Institute of an ecology of the person. Also it is necessary to recognize, what not on Moscow only she(it) should be inputed, and on all Russia to shun superfluous reproaches. But then do(make) her(it) the people thinking государственно and народно owe... When we abruptly were transferred(translated) from a plan track on market, by(with) those who at one time взахлеб радел for Госплан, became, топая legs, брызгая by a saliva to be asked on the market, as an impotent on the another's husband. But hope that, they say, the market will make (i.e. will show, will inform, will adjust) all, have appeared absolutely by childrens: in the market the buyer sees only wrappers, раскраску, размалевку... Now in a beautiful wrapper the people any more does not believe. And this was promoted much by advertising, adding up in a modern pattern, which one on anything does not inform, and without delay misinforms. She never basically gives of matchings on quality. And without matchings to realize this quality it is impossible. 
In general in all a capitalist pattern on market space tens subsystems of stabilizing of the market were slowly added up. Let many from them are ineffective, but they act. Without all it for us the market was and remains wild. The program of ecological safety could become such subsystem, she be executed(made) under the full form(shape). Instead of « as always ». 
This system voluntary. But it was supposed to envision such privileges, that many producers, assured of the goods, her(it) have not ignored. 
The essence her(it) under the full form(shape) top-level, at a pink stage of the existence, consist in following. Let's give as compared remained: 
Maiden. That of the producers, who wants to gain the certificate or экомарку of the elementary type («is "ecologically secure") voluntarily will transmit the goods for перепроверки of a level of a contents for a long time of assayed matters. But it will be made is tighter, is more diligent. Or with attachment of other trials — for example, on Hormonums. (Though the Institute of a feed(meal,power) asserts(approves), that the commodities with a heightened level of Hormonums have some). // What remained from it now? Instead of the optimized group of really monitored parameters(indexes) (5-7 токсикантов both several biologically dangerous chemical combinations and biological objects), their number was now multiplied, that can reduce or in unreality of the price of check, or to invalid simplifications at a rating. 
Second. To the commodity producers or suppliers, whose goods will show the best purity from harmful impurity(additives), it will be offered to receive the ecological certificate and экомарку, but already with the indicating of a level of ecological purity (with it we and are occupied many years). // It the program has lost начисто, having kept on practice primitive, «yes "- нетную" a system, as well as earlier, having equated to each other everyone, who will pass demanded trials. It will force or to depress a threshold and thus to not stimulate heightened ecological purity, or, having increased a threshold to keep экомаркироку only for ultra-pure products. And in general, any control of quality at actuation about a management system threshold switches even will not smell. All remain « as always ». 
Third, that was planned(glided) to insert in Moscow: if the goods have, except for heightened purity, also heightened quality (for example, heightened contents of vitamins or trace elements or improved gustatory properties, odor...) — so, for the goods of heightened quality the brand, certificate was envisioned: the certificate of fitness. With it we are occupied too many years and we have enough wide experience of activity. By the way, inside working group originated a problem of a rating of quality of food Institute of a feed(meal,power), and now it requires(demands), the Department of the foodstuffs of Government of Moscow insists also. 
So, look: — that was planned(glided), that was received. And you see it was necessary only to assign all « under the notes ». Ан no. It was pulled by many - many months. And then all has become simpler, уплостилось, as we see, up to a full primitive вперемежку with a gigantism. With the link: the people differently will not understand. 
Yes, our people забит where is more, than western: by wars, revolutions.... In a peace time — by an overabundance of bureaucracy, mutual хамством, самоедством... Young still we. Maiden king for us has appeared in 15 century, when in West to the states was on one thousand years. 
Vodka — what vodka? Drink everywhere, and basically from a hopelessness and неприкаянности. During revolutions the present and artificial leaders — Ленин and Сталин, Гитлер and Ex... Gave hope, and consequently behind them went, and consequently then less saw, became also mentally ill less. But as soon as illusions went on, revived or пьянка, either apathy, or narcotics, or... A pursuit for gold тельцом. One is not better than other. We should revive strife ideological. For a long time or even for ever. But for maximum idea, for happiness of the people — of each person, mankind as a whole. And not at the expense of misfortune other. And to show precise yardsticks, for what to struggle: for itself and for other: « Think of itself, remember Russia ». 
Герхарду Шрёдеру concerning his(its) victory on selection in Germanium it is possible to say following: yes, you have conquered, and with the large odds. And it speaks that the grains of complaint ripened for a long time. The mentality of the German people does not allow this complaint to express by the way of pickets and meetings of the protest. But it does not mean, that the collecting lacks, ulcer by the germans are perceived less morbidly, than us, Russian. Нелечение of these lacks and ulcers — from absence of a proof system of self-progressing, which one in time would recognize originating ulcers and язвочки, differentiated them on damage and would erect constant updating(adjusting) of a course in the necessary direction. If you in time will not make such gear, in due course and you, your crew will be discharged with the same devastating score. Give, speak we Е. M. Примакову, Г.Н. Селезневу, Ю.М. Лужкову, already now we shall begin to create, взращивать of force, for strife for indefatigable strengthening of a system of public self-progressing, having begun with creation of the Ministry either Committee, or Department or Group of public progressing in Moscow. Or it is better at once in country! As to the Vehicle, after variation of the rules of the game, implementation of the normally operational incentives and sanctions there will be a natural reorientation of the people. And natural selection(sampling) by yardstick of usefulness (for company). Small линька, and the down will go strong and healthy. 
Well, and as to paths, the ready strong fundamentalses for their development already are. And they is active are discussed on Expert council on social safety and social progressing (Committee on safety ГосДумы Russian Federation). The applicable bill and even the schedule of activity of regional administrations on implementation of his(its) pieces at the maiden stages of implementation is prepared. 
If is short, the sense of his(its) introducing consists in following. 
One of fundamental reasons неработоспособности of the majority of the statutory acts (including of the laws, in abundance produced by our Parliament) — absence there are enough of definite sanctions for their non-use. Give, we at first have decided, at each rule of law, at each article of the law we shall write in such kind(view), as it did(made) in due course: « the fine for non-use 10, 100 or 1000 minimum salaries ». But then have understood, that this дурацкий a way anywhere годен: let's suspect, one norm(standard) contains a rule(situation,position): the factory has not the right to do(make) pressure bump of unhealthy matters in an atmosphere more established. But then if one director by a way... — miscellaneous there are paths —.. Has placed(installed), has agreed with Москомприродой on 10 tons per day, and other — on 100, second will pay the fine for 110 and to not pay for 90, and maiden — to pay already at 11 tons. It is nonsense! Well, and if maiden costs(stands) in густонаселенной to a zone, and second in полупустыне? — Therefore, at each article there should be an indicating on repayment of the applicable damage. But you see then it can be one unified indicating on the law. Or in general on all laws one rule: repayment of damage of all kinds(views), on many cases of wrongful acts.. 
Then further there was a problem: and why the operating should be only illegal? Well, having not time(were in time), have not guessed to write this or that rule of law, and the damage is marked, so unless it is not logical to require(demand) his(its) indemnification? 
All this — the fundamentals of the so-called Reversionary right (and can be it(him) at one time will call Moscow, or to Russian), — as against Roman, on which one costs(stands) all legal system in our civilized pattern, yes that there: all our strange civilization! 
But for us, slavs, with nature близкою to the nature, язычество never will be forgotten. 
The reflexive idea, as against casuistic Roman, is based on natural both in physical, and in a biological pattern a principle: the operating is equal to counteraction(reaction), it is necessary to pay for all. 
This idea тысячелетней of limitation. Its(her) solution — through urging each. « To operate(control) — means correctly to stimulate », — the philosophy of capitalism speaks. « Each — on capacities, each — by results of a transactions », — is spoken by(with) philosophy of communism (in correct transfer(translation)). See: you see between them there is no difference! The best minds(wits) for a long time knew the answer, which one did not arrange... Inferior. Mass tested(experienced) always gravitation in both sides. But the entropy, chaos requires(demands) of the person always of smaller pressure(voltage,stress), and he (person) quite often скатывался downwards, is active jogged by those (from inferior), which one due to skill to go on another's heads climbed up on Олимпы of the auxiliary stairways and already leaning(basing) on facilitiess handed to them by company, or, more precisely, higher "«олимпийцами", stimulated chaos. That is harm to company. They do(make) it and is simple ничегонеделаньем, топтанием in place .. In it a reason of potent, impenetrable selforganizing, self-progressing of bureaucracy, pairing of the officers. 
But it is not necessary to think, that these people are bad generically. Conditions and circumstances — that reshapes us. Спарта was strong, and спартанцы — are healthy, while they were at war. Бесспрос, беспредел and lawlessness are capable to taint, to distort, to erase any spiritually and even physically, to erase any crew, any people. Speak, no for the Jew of the large trouble, than to detect loss of anti-Semitism. As we see, has found the whole people to itself a perpetuum mobile — though quite often by him(it) twisted. What it we with you shall not find, there can be even best? And unless the strife for own self-progressing, for social, humanistly oriented progressing of all human community can not be worthy idea? 
While that about any the universal implementation of a principle « for all should pay » there is no also speech. 
There is a judgement « of competent sources » (transmitted, the truth, whisper), that of the fines collects so much, how much it is necessary for existence of bodies(organs), their collecting. (Is more exact, hardly it is more to derivate almost funds, not spent for business, — for a sense of security). In that case about what depressing of contaminants or about remedial it is possible to speak, if outgoing from the data itself Минэкологии, damage real on country approximately in 300 times more, than gathered fines? In Moscow the annual social - ecological damage for health of the person under our data compounds 15 млр. Rbl., and collects about... 15 млн. (it is the data Москомприроды). That is we as though give short to each inhabitant of Moscow about 1,5 thousand rbl. annually — naturally, from facilitiess of contaminants, instead of state. (State clever, clever Minister, it should only cleverly stage.) And major — дестимулируем of contaminants to applying active measures against impurity. As we see, dual(twin) breach of justice. 
It is necessary to say, that now in jurisprudence words even more often flash(flicker): indemnification of a harm, indemnification(compensation) of damage... But as very inconfidently, неимперативно... Yes, each can demand... But through the usual gear of legal proceedings — incredibly delayed, inert, обюрокраченный... Can demand — but if it or material damage (lost money), or moral, where all indefinitely. About social speech does not go at all. 
There are many kinds(views) human баловства... See SEPARATE TEXT / з д е with ь does not result / . 
Supervision(observation) and the calculations have shown, that of kinds(views) of situations, at which one the living environments of the person are upset, that is the damage, in is rendered many to him, it is a lot of: in hundreds, thousand times more, than kinds(views) of damage, which one it will be necessary will learn to consider(count). And to do(make) it in country is to whom — one hundred thousand, existing already in country, lawyers: to the derivated specialists, often rather of high level. 
And methodically problem really is not too folded. 
For the majority of harmful particular acts the answers are rather simple: has spent one thousand roubles of public money — it is same one thousand plus of the fine(foam) (we shall say, equal среднебанковскому to percent on the credit); has taken away in the population 100 thousand man-hours of spare time — calculate the cost of one hour (through the mean wage) and multiply on one million... A plus the moral damage. 
Has reset in a pond ton гадости — pay подохшую a fish a plus of a harm to health, plus the moral damage... Last cases, certainly, are more complex(difficult). 
The moral damage in general requires(demands) the special approach. It(him) now determine with fidelity a plus - minus a shovel: start from one million, adjudge roubles. 
No, this thin kind(view) of damage to give to determine to any — to the clever or silly officer, basically it is impossible to the scientist or manager —. It(he) should be assigned by(with) people, population. For much here depends on national, domestic traditions, from the not set norms ethical rules. It is possible to place(install) the norms(standard), rule here only рекомендательно. It already business of the forward(straight) solution by the people, i.e. method « of forward(straight) democracy ». 
Let's say, обезумевшая from loneliness the old woman, contrary to стенаниям of the neighbours, has got ten котов. Or the neighbour suited from a flat a joiner's shop and noise terrorizes all in a district. How to define(determine) damage? — From several flats the tenants are withdrawn (that the person them did not influence the solution) and the group "of the «mean" citizens is invited, which one should decide a unique problem: at what monthly repayment they are ready to live in the given nightmare. This sum also is presented for payment to infringers. (Generally « the forward(straight) democracy » contains in itself much more.... But it is separate talk). 
Certainly, not everyone will be ready such to pay. But fact of existence of a system of indemnification(compensation) of social damage — it дамоклов меч, which one will manage to restrain пыл хама. Nowadays sojourning as though in space беспредела of the officer — including. All this is stipulated in our bill, which one now passes the Duma corridors. In a nem is not forgotten and the so-called missed profit — is such concept of jurisprudence, practically lifeless. Why it(him) to us to not reanimate? Let's say, the manager not has accepted the best solution — to calculate damage and to show for payment. And right to judge the silly norm(standard)? — too it is necessary. Therefore for us in the bill also sounds: from wrongful acts overlooked effect and non-optimum нормотворчества. Each — on capacities, each — by results of a transactions. By the way, these distortings in the text « of the main(basic) principle of socialism », going whether or not, — probably, one of reasons, why we профукали great idea of socialism. And you see it is a pity. Now it is necessary to take from him(it) all best, недобранное earlier.



Б.А. Минин, academician МАИ, д.э.н., к.т.н.
  In ours rough, быстротекущей of life there are not so many communal reasons constraining our social progressing of company, confining social safety of each of us. Among them one of noticeable and ill for us — the lowest knowledge of the population of quality that it consumes. The market, the basis(fundamentals) which one should be соревновательность of the goods, services, thus as though any more market, and market, on which one each кота stores in the closed sack, slightly opening it(him) in the extremest cases.
The problem how to evaluate quality of the goods or service, arises for us with you very much often: with what from exhibited refrigeration cabinets to select, in what dry-cleaner to hand a costume(suit) how to react on утерю by mail of the letter or to delay of the bus... The answers on them are not always simple enough.
Quality - what is it such? The quality of a single thing, service is their usefulness, VALUE for us with you we recognize usefulness of a thing, if the trial function applicable to assigning of a thing, really coincides that it is necessary from веши, and its(her) separate consumer properties are not worse and not better that us arranges "is",apparently, "not worse" understandably, but why it is "not "better"?
Let's try to refer to a general rule " For all it is necessary to pay " If us with you have offered the recipient with sensitivity much above than interference level in our city,, therefore, we obviously shall overpay. Let alone impairment, quite often accompanying this, of other properties of the recipient
Value, price - whether they correspond(meet) one another?
In that and business, that is far from being always. During sale and purchase we change the price (outcome of our transactions) for value (outcome of a transactions of the producer and seller). We change not always adequately. In clean, refined kind(view) the value corresponds(meets) to the price only in the absolutely free market, free from монополизма and from arrangement of the producers. Furthermore this market should be saturated, i.e. without a naturally or artificially called deficit, and honest, when us absolutely full& and precisely inform on all properties of the goods, positive and negative. Really such market anywhere was not and no, for us - especially.
How to reduce our loss at exchange of the price by value? The maximum knowledge is necessary that you purchase. Certainly, there are some levels of knowledge about the goods.
Maiden is when we precisely know, that to us have wrapped up really what we have paid money for example, player, instead of brick for.
Second - that the wrapped up player contains all indispensable kit (earphones etc.)
Third - that the player executes(designs) the functions sounds, rewinds a film. All this seems to us of itself азумеющимся. Further any more so unconditionally:
Fourth - that he sounds and rewinds at least how promises the fair brochure, that he is beautiful enough and is friend in activity and, certainly, is absolutely secure.
Fifth - that advertising and the circular has taken into account all relevant for us of property of a player, both good, and bad, - that that and other we учли and have weighed. In mind(wit).
Unfortunately, not all properties are possible are to noted from the maiden view in magazine - for example, by(with) noise from a refrigeration cabinet. Some properties are exhibited in general only in time (for example, energy, consumable by a refrigeration cabinet,). Not everything, that we today have, we smoke, we drink, objectively corresponds(meets) forfeited for the all this sums of money. And the more so to the approved submission(representation) about модности or престижности of these things.
At ours доверчивости to names of famous corporations we often are be blind to quality of their goods. And often we do not remark quality of the goods of our corporations, or corporations is not so loud about itself shouting, or honestly setting up pluses and minuses of the goods.
All or nearly so all from this should be undertaken by(with) passionless certification, mandatory and voluntary, foreseen our legislation.
The certification is " operating of the third persons permitting to place(install) correspondence of the qualitative performances, as a whole qualities of the given goods or services, requirements established in this or that document ". In civilized countries the networks(grid) of certified centers specializing on miscellaneous kinds(views) of the goods and services are rather widely advanced. They reshape for a customer precise reference points in the overflowed market of commodity. For the honest manufacturer is a best capability of a honest competitiveness. Thus, certification - one of controlling instruments on a competitive field of market attitudes(relations). And on the contrary: without these gears unbridled and absolutely unguided полудикий the market can not form a civilized society, in which one the advantage of the citizens costs(stands) in a number(series) of major values. We while are right at the beginning of paths to such company.
So, our Legislation envisions two kinds(views) of certification: mandatory and voluntary. The mandatory certification allows for parameters(indexes) concerning health maintenances, life, property of the citizens, and also natural conservation. Whether it is necessary to speak, that this kind(view) of certification more than is indispensable for many goods and services! The manual of its(her) implementation was undertaken by(with) a state body(organ) — Госстандарт.
Any figure of merits can be exposed to so-called voluntary certification. This procedure is made under the initiative both commodity producer, and customer. So that добровольность concerns without delay to selection of parameters(indexes), form(shape) of certification etc.
In the elementary case any producer (for example, usual hairdressing saloon), having taken for the basis(fundamentals) a GOST, EAST WIND, THAT, even the list the requirement,say, from USA or Mongolia, can ask to give to him the certificate on correspondence of quality of his(its) services to the requirements which have been set up in the data normative documents. There is no doubt, multiplicity of look-alike ratings hardly probable something will give to a customer. Also will be on an arm the one who is simple can is quick(rapid) подсуетиться, having dedicated on certification how much crazy thousand roubles. You see many millions frequently on absolutely not informative advertising will be rejected today. " The Certificate of correspondence " everything to everything at the minimum costs can be received by(with) any producer. The beautiful paper will hang(hover) for each. So that customer again will appear in sad ignorance concerning true quality of the goods, tendered to him, and services.
Is, however, and other capability: to place(install) for all a unified base of comparison and to issue the certificate, on which one there will be a degree of quality - extent of exceeding of quality of a prototype, goods or service above selected baseline. Thus, "Certificate of fitness" is a maximum extent of the certificate of correspondence with the large rights.
On this paths - the paths of creation of an optimal system of certification on quality went we, designing(elaborating) our System of certification of quality — SCQ. Follows now on it(him) and our branches in a number(series) of cities of Russia, including — in Kaliningrad. It is necessary to say, if the problem of a rating of quality of the goods methodically not so complex(difficult), services — business is more complex(difficult).
The activities dedicated a rating of quality of services, that is orb till now presenting certain " терра инкогнита " are nowadays finished. After long debate is definitively determined and the generalized nomenclature of figure of merits of services trusted to in the basis(fundamentals) of selection of a base of comparison in designed by us to a system of certification of quality of services is adopted.
As against the nomenclature of figure of merits of the goods of service have four precisely differentiated groups: quality purely services, culture of servicing, costs of a customer of access and, as a rule, accompanying to a main effect — effect (or damage) indirect
For formation of regional centers (regional, urban, republican) and number(series) of bodies(organs) of certification on “ardent” services - insurance, exchange of flats, tourism, repair of teleradio equipment etc. — they should be made out especially. Many from them already work with particular firms, and those soon can receive maiden н to our country the certificates of fitness. The Kaliningrad center of certification (Вьюжанин В.П., Демиденко Э.С., Калинцев Ю.А. And other) all this already well has mastered.
Regretfully it is necessary to mark, that the existing advertising - bad помощница in definition of quality both goods, and service, she does not promote separation of grains from плевел. The so-called open market actually while no.
But there is such orb of servicing, where there is no competitiveness basically. It is so-called natural monopolies. For example, service in supply of flats by an electrical power either gas. Or public transport. But at the same time there are many corporations, which one work in a rigid competitive field. For example, that the magazines, specially currency and other specialize on building, insurance, medical, tourist services, and also firm общепита. In some cases the magazines, banks, educational entities, even advertising agencies can among themselves compete.
We be not capable them all to envelop. Therefore have selected that to us on forces, - those orbs, where for us are either specialists, or definite operating time(running times). On noncompetitive kinds(views) of services, same gas, electricity, heating, the urban public transport etc., too is quite possible to enter mandatory certification, but not on safety (about her hardly later), and on quality, and depending on him(it) to adjust(regulate) the taxation. You see,you see, high quality - definite plus to company, repeatability of public attitudes(relations), noticeable delta to quality of our life.
The special edge of quality — ecological purity of the goods. To all of us is well-known (and whom it is not known, that guesses), that on shelves of our magazines are sold miscellaneous on quality of the goods. Miscellaneous, at first on a level of harmful impurity(additives). What for impurity(additives)? Basically they dive through ecologically not irreproachable conditions произрастания of agricultural raw, взращивания of animals etc. — therefore and the generally accepted term “Non-polluting” — a subject of rough oppositions both refined ecologists, and specialists on a feed(meal,power) is possible to consider(count) quite justified(quite reasonable) already. Ridiculously, and you see in a name of settling-out already of term, adopted by the people furthermore quite legalized Госстандартом, in working group there are a lot of forces and time. Further, there is a strife for settling-out absolutely @ of a ridiculous stand: time the standards of harmful matters are maintained,, therefore, all product falling on shelves of our magazines, and so, they say, secure. And only at fiducial conversations there is a fiducial admission: certainly, if harmful matters will be less, nevertheless it would be better! — Just by calculation, in how much of time is more beneficial, i.e. the product is less harmful, real, hitted to us on certification in comparison with “normative - contaminated”, and our Center of certification working on a System of certification of quality (SCQ), registered Госстандартом is engaged.
The problem this is not exhausted from the pin. In one of the most interesting transfers(transmissions) on a german surge Анастасия Рахманова in transfer(transmission) about the food components (March, 1998) has reduced mass of examples, as us дурят not only small-sized and smallest, but even and it is pleased firms of repute (see. The appendix 1
how to talk about our ecological certification, we shall give some definitions, which one we use.
Non-polluting the product containing harmful matters and their joint, and also producing harmful radiations and vaporizations in quantities authentically below established by applicable sanitary-hygienic and diverse standards and the requirements (ПДК, ПДУ, ПДВ is...). The level of ecological purity of the product is determined by a ratio of quantity of harmful matters, contained in a nem, and also harmful radiations, produced by him,(it,) and vaporizations, with quantity established by applicable sanitary-hygienic and diverse standards and the requirements. And the Quality of an article of food — is the complex(integrated) performance of usefulness of unit of food commodity instituted(spotted) by set(combination) of the performances, which one cause capacity of an article of food to content(fit) physiological and aesthetic needs(requirements) of the person for nutrition at usual for him(it) the use conditions.
The normatively established quality (normative quality) — quality conditioned by set(combination) of the performances, consumer properties established as mandatory in normative and the engineering specifications
The data the Methodical indicatings guess the registration during calculations operational САНПиНов, standards a GOST Р or in case of their absence — of diverse standards and requirements established in a System SCQ. Last of the exhausted GOSTs is Гост 51074-97. It(him) we still shall touch below.
The rules, established by us, actuate the substantiation a procedure of opening-up and issue of the ecological certificates of fitness on commodity — raw, intermediate products, items, goods, service (further: the goods), if necessary elapsed mandatory certification properly tested and tested for availability and a contents of harmful impurity(additives), radiatings, vaporizations and т. д. — they should be lower normatively permissible. Under these data after the applicable calculations it is possible to receive a Level экологичности, or Level of ecological quality, which one determines, literally, extent of rise of usefulness (value) of the given product concerning the product with "normative - permissible" by values of the harmful factors. These items of information can be beneficial to the supplier of the goods (commodity): At proper leaving out of the buyer (customer) it will allow or to accelerate sales of commodity non-polluting, or a little to raise on it(her) the price, that will promote a reduction of prices on commodity ecologically contaminated. For for a number(series) of customers a problem of ecological purity of food, furniture, instruments... - for them and the more so for their children - has essential value.
According to the data by the Rules, the ecological certification of the goods implements with the purpose of definition of their complementary usefulness owing to deviation(rejection) in the best side of ecologically harmful parameters,(indexes,) intrinsic to her, factors, properties, performances, arguments concerning their normative - tolerance level (without dependence from their functional usefulness) and thus drops of risk of diseases, rise biotic тонуса, activity — that directly concerns quality of our life, social safety.
The ecological certificates of fitness are given on the properly tested goods, ecologically harmful properties which one - for example, contents of harmful impurity(additives), radiatings, vaporizations and. т. д. - appear below normatively of tolerance level (ПДК, ПДУ, remote control...). If during ecological certification the harmful factors which are not being on the operational order a subject of mandatory certification will be detected the registration and the rating of these factors (definite properties, foreign substances, impurity(additives), not characteristic for technological reasons for the given goods and consequently not set norms, etc.) will be carried out in matching from them ПДК, ПДУ..., complementary live in the process of trials by a Body(organ) SCQ at the coordination with competent bodies(organs).
As well as full Certificate of fitness, the Ecological certificate determines an extent of rise of usefulness (value of relative effect) certificated commodity concerning adopted for a base of comparison, in this case - similar commodity with a normative contents of harmful matters, radiatings, vaporizations etc. with other things being equal. He is an information material indispensable for a customer — final and intermediate (at wholesale purchasing of the goods), and also — during opening-up of production and even developments.
The legislator, asserting(approving) the mentioned above GOST 51074-97, posed a noble purpose — to secure a customer against a misinformation by the way of miscellaneous tags and placards about экологичности, frequently at all of not applicable actuality. In West now there are a lot of look-alike signs, but that is interesting: they concern either packaging, or influencing of the product on ocean water in transit, or everything other. But not influencing on our health that we едим also drink. The sign of our system SCQ speaks that the goods are tested at the applicable level — methodical and procedural and concerns usefulness of the product for the person. As far as we know, at such checks the Kaliningrad center of certification and is in a close business contact to bodies(organs) санэпиднадзора of Kaliningrad and Kaliningrad field(area). If it not absolutely so, we are sure: here still ahead.
The certification of quality, ecological certification, should shield us from unmonitored dissolve domestic both import products mean and poor quality. And simultaneously to manage to dedicate best, most clean — on a voluntary gust of producers, for which one thus the quite visible profits are envisioned: concern to them of customers. It is clear, that выгадал from it and customer, which one knew, what exactly purchases on the money.
Ours the colleague And.. ШАЕВИЧ from Ekaterinburg in one of there are enough of often publications of a local press about a system SCQ, about which one his(its) Center some years work already writes. That fact, that the commodity is awarded with a high rating, owes is active to be used for advance of the given goods on the market, i.e. for rise of his(its) competitiveness. For this purpose it is expedient to give the applicable information in advertising, catalogs, on the exhibitions, at negotiating with trade entitiess. Commercial structures the executing wholesale deliveries, have more chances of implementation of the goods, if he has the ecological certificate and certificate of fitness, sometimes — and under the a little bit heightened price. The buyer, orienting on the look-alike information, will return, with other things being equal, preference to the goods with these certificates. All this determines not only commercial, but also общесоциальную usefulness of voluntary certification.
So, the voluntary certification becomes step-by-step relevant member of progressing of a social production — and progressing on a path of qualitative, social progress, with allowance for of real concerns of the person, company, instead of invented by someone for the profit.
The problems of social progressing include a lot of pieces, including — and perfecting of management systems of quality. A separate piece of this vast concept — the social safety, is possible to define(determine) which one so: the state of company, including all main(basic) orbs of production and social orb, guards of an internal constitutional order, exterior safety, culture, at which one is provided nominal (set norms and общественно normal) level of social settings and granted social values — material, временны'х, sanitary - epidemiological, ecological, psychological and diverse, defining a quality of life of the person and company as a whole, the minimum risk for life, physical and mental health of the people, capability of spiritual, intellectual(intelligent) and physical progressing of personal capacities of the citizen and effective implementation of these capacities is guaranteed;
Concept “ the social safety ” slowly, but steadily punches to itself a right to live and on comprehension in company.
In the scientific legal literature, in political practice it began to be reshaped from the extremity of the ninetieth years. Already then this concept contained in itself the whole complex of the factors defining, except for the economical and political moments, all direct habitat of the person — biological, physical, psychological, material and eventually — a significant(sizeable) part that contains in itself capacious concept of a quality of life.
To the present time, with formation at Committee on safety Госдумы of expert Council on social safety and social progressing, it is possible to consider(count) a circle of phenomena and problems encompassed(spanned) by concept “ social safety ”,, was issued in an enough full measure. To them concern:
1. Detection of a capability of occurrence(appearance) and analysis of social damage, incidentally or designedly plotted to company by the separate citizens, state patterns, entitiess, and also citizens one another, and also development of the proposals for his(its) preventing.
Taken into account социоактивные the factors:
  • Material, psychological, temporary and diverse overloads of the person, company;
  • Impurity by chemical agents of air, potable water opened basins and soil;
  • Effect of the physical factors: radio waves, radioactive contamination, noise, dust etc.;
  • Social tension (for example, because of переуплотненности and multinationality of settlement, криминогенной of conditions(situation), off-standard activity of power systems, orb of servicing, state of a municipal infrastructure etc.);
  • Negative informational - psychological effects;
  • Any factors negatively affecting health of the person.
  • Any kinds of damage from any kinds противообщественной of human activity should be allowed.
    2. Detection and analysis of latent defects in already laws in force, rule of laws, in social gears and social attitudes(relations) and creation of the reasons for depressing the factors and phenomena calling(causing):
  • Misinformation, оболванивание, forfeiting of the people of the right to decide the destiny in a measure of the capacities and, on the contrary,
  • Own licentiousness, идиотизацию of the people,
  • Social instability, tension and social failures(stalls) in company,
  • Spiritual, social and biological degradation of the person,
  • Education of youth and as a whole companies in antisocial spirit,
  • The skip общественно-useful and distribution(propagation) (duplicating) of novelties, harmful to company, projects, entitiess...
  • Termination общественно of useful activity and conservation общественно harmful;
  • Distribution(propagation) of antisocial philosophy, which one in the long term can plot to company material, economical, social, moral and diverse damage.
  • 3. Perfecting and development of the guidelines on implementation of methods of a rating of social effect (damage) and forecasting(prediction) of social instability, tension and social failures(stalls), including under the particular projects — but predominantly as the implementators of a methodology of a rating and paths of rise of performance of the projects.
    4. Perfecting methods of quantitative and qualitative definition of social effect and social damage for usage in legislative activity (see item п.1, 2).
    5. Development of the bills and opening-up of the different guidelines for implementation and usage of steady economical and social gears of drop of damage from wrongful acts overlooked effect and non-optimum нормотворчества, including by full unconditional indemnification(compensation) by the particular parties in fault of damage, plotted by them.
    6. Definition of paths of supply застрахованности of company from is brave in global aspect (from threat of wars, natural disasters, terrorism and criminality), protection from social and professional risks.
    All these factors — are not invented, all of them parameters(indexes) of multiplicity of wounds, which one we plot one another, i.e. to ourselves everywhere and permanently, as отъявленные мазохисты.
    Let's consider(count), that the certification of quality, which one is carried out(conducted) especially on the voluntary basis(fundamentals), but by the strictly reasonable yardsticks of true usefulness of the goods or the services for the person — are a first step in second тысячелетие. For fun or seriously astrologists assert(approve), that in his(its) most beginning (since 2003) there will be a gentle transition from sad, lasting more than two thousand years of Epoch of Pisces, Epoch of secrets, illusions, fanaticism, intrigues, to light creative Epoch Водолея, in an atmosphere of which one, by the way there is a Russia. To approach to this Epoch the problem all of us is worthy —.





    In our collective Борис Минин has come with the proposal, which one we till now could not realise sufficiently: social miracles — it too miracles. And not less surprising, than usual. He the applicable transformation, by his(its) scientific works and inventions, has passed, has crossed rather for a long time, during the service in army. It is understandable, that such transformation of the young officer and his(its) applicable expressions, then in general at all prohibited, could have an effect on his(its) officer career. Now he only chuckles above then "«политдубами". Also is struck to will провидения, opening to him a road from военно-engineering in economical, and that both in social, and in spiritual orbs of knowledge.
    But as against many from us in themselves knowledge and even the formed inclinings БА considers(counts) indispensable, but not sufficient function of the Person. Only общественно useful "«конструкт" should be a ring of existence of the person. This "«конструктами" track all not short path к.т.н., then д.э.н. And academician Бориса Минина. Today his(its) stage — looking up общественно of effective gears of public progressing on a path social, and then and maximum —   spiritual progress.
    The protrusion БА tracks taken from the little-known people, but very significant for землян of the Appeal of Coalition Squad of the Spectators (КОН), transferred(handed) to the people through Рерихов in 1929, but in time not realized by us. And today it(him) it would seem simple trues from Association of civilizations of our Galaxy are perceived arduously
    At existing acceleration of progressing of mankind hardly probable it is possible freely to look even on the extremity of following century. Let alone all тысячелетии. But nevertheless some forecasts can be made.
    1. Maiden, that should take place: I think, per the nearest fifty - hundred years the person will manage досыта наесться by technological progress, by a technocracy and will muse above own destiny. Ahead of us expects where the greater «scientific "- social" progress, rather than was till now technological. For ripens and soon furuncle charged by pus of pressing items will burst on a body of mankind. They.
    How much still remains for the nature of reserves at existing speed of pirating of its(her) oofs, at such speed her(it) обгаживания? Millions tons of resets(drops) of harmful matters in the rivers, sea, in soils, ventings, arbitrary калечение of our geography, all environment...
    That we, people, — receive everyone and mankind as a whole — from birth of each following technical novelty or following political pitch — of effect or damage, favour or harm more? While there are no even attempts of competent calculation of all social and ecological damage and subsequent соизмерения of all pluses and all minuses from distribution(propagation) of each such novelty...
    When the score on a full amount for damage plotted all new and new технократическими by experiments, all New and of a new, will be presented human баловства, whole branches of human activity, viable, existing only because one do not guess to claim, and other do not guess to return damage plotted by commodity of these branches. Purchasing the automobile and fuel to it(him), the fan(amateur) of quick(rapid) driving pays in the main(basic) transactions of the workers, in any way not paying wound of a planet from an exhaustion of its(her) subsoil, многоликий of a harm to other people, which one are forced to breathe by an interior of motor engines and rubber dust from wearings of clivuses, «to "enjoy" noise of motor engines and permanently to be endangered of mutilations... Costs(stands) просуммировать damage on all 8 "«номинациям", and will appear, that with allowance for numbers of objects of effect, he will be much higher, than effect for 1-2-3 passengers.
    Most ridiculous, that is usual ratings are carried out(conducted) for the type yes - no, it suit - is not necessary, correspond - not corresponds(meets). On it зиждется all potent state system of certification and for us, in Russia, and in other countries. The narrowity of threshold psychology of the people can strike. From the appeal of Coalition Squad of the Spectators recently widely published in printing (the book Н. Левашова « Last appeal to mankind ». — Russian tower, Moscow, 1997): « the Basis(fundamentals) of the extreme poor person are the concepts   « yes "also" no »... Absurd cleavage of the logical foundation on concepts « yes "also" no » is the largest encumbrance on paths of knowledge by you of life, and, as the consequent, knowledge for you now is in a rather incipient state... If it is possible arduously to call your method of perception of life also as thinking, this system is itself   primitive of all possible(probable)... »
    For us diverse output(exit) no, except for as выкарабкиваться itself from bog of ignorance: « Nowadays intrinsic   to mankind ущербный the type of thinking would call for the person who has entered a coalition, the progressing complex of inferiority. »
    Certainly, if to see массовки on documentary shots — whether it be Russian, either german, or African, yes, person of the extremity ХХ of century — it unconditionally step forward   in comparison with the person of the extremity ХIХ of century. The Russian all for last 10 years unrecognizably has varied. On a scooping instead of one-complex(one-difficult)   three-move three-back of alphabetic words the abundant proposals such as « I you suddenly have appeared I like » and even « For me today good mood ». Пройдено it is a lot of. But what is it was for a path? — Same solid вихляние, on 100 steps forward 99 back! — Million-strong human victims, huge losses by the way of overlooked (half-received) effect from long невнедрений of novelties общественно useful, but commercially unprofitable or as though « scientifically not recognized » and at the same time from an inflate of other "«achievements" useless — or even harmful. — Unless it is possible to call it as the present progress? If near to mankind, in fourth or in the fifth measuring, any essences really live, it should be a shame with itself before them.
    And before itself too. We should be seized by a head and переосмыслить, where and what for we go. The food components, frequently on 80 % from sawdusts or today does not manage which one any our desktop, that it is even worse, from clean chemistry. So we deceive our solid nature. Precisely same now and in morals reshaped by ours of masses - медией: full substitution of ideals on idols, mass aiming to not be, but to seem: « Red lipstick the daddy has presented me, red lipstick, you I very much of rad... ». This and look-alike заразу is born to us by(with) tens radio stations. Лжечтиво, лжезрелища... One of the telecasts, most liked by the people: «... любовники? — each week new. » Moral downgrade, алкоголизм, drug addiction, лжелюбовь... And behind them, completely naturally, illnesses and genetic degeneration. Speak, on the silly spectator — silly advertising. No, silly advertising, silly show оглупляет of the spectator. Speak, on dull — a dull technocracy. No, it is a technocracy рекрутирует dull, she educates them from natural raw. « Now on the Earth most primitive of all — an engine civilization dominates. She encompasses all mankind, holds down it(him) under check and does not give to arise of a new civilization... Apparently, it is more correct   would be to consider(count) mankind not reasonable, and potentially as reasonable race ». It too words from the Appeal КОН.
    Ах, these ours today's unbridled, unchained passions and страстишки! But behind them — attention! — behind them huge profits of this or that producers... Even it would seem of the very severe goods and services. Purchasing the new computer or to it(him) the new program, who can say, how much from them really it is required to a customer, and how much superfluous we are imposed under шумок by(with) the commodity producer — 20 / 80? Or 10 / 90? And can be, 5 / 95? Престижность, модность, петушиные of the game, sometimes positive fraud - all this with huge material and diverse victims, all this from examples those 99 pitches of our regress on 100 real телодвижений.
    Us as by narcotics daily pump by thirst of consumption all new and new, including absolutely waste безделушек; all new branches of production, sometimes only radium new workstations, on which one are accordingly entered... Make absolutely useless or even harmful things.
    And let's recollect, how much was on our history of idols, radium which one we killed and калечили to ourselves look-alike: heritable, racial, religious, class, monetary... And ways of permission of the far-fetched inconsistencies? — of war, war both war... Whether Also victim — by the way bloods, either poverty, or destruction(annihilation) of the nature... Being integrated in us to effect families, clans, group, country, arming at first by mattocks, дубинками, knives, malicious псами, and now still by more and more complex(difficult) instruments(guns) of production and tools of a self-destruction — by automatic machine tools and nuclear bombs, it became easier. And to kill one another. To kill directly or indirectly, in so-called "«peace time" including — i.e. making to bear troubles by other. Very much often with the links to state, national and diverse concerns.
    As истые the drug addicts, the people can not stay and, is amicable расталкивая one another by elbows, blindly hurry up to breakaway... As though someone or imposes something (from that fourth - fifth measuring) to us our path. Or can be will of the deputies, selected us, monarch and government? And we have no neither means, nor organization-legal methods to counter to all these commands. And you see in the business it is necessary to agree, that «... One of major tags for systematization of race as reasonable is that its(her) each quoter превыше puts all activity of collective reason ».
    That, let's risk, we shall make one more attempt, we shall try to those idols   to offer, N-ый a path, and there can be he becomes most successful: — a path of mutual reconciling and present, general social self-progressing - progressing all together and major - everyone.
    The people ХХII, and can already ХХI of century, as it will not seem now strange and even wild, will return, can return to первозданной of the personal responsibility for all particular acts to the proportionally marked damage. While КОН, alas, again of rights, speaking: « your public and personal moral is guided by the rules polarizing concepts « love - hatred "»," kindness - evil "»," life - mors » and other in the same spirit... You and in the jury trial determine culpability or innocence of the indictee by a principle: « yes "»-" no "»..."
    Only Дамоклов меч of the personal share responsibility permanently hanging(hovering) above each, will force отрезвиться of thousand and millions people daily held   by collective combats with itself look-alike and with the mother - nature. But simultaneously, in bridge with it, will be established personal, instead of collective either formation or hierarchic (monarch, either parliament, or parliament...) common right on involvement in the solution of any fundamental issue encompassing his(its) concerns. Each on fractions will receive the right to participate in the solution — and each will respond for consequences.
    All this today's information engineering will allow to do(make) without the special problems. The main encumbrance, dead wall while that costs(stands) here only human psychology. For each of all without exception, even unique on the unconditional public usefulness of achievements of human reason necessarily contradicts someone's narrow concerns — personal or formation, which one and are marshaled before the writer by a dead wall. Is sure, that following decades these walls we shall learn successfully to punch and is quick(rapid) to move on a path of the present social progress. It will be a GREAT SOCIAL REVOLUTION conducted by a developmental way.
    She, this revolution, instead of new technical toy, will invert ours of patterns from a head on legs. And we with you should become both witnesses, and the active creators of this great social turn already from a beginning of the next century, can be — with   his(its) maiden years. For this purpose from the very beginning we should recognize the right on a place in our life, at all events to realize legitimacy of occurrence(appearance) on Earth of any human race, any social theory or technical branch, any religion or philosophy, what shocking for us today they did not seem. For they - reflex, shear of our actuality, its(her) health and illnesses. But them each pitch, each development will now are exhibited, просвечены, rated by yardstick of their true usefulness for company with all by their pluses and minuses with the applicable conclusions(injections) about a sum of compensation at minuses and incentives — at pluses. And further everything, that will appear empty and superfluous, stayed as a waste rudiment, as the tribute to a mode, отомрет and will fall off of itself.
    These gears are already done(made). They should to us be advanced up to scales planetary. For it is impossible to consider(count) any expertise any solutions, especially of high public value, legal, if they have not passed consecration, endorsing by that structure of company, which one will test(experience) consequences from their implementation. And at the same time neither prison, nor general contempt, that diverse can not be applied to stumbled, if he completely indemnified consequences from the misconduct — material, economical, social and moral... This path is more humane, more logically, благодарнее, than administrative - legal needlework or physical violences. It should be number the economical gears, creation of economical profitability or disadvantage by the introducing of a hard and fast rule of indemnification(compensation) of plotted damage, and on меркам, not invented any officer, or unintelligible scientist, or озлобленным мстителем, and on the basis of judgements those поруганных, offended, bitten, slewed. .. — Unless it not the most valid path to self-management, to the collective solution of collective problems?
    Can be, by such way the drama ratio will manage even hardly to be got on 100/99 pitches to quite at first reasonable 100/50.
    2. The unification землян in a name of the value all on our remarkable planet also should become main(basic)   by the social purpose of life землян.
    3. Is successful эволюционировать in a direction of this great purpose can only is harmonic advanced the educated and creative person is moral: certainly гомо-сапиенс, but first of all гомо-этикус, гомо-социус... Such person will be educated not by(with) government, not the God, especially not engineering or today's эгоистичная science — will make such itself person, since a kindergarten, from a day nursery. Reasonable education of each of us: not изнеживающее, not loosening our entity, but also not мордующее, not permitting to block of the person by humanoid animals and blind illnesses. Each of us can and should make of itself the present person.
    The resistance will be. So-called masses including — as reacting the child, for which one of a mouth take out a sweet, him on favour. Envy, спесь, boasting — a gentleman's set in a list of reasons all it. The problem is to stage mass persevering propagation of true values by all existing mass media. Today's absolutely incomplete MASS-MEDIAS, loud advertising — all this spawning ours, alas, more than incomplete mankind. Though, certainly, fires not утихающих all history of mankind of wars multiply are more terrible. And while we shall not enter effective gears of social progressing, at existing failing to resolve, to smooth out naturally collecting inconsistencies without wars as though and to not do without.
    «... Already during several thousand years КОН watches practically continuous wars which are carried on by you among themselves... the AGREEMENT of mankind and Coalition can be reached only after liquidation militant   habits of mankind... »
    4. We shall not hope for destiny, on the monarch, on a congress or parliament, we shall take in the arms a bridle of board. But also we shall charge ourselves with all I wear of the responsibility. FORWARD(STRAIGHT) DEMOCRACY — instead of democracy representation, indirect, bad; the reversionary RIGHT — instead of Roman, фарисейское, completely becoming obsolete — gears, which one will manage to turn mankind on a path of true progress. Let's not allow ourselves to plunder - but we shall learn to return other everything, that we take away in them.
    Let's not be afraid to live by active and fruitful life, but there will be no screen and target other, more impudent. Collectively we shall find gears of depressing of our animal aggressiveness and we shall develop all best, divine. You see correctly, that the person without божественности скатывается to скотству. The problem is, that божественность from empty contemplation and blind faith should have turn intoed the present service to the people.
    Let's begin to plot the present Temple of a unification, that was in a nem and светло, and is cosy to all religions, all doctrines and peoples.
    Major wish to mankind — явить the present miracle of transformation in community of maximum ecological, ethical and aesthetic purity managed to achieve maximum personal and social security, special level of confessor, maximum culture of life and creative activities for the good by all.
    I do not have any doubt that all to this could come true. And with unique consequences. About them, for certain not arranging, поведали the forecasts about improbable events, which one will begin in Russia in the autumn 97 years (in the article of item. Пятова — the Chip, 1997, №9, seconds 51 and in an Astrological calendar And. Sarajevo for 1997). Yes, in them the Ideal End result is mirrored as though, all there is as though too optimistical — both on terms and on amplitude. And all this, undoubtedly, will be by business not one, and many socially oriented specialists, mass последователей. But everything started, really, autumn of past year, from the moment of close flow bundle of our Academy and Parliament of Russia and birth of special Expert council on social safety and social progressing. The surname all the same to something binds. And the destiny not only picks up to itself of explorers, but also covers with him(it) a path — no, not by roses, but even dry соломкой atop of natural marsh жижи.
    By the way, there will be no such bright oilpaintings outlined in the forecasts,maybe, and too гиперболизирующих of a picture of the future, hardly probable mine (and, I am sure, someone's some more working somewhere in bridge) the persistence could keep too long at today's minimum hope for implementation. But generally not everyone manages to have a look in the future of business, started by you.
    Let's reforge idols самости, модности, corporate спеси and гордыню of a dull formation egocentricity in own, personal pride involved on true self-value, on businesses, so necessary to company, we become the present GODS AFTER the GOD. The path to itself — is a path of true becoming of Mankind, his(its) sidereal path.


    Минин Б.А.
    During all ХХ of century the mankind permanently was at war. Also is not less active exterminated itself by all other methods, accessible to him. Can be, it is time stay?
    The losses from the expressed aggressiveness of mankind strike. In comparison with human losses from natural cataclysms (for example, for last 500 years from earthquakes and woken up volcanos — no more than 3 млн. The person, approximately till 6 thousand annually), destruction of the people in revolutions and wars only ХХ of century is huge — about 100 млн. The person, approximately on 1 million annually. To this it is necessary to add "«scientific" destructions of the people — for example, only in USA in 1998 about 200 thousand doctors, died from correct assignings not taking into account side effect of drugss. 
    Not less grandiose there are losses of mankind from staunch religious - national and political фундаментализма   (orthodoxy), even more — from our home aggressiveness, scientific conservatism and scientific спеси, from daily incessant взаимонаносимых of misfortunes, social and moral losses, from mutual personal stings, home disadvantages etc. and т.п.. The technological progress, creating definite convenience, exterminates and   изгаживает the environment ours обитания — natural, social, moral-psychological... And frequently does not reduce(descend), and on the contrary, augments misfortunes of the people, distorts ours human, i.e. biological and spiritual nature.
    In last, i.e. in a spiritual damage, a major fee did(made) and do(make) political and religious battles. Political and religious игрища at first entertain, and then, in the total of any transformations(conversions), result in sufferings of huge mass as though indirect people not ordering and which are not operating technical toys, but their operating of testing(experiencing) and not having practically any levers(arms) of counteraction(reaction) more often. Playing, certainly, receive from games the fraction of self-satisfaction, and up to concerns of masses by him(it) the business actually no.
    The achievements of progress производственно-technological, technological, as we see, are essentially underestimated, and frequently and are cancelled at the expense of regress social and biological. In the total because of unbridled liberalization, pseudo-democratization and permissiveness —   growth(increase) of a social entropy, biological, mental and spiritual degradation of mankind, and rise in crime.
    Let's try to enumerate a little absolutely sideways facing   scale socially   aggressive phenomena — at all not tampering with creation of arms, facilitiess of a defense and attack multiply superior real needs(requirements).
    Creation as though of peace extremely dangerous productions radium human whim and петушиных of ambitions. — For example, australian золотообогатительных of firms, founded on the prohibited know-hows with usage of Cyanidums. The debacle only has brought one such in Romania, in January, 2000, Europe of damage (economic, ecological, social) on the sum about 0,5 млрд. Dollars * To indemnify his(its) Romania has refused - only that she has not signed any there agreement.
      unbridled global reproduction of a motor-vehicle transport — it and ugly destruction billions of years of stored hydrocarbon resources(safe lifes) of a planet (oil), it both toxic, and audio environment pollution. But   diverse are not less significant(sizeable) also   общесоциальные the negative factors of this phenomenon. And you see it was possible to note these factors and complaints from them for заре of becoming of motor transport, — to note, to evaluate and to enter a rule of indemnification(compensation)   plotted social damage - and now we would live in much боле clean, more beautiful to a pattern. Especially we shall point out: today is simple детоксикация of pressure bumps of the automobile will not troubleshoot. In Japan after overcoming this problem the rough progressing of the personal transport is watched. But   unexpectedly it has reduced in much to other, first of all — to multihourly fuses, so that began even extension(issue) of portative toilets for motor vehicles. The nervous stresses from unpredictable delay become a usual phenomenon. Ещ ё an important stroke: on the Earth in automobile auto debacles the person * * perishes annually up to 300 thousand
    Other problem: increase     numbers   and   gravities   mutilations, morses from the domestic animals, in the main(basic) dogs. As a whole in a pattern     to attacks of dogs annually is exposed 5-6 млн.   the person,   from them of 30 thousand dies, i.e. in 5 times more, than from earthquakes and volcanic activity taken together. Material and the moral damage thus is as a whole valued by value in 6 млрд. Dollars. The nature of obsessional love of a part of the people to dogs is simple, even is primitive. It is a way of lengthening(elongation)                                                                                                                                                                                                                       tusks, protection against itself look-alike or capability to receive a living toy instead of acquisition of the friend or rather troublesome children. By the way, the problems of protection animal from the people are not less actual also.
     , certainly, applicable effective legislation Would help. However, for example, in Virginiums, with   especially изгаженными by dogs by streets of cities,   as assert(approve) MASS-MEDIA, such legislation do not receive radium voices полумиллионов собачников — to the detriment of tens millions remaining citizens.
    That ours extremely sluggish, zigzag social and spiritual взросление, natural, during tens or, probably, hundreds thousand elapsed years changes of aircraft attitude of mankind by the way   the transition from "прямостояния" to physical, spiritual and creative perfection(efficiency) of the person was not suddenly, are suddenly ceased, are halted, and the mankind would not pass on a steady path of a self-destruction,   so is active started in going around тысячелетии, it owes (mankind) in the most short time, all is obliged all forces, sharpened on inventing of ferrous toys mind(wit) to route on looking up both implementation of paths of stabilizing and transition to steady favorable social progressing of all peoples of a planet the Earth.
    However at   such global magnitudes of the task to hope for personal reason of any president, any chief of country, especially of units of countries, any, even of most ingenious of the inhabitants of the Earth, of any scientist or scientists it is hardly probable possible. Even the present splashes of true for separate from them will be involuntarily connected, are held down general, all-embracing psychological, legal, administrative both everyone other удушающей and killing atmosphere of personal conservatism of the people, corruption both inertness - state and international.
    Therefore speech can go about usage of the only well organized collective reason for directional neutralizing negative for the people (peoples) of an atmosphere under supervision(observation) and through the people — of mass, as a whole where by more healthy, than political her(it) political, religious, national and other ambitious forces, fearlessly, to the right and on the left fulfilments, conductive in a name, of the ambitions (or profit) antisocial, frequently bloody experiments above itself by look-alike entities.
    Certainly, and masses not without a sin. For want of opposition to a unified enemy, for want of   military tension they are ready instantly переориентировать the aggressiveness on the neighbour, on family and even on themselves — by the way суицида, alcohol, narcotics, food and diverse licentiousness, sex distortions... And вс ё it much more more истребительно, than in fauna, whence all of us have taken place.
    By our loosened sleeping, alcohol and narcotics the organism sprouts received number one whence is necessary — from yeasty bread, on a wet floor of public basins etc. - funguses, our internal enemies.
    We are pull downed, жиреем, we release(let off) stomaches, we acquire illnesses (both physical, and mental, and psychological). These illnesses allow our internal animal   методично поедать the tissues, loosened with physical sleeping, of our body, which one, while it is young, still(even) attempts as to resist by the data to him by the nature by spares, though as that, through sweat and spots in a body to select(allocate) excrement of these animals through a surface of the body... And is then returned it would seem foregone, does not manage(consult) growth(increase) of this excrement.   they are sidetracked in our vessels, between tissues ours обессилевшего of a body, and it soon   perishes from waist of vessels, formation of thrombuses, from раковых and diverse diseases. The newest data about a role elementary in an etiology of many our illnesses most typical for so-called civilized countries — are those look activities Т.Я. FISTULOUS (for example, " I go on a track the assassin ", Moscow, 1997). It concerns not only person. There is an evidence, what exactly elementary have ruined slow ожиревших of the jumbos — of dinosaurs; it is involved and for many our domestic animals, обкармливаемых in the person in unnatural, facilitated habitat. It concerns and as a whole of human community, if between wars the governors do not guess   to create for the people good sporting conditions, сподвигнуть them on healthy competing — for example, in a manufacturing orb, on healthy strife — for example, for perfecting of social attitudes(relations), on a daily healthy way of life — including on a healthy feed(meal,power), on healthy sports etc. When that very much were afraid, that if Александр Лебедь becomes the president, he will force all in the morning(every morning)   to run пятикилометровку... And between that in it something is obvious is!
    However more often main(basic) explorers in masses of political models is not the sober calculation, not outcomes of discussion of alternatives with masses not limited experiment, and sharpened language, refined phraseology and artistic capacities of the ideologists and their numerous adherents involved in this spray through a miscellaneous kind philosophical schools and MASS-MEDIA, granting itself who well pays to everyone, - yesterday by roubles and natural values, today. -   green.
    We, Russians, have gone through for any decades of effect of a potent alternating douche.
    Established artificially so-called « the main(basic) principle of socialism » (" From each on capacities, each on a transactions ") thanking   to a case or designedly to incorrect transfer(translation) from the primary source has reduced in depreciation of outcomes of a transactions - the major purposes, radium what it is necessary to work. We with you to this were the witnesses. A black fall in a history of Russia, equal 73-m   to years, was remarked by predictors 400 years prior to this event. Also there can be ещ ё as much of years he will respond for us ahead.
    The mode jumping from one boiled water to other, liberal - democratic, is present shift of epoch. Seven-decade of red board the human life was copeck, identical almost for each citizen.   are not less severely mirrored in us and is coarse состряпанные principles of capitalism, which one have reduced mankind in a hypertrophy of a role of substantive acquisitions — instead of ideals of physical and spiritual beauty; to recess of physical slackness, деиммунизации of an organism and to a spiritual destruction of the person — instead of a physical and spiritual development of the personality; to opposition социокультур of the peoples and closure of state boundaries of many artificially derivated enclaves with alternate cultures carefully guarded by permanently demonstrated military force, — instead of     civilized association of the peoples...
    And all this is obvious in a harm to the put against each other peoples, all this is to recess between them of social and economical contrasts: inside countries — in tens time, between countries — in many hundreds. So, under last data среднегодовой the income per capita in Switzerland has compounded 40 thousand american dollars, in Ethiopia — 100 dollars. If for африканца, now намертво held down by an import civilization, — it полуголодное existence, on the other continent, in USA, the life passes absolutely under other standards. New smart gifts for the richmen in USA to Christmas - 1999: "Boeing - 737" behind 235 millions dollars, present саркофаг egyptian фараона...
    Instead of национально-cultural взаимообменов — ostensibly honest market,   trade on obviously unfair дискриминирующим to the rules, coarse inconsiderate enforcing unity by one peoples — they are imposed by other own economical, political, religious and everyones other ostensibly of progressive systems, not asking those masses, to which one, вс ё only depending on an economical power and military force imposing.
    Whether it is necessary to be surprised, what " practically any intellectual of America is not pleased with capitalism "? Are of the book of group of the American economists published at the end of the seventieth years.
    Equally it is possible to note, that many, if not all mechanical, electric and diverse toys, invented by the people, creating definite pleasures playing, at the same time, due to tolerance(insensitivity), загрубленности of the dominant legislation and steadied atmosphere взаимопрощения (people   one another) create by other, not "playing", дискомфорт, not indemnified by anything. It results to gradual as though малозаметному to upbuilding озлобленности, tension of public attitudes(relations) and in a degradation of the people as persons — of the persons, it would seem maximum on a level of thought, creative and spiritual capacities   from all материализованных of entities, but completely powerless before aggressiveness itself.
      Among первопричин it   inconsistencies — it is doubtless, and collecting imperfections of religions, more precisely, religious formations for ever pronouncing about absolute, фундаменталистских stands, about full неприятии one another. Among them there is also Christianity relaxing, disarming the peoples on principles ostensibly absolutely innocent, proclaiming full всепрощение, поголовную amnesty by all and for ever "is simple" for a faith in itself and in the God. And by that stimulating is opened to trample on all those заповеди of the Christ, which one it ostensibly and preaches. Not better and some excessively severe principles of a Islam closing down the right on risk and, therefore, on a path to progressing and attempting to conduct expansion " in patterns " not on the basis of propagation of positive pieces, unconditionally available for him(it), and methods of a terror calling(causing) in company only a negative reaction. And so on.
    Взрослеющее mankind остро ся in a system   interpenetrations, взаимооплодотворения   religions and cultures, взаимопередачи best, that is accumulated by them, in the value   паствы, all people of a Planet.
    As it is paradoxical will sound, but it is possible with confidence to suspect very close comparability on the negative significance of damage for company of military and manufacturing policy from operation of the whole branches of a modern industry, because of aggressiveness and ambitions devastating natural subsoil sharply speeding up impurity of an environments or which is letting out общественно harmful commodity, contributing of a physical and spiritual degradation of mankind with damage from the hardware games (operatings or divergence) mass terrorism, political extremism and religious фундаментализма. 
    In many respects it — "«thanking" criminal connivance is coarse of nonsensitive legal system dominant in so-called civilized countries.
    The main(basic), fundamental lack essence dominant over us almost two тысячелетия relaxing, softening, disarming and in too time   — of the extremely rigid, antihumane legislation, founded on the so-called Roman Law, consists in exception of the real, social responsibility for any antisocial particular acts and in substitution her(it) so   by the called legal responsibility, responsibility not for final negative outcome of operatings, and behind their (particular acts) "correspondence" or "mismatch" by that or diverse established by the way of rule of laws: to the rules, indicatings, installations... With the predetermined punishment - more often by the way imprisonments. Consequences mass would seem of harmless substitution social on legal - to this. It and many months and even years of disposal of legal proceeding, and bias of consideration, and ненаказания guilty, and punishment, inadequate marked damage, and almost never indemnified harm lossed (his(its) figure in the legislation, in general, as follows is not registered, she to court is uninteresting), and huge, in Russia equal on a scale to the whole city, number concluded: 1, 25 млн. The person and as much in СИЗО a plus waiting sequential queue in prison - where and so already of free floor space half of sq. meter per capita! In the European history ХIХ of century the phenomenon is known, the genesis which one as though in general is not known. It is a history Игнаца   Земмельвайса, inventor antiseptics, which one the mankind ignored more than half-century. And for it have paid more than one hundred millions the person! Is that the writer did not disguise, and, on the contrary, exhibited huge activity in propagation of the invention - all heavenly bodies and on many times! Why scientific heavenly bodies, the doctors ignored his(its) letters? Speak, anybody from them did not want to charge the colleagues with freight of the terrible responsibility   for allowed morses. Can be. But who has allowed them to ignore the future morses? - Only absence of the clearly formulated social responsibility!     a fundamentals of our right - were certainly established(set) looking on religion. A sin, under the religious doctrine, this violation(disturbance) of divine installations — instead of deposition to whom or harm! The sin, committed by the person, can, by the way be redeemed — but repentance, but not before lossed, and at all before the God, and only in (Orthodoxy) before the priest (!).
    But these installations are frequently not irreproachable neither on quality, nor on coverage of all particular acts. Last century roughly умножающихся of kinds(views) of human activity them is simple have not time to write. And consequently speak, that the right disastrously is not in time(catches up) ours вс ё by speeded up life. Вс ё is more often and more often it misses, enables and is investigation encourages damage to the majority of the people at the expense of activity of few units, contaminated амбициозностью and mass, attracting behind self, in to disappear. In general between it seemed very much дал1кими by concepts, behaviors, abutments — including political and religious, even by national customs   and economic successes, exists it would seem   not clear, and still rather precise link. For example, in English scientist, сайнтист, — is "skilful", "knowing how", in Russian scientist — is "aware", learned — by someone at one time and something regardless to usefulness, to outcomes. And — applicable behavior "сайнтистов" and "scientists", i.e. skilful and learned. Alas, not for the benefit of Russian.
    We is fine we realize, скольким any principled variation in the prevailing law would be unpleasant: стольким how much professionals - lawyers today "are heated" on ignorance by the people of all mass of the established laws. In Russia it is of 100 thousand lawyers, in USA — of 2,1 million... Interesting, by the way, fact: as a rule, sharp increase of number of the lawyers соседствует with   by fall-off of social safety. And there, where this number traditionally is higher than everything, as it appears, the social safety is lowest. Many звездочеты assert(approve), what is it black карма by ours многотысячелетней of a civilization promptly streaming to social and an ecological catastrophe. And, probably, the ending her(it) is close. - But this civilization, - but not mankinds! And for mankind it, probably, dawn of new life, creation of a new civilization on accomplished(perfect) new парадигме.
    Yes, the stars, as is known, bend, instead of predetermine. Израненное, исстрадавшееся mankind ещ ё not late to stop in his(its) run anywhere.
    Now it is necessary to think of creation principally other, on the present civilized   methods of upgrading (progressing) of company, i.e. as a matter of fact about shift парадигмы of all civilization. WE Е Ё Also SHOULD SHARPEN. And to search for its(her) members it is necessary, probably, among most fundamental, общеприродных of principles.
    Among opened by mankind universal organizing and the guides of legitimacies dominating in all social and living nature (perhaps, and in lifeless too), major are кармический a principle " Operating equally to counteraction(reaction) ". In a social orb it sounds so: " To operate(control) — means correctly to stimulate ".
    From this main(basic) principle of social control   the so-called Maiden principle, rendering concrete it,(him,) of socialism, in correct transfer(translation) from the primary source, " Each on capacity, each — by results of a transactions " has grown. The relevance of realization and небезобидность of subordination to look-alike universal trues can be demonstrated even on what has reduced   in on 1/6 earth land incorrect, distorted just what isn't needed   transfer(translation) of this principle of socialism on Russian.
    Is yesterday and today in delay, in braking public progressing and huge fault of state institutes going on an occasion for low, animal instincts of the people in all. — For you see so is more lighter to operate(control) masses! It is done(made) as a rule without dependence from that, on favour it is to masses whether or not. And on business, as a rule, carries on company to a mass entropy, to downgrade, degradation... What can cause(urge) the officers ("vehicle"), answering today for общественно harmful omissions and огрехи much, it is much less, than for sins before the manual?
    What can cause(urge) all to move in one общественно a useful direction? - « To operate(control) - means correctly to stimulate ». Therefore, to convert Brownian motion in unidirectional it is possible by the appendix of an exterior field indispensable and sufficient from the point of view of observance(holding) of public concerns.
    The correctly realized and correctly realised main(basic) natural principle of the mutual responsibility " by actual outcomes ", if by a reasonable state policy and due to sensibleness of masses will be переориентирована on him(it) all legal system, and behind her and all human psychology,   for certain will manage to reduce a path of a way out of the crisis of so-called civilized mankind. It first of all. And behind that and all people on a planet the Earth.
    Even the sketchy analysis of the world tendencies and phenomena is demonstrated, that detected in Russia by(with) mass of inconsistencies   the pattern is generic and for many other countries. No and there can not be one,   the unified monosolution of all these inconsistencies. But the unified principle can be established. Social safety a plus social progressing at all levels — global, national, state, commercial... — the rod, on which one is necessary and it is possible to form already today unified positive human self-consciousness. On the basis which one will be is under construction парадигма of a new civilization.
    And as an organizing beginning of strife for their permission — at first at a level of large locales, groups of countries, and then and all planet — can be used principles of an international parlamentarism essentially(much) reorganized, improved, capable effectively to decide social and ecological problems by gradual, installment implementation of a serial общественно of the oriented projects.
    Let's not concern religion — now its(her) actual, direct effect on company minimum.
    Let's see, that can make today state legislation, state authority regulating by "installations" all life of our company. On idea it establishes(sets) (should establish(set)) общественно indispensable functions and prohibits functions (particular act) противообщественные, antisocial. For it his(its) adherents and explorers are fed with the people. Differently they as though also are not necessary.
    About necessity of development and implementation of the reversionary Right, which one, if it(him) will not spoil, will revolutionise problems of legal proceedings and in general supplies of social safety. All this as though negative side. To category(discharge) of most actual of regulating functions of the legislation is, on our view, the introducing and every possible systems of urging общественно of useful activity, including adequate urging of quality of commodity and certification of staff(frames) by yardsticks of public usefulness.   And not   only scientists, i.e. members of a scientific command, but all without exception of the creative workers - inventors, organizers of production, publishers, teachers, doctors, builders - all knowing how to demonstrate the special, creative, not ordinary contribution to progressing company. It also will allow us, Russians, to show, that we not only "«learned", not only knowing how to criticize by someone, something, somewhere made,   But we know how and to create, to construct new and useful, that is - to create. A body(organ), which one should log socially useful novelties with a high scale of usage, on our view, should not be national, he should be international, form near to the Nobel Committee and use his(its) expertise and simultaneously be divided with it(him) by the expertise how objectively reveal and log the most valuable innovations. The concept of such body(organ) (« of the Prague Committee ») is now designed(elaborated) jointly by our International Academy of Public Progressing and Central European Academy "«ELITE". The methods and working method of applications are fulfilled by us about 30 years and during practical activities of our Federal Center of Certification are sharpened up to a delicacy.
    As to a prohibitive function of the legislation and authority, conductive it(him), rather radical measures, about them we already repeatedly писали* here are required: this introducing in substitutions of the reigning nowadays concept of the Roman Law of the new well forgotten concept   the reversionary rights, i.e. substitution of numerous dominant "installations", " of the legal responsibility ", — by the responsibility adequate to plotted damage. To explain the readers these not absolutely расхожие the terms, will come to give some explanations about that, as what for to change, it will be necessary to give for the readers of an incident digression in a zone, with which one they, it is necessary to hope, if are familiar, not драматически.
    About international value of the reversionary Right. If within the framework of the established world law and universal psychology as a main sin not violation(disturbance) someone's, someone at one time of invented "installations" was considered, and the marked harm, then sense of interethnic attitudes(relations), including so-called interethnic expansion, would be turned around(revolved) from a head on legs.
    As a rule,   such expansion are be on the part of the peoples less civilized in a direction more cultural, economically more productive, socially more developed — that is why and to the laws oriented on same, i.e. psychologically   a "soft" quota. Now in another's country those go, which one have learned выискивать in the legislation of the hosts those or diverse blanks and dents to pull out to themselves the right   on existence on a visit. Thus орда of the immigrants to the right and on the left damage, as a rule, not yielding to punishment renders to the peoples of a host country.
    If the emigrants beforehand knew about inevitable necessity of indemnification of any damage, selection(sampling) wishing to invade in another's country, i.e. to go in the visitors, would be from other extremity. These people would be psychologically prepared for indispensable necessity most peace вживания in new country, not rendering her of a noticeable harm, and would absorb a maxima from this that it is possible to absorb for more derivated nation in due course to transfer absorbed to itself home. If   the reversionary right will be abundant on intergovernmental attitudes(relations), will send the terrorists " in the visitors " it does not pay and countries.
    On the other hand, that against would have, for example, Russian against кавказцев, if same " the persons кавказкой of a nationality " безропотно indemnified at each particular act all considerable damage, plotted by them: material, economical, social, physical, moral and all other?! Certainly, anything.
    ... So basis(fundamentals) of social safety should become   the universal introducing of a principle and major - working gears, founded on   the registration of plotted damage, any — material, physical, ecological, social, moral..., in what he (damage) expressed: in human morses, in taken away health and welfare of the people, even in the vainly lost days and years or in square kilometers израненной of the nature — of the registration and full material indemnification(compensation) of this damage,
    When this principle will be absorbed with milk of the mother, the real hope for great humanist transformations(conversions) will appear, the ending which one will be organization of life, worthy person third тысячелетия.


                                            (epilogue to   to parting words В.В. Путину)
    All our life — a set of hard dogmas, axioms, real constants and mental submissions(representations). — Not absolute, but nevertheless there are enough of constants,   as though by God preselected. For example, that the water boils at 100ЁС, that the maximum speed — is speed of light, that in an electronics engineering we for ever have lagged West, that on Руси steal, that the german is exact, and Russian is lazy, that the law is the law, that the state — is it always fetters, that emigration — the firm human right, that the democracy — it is good, and the poverty — is bad... Etc. etc.
                                                                  BUT the CONSTANTS ARE NOT ABSOLUTE!
    Really, even the physical constants have the boundaries, outside of which one they will bend, vary, sail as wax. Today any семиклассник knows and about water, which one can begin to boil at 90 grades, and about speed speeds of light there are more. The social constants were approved historically, generically, geographically... They, therefore, absolutely невечны, they not from the God, and from our skill and   comprehensions.
    Certainly, hardest constants - physical, but most difficult — social. There are dogmas, which one live years or decades. Some of them we have overcome absolutely recently and more   we overcome. There are that live тысячелетия — for example, that the law is the law, that the state — from the God, and many other things. Them to us to overcome and to overcome.
    ... That social oilpainting a pattern, which one we, having was born, find, — it is outcome not only our transactions, but also our world outlook weaved from thousand and thousand of the dogmas - axioms and promoted(sustained) doctrines, religions, customs, our teachers and instructors - sometimes in the value to the people,   sometimes by him(it) in evil.   And sometimes   - is simple on flywheel action.
    On idea to provide conservation of our safety and create the greatest possible speed of progressing owes our state, his(its) bodies(organs). For it they also are contained by(with) the people. Differently THEY as though   also are not necessary. But for this purpose the state should be not импотентным, strong. And clever, i.e. to know what to do(make).
    All our civilized patterns, contaminated rather attractive idea beautiful on a cover, but
    Rather aggressive конфетного of liberalism, goes, alas, rather chaotically, изредко сотрясаемый
    микро- and макрореволюциями, technical and social. The revolutionary path is too path. All trouble that after revolution is killed everything, that was up to it(her) - both bad, and good. In this or that measure it is exhibited everywhere in a pattern, same was exhibited and on last (capitalist) revolution in Russia.
    Our Russian order —   this global   миропонимание, multiplied on   ours national
    Features. If we really attempt to undertake for переобустройство, the present, instead of
    It is necessary to overestimate cosmetic transformation of Russia, a will - captivity and sins, illnesses,   and
    World-wide values, — social constants, dogma and inclining, many of which it is remediless
    одряхлели, have lagged from today and even from yesterday. And it now more than is actual.
                                                                the CONSTANTS HAVE BECOME OUTDATED. WELL Also WHAT?
    At once we shall anticipate, that the rule(situation,position) is real серьёзно, that without this analysis and acceptance of urgent measures
    The rule(situation,position) землян can appear morses look-alike. Look-alike crisis ours миропонимания we,
    The Russians, in general земляне have gone through less than half-century back.
    As is known, years forty ago too slightly did not become late. Excitement of polyhabit spasms two countering
    Camps "of «civilized" countries in mutual threats to begin war nearly has not reduced to   to destruction(annihilation) of a planet.
    While at last all of patterns has not understood, that the nuclear weapon is an independent indisputable argument, and with it(him) the war will mean a defeat of all belligerent sides. And remaining mankind too.
    So, has appeared, that the technical achievements are capable to give reason for a world policy,
    And is more categorical, than all policies which have been taken together. Now there occurs one more extreme period
    Technological progressing of mankind. And we can leak(skip), view   one more acute imperative, originating one more, would seem of the especially peace technical factor - growth(increase) of informatization.
    Поголовная the intercoupling without boundaries allows us authentically and practically instantly to learn(find out) about, where,
    As as takes place. To conceal something good and bad   from the people with the Internet it is very difficult. And it means,
    That the object of envy almost by not most moving human feeling, will be any more hearings and guesses, and
    The authentic items of information.
    But it not major. Global informatization now creates real capability of a unification of the people on
    The most miscellaneous basis. While these unifications by the way of different unions, associations, crews, commercial and
    Noncommercial partnership limit by the local purposes — commercial, scientific, on miscellaneous
    хобби etc. We shall mark here, that in the charter of each of such public associations central point,
    Main purpose: it always protection of concerns of the members. But not so public concerns! If it
    The association of the fans(amateurs) of grapnels is ещ ё where went, and if it is the fans(amateurs) of dogs or the joint-stock company "«Plastic" is already
    серьёзнее. If main purpose « protection of the members » is recorded in All-Russia Association of banks and in
    World-wide association of the doctors is already catastrophically, it is noticeable argument of our underdevelopment, pitch
    But also it not major. Вс ё it is not too fatal yet.
    With a globalization of time-sharings most plutonic взаимоинтересы of the large masses of the people   —
    Ethnic, racial... —   can easily become most   main cohering beginning, without dependence from
    Geographic or political boundaries. One provocative slogan « ours is beaten » or « by(with) we better »
    Can become instant мобилизующим by a fuse. The racial wars, threat which one indicated for a long time, —
    This thing quite real. In epoch of upbuilding of miscellaneous kinds(views) of deadly weapon they will is more terrible, than
    All wars, known for us, of our civilization and up to not ё. One of reasons of occurrence(appearance) and aggravation
    Explosion-dangerous situation — huge contrasts, material, social, political, religious...,
    Stored on malicious will or недомыслию of the adherents of miscellaneous systems, very much often in a counterbalance(balance weight) to concerns
    паствы and pattern as a whole. When that it were the ideological dogmas, today — of dogma social and
    Economical, not less explosive. 
    Now, nearest 5-10 years, the problem costs(stands) so: or we shall revise operational nowadays social
    Constants — while more less sufficient terminators(limiters), deflocculants,   or danger of self-destruction
    Mankinds closely will approximate to implementation. Ten biblical, thousand economical, social,
    Legal, national or international заповедей, which one and in "«peace time" a little who abides, at once
    начисто will be forgotten.
                                                  RUSSIA — ONE OF COUNTRIES, WHERE ВС Ё CAN BE
    — Already because in her it is now uncomfortable, it is cold and hungry&. Also there is no national idea, radium which one all
    It should to the people be suffered. Country seems малопривлекательной for « of the simple honest citizens ». But major
    — While that there is no strong state, which one can undertake the cardinal, "«revolutionary" solutions
    Acute state problems, sometimes occurring and on a throat to an own song.
      to see неидеальность, but also, thanks God, неабсолютность   the social constants, pledged in us,
    Promoting even similarity of our internal repeatability,   we with you shall try пощипать,
    подергать to decline something from to what we as though quite have got used, to look for the radicals, sources there and сям
    Teemed желчи and to offer on discussion indispensable variations to begin переобустраивать
    Russia contrary to всесильной of an entropy. And first of all, that   to look for rockss on roads, which one can
    This to hinder.
    To begin it is necessary, probably, that to social revolutions, always   take place because of absence sensing
    And there are enough of effective gears of constant more - less painless conflict resolution and
    The conflictings. The revolution - detonating takes place after upbuilding extreme mass of complaint, when
    Becomes невтерпеж... As we do not idealize now pre-revolutionary Русь what to speak, contrasts
    In her were great. Most rich in a pattern imperial family — at far from being(not) the most rich population. And хамство
    The officers and misters, "«воспетое" Салтыковым-Щедриным, and stupidity « of the superfluous people » from mean
    The class! The American Jews or German germans or someone let financed October revolution
    ещ ё — but what this money, if not huge complaint from below would make?
    The immediate task of the strong and clever state, if it eventually will be created by us, —
    Implementation of potent feedbacks, operating such capacious concepts, as effect and damage.   Let's repeat:
    Our lacks — it and the lacks speak to ours (инородцы: иудейско-christian) civilization,
    Multiplied on our national feature, about   which one we know not only from the side, but also,
    From inside, on an own plugwire: it is aggressiveness, неусидчивость, невдумчивость, "«нелюбопытство"
    оголтелость, спесивость, it въевшийся in us a phenomenon ХХБ, I want хамить — and there will be, that contains capacious
    Concept "«жлобство", ours most ill and most стыдный defect. Us it necessarily will hinder in
    Effective arrangement of Russia, which one all of us want to achieve in the near future.
    But that is interesting: these sins — universal, i.e. remaining, not Russian patterns in it sins too.
    Certainly, in a miscellaneous extent.
    Was received so, that I am best from "«ненаших" I know the germans. And I can not say, that they are dispossessed only, that,
    That brakes us. But something движет them forward nevertheless is faster than ours. What?
    As is known, Germanium in due course too revolution hardly has not enveloped. What her(it) has stopped? That
    Bolsters now to Germanium in its(her) peace (can be, too peace) existence? German
    Nature, his(its) special capacities? — no, individually each german is not worse and not better than Russian —
    послеперестроечное the time, through which one, by the way, we is simple were obliged to pass, — has shown: in
    The personal schedule, in each separate precise commercial flow bundle or strictly organized scientific
    To group we appear not less successful, exact and clean, than germans. All business in
    To state will. How е ё to set?
    To set organization from above, государственно — how any more - less civilized state,
    For example, sets corrected of grammar or auto driving, — to set and to demand, it is best by walls
    The incentives - sanctions, instead of by the administrative prohibitions is while we can not. Severely,
    Administratively — we can, and on clever — no. Now it is necessary only rationally, for the people for these
    The half-centuries notably поумнели, diverse they will not execute(design).
                                                                              AS... RATIONALLY?
      the historians tell, that young ardent Peter, having caught on West by ideals of purity and order,
    Has issued a law to tear for a disobedient beard. Sometimes it was gained with meat. But with years, having typed of wisdom,
    He has entered the order not less effective, but not such brutal: for a beard — sensing plate in treasury.
    It also is economical methods of regulation. Too law, but clever.
    Yes, law — always law, he as though always measurement standard and justice. — But if he costs(stands) on progressive
    To idea also is not unscrupulously executed(unscrupulously made). Whether always for us so it happens? Even if to not tamper with now plutonic fundamentalses
    Our law-enforcement legislation, our right, remedilessly obsolete and dispossessed
    Any перспективC — even if this basis(fundamentals) to not tamper with and to not subject any doubt, strikes
    мелкотравчатость, малоэтажность, primitiveness of fulfilment of the text of many laws, in general normative
    The acts, operating instructions, improbable them дробленность, многословность, пухлость   and complexity. And with other
    The sides — their improbable неконкретность. Can not be, that it was from недогадливости or дури them
    The writers. Most likely — it from their rough desire, acute thirst to raise the value or лоббировать
    Someone's concerns. A plus from desire   to justify нужность on then, on stage after acceptance of the law, at
    To opening-up of explanations, commentings and at a stage of implementation of each law. It also is corporate
    (Formation) egocentricity — instead of all to estimate from the point of view of public usefulness
    At once.
    Certainly, in itself phenomenon of lobbying beforehand has no the sign - his(its) harm or favour
    It is determined only by in whose favour and at the expense of whom. Emotions for and against lobbying in general
    Are groundless,   is necessary (and   the sober calculation of effect or damage from him(it) in each particular case is possible(probable)).
    However one clearly beforehand and for certain: ungrounded complicating of the mandatory operating instructions always
    Brings of a harm, for all useless — is harmful. A superfluous sign of division or multiplyings in mandatory
    The operating instructions — it on country for year of millions multiplyings     and dividings. When these operatings напридумывает
    Each scientific clerk of thousand is already billions waste телодвижений, it топтание of a nation in place ..
    Remember the scene from к/ф « When the trees were large »: late at night the guys in collective-farm board find
    Above papers of the accountant: « Дядь Митя, you a bureaucrat? — Yes no, it is those who writes such operating instructions,
    Bureaucrats, and I мученик ». In comparison with that, collective-farm formation financial дебри were not lowered. Though
    Now precisely it is known: could, and many times over - without detriment, and on huge favour to company. When ours
    The state becomes at last strong, it should undertake it first of all and decide at once, and
    Let's remark: and if suddenly on the dishonesty of writing of the future laws and working method of applications someone
    Will be ever caught, « to tear beards » it is completely not necessary. The damage from переусложнения of the operating instructions is easy
    Is counted. If there will be a will of the state, it would be time to enter a rule of mandatory calculation of this damage and
    Assertions to his(its) creators for material indemnification(compensation). Perhaps, what it is easier?
    About graft, corruption, swapping(transfer) of money somewhere etc. of kinds(views) of rip-off in large sizes... That
    To be surprised, when we, from time immemorial country язычников, in due course "«thanking" suddenly imposed to us
    The religions relaxing our forces and our will, were saved of rigid therapy of a circumcision for rip-off
    Pins and ушей - Yes unless we could from such tender indulgence not turn into непуганных идиотов!? 
    By the way, as have shown the off-the-shelf in-depth factfindings, Russia on corruption - country not maiden.
    The list heads Камерун, where, as it appears, it is impossible and   a pitch to step without a bribe.
    But for us, as is known, too far from an ideal. Each potential investor in West knows about it.
    Each officer, already by virtue of a smallness of the cage, imperfection of the laws and possible(probable) freedom them
    Treatments, will - captivity can yield to enticement to be pulled, to straighten the backbone, to show
    The significance and to take мзду for any his(its) complementary "«service". On it the reacting Руцкого is curious,
    Being already by governor of Kursk field(area) (I give to within sense): « I speak them: if you such clever,
    That go in commerce. And no - sit and not рыпайтесь ». Грубовато, but as is exact!
    Probably, the principal value of modification was that it was possible at last to burn a rake, under which one
    Sheared all of us all   ours socialist (ostensibly socialist) 70 years. To burn and to give any
    Capability by best to be selected forward. Any call-ups before to the cost accounting last before it 10-20
    Years, almost in all plump documents КПСС, as we remember, nobody helped.
                                                          WHAT ДАЁТ CAPITALIST RAPID MOTION? 
    But the rapid motion, which has begun after our capitalist revolution, alas, to goods has reduced not all.
    The huge contrasts in skills, ещ ё are more - in the artificially created initial (launching) conditions
    After облапошивания of broad masses a plus low level of spiritual needs of the same masses and the more so
    Level облапошивающих, their dislike for the people, and also absolutely bad so-called
    The liberal - democratic legislation have reduced in mass discharge of the people from activity, flight
    The huge capital and brain drain abroad.
    And there, in turn, there was вовсю a problem неприятия of the emigrants and emigration.
    That, we should recognize, that free migration while, in today's legislative   frameworks, —
    малоприятное seizure of our democracy. In our hemisphere the Armenians, турки, Russian, украинцы, Jews,
    болгары under all excuses permanently get over in manicured countries of West, first of all in
    To germanium. Let's congratulate arranged and посочувствуем to the germans. A р/item « a German surge » in the review(view) world
    Printings for January 2000г. has given the following rather self-critical quotation from the Bulgarian newspaper: a cheap transactions
    The nonregistered emigrants — it is the workstations, taken away from the germans, use   ready
    By the social values —   it is brands from bins of the german tax bearers. « A Plus ours вонючие of a galley »,
    — The Bulgarian newspaper writes. Let's add: and more sharply increased criminality, and potent дискомфорт for
    Indigenous population, and his(its) gloomy national outlooks from многодетности of the visitants. Etc. etc.
    But we shall see and on the other hand: and unless roughly less developed countries develop only at the expense of
    Skills and natural resourcess? Where they put the dirty productions, where store the waste,
    Paying for it only copecks and cents? If they wholly paid damage to contaminated countries, them
    Chance to be in time(catch up) ours somewhere by speeded up civilization for them would be incomparably higher, than now,
    When they on laps and with the extended arm.
    And somebody calculated, what damage bear those peoples, from which one the emigrants run down? Run you see most
    Persevering, most enterprising, cleverest.
    Whether has the right a civilization, world law radium некоей of commercial profit of the private persons to encourage
    Rich countries вс ё time to rob poor? Whether and so it is expedient rich? By separate
    To the businessmen and employers of a cheap manpower — yes. And as a whole to peoples? Attempts пражан
    отгородиться by a wall from overpopulated and загаженного цыганами there is of fine region of Prague have shown:
    No and very much no. By the way, these attempts have failed in a context existing "«civilized"
    The legislations: it appears — this violation of rights of the person. And who has thought of the rights of other side? Who
    To whom imposes such rights?
    Whether there is a solution of this problem? It is difficult to say... If the reversionary RIGHT, i.e dominated in a pattern.
    Instead of the infinite renvois on infinite писаные of a rule of law the repayment of the marked damage was entered,
    In total material, economical, соцоального, ecological, moral... (about the reversionary Right see. Russian Federation
    № 111 for 1999г. and НГ for 21.01.2000), would run from country only those who wanted to be typed for
    Civilized countries of mind(wit), that itself to become better and that then   приподнести something to the brotherhood. And
    If they thus beforehand understood, that on a visit they should wholly pay for all introduced there
    Troubles, and country - exporter, памятуя about necessity to pay damage plotted where that was
    By the citizens, would manage to pose wishing попастись on manicured another's fields applicable
    Screen — not on political, and on social motives — to not confuse to the Iron Curtain! — all would be
    Then absolutely differently.
    Here speech, certainly, not only and not it is so much about Czechia and Germanium. In Russia too run "«from below", and in huge
    Quantity. Not having decided this problem, the not strong state and will keep the Russians to be tramped in place ., to suffer
    The newcomers to bear in country, in company heightened tension of public attitudes(relations).
    And as to violation(disturbance) at such approach of democracy — that where here you have seen democracy, « an authority
    The people »? Another's get not into the bin, almost that literally, and that people, into whose bin get, can not
    And пикнуть... Who has invented such democracy? Who has imposed to us е ё?
    Imposed, i.e. false democracy - almost in all. As the market of home instrumentation —   is renovated; on what
    There is for us a noticeable part of a family budget? Yes is simple disappears old, occurs new, is unjustified
    Complicated, much more expensive(dear), - with new "«прибамбасами", but with same, and often and with inferior
    By consumer properties. That to be surprised? — You see when before the producer there is a problem, in what
    To invest: in biassed interrogations of clients, in ratings потребительных properties, in developments, in
    Purchasings of the not @ patents — or only in exterior, in a wrapper and in potent, aggressive advertising?
    Certainly, select that попроще, second.   And the best instrumentation happens? - Yes. But   among waste she almost
    Is indiscernible.
    Social damage, i.e. loss for the population   from all such "«civilization" going by zigzags, is huge.
    That it(him) to lower, we have elaborated and is active we spend, as against usual, certification of quality and
    Ecological certification. But ours 500-600 issued certificates — are a drip among the sea
    Unsatisfied needs(requirements)!
    Let's remark, that "the «mean" buyer, customer not роскошествует neither money, nor spare time. That and
    Other he выкрадывает from the retiring budget for tight 7-8-9-и, and today and 10-12-и hourly
    Transactions saturated or infinite offloadings for budget money, or rapid motion for commercial
    Success — gold тельцом liberal democracy, i.e. for money, which one then settle on
    That, on enticements which are not facing ломанного of a penny. Whether such oof is necessary? Let's see.
    The home appliances are that! And the buyings on the orders are more dear(expensive): the real estate. The family is tightened, is pressed and
    Purchases the house or smart flat, which one then... All forces and spare time require(demand) on
    Servicing.   But also it yet all.   Through year number(series) occurs other family with magnificent сабвуфером or with
    By emotional dog. Damage from such neighbourhood   much more exceeds the cost of a house and flat. Hopes
    On protection within the framework of the existing "«democratic" legislation practically no.
    And our human enticements radium prestige, ambitions, модности? They is close соседствуют with problems
    The protection against rip-off and other криминалитета, which one seem thus... Even quite justified. So
    Whether costs(stands) перенапрягаться radium such enticements in a framework   such "«democracy"? These troubles, by the way, — communal with
    By all remaining "«civilized"   by a world. But they by virtue of the lowest communal culture hinder us more
    Alone hope — on accelerated implementation already of mentioned Reversionary right. Let's demonstrate
    His(its) activity on an absolutely fresh example.
    In the beginning of March, 2000 the scroll bars of all our 10-access house were for a long time switched - off because of theft 300
    Meters of a power cable. What expects now thief, even if it(him) and will catch?... The taken away cable, long
    Judicial proceedings and prison. And what can it(him) expect at domination of the reversionary Right? — It is natural,
    The taken away cable or his(its) cost, but plus ещ ё   indemnification(compensation) of physical gains of all tenants for
    Daily rise(ascent) on   15 floors and back and moral damage by him(it) — all this in roubles, definite
    By the tenants (and them, we shall remark,   about 3000 thousand чел.); ещ ё a plus the cost of investigatory activities and legal proceedings
    — It is natural, with allowance for discountings (growth(increase) of the cost of rouble) at elongated time of search and
    Factfindings. — We shall remark, all this without the special legislative problems and cells. That
    More fairly?
    Whether news we here enumerated? - Certainly, no. From so-called   the democracies today groan the germans,
    The simple Americans and Russian groan, groans of all "«civilized" patterns... Certainly, alternately then,
    There there are those who demonstrates that this, that output(exit), « other path ». But something or someone causes(urges) us from
    Them to turn away and to be tramped in place .. Or ещ ё it is worse: someone or causes(urges) something впередсмотрящих
    To retract view from earlier selected best path, to be failed from ideas and schedules and to leave in
    Scrubs. What or who?
    Shall recollect Росса Pen, American billionaire, maiden in life of America of the non-party candidate in
    The presidents of campaign of 1992. Behind it(him) the huge number избирателей went. That or who has caused(urged) it(him) suddenly
    To leave from the scene and to not present America, all a pattern maiden true, - not representative, but "«forward"(«straight")
    Democracy, without parliaments and congresses, without political parties (which one always for itself), without all
    Remaining peel and трескотни, more all pre-election? Who or that has not given mankind to turn on
    Rails of a new civilization, where by less silly and more humane?
                                                                            About « of the FOURTH AUTHORITY » 
    Earlier we have touched problems, which one   can   to affect the maiden three branchess of an authority. Well and how fourth?
    Alas, it as though and not absolutely authority. Someone has calculated, that for us now one copy of the newspaper is necessary on
    20 persons - are less, than was in imperial Russia. It is many times less log-books, certainly, still. And вс ё it
    If not an authority, the quite definite force, and е ё is possible and it is necessary to use in the value of environmental sanitation
    Companies. That to her for this purpose   first of all does not suffice? — First of all, it is propagation physical and
    Mental health of the person and company, i.e. physically sound body and spirit of the person, healthy honest
    Attitudes(relations) between the people, between front stalls, propagation of methods how to reach(achieve) it how «to "be", and not just
    «To "seem".
    As all this to do(make), not stalling in the side of insipid manuals, commercialization or emotional
    фашитизации   is a problem of the present art, but if there will be a demand for materials, for us is quick(rapid)
    There will be applicable scientists and writers. Much more complex(difficult) problem - as well as where such to print(publish)?
    But major other. Pursuit for circulations in name of the profit and strife for survival have reduced that on
    потребу to low instincts of the majority of the readers the printed pages are held basically empty — is simple
    By entertainment, ardent waste. It is possible on pins to enumerate the newspapers and log-books raising
    Large, worthy subjects, especially - giving конструкт-prescriptions of progressing of the person and company, prescriptions on
    Subject how «to "be", but not only «to "seem" how to treat not signs, and illness and the more so on it(her) not
    To come across...
    And than for us our telescreen is filled? - that is expedient to deliver to the manager by this or that
    телерадиокомпании, on what it is possible to expect the large money for advertising from the advertizer. To this we shall remark:
    Somewhere absolutely near large city the selection of telechannels practically is absent. Listen and look that,
    That give. But do not think, that in city it is much better. Advertising spaces, it is possible to be saved of which one by a way
    The switching tos other channels, for all television programs surprising close are synchronized — it
    Representative arrangement of the producers! Where the antimonopoly committee looks?
    Whether it is possible to break these tendencies? That can do(make) the rather strong state for accelerated
    Public progressing?
    Whether can, whether i.e. has right and force it something to do(make), if all or nearly so all publishing houses are or in
    Proprietary, or in a state ownership?
    As also television: if to multiply moral damage from consumption of a mean substitute (in comparison with
    By masterpiece) on loss of spare time of all spectators (listeners), the damage will appear multiply above, than
    All money, which one is received by(with) a broadcasting organization for advertising! Where we here have seen democracy? A harm from all it
    Cost prices, cost of MASS-MEDIA and all their advertising sums multiply there are more. It also gives the state the right
    With the purposes of protection of concerns of the citizens something to do(make). But what exactly? Well, for example to adjust(regulate) the grants
    Or taxes depending on a fraction общественно of useful materials. Or, ещ ё it is better, to bind 5-10-20
    Percents of the newspaper floor space (day time, month) to select(allocate) on the charge-free publications of materials,
    Won regular competitions on a key factor: public usefulness. Including
    Printed out in other issuings - for them всемерного distribution(propagation) — for example, each 7-ю newspaper in
    Week. It is possible to guarantee, that if it will be, е ё circulation will be best.
    Yes, here to someone will come to set in on a throat to an own song. But we shall agree, it is a nonsense, when music
    On dances determines the one who puts of a plate, without feedbacks from those who listens.
    It is necessary to renounce own sympathies, a key factor should begin aiming sustain
    Concerns of public progressing: to give not that is fried, and at all that to the reader is only curious:   you see
    All useless — is harmful, and that will give a superfluous drip in concerns of progressing   this reader. And,
    Therefore,   companies too.
                                                                                        OUR CHANCE 
    Today, after occurrence(appearance) of the new President — for all unexpectedly new and on a surname and as a matter of fact, Russia
    Receives chance to say землянам a new word. Neither for me, nor for anybody other — contrary to voices   bewilderment
    The whole army so-called пиаровцев, which one are sure, that only they can crank any figure,
    The actor or writer... — does not call(cause) doubt: on arena of Russia the person, which one of all remaining has come
    The turns of the persons are best, is faster than all is capable to make something significant(sizeable), to wake and   really
    переобустроить Russia.   That is he has come on the place and in due course. Infrequently, but in a history such
    Happens. It also is the historical persons. As now — it is pleasant to someone whether or not.
    We attempted to enumerate here something that is possible and it would be necessary to make to the new President and
    To the state, which one to him should be be to be plotted and overhaul, « to convert and to change ». All of us not
    We want, that to this to us   have hindered, that in pairs(vapours,couples), in свисток   this potency left also.
                                                        (epilogue to   to parting words В.В. Путину) 
    All our life — a set of hard dogmas, axioms, real constants and mental submissions(representations). — Not
    Absolute, but nevertheless there are enough of constants,   as though by God preselected. For example, that the water boils at 100ЁС,
    That the maximum speed — is speed of light, that in an electronics engineering we for ever have lagged West, that on Руси
    Steal, that the german is exact, and Russian is lazy, that the law is the law, that the state — it always fetters, that
    The emigration — is the firm human right, that the democracy — it is good, and the poverty — is bad... Etc. and
                                                                  BUT the CONSTANTS ARE NOT ABSOLUTE!
    Really, even the physical constants have the boundaries, outside of which one they will bend, vary, sail
    As wax. Today any семиклассник knows and about water, which one can begin to boil at 90 grades, and about
    The speed is more than speed of light. The social constants were approved historically, generically,
    Geographically... They, therefore, absolutely невечны, they not from the God, and from our skill and comprehension.
    Certainly, hardest constants - physical, but most difficult — social. There are dogmas, which one
    The years or decades live. Some of them we have overcome absolutely recently and more we overcome. There are those,
    That live тысячелетия — for example, that the law is the law, that the state — from the God, and many other things. Them to us
    To overcome and to overcome.
    ... That social oilpainting a pattern, which one we, having was born, find, — it is outcome not only our transactions, but also
    Our world outlook weaved from thousand and thousand of the dogmas - axioms and promoted(sustained) doctrines, religions,
    By customs, our teachers and instructors - sometimes in the value to the people,   sometimes by him(it) in evil.   And sometimes   --
    Is simple on flywheel action.
    On idea to provide conservation of our safety and to create the greatest possible speed of progressing
    Owes our state, his(its) bodies(organs). For it they also are contained by(with) the people. Differently THEY as though   also are not necessary. But for
    It the state should be not импотентным, strong. And clever, i.e. to know what to do(make).
    All our civilized patterns, contaminated rather attractive idea beautiful on a cover, but
    Rather aggressive конфетного of liberalism, goes, alas, rather chaotically, изредко сотрясаемый
    микро- and макрореволюциями, technical and social. The revolutionary path is too path. All trouble in
    The volume, that after revolution is killed everything, that was up to it(her) - both bad, and good. In this or that measure it
    Is exhibited everywhere in a pattern, same was exhibited and on last (capitalist) revolution in Russia.
    Our Russian order —   this global   миропонимание, multiplied on   ours national
    Features. If we really attempt to undertake for переобустройство, the present, instead of
    It is necessary to overestimate cosmetic transformation of Russia, a will - captivity and sins, illnesses,   and
    World-wide values, — social constants, dogma and inclining, many of which it is remediless
    одряхлели, have lagged from today and even from yesterday. And it now more than is actual.
                                                                the CONSTANTS HAVE BECOME OUTDATED. WELL Also WHAT?
    At once we shall anticipate, that the rule(situation,position) is real серьёзно, that without this analysis and acceptance of urgent measures
    The rule(situation,position) землян can appear morses look-alike. Look-alike crisis ours миропонимания we,
    The Russians, in general земляне have gone through less than half-century back.
    As is known, years forty ago too slightly did not become late. Excitement of polyhabit spasms two countering
    Camps "of «civilized" countries in mutual threats to begin war nearly has not reduced to   to destruction(annihilation) of a planet.
    While at last all of patterns has not understood, that the nuclear weapon is an independent indisputable argument, and with it(him)
    The war will mean a defeat of all belligerent sides. And remaining mankind too.
    So, has appeared, that the technical achievements are capable to give reason for a world policy,
    And is more categorical, than all policies which have been taken together. Now there occurs one more extreme period
    Technological progressing of mankind. And we can leak(skip), view   one more acute imperative,
    The originating one more, would seem of the especially peace technical factor - growth(increase) of informatization.
    Поголовная the intercoupling without boundaries allows us authentically and practically instantly to learn(find out) about, where,
    As as takes place. To conceal something good and bad   from the people with the Internet it is very difficult. And it means,
    That the object of envy almost by not most moving human feeling, will be any more hearings and guesses, and
    The authentic items of information.
    But it not major. Global informatization now creates real capability of a unification of the people on
    The most miscellaneous basis. While these unifications by the way of different unions, associations, crews, commercial and
    Noncommercial partnership limit by the local purposes — commercial, scientific, on miscellaneous
    хобби etc. We shall mark here, that in the charter of each of such public associations central point,
    Main purpose: it always protection of concerns of the members. But not so public concerns! If it
    The association of the fans(amateurs) of grapnels is ещ ё where went, and if it is the fans(amateurs) of dogs or the joint-stock company "«Plastic" is already
    серьёзнее. If main purpose « protection of the members » is recorded in All-Russia Association of banks and in
    World-wide association of the doctors is already catastrophically, it is noticeable argument of our underdevelopment, pitch
    But also it not major. Вс ё it is not too fatal yet.
    With a globalization of time-sharings most plutonic взаимоинтересы of the large masses of the people   —
    Ethnic, racial... —   can easily become most   main cohering beginning, without dependence from
    Geographic or political boundaries. One provocative slogan « ours is beaten » or « by(with) we better »
    Can become instant мобилизующим by a fuse. The racial wars, threat which one indicated for a long time, —
    This thing quite real. In epoch of upbuilding of miscellaneous kinds(views) of deadly weapon they will is more terrible, than
    All wars, known for us, of our civilization and up to not ё. One of reasons of occurrence(appearance) and aggravation
    Explosion-dangerous situation — huge contrasts, material, social, political, religious...,
    Stored on malicious will or недомыслию of the adherents of miscellaneous systems, very much often in a counterbalance(balance weight) to concerns
    паствы and pattern as a whole. When that it were the ideological dogmas, today — of dogma social and
    Economical, not less explosive. 
    Now, nearest 5-10 years, the problem costs(stands) so: or we shall revise operational nowadays social
    Constants — while more less sufficient terminators(limiters), deflocculants,   or danger of self-destruction
    Mankinds closely will approximate to implementation. Ten biblical, thousand economical, social,
    Legal, national or international заповедей, which one and in "«peace time" a little who abides, at once
    начисто will be forgotten.
                                                  RUSSIA — ONE OF COUNTRIES, WHERE ВС Ё CAN BE
    — Already because in her it is now uncomfortable, it is cold and hungry&. Also there is no national idea, radium which one all
    It should to the people be suffered. Country seems малопривлекательной for « of the simple honest citizens ». But major
    — While that there is no strong state, which one can undertake the cardinal, "«revolutionary" solutions
    Acute state problems, sometimes occurring and on a throat to an own song.
      to see неидеальность, but also, thanks God, неабсолютность   the social constants, pledged in us,
    Promoting even similarity of our internal repeatability,   we with you shall try пощипать,
    подергать to decline something from to what we as though quite have got used, to look for the radicals, sources there and сям
    Teemed желчи and to offer on discussion indispensable variations to begin переобустраивать
    Russia contrary to всесильной of an entropy. And first of all, that   to look for rockss on roads, which one can
    This to hinder.
    To begin it is necessary, probably, that to social revolutions, always   take place because of absence sensing
    And there are enough of effective gears of constant more - less painless conflict resolution and
    The conflictings. The revolution - detonating takes place after upbuilding extreme mass of complaint, when
    Becomes невтерпеж... As we do not idealize now pre-revolutionary Русь what to speak, contrasts
    In her were great. Most rich in a pattern imperial family — at far from being(not) the most rich population. And хамство
    The officers and misters, "«воспетое" Салтыковым-Щедриным, and stupidity « of the superfluous people » from mean
    The class! The American Jews or German germans or someone let financed October revolution
    ещ ё — but what this money, if not huge complaint from below would make?
    The immediate task of the strong and clever state, if it eventually will be created by us, —
    Implementation of potent feedbacks, operating such capacious concepts, as effect and damage.   Let's repeat:
    Our lacks — it and the lacks speak to ours (инородцы: иудейско-christian) civilization,
    Multiplied on our national feature, about   which one we know not only from the side, but also,
    From inside, on an own plugwire: it is aggressiveness, неусидчивость, невдумчивость, "«нелюбопытство"
    оголтелость, спесивость, it въевшийся in us a phenomenon ХХБ, I want хамить — and there will be, that contains capacious
    Concept "«жлобство", ours most ill and most стыдный defect. Us it necessarily will hinder in
    Effective arrangement of Russia, which one all of us want to achieve in the near future.
    But that is interesting: these sins — universal, i.e. remaining, not Russian patterns in it sins too.
    Certainly, in a miscellaneous extent.
    Was received so, that I am best from "«ненаших" I know the germans. And I can not say, that they are dispossessed only, that,
    That brakes us. But something движет them forward nevertheless is faster than ours. What?
    As is known, Germanium in due course too revolution hardly has not enveloped. What her(it) has stopped? That
    Bolsters now to Germanium in its(her) peace (can be, too peace) existence? German
    Nature, his(its) special capacities? — no, individually each german is not worse and not better than Russian —
    послеперестроечное the time, through which one, by the way, we is simple were obliged to pass, — has shown: in
    The personal schedule, in each separate precise commercial flow bundle or strictly organized scientific
    To group we appear not less successful, exact and clean, than germans. All business in
    To state will. How е ё to set?
    To set organization from above, государственно — how any more - less civilized state,
    For example, sets corrected of grammar or auto driving, — to set and to demand, it is best by walls
    The incentives - sanctions, instead of by the administrative prohibitions is while we can not. Severely,
    Administratively — we can, and on clever — no. Now it is necessary only rationally, for the people for these
    The half-centuries notably поумнели, diverse they will not execute(design).
                                                                              AS... RATIONALLY?
      the historians tell, that young ardent Peter, having caught on West by ideals of purity and order,
    Has issued a law to tear for a disobedient beard. Sometimes it was gained with meat. But with years, having typed of wisdom,
    He has entered the order not less effective, but not such brutal: for a beard — sensing plate in treasury.
    It also is economical methods of regulation. Too law, but clever.
    Yes, law — always law, he as though always measurement standard and justice. — But if he costs(stands) on progressive
    To idea also is not unscrupulously executed(unscrupulously made). Whether always for us so it happens? Even if to not tamper with now plutonic fundamentalses
    Our law-enforcement legislation, our right, remedilessly obsolete and dispossessed
    Any перспективC — even if this basis(fundamentals) to not tamper with and to not subject any doubt, strikes
    мелкотравчатость, малоэтажность, primitiveness of fulfilment of the text of many laws, in general normative
    The acts, operating instructions, improbable them дробленность, многословность, пухлость   and complexity. And with other
    The sides — their improbable неконкретность. Can not be, that it was from недогадливости or дури them
    The writers. Most likely — it from their rough desire, acute thirst to raise the value or лоббировать
    Someone's concerns. A plus from desire   to justify нужность on then, on stage after acceptance of the law, at
    To opening-up of explanations, commentings and at a stage of implementation of each law. It also is corporate
    (Formation) egocentricity — instead of all to estimate from the point of view of public usefulness
    At once.
    Certainly, in itself phenomenon of lobbying beforehand has no the sign - his(its) harm or favour
    It is determined only by in whose favour and at the expense of whom. Emotions for and against lobbying in general
    Are groundless,   is necessary (and   the sober calculation of effect or damage from him(it) in each particular case is possible(probable)).
    However one clearly beforehand and for certain: ungrounded complicating of the mandatory operating instructions always
    Brings of a harm, for all useless — is harmful. A superfluous sign of division or multiplyings in mandatory
    The operating instructions — it on country for year of millions multiplyings     and dividings. When these operatings напридумывает
    Each scientific clerk of thousand is already billions waste телодвижений, it топтание of a nation in place ..
    Remember the scene from к/ф « When the trees were large »: late at night the guys in collective-farm board find
    Above papers of the accountant: « Дядь Митя, you a bureaucrat? — Yes no, it is those who writes such operating instructions,
    Bureaucrats, and I мученик ». In comparison with that, collective-farm formation financial дебри were not lowered. Though
    Now precisely it is known: could, and many times over - without detriment, and on huge favour to company. When ours
    The state becomes at last strong, it should undertake it first of all and decide at once, and
    Let's remark: and if suddenly on the dishonesty of writing of the future laws and working method of applications someone
    Will be ever caught, « to tear beards » it is completely not necessary. The damage from переусложнения of the operating instructions is easy
    Is counted. If there will be a will of the state, it would be time to enter a rule of mandatory calculation of this damage and
    Assertions to his(its) creators for material indemnification(compensation). Perhaps, what it is easier?
    About graft, corruption, swapping(transfer) of money somewhere etc. of kinds(views) of rip-off in large sizes... That
    To be surprised, when we, from time immemorial country язычников, in due course "«thanking" suddenly imposed to us
    The religions relaxing our forces and our will, were saved of rigid therapy of a circumcision for rip-off
    Pins and ушей - Yes unless we could from such tender indulgence not turn into непуганных идиотов!? 
    By the way, as have shown the off-the-shelf in-depth factfindings, Russia on corruption - country not maiden.
    The list heads Камерун, where, as it appears, it is impossible and   a pitch to step without a bribe.
    But for us, as is known, too far from an ideal. Each potential investor in West knows about it.
    Each officer, already by virtue of a smallness of the cage, imperfection of the laws and possible(probable) freedom them
    Treatments, will - captivity can yield to enticement to be pulled, to straighten the backbone, to show
    The significance and to take мзду for any his(its) complementary "«service". On it the reacting Руцкого is curious,
    Being already by governor of Kursk field(area) (I give to within sense): « I speak them: if you such clever,
    That go in commerce. And no - sit and not рыпайтесь ». Грубовато, but as is exact!
    Probably, the principal value of modification was that it was possible at last to burn a rake, under which one
    Sheared all of us all   ours socialist (ostensibly socialist) 70 years. To burn and to give any
    Capability by best to be selected forward. Any call-ups before to the cost accounting last before it 10-20
    Years, almost in all plump documents КПСС, as we remember, nobody helped.
                                                          WHAT ДАЁТ CAPITALIST RAPID MOTION? 
    But the rapid motion, which has begun after our capitalist revolution, alas, to goods has reduced not all.
    The huge contrasts in skills, ещ ё are more - in the artificially created initial (launching) conditions
    After облапошивания of broad masses a plus low level of spiritual needs of the same masses and the more so
    Level облапошивающих, their dislike for the people, and also absolutely bad so-called
    The liberal - democratic legislation have reduced in mass discharge of the people from activity, flight
    The huge capital and brain drain abroad.
    And there, in turn, there was вовсю a problem неприятия of the emigrants and emigration.
    That, we should recognize, that free migration while, in today's legislative   frameworks, —
    малоприятное seizure of our democracy. In our hemisphere the Armenians, турки, Russian, украинцы, Jews,
    болгары under all excuses permanently get over in manicured countries of West, first of all in
    To germanium. Let's congratulate arranged and посочувствуем to the germans. A р/item « a German surge » in the review(view) world
    Printings for January 2000г. has given the following rather self-critical quotation from the Bulgarian newspaper: a cheap transactions
    The nonregistered emigrants — it is the workstations, taken away from the germans, use   ready
    By the social values —   it is brands from bins of the german tax bearers. « A Plus ours вонючие of a galley »,
    — The Bulgarian newspaper writes. Let's add: and more sharply increased criminality, and potent дискомфорт for
    Indigenous population, and his(its) gloomy national outlooks from многодетности of the visitants. Etc. etc.
    But we shall see and on the other hand: and unless roughly less developed countries develop only at the expense of
    Skills and natural resourcess? Where they put the dirty productions, where store the waste,
    Paying for it only copecks and cents? If they wholly paid damage to contaminated countries, them
    Chance to be in time(catch up) ours somewhere by speeded up civilization for them would be incomparably higher, than now,
    When they on laps and with the extended arm.
    And somebody calculated, what damage bear those peoples, from which one the emigrants run down? Run you see most
    Persevering, most enterprising, cleverest.
    Whether has the right a civilization, world law radium некоей of commercial profit of the private persons to encourage
    Rich countries вс ё time to rob poor? Whether and so it is expedient rich? By separate
    To the businessmen and employers of a cheap manpower — yes. And as a whole to peoples? Attempts пражан
    отгородиться by a wall from overpopulated and загаженного цыганами there is of fine region of Prague have shown:
    No and very much no. By the way, these attempts have failed in a context existing "«civilized"
    The legislations: it appears — this violation of rights of the person. And who has thought of the rights of other side? Who
    To whom imposes such rights?
    Whether there is a solution of this problem? It is difficult to say... If the reversionary RIGHT, i.e dominated in a pattern.
    Instead of the infinite renvois on infinite писаные of a rule of law the repayment of the marked damage was entered,
    In total material, economical, соцоального, ecological, moral... (about the reversionary Right see. Russian Federation
    № 111 for 1999г. and НГ for 21.01.2000), would run from country only those who wanted to be typed for
    Civilized countries of mind(wit), that itself to become better and that then   приподнести something to the brotherhood. And
    If they thus beforehand understood, that on a visit they should wholly pay for all introduced there
    Troubles, and country - exporter, памятуя about necessity to pay damage plotted where that was
    By the citizens, would manage to pose wishing попастись on manicured another's fields applicable
    Screen — not on political, and on social motives — to not confuse to the Iron Curtain! — all would be
    Then absolutely differently.
    Here speech, certainly, not only and not it is so much about Czechia and Germanium. In Russia too run "«from below", and in huge
    Quantity. Not having decided this problem, the not strong state and will keep the Russians to be tramped in place ., to suffer
    The newcomers to bear in country, in company heightened tension of public attitudes(relations).
    And as to violation(disturbance) at such approach of democracy — that where here you have seen democracy, « an authority
    The people »? Another's get not into the bin, almost that literally, and that people, into whose bin get, can not
    And пикнуть... Who has invented such democracy? Who has imposed to us е ё?
    Imposed, i.e. false democracy - almost in all. As the market of home instrumentation —   is renovated; on what
    There is for us a noticeable part of a family budget? Yes is simple disappears old, occurs new, is unjustified
    Complicated, much more expensive(dear), - with new "«прибамбасами", but with same, and often and with inferior
    By consumer properties. That to be surprised? — You see when before the producer there is a problem, in what
    To invest: in biassed interrogations of clients, in ratings потребительных properties, in developments, in
    Purchasings of the not @ patents — or only in exterior, in a wrapper and in potent, aggressive advertising?
    Certainly, select that попроще, second.   And the best instrumentation happens? - Yes. But   among waste she almost
    Is indiscernible.
    Social damage, i.e. loss for the population   from all such "«civilization" going by zigzags, is huge.
    That it(him) to lower, we have elaborated and is active we spend, as against usual, certification of quality and
    Ecological certification. But ours 500-600 issued certificates — are a drip among the sea
    Unsatisfied needs(requirements)!
    Let's remark, that "the «mean" buyer, customer not роскошествует neither money, nor spare time. That and
    Other he выкрадывает from the retiring budget for tight 7-8-9-и, and today and 10-12-и hourly
    Transactions saturated or infinite offloadings for budget money, or rapid motion for commercial
    Success — gold тельцом liberal democracy, i.e. for money, which one then settle on
    That, on enticements which are not facing ломанного of a penny. Whether such oof is necessary? Let's see.
    The home appliances are that! And the buyings on the orders are more dear(expensive): the real estate. The family is tightened, is pressed and
    Purchases the house or smart flat, which one then... All forces and spare time require(demand) on
    Servicing.   But also it yet all.   Through year number(series) occurs other family with magnificent сабвуфером or with
    By emotional dog. Damage from such neighbourhood   much more exceeds the cost of a house and flat. Hopes
    On protection within the framework of the existing "«democratic" legislation practically no.
    And our human enticements radium prestige, ambitions, модности? They is close соседствуют with problems
    The protection against rip-off and other криминалитета, which one seem thus... Even quite justified. So
    Whether costs(stands) перенапрягаться radium such enticements in a framework   such "«democracy"? These troubles, by the way, — communal with
    By all remaining "«civilized"   by a world. But they by virtue of the lowest communal culture hinder us more
    Alone hope — on accelerated implementation already of mentioned Reversionary right. Let's demonstrate
    His(its) activity on an absolutely fresh example.
    In the beginning of March, 2000 the scroll bars of all our 10-access house were for a long time switched - off because of theft 300
    Meters of a power cable. What expects now thief, even if it(him) and will catch?... The taken away cable, long
    Judicial proceedings and prison. And what can it(him) expect at domination of the reversionary Right? — It is natural,
    The taken away cable or his(its) cost, but plus ещ ё   indemnification(compensation) of physical gains of all tenants for
    Daily rise(ascent) on   15 floors and back and moral damage by him(it) — all this in roubles, definite
    By the tenants (and them, we shall remark,   about 3000 thousand чел.); ещ ё a plus the cost of investigatory activities and legal proceedings
    — It is natural, with allowance for discountings (growth(increase) of the cost of rouble) at elongated time of search and
    Factfindings. — We shall remark, all this without the special legislative problems and cells. That
    More fairly?
    Whether news we here enumerated? - Certainly, no. From so-called   the democracies today groan the germans,
    The simple Americans and Russian groan, groans of all "«civilized" patterns... Certainly, alternately then,
    There there are those who demonstrates that this, that output(exit), « other path ». But something or someone causes(urges) us from
    Them to turn away and to be tramped in place .. Or ещ ё it is worse: someone or causes(urges) something впередсмотрящих
    To retract view from earlier selected best path, to be failed from ideas and schedules and to leave in
    Scrubs. What or who?
    Shall recollect Росса Pen, American billionaire, maiden in life of America of the non-party candidate in
    The presidents of campaign of 1992. Behind it(him) the huge number избирателей went. That or who has caused(urged) it(him) suddenly
    To leave from the scene and to not present America, all a pattern maiden true, - not representative, but "«forward"(«straight")
    Democracy, without parliaments and congresses, without political parties (which one always for itself), without all
    Remaining peel and трескотни, more all pre-election? Who or that has not given mankind to turn on
    Rails of a new civilization, where by less silly and more humane?
                                                                            About « of the FOURTH AUTHORITY » 
    Earlier we have touched problems, which one   can   to affect the maiden three branchess of an authority. Well and how fourth?
    Alas, it as though and not absolutely authority. Someone has calculated, that for us now one copy of the newspaper is necessary on
    20 persons - are less, than was in imperial Russia. It is many times less log-books, certainly, still. And вс ё it
    If not an authority, the quite definite force, and е ё is possible and it is necessary to use in the value of environmental sanitation
    Companies. That to her for this purpose   first of all does not suffice? — First of all, it is propagation physical and
    Mental health of the person and company, i.e. physically sound body and spirit of the person, healthy honest
    Attitudes(relations) between the people, between front stalls, propagation of methods how to reach(achieve) it how «to "be", and not just
    «To "seem".
    As all this to do(make), not stalling in the side of insipid manuals, commercialization or emotional
    фашитизации   is a problem of the present art, but if there will be a demand for materials, for us is quick(rapid)
    There will be applicable scientists and writers. Much more complex(difficult) problem - as well as where such to print(publish)?
    But major other. Pursuit for circulations in name of the profit and strife for survival have reduced that on
    потребу to low instincts of the majority of the readers the printed pages are held basically empty — is simple
    By entertainment, ardent waste. It is possible on pins to enumerate the newspapers and log-books raising
    Large, worthy subjects, especially - giving конструкт-prescriptions of progressing of the person and company, prescriptions on
    Subject how «to "be", but not only «to "seem" how to treat not signs, and illness and the more so on it(her) not
    To come across...
    And than for us our telescreen is filled? - that is expedient to deliver to the manager by this or that
    телерадиокомпании, on what it is possible to expect the large money for advertising from the advertizer. To this we shall remark:
    Somewhere absolutely near large city the selection of telechannels practically is absent. Listen and look that,
    That give. But do not think, that in city it is much better. Advertising spaces, it is possible to be saved of which one by a way
    The switching tos other channels, for all television programs surprising close are synchronized — it
    Representative arrangement of the producers! Where the antimonopoly committee looks?
    Whether it is possible to break these tendencies? That can do(make) the rather strong state for accelerated
    Public progressing?
    Whether can, whether i.e. has right and force it something to do(make), if all or nearly so all publishing houses are or in
    Proprietary, or in a state ownership?
    As also television: if to multiply moral damage from consumption of a mean substitute (in comparison with
    By masterpiece) on loss of spare time of all spectators (listeners), the damage will appear multiply above, than
    All money, which one is received by(with) a broadcasting organization for advertising! Where we here have seen democracy? A harm from all it
    Cost prices, cost of MASS-MEDIA and all their advertising sums multiply there are more. It also gives the state the right
    With the purposes of protection of concerns of the citizens something to do(make). But what exactly? Well, for example to adjust(regulate) the grants
    Or taxes depending on a fraction общественно of useful materials. Or, ещ ё it is better, to bind 5-10-20
    Percents of the newspaper floor space (day time, month) to select(allocate) on the charge-free publications of materials,
    Won regular competitions on a key factor: public usefulness. Including
    Printed out in other issuings - for them всемерного distribution(propagation) — for example, each 7-ю newspaper in
    Week. It is possible to guarantee, that if it will be, е ё circulation will be best.
    Yes, here to someone will come to set in on a throat to an own song. But we shall agree, it is a nonsense, when music
    On dances determines the one who puts of a plate, without feedbacks from those who listens.
    It is necessary to renounce own sympathies, a key factor should begin aiming sustain
    Concerns of public progressing: to give not that is fried, and at all that to the reader is only curious:   you see
    All useless — is harmful, and that will give a superfluous drip in concerns of progressing   this reader. And,
    Therefore,   companies too.
                                                                                        OUR CHANCE 
    Today, after occurrence(appearance) of the new President — for all unexpectedly new and on a surname and as a matter of fact, Russia
    Receives chance to say землянам a new word. Neither for me, nor for anybody other — contrary to voices   bewilderment
    The whole army so-called пиаровцев, which one are sure, that only they can crank any figure,
    The actor or writer... — does not call(cause) doubt: on arena of Russia the person, which one of all remaining has come
    The turns of the persons are best, is faster than all is capable to make something significant(sizeable), to wake and   really
    переобустроить Russia.   That is he has come on the place and in due course. Infrequently, but in a history such
    Happens. It also is the historical persons. As now — it is pleasant to someone whether or not.
    We attempted to enumerate here something that is possible and it would be necessary to make to the new President and state, which one to him should be be to be plotted and overhaul, « to convert and to change ». All of us do not want, that to this to us   have hindered, that in pairs(vapours,couples), in свисток   this potency left also.



    МИНИН Борис Алексеевич,
    The chief of Federal Center of certification, ЦНИИбыт,
    The president of International Academy of public progressing,
    д.э.н., к.т.н.,   the academician of International Academy of informatization
      SUCH IS POSSIBLE LONG TO ARGUE, THAT CONFESSOR, SPIRITUAL WAY OF LIFE. While I do not know more - less satisfactory definition. It is clear, that there enters and ненанесение by other, and manual in life by universal values, and culture of own life, and formation on high world masterpieces, and непадкость on дешевки... It is possible to give definition of confessor through denial: it something негрубо-material($негрубо-financially), not low - simplified. In the Marxist literature and is spoken: material and spiritual values, as though ignoring a broad bench intermediate, social.
    In frameworks of one of entitiess of the United Nations in 80 years the definition of an extent цивилизованности of the people, family, person was born: on value, return fraction of the income which is loiter on satisfaction of own material needs(requirements). But цивилизованность — it as though yet all confessor. It is essential already. Obviously, it is possible to receive this multilayer concept, and it(him) from the solution only of many equations with many known and obscure. From the fine article Е.В. Рогоцкого (ПИ, 1997, № 8, May), which one directly подвигла is possible to define(determine) me on this activity, confessor as " a state, which one we is called internal одухотворенностью ", " as constant aiming to High and Fine ". And still I consider(count), internally feeling, what is it such — confessor.
      Let's try to offer attention of the readers the answers on извечные problems: who is guilty that we not all and not always высокодуховны, and what to do(make) to proceed(pass) to a path mass одухотворения. For the business should be done(made), it from a place will not be shifted. For, as is known, any body aims to take the lowermost rule(situation,position) from all possible(probable), and for keeping up of any of us on upper, "одухотворенном" a level the constant gains and quite definite force of will a plus a high society's organization are required.
    Certainly, there is a confessor as though necessarily: for the people ill, обездвиженных... And for старцев — but, by the way, not it is so much from natural wisdom, how much from incompetence physical and spiritual. To facilitate sufferings, to become здоровее, to prolong life even per annum, per day, by one hour, they are forced to refuse coarse nutrition, from coarse выходок, permanently accessing with hope to the God, to потусторонним to forces, to everybody — but, alas, only not to own will.
    Whether that is a path of a union to confessor and motion of the people to богочеловеку? — Certainly, no. But how взойти on Олимп to high confessor, to highly moral ideals, remaining strong and healthy? It is more than that — consolidating force and health? What hinders us to go on this paths from the youth? How to advance those, thanks God, already exhibited now in our people ростки of confessor, let for the present extremely infrequent? How by him(it) to get stronger and to be distributed? How to lower, well even to exhibit the tendency to drop in our life of such phenomena, as хамство, наглость, стяжательство, rip-off...? — us do not interest, the infinite controversies about заоблачных paths should not interest, us the practical prescriptions, design solutions, with allowance for of our place and time interest.
    LET'S TRY TO OFFER SOME DIRECTIONS of SOCIAL PROGRESSING, which one, from our point of view, with inevitability promotes also advance of the people to одухотворенности. While we have groped three reference directions: legal, воспитательное and культурологическое.
    THE RIGHT. Всерасслабляющее the Orthodoxy which has cut off us from язычества, has not given to pass to us a path of cut of pins or ушей for rip-off and arms behind violence... Now it already late. But to place(install) for all look-alike sins civilized punishment, strong responsibility, the inevitable punishment is possible for the proportional marked damage and it is necessary. At once I shall note: these measures will be effective not only for us and not only in concerns of a subject, which one dedicates this article. For these measures will be sufficient indispensable and major — quite justified, explained from the point of view of company and, therefore, effective.
    If to eliminate all proprietary and transient features of progressing of human community (national,   climatic,   geographic...),   that for our civilization is possible to call only units   communal   for all or nearly so for all countries and peoples of the factors as a whole defining social progress and consequently requiring special attention from the point of view of a rating, of requiring the special attention, necessity of reforming. Among these factors,   perhaps, maiden it is necessary to call a system of supply of the law order and state structure.
    It is considered, that principles of our legal system   close   correspond(meet) to principles of the Roman LAW,   steadied more than two thousand years back. An adding up system of the rules of law,   founded on these   principles, actuates huge,   the precisely not taken into account(discounted) quantity of the rules of law, acts, laws,   since the Corpus Юстиниана (533) - already   then   his(its) volume compounded about 120 printed sheets, and he continuously grows.
    Such volume of the legal acts bodily is conditioned by the essence of the given system. In correspondence   with   by principles of the Roman Law,   the legal proceedings actuates following in bridge and sequentially conducted   procedures: персонификация   particular acts —   installation of the person of the offender, criminal; identifying of an offence by confrontation (up to the character) with a particular rule of law and through it(her) — fixing a sentence. Supervision(observation)   demonstrate,   that for this earlier казавшейся of such simple and understandable scheme in last   the time because of all убыстряющегося of social and economical progress of company the right lags ever more than life, in a nem is exhibited ever more and more lacks.
    MAJOR OF   THESE   LACKS is conditioned by the main(basic) principle,   by the used Roman Law, — by necessity   installations   exact concurrence(coincidence) of the specification statement of an offence with this or that rule of law. The huge volume of the statutory acts, rules with inevitability results to essential   to an overstressing of channels of the legal information, to overload of the workers of law enforcement bodies, to a protraction of legal proceedings for months and even years, and in a number(series) of cases to ненаказуемости obviously guilty because of absence of indispensable legislative base — т. е. As a whole to an ineffectiveness of legal proceedings.
    Further. By outcome of legal proceedings on status quo   is the fixing a sentence. More often - by deprivation of liberty. As far as it is known,   the places of confinement is present school of crimes and   a field   humiliating existence,   superimposing an infamous and indelible spot on all life. Certainly, it is possible to insist on necessity of perfecting of legal proceedings within the framework of the existing concept: on increase of number of the lawyers, on perfecting of methods of their activity, on the best informatization of court, on meliorating of a household activities and customs concluded... However, more correctly, on our view to raise the question about revision of the concept.
    WE SHALL TRY   TO OFFER   the NEW CONCEPT,   founded on the ancient laws кармы,   on the laws   human   hostels,   establishing(setting) a simple principle — of indemnification of any damage.   Certainly, as well as воздаяния for any positive take of a transactions and creativity.   But   about   it   not here.
    The concept of new legal system,   founded on   it   a principle — that is "REVERSIONARY RIGHT", —   guesses essentially   new   the order   legal proceedings,   namely: the installation of the subject (subjects) of an offence, but   is saved персонификация of particular act -; thus is with installation of a fraction of fault (contribution) of each subject; identifying of an offence - but thus from a dot   visions   an output(exit) for legal space (that,   that by company,   by the law it is authorized, on what the right) is given; then definition of full damage marked to other subject (subjects) - of damage physical,   material, economical, social, moral... And definition about his(its) indemnification(compensation) (who, how much, during what time, what facilitiess...).
    It is possible purely definitely to assert(approve),   that of kinds(views) of damage and ways of his(its) definition (calculation) in hundreds,   if not in thousand time it is less, than types of situations, in which one he arises and the more so will arise. Problems of observance(holding) or   the violations(disturbance) of any point of the act, any rule of law, any fact of a development of damage could be resolved from a stand of definition and indemnification(compensation) marked   it is much easier than damage, than now.
    Only absolutely recently it was possible to accept let docked, but all таки the unified international legislation on computer crimes... It is well-known, that in miscellaneous countries on miscellaneous is valued and the экономико-ecological damage is paid. About social - ecological damage, especially трансграничном, countries still do not think at all... In Nizhni Novgorod, as has notified a Television - 1, two loud proceedings recently were completed that to two women after operations have kept two huge gauze wads with the subsequent pyeses and other awful consequences. Both medical attendants have got rid by administrative blames, for, it appears, in the Russian legislation diverse is not stipulated... In city N (to the north of the Moscow field(area)) two years held down in prison on an accusation of murder of the young man, as then has appeared, безвинного, for this time the place in an educational institution, mother поседела from burning is lost, the father has deceased, not having sustained shames.. .. And such examples of not indemnified damage — превеликое set. In a case — at operating the reversionary Right — quite yielding to a rating and proficiency.
    If while to eliminate "extreme" kinds(views) of felonies - assassination etc. (their unit of percents), all remaining criminal and practically all administrative   offences is simple enough and are effectively encompassed by legal proceedings, founded on offered above principles, i.e. on the reversionary Right.
    It as to legal levers(arms).
    But in early age, from school and the more so before school the right is helpless. And you see for the person this most acquisitive life time, that is necessarily most "воспитательное". — But whether always us educate by the best image?
    If behind that part, which one is called as FORMATION, watches Ministry of education, different supervisory councils..., who sets norms воспитательный the process? — While вс ё here is returned on a payoff to a manual of school. Will get progressive, spiritually - is derivated director, завуч, and they will manage to select the applicable collective of the teachers. And no — искалечены the whole currents(streams) of the schoolboys, whole microdistricts and cities.
    Whether it is possible something to make for accelerated motion to одухотворению at this stage   life of each of us?
    Among полутора of tens separationes of our Academy there is one, which one is created on the basis SCHOOLS of a MORAL AFTERTREATMENT of the PERSON (. Arkhangelsk). Those who from us visited this school, all marked surprising, unique nature its(her) learning — of children and adult, surprising on the naturalness of a condition, which one and reshape these people.
    Let's begin from that all or nearly so all of them transfer on a vegetarianism — certainly, someone is forced, from нездоровья, and someone and from higher, ethical reasons — but fact available, each of them can say: I nobody ем. Also I do not contaminate an organism трупными by poisons(venom). That is and me nobody ест. But it only one side.
    The methods, which one will be used at this school, for us are not absolutely usual. Here is how essence of the approach was formulated by(with) its(her) chiefs in one formal document: " School of spiritual - moral formation and creative progressing of the people including processes of withdrawal of the information about an optimum level of consciousness, unconscious forming of feedbacks with negative units of knowledge and urging creatively creative общественно of useful capacities. " On business it looks much easier and more understandably. The teachers, tutors permanently, but ненавязчиво carry out(conduct) aloud moral rating of all past and present acts of the schoolboys, indicating on rigid intercoupling of their state — both physical, and mental — from those acts, which one they commit. Also is permanently active stimulate creative creative processes, creating thus full freedom of behavior of the schoolboys — by which one, however, anybody and does not think to use to the detriment of other...
    Let's say so: already only abstraction of the people from own high-gravity cares, from a unhealthy street — it too something, but business not only in it and not only in an internal microclimate in the class, where each feels as the person from the large character. The ratings, conducted on our method of application, have shown, that practically all elapsed school adult sharply have lowered number of hospital days in one year, costs of time of medical entities and costs of a buying of pharmacological facilitiess, essentially have improved the physical and psychological state and even labour productivity. In case the school would be threatened with closure, practically all of them are ready to insert from one up to the several month salaries for its(her) recovery. All these ratings with allowance for весомости of each of the factors have allowed us to calculate a public rank of this Achievement and to assign to his(its) creators creative extents of the doctor and candidate of public progressing (with issue of the applicable diploma of an international sample).
    This school was derivated not of itself, she(it) was made by(with) the remarkable people. Have made contrary to traditions, contrary to the installations official, methodical and общепсихологическим, having overcome both ostracism of the colleagues, and proceedings... And now live, overcoming also huge economical difficulties — where more complex(difficult), than for school official.
    Certainly, and at official schools take place now, let sluggish, but noticeable, positive shears — mainly for the score guard rope of the fine teachers. School №     in north of Moscow — one of such. In my opinion, major, that in her is entered, — this right of the teachers, since the very first occurrence(appearance) of the schoolboy at school, to pick up them to itself — no, not it is so much on подготовленности, and as though on compatibility, on a slope(tilt) of nature... But business in these yardsticks, business in the right — the right to selection or невыбор. The parents, schoolboys understand: them have selected, them is not simple have handed contrary to will of the same teacher. And consequently them can refuse... Great it there was a force! If still(even) to mean, as teacher at school were selected not ordinary, it is uneasy to see, that for children at this school it is possible to be quiet.
    Children — this our future. But we shall return to the present. The majority of us — the normal people, not those, which one regularly hit under a rule of law. We can and should have quite certain conditions challenging permanently to become better, т.е challenging our self-progressing.
    On-duty time, our kind half of life, outside of doubt, renders on us, adult, major influencing. But his(its) laws frequently are not subject to us. It in the main(basic) laws economical and manufacturing. The psychology of a work collective — as collective — is reshaped in main(basic) these laws.
    LEAVE — absolutely other business. At this time we are completely free from the rigid manufacturing responsibilities, and our mentality is as much as possible opened for perception, for imbibition. Many from us this time devote to tourism: sporting, sidetracking from, sometimes cognitive and is extremely rare — spiritual.
    , how has appeared, the spiritual tourism in a pattern — is 60   percents of all volume of tourist services! Mecca, Rome, Jerusalem, Буддистские temples... And what is for us? Whether there are for us places — a rest house, camp site..., — where there are even minimum conditions for premeditating, for discussion of maximum trues, ours spiritual past and future? And if is, why they do not cry at all Russia, what such good?
    By the way, whether and we reflect, who imposes to us these conditions? — the Director? Замученная by set of earth cares обслуга? The workers of restaurants? — Certainly, and they too. But also those who sets norms by him(it) a feed(meal,power) and all remaining.
    Immorality, бездуховность, alas, in any way or nearly so are not metered in any way and not дестимулируются — neither rouble, nor marks, — and consequently the means of strife with them are more difficult than all are punched in life through official or commercial channels. They uneasy dive and into consciousness of the people, which one on a habit is ready to suffer everything, not realizing, that it(him) hold down sometimes in скотских conditions.
    DIRECTIONAL PROGRESSING of SPIRITUAL TOURISM —, probably, major resource самооблагораживания all of us.
    The concept of spiritual tourism was opened for me Владимир Мегре, by(with) the writer of the fine book "Анастасия". Анастасия — it in itself unique phenomenon of our time, with which one us also was acquainted by(with) this surprising book. Now Мегре prepares the second book about the same phenomenon, having retired in small cosy city Геленджик under Novorossisk. Conference under the book "Анастасия" there was conducted also. Problems of progressing Геленджика as center of spiritual tourism there were esteemed also.
    For those who did not read this book, ladies some words from the newspaper exhausted edition " All Novorossisk ". Анастасия — it is the daughter of the Siberian taiga. The daughter of a taiga in forward(straight) and portable sense of this word. Born by the mother on taiga полянке, she has remained one. Its(her) mother and father soon have perished. The grandfather and great-grandfather have not taken her(it) with itself and have kept on поляне, having granted a surrounding world its(her) education. Love to her of the ambient nature and special natural wisdom allow today двадцативосьмилетней, is dazzling fine отшельнице of the Siberian taiga, to strike by a level of the intellect.
    Consequent of an occurring of the known Siberian businessman В.Мегре and daughter of the Siberian taiga Анастасии became the sensational book "Анастасия". And son —   крепыш, dwelling, as well as his(its) mum, in a taiga, on the nature. In the book explicitly is recited about unique capacities Анастасии. Its(her) contacts to our civilization are extremely rare, but at the same time she knows how to be as though among us, where and when necessary, and also to forecast and even to program our events. She предрекла in the most near future great integrating mission of Russia and, in particular(personally), large role thus of spiritual tourism with center on Причерноморье, is more particular — in Геленджике.
    One of reasons, on which one Анастасия предрекла Геленджику a role of spiritual center, — дольмены.
    Дольмены, in abundance sparse on this territory, — it is archeological cult facilities.
    Анастасия has refuted judgement scientific, that дольмены — it is places of dumping адыгейцев, and that by him(it) all one thousand years. There are, them(him,it) already more than ten thousand years, that is they are much higher than egyptian pyramids. It is the present revolution in археологии.
    Анастасия has told, that as against egyptian pyramids, there left to die the living people. They understood what to lose contact with Space it is impossible, it is impossible to lose contact with первоистоками of mankind. In full darkness and silence they reflected above link of times, so the communication channel with Space was easier reached.
    For a definite level of sensibleness   companies, completely fairly asserts(approves) Анастасия, doctrine, the religions will be not necessary. Any doctrine — it вжимание in frameworks.
    Геленджик on the geographic rule(situation,position) and climatic conditions — something mean between flat Anapa and mountainous Sochi. He has incorporated all positive from both sides. Отроги of the Caucasian mountains for Геленджика are fine.
    The unique pine grove, about 1000 hectares is magnificent here. — the largest pine grove in a pattern. It is a pine Пицундская. She was saved from preglacial period!   the hole size сосен here reaches one meter. The pine самовозобновляется, is simple from own семечек.
    Геленджик — a place quite worthy to become the leader of spiritual tourism on ours Причерноморье as a place of forming of the universal culture which has arisen for long up to a gravitational segregation of our white race on a nation, religion and doctrine.
    That is Геленджик can become and integrating center. In March, 1998 there will be re-elections in administration of city. The one is sure who will pronounce all this program, that and will pass in the kings.
    HOW TO CONVERT ГЕЛЕНДЖИК Into CENTER of SPIRITUAL RUSSIAN TOURISM?   By looking up of any solution, as is known, it is necessary to attempt to find major, key problems. As to Геленджика, and any vacation spots, which one we want to turn into centers of spiritual tourism, in my opinion, it is necessary from the very beginning to decide the most communal, nodal problems, the ambassador entitiess which one all spectrum of problems indeed revolutionary changes of resort centers on the Black Sea coast(littoral) of Caucasus in centers of spiritual tourism will be possible to trap. While I see such two pitches: a hardening, and then full prohibition of usage звукоусилительной of instrumentation and neutralizing of dogs, roving first of all
    So, maiden — this sharp limitation on volume, and in time — the full prohibition of usage in the public places звукоусилительной of instrumentation delivering a coarse musical narcotic. The illuminated signs, as though she were grandiose, is is narrow localized. Yes her(it) it is possible and to not look. The stench around of any ларька with the large or small speaker is audible on tens meters, sometimes up to kilometers. Why the stench — because repertoir, is imposed to which one ларешником, understand, what приматного of a level. Those whom is about what to to muse, will talk to other — for silence only are grateful. Remaining this place will shun. And for it by him(it) thanks. So there will be a natural selection(sampling) coming.
    The talk to one of those whom there in ларьках and dots общепита call as "heads", has shown: without music he will bar(shut) the dot in general. She is necessary to him that took alcohol, and behind it(him) and copious appetizer. — It is clear, that is much higher than biological need(requirement). It is clear also, that at waiving these excesses of tens sellers, cooks, suppliers will suffer. But you see thousand and thousand the person will win in health — both physical, and mental. Still imagine, if on each corner(angle) to all other there will be boards with an intelligible explanation of usefulness of a vegetarianism. Then complementary will suffer also those who delivers meat. — But the local population with the vegetables from it only will win.
    As to dogs, it is a communal trouble of all mankind, all Russia. Specially its(her) south. That we behind the people, недочеловеки, whether if for intimidation to itself look-alike, or for protection against pavor and violence, or is even sillier — for daily affection, and sometimes only from loneliness i.e. from failing to have the friends among the people, it is necessary to get of the biorobot, it(him) to educate (зомбировать), and then as superfluous or from own disadvantages it is severe to reject on a street unadapted for life on will an entity. Высюсюканная psychology of человеков-dolls — one, aggressiveness —   other, and third with quite legal phobia to be robed, raped to expose надруганию... A plus very much, very expedient business — a genesis of a problem of dogs, both home, and auxiliary.
    Both those, and other, ruthlessly thrown out, if have appeared waste or inconvenient, migrating (basically on the south, to heat), being knocked down in flights, they not only обгаживают all the contract, southern beaches, on which one we then very much like нежиться, — in the special abundance, but also become extremely dangerous for the person.   ours conventional толстокожесть, the laziness erected in frameworks ostensibly жалостливости to the brothers our smaller — to dogs, and at the same time and to собачникам, in the majority, as assert(approve) психиаторы, simply mentally ill, is completed by(with) sources of a problem, and truly not prime. Pathological flow bundle, paper clip between the person and animal, his(its) property — it something mystical, сатанинское. The person thus is ready to run the risk, to pay considerable money, health — both another's and own... The dog, having hitted in an information field of the person, is quick(rapid) it(him) masters (at the level) and eventually survives from him(it) the person. Thus, being at first зомбированной by the person, the dog is quick(rapid) converts it(him) in slave to itself зомби.
    What to do(make) with this problem, the administration of each locale in own way can invent. It can be not only biological methods, but also economical. At first, — this requirement to the holders(owners) at once after acquisition a dog of repayment by each of a full hypothecation value of consequences покусов of dogs and repayment of the moral damage from attacks, облаиваний etc. And, certainly, repayment of all damage on the fact. But it not all. Нашедших of the solution occurs now ever more. I shall tag(mark off) only, that would be fair, if identical with dogs участь would wait also for those who has thrown out them on a street. And even more.
    So, to convert Геленджик (and any other today's health resort) into spiritual center of tourism and strain-relief crystallization, at first it is necessary a little: to return to them silence and purity. A plus full safety. And more plus maximum organization at a modern level of informatization, at all events to provide each wishing with the excellent(different) information on a place and quality of resort services all two hundred resort "dots", down to official certification of quality of some of them, most worthy. It for constant "подпружинивания" upwards.
    I assure you, all these problems are decided, and in some years we shall have not less significant spiritual center, than Jerusalem or Mecca. So there will be one more chance to revival of maximum national and world culture, to environmental sanitation of mankind, to forming on the Earth of unified, maximum race землян.
    In Геленджик spontaneously there will be an outflow of the applicable tourists and resting from those resorts, where for them now all another's, all aggressive. Having understood, that lose, those resorts will hurry вдогонку. Having seen, as is sharply reduced(descended) криминагенность and many other problems are decided, let behind schedule, they will go on the same paths. The redemption of artificial, metal and stinking music will put(cause) to unprecedented demand of all present actors. And to growth(increase) of this interlayer from those who while the talents has not revealed.
    Bird, the Nature which has been not knocked down by metal sounds, will cheer up and will give the people all magnificence, on which one she is capable.
    Certainly, activities here it is expected much. Probably, in Геленджике it is necessary to reduce in the special order of access roads and track to дольменам; on a Mountain св. Нины to deliver a number(series) of members of cult nature to prepare the biographies from epoch многотысячелетней of limitation, to dig out documents reflective all past and predictablis (and possible and programmed) the future course of development, of programmed, on the data of different religions and the doctrines.   And to make on finess much other, that now for long decades is made in other sacred places — objects of pilgrimage.
    But I would like to see at this problem a little bit more widely, than the spiritual center of Russia is simple. Probably, we can make from Геленджика integrating spiritual center, grandiose TEMPLE of a UNIFICATION with special cult facilities, museums, sections on miscellaneous religions, since язычества, and doctrines (including to atheism) with massed presentation of their essence, genesis, explanation of the rigid conditionality, correctness of their features by historical, national, climatic and diverse objectively existing factors and special emanating what each religion, each doctrine can be distinguished by@ be praised, and if necessary and to wait for the help... It will be the interesting complex cult, religious, national   and centres of science, which one for 10-15 years can be voluntarily constructed by miscellaneous races, peoples and nationalities a pattern as the sign of an absolute mutual admission and full взаимоуважения. The pilgrims in this center can be and for departure of religious practices, but basically — for spiritual and scientific dialogue, controversies in looking ups of "true" and so on...
    Certainly, it is necessary anew to construct the scripts of tourist tracks, having mirrored on course essence of miscellaneous religions and doctrines — certainly, previously having addressed for assistance to their followers.
    But at first it is necessary nevertheless to involve(attract) in Геленджик of the spiritually oriented people, and it can be started to do(make) already since following year.
    The off-duty time of strain-relief crystallization, when the person is most opened, becomes great преобразующим by the factor of the person. Together with principally new school, in conditions of the full responsibility for the acts will fade out дерганность, nervousness, жлобство (militant antiintelligence) and infinite хамство, хамство, хамство..., and вытирание of legs about itself look-alike, and хищничество in relation to other, to the Nature... And it also is a direct path to comprehension of spiritual self-perfecting, time of escaping полуживотного of a state on a level богочеловека. On us with you depends, that it has set in without delay and everywhere.

      the project for the newspaper (turn)

    Make so, that there was no hell,
    Владимир ПУТИН 
    « to a new GENERATION - BEST LIFE »
    That was not darkly. (From songs) 
    Борис МИНИН
    From a President's Message to federal Assembly, April 2001г.: «... A strategic problem of past year was strengthening of the state on behalf of all institutes, all levels of an authority. It was obvious: without the solution of this key problem to us to not reach(achieve) successes neither in economy, nor in a social orb. We have delivered the purpose to line precisely working испол
    нительную a vertical to achieve branch of jurisprudence and effective fates
    ной of an authority. And we should not retreat from it. Here - gear of implementation of a state authority, effective protection of the rights of our citizens... The degree of confidence of the citizens to the state is determined by , as far as it defends them from an outrage рэкетиров, gangsters and bribe takers... Today judiciary reform is extremely indispensable for us... The court and did not become neither speed, nor right, справедли-
    вым... Our normatively legal base, on the one hand, is redundant(excessive), with other - is partial, she and does not decide put problems, as is adopted under pressure of formation or departmental concerns... The judge or can on a sole discretion select diverse правоприменитель the norm(standard), which one seems to him more reasonable. As the outcome, alongside with shadow economy for us is reshaped also shaded justice... The preliminary investigation is pulled by years. In the places of confinement and предваритель- ного of the concluding is contained for us - ponder upon this digit! - more than one million the person. A consequent of deprivation of liberty become breaking down of families, impairment of health of the population and moral atmosphere in company. A problem from legal pen
    Has grown in общеграждан- скую...

    Five years back were sent the opened letter to the President Б.Н. Ельцину: « Dear Борис Николаевич! In a press words of a type quite often sound: " the presidential command does not have any idea государствен-
    ного of a scale ". Really, on a kind(view) such ideas do not flash(flicker).
    We could попро- бовать offer two ideas of the applicable scale, which one are sense всенародно to discuss and всенародно to design(elaborate) in a channel of implementation of the fine purpose " of the civil consent ". For they just also are members of the economical gear of practical implementation of this purpose.
    MAIDEN of tendered ideas:
    " The Introducing of the law about full indemnification(compensation) of damage at противо- правных operatings and non-optimum нормотворчестве "
    He is aimed on sluggish, within 5-10 years, overturning at 180 grades ours судо- of production, all " of the third authority ", founded on формаль- of nomas, scholastic, existing in Europe more than two thousand years "Roman Law" (today are many hundreds printed sheets of the statutory acts), - on a path of active экономико-legal enforcement by a proclamation of the responsibility to indemnify all marked damage at an output(exit) for limits of legal space - sum established in the given company in the given time of the rights. It is represented, that only it can force us, citizens, to законопослушанию and to рефлекторному целеустремлению to взаимополезности and взаимоуважению ».

    For us on a visit Минин Борис Алексеевич, pioneer and chief of development of the draft federal law « About social safety and social progressing ». As we know, one of these days this Bill quits for frameworks предподготовки. 
    Б.М.: It is the bill just was the answer to these, listed(transferred) at the left, problems and many hundreds, thousand other look-alike, taken from life. The indispensable transformations(conversions), if want, have ripened and even have become overripe. Two examples: one - 1,5 years, other - 1,5 centuries back. 
    So approximately 1,5 years back in Nizhni Novgorod have burst loud scandals: on fault two медработниц separately, but almost simultaneously at the operation in a cavity two пациенток the wads were forgotten. A sepsis, repetitive operations. The fault is established. - Виновницы have got rid by penalty under administrative law. 1,5 centuries back all have passed ещ ё more silently, but multiply it is more terrible. The parties in fault - all medical science of Europe, which one, балуясь, has not desired to give a road opened in middle позапрошлого of century an antiseptic... - and it despite of the long-term appeals to this science as a whole and to hundreds scientific separately of writer Игната Земмельвайса. For 50 years from his(its) non-recognition, as was calculated, about 100 млн. The person, - is more, than in all wars, known for us! The writer of discovery сгноили in the mad house - then it was more than is simple... But what has allowed elite медиков, of the scientists so it is severe баловаться? The then right. But you see the same right lives and now! 
    We shall be reversed to our President: Владимир Владимирович, your words that the officer or the judge is free itself to decide, that wants -   it is a consequent, that legal беспредела, the germs which one were made almost two тысячелетия back. It and now strongly sits in position. Whether you are ready to raise the voice, to make a pitch for neutralizing those blanks and that ущербности in our legislation, which one you have marked in the Message? And to enter for all present, instead of casuistic responsibility step-by-step having rebuilt our life, which one, on supervision(observation) of the people, is very similar to life « in an edge(boundarouse) непуганых идиотов »? 
    Someone precisely has noted: « the Nature is silly, but is not malicious ». Alas, with mankind all on the contrary. For it could, but has not made any present limitation злонамеренности. And it allowed him and the health of principles allows, on which one is constructed so-called. The Roman Law which has arisen almost of 2000 back. It it, were engaged casuistic clearings up, whether there were for guilty malicious intentions whether or not, young he or old, was for him(it) high-gravity childhood whether or not, whether antisocial particular act to the antisocial particular act to antisocial particular act to antisocial particular act to I criminal or Civil code - etc., etc. - is capable заболтать any crime. Now it is tens thousand statutory acts, and already therefore the court really not became « neither speed, nor right, fair ». 
    Б.М.: she is simple. Never mind, the damage incidentally or designedly is marked, наноситель knew or he did not know, old or young...- All punishment consists in the requirement to indemnify the marked damage, all: economical, material, physical, social, moral, down to a legal cost. 
    Б.М.: From the unending petitions from everyone, whom not laziness, they say, laws for us excellent(different), but who executes them! After Conference in ИГПРАНе, on which one me have invited to appear, so directly and one of е ё of the organizers has said: Маркс it called so: профкретинизм. For radical modifications is real hopes for the professionals, it is not enough of the specialists. As is known, itself drag from a swamp anybody can not. By the way, have entered to an antiseptic, having stopped destruction of the parturient women till 20 % annually not the specialists - акушеры, and the simple people, which one, наслышавшись, began to require(demand), that the doctors should lather arms not the ambassador, and before acceptance of kinds... 
    Б.М.: With all it is impossible to struggle, the contingency will help only. Or the genuine concern for whom a President's Message is not simple tremor of air, and guide to action. But this concern, certainly, - too clean contingency - there is no, it not a pessimism, it is sober calculation. But ещ ё not evening. And in general, when the wall appears too strong, I pacify myself to on - any, for example, the people receive that they merit... Certainly, it is cold comforts, but on the maiden time to regroup, help. 
    It is clear, that long these regroupings keep can not: as many prophets asserted(approved), Russia to 2030 becomes the mightiest, most attractive country. Such е ё should be made to US. For us to have time(be in time) there are any 5-10 years осады, maxima, then if to judge on predictions of the prophets, the opponents will be handed. Our children should live already in new, best time. 
    Б.М.: If вс ё, no, it is unreal: the offence of national advantage, shift of political alignment, assassination of the native person... But 95 % home and even of international cases - is possible. It not my digit. Е ё the major lawyer of WOUNDS В.Н has given. Кудрявцев in maiden our conversations (then something has changed it(him) as!). Damage material, economical, social... On all for a long time there are answers. By the way, except for damage particularly damaged, in the sum, which one will pay guilty, the judges and public prosecutor should enter and costs of his(its) looking up, catching, consequent, activity... You see it till it(him) милости all of them exist, why all this should be paid by(with) the remaining tax bearers? But it is all a material damage. Damage moral - most difficult. But also it(he) is possible is to evaluated, by(with) algorithm of the approach to his(its) rating on one example. The dog, up to a blood has bitten, so that there were how much injections in a stomach, visitings of the doctor, it, eventually, was sick. 30 rbl are clear, that., Which one are envisioned by(with) the today's legislation, all this does not indemnify. And how to learn(find out) required digit? - Only by interrogation damaged! It is necessary only correctly to formulate a problem: all know, what problem, is those also answer. Let's ask damaged, there are no - many similarly damaged: and for how much you are ready all this to repeat? - only do not speak, that there is no such digit: she is. So, the average answers are much closer to true, than those 30 roubles. In Germanium recently home dog загрызла of the small child. Shall ask about same mums and пап, in will what is it be poured out? 
    Yes, the answers will differ notably from those sums, that today distributes court, even after durable casuistry and словоблудия, type, whether and the dog knew, whom bit, whether and there was it with е ё of the side malicious intention whether or not, etc. etc. 
    Б.М.: But there is no, we with you a too bad judgement on the people. At first, about the judges. Certainly, for elementary cases the procedure is simple: refer to the learnt articles of the Codes - and all. But for many cases is a toil the judge, public prosecutor, on which one they are forced to go, executing(designing) the adopted concept. Clearly, against will be. Already major lawyer, mentioned by us, as in the maiden gust of availability has pronounced: anything, we shall force, переучим... But then has made many pitches back. Thanks God, trade of the lawyer высокоинтеллектуальна, it not English weavers позапрошлого of century, which one fractured machine tools, not wishing industrial revolution. Though, certainly, specialist psychologically to overcome itself, will set in on a throat to an own song uneasily... There is only hope that the given law will envelop at once all: everyone become suddenly rather responsible. But no, not at once, certainly, step-by-step, training and studying. The teaching - on course, in acting(going) cases is month - two. Certainly we shall learn both art, and science of calculation of damage a number(series) specially created or already of existing centers, on 1-2-3 in each locale... The difficulties will be not how to apply this or that method of calculation, and in causing(urging) themselves to not apply the earlier learnt articles from mass of the statutory acts. To forget about them! To forget a habit to adjust all with a rule of law. From it the professional will be patched very long and painfully. However, maiden 3-5 years each accused should have the right of selection: under the old right or on new, Reflexive. To sit(land) in prison or to pay damage - itself, from the cognates, of the colleagues (if they will be recognized by the accessories) or to complete a duty on difficult (but not humiliating!) activities, and not in prison! 
    Will note by the way: anybody never will cancel investigatory activities. Moreover, because of simplification of other procedures the attention to them can even be augmented! 
    ... Anybody now can not indicate term, time, when will happen and as there will be a substitution of the former concept of the right on new. It will be, certainly, very gentle developmental врастание of one system in other. But it will happen necessarily.
    he chief IPDA - Boris A. MININ
    Ph.:241-39-03. The fax: 241-38-08. E-Mail
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