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Rating of public usefulness
  • Rating of performance of innovations (achievements): the inventions, discoveries, НИР, ОКР..., new engineering

The project ВКК  
( Maximum qualifying commission)

Now prototype of such body(organ) for Russia is active acts at International Academy of public progressing. We present his(its) main(basic) programmatic materials.

International Academy of public progressing a Maximum qualifying commission

About a maximum qualifying commission


The maximum qualifying commission (ВКК) as independent separation IPDA is created for entitiess and realization of quantitative calculation of the creative potential or actual (realised) contribution of the competitors in public progressing and definitions according to it(him) of a creative extent of the competitor, and also for realization of similar activities during awarding the honorary certificates etc.


The maximum qualifying commission consists of Advice ВКК and work vehicle. Advice ВКК actuates the founders ВКК as Separationes IPDA if necessary with complementary engaging of the specialists. Advice is headed by(with) the Chairman ВКК. For definition of a public significance of each particular achievement there is as a rule Commission ВКК, composed not less than from 2 members ВКК and 1-3 involved(attracted) persons. The questions at issue are decided by voting. The members of International Academy of public progressing enter into a structure of Advice ВКК; besides for activity in a structure ВКК the qualified specialists on directions — including, as agreed, members of expert and specialized advices ВАКа, Scientific Advices of institutes and other entitiess are invited on the constant or temporary basis(fundamentals). On a rating ВКК closely interacts with Federal Center of certification and Methodical center of a System SCQ. As the separation of International Academy of public progressing ВКК acts according to the Charter IPDA.
The creative extent is determined extremely ground of complex(integrated) quantitative rating of the public contribution — of public performance shown the candidate (competitor) one or several achievements (innovations) with calculation of a Rank of these achievements and Personal rank with allowance for Fractions of involvement in creation of these achievements of each of the competitors. The procedure of a rating (expertise) of the public contribution and appropriations of a creative extent is carried out(conducted) after submission(representation) by the competitors demanded for a rating of each achievement of the Questionnaire of a rank with outcomes of calculation potential and - or of the actual (realised) contribution with the applicable substantiations (minutes etc.). The philosophys and rules of definition of a Rank are adduced in stated by the chairman ВКК the Rules of calculation of the public contribution and definition of a creative extent, form(shape) of submission(representation) of input datas — on the forms of the Questionnaire of a rank.
At assertion of two or several achievements is spacefilled(stuffed) of two or several questionnaire and one generalizing. All indispensable substantiations and calculations are appended to the questionnaire (to the questionnaire).
The following creative extents of public progressing are established(set): the CANDIDATE, DOCTOR or ACADEMICIAN (different extents). The calculation of a rank of achievement and creative extent, applicable to him, is regulated by the Rules of calculation of the public contribution and definition of a creative extent stated by the Chairman ВКК.


For passing a Commission the candidate (competitor) should introduce the filled Questionnaire of a rank with documentary endorsement, including it is ground of sociological studies or as a last resort by him(it) by personally introduced judgement on each of input datas and own calculation ground method of applications, reduced in the approved Rules of calculation of the public contribution and definition of a creative extent on previously matched with ВКК to a procedure (script, algorithm). The same calculations, is preferential on the same procedure, are carried out(conducted) by the expert assigned on the guidelines of the competitor and two experts on the guideline ВКК. By results of these calculations the applicable graphs of the Questionnaire of a rank are spacefilled(stuffed). The capability of infill of the questionnaire indirect — by any wishing (also with infill by the source documentary affirmed data is envisioned and with calculations is preferential by the one-type rules). At calculations it is ground of the data only by one of the sides they are considered conditional. Thus on the issued Diploma the applicable flags(checkmarks) are done(made). Full term of treating both analysis of ready input datas and issue of the diploma after submission(representation) of all documentary affirmed input datas, indispensable for calculations, should not exceed 30 calendar days. The definitive statement(confirmation) of outcomes of definition of the public contribution from each achievement is carried out(conducted) as a rule after personal protection by their writers (competitors) on sitting of Advice ВКК. At a positive solution of working majority and statement(confirmation) the chairman ВКК to the competitor gives the Diploma with the indicating of a creative extent of public progressing on the moment of calculation and with the indicating of year of recalculation owing to a natural obsolescence of achievements. Advice ВКК esteems all of the appeal of the competitors and indirect persons.  
Moscow — 1996

Calculation of the public contribution and definition of a creative extent


1.1. A communal procedure of proficiency and certification, and also order of reception(trick) and the considerations of documents are determined by a Rule(situation,position) about ВКК.
1.2. The procedure of a rating (expertise) of the public contribution and appropriations of a creative extent is carried out(conducted) after submission(representation) by the competitors demanded for a rating of each achievement of the Questionnaire of a rank for calculation potential and - or of the actual (realised) contribution with the applicable substantiations.
1.3. The creative extent is determined extremely ground of outcomes of proficiency of authoring achievements by a complex(integrated) quantitative rating of the public contribution — of public performance shown the candidate (competitor) one or several achievements with calculation of a Rank of these achievements and Personal rank with allowance for Fractions of involvement in creation of these achievements of each of the competitors.
1.4. The questionnaire of a rank nominally envision a trilateral rating with the introducing: outcomes of an authoring self-rating; outcomes of a rating of the same activities on the same arguments: by one opponent — under the guideline of the competitor; by two opponents assigned ВКК, and also n of outcomes of a rating by other (indirect) specialists under their initiative and n of final outputs under the data of analysis by the members of a Commission and statement(confirmation) on Advice ВКК. Thus in pattern of number of the Diploma the characters АВС (rating are indicated on the part of the writer, ВКК and indirect persons). The involvement in a rating only of one or two sides, non-use of the in-depth evidences and т is enabled, specially on pioneering stages of activity ВКК. Item with the applicable marks in number of the diploma with the indicating of one - two characters instead of full three. Thus the procedure of design and issue of the Diploma can be simplified.
1.5. At assertion of two or several achievements is spacefilled(stuffed) of two or several questionnaire and one generalizing. All indispensable substantiations and calculations are appended to the questionnaire (to the questionnaire). Without them the applicable graphs of the questionnaire are leave outed.
1.6. Under the updated data the final settlement of a Rank of achievement with allowance for of Annual effect and Term of actual usage — for the realised achievements or, for non-realized achievements, — of computational Term of an obsolescence is carried out(conducted). The creative extent and terms of its(her) recalculation (from a time history because of a natural obsolescence) is accordingly determined присваемая to the competitor.
1.7. The following creative extents of public progressing are established(set): the CANDIDATE, DOCTOR or ACADEMICIAN (miscellaneous extents).
1.8. The initial level of the effect, obtained by a career, equal среднемировому to a volume of production (среднегодовой ВНП), come on one inhabitant of the Earth is established. This level corresponds(meets) to an extent of the candidate of public progressing. Each following stage(step) requires(demands) increase of effect in 10 times (increment of a rank on one unit).
1.9. For realised also is active used (“working”) achievements a Rank step-by-step increases. On them the recalculation of a Rank and extent is made under the initiative of the competitors, but is not more often than an once per two years. At termination of creative activities the rank decreases according to an obsolescence on the average with speed Ен 1/year. Thus the further obsolescence is allowed by drop of a Rank each seven years (accordingly Ен = 0,15 1/years) with the applicable drop of a creative extent on one stage(step). 1.10. For achievements counted on potential effect, drop on 1 ед. (one stage(step)) takes place through 0,9 residual MASS-MEDIAS.
1.11. The recalculation of a rank and updating(adjusting) of a creative extent is made and in case on valued achievement were opened new essential from the point of view of public progressing or earlier unaccounted facts.


2.1. For passing a Commission the candidate (competitor) should introduce the filled Questionnaire of a rank with documentary endorsement of each of input datas or their substantiation in own judgement (or, is preferential, by results of the statistically treated judgements of a number(series) of the persons) and own calculation it is ground of the method of application, established By the rules, on a procedure, script, algorithm, preconcerted with ВКК. The same questionnaire are spacefilled(stuffed) by the expert assigned on the guidelines of the competitor, and two experts under the guideline ВКК. The capability of infill of the look-alike questionnaire by any indirect wishing (also with infill by the source reasonable data and with calculations by the one-type rules) is envisioned.
2.2. Full term of treating both analysis of ready input datas and issue of the diploma (after submission(representation) of all documentary affirmed input datas, indispensable for calculations, and substantiations) should not exceed 30 calendar days. The rules of calculation of a Rank of achievement are adduced in the Appendix 1, correspondence to a creative extent to the counted value of a Rank and validity of the adjudged extent (i.e. terms of recalculation of a rank) are determined by the Appendix 2. The forms(shape) of submission(representation) of input datas — both forms(shapes) of the Questionnaire of a rank — of potential effect АР.П, realised effect АР.Р and generalizing form(shape) of the public contribution IS SCARLET are adduced in the Appendix 3. (EXAMPLE)
3.1. During analysis, expertise and the protection are tested (are parsed):
- Authorship of achievement (achievements);
- The novelty of presented activity in the authoring verbiage of their entity — " the Formulas of achievement " (if necessary she is adjusted);
- Optimum on a structure of members (tags) of valued achievement;
- Extent of proof, justification in activities of the writer and it(him) последователей, co-authors, and also “functionability” and realizability of achievement;
- Competitiveness of achievement with allowance for everything, including psychological, price and diverse factors, and also outcomes of the documentary affirmed facts of usage etc.;
- Extent of public progressivity of achievement with allowance for of long-distance (indirect) positive and negative public consequences from implementation of outcomes of usage (applying) of valued achievement;
- Veracity of the introduced items of information.
3.2. The definitive statement(confirmation) of outcomes of definition of the public contribution from each achievement is carried out(conducted) as a rule after personal protection by their writers (competitors) on sitting of Advice ВКК. Thus the final award can be accepted not necessarily on the basis of an averaged data of the experts. However deviations(rejection) and preference thus should be justified.
3.3. By results of analysis, calculation and the protection in the questionnaire are entered all source and intermediate data, including under the definitively adopted solutions.
3.4. At a positive solution the working majority of a Commission ВКК, after the statement(confirmation) of outcomes by the chairman ВКК to the competitor gives the Diploma with the indicating of a creative extent of public progressing on the moment of creation (with the indicating of the rules of recalculation of a Rank).
3.5. At issue of the Diploma by results of a limited rating (only self-ratings of the writer either only ВКК or only of indirect persons or submission(representation) of input datas without the sufficient substantiation) the procedure of passing of stages of design of the Diploma (but not of calculations) can be simplified. Thus on the Diploma near to value of a rank and in pattern of number of the minutes the applicable characters And, In, With (are indicated according to is reasonable by the conducted ratings of the writer, ВКК and indirect persons). In case of a limited rating the assigned extent is considered conditional. Full and definitive the diplomas issued at observance(holding) of a full procedure with the indicating in number of the Diploma of characters АВС are considered.
3.6. On the certificate the link to number of the Questionnaire of a rank is done(made) and number is put. His(its) pattern аб 00в. 0г000д, where and, — in abbreviated form country: on national and English language; in — number of a speciality (is amalgamated); г — number of separation IPDA, introducing materials; at authoring submission(representation), 0г=А; д — a sequence number of the Diploma.
3.7. The rules in indexing can be resized under the solution ВКК. Numbers of specialities (item in.) will be established complementary.
The appendices in the electronic version are not resulted
Moscow — 1996



To the substantiation of a creative extent

  public progressing

Achievement: “ Целительская activity ”

The writer (Competitor): Ташлыкова Людмила Петровна

Moscow,   1998


Definitions of the public contribution by results of implementation

Achievements “ Целительская activity ”

12.08.98. Moscow
The definition of the public contribution is carried out(conducted) by methods adopted in International Academy of public progressing (by a Maximum Qualifying commission), Appendix 1.


Practical activity Л.П. Ташлыковой began since 1962 and last 20 were years by(with) she stably receives 20-60 persons per one month, spectrum of illnesses, which one takes to treat Л.П. Ташлыкова, is wide enough — see. The table 1, and the exceptions — are quite natural (Table 2). At the costs on the average 3 sessions on one person and излечений about 80 % (excepting a cerebral paralysis, which one in calculation here is not received at all) — it corresponds(meets) 10-11 человекам per one month. In a verification process the examples on particular ill — the Table 3 and interrogation ill, not including in the table were taken.
The interrogation of a number(series) from them has shown, that outcomes of activity Л.П. Ташлыковой really enough high in comparison with current practice, which one have passed ill, acting(going) to the healer. Usual time, during which one proceeding ill attempted to be treated in official entities, compounds from 3-5 up to 20 and more than years. Recognizing that time of treatment for Ташлыковой compounds 3-12 sessions (+ usual check after 14 days from the date of termination(ending) treatment) and rather low interest of relapses (the repetitive course is assigned only 3-5 % ill), it is possible to consider(count), that productivity of methods rather high.
For quantitative calculation of performance on adopted ВКК to a system (Appendix 1) most correctly to use the data about percent and terms of treatment valued by the healer and средне statistical on country. However, attempt to find статданные among the opened literature were not crowned with success. Overlooked материалы* do not give enough full submission(representation), and consequently the studies were limited only to data obtained from ill, cured Л.П. Ташлыковой.
Characteristic example explicitly enough studied during realization of the data of calculations, is the case history, introduced А.В. Макеевой, 1943 years of birth earlier having a following pathology: остеохандроз, lumbagos in a loin expressed thyroid gland (large swell of a neck), gout, unsatisfactory activity of a liver and cholic bubble (about 20 years) and other illnesses.
Before ill more than 10 years in the best polyclinics of Moscow were treated, including in 1-st polyclinic of 4-th Headquarters Минздрава, and last 3 years — платно, i.e. are severe enough. The full costs of treatment, including expensive drugss — about 10 млн rbl., on 1 млн. Rbl. annually (in the prices till 1998). All these facilitiess and significant(sizeable) time were expended, in opinion of ill, it is completely vain.
All treatment for L. Item. Ташлыковой has taken 10 sessions and monitoring 40 days. After treatment the unusual ease has appeared, essentially has grown thin, all tablets were thrown out also of any relapses within many years practically are not watched.
Former ill has affirmed, that in a healthy state new subjective feels and the much improved objective physiological parameters(indexes) considerably exceed saving the mentioned above costs. But for more impartial assessment in the data calculations rise of value 1 млн. Rbl. was annually leave outed.
The healer considers(counts) this case representative enough, that has affirmed interrogation of a lot other ill.
Outgoing from among the order 10 cured ill per one month the social effect, especially approximately, compounds: 10чел./мес х 12 мес. х 1 млн./год.чел. = 120 млн./years. Maximum term, for which one can be taken into account(discounted) effect, compounds 20 years (Table 4), that will give a cooperative effect at mean effectiveness ratio Ен = 1,3 1/years: 120 х 10 6 х 4,31 = 517 200 000 rbl. (not деноминированных), that is at 5 тыс /dollars it will make 103 thousand dollars.
Members of creativity available:
1) Structure of the writers of 1-st level: 1 чел (Кавт = 1) at rather high number of the potential initiators having indispensable capabilities from the point of view of availability of the indispensable information and a significant(sizeable) volume of needs(requirements). They could find the data of the solution and capability for their implementation. But are retrieved and are used in the activity of L. Item. Ташлыковой.
2) The algorithm of treatment sufficiently is not formalized by the Competitor, however it doesn't matter, for is in this case valued not potential, but actual productivity.
Term of an obsolescence (MASS-MEDIA) thus is not calculated and will not be used in calculations of a full potential of item.
Odds of usage of a potential In = 1, for one structure of the writers has found the creative solution and it(him) has carried out.
Outgoing from Odds In = 1 (2) , Relative potential of real achievement of the Competitor:
П 0 =ПП х In / joint venture = 116,8 / 4700 = 24,8,
Where joint venture = 4700 american dollars annually — среднегодовая labour productivity in a pattern.
That is the relative potential more than in 20 times is higher среднемировой of labour productivity (joint venture). A rank of Achievement R 0 lg 21,9 = 1,34, that there corresponds(meets) of a creative extent — the Doctor of public progressing. For one writer of 1-st level a fraction of involvement Ду=1; i.e. A rank personal Rл=Rо.
In connection with above-stated Л.П. Ташлыковой the creative extent “ the DOCTOR of PUBLIC PROGRESSING ”, see is assigned. The appendix 1 .

At the expense of an actual obsolescence of achievements with speed 1,3 times (on 0,1 ед. A rank) annually. The diploma is cancelled in 13 years after termination of current activity. That the taken into account(discounted) experience of activity 31 years > 20 years (maximum term of the registration), recalculation of a rank in case of prolongation of activity Л.П. Ташлыковой with the same performance it is not meaningful.

Ташлыкова Людмила Петровна. Has mean medical formation (Appendix 2).  




The chairman:
Минин Б.А.,
The chief of Federal Center of certification, ЦНИИбыт,
The president of International Academy of public progressing,
The chief of expert Council on social safety and social progressing (Госдума Russian Federation),
The candidate of engineering science, doctor of economical sciences,
The academician of International Academy of informatization.
The members of a commission:
    Дудко Г.А.
        The engineer - биотехнолог,
        The expert of a System SCQ
    Клюев Д.Л.
        The specialist on computer equipment.
The table 1
The table of the comparative data on time and percent of treatment for Л.П. Ташлыковой and existing level on данным*
Treatment for Л.П. Ташлыковой
Treatment in hospitals
Basic diseases or groups of diseases
Time   treatments  
Percent of treatment  
That is treated simultaneously with the data by disease Percent ill, обра-
щающихся behind repetitive treatment  
Percent обра-
щающихся with the given illness  
( From a total number обра-
ство of days
Percent of treatment
Illnesses of female sexual bodies(organs) (бесплодие (all kinds(views)). There were 268 women, before for 6-8 years could give rise (only one she has given rise, — the wife of the director of restaurant)
5-7 days, with applying of grasss  
90 %  
Backbone 0 % For 70 % of all women 14-21 Temporary meliorating
Illnesses of a urinary bubble
1-3 days, with applying of grasss  
100 %  
Backbone 0 % 40 % 10-28 Temporary meliorating
Illnesses of a backbone
5-7 days, with applying of grasss  
100 %  
Harmonization of activity of all remaining bodies(organs) 7 % All ill have disease of a backbone 21-28 Peels only sharpness of weep of illness
Illnesses of kidneys
3-7 days, with applying of grasss  
80 %  
Backbone 15 % 50 % 21-28 Peels only sharpness of weep of illness
Bronchial asthma
7-9 days  
85 %  
Backbone 0 % 70 % 14-24 In the mild form(shape) - temporary meliorating  

The high-gravity form(shape) - does not recover

9 days, with applying of grasss  
100 %  
Backbone 0 % 1 % 21-28 The temporary meliorating (is peeled only edema)
10-12 days, with applying of grasss  
100 %  
Backbone, colon 0 % 80 % 7-10, with the operation If without the operation, temporary meliorating
Good-quality swellings (everywhere)
5- 7 days, with applying of grasss  
100 %  
Backbone 0 % 30 % 10-14, with the operation 60 %
Diseases of female bodies(organs)
5-7 days, with applying of grasss
90 %  
Backbone 0 % For 70 % of all women 14-21 Temporary meliorating
Stammerings, (> 12 years)  
3 days  
80 %  
1 day + treatment of a house  
100 %  
Vascular diseases
3 days  
70 %  
Ухо, throat, nose  

ухо — full deafness;  

Throat — щитовидка, гланды;  

Nose — genyantrites (all without the operation

1-7 days  
100 %  
Chronic rheumatic disease
7 days  
75 %  
Cerebral paralysis
1-3 months  
40-45 %  
The table 2
Exceptions from целительской of activity Л.П. Ташлыковой
Diseases or factors
With which one access ill
In the age of more than 86 years;   an angiosclerosis of a brain   an insult, after the operation on heart, illness Альцгеймера
Children about one year;   does not take in general   does not take in general
With канцерогенозом;   diseases of a blood   the crab does not take in general
With venereal diseases;   does not take in general   does not take in general
With a tuberculosis of kidneys;   an inflammation of a urinary system, incontience урины and feces Tuberculosis of kidneys  
After an infarct, insult; There can be a hematencephalon, рассеяный a sclerosis, gap of cerebral groundwater artery Does not take in general  
With high-gravity mental disorders.   does not take in general Does not take in general  
The table 3
First name, middle initial, last name  
The address
The diagnosis
Were treated on time for медиков
The costs for медиков
Man from 6 till 15 years
Azov of Pasch, 9 years Klaipeda, Lithuania, street. Симанайтите 12-4, ph. 227623 Edema of the right testicle The operation in 3 months was made has repeated, tendered again operation 6 days 300  
Радионов Леня, 10 years Of Kaunas, ph. 3156278 Bronchial asthma, allergy on flowering Laid in hospital 3 months, in one month again was ill 7 days 600
Woman from 6 till 15 years
Норвилене Ева, 6 years Klaipeda, street. Витурио 6-27, ph. 381626 Ювениальный the rhematoid polyarthritis, does not go independently Laid in hospitals of Vilnius, Leningrad, accessed in Moscow; have refused all and assigned hormonal drugs, weight of 14 kgs 1 month The costs of drugss by the state 700
Манжурина Таня, 6 years Of Kaliningrad, street. Тихорецкая 41а-16 Bronchial asthma отопической of the form(shape) 4 years on the doctors laid in children's hospital, there was no positive take. The doctors have said, that searched знахаря 3 days 900
Woman from 20 till 25 years
Ильина Ольга Of Kaliningrad, ph. 211912 Water drift of a uterine bubble (travail can not) Laid in hospital 3 times 5 receptions(tricks) (has given rise 2 girls for 2 years)  
Фролова Лида St.-Petersburg, Суворовский пр., д.44-20 Disease of female sexual bodies(organs) (myoma), 6 weeks an incontience of a fetus; up to 4,5 мес. Repeated abortions Laid in hospitals, was treated is out-patient. Did not help 10 days (has given rise of the boy of 5 kgs 50 гр)  
Анисимова Анна Odessa, street. Communist 32-78 Water drift of a uterine bubble, repeated abortions Laid in hospital, was treated 5 years 5 receptions(tricks) (has given rise the girl)  
Man from 20 till 25 years
Малышев Андрей Of Kaliningrad, street. Frunze 32-33, ph. 450529 Парализование of arms and legs be roamed itself can not (skids) The doctors came on the house. иглоукалывание 6 months 5 day + in one month 5 days  
Рудаков Володя Klaipeda Trauma of a backbone (дикомпрессионный fracture 1-st lumbar позвонка, the fracture of a leg, dropped from 5 meters on the ship(spacecraft) The leg was in gypsum, осколочный fracture, is sentenced with a backbone on 8 мес. To lay, to stand 5 days  

( In 12 days has left in the sea)

Летун Александр Of Lugansk  
Ph. 496560
Military сл.
Ph. 514593
Pinch of a sciatic nerve as a result of shear of a backbone Was treated three times in hospital, to sit could not at all, a leg pulled, did(made) an extract in сероводородной to a bosh, dispatched to мануальщикам has lost hope 4 days  
Ломакин Саша Ph. 2619016 Radiculitis of lumbar field(area), хандроз Voluntarily has refused treatment of medicine, since does not believe    
Чернышов Александр Ph. (8 0126)  
Disease of a liver of a cholic bubble, желчевыводящих of paths, prostatitis Laid in hospital, was treated in polyclinics 7 years, through a floor of year all was retried 12 days  
The table 4
The table of reduction coefficients КП of values of annual effect to value of general annual effect for Т = 1... 20 years  
At normative coefficient Ен = 1, 3; 1,2; 1,15; 1,1 1/ years  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Коэфициент КП at Ен = 1,3 1/years  
1,00 0,77 0,59 0,46 0,35 0,27 0,21 0,16 0,12 0,09 0,07 0,06 0,04 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,01 0,01 0,01
1,00 1,77 2,36 2,82 3,17 3,44 3,64 3,80 3,92 4,02 4,09 4,15 4,19 4,22 4,25 4,27 4,28 4,29 4,30 4,31
Коэфициент КП at Ен = 1,2 1/years  
1,00 0,83 0,69 0,58 0,48 0,40 0,33 0,28 0,23 0,19 0,16 0,13 0,11 0,09 0,08 0,06 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,03
1,00 1,83 2,53 3,11 3,59 3,99 4,33 4,60 4,84 5,03 5,19 5,33 5,44 5,53 5,61 5,68 5,73 5,77 5,81 5,84
Коэфициент КП at Ен = 1,15 1/years  
1,00 0,87 0,76 0,66 0,57 0,50 0,43 0,38 0,33 0,28 0,25 0,21 0,19 0,16 0,14 0,12 0,11 0,09 0,08 0,07
1,00 1,87 2,63 3,28 3,85 4,35 4,78 5,16 5,49 5,77 6,02 6,23 6,42 6,58 6,72 6,85 6,95 7,05 7,13 7,20
Коэфициент КП at Ен = 1,1 1/years  
1,00 0,91 0,83 0,75 0,68 0,62 0,56 0,51 0,47 0,42 0,39 0,35 0,32 0,29 0,26 0,24 0,22 0,20 0,18 0,16
1,00 1,91 2,74 3,49 4,17 4,79 5,36 5,87 6,33 6,76 7,14 7,50 7,81 8,10 8,37 8,61 8,82 9,02 9,20 9,36


International Academy  

Registration Минюста № 3216 from 29.05.96  

Maximum Qualifying commission  


РОСС.RU 08. F02B-017

Public progressing
  Is issued  
Людмиле Петровне  


It is ground of the Minutes from 02.09.1998 № 017  
On definition of the public contribution by results of implementation Achievement “ ЦЕЛИТЕЛЬСКАЯ ACTIVITY

Full rank of Achievement on the moment of occurrence(appearance) (г). — 1,3.  

Personal Rank — 1,3.

There corresponds(meets) to a creative extent “ the DOCTOR of PUBLIC PROGRESSING ”.

Year of dissolving — in 13 years after the termination(ending) целительской of activity or after variation of an overall performance.

The chairman of a Maximum qualifying commission  

                Б.А. МИНИН  
The members of a commission  
      International Public Development Academy  

Registration of Law Ministry № 3216 from 29th May 1996.

Supreme commission of qualification (SCQ)  


№ РОСС.RU 08. F02B-016


of DOCTOR PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT   for Ludmila P. Tashlykova



Head of the Supreme commission of qualification   Boris A. MININ

Galina A. DUDKO

Dmitriy L. KLUEV



The creation of unified center for certification of quality and proficiency on public usefulness (rank) of maximum world achievements and for certification of their writers (appropriation of a creative extent) according to this rank is offered.


THE ISSUE of the CERTIFICATES of FITNESS and ECOLOGICAL CERTIFICATES is made by results of a quantitative rating of a degree of quality and class of ecological purity of the commercially sold goods and services,   activities (paid activities by the order).
THE ISSUE of the CERTIFICATES of PROGRESSING is made by results of a quantitative rating integral общественно of the useful contribution — of potential or actual social and economic and scientific effect of achievements such as the inventions, discoveries and any общественно of useful activity. By results of a rating the rank of achievements (activity by the order (paid) and by results of own looking up ВЦС) is calculated.
ISSUE HONORARY   the CERTIFICATES is made by results of an expert rating of maximum humanist activity, as a rule, to not yielding quantitative social and economic rating (initiative activities ВЦС and on submission(representation) from the side (free of charge) with awarding of prizes and whenever possible of premiums).
THE ISSUE of the DIPLOMAS of a CREATIVE EXTENT is made on the basis of the data of certification and   the items of information on individual share of the writers (coauthors) of certificated achievements with design and issue of the diplomas of a creative extent of the Candidate, Doctor and Academician of public progressing (with repayment of activity of the experts and applicable services, awarding of prizes and whenever possible of premiums - proportionally public contribution).
Except for a Central body(organ), the system ВЦС plugs in due course definite number regional (national, state) bodies(organs) working under methodical influencing of a Central body(organ).


Now there is a huge number узкопрофессиональных of entitiess, which one carry out(conduct) the regional shares on awarding by own yardsticks of the premiums, prizes, honorary certificates, diplomas, letters, and also mass branch certification of the goods and services (basically on their safety) etc.
However it does not eliminate, but only confirms necessity of creation unified (world-wide), there is enough authoritative entitiess, which one would manage to undertake a role of the measurement standard in methodological and partially — in the practical schedule.
The creation of a unified system and unified center is offered:
  • For certification on quality and proficiency on public usefulness (rank) высокозначимых of world achievements — technological, organizational, social and economic, manufacturing with issue of the CERTIFICATES of FITNESS, ECOLOGICAL CERTIFICATES and CERTIFICATES of PROGRESSING;
  • For certification — of appropriation by results of certification of achievements of a creative extent to their writers with issue of the DIPLOMAS of the Candidate, Doctor and Academician of public progressing according to this rank — all this for those achievements, the effect from which one yields to calculation;
  • For especially humanist activity the issue of the special HONORARY CERTIFICATES — see scheme is supposed.
    Obviously, the creation of such system will be justified, only if thus the following conditions of selection of yardsticks of a rating of introduced activities (achievements) will be abided:
    1. The yardsticks owe it is necessary and full& enough, is adequate and is representative (clearly) to mirror the public contribution (public usefulness) achievement.
    2. They should be quantitatively calculated (except for honorary certification).
    3. They should be already on a pioneering stage justified enough(reasonable enough), logical and published for general familiarization.
    4. They should be opened for constant perfecting.
    5. As a base of comparison for a quantitative rating should be is adopted productivity(output) of usual, natural human activity, but the achievements, which one will be esteemed, should be is many times more effective.
    As it is possible to see, even best (on social recognition) system of a rating and the awardings such as the Nobel or generally accepted system of certification scientific (such as ВАК of Russia and other countries) do not respond practically any of these requirements. Thus most likely any of them does not want to change the rules — though the applicable local proposals on the introducing of a rating of public usefulness — for example, of thesises and other achievements — with the appendix there are enough of full substantiations we already did(made).
    As a METHODICAL FUNDAMENTALS for creation of World-wide center of certification we tender to enter outcomes of long-term scientific studies and developments which have been trusted to in the basis(fundamentals) of the System, operational in Russia, of certification of quality (SCQ).
    The creation of this system has a definite previous history — see. The table 1.



    The table 1

    Пройденные stages  
    Carrying on  
    Development of principles and methods of a rating of the public contribution of the inventions and any other achievements on the basis of quantitative calculation economical, social (including social - ecological), scientific effect and prospects of usage (in national and relative units), and also generalized performance — of a rank. In total for this time check more than 200 inventions, discoveries and developments have passed.
    ( Orb of services)
    The detailed methodical development, in particular according to quality of services. System development of certification of quality of the goods and services (SCQ).
    1993 International  
    ции the United Nations
    Formation together with ЦНИИбыт Methodical center of certification of quality (МЦ SCQ) and registration of a designed system in Госстандарте (Госрегистрация № РОСС RU. 0001.040008).
    Center сертифи-  
    кации and other regional  
    Creation and operation SCQ: for 3 years have passed certification (including ecological) more than 150 kinds(views) of commodity — of the goods and services; awarding the honorary certificates (till 15-20 annually) is annually carried out(conducted).
    The system SCQ has essential advantages before other known in a pattern. In particular(personally), this system gives an analogue quantitative rating, and by the quite precise generalized yardstick — of usefulness of the object for a customer, for company, that is differentiates all elapsed certification commodity by yardsticks of public usefulness. Is stipulated and in the experimental order the special ecological certification of the goods with the indicating on the specially designed certificates of the Class of ecological purity (3-rd, 2, 1-st and Maximum class) is carried out(conducted)
    The information material on a System SCQ is adduced in the Appendix 1, on honorary certification — in the Appendix 2. (Exposure from the Appendices are given at the end of the document)
    THE ORGANIZATIONAL FUNDAMENTALSES of tendered Center were designed within the framework of International Academy of public progressing.
    The academy was created and is registered officially in 1996 (Registration Минюста № 3216 from 29.05.96). In its(her) structure the Maximum qualifying commission (ВКК) for appropriation of the Diplomas of a creative extent of public progressing — from the candidate up to the academician (materials IPDA and ВКК in Russian in the Appendices 3 and 4) is created.
    Is primary system developments of a rating for certification of quality and for issue of the diplomas in a system ВКК are conducted for a scale of Russia. However from the very beginning it was clear, that they are suitable and across the globe — for detection adequate rating and encouraging of the best achievements of a world level.
    THE OFFERED CENTER of certification, proficiency and certification should work under aegis of the United Nations or EU. He should actuate unified Methodical center and serial of branch working bodies(organs) a plus a number(series) of national bodies(organs) for certification узконациональных of achievements. As against other systems of encouraging, principles of proficiency - appropriation of creative extents and whenever possible awardings - the awardings “ of the Premiums of public progressing ” are unified and differ (should differ) principally to national, professional, branch or diverse tags. It should not be only scientific activities, or the activities only on an orb of services, either on manufactured goods, or on cinematography, or only under the literature etc. will enter(include) Here both technical, and industrial achievements, and peace-making — in general any общественно-useful activity. The sufficient effect from this activity (both real, and potential, anticipated) also should become the reason for definition of a rank of achievement, design of the certificate of fitness or certification of progressing, awarding of the premium and creative extent. Only economic benefit (profit) thus are not mandatory; the major requirement — occurrence(appearance) of общественно-useful social effect. The lower stage(step) — the candidate of public progressing — is assigned by the one who has made potential or primary deposit, equal среднегодовой of productivity(output) on the Earth.
    Rules of awarding of a creative extent is strict depending on the obtained effect and substantiation of an orb of distribution(propagation) of a tendered system in a scale a pattern and to Russia are visible from the Table 2.




    Personal rank Rл > =  
    Соответству- ющий to him relative personal потенциал*
    Assigned creative extent of public progressing
    Approximated oddss of occurrence(appearance) ** W
    Effect at least on a level 0,01 on... The person ***
    Rating of frequency F (1 / year)  
    Occurrences(appearance) in calculation  
    On all inhabitants   in a scale ****:  
    The Earth                               Russia
    The candidate of public progressing
    10 -5
    10 2
    The doctor
    1,2 х 10 -6
    1 thousand чел.
    The academician
    1,5 х 10 -7
    10 4
    The national academician
    2 х 10 -8
    10 5
    10 thousand.
    The international academician
    2,5 х 10 -9
    1 млн. чел.
    100 thousand.
    The national academician
    3 х 10 -10
    10 7
    1/5 years
    1 million
    The world-wide academician (public progressing)
    4 х 10 -11
    10 8

    Thus, the creative extents of the writers are assigned depending on a personal rank, i.e. from the effect, obtained by creative activity, values of effect from среднегодового of a usual (routine) transactions at least there are more
    ... In 1 times, R > = 0 - candidate of public progressing;
    ... In 10 times, R > = 1 - doctor of public progressing;
    ... In 100 times, R > = 2 - academician of public progressing;
    ... In 1 thousand time, R > = 3 - national academician of public progressing;
    ... In 10 thousand time, R > = 4 - international academician of public progressing;
    ... In 100 thousand time, R > = 5 - national academician of public progressing
    ... In 1 млн of time, R > = 6 - world-wide academician of public progressing
    * Rather среднемировой of productivity(output), equal 4700 $ (Intеrnationale Wirtschhafts Zahlen, 1995, Institut der deutscher Wirtschaft, Koln, 1995, s.2) or 2,1 х 10 7 Roubles annually (1996)
    ** Approximated oddss of occurrence(appearance) for one mean person during all of his(its) life, W
    *** Effect at least on... The person at a rate of, applicable 1 % среднегодового of a volume of production, or 2 % среднегодовой of the wage
    **** The rating of odds is obtained outgoing from following especially approximated reasons. On science in all countries is on the average selected(allocated) about 3 % ВНП, that corresponds(meets) to seizure of the population too about 3 % (3 х 10 -2 ). As far as it is known from vast науковедческих of studies, to creativity is on the average capable 1 of 2000 persons (5 х 10 -4 ). If to consider(count), that the occurrence(appearance) for each of held in science about one общественно of significant idea annually (with effect, equal среднегодовой of productivity(output)), at the rate of on one inhabitant odds W = 3 х 10 is real -2 х 5 х 10 -4 = 1,5 х 10 -5 . One of 60 ideas, that is about 2 х 10 is known, that before operational use is possible -2 , Then odds of occurrence(appearance) annually by one производственно of applicable idea W = 3 х 10 -7 . For 40 years of productive life the odds of occurrence(appearance) of the candidates of creativity for one person is peer W = 3 х 10 -7 х 40 = 1,2 х 10 -5 , And for all adult inhabitants of the Earth (5 х 10 9 The person) frequency of occurrence F = 1,2 х 10 -5 х 5 х 10 9 = 60 000 1/years; for Russia, conditionally, in 10 times there is less — that is 6000 candidates of public progressing annually.

    According to outcomes of studies under the patent data (1975-80 гг.), the odds of occurrence(appearance) of achievements depending on rise of their significance decreases approximately in 8 times at increase of a significance in 10 times (on one ед. A rank). It is ground of this relation and the remaining part of scales W and F is obtained.


    ( Abbreviated business - schedule)

    As it is possible to see, the given system will envelop annually up to 60 thousand achievements, from them about 200 - 600 achievements of international value, which one will go on through a Central body(organ) ВЦС.

    The approximated cost estimate on his(its) operation is given below in Section 1, outcomes - in Section 2.


    The table 3
    The object of the costs  
    Quantity annually  
    The costs,   thousand USD  
    On all objects, thousand USD  
    Staff, including a work vehicle 4-10 чел.
    Office equipment 5-20 ед.
    Puttings 2-4 комн.
    Other, including trips of the attracted experts 20-50 trips
    0,5 - 1  
    200-750 thousand USD
    The premiums, if they will be established, will depend on a rank. In total through a Central body(organ) the sense will give up to 200 premiums. The premiums for them should be established at a rate of: from 50 up to 100 thousand american dollars for maximum achievements (with anticipated odds of occurrence(appearance) of unit annually and with social and economic effect about 1 млрд. Dollars) up to 1-2 thousand american dollars for lowest on a rank of achievements (with a frequency of occurrence 100-200 annually and effect about tens млн. Dollars).
    Thus, premium fund (which one will accumulate facilitiess from the orders for certification of manufacturing, commercial and sold commodity and from the donations) should compound some millions American dollars, having enveloped thus, on the most retiring calculations, общественно the most significant achievements with general annual effect in some billions of dollars. It — of a fraction of percent from world ВНП, but is main(basic) общественно significant outcome of creative progressing of production, “ the dry rest(remainder) ”, in general sense of existence of the people, the mankinds — all remaining are outcome of simple duplicating and basically by him(it) проедается, пропивается, is weared, провоевывается...

    As to the mentioned above digits of indispensable fund and coverage of annual effect, at implementation only in Russia all these digits can be on orders - two less.
    Center will furnish national and regional bodies(organs) with the only applicable methodical literature and to organize teaching, but without repayment of their own consumptions and consumptions on their premium.


    The system ВЦС will envelop by adequate urging all most significant technological, organizational, political and other achievements on a planet, practically all orb of maximum social and economic and scientific world progressing.
    Its(her) major value will consist in urging qualitative progressing of a social production (and not just quantitative growth(increase)), increase social (and not just economical) effect for the people and in a name of the people. She will promote quick(rapid) mutual usage of the best achievements by miscellaneous countries. And consequently, obviously, Center in due course will manage to be translated to financing from the contributions of miscellaneous countries. Will make sense in due course to expand activity of Center for broad propagation общественно of useful novelties (extension(issue) of the special log-book), and also for broad propagation of a healthy, moral way of life — through the selected(allocated) wirelesses and telechannels special a body and radio station etc. (Appendix 5). The special log-book “НОВИСТИКА” can be begun to issue through year - two ambassador of a beginning of the main(basic) activity of Center. The detailed development of such log-book in due course was executed(made) for the советско-American fund “ For survival and progressing of mankind ” (Appendix 6). In due course log-book can become the self-financed publication ВЦС.
    In connection with acceleration of technological and social and economic progress the frequency of occurrence of maximum achievements will increase, and all bodies(organs) ВЦС, all his(its) system hardly probable will stay out of work.
    More in-depth substantiations of productivity will be made the ambassador of a beginning of limited experiment, about which one it is necessary to raise the question first of all.
    The full texts of the appendices can be submitted(shown) independently.
    Are given of brief exposure from the Appendices BELOW.

    From the Appendix 1


    The voluntary certification can implement:
    • In cases, when the requirements of normative documents are formulated only in a general view, and the actual quality of commodity (services) is expedient for characterizing more particularly;
    • In cases, when the normative documents regulating quality of the given variety of commodity (services), are absent;
    • In cases, when on commodity (service) there is a certificate of correspondence, but the manufacturer of commodity (initiator of service) supposes expedient to certify, that the quality of his(its) commodity (service) is higher, than that, which one is stipulated by the normative document.
    At a positive take of voluntary certification its(her) total is the issue of the certificate of fitness. Such certificate makes sure not only correspondence to adopted yardsticks, but also extent of deviation(rejection) in the desirable side by the way of complementary usefulness (degree of quality).

    From the Appendix 2

    THE HONORARY CERTIFICATES of International Academy of public progressing (ВКК), and also ФЦС and МЦ SCQ МАИ, are established for encouraging of collectives separate masters, decade pleasing us by the creativity and masters absolutely young, - what have creativity and transactions the humanist sense is expressed, and also public and statesmen executing the humanist contribution to progressing of mankind, - everything, activity and existence which one increases social quality of our life, that is executing unconditionally high contribution to social progressing of human community not gauged by stringent economical ratings.

    The honorary certificates are adjudged by results of consideration for one year by the special Commission which has been compounded(drawn up) of the members ВКК, persons sharing in forming of all system of opening-up and issue of the certificates, former winners, and also, partially, from among the persons reshaping the candidate list.

    From the Appendix 3

    THE MAIN(BASIC) PURPOSE of CREATION of INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY of PUBLIC PROGRESSING: looking up of paths of achievement and implementation of gears of social upgrading (progressing) of company, including way:
    * Conditioning for a development all design общественно of useful capacities of the citizens, for stimulation in each of us of a creative, creative beginning;
    * Education and self-education in company of a national and international self-consciousness, and through him(it) of universal conscience and civil pride;
    * Of operating leaving out of a public on new discoveries and socially significant achievements requiring of support in implementation and emphasis of attention of bodies(organs) of administration of government on necessity of the help and support in implementation of socially significant ideas and the projects, which one are necessary to everything, but anybody separately, and consequently it is obvious not commercial;..........

    From the Appendix 4

    The maximum qualifying commission (ВКК) as independent separation IPDA is created for entitiess and realization of quantitative calculation of the creative potential or actual (realised) contribution of the competitors in public progressing and definitions according to it(him) of a creative extent of the competitor, and also for realization of similar activities during awarding the honorary certificates etc.

    The creative extent is determined extremely ground of complex(integrated) quantitative rating of the public contribution — of public performance shown the candidate (competitor) one or several achievements (innovations) with calculation of a Rank of these achievements and Personal rank with allowance for Fractions of involvement in creation of these achievements of each of the competitors.

    From the Appendix 5

    We is fine we realize, that the implementation in consciousness of the people экспрессии, skill to do(make) from itself selfmade men, skill to do(make) business is very necessary for us, забитым by decades by the huge repressive machine of depressing. But to substitute by it all universal culture, all universal values, the steep national cultures of the miscellaneous peoples are impossible.
    We tender to create and to organize work on territory of Russia of non-political radio station, preliminary title — “Europe”, with multihourly, in an ideal — by day-night broadcasting on СВ and on both ranges of a VHF. On our view, the introducing of the following programs is expedient:
      the musical programs: a folk music popular songs, classics... — major, product best, carefully selected on principles of attractiveness, popularity and всевосприимчивости. For popular and national songs, opera arias, the brief transfer(translation) (5-10 words) all texts and other commentings is expedient. The survey transfers(transmissions) are very desirable: a history of rock'n roll; Bavaria, Тироль......
      the literary programs: best, carefully selected on principles художественности and fascination small products, fable, histories reflective universal concerns, is preferential in art reading;
      histories from life of great polyhabit spasms, scientific, inventors, artly, fascinatingly set up — including on the subject of, as well as that was invented (from widely used vehicles, matters, know-hows...). — By the way, it is really interesting;
      Инновации — of presentation of the proposals, design, interesting to the majority, of social nature, discussion of socially significant novelties.

    From the Appendix 6

    The publishing house НВ forms for information exchange, joint international adaptation and entitiess of implementation of общественно-significant social ideas (proposals) contributing to implementation of a number(series) of the major purposes: international safety, Progressing, Environment, Formation, Medicine, Human right.

    To the main(basic) distinctive features of operation НВ it is possible to refer, at first, mode двухэтапной of the publication: urgently — on a special abbreviated form of preprint and in more detail — after definite “waiting mode”. By the second feature should be the capability of maximum usage of judgement of the readers for selection(sampling) and regulation of a volume of the in-depth (secondary) publication — in an ideal, hereafter, down to the introducing of automatic correctors and dialup machines. The third feature НВ is the introducing of several stages(steps) of selection(sampling) of the proposals on their significance, self-selection(self-sampling) at the expense of the introducing of the advance payment (with return for the “won” proposals of all stored sum), calculation of a rank, quantitative registration of judgement of the readers about a real outlook of implementation.

    All activity НВ will be constructed on principles of self-support and self-financing with deduction of some sums to the writers in qualities of encouraging, supply of further developments НВ and publications of new outcomes. For some countries, and not only countries of limited progressing, it will be by considerable aid to the innovators both in general to progressing of innovation and, therefore, to progressing of these countries.

    Moscow, 1996.

    " WHO IS WHO "

    " ELECTIONS: WHO IS WHO ". An auto portrait of each candidate
    Outgoing from the supposition, that each crew, unit, the association has something valuable to company, we schedule(budget) to begin the publication of design pieces from materials, presented by you prepared on the quite definite form(shape) with the answers to quite definite problems - are given below with an example of infill. The materials will not be edited.
    On 1 - 6 problems the answers are mandatory, remaining answers on selection, in the sum up to 3 - 4 thousand signs.
    WE With YOU shall have soon honour to participate in selection in the maximum body of legislation of country - in State Duma. From many claimants we should select most worthy. WHO THEY? Our Initiative working group from the quoters, chiefs of a number(series) of entitiess of country for the first time tries by words of crews, associations, but on the problems, strictly selected by us to explain " WHO THERE IS WHO ". We give all equal capabilities. In total some central newspapers have undertaken implementation of this not prime program. To them we shall be rather grateful.
    WE HOPE, that you save these publications and directly ahead of selection will manage with them to familiarize once again to make the correct selection. You understand, that those who has responded to our call-up and has introduced these materials, has what to offer to company and quite responds BEFORE YOU for the promisings. "
    WE ARE DEEPLY SURE, THAT Hereafter to crews, motions separate persons the capability enter the main(basic) body of legislation of any country, in our Duma - including, should be given NOT by(with) financial and diverse capabilities of a mechanical set of voices for involvement in pre-election marathon, but only availability of the precise programs, projects, ideas of a progressive reorganization of company, same company recognized effective and sold.
    THE PROGRAM DESIGN of comparative analysis of performance of practical intentions of different electoral associations is made under the initiative of the members founded in these days " of National Academy of public progressing " by the specialists " of Federal center of certification " МЦ SCQ of International Academy of informatization, Center of social-political studies of Institute of microeconomics Минэкономики of Russia with engaging as the advisers of the specialists of Presidium of WOUNDS, Russian Center of electoral know-hows Центризбиркома, log-book "Expert", employees of a number(series) of the newspapers.
    To ACTIVITY of a software to the PROGRAM EVERYONE ARE INVITED, WHO CAN INTRODUCE THE CONTRIBUTION, INTELLECTUAL(INTELLIGENT) And FINANCIAL, - banks, funds, insurers, research institute, Academy...
    For interested in such activity of help by telephone (095) 241-39-03.
    From Working group Минин. А.


    0. Title of a crew, unit, association; the maiden and main(basic) persons

      THAT MOST VALUABLE for company in your program in orbs:  

    1).. Social;

    2).. Industry

    3).. Agriculture;

    4)... State structure;

    5).. Exterior policy.

    6) THE FUNDAMENTAL LAWS, which one want to enter:  

    *суть: that they will direct, will authorize(resolve), will prohibit (will cancel);

    *какие Branch of production (economical, social, scientific...) laws affect, and also whenever possible:

    *какое Their place in public life, as as far as will be improved, at the expense of that

    *кому It becomes better, how much them in Russia; at the expense of whom (to give under each law separately)

    That it is offered to change (what way, at the expense of whom, that):

    7)   in a tax system,

    8)   in demographic policy,

    9)   in army,

    10) In law enforcement bodies,

    11) In regional policy

    As how to do(make) in such orbs, as:

    12)   the right, legal proceedings

    13)   privatization

    14)   the property on ground

    15)   a rise in crime

    17)   an ineffectiveness and коррумпированность of a state machinery

    18)   growth(increase) of the ungrounded incomes of a part of the citizens

    19)   ресурсосбережение; squandering of resources(safe lifes) of Russia

    20)   real involvements of the people in control

    21)   MASS-MEDIA

    22)   religion

    23)   an ethnic question

    24)   hotspots: Чечня, Serbia, Crimea...

    25) Separate countries: America, Germanium, England, China, Israel, former соцстраны and CIS

    26) How going to act in conditions of arrival in State Duma of the quoters of many crews for want of the parliamentary majority.



    Honorary certification

    Created by International Academy of informatization (at the United Nations)
    And authorized with 1994 to conduct a professional rating of quality and certification on a special system registered in Госстандарте of Russia (number Госрегистрации РОСС RU 0001.040008 SCQ),
    And accredited by Methodical center
    Especially to mark collectives separate masters, our contemporaries, - those,
    • Whose have creativity and transactions the humanist sense is expressed,
    • Activity and existence unconditionally increases which one social quality of our life on very not prime for Russia, for mankind a transient stage to the future Epoch of a light and goods.
    We consider(count) with the partnership debt and pleasant responsibility to mark
    Those who on nature of the activity has the most direct access to ours douche and to our heart - professionals of high representational and musical art, public information, non-traditional целительства, and also some other quoters of a social orb.


    The president  
    International Academy of public progressing,
    The chief of Federal Center of certification -  
    Б. And. МИНИН
    Maiden vice-president  
    International Academy of public progressing  
    Л. Seconds. БОЛОТОВА

    By the solution of Presidium IPDA from January 24, 1996 are determined
    ( Under the order of awarding of the Certificates)

    Юрий Андреевич АНДРЕЕВ, president of Charitable company " a Temple of health ", St.-Petersburg, - in acknowledgement for a high humanism and propagation of a healthy way of life as relevant stage on paths to perfection(efficiency)  

    Svetlana ТАРАСОВА, president of Association "ЛОТОС", Kemerovo, - in acknowledgement for high humanist activity and disinterested transactions for the good of person  

    Александр Алиевич АЛИ-BACK, ИНИОН, Moscow, and Гавриил Сергеевич of Chromiums, Астрономо-geodesic company, Moscow, - in acknowledgement for art of an in-depth analysis and generalizing of modern lines in science as strategic factor of becoming of a new civilization  

    Илья Сергеевич ГЛАЗУНОВ, remarkable artist, - in acknowledgement for maximum confessor and соборность of works of art, for the present feat entitiess in Russia of national school of steep realism  

    Александр Максович ШИЛОВ, brilliant artist - реалист, - for gallery of the highly artistic works of art of painting  

    " A Quartet БОРОДИНА " - in acknowledgement for difficult art to bear in douches of the people not dying magic of music great классиков  

    Hope КАДЫШЕВА, Group " a Gold collar(ring) ", - in acknowledgement for сердечность and talent of joint in a performing art of steep nationality and burning modernity  

    Марина КАПУРО - for a crystalline voice and unique colour песенного of art  

    The creators of movies " the AFGHANI FRACTURE " and " a MIRROR FOR the HERO " - in acknowledgement for high художественность of images, genuine humanism and realness of the map of deeply opposing cultures and epoch  

    Алексей БАТАЛОВ and Michael УЛЬЯНОВ, great actors, brilliant artists, - in acknowledgement for huge personal talent and highly artistic truth of creation of unforgettable images  


    Б.А. Минин (chairman) - president IPDA, vice-president of Separation МАИ,
    H.p. Болотова - maiden vice-president IPDA, president of Separation МАИ,
    В.И. Мочалов, vice-president IPDA,  
    Ю. П Прибегин - director of the Moscow State Philarmonic society,
    А.Г. Терехов, vice-president IPDA,  
    Р.М. Тихонов - vice-president IPDA,  
    Т.А.Худякова - deputy of the editor “Information - expertise” (newspaper of "Information"),
    Л.П. Шиповская - head of a department of the Moscow State Philarmonic society.

    The winners of honorary certification - 94 were involved(attracted) also in discussion of the candidatures

      From a history. THE HONORARY CERTIFICATES - 94.  

    " MIRACLES And ADVENTURES ", log-book - almanac, major editor and douche of the log-book Василий Дмитриевич ЗАХАРЧЕНКО, - in acknowledgement for high humanist principles and education of non-traditional thinking  

    "TOTALS", television program, writer and ведуший Евгений КИСЕЛЕВ - in acknowledgement for fidelity of analysis, objectivity and balance in submission(supply) of the information  

    " of BUSINESS PATTERNS ”, newspaper for the thinks businessmen and polyhabit spasms, major editor - Юрий Александрович КИРПИЧНИКОВ, - in acknowledgement for intelligence of activity and strong social reference points  


    Святослав Теофилович РИХТЕР, Гарри Яковлевич ГРОДБЕРГ, Владимир Всеволодович КРАЙНЕВ, Владимир Александрович ПОНЬКИН in acknowledgement for high talent to bear in douches of the people eternal, not dying classical art, maximum confessor  

    THE MOSCOW STATE PHILARMONIC SOCIETY, director Юрий Петрович ПРИБЕГИН - in acknowledgement for talent of association and entitiess of creative groups, masters of literary and musical art  

    " the RUSSIAN NEWSPAPER ", major editor Наталья Ивановна ПОЛЕЖАЕВА, in acknowledgement for взвешенность, clock tick and efficiency of the publications  

    "КОММЕРСАНТЪ", log-book for business elite and statesmen, major editor - Michael РОГОЖНИКОВ, - in acknowledgement for skill to succeed and to promote in it other  

    "BEGINNING", Morning program of a Wireless of Russia, chief - editor Алла Владимировна ИВАНИНА, - in acknowledgement for humanity, urgency and познавательность of the Program  

    "HOPE", radio station, gen director Ирина Сергеевна the QUEEN, - in acknowledgement for transfers(transmissions) is invariable of the large human heat and humanity  

    ACADEMY СПИРОКУЛЬТУРЫ, inventor and worthy senior partner Константин Павлович БУТЕЙКО - in acknowledgement for personal heroism in strife for health Гомо reasonable  

    МНТК " a Microsurgery of an eye ", his(its) creator, strong-willed person and active inventor the gen director Святослав Николаевич ФЕДОРОВ - in acknowledgement for keeping up of high moral reference points in not prime conditions of transition to Russian market  

    ВВЦ, All-Russia Exhibition center, Gen director Вадим Аркадьевич САЮШЕВ, - in acknowledgement for a transactions on observance(holding) high экологичности, aesthetics and purity of vacation spot, liked by us,  

    ACADEMY of an ORB of a household ACTIVITIES And SERVICES, its(her) rector and recognized leader Юрий Павлович СВИРИДЕНКО, - in acknowledgement for fruitful education of talented staff(frames) for a social orb of Russia

    The proposals to awarding the HONORARY CERTIFICATES, including on forming a Commission, we receive till December inclusively. Ph. for an information: (095) 241 39 03, 241 38 08 we thank all who has rendered us the help in realization of this activity, including management of the Moscow state philarmonic society and ЦНИИбыт, our cares, which have taken on many(a lot of,much)



    1. General provisions

    1.1. THE HONORARY CERTIFICATES of International Academy of public progressing (ВКК), and also ФЦС and МЦ SCQ МАИ, are established for encouraging of collectives separate masters, decade pleasing us by the creativity and absolutely young, - what have creativity and transactions the humanist sense is expressed, and also public and statesmen executing the humanist contribution to progressing of mankind, - everything, activity and existence which one increases social quality of our life, that is executing unconditionally high contribution to social progressing of human community not gauged by stringent economical ratings.  
    1.2. The candidates for awarding of the Honorary certificates are selected from all fields(areas) of human activity - without limitation on age, nationality, floor, religion and party spirit.  
    1.3. The issue of the Honorary certificates IPDA together with Federal Center of Certification (ФЦС) is prolongation of humanist mission adopted МЦ SCQ and accordingly ФЦС within the framework of a System, registered in Госстандарте Russian Federation (№ Госрегистрации РОСС RU.0001.040008 SCQ).  
    1.4. The honorary certificates are adjudged by results of consideration for one year by the special Commission which has been compounded(drawn up) of the members ВКК, persons sharing in forming of all system of opening-up and issue of the certificates, former winners, and also, partially, from among the persons reshaping the candidate list.  
    1.5. At the applicable solution of Presidium IPDA and winners of the Honorary certificates they become the honorary members of Academy


    2. Nomination procedure on awarding of the Honorary certificates

    2.1. The candidates can be put forward(extended) by the members - founders IPDA and ФЦС, collectives and individually by persons - citizens of Russia, other countries and stateless persons.  
    2.2. For submission(representation) of the candidate on competition of the Honorary certificate IPDA it is required to show materials indoubtedly testifying to high humanist, universal activity of the candidate, to its(her) scale and performance, and also brief biographic help of the candidates, address and telephones for link.  
    2.3. The materials for awarding the Honorary certificates can be sent in a Commission under the Honorary certificates all the year, but not later to December 30. The awarding Honorary сертифкатов is made till March 15 of following year.

      3. The order of awarding of the Honorary certificates

    3.1. A structure of a Commission under the Honorary certificates from a structure IPDA and its(her) Chairman affirm by Presidium IPDA annually. The commission is accountable to Presidium in a part defining organization of activity of a Commission. Besides the engaged persons indicated in item 2.1.   can enter(include) in a structure of a Commission;
    3.2. The commission receives the solutions on the Honorary certificates by an open vote and its(her) solution is considered definitive.  
    3.3. The commission itself determines nature of expertise of pushed activities.  
    3.4. The commission has no right to eliminate from the structure of the members, approved By presidium.  
    3.5. The maximum number of the winners for each tour of awarding can not exceed 15. The number of the approved winners of Honorary certification is determined on the majority of the collected voices. To the competitors typed less halves of voices of the members of a Commission, the Honorary certificates are not adjudged.  
    3.6. The member of the commissions pushed on competition of the Honorary certificate and which have agreed to run for, leaves a structure of a Commission. The commission has the right to to co-opt instead of him(it) other member. The commission has the right to enter the new member as well instead of leaving for natural reasons or officially declared about impossibility or reluctance to work on in a Commission.
      The chief IPDA - Boris A. MININ
      Ph.:241-39-03. The fax: 241-38-08. E-Mail

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