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CERTIFICATION of TOURS Within the framework of a SYSTEM ССК -

The system "SECOTOUR" is designed by forces of the own and attracted specialists МЦ ССК under aegis of International Academy of public progressing within the framework of the Program of social - ecological certification of tours together with the employees of Federal center of certification, International ecological fund, "«МЭФ-тревелер", National ecological congress - Green cross and other entitiess, which one will be indicated after their concretization in progressing a number(series) of rules(situations,positions) of a System ССК.

Group of authors of a System:
МИНИН Б.А. (International Academy of public progressing, Federal center of certification, ЦНИИбыт), — the chief of development;  
МЕТЛИЦКИЙ Ф.Ф. (International ecological fund)
БАРАНОВСКИЙ seconds. И.  ; (National ecological congress and Green cross - Russian separation)
АКИНДИНОВА Ю. А. (Federal center of certification, CNIIbyt)
КУРБАТОВ К.К. (ЦО of a System a GOST Р)
The system is registered in the Russian Academy of Science of Russian Federation.


















    1.1 The present document establishes(sets) assigning, pattern, function of the participants of a System of certification   tours and rule of realization of activities on certification.
    1.2 The document is mandatory for all participants of the given System of certification.  
    1.3 On the basis(fundamentals) and in progressing the present basic document are designed(elaborated) and other documents of a System reflective different aspects е ё of operation affirm.


    The present document is designed with allowance for of following legislative and normative documents:
    2.1   the law of Russian Federation « About guards of an ambient environment ».  
    2.2   the federal act « About public associations »


    In addition to the terms and concepts used in Systems of certification, sanitary-hygienic supervision and nature protection activity in the present document the terms will be used:
    TOUR - properly identified, steadily repeated vacation spots and tourism, including used objects of the real estate, social and ecological conditions, domestic remarkables etc.
    DEGREE OF QUALITY - relative parameter(index) of social - ecological usefulness of the object of certification for a customer, company owing to deviation(rejection) in preferential to the user the side of actual values of social, psychological, aesthetic or diverse parameters(indexes) concerning established and - or of the steadied requirements in the given time on given market space.  
    LEVEL of ECOLOGICAL PURITY (ECOLOGICAL QUALITY) - relative value describing exceeding of a degree of quality of tours owing to drop of harmful matters and other conditioned ecological and sanitary - epidemiological conditions of the negative factors rather normatively established and - or steadied requirements.  
    THE CERTIFICATION - independent from the initiator and customer (third person) operating demonstrating ground of objective measurings, unitized tests and sociological interrogations, that is provided indispensable reliance(confidence) of exceeding a degree of quality of tours concerning established and - or of the steadied requirements.
    THE CERTIFICATE - document making sure positive take of realization of certification of tours on quality, including on ecological purity, and granting the items of information on the main(basic) outcomes of certification.
    ACCREDITATION - an official admission of competences to execute definite activity in the field of certification.
    CENTRAL BODY(ORGAN) of a SYSTEM (ЦОС) - principal organ defining and developing philosophys and a rule(situation,position) of a System of certification of tours.
    BODY(ORGAN) of CERTIFICATION - body(organ) conductive certification: firm, organization, entity, public association - any legal person who has obtained as a result of accreditation from the side ЦОС of legal power to conduct certification to execute the applicable organizational functions within the limits of the authorities.


    4.1   the system represents set(combination) of the participants of certification executing certification of tours (of vacation spots and tourism) by the rules, established in this System.
    4.2   the main(basic) purposes of certification are:
    Improvement of the quality of tours by conditioning for an opened and free competitiveness of firms in the unified market tourist   services;
    Protection   a customer   from unscrupulous activity of the organizers of tours (initiator of services or activities);
    Endorsement of figure of merits of tours, including ecological (further: figure of merits), stated by the organizer (initiator);
    Assistance to customers in competent selection of tours;
    Assistance to perfecting of social and economic gears of environmental protection, improvement of the quality of life and health of the person in concerns of steady progressing of company;
    Assistance to environmental protection from impurity.
    The system does not substitute mandatory certification.
    4.3 The system of certification bases on observance(holding) of a principle of independence of entitiess conductive a rating, from the manufacturer,   the initiator and customer (user) of tourist commodity - goods and services, activities.
    4.4 The certification is executed by(with) bodies(organs) on certification accredited and registered in the registry of a System, under the method of applications, programs and procedures adopted in a System. The activity of bodies(organs) on certification implements under terms of the contract with a leading Body of a System.
    4.5 During certification the definition of actual values of figure of merits of commodity (including ecological) and rating of an extent of meliorating concerning the requirements of actual values of figure of merits of tours in preferential to a customer and company the side is carried out(conducted), that is mirrored in the certificate by the way of complementary information.  
    4.6 The correspondence to the established requirements (including ecological) is carried out(conducted) by matching actual parameters(indexes) with the baseline requirements (parameters)((indexes)) established in the standards of a System or steadied in the given market of tourist services.
    The Systems, established(set) in the standards, as the baseline requirement can actuate parameters(indexes) established in the state and branch standards, in THAT on tourist and accompanying commodity, in other normative documents, or   to orient on steadied среднерегиональные levels of the goods and services within the limits of a particular price category on given market space.
    In a chance fluctuation of parameters(indexes) from baseline in positive (preferential) to the users the side the degree of quality (including ecological) tourist commodity - goods (for example, implement) and services, including granted conditions is determined.  
    This activity actuates:
    Definition of the nomenclature proprietary or groups of parameters(indexes) of tours;
    Selection(sampling) of parameters(indexes) by a principle of necessity and sufficiency for definition of quality of tours from the point of view of concerns of a customer and company;
    Definition of actual figure of merits metrological, эконометрическими, социометрическими and sociological methods - in the main(basic) methods of testing by working commissions directly elapsed tour, and also analysis of the objective sanitary - epidemiological and ecological performances - it is ground of the correctly made out and not overdue minutes before the conducted trials, sanitary-hygienic measurings and - or of the specially conducted trials by labs involved(attracted) on the agreements or a self-rating, by infill of the Declaration - application by the holder(owner) (organizer) of tour;
    Matching of actual values of figure of merits (or their part - ecological parameters(indexes)) with established baseline and definition of relative value of usefulness (потребительной of the cost) on each of parameters(indexes) or groups of parameters(indexes) of commodity - separately and as a whole generalizing social - ecological parameter(index) - degree of quality of tour or only of level of his(its) ecological quality.
    In case of positive takes of a rating of relative parameters(indexes) the certificate with the indicating of a degree of quality or ecological quality is given for 1 year.
    4.7 The certification is carried out(conducted) under the initiative of the organizers and holders(owners) of tours (tour operators),   tourist agencies, customers (clients), bodies(organs) of domestic control, public associations and entitiess.  
    The certification is carried out(conducted) ground agreements (contract) on realization of certification between the accredited body(organ) on certification and tourist agency, which one by a tentative estimation on interrogations arriving determines tours, most perspective from the point of view of the social - ecological performances and tenders to their holders(owners) (organizers) to participate in their certification.  
    The agreement actuates, in particular(personally), responsibility   the sides: the body(organ) on certification bears responsibility for entirety and   objectivity of a rating of quality on the moment of certification; the applicant bears responsibility for fidelity of allocation during certification of actual values of parameters(indexes) of tested commodity, and keeper of the certificate - for their correspondence during all validity of the certificate to values established during certification.
    In random change for whatever reasons of conditions of tours in inferior, less preferential for the user the side concerning a level on the moment of certification the keeper is obliged to notify within 10 days about these drop for decision marking about dissolving or stay of operating of the certificate and message by a Body(organ) on certification about it all agencies, which one will use this tour.
    4.8 The system is opened for involvement in her of firms and entitiess of different patterns of ownership, personal businessmen and diverse persons interested in activity on voluntary certification.



    5.1 The organizational structure of a system actuates:
    - Leading body of a System - МЦ ССК (ЦНИИбыт)
    - Central body(organ) of a System (ЦОС) at МЦ ССК
    - Bodies(organs) on certification (operating system).
    5.2   the leading body of a System executes(designs) following functions:
      • Executes a communal system control;
      • Will organize progressing a System;
      • Provides when due hereunder interplay in field(area)   certification   with bodies(organs) of a System of certification, with foreign entitiess and bodies(organs) on certification of tourist services, with federal executive bodies;
      • Concludes the agreements with the entitiess which have expressed desire enter in a System as a body(organ) on certification, including on realization of accreditation.
    The leading body of a System operates with engaging of the indirect specialists.
    5.3   the central body(organ) of a System executes(designs) following functions:  
      • Designs(elaborates) rules both order of realization of certification and other организационно-methodical documents of a System, executes   perfecting of documents of a System;  
      • Carries out(conducts) accreditation and check of activity of operating system;  
      • Executes teaching and certification of the experts;  
      • Esteems on a commission of a leading Body of the appeal;
      • Executes methodical supply and keeps account operating system, provides with their forms of the certificates;
      • Will organize management of the registries of the issued certificates of accreditation and experts.  
      5.4 Bodies(organs) on certification (operating system) executes(designs) following functions:
      • Esteems the applications for certification and determines as agreed with the applicant   the schemes of certification;
      • Concludes with the applicants of the agreement on realization of certification;
      • Reshapes and will organize work of commissions on certification;  
      • Carries out(conducts) certification;  
      • Makes out and register in the registry the certificates;
      • Keeps account the operational certificates;
      • Executes inspection check behind tours having the certificate;
      • Executes interplay with administration of locale, territorial chambers of commerce and industry, public organizations.
    Operating system has the right to afford(grant) the information for MASS-MEDIA about tours,   obtained the certificate, and about the undone certificates.



    6.1 The certification is carried out(conducted) by confrontation of an actual state of tours to the requirements of the standards of a System reshaped on the basis of the state and branch standards, technical conditions establishing(setting) requirement to particular kinds(views) of commodity, branch and communal technical publications and - or of steadied practice in the particular market. The normative documents (standards) of a System including normative requirements, rules of confrontation and methods of calculation of a degree of quality (by confrontation to steadied practice - only rules of confrontation and calculation), are designed(elaborated) or (at availability) will be used ready for each subject (object) of certification. The customer gets acquainted with them without pay prior to the beginning realization of activities on certification. The list of the factors subject to certification, and materials indispensable for forming of the standards of a System, will be organized and refills during practical activity on a System.  
    6.2 The standards on quality of commodity for the registration of regional conditions, basically on rendering services, can be adjusted operating system as agreed with ЦОС.



    7.1 For activity within the framework of a System as a body(organ) on certification (operating system) the entitiess — of the legal persons or structural subdivisions created on the basis of the legal persons, presented for accreditation by the chiefs of these legal persons can be accredited.
    7.2 The accreditation of operating system is carried out(conducted) with the purpose of installation of competence entitiess and е ё of availability to conduct activities on certification at an indispensable level according to the requirements of a System.
    7.3   the accreditation can is carried out(conducted) as on all complex of activities on certification, and on separate kinds(views) of activities within the framework of a System.
    7.4 The accreditation of operating system is carried out(conducted) under the initiative of the entitiess which have made a decision to execute(design) a functions of operating system. The entitiess claiming for accreditation and operation as operating system, should documentary express the admission of all rules of a System, its(her) symbolicses (including the Sign ССК) and hereinafter strictly to abide them. The accreditation is completed(terminated) by issue of the certificate of accreditation with the indicating of field(area) of accreditation and validity.
    7.5 The order of accreditation of bodies(organs) on certification are established(set) by documents of a System.
    7.6 The agreement on accreditation includes conditions of realization of accreditation, and also condition of relationship of operating system, ЦОС and leading body of a System at a stage of operation of operating system.



    8.1. The procedure of certification actuates:
    1)   preliminary selection(sampling) of tours for certification. Is carried out(conducted) by repeated interrogation by tourist agencies under the summary procedure arriving after tour for a rating of social - ecological and hygienic conditions.
    2)   analysis of the items of information about sanitary - epidemiological conditions(situation) - objective, from domestic bodies(organs) санэпиднадзора, obtained by the inquiry of tourist agencies through the holder(owner) (organizer) of tour available by results of mandatory certification and - or from the Declaration - application on behalf of the holders(owners) (organizers) of tours.  
      At the maiden stage of implementation of a System this stage of certification can be absent.
    3)   testing and interrogation under the nomenclature of the established parameters(indexes) elapsed tour after their coming from vacation spots and tourism. Is carried out(conducted) by the workers of bodies(organs) of certification, at a stage of improvement of a System in Moscow -   with mandatory involvement of the quoters ЦОС.  
    On the certificates, which one will be given only at positive integral ratings, the outcomes of a rating are introduced by the way of relative parameters(indexes) of a degree of quality and - or a level of ecological quality (level of ecological purity).   the certificates on particular tours are given to tourist agencies and tour operators introducing the applications for certification, and also for an above board - operatives, agencies, holders(owners) and organizers of tours, elapsed certification.
    The data about tours, elapsed check of ecological purity (ecological quality) and about tours, elapsed quality check as a whole separately are published.
    RATING DOES NOT INCLUDE the factors defining usual safety measuress of the citizens, and also art, historical, archeological, sporting, scientific and diverse particular values, which one for a number(series) of the persons can exceed on a significance social and ecological. For them the Systems of a rating can be created.
    8.2 Operational procedure
    1.   the tourist agencies or tour operators, responding on the increased requirements of the tourists to the warranties of social - ecological quality of objects of tourism and strain-relief crystallization, access to bodies(organs) of certification (operating system) with the application for realization of social - ecological certification of the beforehand selected(allocated) tours. The tourist agencies simultaneously inform of tour operators on the beginning of activities and invite   to share in a rating of the selected(allocated) tours. They transmit to them a brief list of the performances, demanded for certification, (purity of atmospheric air, water, beaches, availability of flora, harmful to the person, and fauna, culture of servicing etc.). The look-alike prompts will be given and on a site, so that holders(owners) (organizers) of those or diverse tours can address to one of operating system or in ЦОС.
    2.   to the applicants, and also tour operators - holders(owners) and organizers of tours given a positive answer on the prompt to participate in certification, турагенства or directly operating system, is dispatched for leaving out by(with) in-depth objective yardsticks (parameters)((indexes)), one-type enough, but adapted to domestic conditions, and rule of their design for the renvoi through domestic tourist agencies in operating system.  
    3.   the applicants transmit in operating system lists of all persons who are driving off on selected(allocated) tours with coordinates for link after their homing.
    4.   On the established parameters(indexes) the elective interrogation on special algorithm of the persons who have come back from trip is carried out(conducted). On the basis of the obtained data together with outcomes of the objective items of information about purity of water, air the calculation of integral ratings is etc. done(made), is made out and is issued the certificate - ecological or qualities. The outcomes of calculations find room(be located) on a special site
    8.3 As a whole procedure of certification actuates:
    - Submission(supply) in the accredited center of the application from tourist agency or tour operator on certification of particular tours in particular conditions (Appendix Б); if there is several bodies(organs) on certification the applicant (tourist agency) has the right to route the application to any body(organ) or directly in ЦОС, which one selects operating system.
    - Acceptance of operating system of the solution under the application;
    - Design of the economic agreement;
    - Issue to the Applicant of an available list of parameters(indexes) or new, matched with ЦОС
    - Check in operating system of actual values of objective parameters(indexes) obtained by the way of help from bodies(organs) санэпиднадзора or by the way of the Declaration - application from Tour operator and the complementary subjective data, obtained by testing in place . of tour;
    - Rating (calculation) of a degree of quality and - or of ecological quality of tours;
    - Design, registration and issue of the certificate with allocation to the keeper of the certificate of the right on applying of the Sign ССК;
    - The proposal from the Applicant, if he(it) was tourist agency, tour operator and other agencies working with the same tours to receive on them the certificate with the established deductions for the benefit of the Applicant assisting to indemnify his(its) costs of the primary agreement from operating system;
    - Transfer(transmission) from operating system from permission of the Applicant in ЦОС of outcomes of a rating for submission(representation) them on a communal site;
    - Implementation of an inspection on-site control and - or by testing (interrogation) of new groups of the arriving tourists;
    - By results of inspection check, if necessary, stay (cancellation) of operating of the certificate and applying of the Sign,   involvement in development of correcting measures at violation(disturbance) of the established requirements and check behind their fulfilment;
    - Recovery of operating of the certificate.
      8.4 Bodies(organs) on the certification which has obtained the application, esteem her(it); at a positive solution not later than 2 weeks from the moment of application receipt receives on her the solution and routes the contract draft to the applicant.
      8.5 After obtaining from the applicant of the signed agreement   and repayment of activities the body(organ) on certification starts activity on certification.
      In case of the negative solution on the application the argued failure(refusal) is routed to the applicant.
      8.6 For realization of certification the body(organ) on certification reshapes a commission, structure by which one is actuated the experts from ЦОС, candidates in the experts (trainees) and advisers,   if necessary, experts and specialists from particular branches,  
      the commission on certification is headed by(with) the chairman, the candidature which one will be defined(determined) by the chief of a body(organ) on certification.   the chairman of a commission reshapes a structure   commissions.   At   the solution   questions at issue inside a commission he has advantage at equal number of voices. The structure of a commission affirms by the chief of a body(organ) on certification.
      8.7 Commissions on certification:
      • Executes(designs) indispensable developments on forming the nomenclature of the parameters(indexes) adapted for the given tour, and compiling of the rules of realization of studies;  
      • Carries out(conducts) indispensable studies (if necessary with engaging of proof-of-concept labs) methods: economical and - or социометрическими (measuring of socially oriented parameters(indexes) by means) and - or sociological (testing, анкетирование, interviewing, interrogation);
      • Carries out(conducts) a rating of the obtained values of figure of merits and - or of groups of parameters(indexes), and also calculation of a degree of quality and - or of a level of ecological quality.
    8.8 At positive takes of certification and the ratings of a degree of quality (level of ecological quality), i.e. at average values of any of parameters(indexes) are ((better) established (steadied) values, body(organ) on certification   above; makes a decision on design of the applicable certificate.  
    8.9 The body(organ) on certification makes out the certificate with installation of validity, registers it(him) and gives to the applicant.
    In the associated documentation to the certificate   all documents, serving basis for his(its) issue are indicated according to the used scheme of certification, and also main conditions of applying of the Sign ССК.
    8.10 Validity of the certificate - 1 year; in one year under condition of repeatability of quality of tour the certificate is prolonged.
    8.11 The items of information on the issued certificates of operating system introduces to the Registry with the indicating of the main(basic) outcomes of certification. Copies of the registries of the certificates of operating system is regular (time per one quarter) introduce in ЦОС with listing of the established deductions.
    The information on the firms which have obtained the certificate, and also about cancellation of the certificates is afforded(granted) for the possible(probable) publication in printing and in the Internet.  
    8.12 The tour operators and турагенства, obtained the certificate, have the right on the basis of the agreements from operating system to applying of the Sign ССК. The sign can be applied in advertising, on signboards, circulars, brochures, labels, in the menu etc.


    9.1 The inspection check (IR) behind quality of certificated tours is carried out(conducted) in case of receipt(entry) of the information about the claims to quality of commodity from customers, bodies(organs) of state check, public organizations, and also under the initiative of operating system and ЦОС.
    IR is carried out(conducted) by a body(organ) conducting certification, it is ground of the agreements for certification.
    9.2 The inspection check as a rule contains following kinds(views) of activities:
    - Analysis of the acting(going) information about certificated tours;
    - Creation of a commission for   realization IR;
    - Realization of quality check of tours on all or proprietary parameters(indexes);
    - Design of outcomes of check and decision marking.  
    9.3 At realization of inspection check and at forming conclusions(injections) about quality it is necessary to allow for the claims of customers, public organizations, bodies(organs) of state check and supervision.  
    9.4 Outcomes   inspection   check are made out by the act,   according to which one the rating of correspondence of tours to the values, established during certification, of parameters(indexes) is given and is concluded a capability (impossibility) of conservation of operating of the issued certificate. The act is stored in a body(organ) on certification, and his(its) copies are routed to the keeper of the certificate, entitiess which were taking part in check, and in ЦОС.
    9.5   the outcomes of inspection check are mirrored in the registry of the issued certificates.  
    9.6 By results of inspection check one of the following solutions can be accepted:
    - To affirm operating the certificate;
    - To suspend the certificate;
    - To cancel operating the certificate.


    10.1 The stay of operating of the certificate by results of inspection check implements in case the essential deviations(rejections) from the values, established at certification, of parameters(indexes) take place, which one can be removed within a month. Thus the tour operator together with a body(organ) on certification designs(elaborates) correcting measures on canceling the detected violations(disturbance). After fulfilment of correcting measures the body(organ) on certification peels the prohibition of operating of the certificate and on labelling Is familiar ССК.
    10.2 The cancellation of operating of the certificate implements in case of essential mismatch of values of figure of merits of certificated commodity to values of parameters(indexes) established during certification, - owing to variation of a master schedule, default of correcting measures during one month or their ineffectiveness.  
    10.3 In case of cancellation of operating of the certificate the issue of the new certificate implements when due hereunder (see section 8).


    11.1 At variance with outcomes of certification or inspection check the applicant (the keeper of the certificate) can make appeal in Presidium МАОР. The appeal is esteemed by(with) the specially created commission at МАОР.


    12.1 The repayment of activities on certification implements the applicant under terms of the contract between it(him) and body(organ) on certification.
    12.2   At a conclusion of a treaty on realization of certification the applicant has the right free to receive from a body(organ) on certification the indispensable information on the communal order of realization of certification, about the nomenclature of parameters(indexes), on which one the check will be conducted, and also to define(determine) the particular order of its(her) realization subject to the conditions entitiess of tours.  


    THE APPENDIX And    


    System of social - ecological certification of tours (vacation spots and tourism)

    THE CERTIFICATE OF FITNESS (or ecological purity)

        Date of issue......
        Is real on ............  ;
        The sign ССК
        Date of issue: ..........
        Valid     until: ............

    №: РОСС.RU.CCK-тур- № Operating system № of the certificate  
    The certificate is issued on tour:
    Body(organ) on certification...


    The Degree of quality, established during certification, (or: a level of ecological purity) равен:.........  

    English transfer(translation)
        The chief of operating system   МП Certificate is prolonged up to....
        The chief of operating system  
    EXPLANATIONS of a software to INFILL of the FORM of the CERTIFICATE
    The form of the certificate is spacefilled(stuffed) in two languages: in Russian and in English.


      The appendix  

The form(shape) of the application on certification

                                                            to the chief
                                                                                                                                                                              the naming of a body(organ) on certification

                                                            the address



    1. Tourist agency, tour operator:

                  the naming of the entities - applicant (in Russian   and English languages) for subsequent простановки on the certificate

      the legal address:  

    The telephone:                                                                                 the fax:                                                                         E-mail:
    On behalf of
                                                                                              Ф And About, position   the chief

    Asks to conduct certification тура* (naming of the object in Russian and English languages for простановки on the certificate):

    2.   It is required to conduct certification of tour (total characteristic, country, city..., identification tags):

    — With a rating (to point out): a level of ecological quality and - or of a degree of quality
    3. The applicant is obliged:  
    — To execute(design) all rules and conditions of certification;
    — To pay the cost of activities for certification according to the Agreement

    4.   the quoters of the Applicant for interplay and their telephones: ________

    For the beginning activities will be submitted(shown) the agreement with a signature both printing and copy of payment documents.
    The chief entitiess
    Signature, surname, initials
    The chief accountant
    Signature, surname, initials

Federal Center of certification is authorized to conduct on territory of Russia certification of quality and ecological certification, and also accreditation of regional and branch centers - any locales and any branches.
The chief FCC - Boris Minin Ph.:241-39-03. The fax: 241-38-08.   E-Mail
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