The entitiess - pioneers of development of the project
And also entitiess introducing the testimonies on
his(its) organizational, creative and financial support (in the project
by way of hooking up to development and implementation) and their quoters:
International Academy of public progressing
.. - president, ..., ...,
? Russian Expert League
.. - president, ...,
THE WOLVES .. - vice-president, ..., ....;
? Center of strategic developments
.. - president, ...,
HORSES .. - ..., ....;
The East Europe Union of the Experts
International Association of Patterns
through culture
.. - president of Fund of Association,
.. - coordinator of the programs;
creation of the -EUROPEAN AGENCY
With transition of Russia from a planned economy to market attitudes(relations)
and objective drop of number and force of levers(arms) of influencing of
the state on material, social and scientific production there is a threat
of country on mass of facilities(economy) unguided even by
common sense and logic, selfcontained bodily on own concerns which are
not subordinating to yardsticks of public, personal, social, ecological
and diverse safety, public well-being and public progressing. Between that,
the tax bearer has the right to be sure, that his(its) concerns abides,
controls and routes the state, dwelling on taxes. And it too true. The
organization, tendered to creation, - -European agency
PROGRESSING can undertake a role methodical and training center
On progressing both distribution(propagation) of principles and methods
of observance(holding) of concerns of company in epoch of commercialization
and global market attitudes(relations) to become a shock reducer, link
between commercial structures, production, finance, state and company,
starting first of all about entitiess of a business - consulting: it is
expertise and social rating of the projects, programs, commercial activity,
and also: voluntary certification of products (goods and services) - on
quality and productions - on ecological purity. It can become substitution,
substitution of a state diktat with soft complicity in joint cooperation
on acceleration of public progressing.
We invite state, commercial and financial patterns,
The producers of the -useful goods and services to share
in forming a new -public organization -
Anticipated outcomes:
Essential drop of cases of the skip for implementation ineffective
and the more so -harmful -financed and commercial projects
and programs,
Acceleration of implementation of -useful technological and
organizational achievements,
Drop of scale and level of contamination of an environment,
The introducing of a field of interest for all participants of development,
implementation and distribution(propagation) of new -useful
ideas, projects and of antisocial particular acts;
In the final accounting - acceleration of public progressing and improvement
of the quality of life.
- maxima creations
the creation of Agency PROGRESSING is reacting to recess of a globalization,
and commercialization of our life, psychology mass
and faulty practice , "" and politization of consciousness
people, pumped in consciousness, by mass media. It is offered to pay attention
on one edge of our life, which one should not remain in oblivion,
- public, , that is much wider, than the supply of
manuals and pensions and concerns meliorating physical, psychological and
ecological conditions of all our habitability: a transactions, strain-relief
crystallization, public health services, education, formation, legal proceedings,
physical and spiritual progressing of the people, rise of the warranties
of safety control and progressing of company.
the outcomes of progressing in a social orb, i.e. improvement of the
quality of life in his(its) most broad sense, also owe, on our view,
be considered at the given stage of progressing of mankind total, end
results of gains in political and economical orbs.
Abundantly clearly, as in a social orb it is necessary to
learn to work effectively, successfully. And it means - is gauged, and
is gauged in concerns of the citizens and with the direct, well formalizable
registration of judgements of citizens.
Outside of any doubts, market path, competition,
- alone path of effective progressing of a social production. But in this
performance as equivalent should be taken into account(discounted) and
social factor. It(him) we tender independently to design(elaborate), to
develop and to glaze.
"" should become at least to equal ECONOMY.
For huge Euroasian country - Russia suddenly passing from a planned economy
to market attitudes(relations), the performance of levers(arms) of effect
of the state and major - company on material, social and scientific production,
including - influencing stabilizing, neutralizing the foregone negative
side of absolute commercialization is disastrously reduced(descended).
In the total this is exhibited by the way recesses of
psychology material , in depressing design, creative active
forces, - on perfecting of social edges of human activity
and satisfaction plutonic human - , which one, together with objectively
conditioned the mothers by a prosperity, are absolutely indispensable
for a spiritual and creative heyday of the person, each of us, and human
community as a whole.
all this is specially
actual for the Russian only - only ripening civil company. Without the
introducing of a social counterbalance(balance weight) (but not oppositions!),
without a harmonization and interpenetration of all sides of our life:
economical (manufacturing), political and social will be -
growth(increase) of such terrible defects of our actuality, as horrifying
contrasts in a standard of living, terrorism, - destruction
of resources(safe lifes) of a planet - such, as occurrence(appearance)
of the transnational companies and whole countries selfcontained bodily
on own concerns, i.e. not subordinating to gen yardsticks of public and
personal physical, social, ecological and diverse safety of the peoples,
public |
Well-being and public progressing, conservation of the
living nature of the Earth.
(analyst of germanium,
2000): ... The absolute commercialization, -
life is danger to culture, for the initiative of the people, for spiritual
values. Everyone speak about this perils. But think a little, what policies
can be advanced to counter to this perils... . Let's
about it to think together. Political battles is the
historically quite approved facilitiess of permission of many conflictings.
But step-by-step they will turn to a certain atavism. You see often they
look as , especially rhetorical artificial methods of show of
force of the separate persons, strata of company, countries and whole peoples.
Whether they now can be used as a resource of permission of the biotic
conflicts of duties? - Can, but only when it is necessary artificially
black out, a problem. Or when there is no a capability to use
an impartial quantitative rating of scale of inconsistencies and performance
of facilitiess of their permission. In remaining cases should step-by-step
be inputed sober analysis, social and economic rating, proper response
of public forces depending on plotted damage and indemnification(compensation)
of plotted damage - in an ecology, for example, without self-deception
by the way of resold quota&. |
the organization, tendered to creation, - -European Agency
PROGRESSING can undertake a role , methodical,
worker both training center on progressing and distribution(propagation)
of principles and rules of thumb of civilized observance(holding) of frequently
countering social, economical, national, political and diverse concerns
of miscellaneous strata of company. Massing inside itself most different
of the oriented specialists, it can become an explorer in company
of maximum social know-hows, in the issue by shock reducer, link between
commercial structures, production, finance, state and civil company, starting
first of all with a retiring problem - "" of the expanded
business - consulting, introducing of social expertise and social rating
all of the significant projects and programs, from voluntary
certification: Commodities (goods and services) - on quality, and
productions - on ecological purity. But it only beginning.
Hereafter it can become substitution, substitution of a diktat of the state
with his(its) soft complicity with civil entitiess in joint cooperation
on acceleration of public progressing of all healthy forces of human community.
We invite international and national
scientific, public, state entitiess, commercial and financial patterns,
authoritative producers of the -useful goods and services
- legal persons, their chiefs and creative staff(frames), to development,
financing and implementation of the programs of a new -public
organization -
Which one should deliver before itself
a problem to conquer, to earn a rule(situation,position) active SOCIAL
- worthy partner economical and political, only created.
ANTICIPATED OUTCOMES for the citizens of miscellaneous
countries and peoples, since RUSSIA as capacious polygon of maximum social
Essential drop of cases of the skip for implementation
ineffective and the more so -harmful -financed and commercial
projects and programs,
Acceleration of implementation of -useful technological
and organizational achievements,
Drop of scales and level of contamination of an environment,
The introducing of a field of real interest for all participants
of development, implementation and distribution(propagation) of new -useful
ideas, projects and of antisocial particular acts.
In the final accounting our main purpose should
become acceleration of public progressing and improvement of the quality
of life of the people
With input in economic circulation of natural resources, real estate, intellectual
property, and recently and the grounds have appeared claimed consultings
- service in appraisal of property and property rights, on different (financial,
tax, administrative, information, legal...) aspects of control of business,
including on separate kinds(views) of expertise and certification.
For these years the set of commercial entitiess rendering services, look-alike
business - was created the public organizations representing
their different groups are created. For example, in country is active the
corporations on appraisal of property, intellectual property act, are registered
and is more - less active tens kinds(views) of voluntary certification
- both commodity, and productions work.
The at the same time adopted acts - including about evaluation activity
- concern without delay organizational, but completely not methodological
moments. In educational entities the opening-up and retraining of the specialists
on new specialities connected to administrative business, but too without
the expressed unified methodology developed by joint studies and developments
As the expertise of realization of activities on a business - consulting
in market conditions is insignificant (less than 10 years), and the market
of these services formed naturally, the methodical and organizational problems
requiring of the speed solution were accumulated.
To number of lacks available in the market business - of
services and hindering his(its) progressing, concern:
The substantiation and check of a methodology and methodical supply
of services are organized only on separate kinds(views) of services - for
example, during licensing entitiess by state bodies(organs); their accreditation
is bound to different often reorganized offices, that does not allow to
decide problems of quality of rendered services, to watch maximum domestic
and foreign expertise, the process of activity
and major - does(makes) outcomes of this activity practically by non-comparable
and inadequate actuality.
The naturally adding up methodology at its best allows corporate, less
often - departmental and is very rare - public concerns, including social
The quality monitoring system of services, rendered business -
is not created. In country there is no unified system of certification
of services in their quality, which one such performances,
as integrated approach of coverage valued and of the object,
forecast social and ecological repercussions, registration of all kinds(views)
of effect and damage (including, material, economical, social, physical,
biological, moral...) and, eventually, there is no calculation of public,
social and economic performance of objects of a rating. Practically without
social expertise, the ratings and certification of quality remain such
the relevant kinds(views) of services, as bank, tourist, advertising,
The system of accreditation of entitiess - including expert,
evaluation is not adjusted and certified In outcome different systems of
corporate and proprietary expertise, rating and certification of the most
miscellaneous level - with the unconditional claim on full perfection(efficiency)
in bridge act.
Business with opening-up, and also with certification and certification
of a training level of a teaching structure (similarly is at extension(issue)
and improvement of professional skill of the specialists on a business
- consulting).
The system of relationships between business - by entitiess
and state and the more so with international and intergovernmental entitiess
is not adjusted.
With the purpose of canceling the indicated lacks on the basis associations
of the most prepared domestic and foreign scientists and specialists are
offered to be created unified independent noncommercial organization on
progressing a domestic business - consulting with the purpose of raising
a degree of quality of rendered services up to maximum domestic and international
AGENCY "PROGRESSING" (business - consulting: expertise, rating, certification)
By primary goals by this the entitiess would become:
Development of quality standards of rendering business -
of services applicable to the maximum domestic and international requirements
(in a part of observance(holding) of concerns of public progressing), mandatory
for fulfilment by all market participants of these services;
System development of a liability and material reward (depending on real
effect or damage) involved in development, implementation,
implementation and distribution(propagation) of significant
novelties - everything, including . ( Yes will be rendered
on merits . All life not the game, and strife - in this case
- for public concerns).
System development of certification of the specialists and complex(integrated)
accreditation at PROGRESSING business - with allowance
for of long-distance social and economic and ecological outlooks and consequences;
Certification of a teaching structure preparing the specialists, and specialists
on the business - consulting which has mastered the indicated programs;
Accreditation of entitiess rendering business - of service
in Russia and abroad;
Realization of expertise, social rating, certification on quality and performance
of the most significant projects, programs (including, pre-election),
separate kinds(views) of commodity - goods both services in a degree of
quality and ecological purity and productions - on a level ,
and also social and economic achievements with certification of their writers
on public and creative extents (similarly scientific extents for scientific
achievements - as a rule, regardless to their public usefulness or uselessness);
Creation of a system of perspective selection(sampling) among patent and
diverse -technical information of the most significant
achievements and channels of their distribution(propagation).
THE ENTITY by THIS ENTITIESS is supposed to be executed(come true) at simultaneous
involvement of state entitiess, Russian expert league, East Europe Union
of the experts, European expert league (), domestic and foreign
of entitiess, their public associations and number(series)
of the large customers, the quoters which one would be included in Trustee
Advice of AGENCY. This organization would become essentially(in essence)
intermediary between the state, business - by entitiess
both customers - domestic and foreign. She could undertake arbitration
functions and functions reinsurance entitiess of a civil liability of the
specialists and business - of entitiess
The state, having recognized necessity of creation look-alike entitiess
and having entered in a structure of its(her) Trustee Advice of the quoters
of the entitiess, could:
To recommend to attract for fulfilment business -
of services predominantly of specialists and entitiess certificated and
accredited at AGENCY;
To entrust PROGRESSING a function of social tracking of
the most significant programs, projects, technological achievements etc.
for assertion of outcomes of an installment rating of effect and damage
to all held state, public and other entitiess and as a whole publics through
the selected(allocated) information channels (press, etc.),
To recommend and advertizers to allow for outcomes
of certification of products on quality, and domestic administrations -
certification of productions on ecological purity,
To recommend to tax, financial, customs and other state bodies(organs)
to use in the activity the reports or diverse ratings executed(made) by
the specialists and entitiess, certificated and accredited at AGENCY;
To recommend to the ministries and offices separate to entitiess
to allow detected during expertise by forces, of detected during the persons,
expertise, by him,(it,) (legal and physical) positive and negative consequences
of implementation by them of the programs, projects, and their workers
- be ready to undertake the share (material) responsibility for damage
from their implementation, equally as well as to take into consideration
share reward, relying with him,(it,) for exhibited significant
The creation of the -EUROPEAN AGENCY with look-alike functions
would allow to raise quality business - of services both
responsibility of the specialists and entitiess without forward(straight)
state check, having assigned this responsibility on community business
- of entitiess, without the costs of the state, but with
his(its) interested involvement.
THE -EUROPEAN AGENCY PROGRESSING as noncommercial organization
will be derivated and exists within 1 year after creation predominantly
at the expense of engaging facilitiess of the founders. Then the Agency
for supply of the activity will gain facilitiess at the expense of taken
up functions, including function of accreditation and certification. The
complementary incomes are possible(probable) also from arbitration and
reinsurance activity.
To about and I
Historical help
At different stages of becoming of a social production in miscellaneous
countries problems of acceleration of public progressing - from chaos and
clutter before creation of patterns intensifying progress of company variously
were decided.
To the present time the mankind, as is known, has learned to
stimulate in the main(basic) -technological progressing and economical
progress. The base of such progress was compounded by(with) gears, founded
on maximum of commercial factors in development, actually
having kept on last roles the factors social - including the check of social
- ecological negatives and social is brave, accompanying to the majority,
if not almost to all achievements of mankind.
Huge skews(misalignments) in progressing human community of last century
and even from here are quite objective; from here increased
contrasts of a quality of life of countries and peoples, interethnic and
intersocial conflictings, wars, active of races and civilizations.
All this can reduce eventually in global detonating - social and ecological,
to speed up "", which one the Nature easily has demonstrated the
omnipotence above any technical those whom she has spawned.
Now to all to this attempts to counter bitter and all rising strife
, but while it only rough shares of the protest, down to
pickets, arsons, strife with police etc., without developed ideological
base, without of patient adjustment of effective gears of
social progress. Are not much more effective today and usual methods of
party strife any of crews, which one without delay about concerns
of any of strata of company ostensibly most offended and wretched, as a
rule, at the expense of concerns of other strata - but about what public
progress, which one as though and not business of any crew (on definition).
Social safety and social progressing of all peoples,
quality (public usefulness) goods, made by mankind, instead of their quantitative
excess, as a whole social progress should become main(basic), if not by
an alone reference point of progressing of human community for the nearest
decade forward.
It is not necessary to be surprised, that all these corrective amendments,
transformation implanted, of the point of view are originated
By(with) Russia and that they will find in her, in the people the most
direct positive response.
The warranties to that is a huge growth of awareness of the Russians
last decade, since epoch of modification, this increased quality of parliamentary
and state patterns, at last, upgrading of presidential patterns and new
President of country. In his(its) message to federal Assembly from July,
2000 for the first time for look-alike documents have begun to sound such
precise concludings, as relevance of the spiritual and moral purposes and
so forth: we are convinced, that the progressing of company is impossible
without general purposes, and these purposes - not only material... ;
the Social policy is not only help requiring, but also investment in
the future of mankind - in his(its) health, in his(its) professional, cultural,
personal progressing ; each of us has communal responsibility before
the state and before all Russian company..., we have partnership debt -
duty to our country. Decade of difficult and unstable life - sufficient
period to require(demand) variations for best ...
On Conference concerning creation of information company I of century
organized in March, 2001 by an International Academy of sciences of the
information, information processes and know-hows within the framework of
the applicable International forum, the alert concerning forthcoming social
problems has sounded from lips of the majority outstanding (..Ԩ,
.. , .. , .., .. ...), including concerning
electronic invasion into psychology of company, adjustment of company under
the certain standards, protection of the person against the information,
framing state with by the registration of national
concerns, down to shift of ideals - waiving of psychology of consumer company
for the benefit of forming company of the creators...
However from a proclamation of this direction before overcoming a demanded
path - distance(range) of a huge size, of a lot of foregone large
and small organizational and technical looking ups and finds, it is enough
of the creative acts, - nontrivial, maximum particular and at the same
time communal. Each of them, in an ideal, should be a step forward, instead
of back or in the side. The main role in it is played by(with) incentives,
reshaped by company.
Perhaps, the earliest resource of urging of creativity existing one centuries,
is patenting the inventions giving to the inventors (applicants) exclusive
right of possession by the achievement - in definite boundaries and on
definite time. For this time the inventor can itself stage extension(issue)
of the object of the invention or sell the licence for the right of his(its)
implementation by other.
The exclusive right of the property, however, is effective only on
those intellectual(intelligent) achievements, as a rule, of -technological
nature, which one:
It is possible is simple enough from "background", having
designated boundary mine - not mine, but it is possible, when there is
an acute enough spike of performance of the solution by quantity and structure
of members of a new system - set(combination) "of tags" of
a stable system, tags of the invention indispensable and sufficient, which
one also are introduced by the way "formulas" of the invention;
Easily enough, it is natural , that is can become a subject
of commercial concern of the particular persons, natural or legal.
In USA per 70 years already of past century have managed to stage a mass
movement for formation of corporations essentially(much) simplifying
implementation of any novelties at the expense of legal and financial indulgences.
Under the applications of Americans, the policy has played
a huge role in becoming small and mean business in USA and essentially
has increased their gross national product. Hardly later them
has followed Germany, which one has created couveuses of ideas , similar
to corporations, but is clean in German: 20 % of any consumptions
should be paid by(with) the innovator, remaining incurs "couveuse", with
the subsequent exception of a part of the incomes from mass implementation.
In Russia also was derivated much of corporations, but
as well as in USA or in Germanium, they encompassed only ,
independent and rather small-sized novelties of those or diverse
separate innovators - and novelty is simple enough .
Thus, radical modifications the large-scale industries,
branch and regional social innovations (necessary as if are left by all
and anybody separately), and also problems of progressing of large mass
already of operating productions mean and major concerns outside these
corporations and in general as though without a unified methodology of
upgrading (progressing) of a social production. - In difference, for example
from unified coverage of problems of standardizing or problems
of an ecology - former .
The social novelties, members which one - collectives of the people,
people and their intercouplings (public attitudes(relations)), as a rule,
do not maintain either maiden, or second, or both listed above requirements
to the patent solutions - major, they it is very bad ,
they are necessary as though to all and anybody separately and consequently
in the majority, if not in all countries, the social solutions are eliminated
from subjects of state patenting, even if they respond,apparently, key
factors: system and public stability(immunity) and performance.
So, default for social achievements, which one are main(basic)
of social progress, of the requirements of a commercial effectiveness
(profitability) does not allow to use for their implementation standard
("") corporation. For them can and the special
gears of implementation including systems of a rating should be created
by their public, first of all social performance, material
and moral incentive - observance(holding) of authorship and warranty of
the award, and also there are a lot of other particular members, including
standardizing and certification with broad usage, except for ,
- , it is essential of improved sociological methods and
other facilitiess, in a mandatory extent taking into account moral, ethical,
aesthetic and other factors, not indifferent for the person.
These requirements also should be the basis(fundamentals) of activity
of the -European AGENCY of public progressing -
PROGRESSING - , project which one
is designed(elaborated) with 1995 -1996 .
The strong bet on priorities of market, competitive managing with the
simultaneous introducing specially organized and permanently
of gears of self-progressing by yardsticks of public economical and social
usefulness with the mandatory registration of financial and diverse interest
of firms in own successes on internal and exterior competitive (market)
space is trusted to in the basis(fundamentals) of creation
of AGENCY and as a whole of -commercial System of
progressing (System );
The implementators of AGENCY the quoters of International
Academy of public progressing, Russian expert league, Center of strategic
developments, Federal Center of certification accredited at
(Moscow) and East Europe Union of the experts (Berlin).
of Agency: the natural persons - from itself
and as the quoters of the legal persons, including foreign, interested
in creation of practical gears of intensification of social and economic
progressing of company and in joint looking up of the most effective solutions
- originally on territory of Russia and countries connected to her by partner
attitudes(relations). All of them will enter special Advices (Trustee and
Scientific) ABOVE And OUTSIDE OF pattern of AGENCY, which one will execute
intercoupling with the chiefs of state bodies(organs) and to control a
public overall performance of AGENCY according to needs(requirements) of
company at each stage of his(its) progressing, to determine a communal
methodology of activity of AGENCY.
The main(basic) purposes of creation of Agency and as
a whole of -commercial System "Progressing" - assistance
to public progressing of locales of Russia, intensification of public progressing
at the expense of creation and implementation of a procedure of the assembly(collecting),
concentration, rating of social and economic performance and distribution(propagation)
of effective innovations by the orders of regional and federal power structures,
businessmen and public organizations and at the expense of creation of
special address urging of this performance.
Permanent asset of fulfilment of object in views: organization
self-financed self-organized of a SYSTEM of PUBLIC PROGRESSING
- geographically and functionally distributed networks of centers,
and methodically integrated by the -European Agency of public
progressing "PROGRESSING" - by -state pattern
- for example, by the way of state unitary firm either , or ...
Primary goals of Agency: concentration of expertise and
knowledge scientific, specialists, creative workers for development within
the framework of AGENCY of the own methodical vehicle of intensification
of upgrading (progressing) of a social production and by (after
the applicable check) already of working methods both method of applications
and implementation them through a network(grid) created and
by Agency regional, branch and professional (economical, social, ecological
and other) centers of public progressing. And eventually creation of a
network(grid) of bodies(organs) of the progressing effectively working
on unified verified and is active methods, that is SYSTEM
Reference directions of activity of Agency:
Development and opening-up for an international admission of the methodical
bases(fundamentals) of expert, evaluation and certified activity on effectiveness
criterions of public progressing - social and economic and ecological (for
usage within the framework of AGENCY and for accreditation of other entitiess).
Social and ecological expertise both certification of quality of the goods
and services, including auditor and evaluation, and also town-planning,
nature protection, manufacturing and other projects by the order
and commercial structures; social tracking of the projects.
Development according to the international requirements of the standards
and working method of applications in the field of expert, auditor and
evaluation activity.
Development of principles and realization of a rating of a
public significance of achievements of the natural and legal persons.
Organization of social audit and voluntary social - ecological certification
of firms.
Organization of rendering of services in the field of an administrative
consulting with attitude to concerns of public progress and ecological
Organization of an independent rating proprietary and state ownership,
business, property and incorporeal assets, including intellectual property,
by yardsticks of public usefulness.
Organization of audit and certification of financial services granted by
stock exchanges, banks, investment and insurers.
Organization of social - ecological expertise of the bills, deeds and normative
documents; development of the proposals on perfecting principles of supply
of the social security and social progressing.
Organization of development of principles and methods of a supply with
information of public progressing in country and its(her) information support
(concentration of the inquiries, proposals, discussion of idealized and
practical problems of public progressing, social - ecological program of
company), including way entitiess of issuing of the international log-books:
PROGRESSING: expertise - rating - certification (for the specialists);
TALENT of public progressing (in popular presentation)
Organization of teaching and improvement of professional skill of the auditors,
appraisers and experts - specialists on intensification of public progressing.
Accreditation of the legal persons on the right of activity on proprietary
problems and communal directions of AGENCY and thus gradual forming of
a System Progressing - at first within the framework of Russia, countries
of CIS and further.
Prime proprietary problems:
Organization of technical, ecological and social and economic expertise
with usage of methods of a metrology, , and sociology,
rating of effect from -useful activity and damage from antisocial
particular acts;
Organization of objective and effective certification of quality and ecological
purity of the goods, services, activities (i.e. productions), and also
certification of systems of quality on /9000 and 14000 - by the orders
of the manufacturers, suppliers and companies of customers;
Organization of the process of certification of -bank services
in concerns of drop financial is brave of the investors and creditors;
Organization of the process of certification of working conditions and
quality of a manpower;
Organization of analysis existing and forecast of perspective know-hows
of progressing of branches - periodic and by the special orders of firms,
branches or locales;
Realization of analysis of a social and economic state and progressings
of firms - under the items of information voluntarily transmitted by firms,
for submission(representation) of the generalized information about subscipts
of progressing in MASS-MEDIA and in the applicable state bodies(organs)
for reflex in . The reportings and by consideration of
a problem about allocation of national, branch or regional privileges,
for actuation in a state system of awarding and for entitiess of state
competitions with prizes and awards in correspondence with the reached
level of public progressing;
Perfecting of legal supply of the subjects of public progressing and protection
against a corporate egocentricity, , plagiarism, corruption
etc. - the urgency of such protection was always and, unfortunately, she
is not reduced(descended) with transition in new , for, as is
known, new is always overcome with the large transactions not only and
not so much because of objective encumbrances, how much because of potent
opposition of the supporters of conservative views, as a rule, existing
in the dominating majority;
Development and implementation of a System of social patenting -
socially oriented and it is difficult of
achievements of technological and organizational nature - clone of a patent
system, but with accelerated by submission(representation)
to company of the information under the strip-chart unified form(shape),
with definition of advantages, lacks, costs of implementation,
with the prompt to adaptation and, accordingly, to authorship and individual
share in foreseen voluntary encouraging on the part of the natural and
legal persons realising socially active achievements;
Organization of teaching of the specialists of branches on heralded(promulgated)
and special (custom) subjects concerning methods of progressing and self-progressing.
The agency receives from legal and natural persons, takes and generalizes
useful for firms of branches the information for allocation her(it) through
the teachers (with the indicating of the writers of materials and their
coordinates and with repayment to the writers to the proportionally educational
time which is loiter on presentation of a selected material); opening-up
of educational and methodical manuals and books;
Accreditation of entitiess on the right of independent fulfilment of problems
of Agency in locales, branches and on a kind of the professional work;
Organization of tenders by the order of firms, branches or locales for
fulfilment of particular subjects, switching on: a rating of the potential
initiators, selection(sampling) and of development, rating
of their final performance, and also involvement in entitiess of implementation
of the most successful developments in country;
Organization of development of the standards on separate branches - together
with ; the petitions for creation ; which one can and should
become the effective tool of self-progressing of company.
Enabling to the accredited centers of accommodation(arrangement) on a site
of Agency and on pages of his(its) printed publicity materials of the orders
of firms, branches or locales and separate entitiess on obtaining of the
items of information indispensable for manufacturing and scientific progressing,
including outcomes of scientific developments and creative
of the useful proposals of technological and organizational nature for
recommended usage by the subjects of a social production, including first
of all manufacturing the consumer goods, service to the population, MASS-MEDIA
(book publishing houses and editions of the log-books, radio station etc.)
and other;
Development, coordination with the interested persons and transfer(transmission)
on implementation of a methodology of a rating of technological and organizational
achievements and as a whole ratings of progressing of branches, locales
by yardsticks of public usefulness with allowance for of proprietary social,
economical and ecological parameters(indexes);
Organization of the help in scientific and creative certifications managing,
scientific and creative staff(frames) of branches and in obtaining the
second higher education; the petitions before Government of Russian Federation
and about the introducing of new specialities (if it
is required);
The help in supply of the mode of investment. Organization
of a banking system;
Organization developments of the projects of again created
firms and FEASIBILITY REPORT for implementation of separate
kinds(views) of commodity and for creation of firms, shops and sites(segments);
Definition of social performance of electoral programmes of crews and elective
associations - for of public usefulness of directions tendered
crews and units, and also for rise of a definition of a development of
their stands on the most trembling problems of a modernity;
The help to the competitors of the grants organized by indirect funds for
repayment of scientific and practical activities, in compiling
of materials; in subsequent - activity with on perfecting
and rendezvous(approach) of the established(set) rules of design of look-alike
materials, - first of all in a direction of the granted
data about public performance of tendered activities (with the purpose
of the process of selection(sampling) of activities, most
significant for Russia and for human community as a whole).
the agency will offer to all holders(owners) of practical,
scientific, creative and diverse information, useful, in their judgement,
for other natural and legal persons, to transmit the items of information
on them in Agency in the minimized form(shape) (without know-how) with
coordinates for link.
Already at the very first stage of the activity the Agency incurs
organization of activities on concentration and address dispatch of such
information with coordinates of their holders(owners) for a feedforward.
The information on the proposals presenting most a common interest, will
be published in capacious and informative specially to spent form(shape)
in specially organized facilitiess of the technical information: on a site
in the Internet, then on pages of the log-books, almanacs in a subject
"of PROPOSAL" with the indicating of the writers of the proposals. For
want of the ready information for satisfaction of those or diverse inquiries
they will be published in a subject "INQUIRIES". Usage of
the ready information both realization target scientific and engineering
developments will be stimulated thus.
Except for the persons and entitiess already which have declared
on the availability a messages of activity under aegis of Agency, but without
loss of own authorship or name own entitiess, activity on concentration
and allocation of the answers on the inquiries on those or diverse headings,
definite beforehand or complementary, the Agency is ready to accept of
the new persons new entitiess after the applicable check and installation
of proper contractual attitudes(relations).
initial coverage by a System "Progressing" - territory of Moscow,
Russia with the subsequent coverage of territory of countries of CIS and
long-distance foreign countries - as agreed with their governments.
the extension of a sphere of action of a system is made by gradual
creation by Agency "PROGRESSING" new or opening-up for activity already
of operational entitiess of the applicable structure(profile) and accreditation
them as regional, branch or professional centers of a System "Progressing"
with transfer(transmission) by him(it) of those or diverse functions, constant
supply by their methodical materials and supply of their check behind quality
of activity.
the check of performance of their activity will implement Agency
ground of analysis of copies, granted by them, of the answers on the inquiries,
and also recalls about them of the writers of the inquiries.
the financing of Agency at a stage of becoming, before occurrence(appearance)
of the maiden group of the orders, is incured by(with) definite financial
patterns, which one will enter together with other patterns promoting the
purposes of creation of Agency, a structure of Trustee Advice of Agency.
Hereinafter Agency executes the activity by a principle of self-financing.
the self-financing of a System of public progressing on the basis
Agencies will be organized for the score:
Implementations by the order of government bodies (federal and regional)
commodity of Agency: databases of -technical innovations
suitable for implementation, with the subsequent established deductions
from the obtained effect;
Allocations services of banks and progressing
of a banking system as a whole (by the orders of separate banks);
Allocations of services of an authoring system (social patenting close
- not of exact clone of an existing patent system);
designed earlier and by the order of the programs and
method of applications oriented on perfecting of a system of public progressing
for activity under aegis ;
Initiation of creation and accreditation of centers of public progressing
on the right of realization of voluntary certification of products and
realization of other activities under the method of applications accepted
Transfers(transmission) for usage by different bodies(organs) of a methodology
and methods of social and economic expertise of innovations;
Now in asset of the organizers of Agency there are following
ready developments and operational systems directly prepared for activity
in a system of social and economic progressing:
System of social and economic certification on quality both ecological
purity of commodity and productions (spent procedures, documentation and
6 years(summer) expertises entitiess of a distributed - honeycomb system).
Designed methodology and methods of a social and economic rating of public
performance of achievements fulfilled with 1973-74. The methods
actuate a quantitative rating of economical and social effect and damage;
for innovations the rating also of scientific effect and term of an obsolescence,
with allowance for of creative parameters(indexes) is envisioned. The practical
method of applications actuate the data received metrological, ,
, sociological methods.
System of banks for servicing the Russian and foreign investors.
Spent methodology of a rating and indemnification(compensation) of the
marked damage damaged from of activity.
Methodology of realization of Assemblies of the participants of public
progressing - directly or through the Internet in the mode - and
he - .
the information on deployment and about course of activities of
Agency will be published in the log-books on territorial, branch and occupation
characteristics, the extension(issue) of the own specialized log-book "Progressing"
and popular magazine is hereinafter supposed; Talent of public
progressing .
the volume of services of all System of upgrading (progressing)
of a social production can be rated outgoing from following. The previous
years (Soviet period) the update rate of technical production compounded
5-7 % annually. On remaining branches she, much more likely, was in the
same limits. Now applicable it is not known, but there is a
sense to suspect, that she was saved, i.e. at an annual volume of output
200-400 . American dollars the cost of the freshened commodity lays
within the limits 20 . Dollars annually. Obviously, production of half
of this commodity will not demand any consultings, and for second, volume
10 . Dollars, is required the information by the cost in 1-5 %, i.e.
as a minimum on the sum 100-500 . Dollars, for obtaining can be paid
which one in the market of intermediary services of a look-alike kind till
5-10 of % of the cost, i.e. as a minimum 5-10 . Dollars, not including
teachings, patenting, certification etc. - In a limit up to 30 - 40 .
Dollars / year. Up to 10 - 20 % of a volume of these activities
will be conducted by Agency, and for each of 100 regional, branch and functional
(professional) centers in Russia scope of work will compound (after full
implementation) approximately on 0,1- 0,5 . Dollars / year.
The implementators of the concept and founders of Agency, all of
a specially organized System "Progressing" are sure, that Russia has a
huge creative potential, she has potent intellectual(intelligent) resources(safe
lifes) indispensable, and together with expertise and creative potential
other, including western countries, - sufficient to become one of most
intensively less developed countries a pattern.