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Subjects for
all books have a communal directivity on social safety
and public development of Russia, all are prepared under a heading « Russia,
motion for new time ».
The writer - к.т.н, д.э.н., professor Boris A. MININ.
The director of Methodical center of a System of certification SCQ,
The chief of Federal Center of certification, ЦНИИбыт,
The president of International Academy of public development,
The member of expert Council on social safety and social development (Госдума
Russian Federation), academician of International Academy of informatization.
availability of the manuscripts of the books
for editorial editing - till 60-90 of %.
each book - 10-30 thousand dollars. Return
~ 100 %.
№№ п/п |
The summary |
Volume |
гаемый circulation |
1. |
« the reversionary RIGHT And SOCIAL SAFETY »
Recently activity on essential activating in country of a system of
social safety at last was moved off the dead centre. It is a complex(integrated)
subject. But in the basis(fundamentals) her(it) the reorientation of our
legislation from casuistic, Roman Law, on natural, natural, — Reflexive,
with substitution « of the legal responsibility » on the responsibility
only social, - on an extent of the marked economical and social damage
without dependence lays from, whether the permission or prohibition of
this or that particular act in the statutory acts whether or not is stipulated.
And on the contrary: the absence of any responsibility (responsibility
is established(set) to suffer punishment) for want of the expressed damage
(actual and - or potential). The almost universal substitution of all set
of existing kinds(views) of punishment, including an imprisonment, on the
unique form(shape) is simultaneously supposed: on full material indemnification(compensation)
of all marked damage: Economical, physical, ecological, moral... The brochure
actuates outcomes of durable studies of an entity of a problem, presentation
of the practical approaches to a rating of damage and effect, algorithm
of implementation of a designed system and outcomes of analysis anticipated
consequences from implementation of the reversionary Right in exchange
or in bridge existing with allowance for of suspected variations envisioned
by the draft federal law « About social safety and social development »
.Брошюра is intended for the specialists in an orb of the right, teachers,
students, and also for the mass reader who is were interested in the matters
of law and social policy. |
ок. 10 п.л. |
5-10 thousand copy. |
2. |
« 100 YEARS - NOT AGE »
In the book the rules of thumb of environmental sanitation of an organism
of the person conventional and non-traditional, tested on significant(sizeable)
expertise of the people published in the different books, log-books and
newspapers are collected. A part a material will be taken from
the monography « a Sidereal path », limited circulation by which one разошелся
practically instantly. Minimum usage of pharmacological facilitiess with
calculation on physical and spiritual forces of an organism is in most
cases supposed. |
ок. 5 п.л. |
100 thousand copy and more |
3. |
« the CERTIFICATE of FITNESS. Social - ecological certification
of products and productions »
The book grows out of long-time idealized developments and practical
expertise. She is dedicated to actual problems of becoming of a completely
new kind(view) of certification - certification of quality of commodity
and productions on parameters(indexes) describing their actual usefulness
for the person and company with expression of this usefulness (degree of
quality or level of ecological purity) on the certificate. This kind(view)
of certification by the way of organized System of certification of quality
SCQ has appeared, has got stronger also of beginnings is active to develop
in Russia as the relevant member of upgrading (development) of a social
production, as a resource of rise of competitiveness of commodity in the
internal and exterior markets. In this book the purposes, problem and procedure
of certification of quality are set up; both ecological certification
of products and productions from a stand of concerns of a customer, company,
including on conservation of the nature, i.e. Social - ecological certification,
feature of accreditation of regional and branch bodies(organs) of certification
on a system SCQ. About then and more broad - Complex(integrated) system
of certification КСС. The well-timed and qualified certification of quality
and ecological certification allows to defend the national producer from
the unfair competition, Russian customer - from dissolves of off-standard
and ecologically dirty commodity, and all - from a thoughtless pollution
of the environment. The given book enables from the primary source (from
the writers and implementators) to receive most common view about this
new in country and in a pattern a kind(view) of certification of products
and productions. She also opens out a capability to many entitiess and
corporations to take this new and perspective kind(view) of activity and
eventually to envelop by her(it) commodity of all branches of national
production and imported commodity, having learned to select(allocate) from
not ё all best and ecologically most clean. The book is intended for the
chiefs of firms, businessmen, workers of technological services, suppliers
(exporters and importers), teachers and students of educational institutions. |
35 п.л |
10 thousand copy. |
4. |
The book is written for those who wants to become the present inventor.
Reading е ё, it is possible to learn(find out) and to understand, that
such invention, what role play the inventions in our life how to learn
in usual to see exotic, in customary - a scandalous imperfection, and in
incomplete - germs of the future invention. She is written mild and simple
language, повествует about rather thin and complex(difficult) problems
of upgrading of a social production: how to recognize, to meter performance
of technological creativity and how to achieve implementation of effective
novelties, social — first of all. Е ё the writer — ещ ё recently engineer,
inventor, then economist, specialist on upgrading a social production eventually
undertaken a problem of reforming of the right managed to introduce to
the new speciality a head, non-traditional view, design approach — everything,
than the present invention, including his(its) infrequent phenomenon —
« social invention » is in general characterized. The book mirrors the
whole epoch from life of our country, encompassing examples
from long period in some decades from a so-called period of stagnation
before transition to violence of the liberal democracy and mature stage
of development also allows to understand, what jump(discontinuity) has
made for this time our country, about what we ещ ё not such, as to us to
live, developing, and with what we necessarily shall, as there is a lot
of ещ ё it is necessary to us to make to raise quality of our personal
and public life on a worthy level. This book — for those who does(makes)
progress, for the innovators, revolutionaries on spirit both on businesses.
And for those who wants to join their number. — Remaining, if will read,
most likely in bewilderment пожмут by shoulders(arms). It is a pity. But
it already their care. As is spoken, each —. |
20 п.л. |
20 thousand copy. |
5. |
« RUSSIA WILL LIVE. - BETTER OTHER » (accumulator cell
of developments and publications).
This book — a call by the one who buries Russia before time. And response
to some studies those who wants to clear up, why we are in lasting crisis.
It also the synthesizing of some proposals on the subject of about that
as to us not only to survive, but also to become,maybe, even better other,
- respected and liked! To the writer, as, probably, and many other persons
of high breed survived both сталинизм, and брежневщину, more than once
and not two should be heard advices of the kind friends of a type: speak
everything, everything, but do not speak "all" and "«everywhere". And still
for many from us was and there is a vague complaint by the books, articles,
protrusions those who follows this advice and do not do(make) it would
seem of itself following of abundance of bright supervision(observations)
even of preliminary generalizings. And major - those who does not synthesize,
let unfinished and not designed in details, конструкт... |
25 п.л. |
20 thousand copy. |
6. |
« НОВИСТИКА (theory and practice of innovations) »
We approach to a boundary second тысячелетия with cutting contrasts
and large ulcers: huge non-uniformity(irregularity) in a level of development
- from a hypertrophy of technological progress up to an economical and
social ossification glowing national conflictings, total vulnerability
of the person, illness, here and there famine, ожесточенность, озлобленность
between the people, disastrous ecological rule(situation,position) practically
of all locales a pattern, разбегание of races and civilizations... By fault
to that and proprietary, tactical, and strategic gross errors in our development,
since education systems and finishing неспланированностью and некоординированностью
of a state policy, full feebleness in not prime art of upgrading (progressing)
of a social production, including recognition(identification) of effective
and perspective novelties and their well-timed implementation in concerns
of public progress. Is received so, that as though separately there is
an orb of science, invention creating new know-hows, new engineering and
separately - life, production which is not wishing anything to change.
Many HIGH SCHOOLS, state and commercial educational institutions - by the
way of independent educational programs or as pieces on miscellaneous disciplines,
in greater or to a lesser degree, on proprietary examples or is generalized
put before learning, students problems, which one separately concern those
or diverse problems of upgrading of a social production and acceleration
of public progress - material, economical, social, scientific, ecological,
spiritual... However books with the generalized presentation of these problems,
especially in the form,(shape,) clear and accessible to a broad audience,
practically no. This book is intended for the schoolboy, student, post-graduate
student, engineer, scientific, which one are interested in idealized and
practical problems of technical and social creativity as a whole, problems
of upgrading (development) of a social production, theory both procedure
of selection(sampling) and rating of novelties for effective development
of the corporation, "small" and "large" business, and on the other hand
- major - social factors of economical progress, universal problems of
development, perfecting of the environment ours обитания, since an ecology
of a habitat and finishing confessor of our dialogue - everything, that
determines ours close and far future(next), quality of life us and our
descendants. |
18 п.л. |
20 thousand copy. |
7. |
« a SIDEREAL PATH » in case histories.
The book, tendered to issuing, is based on materials already of published
book “ a Sidereal path. The encyclopedia of wisdom ”, switched on in itself
the most informative, brightest fragments from the best products 33 main(basic),
about 100 complementary writers with partial quoting and link to transactionses
of several honeycombs of other famous philosophers, scientific, writers
with the commentings and own activities of the maker (Минина Б.А.) on following
main(basic) sections: the yogi, art of breathing, art of a feed(meal,power),
art of a body, art of life, art of spirit, art of creativity, art of predictions
and problems, connected to them.
As against this book counted for a rather narrow circle of the readers
of the intellectuals, with emphasis on общефилософские, principled aspects
of encompassed problems, — thus rather volumetric (about 25 авт. Sheets)
— the book, tendered to issuing, contains a much refined material of the
especially selected(especially allocated) fragments from the book and magazine
articles, including completely new, and also separate interpreting, connecting
and principled authoring rules(situations,positions) — all this in practically
same invariable pattern transfering the main(basic) essence of problems
as much as possible is massed, is oblate, facilitiess of an accessible
By major difference tendered to you to issuing the book — high saturation
by an illustrative material, specially prepared for this book. It is 50-70
black-and-white and color(non-ferrous) case histories, courageous and highly
artistic, is exact and figuratively setting up essence of the text. They
are prepared by the bright and peculiar artist In. Перетокиным. |
20 п.л. |
50 thousand экз |
8. |
« a SIDEREAL PATH » republishing
The book сослужит the kind service to those people, which one value
personal time. In her are carefully selected and the ideas of climbing
of the person to ideals of physical and mental health, creative efficiency
are deeply interpreted извечные for us now. Known scientific, thinkers,
healers and the futurologists will help to the readers in comprehension
of great art of a mind and body, life and creativity, development of the
personality. An indispensable reference point in a pattern of a social
history of mankind - deeply dramatic, and sometimes detective - are the
commentings and essay of the maker of the book, talented inventor and originally
thinking person. The contents actuates following sections: art the yogis,
Art of breathing, Art of a feed(meal,power), Art of a body, Art of life,
Art of creativity, Art of spirit, Art of mysticism. The book actuates the
publication of the strictly selected fragments from maximum, best products
more than 30 writers and links on some hundreds minor writers |
35 п.л. |
30 thousand copy. |
The chief IPDA - МИНИН Борис Алексеевич
Ph.:241-39-03. The fax: 241-38-08. E-Mail