1. RATING of USEFULNESS And ЭКОЛОГИЧНОСТИ of scientific and other achievements. Now, as is known, in a system of awarding of scientific degrees and ranks, neither in bodies(organs) of awarding госпремий, nor in a rating of activity of state scientific entitiess and scientists while definitively this problem is not resolved neither methodologicalally, nor methodically, организационно, i.e. are not entered the equally realized alphabet and grammar of a rating, and this introducing, as it appears, many desperately do not want. Obviously, it нерешение and невведение testify only to powerlessness of the state in front of its(her) own subsystems. The numerous scientific entitiess, funds act more often each by the yardsticks and on the methods, is far from being in all applicable to public performance (usefulness for company) valued objects. If to mean, that the science largely feeds from госбюджетных of facilitiess, it is possible to speak about ineffective usage of these facilitiess, i.e. Facilitiess of the tax bearers, and also, major, scientific potential of country.
To same it is necessary to mark, that overwhelming majority so-called of “new” kinds(views) of engineering appearing in the market, — almost with zero novelty, but thanking all to cosmetic upgrading the producers receive the considerable superdividends; that the potent system of awarding of scientific extents works absolutely (almost absolutely) disregarding usefulnesses or uselessnesses of shown transactionses of the competitors, though the known method of applications of a rating public (social and economic and scientific) the performances for a long time could decide this problem, and that practically there is no system of an impartial assessment of public performance (public usefulness) social achievements, including for usage at selection(sampling) the projects by different funds.
Our activities on the given subjects — потребительной of the cost (for the standard economists absolutely not popular and not studied) have begun from 1973-74 years. To the present time check hundreds real achievements, including RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, last years — with an in-depth rating of quality both goods, and services (implementation have passed within the framework of Federal Center of certification ЦНИИбыт by the way Systems of certification of quality SCQ, Госрегистрация № РОСС RU. 0001.040008).
We could finish these our activities up to the logical extremity (with creation of computer programs) and transmit them to you for the not obsessional help during activity of your experts. And you could declare, that you — the maiden and alone organization, which one takes and sponsors the projects strictly on value of public usefulness. And in case will require(demand) the introducing in the reporting of the initiators of calculation of potential and actual effect under our method of application, still can systematically report company, what favour it gives to the people (we shall say, in american dollars).
2. FORWARD(STRAIGHT) DEMOCRACY. It is known, that our democracy — representation, that is everyone those quoters decide, which one we have selected. Decide as if outgoing from their pre-election pledges. But all or nearly so all of them are overlooked(forgotten) at once, as the people hit in a treasured seat, and there are no or nearly so any gears that it was done(made) differently. The people are the people. An alone output(exit): implementation by modern means of the present self-management, solution all more or less fundamental issues by customers of the laws, people, i.e. implementation of “Forward”(“straight”) (true) democracy. The introducing is possible her(it) for beginning and everywhere, and on separate countries and even to locales. There are items of information, that means for a system of electronic voting “ from houses ” now is increased are designed(elaborated) in USA by a Federal commission on link.
We have particular developments till entitiess of forward(straight) democracy in conditions of countries послесоциалистического of camp. If the financing will be determined, for certain someone from them can proceed(pass) to this absolutely progressive form(shape) of state board is very quick(rapid).
3. REVERSIONARY RIGHT. It is known, that many guilty and innocent till some months and even of years after completion of investigatory activities wait, while the judicial procedure will be completed, that the charge can not be definitively shown. Thus in all procedure of legal proceedings is ineffective thousand lawyers are held, and the places of confinement — a usual capital punishment — are the present school of crimes and field of humiliating existence superimposing an indelible spot on all life. At last, “перестарелая” the judiciary, fundamentals which one pledged more than two thousand years back (so-called Roman Law), earlier quite were in time(quite catching up) for flaccid life, now in many cases can not envelop all new and new kinds(views) of offences — and even old, but complicated and complex(difficult). On our view, follows let slowly, within 5-10 years, but it is necessary to proceed(pass) to the new concept of legal proceedings, founded on so-called “reversionary right”, which one guesses instead of punishment beforehand preconceived in this or that normative document, charge of material indemnification(compensation) of the marked damage. It is possible with a determinancy to assert(approve), that of kinds(views) of plotted damage (physical, material, economical, social and moral) and, therefore, of methods of his(its) definition in hundreds, if not in thousand time there are less kinds(views) of offences and the more so situations, at which one they take place.
Our developments allow already now step-by-step, since unsolved and not decided actions of proceeding, to pass at a new, reflexive system. Whether your organization, you can to help to begin to begin its(her) implementation?
Today there are many kinds(views) human баловства (sometimes it is the whole branches with potent productions), which one prosper only because the miscellaneous forms(shapes) of damage for ambient do not pay. Further. Often complain of violation of the laws — both citizens, and officers. — all this was and is, always and everywhere, and to stop such cardinally nobody is decided. Further. We for some reason are not surprised, that the parents of the child pay for broken(down) glass wholly; that those who takes away in him(it) health, permanently contaminating an environment, — return percents; and for wounds from attack of an another's dog, for искалеченные at treatment life and health can in general anybody not answer in any way. We consider(count) for some reason normal, that any radical achievements, projects, proposals contradicting to today's views “ of the competent specialists ”, can be implanted only after the inquiry for the same specialists, and sometimes and in general for кровно not of the interested persons: For example, problem on smoking — for the smokers, disregarding harms (damage) for ambient; about indemnification(compensation) of social - ecological damage — for those who has motor vehicles; about material indemnification(compensation) for non-optimum нормотворчество — for those who itself creates the laws... The reversionary right is capable to decide all these problems much easier and more effectively, than today's legislation.
Whether your organization wants, you to undertake financing of these activities? — not only for our, Russian favour, but also for many other countries and peoples.
4. RESOURCE TAXATION. It is known, that now tax systems of the majority of countries are based on exception of the incomes to proportionally received outcomes — in particular(personally): “value-added tax”. Naturally, it results in desire to cover outcomes and even them to lower, that is дестимулирует a production efficiency, it let alone mad complication of all tax system from a stand of any accountant, any firm. The solution of this problem is known: it is necessary to proceed(pass) to numeration of the same sum of taxes from consumable resources(safe lifes), that is to elaborate and to begin the sluggish introducing of a system “ of the resource taxation ”. — There is no problem of calculation of the costs. To elaborate the methodical and organizational solution of this problem and to execute(come true) his(its) implementation, money is necessary. Whether your organization will find, you possible(probable) to finance this development, and meaning necessity of engaging of the specialists and ours, and foreign countries?
5. SPIRITUAL TOURISM. It is known, that a reason of dissents between the people largely are the religious and national distinctions(differences), but major — low level spiritual (i.e. not material and not social) progressing of the people, and also disorganization of all this orb. The organization of all direction of spiritual progressing is gentle: no specially oriented spiritual, not узкопрофессиональных of centers; the system of spiritual formation for adult and few teaching of the bases(fundamentals) of spiritual self-perfecting at schools is gentle. All this плодит national, racial, social and any other intolerance, misunderstanding one another, antagonism, aggressiveness and, probably, military conflictings. It is offered step-by-step to prepare in Russia (and in other countries) special centers of a spiritual unification, originally — of a place of spiritual tourism, from which one to extrude everything, that does not promote spiritual perfecting of the person. In a small resort place Геленджик potent spiritual motion under a title “Анастасия” already began, the adherents can undertake which one all organizational activity if there is sufficient financing. On the basis of ancient historical monuments of epoch of a beginning of progressing on the Earth of our civilization — of epoch by much earlier, than, for example, the time of exponentation of egyptian pyramids, — would be very logical to create maiden Spiritual Center of a unification all existing in Russia and in a pattern of religions, motions, doctrines, peoples... — the maiden integrating center instead of set isolated, and consequently — disconnecting. We, muscovites, Russians together with you could appear by the pioneers of creation of such center.
Agree, that by it we shall introduce the powerful contribution to implementation of the great intelligency, outlined in advance over an integrating role. A small amount of the costs and many loud words with the initiatives originally is required. And further all will go by a principle of a domino. Whether your organization, you can to undertake building one or several facilities for such Center?
6. ALMANAC “REVIEWER”. For the held and thinks people, i.e. for us with you (and sometime, probably, and for the majority) would be the very useful log-book, the newspaper, almanac, which one would take the trouble of a selection and allocation to us most interesting of many tens and even of hundreds issuings escaping monthly in Russia and abroad. As against all remaining newspapers and log-books, which one is forced publish, except for valuable, it is a lot of waste, the almanac “Reviewer” will be possible to read with ecstasy of a rim up to a rim. For existence of such almanac it is necessary to make demanded legal and economic evaluations it(him) issue, that it was expedient by all and is secure for the publishers. We are ready to find the people, ready to undertake organization of such almanac and is active to help in creation of new model of such issuing. Could your organization, you to sponsor his(its) creation?
7. CENTER of SOCIAL PROGRESSING With the LOG-BOOK “НОВИСТИКА” for reception(trick), selection(sampling), publication and definition of paths of implementation of socially significant achievements, which one are necessary to everything, but anybody separately (as against technical, commercial, which one have even as definite paths of implementation — the patent, know-how, н/т couveuses...).
The publishing house НВ forms for information exchange, joint international adaptation and entitiess of implementation общественно of significant social ideas (proposals) contributing to implementation of a number(series) of the major purposes: international safety, Progressing, Environment, Formation, Medicine, Human right. To the main(basic) distinctive features of operation НВ it is possible to refer, at first, mode двухэтапной of the publication: urgent (paid) — and more in-depth — on a special abbreviated form of preprint and in more detail — after definite “waiting mode”. By the second feature should be the capability of maximum usage of judgement of the readers for selection(sampling) and regulation of a volume of the in-depth (secondary) publication — in an ideal, hereafter, down to the introducing of automatic correctors and dialup machines. The third feature НВ is the introducing of several stages(steps) of selection(sampling) of the proposals on their significance, self-selection(self-sampling) at the expense of the introducing of the advance payment (with return for the “won” proposals of all stored sum), calculation of a rank, quantitative registration of judgement of the readers about a real outlook of implementation. All activity НВ will be constructed on principles of self-support and self-financing with deduction of some sums to the writers in qualities of encouraging, supply of further developments НВ and publications of new outcomes. For some countries, and not only countries of limited progressing, it will be by considerable aid to the innovators both in general to progressing of innovation and, therefore, to progressing of these countries.
The development of this project was done(made) of years ten back in a contact to the советско-American fund “ For survival and progressing of mankind ”, and his(its) then adviser by the academician of WOUNDS Т.И. Заславской the project was submitted(shown) to management of Fund on financing. But, how you understand, it(him) has not backed up.
And can be your organization, you will support it(him)?
THE HONORARY CERTIFICATES of International Academy of public development (ВКК), and also ФЦС, МЦ SCQ МАИ and ЦНИИбыт, are established “ for encouraging of collectives separate masters, decade pleasing us by the creativity and masters absolutely young — what have creativity and transactions the humanist sense is expressed, and also public and statesmen executing the humanist contribution to development of mankind, everything, activity and existence which one increases social quality of our life, that is executing unconditionally high contribution to social development of human community not gauged by stringent economical ratings ”.
There are many reasons, on which one, as the rating of the experts is paradoxical is precisely or nearly so precisely in return attitude(relation) to ratings of the people (main(basic) customer). It is a world-wide global phenomenon; the fact is documentary certified at mass sociological interrogations in art creativity.
As against узкопрофессиональных of systems of awarding of the premiums the system, adopted by us, guesses selection(sampling) the socially significant persons and collectives contributing to spiritual progress of company as a whole.
The honorary certificates are adjudged by results of consideration for one year by the special Commission which has been compounded(drawn up) of the members ВКК, persons sharing in forming of all system of opening-up and issue of the certificates, former winners, and also, partially, from among the persons reshaping the candidate list.
The организационно-technical consumptions and costs of activity of a Commission till now were incured By(with) federal Center of certification. To the present time it is accepted expedient to enter definite awarding those to whom the certificates are adjudged.
If your organization, you are ready to finance these complementary costs, we with pleasure would switch on it(him) in a structure of entitiess, from which one the Honorary certificate is given, and would move apart boundaries of coverage for limits of central locale of countries.
The creation unified (world-wide) is offered, there is enough authoritative entitiess, which one would manage due to usage opened, publicly spent objective and complex(integrated) methods of a rating to undertake a role of the measurement standard in methodological and partially — in the practical schedule for fulfilment of following functions:
- For certification on quality and proficiency on public usefulness (rank) of maximum world achievements — technological, organizational, social and economic, manufacturing with issue of the CERTIFICATES of FITNESS, ECOLOGICAL CERTIFICATES and CERTIFICATES of PROGRESSING;
- For certification — of appropriation (by results of certification of achievements) creative extent to their writers with issue of the DIPLOMAS of the Candidate, Doctor and Academician of public development according to this rank — all this for those achievements, the effect from which one yields to calculation;
- For moral encouraging всенародно of recognized especially humanist activity the issue of the special HONORARY CERTIFICATES — see is supposed above.
Obviously, the creation of such system will be justified, only if thus the following conditions of selection of yardsticks of a rating of introduced activities (achievements) will be abided:
1. The yardsticks owe it is necessary and full& enough, is adequate and is representative (clearly) to mirror the public contribution (public usefulness) achievement.
2. They should be quantitatively calculated (except for honorary certification).
3. They should be already on a pioneering stage justified enough(reasonable enough), logical and published for general familiarization.
4. They should be opened for constant perfecting.
5. As a base of comparison for a quantitative rating should be is adopted productivity(output) of usual, natural human activity, but the achievements, which one will be renumerated, should be is many times more effective.
As it is possible to see, even best (on social recognition) system of a rating and the awardings (such as Nobel) or generally accepted system of certification scientific (such as ВАК of Russia and other countries) do not respond practically any of these requirements. Thus most likely any of them does not want to change the rules. — Though the applicable local proposals on the introducing of a rating of public usefulness — for example, thesises and other achievements (in ВАК and in different committees on госпремиям Russia) with the appendix has enough of full substantiations we already did(made).
As a METHODICAL FUNDAMENTALS for creation of World-wide center of certification we tender to enter outcomes of long-term scientific studies and developments which have been trusted to in the basis(fundamentals) of the System, operational in Russia, of certification of quality (SCQ).
The problem is encompass byed volume, that huge number existing узкопрофессиональных both national systems of detection and the urgings of maximum human achievements (including and known Nobel committee) as a rule политизированы, despite of the requests more often carefully disguise the yardsticks of a rating — which one, by everything, at all объективизированы, and all focal point in these systems — significant(sizeable) facilitiess, which one they select(allocate) on repayment of the premiums and magnificent ceremonies of handing.
Between that, we can offer a carefully spent system of a rating of public usefulness of achievements, which one are tested on hundreds different achievements, including and scientific, and with engaging of the professionals - experts, it will help to do(make) rather exact ratings of any achievements. The system SCQ has no branch limitations, and consequently we could envelop practically all orbs of human activity.
Furthermore we are ready at once to promulgate all system of a rating and to offer all her(it) if necessary to perfect — a problem in financing. What your organization, you will say on it?
10. ELECTIONS. WHO IS WHO? If to look narrowly at crews, including slating candidates on any selection, majority of their purposes among themselves rather close coincide. The generosity of promisings — further as a rule not executed(designed) coincides also.
It is known, that on pre-election rapid motion the candidates convince избирателей допотопными by ways: swing arms, beat itself in a breast, demonstrate on a head and juggle with promisings without a hint on stringent quantitative calculation of usefulness обещаемого, and in full reliance(confidence) of absence of the answer for non-realized promisings. Though the methodical problem is quite decided, and we have a wide experience of these activities.
We tender to enter a system of the publication of outcomes of a rating of the programs of all candidates, their crews on unified debated принародно to the scheme, for example: that is particular, as, what facilitiess and at the expense of whom (what strata or programs) and whom (what strata) will be the promised happiness.
The development (preliminary) is made together with the politologists of a number(series) of institutes, but anybody (!) From the newspapers to realise this program to the previous selection in Госдуму of Russia has not wanted. However such project is actual and now for all or majority of countries, and will be speed and for Russia.
The good financing would help to attract known surnames and - or to do(make) the paid publications in the newspapers.
11. TELERADIO PROGRAM And OWN CHANNELS. We is fine we realize, that the implementation in consciousness of the people экспрессии, skill to do(make) from itself selfmade men, skill to do(make) business is very necessary for us, забитым by decades by the huge repressive machine of depressing. But to substitute by it all universal culture, all universal values, the steep national cultures of the miscellaneous peoples are impossible.
We tender to create and to organize work on territory of Russia of non-political radio station, preliminary title — “Progress”, with multihourly, in an ideal — by day-night broadcasting on СВ and on both ranges of a VHF. On our view, the introducing of the following programs is expedient:
the musical programs: a folk music popular songs, classics... — major, product best, carefully selected on principles of attractiveness, popularity and всевосприимчивости. For popular and national songs, opera arias the brief transfer(translation) (5-10 words) all texts and other commentings is expedient. The survey transfers(transmissions) are very desirable: rock'n roll; “ a Gold collar(ring) ”; Марина Капуро...
the literary programs: best, carefully selected on principles художественности and fascination small products, fable, histories reflective universal concerns, is preferential in art reading;
histories from life of great polyhabit spasms, scientific, inventors, artly, fascinatingly set up — including on the subject of, as well as that was invented (from widely used vehicles, matters, know-hows...). — By the way, it is really interesting;
Инновации — of presentation of the proposals, design, interesting to the majority, of social nature, discussion of socially significant novelties.
What we can make for implementation of this program together with you, with your organization?
12. ANALYSIS of QUALITY of a commodity OUTPUT in the Russian market. That for all duration of operation of our Federal Center of certification (since 1994) the significant(sizeable) information on quality of commodity on territory of Moscow and other cities has accumulated, in which one our regional centers (about 300 type certifications on a very broad graphic pallet of commodity — of the goods and services) are accredited, the Academy could undertake analysis of the available data, including about consumer properties of commodity, data about proprietary and communal degrees of quality etc. — Suddenly it for you will be interesting?
Returning to the projects, the summaries to which one above mentioned, it is necessary to note, that the MAJORITY of THESE PROJECTS IS DESIGNED EXPLICITLY ENOUGH, And ALL PROBLEM In THEIR DETAIL IMPROVEMENT And IMPLEMENTATION.
Probably, your organization, you will go on creation in Russia or at yourselves as international FUND of PUBLIC PROGRESSING?
The chief IPDA - Boris A. MININ
Ph.:241-39-03. The fax: 241-38-08. E-Mail