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  About Academy

The academy is created by a structure of the founders — only of natural persons:

Б.А.Минин, к.т.н., д.э.н., academician МАИ — the president;
Л.С.Болотова, professor, д.т.н., academician МАИ — maiden vice-president;
В.И.Мочалов, к.т.н. — vice-president;
А.Г.Терехов, к.э.н., corresponding member МАИ — vice-president;
Р.М. Тихонов, к.э.н., corresponding member МАИ — vice-president.

In May, 1996 the Academy was approved as the legal person (solution Минюста Russian Federation № 3216 from May 29, 1996).

    Into a structure of Academy enter:
1. Moscow regional separation,. Moscow.
2. Separation of education and formation,. Moscow.
3. Ukrainian Луганско-Новопсковское regional separation,. Новопсков, Lugansk field(area).
4. Ukrainian regional separation,. Kiev.
5. Separation " the Public information and spiritual progressing of mankind ",. Moscow.
6. Separation of a spiritual - moral aftertreatment of the person "ИОЛОЯ",. Arkhangelsk
7. St.-Petersburg regional separation,. St.-Petersburg.
8. Maximum qualifying commission,. Moscow.
9. Separation of public interplay,. Moscow.
10. International institute менеджемента and expertise in administration of government,. Moscow.

The full list of separationes by the current moment of time is in Presidium of Academy.


Now International Academy of public progressing   is engaged in opening-up of documents for obtaining a consultative State at ЭКОСОС (United Nations).
Public organizations
" International Academy of public progressing "

              Is adopted on the constituent Assembly of a public organization " International Academy of public progressing " by January 24, 1996.









1.1. The public organization " International Academy of public progressing ", hereinafter referred to as ACADEMY, is voluntary self-controlled public association scientific, specialists and public figures participating in the solution of problems of public progressing.
1.2. THE ACADEMY, executing the functions according to rules(situations,positions) of the present Charter, acts within the framework of the Constitution, current legislation of Russian Federation, legislation of other states adjusting activity of non-governmental public associations on territory of these states, norms of international law on principles of equal rights of its(her) members, lawfulness and openness.
1.3. THE ACADEMY executes the activity on territory of Russia, Ukraine, other foreign states, where the separationes of ACADEMY will be created.
1.4. From the moment of state registration the ACADEMY is the legal person, has the separate property, independent balance, computational and other scores in entities of banks, including currency, round stamp, title block, forms with the naming and emblem, symbolics and other properties stated and registered when due hereunder.
1.5. THE ACADEMY can on its own behalf gain the property and personal non-property rights and bear the responsibilities, to be the claimant and transponder in court, in arbitration and arbitration courts; bears responsibility under the responsibilitiess within the limits of inhering to her of property, on which one under the law the penalty can be reversed.
1.6. THE ACADEMY does not answer for obligations the state and members, the state and the members of ACADEMY do not answer for obligations ACADEMY.
1.7. From the moment of state registration of ACADEMY its(her) permanent leading body - the Presidium executes the corporate franchises on behalf of ACADEMY and executes its(her) responsibilities according to the Charter.
1.8. Location of a permanent leading body of ACADEMY (Presidium) - city Moscow (Russia).


1. The main(basic) purposes and problems of ACADEMY are:
    • Association of creative gains of the scientists and specialists of miscellaneous trades for the solution of problems of progressing of modern company;
    • Assistance to studies of idealized and practical problems of public progressing;
    • Assistance to progressing of paths of forming of public structure both education physically and spiritually healthy person;
    • Progressing of paths of forming of unified world social and cultural space basing on the best achievements of mankind;
    • The extension of international cooperation of the scientists and specialists, involvement in international congresses, conferences and other measures.
2.2. For implementation of the authorized purposes and problems the ACADEMY according to the current legislation has the right:
    • To participate in fulfilment of the international, branch, regional and state programs on subjects of ACADEMY;
    • To design(elaborate) methods of a rating of public usefulness and certification of outcomes creative, scientific and production activity with allowance for full economical, social (including social - ecological) both scientific - information effect and damage;
    • To participate in public, branch, regional both state expert appraisal and certification socially - are oriented of projects, programs, goods and services in subjects of ACADEMY;
    • To design(elaborate) the guidelines legislative and actuators under the mandatory registration at acceptance of any solutions of social consequences as key factor for their implementation;
    • To participate in opening-up of creative and scientific staff(frames), in their certification and proficiencies;
    • To participate in development of methods of perfecting of administration of government and self-management of company;
    • To execute external economic and publishing, to exhaust the scientific and учебно-methodical literature on subjects of ACADEMY;
    • To organize and to conduct the lectures, consulting, exhibitions, workshops, competitions, auctions on subjects of ACADEMY;
    • To create economic companies and companies, other economic entitiess having the corporate franchises;
    • To create separationes, branches, representation;
    • To execute enterprise activity according to the Civil Code and other acts of Russian Federation. The enterprise activity implements so far as, as it is to achievement of the authorized purposes and problems;
    • To gain property for management of enterprise activity;
    • To create commissions, committees, section on areas of activity of ACADEMY;
    • To route to foreign business trips of the employees and members of ACADEMY, to receive in Russia of the foreign specialists for implementation of the authorized purposes of ACADEMY;
    • To execute diverse kinds(views) of activity not contradicting to the current legislation.
2.3. THE ACADEMY is obliged:
  • To abide the legislation of Russian Federation conventional principles and norms of international law concerning lines of business of ACADEMY, and also norm(standard), foreseen its(her) Charter;
  • Annually to publish the report on usage of the property or to provide availability(accessibility) of familiarization with the indicated report;
  • Annually to inform a registering body(organ) on prolongation of the activity and about variations of an occurrence of a leading body and structure of a manual;
  • To introduce by the inquiry of a registering body(organ) of the solution and item of information in a volume established by the legislation;
  • To enable the quoters of a registering body(organ) on spent measures and to render assistance in familiarization with activity of ACADEMY.

    3.1. The membership in ACADEMY is voluntary. The members of ACADEMY can be the adult citizens of Russian Federation, foreign subjects, stateless person - scientific, specialists, diverse citizens sectioning purposes and problems of ACADEMIES abiding its(her) Charter, and also legal persons - public associations recognizing purposes of ACADEMIES abiding its(her) Charter and introducing the significant contribution to activity of ACADEMY and to public progressing. The members of ACADEMY have the equal rights and bear the equal responsibilities.
    3.2. The reception(trick) in the members of ACADEMY implements Presidiums of separationes of ACADEMY: the natural persons - under the written application of a form with the appendix of the items of information in due form, indispensable for a rating their creative общественно of the useful contribution and contribution to activity of ACADEMY, legal persons - public associations - it is ground of the written application and solution of their leading bodies. The reception(trick) of the new members by Presidiums of separationes affirms by Presidium of ACADEMY.
    Общественно the useful creative contribution (lumpsum or current) is determined by the way yielding отграничению, identifying and quantitative rating of economical, social and diverse kind(view) of effect or prevented damage in any orb of human activity - in material, social and scientific production, in orbs организационно-administrative, political and spiritual. The rules of definition общественно of the useful contribution affirm by Presidium of ACADEMY. The certificate (membership card) of a form is given to the adopted members of ACADEMY. By results of the annually presented items of information on performance of activity of the members of ACADEMY these certificates if necessary are renovated or are confirmed. The founders of ACADEMY become the members of ACADEMY automatically. The rating of their creative contribution should be conducted not later than in 6 months the ambassador of a beginning of activity of ACADEMY.
    3.3. The members of ACADEMY have the right:
      • To be selected in managing and контрольно-auditorial bodies(organs) of ACADEMY;
      • To participate in all measures organized by ACADEMY, to work in its(her) creative groups, to participate in competitions, spent BY ACADEMY, seminars, exhibitions and other measures as agreed with the chiefs and organizers of these measures;
      • To introduce общественно the useful proposals to bodies(organs) of ACADEMY on problems connected to its(her) activity;
      • Freely to discuss on general meetings all problems connected to activity of ACADEMY, is opened to state and to defend the constructive proposals, message creative controversies;
      • On a commission of Presidium of ACADEMY to introduce her(it) on international forums;
      • To gain from ACADEMY the indispensable information, and also help and support;
      • Voluntarily to leave from a structure of the members of ACADEMY.
    3.4. The members of ACADEMY are obliged:
  • To abide rules(situation,position) of the Charter, to execute(design) the solutions of general meetings of ACADEMY, and also solution of Presidium of ACADEMY;
  • Effectively to participate in scientific and other activity of ACADEMY, in activity of its(her) sections, commissions, of committees and is regular (not less often than time annually) to report in due form before a manual of the separationes;
  • To execute(design) the taken up when due hereunder responsibilitiess in relation to ACADEMY;
  • To render ACADEMIES assistance in implementation her(it) of the activity;
  • To introduce membership fees, if their payment is established by the solutions of Presidiums of separationes of ACADEMY.
  • 3.5. The membership in ACADEMY ceases in cases:
      • Escaping of ACADEMY at own will;
      • Exceptions of the members of ACADEMY for misconducts discrediting honour and a rank of the member of ACADEMY;
      • Violations of the responsibilities of the members of ACADEMY.
    3.6. In ACADEMY the honorary membership is stipulated. The honorary members of ACADEMY can be the persons who have lent support in implementation of the purposes and problems ACADEMY or the having paid significant(sizeable) contribution to public progressing.


    4.1. A maximum leading body of ACADEMY is the general Meeting of the members of ACADEMY convoked not less often than once per 3 years. Under the solution of Presidium of ACADEMY or on demand not less than 1/3 separationes of ACADEMY, and also on demand of a revision Committee of ACADEMY the extraordinary General meetings are convoked.
    4.2. The general meeting can decide any problems of activity of ACADEMY. To the exclusive competence of general Meeting concerns: n modification and additions(appendices) in the Charter; n definition of reference directions of activity of ACADEMY; n election for the period of 6 years of Presidium, President, vice-presidents and Revision committee; n the statement(confirmation) of the reports about activity of Presidium, President and Revision committee; n decision marking about reorganization and termination of activity of ACADEMY.
    4.3. The general meeting is considered competent, if on a nem is present not less than half of delegates of separationes of ACADEMY. The solutions are received by working majority of voices of the delegates, present on General meeting; on reorganization and termination of activity of ACADEMY, modification both additions(appendices) in the Charter and elections of Presidium - two thirds of voices of the present delegates. The form(shape) of voting is determined by general Meeting.
    4.4. In period between General meetings a permanent leading body of ACADEMY is the Presidium headed by the President. Into a structure of Presidium enter: the president, his(its) deputy - Maiden vice-president and vice-presidents on reference directions of activity.
    4.5. The presidium of ACADEMY is elected by general Meeting for the period of 6 years. The presidium can execute rotation and co-optation in the structure of the new members not less, than two thirds of voices, with the subsequent statement(confirmation) on General meeting. The members of Presidium can be re-elected on new term.
    4.6. Presidium of ACADEMY:
      • Will organize an implementation of decisions of general Meetings;
      • Asserts(approves) symbolics of ACADEMY;
      • Receives the solutions on convocation of the next and extraordinary General meetings of ACADEMY, introduces the proposals on the agenda of caucuss and order of their activity;
      • Receives the solutions on definition of recent trends of activity;
      • Receives the solutions on forming sections, commissions, committees;
      • Receives the solutions on creation of separationes, branches, representations;
      • Asserts(approves) pattern and list of staff of the Vehicle of ACADEMY, definite within the framework of the current legislation a system, forms(shape) and sizes of the wage of the nominal employees of the Vehicle of ACADEMY;
      • Asserts(approves) a rule(situation,position) about membership;
      • Adjudges the honorary awards, premium of ACADEMY with allowance for of contribution to public progressing and in activity of ACADEMY;
      • Decides problems on appropriation of a honorary membership in ACADEMY;
      • Esteems all proposals on an improvement of work of ACADEMY;
      • Asserts(approves) reception(trick) of the new members of ACADEMY;
      • Puts forward(extends) the candidatures on awarding of the state awards, premiums, and also extents and ranks;
      • Disposes of property and facilitiess of ACADEMY;
      • Passs the budget ACADEMIES and estimates of current expenses of ACADEMY;
      • Decides diverse problems of activity of ACADEMIES which are not included in the exclusive competence of general Meeting.
    The sittings of Presidium are carried out(conducted) by(with) the President or one of vice-presidents on a written commission of the President of ACADEMY.
    The presidium is considered competent, if in his(its) sittings participates not less than half of members of Presidium. The solutions are received by working majority of voices of the present members of Presidium. The form(shape) of voting is determined by Presidium.
    4.7. President of ACADEMY:
      • Executes a communal manual of activity of ACADEMY;
      • Disposes of property and facilitiess of ACADEMY within the limits of the approved estimate, has the right of the maiden signature on financial documents of ACADEMY;
      • Determines authorities of vice-presidents;
      • Presides over sittings of Presidium of ACADEMY or entrusts with it one of vice-presidents;
      • Executes a communal manual of activity of the Vehicle of ACADEMY, asserts(approves) a Rule(situation,position) about a nem, assigns for the period of three years of the Gen director;
      • On behalf of ACADEMY concludes the contracts, contracts and agreements;
      • Asserts(approves) Rules(situation,position) about sections, commissions, committees;
      • Issues the orders, disposal(order), operating instruction within the limits of the competence;
      • Asserts(approves) a structure and subjects of temporary creative groups;
      • Signs the solutions of Presidium of ACADEMY and diverse documents of ACADEMY;
      • Supervises over Coordination Advice of ACADEMY or entrusts with it one of vice-presidents;
      • Without the power of attorney acts on behalf of ACADEMY, gives the powers of attorney, introduces ACADEMY in attitudes(relations) with state Russian and foreign entities and entitiess, public organizations, their unions, other legal persons and citizens;
      • Executes(designs) other functions which are not included in the competence of general meeting and Presidium.
    In case of absence of the President of ACADEMY of his(its) function executes one of vice-presidents on a written commission of the President.
    4.8. The current activity of ACADEMY is executed by(with) the Vehicle of ACADEMIES headed by the Gen director.
    4.9. Gen director of ACADEMY:
      • Executes organizational and administrative control of property and businesses of ACADEMY;
      • As agreed with the President reshapes the Vehicle of ACADEMY, receives and dismisses from activity of the nominal employees of the Vehicle;
      • By proxy acts on behalf of ACADEMY.
    4.10. Coordination Advice is an introducing and observation body(organ) of ACADEMY.
    Coordination Advice includes all founders (constant structure), and also (variable structure): the same quantity of the persons who have rendered maximum financial and material support to activity of ACADEMY, and same quantity of the members of ACADEMY with the maximum contribution to public progressing and in activity of ACADEMY. Coordination Advice collects not less often 1 time annually. The solutions by Coordination Advice are received in case on sittings is present not less half of his(its) members. The solutions are received by an open vote by working majority of voices.
    The members of Coordination Advice:
      • Participate in sittings Presidium with a voice but no vote;
      • представительствуют on behalf of ACADEMY on conferences, workshops, formal receptions;
      • Participate in the solution of the main(basic) problems of selection of areas of activity of ACADEMY.
    The chairman of Coordination Advice is the President. The President or on his(its) commission one of vice-presidents presides over sittings of Coordination Advice. The solutions of Coordination Advice have recommendational nature.
    4.11. The pattern of ACADEMY is compounded by(with) separationes which are operational on the basis of the Charter of ACADEMY. The separationes of ACADEMY can execute the activity ground of charters, the purposes and problems which one do not contradict the purposes and problems of ACADEMY.
    4.12. A maximum leading body of separation which is operational ground of the Charter of ACADEMY, is the general Meeting of separationes convoked not less often 1 time per 3 years. The general meeting determines reference directions of activity of separation, elects for the period of 3 years Presidium, President, vice-presidents of separation, Revision committee. The general meeting of separation is considered competent, when on a nem is present not less than half of members of separation. The solutions are received by an open vote by working majority of voices.
    In period between general meetings the manual of activity by separation executes Presidium of separation, which one collects on the sittings as required. The presidium of separation executes reception(trick) of the new members of ACADEMY according to a Rule(situation,position) about membership in ACADEMY approved Presidium of ACADEMY. The separation in the activity is guided by also solutions of leading bodies of ACADEMY. The constant manual of separation is executed by(with) the President of separation. The separationes annually (till December 30) introduce to Presidium of ACADEMY the information on the activity for one year.
    4.13. The revision committee of ACADEMY is elected by general Meeting from among the members of ACADEMY which is not included in a structure of Presidium of ACADEMY.
    Revision committee:
    • Is accountable to general Meeting of ACADEMY;
    • Executes check behind финансово-economic activities of ACADEMY, making its(her) audit not less often than once annually;
    • Introduces the proposals and guidelines on meliorating activity of ACADEMY.


    5.1. THE ACADEMY executes the activity on the basis of full financial independence.
    5.2. THE ACADEMY after state registration as the legal person can have in the property the land lots, building, facilities, housing fund, office equipment, machinery, stock, money resources, shares, other valuable papers and diverse property indispensable for supply of materials for activity, foreseen Charter. The proprietor of facilitiess and property created or bought for usage in concerns of ACADEMY, is the ACADEMY as a whole. Each member of ACADEMY has no the property right to the property lot, inhering of ACADEMY. The separationes of ACADEMIES which are operational ground of the Charters, are the proprietors of inhering by him(it) of property. Separationes of ACADEMY, which one execute the activity on the basis of the Charter of ACADEMY, the operating controls by property consolidated behind them by ACADEMY have the right.
    5.3. Istochnik of formation of money resources and property of ACADEMY are: n introductory and membership fees; n the incomes of scientific, enterprise, educational, publishing and diverse activity, foreseen present Charter; n voluntary fees legal and natural persons, including foreign; n target and sponsor's fees; n the credits of banks; n of receipt(entry) from realization of общественно-scientific measures (forums, congresses, conferences, exhibitions, lectures); n diverse receipts(entries) which have been not prohibited by the law.
    5.4. Brought in introductory, member, sponsor's, учредительские fees and the target fees are routed on authorized activity of ACADEMY and to return are not subject.
    5.5. The incomes of enterprise and diverse activity of ACADEMY will be used by ACADEMY on implementation of the authorized purposes and problems and can not be reallocated between the members of ACADEMY.


    6.1. The variations and additions(appendix) in the Charter of ACADEMY are received by general Meeting of ACADEMY 2/3 voices of the selected delegates, present on her.
    6.2. The variations and additions(appendix) in the Charter of ACADEMY are subject to state registration in the order and terms established by the current legislation of Russian Federation, and gain a validity from the moment of such registration.


    7.1. The activity of ACADEMY can be ceased by liquidation under the solution of general Meeting or under the decree in the order established by the current legislation of Russian Federation.
    7.2. THE ACADEMY can also be reorganized by confluence, affixture, division(separation), emanating or transformation(conversion) in correspondence and in the order, foreseen Civil procedure law of Russian Federation.
    7.3. The solution of general Meeting on reorganization or liquidation of ACADEMY is deemed accepted, if for him(it) has voted not less than 2/3 delegates of general Meeting if there is quorum.
    7.4. Property and the facilitiess which have stayed after liquidation of ACADEMY, after a meeting requirements of the creditors are routed on the purpose, foreseen present Charter. The solution on usage of the stayed property is published by a liquidating commission in printing.
    7.5. THE ACADEMY provides the registration and safety of documents of the nominal employees and at termination of activity in time transmits them when due hereunder to state stowage.
    Moscow, 1996

    In International Academy of Public progressing (IPDA)  
    And about formation of structural subdivisions.

    I ""predicate" the President IPDA

    Б.А.Минин on September 20, 1996  

    1. General provisions, purpose and problem of academy

    2. Who can be the member IPDA

    3. Introduction in the members of Academy. A procedure of submission(supply), consideration and reception(trick) for the natural and legal persons

    4. Formation rule of separationes and other subdivisions of Academy

    5. Communal principles of proficiency of the members IPDA (rating of their public contribution)

    6. Rule of the reporting of separationes and members of Academy about executed(made) activities and their performance

    7. Rule of appropriation of a rank of the honorary member of Academy

    8. Rule of forming of Coordination Advice IPDA


    The present document regulates the ground rules of the introduction in the members of Academy, procedure of proficiency them under the creative contribution, and also formation rule of structural subdivisions of Academy, through which one is made in the main(basic) reception(trick) in the members of academy and which one will organize work.




    The academy acts ground of Charter. A subject of studies, developments and practical activity of Academy are the problems of creation of a methodology, legislative and practical perfecting of any activity of human community — economical, social, scientific, political and т. д. On all socially significant directions of public progress, including meliorating of psychophysiological, moral, aesthetic, sanitary-hygienic, political and diverse living environments, relaxation of tension in relationships between the people, collectives, countries, nations, races, stability augmentation of public existence and public progressing and implementation of harmony of interpersonal and intergovernmental attitudes(relations) of the person with the nature.
    The main(basic) form of work of Academy consists in development and implementation of the programs reshaped of a structure of a data bank, created and promoted(sustained) By academy, of ideas, projects, proposals and with engaging on the competitive basis(fundamentals) of the initiators — of the implementators and investors. Thus in case of repayment of these activities with the Customer the stipulated part of facilitiess is selected(allocated) on the wage of the workers IPDA (according to their fraction of involvement), and the income of implementation of the activities, conducted By academy, is divided between all initiators and participants of activities, including between entitiess according to their fraction of involvement in the particular project, including involvement in financing, in fulfilment of the projects and in implementation of their outcomes.
    For creation of the launching capital the charter of Academy envisions draft on funds of the sponsors, collective members of Academy and т. д. The contributions in any form(shape) are allowed.
    To those entitiess and persons, which one will reshape the launching capital, the prime right on selection and involvement in the particular projects, in Coordination advice of Academy is afforded(granted), they afford(granted) a definite fraction in the incomes and other privileges.
    Besides the scientific Academies are ready to decide in the prime order of a problems facing to the entitiess - sponsors.
    All principled solutions on activity Academy will be received on General meeting of Academy, and in intervals(interspaces) between them — by its(her) Presidium.


    According to the Charter IPDA (item 1.1, 3.1), the members of Academy can be the natural persons — basically scientific, inventors, specialists in any line of business, public figures, and also legal persons (only public associations — an item 3.1 Charters), having paid and ready to introduce the scientific, creative and intellectual(intelligent) potential ы progressing of human community, in implementation of the programs of Academies abiding its(her) Charter, right and responsibility of the members of Academies sectioning her(it) of the purpose and a problem (an item 3.1).
    They can enlist as a structure already of derivated regional or branch separationes, and to derivate the separationes IPDA, including with the corporate franchise (item 3.1 Charters). The nonselfmaintained structural subdivisions form by separationes or as a whole by Academy for fulfilment of definite working functions — temporary or constants.


    3.1. THE INTRODUCTION of the natural PERSONS In the MEMBERS IPDA, according to the Charter IPDA (item 3.1), is made under the written application, and also with submission(representation) of a number(series) of other materials (Appendix А). The acceptance of the natural persons in the members of Academy by separationes implements independently on the basis of the given Appendix about membership in IPDA. The materials of a private affair (package(packet) of documents) each of the claimants are transmitted in Presidium of Academy to the statement(confirmation).
    Simultaneously among them the materials indispensable for a rating of the creative public useful contribution of the candidate (competitor) in the form(shape) of the Questionnaire of a rank — see the Appendix In can be submitted(shown). The rating is made by the Maximum qualifying commission, derivated at Academy, (ВКК).
    The forms(shape) of some documents, introduced in the Appendix And and Appendix In, are given with an example of infill.
    The application with a package(packet) of indispensable documents sent in Presidium of any of the derivated separationes — on Russian (English language), should be reviewed by him(it) within 15 calendar days with rendition of the applicable solution. After forming all package(packet) of documents he is afforded(granted) in Presidium IPDA — in one copy (Record card — in 2 copies). The presidium after перепроверки of documents esteems these documents on the nearest sitting and bears the applicable solution. Only after a positive solution the claimants pay an entrance fee, the vehicle of Academy prepares Certificate (membership card). After calculation of the creative contribution the Diploma about awarding a creative extent (Section 5) is given.
    The notice 1. In exceptional cases of absence of the applicable separationes the application from the natural persons and all package(packet) of documents from them can be sent directly in Presidium IPDA with the subsequent transfer(transmission) of businesses to the necessary separation (after his(its) formation).
    The notice 2. The founders of Academy and its(her) separationes (after their reception(trick) in Academy) become the members of Academy automatically. Thus the materials from a list in shorthand form (№№ 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9 Appendices А) are introduced. The items of information on their creative contribution in the form(shape) of the Questionnaire of a rank for definition of a creative extent should be submitted(shown) not later than in 5 months after his(its) entity.
    The members of Academy — the natural persons who have entered Academy after the statement(confirmation) of the present Rule(situation,position), pay an entrance fee at a rate of 4 МЗП in Russian Federation. The repayment is made on the settlement account of Academy (through separationes).
    The complementary sums of an entrance fee on the payment of expenses of separationes are determined by them and affirm by the vehicle of Academy.
    The lists approved by Presidium IPDA of the members of Academy and members of Academy, are adjudged which one definite creative extents, are sent in separationes not later than within 7 calendar days after the statement(confirmation) them on Presidium of Academy (awarding of an extent ВКК). After listing in the vehicle of Academy of the indispensable sums of an entrance fee in 7 calendar days the certificates (membership cards) are sent.
    The certificate of the member of academy is signed by the chiefs of Academy (endorsement of membership in IPDA) and Separation (as direct chief). The prolongation of operating of certificate of the members of Academy registered through the separationes, is executed by(with) the chiefs of these separationes.
    3.2. The solution on regular membership fees by each separation is received independently. At the solution on the introducing on the settlement account of academy 20 % from the acting(going) sums is enumerated.
    3.3. In the MEMBERS of ACADEMY CAN BE ADOPTED the legal PERSONS — but only public associations (Charter, item 3.1 and 3.2). Except for the application hand of the chief, materials verifying the solution of a leading body of association (or his(its) copy) and opening the contribution of association in public progressing, and also schedules of activity in a structure of Academy — the Appendix In. For the materials verifying the solution of a leading body of association (or his(its) copy) and
    The endorsement about reception(trick) of the legal person in Academy (Certificate of a form) is given in name of association with the indicating of his(its) chief (chiefs). The employees of such associations at will enlist Academy on the communal basis.


    According to the Charter IPDA (item 4.6 and 4.11), the separationes form on the basis of the solution of the constituent assemblies of these separationes. The minutes of caucuss are transmitted in Presidium of Academy. A full list and the forms(shape) of documents are given in the Appendix. The entrance fee and order of repayment corresponds(meets) to a fee and order of repayment for the members of Academy — of the legal persons (except for those, which one are derivated up to the statement(confirmation) of the given Rule(situation,position)).
    For obtaining the diplomas about a creative extent of public progressing as a rule simultaneously (at availability) or later, it is desirable not later than 6 months after formation of separation, the materials verifying the public contribution of each their founders (in the form(shape) of the Questionnaire of a rank an ARE — the Appendix В) are introduced.
    Can be if necessary created of two and more structural subdivisions with close regional and branch specificity.
    The minutes on formation of foreign separationes and all materials from them are prepared on or in Russian, and it are introduced to Presidium of Academy in Russian. The signatures are certified officially. And separation registers by the rules of the given country as public association.
    The documents about formation of separation and about reception(trick) of the members of Academy are prepared as a rule after the solution of Presidium — not later than 15 calendar days after submission(supply) of all kit of materials from the applicant. In exceptional cases, at impossibility to conduct in this term sitting of Presidium the indispensable solution can be accepted by the President or as agreed with it(him) by one of vice-presidents of Academy with the subsequent statement(confirmation) on the next sitting of Presidium.
    THE SOLUTION On CREATION of NONSELFMAINTAINED STRUCTURAL SUBDIVISIONS of Academy (temporary and constant creative groups, commissions, representations, branches, committees and т. д.) is received on presentation of one of the members of Presidium and is signed by the President or under his(its) disposal(order) — by vice-president of Academy. The chief of subdivision simultaneously affirms.
    The similar order is envisioned for creation of such subdivisions within the limits of each separation.
    The branches and representations (without the corporate franchise) form by the solutions of presidiums of Academy or its(her) separationes. The statement from the applicable solution of separation introduce to Presidium of Academy within ten calendar days.
    All clerical work in the vehicle of Academy is carried on in Russian. The foreign subjects introduce to Presidium of Academy of the item of information in transfer(translation) on Russian, as a last resort into English language.
    The certificate on reception(trick) of separationes or members of Academy — of the legal persons is prepared in Russian or in English, if necessary — on a national language of separation.


    The definition of the contribution of the members IPDA in public progressing is the major conceptual basis(fundamentals) of creation of academy.. It is consolidated by the Charter of academy (item 3.2), that is such rating should be passed whenever possible by(with) all members of Academy.
    The creative contribution and accordingly appropriation of a creative extent of the candidate, doctor, member - correspondent or academician (member) of public progressing is determined by a Maximum qualifying commission (ВКК) extremely ground of complex(integrated) quantitative rating of the public contribution — of public performance of the shown one or several creative achievements by usage of maximum objective methods, with maximum usage for a rating of the objective data, public opinion (public preferences) by interrogation of the specialists, applying эконометрических and sociological studies, discussion in mass media and т. д.
    The communal principles of definition of the creative contribution in public progressing are given in the Appendix In. For the pioneers of creation of academy, members of Presidium and founders of separationes among activities valued at definition of public performance, their contribution to creation of Academy — but after occurrence(appearance) общественно of significant activities created under aegis of the Academy and its(her) separationes can be allowed. According to the charter (the item 3.2), for the members of Presidium is expedient to pass a rating within six months after state registration of Academy and, therefore, documents, indispensable for it, should introduce in ВКК not later than 5 months (т. е. Up to the extremity of October, 1996). The similar order (about passing a rating within six months from the date of their formation) is entered and for the founders of separationes.


    The reporting of separationes and members of Academy about executed(made) activities is entered:
    - For forming a communal rating of an overall performance of all Academy,
    - For updating(adjusting) performance (rank) of each of the members of academy and accordingly rises of their creative extent (which one because of a natural obsolescence of achievements slowly, but steadily decreases),
    - For framing or updating(adjusting) of the schedules of further activities of Academy depending on the most effective embedding of forces and facilitiess.
    Annually (excepting year of formation of separationes) till December 15 in Presidium of academy should be reported(presented a report) the actually working members of academy of each separation and report on the activities, conducted for year, (that was made, what has influenced, that has varied and whenever possible — as far as) with differentiation of the contribution of each participant of activities.
    The reporting includes a list of made activities (if fulfilment installment — that of the officially finished stages of activities); their entity, purpose and facilitiess obtained outcomes, and also list of the participants — of the members IPDA and their individual share in the conducted activities. If the calculation (recalculation) of a rank is supposed, the items of information on each activity are introduced under the form(shape) of the questionnaire of a rank — the Appendix В.
    Non-presentation of the annual reports about the conducted activities or insignificance (public маловажность) activities allow to pose a problem on dissolving of separationes and exception of their members.

    7. RULE of APPROPRIATION of a RANK of the honorary MEMBER of ACADEMY

    The rank of the honorary Member of International Academy of public progressing is assigned under the totals for one year at submission(representation) of the candidate not less than two members of Presidium of Academy either separationes on General meeting or sitting of Presidium by working majority of voices from among the worthy citizens of the Earth, having paid significant(sizeable) contribution to public progressing of human community not valued by quantitative yardsticks.
    At a positive solution not later March of following year to the candidates (up to 15 persons) the design of Certificate of the honorary Member of Academy is envisioned, and also (it is ground of the special joint solution of Presidium of Academy and Federal Center of Certification) Honorary certificate, solution permanently.
    From the winners who have obtained the Honorary certificate, the honorary Members of International Academy of public progressing become ground of special joint solution of Presidium of Academy and Federal Center of Certification. Thus the Certificate of the honorary Member IPDA is given. If the winners — public associations, entitiess, companies, collectives and т. д., including the legal persons, certificate are given to their maiden persons.
    According to the Charter of an item 4.10, Coordination Advice includes all founders of academy (constant structure), and also (variable structure): the same quantity of the persons who have rendered maximum financial and material support to activity of academy, and same quantity of the members of Academy with the maximum contribution to public progressing and in activity of Academy counted according to the rules adopted by Presidium of Academy.
    The problems of primary forming of a list of the members КС are decided by Presidium on presentation of one of his(its) members and in case of his(its) acceptance for the basis(fundamentals) after indispensable adaptation affirm by the President IPDA.
    At further natural rotation the resized list КС with actuation new and exception before the consisting members of Coordination Advice on presentation of two members of Presidium of Academy is regular (but not more often time per one half-year) is esteemed with allowance for of documentary data on General meeting or on Presidium and affirms by the President of Academy.
    Moscow, 1996

    The appendix And



    А. The following documents are indispensable for the introduction in IPDA from the natural persons:

    1). Envelope with 3-мя by photos by a size 3х4 - not glossy;

    2). THE RECORD CARD, see below, Example 1 (is prepared by Separation),

    3). THE SUBMISSION(REPRESENTATION) of the candidate from the member of Presidium of separation or Presidium IPDA - see is lower an Example 2 (is prepared by Separation),

    4). HELP about creative, scientific, scientific - organizational and practical activity of the candidate - arbitrary form(shape) (from management or administration or техсовета or Scientific advice..., where the candidate, or any known specialist) - Example 3 works;

    5). LIST of the MAIN(BASIC) TRANSACTIONSES of the candidate (under the generally accepted form(shape)) or item of information on it(him) other creative общественно useful achievements (in the arbitrary form(shape)),

    6) THE APPLICATION of the candidate for desire to participate in activities IPDA with the indicating of particular directions and briefly personal program of the candidate of his(its) creative, scientific and scientific - organizational and practical activity in IPDA - см.ниже, Example 4;

    7). COPIES of the DIPLOMAS about the termination(ending) of high SCHOOL, about awarding a scientific degree or appropriation of a scientific rank etc. If the candidate is the member of other academies, the copies of the diplomas of these academies are introduced,

    8). QUESTIONNAIRE of a RANK of outcomes of creative activities, creative achievements (Appendix В) with the filled data by results of own calculations - whenever possible. Submission(representation) of in-depth documents about the creative contribution, and accordingly and definition of a creative extent of the competitor and issue to him of the diploma can be carried out and after reception(trick) in the members of Academy,

    9). BOOK, TRANSACTIONS, COPY of the ARTICLES...- Most representative, whenever possible. For the founders of Academy and separationes it is necessary to introduce within 3 months the abbreviated package(packet) of documents, №№ 1, 2, 6 (i.e. that is pointed out is pointed out); remaining - whenever possible.

    In this sequence the package(packet) for submission(representation) on the statement(confirmation) in Presidium of Academy should be numbered. If the involvement of the specialist in activities already spent IPDA is supposed the written approval of the Chief of a direction is required, where the candidate acts(goes).

    Examples of fulfilment of some documents

    Example 1.

    THE RECORD CARD of the member IPDA

    ФИО or title entitiess - legal person

    Separation (№, title)

    Date of the introduction in Academy

    The main(basic) lines of business

    Scheduled(budgeted) activities in a structure of Academy

    Computational rank: on. 19 for .19.

    Achievements (Achievements) ______________ _________________

    Personal - ____________ __________________

    Example 2.

    to the PRESIDENT

    International Academy of public progressing Б.А. Минину


    I represent you on the statement(confirmation) as the member of Academy ИВАНОВА Ивана Ивановича, 1940 years of birth, украинца, specialist under the theory and practice of an odontology managed to stage in Crimea successfully working стоматологический center high-level charities rather respected person and specialist.
    The appendices:... (Вице-) the president of Separation.....
    Example 3.
    If not personally from the known specialist, on the form entitiess
    About creative and practical activity ИВАНОВА Ивана Ивановича.
    The scientific - practical activity Иванов И.И. The beginnings in an orb... On reference directions... Already then in activity Иванова И.И. Was exhibited... Send activities... The articles, book are transferred(translated)... С... On...... Has completed courses... Itself carried on courses... Now... Practically all developments Иванов И.И. Will be realised... It decides a lot of problems of social nature...
    Outside of doubt, activity И.И.И. Can promote... In IPDA could head a direction... Or to participate in..., to support...

    Example 4.

    to the PRESIDENT

    International Academy of public progressing Б.А. Минину


    I ask you to consider a capability of the introduction me in the members of Academy. With the constitutional instruments IPDA is acquainted and with them completely agree. In frameworks IPDA is ready to undertake the following responsibilitiess: (напр., on strengthening of financial, material and technical base, - is particular; to participate in development... The projects and programs; to assist in the publication of materials of Academy, in transfers(translations) and technical activities; other...)
    Documents, indispensable for competition, I append the Appendices on... Sheets. A signature, telephone
    Б. FROM the legal PERSONS - only of public associations are indispensable:
    1) THE RECORD CARD of separation, see is higher (is spacefilled(stuffed) by Separation)
    2) The written APPLICATION hand of the chief of association - the example 5 is given below;
    3) THE STATEMENT FROM the SOLUTION of a leading body of association (or his(its) copy) about intention to enter in the members of Academy
    4) Materials verifying the contribution of association in public progressing and the schedules of activity in a structure of Academy (the arbitrary form(shape))
    Example 5.
    The form entitiess

    to the PRESIDENT

    International Academy of public progressing Б.А. Минину


    Our organization is engaged in social problems, executes(designs) the following programs..., has following creative, intellectual(intelligent), material and diverse potential... I ask you to consider the problem on acceptance by ours entitiess in a structure IPDA on the rights of the collective member. With the charter IPDA are acquainted and completely agree.
    Are ready to undertake involvement in financial and material and technical progressing IPDA:...... And - or in development.... Etc. and т.п.......................................
    The director.....

    The appendix




    1. To familiarize with the Charter of Academy, in particular(personally), with its(her) purposes and problems (item 2), with the rules of activity of structural subdivisions (item 4.11, 4.12), and also with the Program of activities on a near future.

    2. To select collective of the adherents (not less than 3 persons), sectioning rule(situation,position), purpose and problem of Academy recognizing its(her) Charter and ready to share in particular activities.

    3. To select a title of separationes reflective regional or branch specificity.

    4. To conduct the constituent assembly of separation. The minutes of caucus to carry out under the form(shape) which is mentioned below (examples 1, 2).

    5. In Presidium of Academy to transmit 2 copies of the minutes + item of information on the founders (under the form(shape) Example 3) + schedules (outlook) of activity of separation in a structure IPDA (in the arbitrary form(shape)) see is lower -. For foreign separationes the transferred(handed) materials should be in Russian, as a last resort - in English. The signatures under the minutes should be reassured officially.

    6. After acceptance on the nearest sitting of Presidium of the solution about acceptance of separation the Certificate on reception(trick) of separation in a structure IPDA is made out, and the Certificates of the members of Academy (membership cards) are given to the founders of separation. The diplomas about a creative extent are given to them on the communal basis after calculation of their personal contribution in public progressing and appropriations of a creative extent on introduced by them to materials (questionnaire of a rank).

    Example 1


    Constituent general meeting on creation of separation of International Academy of public progressing  

    " АА (Title reflective regional or professional specificity) "

    City... "....." ............. 19.
    ФИО (not less than three persons)
    1. Elections of the chairman and secretary of caucus. 2. About creation of structural subdivision - separation of International Academy of public progressing; 3. About acceptance by him(it) of the Charter of Academy; 4. About forming managing and контрольно-auditorial bodies(organs) - about the statement(confirmation) of the President of separation, his(its) deputy - Vice-president (тов) and chairman of a revision Committee of separation; 5. About the introduction into pattern of ACADEMY 6. About intention to be filed in the locale according to the operational regional (national) legislation.
    On the maiden problem: LISTENED: .......... Has offered to elect by the chairman of caucus -, secretary -. HAVE DECIDED: to elect .......... Chairman of caucus, to elect by the secretary of caucus. (it is accepted solidly).
    On the second problem: LISTENED: has offered to create structural subdivision of International Academy of public progressing. HAVE DECIDED: to create structural subdivision of Academy - separation of International Academy of public progressing "АА", occurrence of leading bodies - city. (it is accepted solidly).
    On the third problem: LISTENED: has offered to accept by subdivision the Charter of International Academy of public progressing. HAVE DECIDED: to accept the offered Charter of International Academy of public progressing as a whole and to be guided by him(it) in the activity. (it is accepted solidly).
    On the fourth problem: LISTENED: has offered to form following managing and контрольно-auditorial bodies(organs) of structural subdivision of International Academy of public progressing: - Presidium of separation of Academy in a structure: the president of separation and his(its) deputy - vice-president, - Revision committee - in a structure of the chairman (from a structure of the founders) and two members (from a structure of the new members of subdivision). (it is accepted solidly).
    . Has offered to elect: - president of separation of International Academy of public progressing; - vice-president of separation of International Academy of public progressing; - chairman of a revision Committee. (it is accepted solidly).
    On the fifth problem: LISTENED: has offered to ask Presidium of International Academy of public progressing to accept the created subdivision in the structure. HAVE DECIDED: to address to Presidium with the request for acceptance of the created subdivision in a structure of Academy.
    On the sixth problem: LISTENED: has offered to learn a problem on registration in the locale according to the operational regional (national) legislation. HAVE DECIDED: to entrust to learn a problem and if necessary to prepare the applicable documents for 6 months.
    The chairman of caucus the Secretary of caucus (the Signatures are certified officially)
    The items of information on the chief: ФИО, date of birth, nameplate data, telephones the FOREIGN SEPARATIONES INTRODUCE To ACADEMY IN RUSSIAN, As a last resort - IN ENGLISH.

    Example 2 (with infill)


    Constituent general meeting on creation of separation of International Academy of public progressing


    City MOSCOW of May 10 1996г.



    ЗАХАРЧЕНКО Василий Дмитриевич,
    СМИРНОВ Hermann Владимирович,
    МОСИН Игорь Иванович,
    ЩЕРБАКОВ Владимир Иванович.
    1. Elections of the chairman and secretary of caucus. 2. About creation of structural subdivision - separation of International Academy of public progressing; 3. About acceptance by him(it) of the Charter of Academy; 4. About forming managing and контрольно-auditorial bodies(organs) - about the statement(confirmation) of the president of separation, his(its) deputies - vice-presidents and chairman of a revision Committee of separation; 5. About the introduction into pattern of ACADEMY 6. About intention to be filed in the locale according to the operational regional (national) legislation.
    On the maiden problem: LISTENED: ЗАХАРЧЕНКО В.Д. Has offered to elect by the chairman of caucus - СМИРНОВА Г.В, secretary - ЩЕРБАКОВА В.И. HAVE DECIDED: to elect СМИРНОВА Г.В. By the chairman of caucus to elect ЩЕРБАКОВА В.И. By the secretary of caucus. (it is accepted solidly).
    On the second problem: LISTENED: ЗАХАРЧЕНКО В.Д. Has offered to create structural subdivision of International Academy of public progressing. HAVE DECIDED: to create structural subdivision of Academy - separation of International Academy of public progressing " the PUBLIC INFORMATION And SPIRITUAL PROGRESSING of MANKIND ", occurrence of leading bodies - city MOSCOW. (it is accepted solidly).
    On the third problem: LISTENED: СМИРНОВ Г.В. Has offered to accept by subdivision the Charter of International Academy of public progressing. HAVE DECIDED: to accept the offered Charter of International Academy of public progressing as a whole and to be guided by him(it) in the activity. (it is accepted solidly).
    On the fourth problem: LISTENED: ЩЕРБАКОВ В.И. Has offered to form following managing and контрольно-auditorial bodies(organs) of structural subdivision of International Academy of public progressing: - Presidium of separation of Academy in a structure: the president of separation and his(its) deputies - vice-presidents, - Revision committee - in a structure of the chairman (from a structure of the founders) and two members (from a structure of the new members of subdivision). (it is accepted solidly).
    ЩЕРБАКОВ В.И. Has offered to elect: ЗАХАРЧЕНКО В.Д. - president of separation of International Academy of public progressing; СМИРНОВА Г.В. And МОСИНА И.И. - vice-presidents of separation of International Academy of public progressing; ЩЕРБАКОВА В.И. - chairman of a revision Committee. (it is accepted solidly).
    On the fifth problem: LISTENED: ЗАХАРЧЕНКО В.Д. Has offered to ask Presidium of International Academy of public progressing to accept the created subdivision in the structure. HAVE DECIDED: to address to Presidium with the request for acceptance of the created subdivision in a structure of Academy.
    On the sixth problem: LISTENED: ЗАХАРЧЕНКО В.Д. Has offered to learn a problem on registration in the locale according to the operational regional (national) legislation. HAVE DECIDED: to entrust ЩЕРБАКОВУ В.И. To learn a problem and if necessary to prepare the applicable documents during 6 months.
    The chairman of caucus СМИРНОВ. В.
    The secretary of caucus ЩЕРБАКОВ In. И.
    The chief (president): Захарченко Василий Дмитриевич, 10 .10.1925 г.р., passport(certificate)... Ph. 290-.....

    Example 3
    THE ITEMS OF INFORMATION ON the FOUNDERS presented in Presidium to Academy (by the way of the table)
    ФИО, Date of birth, Formation (that, where, № of the diploma), Speciality under the diploma, Complementary specialities, Extent and rank, Address, telephones.
    Under the same form(shape) are reported(presented a report) the members of Academy (is generalized for one year by December 15 - except for year of formation).





    Appendix In


    ( With usage of withdrawals from a Rule(situation,position) about ВКК)
    The creative contribution and accordingly appropriation of a creative extent of the candidate, doctor, member - correspondent or academician (member) of public progressing is determined by a Maximum qualifying commission (ВКК). The members of Academy and engaged specialists enter, except for the chiefs ВКК, into a structure of Advice ВКК. For activity in a structure of commissions ВКК the qualified specialists on directions - including, as agreed, members of expert and specialized advices ВАК, Scientific Advices of institutes and other entitiess are invited on the constant or temporary basis(fundamentals).
    The procedure of a rating (expertise) and appropriations of a creative extent is carried out(conducted) both for the members of Academy, and for other persons after submission(representation) by the competitors demanded for a rating of each achievement of the Questionnaire of a rank.
    The creative extent is determined extremely ground of complex(integrated) quantitative rating of the public contribution of public performance shown the candidate (competitor) one or several achievements with calculation of their rank and relative effect instituted(spotted) by a full demonstrated potential of outcomes of creative activities.
    Thus the value of economical, social and scientific effect is allowed. Generally (except for cases, when there are documentary data for definition by a method of the forward(straight) score) they are counted the basis:
    - Documentary definite scale of a social production (совокупныхсреднегодовых of the costs of this production, in нац. ед.), which one potentially or actually is affected by(with) outcomes of creative activities of the competitor, and
    - Is rated or экспертно of a definite extent (performance) of this effect - variation of the costs or / and outcomes because of rise of their quality.
    Besides at definition of a rank of achievements on their potential effect, computational term of an obsolescence of creative achievements, their residual term (with allowance for of time, elapsed after their creation), mean odds of usage of a potential and fraction of personal involvement in taken into account activities is determined. The philosophys of definition of a rank, form(shape) of submission(representation) of input datas - Questionnaire of a rank for definition of the public contribution are adduced in a Rule(situation,position) and methodical materials about ВКК.
    The questionnaire of a rank contain:
    - Outcomes of an authoring self-rating; n outcomes of a rating of the same activities on the same arguments by one opponent under the guideline of the competitor by two opponents assigned ВКК; and also
    - Outcomes of a rating by other specialists under their initiative and
    - Final outputs.
    At assertion of two or several achievements is spacefilled(stuffed) of two or several questionnaire. All indispensable substantiations and calculations are appended to the questionnaire (to the questionnaire). Without them the applicable graphs of the questionnaire are leave outed.
    The questionnaire are sent on a tentative inquiry on E-mail. Helps by telephone (095) 241-38-08, 39-03.
    During analysis of input datas and the protection are tested:
    - Authorship of achievement;
    - The novelty of presented activity in the authoring verbiage of their entity " the formulas of Achievement " (if necessary she is adjusted); - optimum on a structure of members (tags) of valued achievement;
    - Extent of proof, justification (idealized and practical) Achievement, his(its) "functionability", realizability and competitiveness with allowance for everything, including psychological, price and diverse factors, and also outcomes of the documentary affirmed facts of usage etc.;
    - Extent of public progressivity of Achievement with allowance for of long-distance forward(straight) and indirect positive and negative public consequences from implementation of outcomes of valued Achievement;
    - Veracity of the introduced items of information.
    Under the updated data the final settlement of a rank and relative effect of achievement with allowance for of actual obsolescence is carried out(conducted) and the creative extent is accordingly determined присваемая to the competitor, its(her) time history (because of a natural obsolescence) and is determined a creative extent of the competitor.
    The definitive statement(confirmation) of outcomes of definition of the public contribution from each Achievement is carried out(conducted) as a rule after personal protection by their writers (competitors) on sitting ВКК. For calculation of the contribution of the competitor at submission(representation) of two and more Achievements the complementary Questionnaire of a personal rank is spacefilled(stuffed) (IS SCARLET).
    The generalizing and opening-up of the concluding about the personal public contribution (public usefulness) is made by a Maximum Qualifying commission (ВКК).
    At a positive solution of a Commission the diploma with the indicating of his(its) creative extent of public progressing on the moment of calculation with the indicating of year of recalculation (перепроверки) is given to the selected member of Academy.
    By results of protection or independent analysis of calculations the Commission ВКК makes out the minutes of sitting of a Commission (if necessary - with the indicating of separate opinions). According to the solution of working majority after the statement(confirmation) of calculations the Chairman ВКК gives the Diploma accordingly of CANDIDATE, DOCTOR, MEMBER - CORRESPONDENT or ACADEMICIAN (member) of PUBLIC PROGRESSING with a statement of the time of his(its) operating outgoing from residual term of an obsolescence of introduced achievements.

    Correspondence with the resident Representative of Russian Federation at Entitiess of an integrated nation
    С.В. Laurel

    ЦНИИбыт Госрегистрация of a System SCQ
    № РОСС RU. 0001.040008

    Academy of public progressing
    Registration Минюста № 3216 from 29.05.96 г
    Russia, Moscow, 121002, Сивцев Вражек 29/16, ЦНИИбыт Phone/fax (095) 241 39 03, 241 38 08
    To the resident representative of Russian Federation in the United Nations  
    С.В. Лаврову
      Ref. 0500-45  
    From 21.05.2001г.
    Dear Сергей Викторович!  

    We did not manage to find your coordinates in Moscow, and it is necessary to access to you through ocean with the request: to help to conduct in the United Nations our proposals, first of all - about reorganization of the world legislation.  
    It seems, that for ours, as well as for any other country, there will be any sense (probably, not only moral) to introduce in the United Nations the initiatives. Especially, if they are effective enough and can become useful for world community.  
    If it so, and the United Nations will express desire to conduct tendered subjects together with the specialists of other countries, probably, it will be possible to find and worthy financing. These subjects:  
    1. We would like to offer for international implementation outcomes of our rather durable development (under aegis of Expert council of Committee of safety Госдумы Russian Federation) problems concerning essential, radical reforming international правоустройства on new, well understandable to all возмездной ("«reflexive") to the basis(fundamentals) - of material indemnification(compensation) by any offenders of all marked damage: economical, material, physical, social, moral... It is much more effective and more humanely, than casuistry of the modern legislation, especially - principle « око for око », bomb for a bomb, violence for violence...  
            Later it will allow easier all to come to rendezvous(approach) of the national legislations of the most different countries, to stop, or at least to lower opposition of races and civilizations, them "«разбегание", to lower social contrasts - already even that countries consuming more world (not own!) resources(safe lifes) or introducing the greater contribution to a pollution of the environment - that is mirrored in all terrestrial globe, - should wholly pay to other countries and peoples plotted damage. But and those who by international migration augments криминогенность of conditions(situation), that is too renders by other damage, should pay this damage for the migrants. Or international criminals, harboured by them.  
    It - major proposal. On our view, it will be useful not only Entitiess, but major - all a pattern.  

    2. As far as we know, a significant(sizeable) part, if not the majority of the programs executed(designed) under aegis of the United Nations, are socially significant. We could undertake a function of development and coordination of the method of application of a social rating (on an extent of their social security and usefulness) both social tracking of the projects and programs. The same developments would be beneficial to countries and to internal usage. Вс ё it would allow, at first, more is realized to select the projects and programs for implementation within the framework of the United Nations, and secondly, summarizing social and any diverse effect from all activity of the United Nations (and it is possible), her visually to demonstrate world community the usefulness, in dollars / dollars of the costs.   It would promote raising е ё of prestige for the large and small peoples.  

    3. Extremely relevant problem - well-timed detection and urging of maximum world achievements. Well-known, that the Nobel committee works, alas, is far from being by objective yardsticks and practically defaults ports of reference of the will Нобеля. At all events, he does not encompass общественно most significant socially - are oriented achievements, at the expense of which one, purely, and there is most relevant social progress of company,maybe, is unique relevant -. The value of the Nobel committee is great already because distributes considerable money and does(makes) it very much помпезно.  

      not crossing activity of this Committee, we could create under aegis of the United Nations organization (« a Maximum qualifying commission » or « Institute of an international rating »), which one would reveal and stimulated implementation of the best socially significant achievements offered and the more so realised in that or diverse countries. The tendered organization could as a fundamentals use universal methods and method of applications effectively developed by us together with the scientists of many other scientific entitiess with 1973-74гг. and already used in Russian Federation since 1994, ined an in Russian Federation, of certification of quality (SCQ).  
    Under aegis of the United Nations it is possible to create fine objectively operational organization without visible lacks awarding the diplomas of a creative extent of different levels more than once annually, and is regular, in accordance with a development and rating of manufacturing, technological, political, organizational and diverse achievements with maximum actual and - or by potential public effect. But major, through a network(grid) of the national entitiess she can stage a system of optimization and subsequent implementation in a pattern socially of most useful achievements and to accelerate social progress of company.  
      Convincingly I ask you to consider these proposals and to help in their implementation on favour and all of us, and world community.  
    The in-depth explanations on many problems of our activity can be received on our site.  
    Further correspondence it is desirable (but not necessarily) for a message through E-Mail.  
    Our address: 121002 Russia,. Moscow, пер. Сивцев Вражек, 29/16 ЦНИИбыт-ФЦС ph. in Moscow: (095) 241-38-08, 241-39-03.  

    With sincere respect,  
    The director of Methodical center of a System of certification SCQ,  
    The chief of Federal Center of certification, ЦНИИбыт,  
    The president of International Academy of public progressing,  
    The member of expert Council on social safety and social progressing (Госдума Russian Federation),  
    The candidate of engineering science, doctor of economical sciences,  
    проф., academician of International Academy of informatization
    Б.А. МИНИН  

    The resident representative of Russian Federation  
    The United Nations
    Permanent Representative  
    of the Russian Federation  
    to the United Nations
    136 East 67 Street  
    New York N.Y. 10021
    To the president of International Academy
    Public progressing

    Dear Борис Алексеевич,


    With concern has familiarized with a contents of your letter. Is pleasant, that your organization so lively and professionally is interested in problems of the international law. The enthusiasm of civil company, arising in Russia, is the relevant help in our activity.
    Many from the problems, indicated by you, are in center of a carried on now broad controversy concerning the future world order. The reasons, pronounced you, are conformable to modern lines in activity of the United Nations working above further progressing of the norms(standards) international правя, their adapting to new realities. The initiatives formulated in protrusion of the President of Russian Federation В.В.Путина on Саммите Тысячелетия in September, 2000 are aimed also at it.
      As to assistance in advance in the United Nations of the initiatives, tendered you, according to existing practice the look-alike problems are necessary are to coordinated with Department of international entitiess of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation, by(with) a manual which one, I do not doubt, with attention will consider   to your ideas. Besides. The international academy of public progressing as a non-governmental agency could itself take implementation of the projects within the framework of the United Nations, having received a consultative state at ЭКОСОС. In case of concern of you to interplay with a system of the United Nations the permanent Representative would be ready to render you indispensable assistance in obtaining a consultative state.



    Yours faithfully,  

    С.В. Laurels



    ЦНИИбыт Госрегистрация of a System SCQ
    № РОСС RU. 0001.040008

    Academy of public progressing
    Registration Минюста № 3216 from 29.05.96 г
    Russia, Moscow, 121002, Сивцев Вражек 29/16, ЦНИИбыт Phone/fax (095) 241 39 03, 241 38 08
    To the resident representative of Russian Federation in the United Nations  
    С.В. Лаврову
      Ref. 0513 - 45
    From 15.08.2001г.  
    On   yours   298 from 21.06.01
      Dear Сергей Викторович!

    FIRST OF ALL, With the LARGE DELAY WE WANT TO THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION To OUR PROPOSAL, FOR the LETTER With KIND ADVICES, at first, on transfer(transmission) of the own initiatives in the United Nations and, secondly, for the promised help in obtaining by us of the status of the associate member of the United Nations. The letter have received at the end of July, but while we have penetrated, have experienced...
    The solution of the second problem has appeared very expensive(dear) and labour-consuming: till 2 years of persevering punching. We have received the form(shape) of the application (in English), have found in the Internet materials on ЭКОСОС, very much   interesting, also we begin them to study. Let's think.
    Certainly, us the maiden problem most of all interests. We with pleasure respond to your availability to assist in his(its) advance. On our part unconditionally there is a large concern to interplay with a system of the United Nations, for we perceive the United Nations as a body(organ), which one can become the rather perspective lever(arm) of perfecting of life on the Earth.  
    At learning materials of secretariat of the United Nations at once there was a problem on extremely gentle usage of the United Nations of the authorities and capabilities on progressing human community.  
    Look: whether is not too retiring for such great (on an intention) entitiess, as the United Nations to promise « to promote spread of knowledge about the United Nations », « популяризации all over the world of activity of the United Nations », « assistance in realization of memorials », « engaging of attention... To great problems... » Etc. are of materials of Secretariat of the United Nations in problems and answers (in Russian).  
    Some hope for severe shear in this direction has sounded in the Message Кофи Аннана to the participants of Conference «South "- south" (Сан-Хосе, Costa Rica, January, 1997), in words about necessity to promote « association of business and market approaches with the responsibility for the solution of social and ecological problems » (is pointed out by us).
    That is tendered by(with) we in our letter to you from 21.05.2001г (ref. 0500-45.), concerns both to social, and to economical, and plus to entitiess of the present responsibility on measured damage.  
    Therefore we ask you, respected Сергей Викторович, to join our perseverance in interplay with a system of the United Nations in this problem, not waiting those 2 years.
    I think, as is poor now United Nations, but moral forces, and consequently also it is enough of definite capabilities for not ё, that creating at itself entitiess with rather useful functions to manage расшевелить of the progressively thinking capitalists on gradual financial resuscitation of such entitiess. By such way it will be possible permanently to ream capabilities and authorities of the United Nations in a direction of beefing-up of the role as subject or even as explorer общественно of the most useful ideas in life землян.  
    In this case we tender to create one of such entitiess, which one would take on herself development and implementation all three put by us in the letter of problems: and Reversionary right, and unified social - ecological expertise acting(going) in the United Nations of the projects (with a quantitative rating of effect and damage), and entitiess of morally - material urging of the writers, implementators and participants of implementation of the most significant national and global projects.
    Certainly, sometime to us already after obtaining the status of the associate member ЭКОСОС (after 2 or more than years of punching of this status) it will be possible to make it to us, probably,   and   itself.
    BUT IT CAN BE MADE AS MORE DIRECT: AT the United Nations??
    Money here - problem important. For example, at creation of more effective clone of the Nobel Committee. Without money even the most exact ratings only will frighten off. This year the premium fund of the Nobel committee has compounded about 20 млн. Dollars, on 1 млн. On the competitor and on his(its) experts. For Russia, certainly, there are enough 10 % of this sum. The initial contribution to this sum we shall try to extract for one oil king - truth, small company, but very progressive. And from him(it), if we will have status of the United Nations or given "«clone" will be created directly at the United Nations, many will adjoin, I am almost sure. By the way, all of them, except for maiden - always maiden, will be indicated in decreasing order of contributions on the diplomas. Whether it is advertising and prestige for them?
    For us at IPDA for a long time is created and the Maximum Qualifying Commission (ВКК operates, almost as ВАК), and we for a long time by everyone, who accesses to us, for symbolical plate we do(make) ratings and we give the applicable diplomas with extents of a creative level (see our site). Yes, calculations not prime, it not 2х2, but quite accessible to the mean economist or sociologist. So that if will be created ВКК the United Nations, it is possible to accredit the applicable Centers in capitals of miscellaneous countries under a methodical cap ООНЯ; is sure, they will learn without supergains.  
    By the way, the attempt of creation of a special body(organ) of a rating, treating and submission(representation) общественно of useful achievements with the log-book "«НОВИСТИКА" in center was attempted of years ten back through the Советско-American fund with a very beautiful title « For survival and progressing of mankind ». Introduced our project in Staffs the academician Заславская - probably, remember such... But Americans containing this Fund, all this was not interesting. A copy of some materials we shall send to you, it is better on E-mail, if you will exhibit the applicable concern.
    On our site (now he - also is submitted(shown) many materials on these problems.
    Recently Ministry of Foreign Affairs has responded to our proposals. We managed to contact to Department of international entitiess of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Александр Арсеньевич ОРЛОВ). From them we managed to receive promising of the help on both points of your guidelines: and concerning assistance in advance in the United Nations of the initiatives, offered us, and concerning obtaining by us of a consultative state at ЭКОСОС. We, seem, have understood, what is it limit мечтаний of the Russian entitiess and to overcome encumbrances it is necessary. Besides as a result of conference with the workers of Legal control (Игорь Константинович ПАНЁВКИН) we came to a conclusion(injection) about necessity of creation together with ГосДумой of working group on improvement of the text of the project of the international Agreement « About MUTUAL INDEMNIFICATION(COMPENSATION) of any KINDS of DAMAGE PLOTTED ONE ANOTHER by COUNTRIES, THEIR CITIZENS And FIRMS LOCATED ON THEIR TERRITORY, JOINT URGING ОБЩЕСТВЕННО of EFFECTIVE ACTIVITY » (working title).  
    The applicable letter to address Г.Н. Селезнева is now prepared.
    Сергей Викторович, large request to think of capabilities in all these businesses. It will be a good common cause. Let's be rads to any your advice.

    With sincere respect,  
    The director of Methodical center of a System of certification SCQ,    
    The chief of Federal Center of certification, ЦНИИбыт,    
    The president of International Academy of public progressing,    
    The member of expert Council on social safety and social progressing (Госдума Russian Federation),    
    The candidate of engineering science, doctor of economical sciences,    
    проф., academician of International Academy of informatization  
    Б.А. МИНИН  

    The chief IPDA - Boris A. MININ

    Ph.:241-39-03. The fax: 241-38-08. E-Mail

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