( Impression from Геленджикской of conference — June, 1997)
The publication " Dwelling among cedars " about two surprising old men and first of all about Анастасии, woman as though from other civilization with a very high intellectual(intelligent) potential (incident 1996 № 10, 11, 12) was remarked by many readers. She has appeared almost maiden of long turns of the subsequent correspondence dedicated this unique phenomenon.
To him was dedicated and scientific - practical conference, holding in June, 1997, in Геленджике. Its(her) integrating beginning was extension(issue) at last in a full volume of the book "Анастасия" — maiden of a serial " Ringing cedars of Russia ". The member редсовета of our log-book the president International Academy of public progressing Борис Минин was by the active participant of this conference. The story it(him) in some reduction(abbreviation) we pass to you.
Геленджик, the famous health resort between Sochi and Anapa, has met us by a completely not years(summer) cool, but cosy неза-полненностью of beaches and relative silence of shady avenues. Despite of modification and all subsequent cataclysms, it is impossible to say, that Геленджик dies: and the people гуляющий is, and the beaches not пустуют, both семечки are, and чебуреки... And everywhere gnash of music from metal soap boxes — of tape recorders... But on all it any spiritual mismatch to a subject of our conference was felt.
However conference and free controversies to us should be conducted in adjacent Джанхоте, in mountains.
The conference on a subject, is possible to formulate which one so: " a Phenomenon Анастасии, Геленджик and spiritual tourism ", threatened to be fruitful both in общесоциальном, and in the commercial schedule, and consequently many very interesting people there have gathered to collect which one in one place, in one time is simple so, for round desktop, even for a very abrupt subject, it is extremely improbable. The subject was put by the organizers of the given conference, — first of all by writer of the book "Анастасия" Владимиром МЕГРЕ, president of public association "Анастасия" Валентиной ЛАРИОНОВОЙ, his(its) director Владиславом ПЧЕЛИНЦЕВЫМ and chief of the Moscow exploratory center "Анастасия" Александром СОЛНЦЕВЫМ. These people curious in themselves, and in joint with the given subject, as speak, it too. So that conference really expected to be very interesting. It is necessary to say, the waitings were quite justified.
The impressions of the reports and set of proprietary conversations are now integrated in a unit, which one and is set up here. The sources will be mentioned in the extremity. At last, I would not want to undertake so to say "spiritual" generalizing of conference — on my view best this generalizing is made В.В. Пчелинцевым, it should be printed out independently.
For me personally main outcome of conference was acquaintance and dialogue with mass of the very interesting people, the same as also I, grasped by Idea Анастасии. And second — further переподтверждение of its(her) verity and self-value: even after a dual(twin) biassed perusal though both fascinating, and brilliant language of the written book "Анастасия", percents on twenty for me remained of doubts. No, not it is so much in the truth of existence Анастасии, eventually it not so is important, how much in progressivity and practicability of the ideas, set up in the book, for our company at our stage of his(its) progressing. The conviction in this schedule for me has increased multiply.
By the evidence that this my conviction is not unique, were both outcomes of conference, and the support of mass of the quite severe people, businessmen, scientific, specialists, people of social and technical creativity, is opened promoting Idea Анастасии (tens their entitiess with surnames and by coordinates are adduced in the book).
It was possible to reveal the interesting moment, which one at talk with In. Мегре. He speaks that his(its) occurring with Анаста-сией was preconceived beforehand. For 2 years see you with Анастасией in Novosibirsk he has purchased саженцы of a cherry, which one then have played in a history with Анастасией the special role. And ten years prior to it there was a curious occurring Мегре with the father Феодоритом in Zagorsk, of which one him has reminded Анастасия. A photo of the father Феодорита I saw by own eyes. — But it is all will be in the second book. Perhaps, not less interesting, than maiden.
The participants of conference met by the newspaper "Анастасия", edition, exhausted by forces, of the newspaper " All Novorossisk " (chapter the editor of. ИВАЩЕНКО), with the brief announcement on the maiden page: usual setting up of your country site(segment) can be for you the most qualified family doctor... How to save the man from блуда and itself to not become блудницей... How to educate the genius... — all this read in the book In. Мегре "Анастасия"
attention! Бардам, artists, poets, people creative! The competition on the best poetic, musical, art activities connected to a subject of a Faith, Hope, Love dedicated daughters of the Siberian taiga Анастасии, heroin of the book In. Мегре "Анастасия" is declared.
1 prize — 2 thousand dollars.
2 prizes — 1 thousand dollars.
3 prizes — 500 dollars.
Activities to send to the address: 117261. Moscow of p.o. 738 in Moscow of ph. 134-84086, 299-09-76, 353-94-77, 630121. Novosibirsk - 121, а.я 247
— From the book В.Мегре and from the articles in the Chip you know — Анастасия it is the daughter of the Siberian taiga.
The daughter of a taiga in forward(straight) and portable sense of this word. Born by the mother on taiga полянке, she has remained one. Its(her) mother and father soon have perished. The grandfather and great-grandfather have not taken her(it) with itself and have kept on поляне, having granted a surrounding world its(her) education. Love to her of the ambient nature and special natural wisdom allow today twenty - восьилетней, is dazzling fine отшельнице of the Siberian taiga, to strike by a level of the intellect.
Consequent of an occurring of the known businessman and daughter of the Siberian taiga Анастасии became the sensational book "Анастасия". And son — крепыш, dwelling, as well as his(its) mum, in a taiga, on the nature.
Today as whom only do not call young отшельницу: инопланетянкой, kindest чародеем, ведуньей, healer, предсказательницей...
So who she? — And return problem: If she the person, who then we? — " Букашки all of us before it(her) ", — the folk healer, chairman of fund of the healers of Russia Миронов declares. Writer of the book "Анастасия" Владимир Мегре about itself writes in the book even more едко.
So, we in Джанхоте. Here — отроги of Caucasus. Caucasus means "shining", shining by snow of tops. But in these edges(boundarice) all rivers — родникового поисхождения, therefore warm also is fine irrigate gardens and kitchen gardens of the hardworking people.
One of reasons, on which one Анастасия предрекла Геленджику a role of the special spiritual center and why conference was conducted here, — дольмены.
Дольмены, in abundance sparse on this territory, — it is archeological cult facilities. Most ancient of them for the first time are detected in 1818. They are known and in Western Europe. But there he are collected from raw clumps, for us these clumps carefully ground-in to each other. Maiden дольмены there were without openings, later — with an opening of a diameter about 30 see. At one time them worshipped, and in last one hundred years the people become them is active to disassemble on building of roads, givings and even of churches. (Speak, for forty plundered and erased radium these churches дольменов already in the Soviet time forty orthodox priests on Northern Caucasus have paid from arms of bolsheviks with severe mors).
Now them was saved about 20 %. And you see one дольмен should be plotted not less than 150 persons more by(with) than 2 years — mass of tables reaches 17 т!
Дольмен in transfer(translation) means " Immovable desktop ". They and truly resemble desktop with an acclivious roof(cover). (On a photo: ritual of silence.)
Анастасия has told, that as against egyptian pyramids, there left to die the living people. They understood what to lose contact with Space it is impossible, it is impossible to lose contact with первоистоками of mankind. In full darkness and silence they reflect(conceive) above link of times, so the communication channel with Space was easier reached: " Let chain of continents is not eternal under the moon, but the track былых of centuries leaves in patterns diverse ".
Анастасия has refuted judgement scientific, that дольмены — it is places of dumping адыгейцев, and that by him(it) all one thousand years. There are, them(him,it) already more than ten thousand years. It is the present revolution in археологии. It is curious, that irradiation directly for дольменов is much lower, than background. She as though from other epoch...
From all protrusions on conference, certainly, most capacious were protrusions Владимира Николаевич МЕГРЕ. Below I give them in significant(sizeable) reduction(abbreviation).
First of all, has marked In. Мегре, sequentially, one behind other comes true everything, that has forecast Анастасия. The truth, here about a prediction will speak not absolutely precisely. The grandfather Анастасии has assured me: Анастасия the future does not forecast, does not forecast, and models. So, what it for concurrences(coincidences)? It and book, the implementation by which one grows in geometrical progression, and verses which have appeared in abundance, and oilpaintings dedicated idea Анастасии (of oilpaintings already is written about hundred); the film — partially game, partially art is done(made). The artistic administrator of small Moscow studio does(makes) it(him) Вячеслав Короленков -.
It as well домик in Геленджике, transferred(handed) in use to club "АНАСТАСИЯ" by the director of a boarding House Приморье , and surprising concurrences(coincidences) on filmings of film, when the actress very similar on Анастасию "incidentally" has come old man "incidentally" has come in staff(frame) and has shown the book with the substantiation of date of formation дольменов — approximately that spoke Анастасия. Already upon termination of filmings on horizon I have seen Анастасию. [Interestingly, has arrived or материализовалась? — I have set a problem Мегре — she is invariable speaks: has arrived]. In the evening she was included to me in tent, as always закутанная in платок...
Its(her) help was felt in all. In general for one week without opening-up to remove 5-hourly film — the specialists speak, what is it practically it is impossible. And have begun to sound — a voice the actress so was distorted, that obviously was unsuitable for film. Анастасия has explained: the voice should not be of the particular person. Try to substitute with music underneath — for example, songs бардов. And here officer - submariner Александр Коротынский, бард — his(its) songs, deeply lyrical and philosophical, obviously "incidentally" has turned up, and will enter as main(basic) at озвучании. Verses here (except for two, notably distinguishing) — it from songs And. Коротынского.
Мегре has complained to the listeners: in the newspapers often write: certainly! — she was educated in a sterility... Yes no, she all is fine feels, as well as all of us. I with her, truth, too argued: your harmony does not bear culture created by creativity. You see the man glorifies by arms beauty.
She answered: Владимир, and what "creativity" is nested in concept? — you should even know how to embroider. — To embroider? All business in иголке. And needle — this torture of the Earth. An extent of sensibleness — that means the present creativity. Children burst a cloth of the great artist and малюющие on it(him) клочках — unless this creativity? To break an airplane and from his(its) details to make a hammer — it what, too creativity?
She asserts(approves): the time comes nearer, when it is required to transfer the person through a section of dark forces, and she is ready in it to help. All this not so is simple, For Анастасией hunting of the fans and these most dark forces already began. About attack on it(her) is recited in the maiden book. Details, about which one В.Н. Has told to us on conference, it is better here to not result. Truly, " from everyone, who sees a Temple, not всяк him(it) will enter. Let our life as run on miscellaneous floors, but each person the selection has made itself ".
Анастасия does not deny any doctrine. Even if it was the pitch in the side. For example, the soldier has departed a formation and bate — but he has salvaged a company. " You the ring bear on stairways abrupt, than above your rise(ascent), the further horizon, and with each new day all is closer a sidereal throne. " Thus Анастасия always returns us to thought about necessity of purity of thoughts. — It is everything, it, in its(her) judgement, there is quite enough. — Though about a pitch in the side and firing I not of согла-forces: often the one who goes in the side, trails behind itself(himself) masses of the people, tearing off(lifting off) public forces from forward(straight) and effective paths of public progressing:
When the nature all plays and птахи cheerfully sing,
In that passionate song, in that game both sense, and perfection(efficiency) learn(find out).
When by diverse I болтунам внимаю, when idols I diverse read,
I by an infernal itch radiate,
I do not recognize idolatry, well, начисто..
I do not know, for trials
on паршивость of bodies
Or for spirit воспитаний,
And can so, without business,
Ours Боже — how much epidemics
He to us on the Earth насылает,
What блажь, what strange psychosises:
the doctrines, prestige, cults, mode...
Of minds(wits) by ours takes possession! By what ridiculous such бедлам
my sober view perceives!
When we look in companies болтающим to idols,
When without critics we worship them,
And those psychosises — are born
The doctrines, prestige, cults, mode...
By diverse all life — one game,
Well though do not take out конфетки from a mouth!
And it is not enough that in sand the человеко-years — leave
But instead of a correct spiral
us by all circles loopin, loopin, loopin...
For a definite level of sensibleness companies, completely fairly asserts(approves) Анастасия, doctrine, the religions will be not necessary. Any doctrine — it вжимание in frameworks. — Yes, but you do not have any doctrine any method of application! How, for example, you переносишь chill? — And you unless do not have people, which one know how it? And Porphyrias Иванов? He with 30 years has realized relevance of unity with the nature. Whether but many to it(him) listen?
Education of children. As soon as there is a method of application, at once there are frameworks. And can be better it(him) educate naturally? Then after 7 years he all will absorb itself. — And up to 7? — And till 7 years he is educated by problems — but very exact and capacious, specially balanced.
— Yes, and we сюсюкаем or улюлюкаем. You here are right.
— Per seven years it is necessary to explain to the child, that is of patterns, which one is not subject to us. Before for the child psychology власте-лина. He as though all can. Can пнуть a rock, break ветку, crush an endless screw. Further he should understand, that all this has the right to independent life.
Анастасия has told, that in its(her) education the large role one operating and some problems has played.
The operating — it when to her was about a half-favour — year. For them specially train орла. He should suffice the child and with it(him) to turn at the altitude. I, speak In. Мегре, itself saw the child in such kind(view). At first орел has made a circle around of a field - ны, then is higher than cedars and so up to an altitude, when has turned almost exactly. So, on words Анастасии, have acted(arrived) both with her. And the child for ever has comprehension, that of patterns around incredibly large. When her(it) has pulled down орел on ground, to her was preselected the problem is preselected: say, it is all around wants your caress? — Yes. — So give him caress! — And as, ручонок will not suffice... — And you think! And Анастасия some days thought, and then has understood: you see the wolf виляет by a tail not only when it(him) iron, but also when on him(it) is simple tenderly look. Means, it is optional by sticks, it is possible also by thoughts.
Анастасия against all of us have left in a taiga. You have tainted the nature, you revive her(it) and. And in general it is necessary to live there, where were born. For Анастасии the birthplace, Rhodinum, has the special sounding. But about it is lower.
The grandfather spoke: he is necessary faster переосознать itself(himself) for long years forward — sees transition to perfection(efficiency), реин-карнацию, from 5 up to 6 times. — Yes, but assert(approve), as if the God has created us on an image and similarity, whether he will endure, if we a cart - намерим to become better than it(him)? The Orthodoxy basically against the thought about perfecting the person, that it(him) not обуяла гордыня before Всевышним. Анастасия: whether there are parents which one would like, that their children were more gentle, тупее than they? As also Creator. He has given the person all capabilities, and the person has taken also bad too. But you see he is peer to the God and can return to a divine level. — major thought, basis(fundamentals) of Idea Анастасии.
— When I during the second visiting have met the grandfather Анастасии, I have complained to him, as Анастасия allow to exhibit me in the book by such... Unreasonable, whether underdeveloped that.
— Анастасии there was most difficult, that in you has not arisen гордыня, самость, that you have not felt by the god. You everywhere should remain the person. " Let in whose spike of nonsense, another's spiritual avarice lighted from a light beam(ray), as the scintilla - creation of sacred inspiration burns a unextinguishable suppository. You the ring bear on stairways abrupt, and with each floor all is closer a sidereal throne. " But throne human, not divine.
В. Мегре has set to the listeners such problem: " who has created a nuclear bomb? " — the answers Fell down: clever, but бездухов-ный..., Saccharums... — No, Анастасия on it responds not so: it is the one who has created the maiden immovable nose-piece to kill.
Problem from a hall: in judgement Анастасии, UFO is stronger than us? — No. They do not come nearer to the person, they are afraid of it(him), they understand, that the person can realize the force. — Yes, but UFO it is impossible to knock down by a missile. — by a Missile — yes. Well also what? Анастасия can land(put) them on поляну and disorganize.
— Анастасия with them did not enlist the conflicting?
— Yes what for, they for it(her) as insects. When they lodge on поляну, and I have quitted to them, — has told Анастасия, — they have begun to fuss, have switched on the paralyzers... Means, were frightened. I hardly have comforted them. It was necessary to help with repair and to depart(send) back to itself...
The personal matters floated on conference and especially.
— For me the husband — the good person, but sometimes I would like to take children and to leave. — How to be? I do not know.
— I hardly can say: if the man переспит with the woman how for me was with Анастасией I [has added: and with the woman even approximately on it(her) similar], this the man anywhere from it(her) will not leave. And if such good luck will not be, both will search for other.
— And for me... To me always come in a head of a word " избави me, the God, from mad passions, коль has not created you the man golden масти ".
One more problem was discussed: how to defend Анастасию whether to move to her to other place? Мегре it answered so: she cannot leave anywhere — only that place, where she was born, "Rhodinum", itself will not admit, that with her something happened. There all: the plants, animal are connected to her крепчайшими узами. Анастасия asserts(approves), that when the woman travails on the nature, the animal has huge feelings — you see animals обожествляют of the person. [Than we pay for these feelings — well-known].
So was received, that at the same time, in the same place (in Геленджике) there was a known St.-Petersburg psychic, teacher and healer Юрий Андреевич АНДРЕЕВ. His(its) protrusion, perhaps, is sense to set up more in detail.
To me, has said Ю.А., has flown great pleasure to read the book "Анастасия" and already here to meet its(her) writer. But I would like to warn all from обожествления Анастасии. I respect a Porphyria Иванова, but me омерзительны his(its) fans. — It is our national feature: there will arrive the master, the god will be...
Do not drop on laps, do not break down to itself forehead. My wife too can communicate to animals, with a grapnel. Mine low дочка Лариса, her 9 years, is fine feels, when it is necessary to a turtle опростаться. My force less one tenth horse power, and I can do(make) tectonic adjustments, even to put away under the reactor irradiation. In the nature it is a lot of surprising. Журавли at the altitude 7 kms at the temperature of -300 With fly with speed 20 kphs. Also do not congeal, do not drop.
Анастасия knows how that the animals, she — an explorer of maximum forces do not know how. This human quality, instead of animal.
But I agree with Анастасией: it is impossible to do(make) all that you can. I am itself has experienced, and very much often I constrain the capabilities. To help all the contract, bad too, it is impossible: mass of dark forces from it can only be increased.
I am sure, that to all the time, that all on the Earth пришествует 3 aeons of know-how of life: 1 — physical, 2 — intellect&, 3 — mental (i.e. bioenergy).
Ю. Андреев the language of the book "Анастасия" простоватый has agreed, that. But you see the educated fractions of percents, and writer to be realized everything, it was necessary to orient on "чернозем".
By the way, on whose plant, which one has reduced In. Мегре in the book, — that the language her(it) "кондовый", — I would answer so: the language is magnificent, is not distorted by any press, so-called literary receptions(tricks) and вывертами, which one are necessary there, where it is necessary to do(make) the elephant of a small fly. It is a lot of elephants, as is known, not so and, and all press community should live on one words. And there, where there is a great essence, she in преукрасах does not require. She самодостаточна. Giving rise the form(shape), between that, свято have believed in a significance her(it) for life or mors of any idea — both small and great. But it is the truth only partial and temporary: if there is effective economical gears the role " of art amateur activities " will be reduced to minimum. As now, at implementation in science of the present cost accounting " on self-survival ", — a role of the psychologist in the research institute and КБ.
We have touched in conversation with В.Н. And problem on curative properties of a cedar, about what he explicitly has written in the maiden book. — That, examples here is a lot of. Чабрец well treats catarrhal diseases. The poplar — the aid-men in cities, feeds on black energy. Even better — an aspen, under her the people return the black energy, she absorbs them with pleasure and grounds.
The cedar all this can, and it is many times better. In. Мегре has found, that in the Bible forty four times are mentioned a cedar. Unique! And more any other tree! By the way, surprising physical, sensory and even sex force had, as is known, Григорий Распутин — выходец from кедрового of an edge(boundarouse). It appears, the daddy Roman Иоанн has called twenty third Григо-рия Распутина as the great monk. It is necessary, probably, and us to revise the attitude(relation) to it(him) as to the person.
About a cedar. Small help: under several encyclopedias, cedar — from rock fur-tree or pine. Will be used at an embalming of corpses. There is a cedar Himalaya, Cyprian... And there is a cedar Siberian — it is a pine кедровая. For this cedar edible орешки, from him(it) do(make) oil(butter) food (of needles — medicinal).
In general trees, as it appears, can be for the person for a source of the useful information. Друиды, the ancient wood philosophers, lived in a forest for 20 years, each knew the tree, which one with it(him) was divided by the information. By the way, then the person of discovery veins up to four hundred years. He was very close to the nature, he was a part of the nature. Анастасия asserts(approves), that of this affinity(proximity) and this health she would help to achieve to the people and now: the person will return to the Nature in 3 тысячелетии, having thrown out all ferrous toys and simultaneously in becoming much more perfect. You see the sensory channels of perception are more responsive than the most sensing instrument. The psychics can operate(control) the torsion field with the help of regulation of depth of breathing and on meditation, and hereafter it becomes for all a phenomenon usual.
THE RELEVANT PLACE In CONFERENCE HAS TAKEN DISCUSSION of the PROPOSALS of a software to PROGRESSING of IDEAS АНАСТАСИИ. Have brought them from our Academy and log-book "incident" and we. They were transferred(handed) В.Н. Мегре by the letter. From him(it) fragments:
For "материализации" and rise of a public resonance of a great phenomenon, opened by you, it is necessary to make much:
— It is necessary from all mass of the coming proposals to create the orderly program and to offer for financing in parts all wishing. Is sure, she will be real, is ready to accept active involvement.
— The Book to sell пробно in the book markets — there will remark! To have the troughs in streets of city — to try!
Recorder cassettes, video with its(her) voice, with its(her) stories, by songs — but only documentary recordings. Game — it will be as lie in a name of beneficiating.
— Mass its(her) photo (can be and well, that she is distorted by a make up) with a placard, for example: Красавица from племени Russian ариев. On a photo it is not necessary to pose yours, and in general whose surname. Except for its(her) name. To sell everywhere, where it is possible. Not bad to sell the right to pose its(her) portrait on a pen, calendar...
— The special log-book "Анастасия" — Is necessary There were organizers and money! I am ready поучаствовать in discussion of his(its) concept. А.В. Солнцев correctly speaks: not ученье, and current(stream). In the log-book there will be all: both documentary materials, and philosophy, and teaching, including how to access with the nature for the summer residents...). There should be a most severe talk.
— About union of the businessmen. Rad поучаствовать in a congress (?), is ready to appear with the proposals on our unification. But this unification should be only in those or diverse team workings and in respect of Idea Анастасии, Business Анаста-сии. In remaining each should remain itself(himself) in position.
What we can поучаствовать in association, organized by you, of the honest businessmen by? — we are occupied with certification of quality of commodity. It seems, we alone do(make) which one it. For certain it will help to them to exhibit high quality of the activity — other, bad, for such people be can not. Probably it will help to their business. That is to business Анастасии.
— Владимир Николаевич, I realize, that I now shall say something blasphemous, but you should understand: with the wolves to live — on their language to talk. I think, it is necessary to conduct something such as world-wide scientific study of capabilities Анастасии. Most difficult — to not give her(it) thus препарировать. And to not take away naturally. I think, it is quite real. Today any more times of the Christ, people повзрослели. It is possible all to make rationally, it is necessary with engaging of academies all or many countries. — But to not give them заболтать to tramp this great phenomenon, as that was more than once both with more small-sized, and with great, but them(him,it) by not clear phenomena opened and invented. For example, Игнац Земмельвайс — the one who in 19 m century maiden has understood a reason 20 and percentage (!) Death rate of the parturient women.
— Despite of a make up, now its(her) person became familiar much. Furthermore she is very beautiful, is too beautiful, is too good in comparison with all encirclement. She(it) should be guarded. To her to learn to inflect appearance.
Availability "сволочей" (the too gentle word) causes(urges) to muse of its(her) safety: either security signalling, or bin, or moving in backwoods. You see can also tanks to apply, if only to try on a dent if only to cut off, to pin to a collection. Most offensive — absence of the official documentation on Анастасию and on its(her) son. I think, it should be decided by the special solution ГосДумы with the prompt someone from the chiefs МВД. It is necessary so beautifully to arrange, as about great property of Russia, And even a Pattern. Therefore it is best to achieve to her of attention of the United Nations — as of today United Nations like world government. It would be desirable to dream up: and what if in due course Анастасия there can be her(it) руководительницей, " by empress a pattern "?
For all this phenomenon (I about Анастасию) am one huge trouble (and can be, and on the contrary — advantage): all and вс ё after that seems by teratism. For me even have begun of itself to come up words:
Dangerously perfection(efficiency) to touch
Involuntarily starts to be exhibited
All our tenacious teratism,
Both mud, and stench, and consumerism, and злобство.
But as differently — that without pressure(voltage,stress), without stresses
To us to Perfection(efficiency) to turn?
And him really dangerously with us to be known...
Alas, it is close to the truth. She — perfection(efficiency), goddess. — the Goddess of a light, wisdom and pattern, and it it is necessary by all to recognize. And it more than difficultly. It is intolerable difficultly. But it is even more difficult, probably to be with us to her. I represent, what dirty seems to her our fussy life! — Verses about it, in general about her — in the extremity.
the special place has taken discussion of the persevering proposal Анастасии to convert Геленджик into the Black Sea center of spiritual tourism. В.Н. Whence has calculated, that, it appears, on spiritual tourism it is necessary 60 % of tourism in a pattern. Is of Rome, there is a Mecca, is of Jerusalem, but why there is no our slavic spiritual center? And why such center to not become Геленджику?
Геленджик on the geographic rule(situation,position) and climatic conditions — something mean between lowland of Anapa and mountainous Sochi. He has incorporated all positive from both sides. Отроги of the Caucasian mountains for Геленджика are fine.
The region Джанхота is specially fine.
Джанхот in transfer(translation) means "happy". The unique pine grove, about 1000 hectares is magnificent here. — the largest pine grove in a pattern. It is a pine Пицундская. She was saved from preglacial period! the hole size сосен here reaches one meter. The pine самовозобновляется, is simple from own семечек. By the way, as speaks Анастасия, in each of them the information has more, than gets largest of the created computers.
Its(her) medical properties are well-known. Assert(approve), that the pine heals even caverns mild.
Mountain sacred Нины starts from a centenary Cedar Lebanese. Now of beginnings to grow a new cedar.
And old, on a prediction Анастасии, soon should fall, having naked the sacred manuscript, historically very relevant.
Владимиру Мегре the problem was preselected: a panic, noise in a local press suddenly began, whether will analyze on веточкам that Lebanese cedar, which one now costs(stands) about giving Короленко? — As always, for us of an extreme. Before is direct on the radicals of this cedar the potent foundation of the large house was constructed. By the way, it is the house, inhering to the workers of a museum Короленко. And now suddenly заохали, whether will take away it(him) on веточкам? " — Yes, to a cedar in connection with the numerous publications about Анастасии the present pilgrimage now began. But up to веток is high, and up to a trunk now and far: at last beautiful fence with a transparency there has appeared around of a cedar: " Is guarded by the law and human conscience ". And we, slavs, on eyes become more conscientious, more humanly, whether that: " the Sand of earth burden will sift a screen of time, and самородки the water will wash, and the fresh grass will break through ввысь ".
Геленджик — a place quite worthy to become the leader of spiritual tourism on ours причерноморье as a place of forming of the universal culture which has arisen for long up to a gravitational segregation of our white race on a nation, religion and doctrine.
That is Геленджик can become and integrating center. In March, 1998 there will be re-elections in administration of city. The one is sure who will pronounce all this program, that and will pass in the kings.
By looking up of any solution, as is known, it is necessary to attempt to find major, key problems. As to Геленджика, and any vacation spots, which one we want to turn into centers of spiritual tourism, in my opinion, it is necessary from the very beginning to decide the most communal, nodal problems, the ambassador entitiess which one all spectrum of problems indeed revolutionary changes of resort centers on the Black Sea coast(littoral) of Caucasus in centers of spiritual tourism will be possible to trap. While I see such two pitches: a hardening, and then full prohibition of usage звукоусилительной of instrumentation and neutralizing of dogs, roving first of all
So, maiden — this sharp limitation on volume, and in time — the full prohibition of usage in the public places звукоусили-тельной of instrumentation delivering a coarse musical narcotic. The illuminated signs, as though she were grandiose, is is narrow localized. Yes her(it) it is possible and to not look. The stench around of any ларька with the large or small speaker is audible on tens meters, sometimes up to kilometers. Why the stench — because repertoir, is imposed to which one ларешником, understand, what приматного of a level. Those whom is about what to to muse, will talk to other — for silence only are grateful. Remaining this place will shun. And for it by him(it) thanks. So there will be a natural selection(sampling) coming.
The talk to one of those whom there in ларьках and dots общепита call as "heads", has shown: without music he will bar(shut) the dot in general. She is necessary to him that took alcohol, and behind it(him) and copious appetizer. — It is clear, that is much higher than biological need(requirement). It is clear also, that at waiving these excesses of tens sellers, cooks, suppliers will suffer. But you see thousand and thousand will win in health — both physical, and mental. Still imagine, if on each corner(angle) to all other there will be boards with an intelligible explanation of usefulness of a vegetarianism. Then complementary will suffer also those who delivers meat. — But the local population with the vegetables from it only will win.
As to dogs, it is a communal trouble of all mankind, all Russia. Specially its(her) south. That we behind the people, недочеловеки, whether if for intimidation to itself look-alike, or for protection against pavor and violence, or is even sillier — for daily affection, and sometimes only from loneliness i.e. from failing to have the friends among the people, it is necessary to get of the biorobot, it(him) to educate (зомбировать), and then as superfluous or from own disadvantages it is severe to reject on a street unadapted for life on will an entity. Высюсюканная psychology of человеков-dolls — one, aggressiveness — other, and third with quite legal phobia to be robed, raped to expose надруга-нию... A plus very much, very expedient business — a genesis of a problem of dogs, both home, and auxiliary.
Both those, and other, ruthlessly thrown out, if have appeared waste or inconvenient, migrating (basically on the south, to heat), knock down in flights, they not only обгаживают all the contract, southern beaches, on which one we then very much like нежиться, — in the special abundance, but also становят-ся by extremely dangerous for the person. ours conventional толстокожесть, the laziness erected in frameworks ostensibly жалостливости to the brothers our smaller — to dogs, and at the same time and to собачникам, in the majority, as assert(approve) психиаторы, simply mentally ill, is completed by(with) sources of a problem, and truly not prime. Паталогическая flow bundle, paper clip between the person and animal, his(its) property — it something mystical, сатанинское. The person thus is ready to run the risk, to pay considerable money, health — both another's and own... The dog, having hitted in an information field of the person, is quick(rapid) it(him) masters (at the level) and eventually survives from him(it) the person. Thus, being at first зомбированной by the person, the dog is quick(rapid) converts it(him) in slave to itself зомби.
What to do(make) with this problem, the administration of each locale in own way can invent. It can be not only biological methods, but also economical. At first, — this requirement to the holders(owners) at once after acquisition a dog of repayment by each of the full mortgage cost of consequences покусов of dogs and repayment of the moral damage from attacks, облаиваний etc. And, certainly, repayment of all damage on the fact. But it not all. Нашедших of the solution occurs now ever more. I shall tag(mark off) only, that would be fair, if identical with dogs участь would wait also for those who has thrown out them on a street. And even more.
I as the economist, which one am engaged in a problem of performance of public progressing in general, I can say, as metal music, and dog, and расплодившиеся on need and without need of a motor vehicle, as well as much other, today as though not remarked lossed, can be moved to the solution by only acceptance of the generalizing law — about indemnification(compensation) of damage from wrongful acts overlooked effect and non-optimum нормотворчества. Major, that thus the people have heeded that simple thought, that вс ё plotted by them (or them(him,it)) should be accordingly paid: " it is necessary to pay for all, for pleasure — especially ". When this thought will enter our flesh and blood, in daily practice, tens, hundred most зловредных, and in a scale universal — of self-terrible kinds(views) of activity, thousand kinds(views) of offences, crimes of itself отомрут.
I think, the main opponent of such "modification" from the Roman Law on Reflexive will be army of the today's lawyers, workers of the right suspected (by the way, it is completely vain) possible(probable) threat of their dismissal as superfluous. And as to собачников, people, ill dogs, is well-known, that so-called mentally ill in military time, during the large national rises(ascents) it appears many times less, than in usual — peace and marsh. So that majority these ill — is simple from расхлябанности and ours неспроса.
And as to implementation of the given proposal, in general most radical, most useful and, by the way, it would seem of the most simple inventions, social — first of all, here it is necessary to set up one of pieces of an occurring with Мегре. He some times recalled curious conversation Анастасии with the great-grandfather. Анастасия has asked: whether is preconceived участь not perceiving true? — Yes. — But who is guilty in невосприятии: not perceiving sense or not informing it(him)? — the Great-grandfather did not answer. Is received, that by problem she has accused and Будду, and Christ, both many great, and all dedicated, including from us, contemporaries, — too: whether it is enough they, we are armed knowledge and skill them to inform? Or fault nevertheless not perceiving, their personal qualities, is wrong on the best life? Really we also are truly unworthy best?
So, to convert Геленджик and any other today's health resort into spiritual center of tourism and strain-relief crystallization, at first it is necessary a little: to return to them silence and purity. A plus full safety. And more plus maximum organization at a modern level of informatization, at all events to provide each wishing with the excellent(different) information on a place and quality of resort services all two hundred resort "dots", down to official certification of quality of some of them, most worthy. It for constant "подпружинивания" upwards.
I assure you, all these problems are decided, and in some years we shall have not less significant spiritual center, than Jerusalem or Mecca. So there will be one more chance to revival of maximum national and world culture, to environmental sanitation of mankind, to forming on the Earth of unified, maximum race землян.
In Геленджик spontaneously there will be an outflow of the applicable tourists and resting from those resorts, where for them now all another's, all aggressive. Having understood, that lose, those resorts will hurry вдогонку. Having seen, as is sharply reduced(descended) криминагенность and many other problems are decided, let behind schedule, they will go on the same paths. The redemption of artificial, metal and stinking music will put(cause) to unprecedented demand of all present actors. And to growth(increase) of this interlayer from those who while the talents has not revealed.
Bird, the Nature which has been not knocked down by metal sounds, will cheer up and will give the people all magnificence, on which one she is capable.
Certainly, activities here it is expected much. Probably, in Геленджике it is necessary to reduce in the special order of access roads and track to дольменам; on a Mountain св. Нины to deliver a number(series) of members of cult nature to prepare the biographies from epoch многотысячелетней of limitation, to dig out documents reflective all past and predictablis (and possible and programmed) the future course of development, of programmed, on the data of different religions and the doctrines. And to make on finess much other, that now for long decades is made in other sacred places — objects of pilgrimage.
But I would like to see at this problem a little bit more widely, than the spiritual center of Russia is simple. Probably, we can make from Геленджика integrating spiritual center, grandiose TEMPLE of a UNIFICATION with special cult facilities, museums, sections on miscellaneous religions, since язычества, and doctrines (including to atheism) with massed presentation of their essence, genesis, explanation of the rigid conditionality, correctness of their features by historical, national, climatic and diverse objectively existing factors and special emanating what each religion, each doctrine can be distinguished by@ be praised, and if necessary and to wait for the help... It will be the interesting complex cult, religious, national and centres of science, which one for 10-15 years can be voluntarily constructed by miscellaneous races, peoples and nationalities a pattern as the sign of an absolute mutual admission and full взаимоуважения. The pilgrims in this center can be and for departure of religious practices, but basically — for spiritual and scientific dialogue, controversies in looking ups of "true" and so on...
Certainly, it is necessary anew to construct the scripts of tourist tracks, having mirrored on course essence of miscellaneous religions and doctrines — certainly, previously having addressed for assistance to their followers.
But at first it is necessary nevertheless to involve(attract) in Геленджик of the spiritually oriented people, and it can be started to do(make) already since following year.
The off-duty time of strain-relief crystallization, when the person is most opened, becomes great преобразующим by the factor of the person. Will fade out дер-ганность, nervousness, жлобство (militant antiintelligence) and infinite хамство, хамство, хамство..., and вытирание of legs about itself look-alike(look-alike), and хищничество in relation to other, to the Nature... Is sure, that such will set in, and is very speed. On such optimistic note this very interesting conference in Геленджике also completes.
Except for itself Владимира Николаевича Мегре and all mentioned in the text which has been set up here of thought were навеяны conversations with the fine people — by the inhabitants Геленджика, workers of club "Анастасия" — by the direct organizers of this conference and all participants of the conference which has arrived from miscellaneous places of Russia. Helped this and москвичка, active supporter of ideas Анастасии Алла Геннадиевна Федорова, and young помощница Владимира Мегре uncompromising красавица адыгейка Айшат Махсарова.
Many facts and myths are taken from the remarkable stories of the guides, chiefs of groups, including Натальи Павловны Кирилович, and Нины Георгиевны .
Федоров Алексей Геннадьевич, Moscow, Ангарская 1, body 3, sq. 35.
353470 Геленджик, Krasnodar territory
a street. Островского д.31 sq. 59
Ларионова Валентина Терентьевна
( Incident №5,96)
Association entities of culture of resorts, ph. 925-6224,924-2165, fax: 206-9476.
The chairman Аводжан Сергей Михайлович ph. 924-5484, fax: 923-0315,925-62245 — Тамара Петровна
Ph. 289-1206 tour " Lights(fires) of Moscow "
Ph. 233-6060 advertising " of the Young channel "
- You not a hiding place, not hidden treasure, not a character,
- You not a comet. You — a star,
- On человечески — the goddess.
you still brilliant poets will glorify,
human billions привечать —
Without idolatry and without false flattery //.
Such there will be you!
Only you землян from самоедства can отвратить,
Religions will manage to reconcile,
Only you will manage to heed беднягам-convicted,
In what them безвинность, in what fault,
And to not kill, to not squelch and softly to turn away(unscrew)
Both меленьких, and гадких, заблудших and погасших,
And even смрадненьких букашек,
And to learn us to life peace, present.
You — our reference point, power source not extinguished,
That it is accepted at one time to call — as the goddess.
Yes, you — the Goddess a pattern.
can not we so clearly Nature feel,
That a pattern and harmonies a source. Can not we her(it) understand.
And you have come to us naturally
and consequently will manage to become for us
Both measurement standard of creativity, and beauty,
Both perfection(efficiency) of purity, and upcoming dawn —
by the goddess of a light.
Падет that selection on you is not simple —
But also not incidentally.
Let's see,
Where to find other WORTHY.
Церковник as the adherent is steady блюдет the system,
And business no to him before life, up to мирского.
Both cunning партократ, and correct officer...
For each of them the care. —
— There is no, only you, and only you
Could become the goddess in flesh.
Yes, for such place there will be among countries a strife,
And any country another's will not admit never.
Other business you.
You without a surname and stateless,
Languages — are accessible to you
Will manage all to understand and ненавязчиво to correct,
on anybody you did not hold down and do not hold down evil.
backwoods and taiga — as they are far from an authority,
As эфемерно in them all our state! —
you — of Wisdom the goddess.
You flesh and blood, you — the person.
But also goddess — the Goddess a pattern, wisdom and light.
As voting world-wide you такою will call.
And then, alas, about a forest позабудь.
Well, for now not so quail.
Live, brighten,
Study in human cares,
But only neither soul, nor body do not grow old.
Not less sing, dance and have fun
Also do not hurry up anywhere... And if on подонков will not run,
Yours попозже the time will approach, it will invoke you and. —
And then without shyness — forward!
Also there will be for you also a son and daughter.
not necessarily nationalities Russian —
But, how will become you всепризнанно great.
With the people to you their correct life to not make,
Well, and with the Nature, with the Grandfather... Even correctly begin,
And their fathers to you forever will be grateful.
And we, who we? —
we, people, in mass you see the product of the epoch
a plus the captives of passions of animals —
and the concourse плутов and идиотов was received.
But лучик of a light in each decays, in each sleeps!
At mass attacks of a wireless, TV and any MASS-MEDIAS
Both it is possible to change will, and instincts — вс ё.
But would be with whom to create!
by clout and nyxes on all faulty dots
Probably us облагородить to educate by a magic light,
And already we, not only our children,
In the large future we can have a look. —
Our path is those. And mission yours.
- Борис МИНИН (05.1997)
The encyclopedia of wisdom
Moscow "economy" 1993
Жалкий a fool, really you so наивен, that think, as if each our word should be understood literally and what we shall open to you of the most surprising willows of secrets? АРТЕФИУС
Prick before errors you close an input(entrance), you overlook(forget) about true, how she will enter? Р. ТАГОР
Hereinafter mankind, probably, will not go on a path of quantitative expansion and технологизации, it can go on a path of qualitative self-advancing And. Seconds. ШКЛОКСКИЙ
Heine. It seems, it is better than all has expressed a fundamental principle, beginning of self-progressing: alone beauty, which one I know, - health.
Hardly later this has expressed Ф. Ницше, which one we for ourselves only - only open. Someone from his(its) contemporaries posesses words: „ three things are necessary For happiness: a sound body, clean heart and free mind(wit) ".
Yes, the person third тысячелетия is health, morals, креативность. Пуп, to this ideal is
Sidereal path
For inquisitive and creatively active. For such, which one want to know everything, but disastrously have no time to read thick фолианты; which one respect thoughts other, though I know for sure, what even for most talented not all written равноталантливо, which one ruthlessly wear the health, physical and mental, though have on him(it) of the rights more any of us, and still mind(wit) which one is floppy enough, that from several words at once, from a hint to understand that valuable, that remaining chew sometimes all life, - I and devote to them this accumulator cell.
ON PATHS To an IDEAL (. Минин) 10
Борис СМИРНОВ 49
Константин БУТЕЙКО 56
0 method Бутейко and about other (Б.Минин) 69
Gradually about miscellaneous: С.Катин, Р.Б.Стрелков 76
Поль БРЭГГ 78
Юрий of NICKOLAIS 93
Арнольдде ФРИЗ 100
Диетика, my acquaintances (Б.Минин) 105
Gradually about miscellaneous: 0. Зеленкова, In. Вернике. About. Ольгин, И.Брехман. Е.Вигдорчик. Seconds. Аракелян. Д.Ж. Армстронг. Е. Тетушкин, To. Петровский. С.Магидов, Ю. Андреев. 0. Дейнеко, Л.Онищенко. С.Мартынов. Б.Минин
Гарт ГИЛМОР 146
Иван of the BLACKSMITHS 153
Джейн of FUND 157
Федор РОМАШЕВ 161
0 motor performances (М.Кондрашева. And. Аршавский) 163
Gradually about miscellaneous: С.Шенкман, m. Котляров, М.Касимов, In. Of bunches, Г.Власенко. И.Бровченко. In. Никитина. M. Минина 164
ГансСЕЛЬЕ 174
Nickolai АМОСОВ 177
Юрий АНДРЕЕВ 180
Юрий РЮРИКОВ 192
Елена КОНОНКО 207
Gradually about miscellaneous: And. Спиваковская, m. Мацковский. В.Андроеов,. Гуревич. In. Дмитриев. А.Крыдов, Г.Косицкий, Мадонна 225
Idea " magnificent семерки " (Б.Минин) 230
Henry ФОРД 236
Святослав РИХТЕР 239
Малер СТУРУА 241
Gradually about miscellaneous: Б.Раушенбах, seconds. Федоров,. Форд,. Беккер, Е.Стариков 246
Фридрих НИЦШЕ 254
Василий РОЗАНОВ 277
Nickolai БЕРДЯЕВ 282
Серафим РОУЗ 330
Gradually about miscellaneous: И.Соколов. К.Лите. Н.Рерих 334
Александр ГОРБОВСКИЙ 348
Тамара ГЛОБА 357
Gradually about miscellaneous: Т. and Item гло6а, And. Winged nuts, Р. and Н. Казанцевы.. Минин 369
Александр ФЕДОТОВ 375
* Health, other path. Whether we on him(it) have the right? 405
* Clues этоса to latches of progressing 411
* That for the house costs(stands)... 420
* While in any way it is impossible without revolutions 426
The nominal index(indicator) 435
The subject index 442
Opening speech
Any ingenious scientist or poet, singer or composer does not create равногениальные of product. And hereafter, in accordance with rise in price of personal time, except for the full collected works great, the increasing value will be introduced by(with) the accumulator cells that lays before us.
It is the accumulator cell of materials from the books, articles, lectures. Their writers make attempt to consider many from very old or absolutely new ideas of climbing of the person to ideals of the future, to ideals of physical and mental health and creative efficiency.
The materials are conditionally broken(conditionally down) on eight sections, and after communal problems the yogis, to which one the maker obviously is not indifferent, the significant(sizeable) place is given away to problems of conservation and updating(adjusting) of physical health natural (instead of химико-technological) by methods. The occurrence(appearance) of each of the quoted books, articles and lectures in due course was the present event. The thoughts which have been set up in quoted materials, earlier did not coincide, and in something and now do not coincide with the official concept and are farly from being generally accepted.
Besides many from them are difficult to understand to the general public. They are difficult or are complex(difficult), for require(demand) what disposed not by(with) each of us, - huge force of will, patience and tightened mind(wit). Such, certainly, is possible for many from us, but only at the moment of realization greatest personal perils or splash of love to life. И1 it is necessary at the presence of internal, plutonic and absolutely sincere reliance(confidence), conviction in the maximum usefulness for other people.
Yes, not each will master that here it is offered. All this correctly. But it is impossible, really, to deprive of chance some, if him(it) can not use all! And it is necessary to note: without delay do not want, than can not.
Whether this chance however is real? Whether and so any "alternate" prescriptions are effective published in the book national, ancient and in general? Whether they are competitive in comparison with usual, 'orthodox' medicine? Whether these ideas can to introduce for us though any practical concern - even how addition(appendix) to generally accepted? Whether so the methods of a naturopathy, founded on usage of own defensive forces of an organism, on a background of last achievements of science and technology are beneficial? And at the same time whether мишкам the plate recovering and is great whether there is that a purpose, radium which one it is necessary to pay, and it is really a lot of?
Upbuilding and quick(rapid) distribution(propagation) of heritable illnesses, increase(rising) асоциальных of epidemics and furthermore significant(sizeable) number monster - newborn create more than pessimistic oilpainting.
But,maybe, we nevertheless have any alternative? Can be, we do not grow old at all and the mankind only is included into a hole of maturity, and our illnesses actually only errors of youth? Speak, biologically we do not develop already about 50 thousand years. But whether on us depends, as far as the plateau will long be prolonged? Whether it is time to us to think is severe, as to mankind for ever to remain young how at least to remove old age? How to live, not were sick?
Can be, the mankind will not go always on a path of quantitative expansion: to hope for high percent of birth rate, chemical pharmacology and electronic toys. For certain in due course it will manage to use other way - road of qualitative self-advancing, radical rise(ascent) of own defensive and regenerative forces, that is active self-immunization, as well as the maker of the accumulator cell guesses.
But the maximum rating of health even an ideally operating biological shell(envelope) of each of us, whether - only it is necessary for mankind? What his(its) maximum ideals, what his(its) prevalue? These materials in the given book, seem, most interesting...
It is necessary to note, that the writer, undoubtedly, has the special gift - looking up among pile of the large and small materials of pieces to the greatest degree expressing their essence. Such gift can be only inherent, and he is given usually to inventors under the nature. For Б.А. Минина there are a lot of inventions in miscellaneous fields(areas) of science and engineering, part from them - rather high creative level, with considerable " in coefficient неочевидности ". Furthermore this gift Борис Алексеевич has managed notably to sharpen at a stage more than ten years' activity in a patent office as методолога of invention, and then is wider - as specialist on upgrading a social production, НОВИСТИКЕ (his(its) term).
It would seem, the maker with such biography should be prone " type the invoice ". However in the accumulator cell we see, besides both brilliant generalizings, and analysis, and special attention to universal, social problems of creation (genesis) and implementation of novelties, that is their social history. And she, despite of тысячелетия of civilized progressing of mankind, frequently still " жит deeply drama, and sometimes and detective nature.
The commentings of the maker and his(its) essay, reduced in the accumulator cell, have, undoubtedly, independent value.
It is very important, that, despite of the precisely expressed authoring stand, Борис Минин does not impose her(it), affording(granting) a capability to the reader himself to reflect above materials, reduced in this interesting accumulator cell.
( From the maker)
The conventional ideal basically no and, probably, be can not. You see that it is necessary to answer it(him) to formulate, a problem, perhaps, anybody yet not resolved: for what the mankind lives? Still recently it seemed - for the communist future. Before asserted(approved) - in glory God's... Recently road to our minds(wits) is punched by(with) idea of a cosmogonic role of mankind. The stages of progressing are strictly retracted to us: before only information field, eternal and not dying, - foregone, as a cocoon before a bowtie, stage biomolecular, плотский, rigidly programmed. Therefore the geniuses also can forecast our future.
The vain vanity is received, that телодвижения of each of us - as though: all the same of the program will not jump out anywhere?
АН no, the same astrologists forecasting the far or close future, always keep to us a backlash(gap) of freedom, give without delay high oddss, than foregone veracities.
But even recognizing, and it is better to say - receiving, cosmogonic theory of a survival of mankind, within the framework of retracted we " of a backlash(gap) of freedom " to any of us would like to select something best, more worthy that сложнейшего, совершенней шеголсихофизиологического of the complex, which one is called "person".
Within the framework of this diffused "better" as idea негазнтропийной of a role of the person in progressing the nature, universe of itself floats. Really, only person, only his(its) creative, "creative" thinking provides effect, which one anywhere with anybody, except for the person, is not reached, namely when 2 + 2 it is more, than 4. This effect, earlier in the primitive form(shape) noticed in biology, is called system, either supergeneral, or super-additive. Now he is active is researched, specially with reference to the creative solutions, inventions (technical, social, scientific).
In practice the mankind permanently creates mass of mental and actual (full-scale), effective and ineffective systems, inventions with huge variety of members. But, having gift of a rating and selection(sampling) best and effectively using this gift, the person multiplies, diffuses and maintains only those novelties, the outcome which one is higher than the costs, reducing(descending) it an entropy contrary to вселенской of a rising tendency of an entropy, chaos in all з; 1мкнутых systems. From here, by the way, there is a understandable high role of creativity and creators, the high role of intelligency - environment, is no more active of the generating creative person at the expense of a massed atmosphere общекультурного, spiritual progressing, at the expense of a rigid system of selection(sampling) of the inventions, created by the creators, their active designer development and optimization under particular needs.
So, Czechoslovak scientific Л.ТОНДЛ, - by the way, the active supporter of a known Charter - 77, - leaning(basing) on activities of the Soviet scientist А.А.МАРКОВА, has put forward idea of an antientropy role of mankind in cosmological progressing of the universe
Outgoing from this concept the creative capacities of the people, outside of doubt, should be a primary member of that complex(integrated) ideal, at which one aims. Absolutely to aspire(try) - mankind (or to which one it(him) someone " стремит* And each of us is real, almost, whom he was by, how discovery veins, on what of a high or low social stage(step) находился* is realized whether or not, secretly or is opened, for certain highly appreciates in itself creative energy, and furthermore maximum creative discoveries approximating us to a great ideal. The bright heroes of the best art, philosophical, detective, fancy products variously look. Variously, but it is necessary as находчивые the people, as the creators in large and small.
And still ideal of the Person - ideal Person of the future for us, землян, - something much greater, than is simple the owner of happy capacity to creativity, let even and high rank.
Probably, it first of all ideal, irreproachably operating body containing I throttle also reason of the creator. Unfortunately, it is not enough for whom from us of health much. Therefore problems of conservation and augmentation of health by ways notably distinguished from also are selected for the maiden sections of this accumulator cell officially recognized "orthodox" medicine. For the capabilities her(it) have appeared where by more retiring, than it was expected, specially that she costs(stands) to company.
The materials of this accumulator cell were reshaped per 60 years - in period strictly prohibited натуропатам, or alternate ("paradoxical") medicine. Maiden such accumulator cell under a title " Health, other path... " - retiring and with obvious(obviously) диссидентским by tint - разошелся for my friends and familiar самиздатом in huge quantity.
Then materials concerning other aspects of life have come in him(it). And the title should be expanded. It began to sound so: " a Path to an ideal ". And only With COMPREHENSION of a really COSMOGONIC ROLE of MANKIND SUCH HAS COME: " a SIDEREAL PATH ".
IT IS a PATH To PERFECTION(EFFICIENCY) PERSONAL, To PERFECTION(EFFICIENCY) of the PEOPLE IN GENERAL, To PERFECTION(EFFICIENCY) of a BODY And SPIRIT. For many reduced in the accumulator cell of thought - the acquaintance to those indeed brilliant, but, unfortunately, for us is not so wide by known writers - stars, the transactionses which one were taken by decades. Were taken and were interpreted. We, born in предвоенные years, varied not only outwardly (when I began to write these materials, to me was hardly more to than thirty).
Lie these decades the circle of concerns - mine and all and has extended;) *. Last rough years in general have inverted all in our consciousness. But the concern to problems of health, seems, has not falled. Moreover, he became more active, as though more particularly, is more robust, is more rational. For the life ours became is more interesting, and the time - is more dear(expensive). Therefore, though today mass of the most interesting books also has appeared, including those writers, which one were under earlier to prohibition held the person all them to read is simple be not capable. And consequently the accumulator cell prepared from maximum oblate thoughts of the miscellaneous writers, from separate pieces their best (from my point of view) books - quite often is warlike opposite, but nevertheless as a whole complementing one another, it seems to the most answering inquiries and to capabilities of the modern reader, including is active of conservation, were interested in a problem, of the health.
Here it is necessary to make some departure and to say some words about a surprising phenomenon of extreme conservatism, existing from old times, " sciences about health ".
Conservatism of medicine - phenomenon most ancient. The doctor, known in due course in Russia, ВЕНЕДИКТ in this occasion wrote:
" In one branch of human knowledge the facts are not denied and is not ignored so long, as in medicine. Each page of a history speaks us, that the most wanton rules(situations,positions) are received, if they correspond(meet) to dominant views, and, vice-versa that, the most obvious trues were disregarded and are removed by means of оклеветания of the writer, коль is speed(faster) they stood in a cut(section,sectional view) with dominant judgements "
Any new, "other" path in medicine, even if he was obviously winning, was betraid to conviction. And the it is more, than the scoring was large.
At the end of this accumulator cell we still shall touch one hypothesis on the subject of " health: other path - whether have we on him(it) the right? " For now...
Some words about religions
Here it would be desirable to make some remarks on a role in all it of religion, on which one obviously or implicitly, but all of us are educated.
Literally classic for us, Soviet people, the terrible literary examples of uncompromising struggle of religion against progress in science are. Probably, so it also was, and here and there so it and remained.
Between that if to count all fault before mankind (in human life or in any units of human happiness), hardly probable can something be compared in this sad rank with company and, that is surprising, with science, is active... Belligerent with progress. To take even "business" ЗЕММЕЛЬВАИСА - you see it is hundred millions life of the women in the heyday their cm! But about it speech ahead.
And still role of religion in this war cannot be detracted - not forward(straight), but indirect, much stronger and малопримечаемую.
Any religion - however, as well as science or political system is a social system. And дралась she by the people and for the people. What by greatest were principles pledged by the founders of all religions, ИИСУСОМ by the CHRIST including, subsequent rewritings, treatments, stylistic grindings is free or involuntarily changed these principles - sometimes up to " up to on the contrary ", on потребу those who did(made) it, for whom it was done(made).
Recollect reasonings Иисуса " About молве " in talk with Понтием ПИЛАТОМ in the novel Чингиза АЙТМАТОВА "Плаха":
". ·. You in something of the rights, governor Roman, but before I would like to carve out молву from true. Молва about true - great trouble. Молва - as the ooze in water, that in due course converts a deep water into a small-sized pool. In life always so - any great thought, родившуюся for the good to people reached in прозрениях Ч sufferings, молва, transmitted by word of mouth, eternally distorts in evil to itself and true "
The solution to result in the accumulator cell the genuine quotations instead of their free presentation will allow me even partially to shun reproaches of the readers in distorting trues pronounced the writers.
Behind the outwardly simple and clear forms(shapes) of expression most significant, is informational of charged pieces of all books, of all articles there is a huge transactions of their writers on grinding style according to a significance of these pieces... To shatter these forms(shapes) most likely would be equivalently to distorting of a contents. And act of the contempt to the writers. To incur this sin the maker does not want.
The distortings are natural in any channel of information. Therefore that originally Gospel was recorded in bridge by four apostles. But business not in it писании. All business that church as a system was done(made) by(with) the people, I replicate, is free or involuntarily deforming appendices of the main(basic) postulates to life - in compliance with itself and conditions. And so was received, that during all period of domination of a christianity, and many other religions, people continuously вживлялась in a head thought about stringent subordination of thought and spirit to all canons of adding up hierarchy, Center: never mind, daddy Roman, synod, governor... Therefore people, even the people of science, and even pronouncing themselves безбожниками, when it concerned an admission of new trues (specially not by them obtained and gained), always required(demanded) consecration of these trues from above. The imbibition up to milk of the mother of a principle иерархичности posed before the people as though wall of impermeability and disposal on attitude(relation) to everything, that is not consecrated, is not approved.. .. And everything, that was punched through this wall, went on with a blood and sufferings. So all progress of company appears by strife as though языческих of inclinings of each innovator with religion and major - with religiosity of the colleagues.
By the way, Чингиз Айтматов, - certainly, in, free, presentation, - so transmits further conversation Иисуса with Понтием Пилатом:
- And you, Иисус НАЗАРЯНИН, going to stop a history in harm?
- History? Her(it) nobody will stop. I want to root out an evil in particular acts and minds(wits) of the people - about what my grief.
- Then will not be н of a history.
- What history?... The genuine history, history of a heyday of humanity, did not start yet on the Earth. Know, the governor, extremity of a light not from me, not from natural disasters, and from enmity of the people грядет, date of enmity and those victories, which one you славишь in ecstasy державном (is selected(allocated) by me. -. М.).
In this conversation - idea, essence of a human contents of morals. But for us it is important at that, that in a nem the obviously expressed note рукотворности of our history, progressing in general sounds.
Not so treats these *проем our divinity: " Any progress is already sign of the extremity "
It was said in the beginning of our century. And words said almost century after: " the Conscientious orthodox christian, - writes иеромонах Серафим РОУЗ, - knows, that To, *, довеку maximum is not outlined in advance эволюционировать in something... " Despite of a time difference писания of these expressions, the stand is surprising constant and not so similar to earlier reduced conversation, the verity which one as subconsciously believe.
When begin to get acquainted with transactionses of the ideologists of the Orthodoxy, at once can be struck availabilities them to struggle with all (both separately, and at once) - with all not orthodox together. Whence, probably, there was for us a formula: " who not with us, that against us? " (Though in the Bible it is formulated differently: " who not against us, that with us! ")
With whom the Orthodox church struggles today? From each of existing religions: with a judaism and with монотеизмом, with язычеством and with science, with the Evangelists and with протесташами, with West and with East, with yoga, rock music and even from UFO.
Up to us, мирян, do not reach отзвуки of this strife " for purity " more often Orthodox church, which one its(her) fathers carry on,apparently, contrary to a reasonable direction " to a universal peace " between all religions existing today, including Buddhism, Islam, judaism, протестантством, catholicism, Orthodoxy. This rather attractive idea - to accelerate implementation of dream of mankind about a pattern and mutual understanding - is now active is discussed on many international conferences, congresses, conferences. Nickolai БЕРДЯЕВ is recalled there and our countryman.
“ With contempt looking on ascetic, монашеский spirit " historical " the Orthodoxies, are more exact - on all conservative christianity, which one routed spiritual forces of the person only on repentance, Бердяев, - with a disturbance writes РОУЗ, - craves of arrival вселенской of a faith, which one can contain in herself all humanist creative activity of the modern person ”.
The quoters of many religions have affirmed availability for association. But not on the orthodox basis(fundamentals), and on ideas, close to inclinings ВИВЕКАНАНДЫ, РАМАКРИШНЫ that is индуизма, with which one, as has appeared, for the Orthodoxy special счеты. These счеты encompass its(her) major doctrine - about первородном a sin (sin of knowledge, but at all coituses!), which one have committed to Hells and Ева, - doctrine, which one our church is held down for some reason very strong. To about m for and з and ч е m is expedient our ignorance?
By the way, the everywhere observed today growth of awareness of set of the peoples, full crash of the bet of conservative religions on " a clean faith ", on stagnation, reorientation of company on accelerated self-progressing - whether in it sense of the extremity, anticipated by christian church, of a light and arrival of the antiChrist " with the inhuman person ", which one is intimidated mankind not one тысячелетие? But then
Единобожие, reverence of one God.
ГОУЗ (иеромонах Серафим). The Orthodoxy and religion of the future. Californium, 1979.
310 not the extremity of a light, and his(its) beginning - certainly, if all of us will manage to -return from a path of quantitative expansion on a path qualitative *ста, on a path of social progress.
" The Extremity of a light is cancelled ", - the president of All-Union association авестийской of an astrology, director of astrological center has declared at Presidium АН USSR Павел ГЛОБА. Then long live eternal social and spiritual progress long live new public system " with the human person "! It is already clear, that she will be not socialist, where the cunning manager corrects, and not capitalist, where correct financial воротила. You see both that, and other are rather far from that orb, in which one the progress is really done(made). Both systems were bolstered and are artificially bolstered by social-political and religious entitiess (them fed up) yes by a blind faith of the peoples in infallibility " by the God given ". No, the new system, on quality, under the requirements in something close to that universal religion is necessary to us, which one now attempt to line теософы - "internationalists": She really should be strictly scientific, constructed on the foundation of real legitimacies. The principle of active social changes of aircraft attitude should be trusted to in the basis(fundamentals) her(it). She should be created on the foundation " of eternal principles " satisfactions of economical, social and spiritual needs of the people of a miscellaneous type (believers too). At last, this system owes messages to the major purpose - to social and spiritual progressing of mankind in conditions of full harmony of concerns all.
For such radical turn of human consciousness it is necessary to us to recollect, that we - children of the Nature and should live under its(her) laws, instead of under the artificial schemes invented by those or diverse ardent heads. We should search затерянные or incinerated activities of the large talents, geniuses punching to a path through тернии dark past. We should create gears of automatic scan, selection(sampling) both usage all new and useful, permanently originating in the people. We should learn выискивать and to help to flare up to stars of the first magnitude, dispersed among мириад of mediocre achievements. This looking up and refinement best, - in particular(personally), one of the purposes of this accumulator cell.
Russia, многострадальная Russia
Whether it is necessary to be surprised to that the look-alike purposes for the first time were delivered by(with) the "russian" writer?
Yes, Russia has gone through most severe experiment forecast by the astrologists, managed to look at us from time immemorial.
Arguments and facts. 1991. m. 27.
I speak about nowadays all known НОСТРАДАМУСЕ. This "experiment" both his(its) consequences was a presentiment also by(with) our countrymans.
After travel from St. Petersburg in Moscow РАДИЩЕВ has said so: " I think, Russia is intended to teach a pattern any terrible lesson ". And you see till 1917 then was even more of hundred years!
In well-known to us with институтской of a bench to the book In. НЕЛЕПИЦА “ Children's illness " the Leftisms " in communism ” are a surprising prophecy, which one anybody from us persistently does not note, - prophecy forward(straight) and insulting: would be erratic to overlook, that after victory of proletarian revolution even in one of forward countries there will set in, much more likely, abrupt fracture,: Russia will become soon after that not standard, and again backward... By country ".
Now Russia in the hitch, in aiming to be selected from that terrible hole, in which one she has hitted, is capable to make greater, than is simple to creep out on an average level. In something she can and should show a pattern an example, in particular(personally) example of accelerated social and spiritual progressing of the people, to throw клич to other peoples to association in looking up of paths of joint progressing and then together with them to leave really to the light future of mankind.
For mankind it will mean the extremity of an aeon of blind existence, occurrence(appearance) of a light at the end of a tunnel. As well as the stage of sad decades of a haze, this termination(ending) her(it) for us too is programmed. Few were made happy with destiny with a capability to share in the great act of redemption per August days of 1991. And remaining... Remaining it is necessary only to bite elbows.
Only radical transition to a path of active social self-progressing will allow eventually us, mankind in general, to grow up to a legitimate right on is true human happiness, and further, probably, and on forward(straight) two-sided, already in something an equivalent contact to the inhabitants of diverse planets - contact for a long time forecast sacred писаниями and the predictablis astrologists.
The truth, concerning all it remains without the answer one not the God a message with what relevant, but generally very curious problem: forecast of Russia of a gloom and the strongest regress is that; by someone the preselected program, which one we should carry out, - and from here both our blindness, and our laziness, and неумь, - or on the contrary: laziness and неумь "тартарийцев" have served as a basic point for a prediction of a foregone gloom? But you see both European, and other peoples too is far from being in all and not always shone with progressivity.
Let's recollect Игнаца ЗЕММЕЛЬВАЙСА, ideas and methods which one more than hundred years back imperatively has crossed by centuries the established practice of many tens thousand doctors - акушеров and inclinings of hundreds or thousand зашоренных of scientific many academies of Europe. These specialists then completely have ignored true, which one persistently indicated Земмельвайс, why for period from the proposal up to an admission (beginning of century) the human losses in Europe have appeared (further, than in all till now wars, known for the people. An example, by the way, phenomenal and multiply discussed.
Why so is received? Why the scientists approved in institutes, in academies reared by the people just that to him, people to provide conditions for accelerated progressing, on business are held by achievement of the own purposes, substituting a problem of progressing of company verbal трескотней, bleeding down the peoples, оплетая reason by a wanton web mathematically correct, but it is worse wanton formulas or, than that, promoting creation of weapon for destruction(annihilation) to itself look-alike? Unless their stand today, through 1,5 hundreds years after Земмельвайса, in something has varied? Parasitizing on a body of company, on a body of science, they closely monitor that threatens HER(IT) and, therefore, to their existence, and HER(IT) by the created gears (legal, economical, moral) are straightened with objects of this threat, braking progress of company.
The strife against progressing is not only Soviet policy of last decades. Facilitiess, which one the mankind applied in strife against the progressing, never differed by humanity. Fires of inquisition is a drip in the sea of those sufferings, кои have dropped out on a fraction of mankind after setting up on the Earth of idea единоличия, which one - any, we know it now for certain and on our own history - results is foregone to мафиозности of patterns, to oblivion of concerns of the people, to social stagnation н произрастанию of evil, including in attitude(relation) to health.
Can be, therefore further, in an epilogue, on a problem on, whether we have, contaminated plague of orthodoxy, stagnation, whether we have the right to health, the positive answer is not given unconditionally.
About health, once again about health.
We, mankind as a whole and each of us separately, to ourselves have selected speed moral, and consequently, and wear and tear, self-canceling. But in those small limits, in what it is given to us, each should give chance and facilitiess of personal strife for life - chance and facilitiess, which one he in forces to take possession. And such way to all mankind to enable not only to survive, but also to go far forward.
Hundreds years каждодневно, методично, at a level accessible most павшему and highest, simple and high calm sea we for ourselves in Russia advocated respect for dogmas, since respect for dogmas of our Orthodox church - in West correctly speak:
Desire to transmit to the broad audience of the readers knowledge, accumulating for last two decade, was reinforced for me not only bright specification statements, which one were given by(with) each writer at presentation of the theory and practice. Of a regularity " many from them me have convinced also own expertise of deliverance from an awful eczema, the best doctors of Moscow could not manage(consult) which one long years, and some expertise in applying a medical starvation, and outcomes of active debate with the advocates of ideas of conventional medicine.
Purely, the accumulator cell started with it. Subsequently for me the only abstract, scientific concern to novelties has appeared also in the field of environmental sanitation, and even later - to methods of their implementation. The examples of phenomenal successes of these methods in strife with miscellaneous illnesses especially впечатляющи, that they are obtained presently, on our eyes. And you see as it is not enough we about them we know, how a little we know about look-alike activities abroad!
Between that it is necessary to recollect, that the strengthening of health is only maiden, initial, though also absolutely indispensable stage of a path to an ideal of the person and mankind.
Certainly, not everything, not all from written here can be used by each - even " inquisitive and creatively active ". And furthermore by all remaining. But about what miracles each of us can make with the body and with the spirit, should know all. So I think and so I act - can be, apart from the will, only recently having understood, why: if to believe the complex(difficult) astrological tables Говарда of a CASING, my cross, my destiny are formulated so: " TO MAKE EVERYTHING, THAT In YOUR FORCES TO REDUCE In a PATTERN VIOLENCE And ДИСГАРМОНИЮ ".
Only having begun to prepare materials of this accumulator cell, more and more of time premeditating recorded, understanding huge, almost universal force of the prescriptions presented in the book, I was set by a problem: and whether we have is right, having familiarized with all here reduced, to complain of destiny, on болячки and malaise? You see, there is, and truly EACH - BLACKSMITH of THE HAPPINESS?
Moreover, many principles of conservation of own health could be selected by us for a long time even on those крохах of knowledge, which one were born by(with) our official literature.
But we are lazy, are dull and are malicious. Instead of charging(charge) we prefer поваляться superfluous hour in sand bed, instead of spiritual progressing we ""struggle" in sequential queues, and instead of teaching to a transactions we heat passions in political debate, deciding, who, whom and as should possess, instead of who as should work and with what to be.
And you see we can refuse this or that nutrition, but we do not want, to take sports - but too we do not want. And consequently I on an iota do not condole, I can not condole ill - no, not покалеченным, побитым, namely ill - too, when by those I am. " There is no force of will, has not earned on health - then do not complain ", - I speak to myself. Only on sufferings of a molluscum the fine pearls is received.
One of my friends as has said: " me ceases to interest the woman, if I shall learn(find out,recognize), that she does not bolster тонуса of the muscles, latitude of intellect and pliability of mentality '. Probably, as a maximum ideal the woman it is possible to call ефремовскую the Tannins Athenian.
If me have asked, what progress I would like to see on the Earth, I would answer: perfecting of the person. Professional, physical both moral. And first step to this perfection(efficiency) - strengthening of the health.
Still remark. As the present accumulator cell actuates very many fragments from the books, articles, lectures, the quotations contrary to the generally accepted norm(standard) in most cases are not taken in quotes to not overstrain vision of the reader and to not mar an aesthetics of the book. The text of the maker or is collected in brackets [1, or is given under his(its) initials.
One more remark. Whether much more we leaned the texts of the writers, having taken from the books only fragments? I think, that no, for in sense of the concept, adopted by us, we have taken everything, that is necessary. And no more that. Differently we could not, for ALL USELESS - IS HARMFUL. By the way, it is a major system principle.
And last. When I began to do(make) recordings from getting to us on крохам of the best books on alternate medicine, about issuing of the accumulator cell with presentation of thoughts, it is essential distinct from adopted "state" approach, could not be and speech. Therefore in a number(series) of cases have appeared затерянными of the item of information on the writers of some articles, prescriptions, about titles of the log-books and time of their issuing. In this case suppositions of the maker are taken in square brackets. As the explanations of the maker to the authoring text are selected(allocated).
In spite of the fact that from the books and lectures here are resulted of exposure already selected as most relevant and interesting, most interesting of published is selected(allocated) complementary, and on main(basic) the links in the nominal and subject indexes(indicators) are given at the end of the book. I shall receive rad from the readers of the remark and proposal. To me supplies great pleasure to express thanks to those writers, which one worked with me at opening-up of their texts, everyone, who has sectioned with me a transactions at opening-up of the accumulator cell. The book I devote to my son Игорю.
« 100 YEARS — NOT AGE »
( Exposure from the book preparing for issuing)
Memories of my expensive(dear) parents I devote
1. If very much is generalized...
2. Naturopathy, strokes to a portrait. Since the yogis...
3. Breathing, our life and mors
1. Yogis and breathing
2. inexhaustible spares ВНД
4. Say to me, that you ешь...
1. Диетика, my acquaintances
2. Starvation - ideal nutrition
3. Gradually about miscellaneous
4. Refinement from toxins
5. Art of a body: As well as What for?
1. Radium life
Whether 2. To travail underwater?
In 3. millions needles
4. Art of preventive maintenance
5. Gradually about miscellaneous
6. Patterns inside us: who whom ест?
1. « Be cleared! From parasites »
2. « Elementary win wisest? »
3. Prose about safety of love
7. Art of life
1. Stress without дистресса
2. The love, is no more and not less
3. Gradually about miscellaneous
4. Idea magnificent семерки. Almost unrealizable
8. To live in company...
1. In an edge(boundarouse) непуганых идиотов.
2. Social safety - what is it such? A reflexive principle
3. Противоакустическая a defense
4. Ecology, our house. About the Major doctrine
5. About education from school
9. About interethnic and universal
1. We shall try them to understand (not vast country Estonia)
2. Romantics from Kalmykia
3. Echo from Germanium
4. So it is possible and to take offence...
5. Our common ancestors. Selection of paths of a unification
10. Force spiritual
1. Sources of our confessor
2. To become the gods after the God
3. Confessor, aspect practical
4. About бездуховных sources of conservatism
The appendices
1. Prescriptions for almost healthy
2. From said and written (miscellaneous times and peoples)
3. Great гончары
4. Social - ecological doctrine of Russia (our project)
5. Our Academy and our Center
Concluding presentation. TO LIVE, DEVELOPING
The nominal index(indicator)
The subject index
The writer about itself
The writer about itself.
Was born for a long time. The radio amateur, radio engineer, inventor, scientific, candidate, doctor, academician, president, employee. It is a lot of such now.
Speak, if by 20 years the person not beautiful, to 40 not clever, and to 60 not rich, what for was to live on a light? Alas, it not to me. If for me as was, it is less and with the large delay.
major, that was possible to me, - so it in time to change a trade, her(it) having saturated. So that to following I approached notably обогатившись from previous. And so I step-by-step close down all insatiable desires by mine throttle.
That in each case was, so it is self-recoil, multipatience and attempt all to finish up to finished конструкта. It for a long time and for a long time.
the book, which one lays before you, though and all is far from being by me written, has taken away in me a lot of time and probably some years of health. But I am usual had time оклематься before following activity. On it only and hope. To heal wounds help something from reduced here of prescriptions, time, the good friends and colleagues - very much I am afraid of it to lose.
But there is something, that very much надоедает:
I admit, to old age,
But it is better not further,
I wait for one especial medal
- No, not for the fact that itself complex(difficult) trues reached,
and them then on Russian itself transferred(translated),
But only for that,
That each before them by back досыта a trochanter,
And I suffered such бардак.
The Nobel prize winner
( From a movie)
Health, other path (instead of the foreword)
On вс ё the really God's will, and all milestones of our life are well registered in our Book of life - you see е ё capacitance, capacitance генома, which one transmit to the child the daddy with the mum, as speak scientific, it is not less halves of informational capacity of the books of the Library by him(it). Ленина. So, introduce, how much kilometers полок, how much millions miscellaneous books from miscellaneous branches mixed language, how much fates скольких of the people there are described, how much sciences from And up to I, and half it is only on one person - you!
half from infinity is too infinity. That is all of you, daddy and mum, give to the child almost вс ё, down to preferences to a name of the bride (groom), days of illness, debacles and, certainly, dot of mors. And therefore, raising a superfluous wine-glass of vodka and even a mug of beer, being decided superfluous 10 minutes помучиться with dumb-bell shaped figures and the more so selecting itself of the father (or mother) future successor, think, on what to stay, and not оплошай! Think over that you to him will enter in transmitted billions of pages!
our human expertise and professional science have opened and have created thousand both thousand methods and facilitiess (technical, chemical, biological...), as выкарабкаться from terrible illnesses how eliminate from us can be a superfluous detail or how put new. But for the one who is almost healthy, and wants to be overcome with this «almost , practical guidelines, that is called, « кот наплакал ».
Only do not think, that here I as though дурью маюсь, that all such is much easier, than to be pulled out from когтей of a tuberculosis or, do not give the God, AIDS... It did not try, but something comparable - the eczema (permanently мокнущая, abundant on all body) - was. Not so 3 years are long,, but I е ё have stored on all life. So, before the prescription (lecture К.П is useless пройдя ten best Moscow doctors, incidentally having received from the friend "«rod". Бутейко on the recorder cassette), I, поднапрягшись, have recovered for ten days. And departure has by-passed on a highest level above the mean state. How much then I attempted, multiply applying tested «rod "- выручалочку" (about her I shall tell), to receive the same effect « of a regal state », I of this miracle repeat could not.
So that do not think what to become on millimeter здоровее "of «normal" health - time to spit in comparison with science вынырнуть from полуслучайно appeared омута. At all events, at the command of ill - mass of the doctors and врачевателей, thousand books and ten thousand prescriptions, from which one only some, as though to say, - for almost healthy.
It is necessary at once to recognize, that from the annals as ours official, and now better to say - "«orthodox" medicine to dig out it was possible a little. And consequently at once I admit: much from quoted here is selected from among those national facilitiess and methods, which one by the adherents of official medicine is active are disclaimed. At all events, while they do not hit in rules(situations,positions) almost desperate. And it is necessary to say, as the doctors, and церковники contrary to the faith in the doctrines and disbelief in other path, hit in these "«almost desperate" conditions not less often, than all of us, mortal.
I think, nobody begins to mind, that only personal health not is the warranty долгожительства. « To live in company and to be free from company it is impossible » - and moreover, it is almost impossible. The exterior social and ecological environment is second,maybe, most important half, from discussion by which one many as though wave away. So was received, that on a kind of the activity she is not bad familiar to the writer, and to not set up the views on this непаханый a stratum of soil he is simple not could.
But completely materials to such book one cannot write. By the writer directly ahead of writing of the manuscript and all during from a beginning of activity on a subject (from a beginning 70 years) to some extent explicitly are studied hundreds activities on the given subject, tens theme teleradio transmissions are parsed, from which one the definite stand, was formed, as now speak - концепт, and whence definite volume "of «invoices" used in the book was typed.
In spite of the fact that some books I quote not by strings(lines), and pages, should at once say: they never will replace the full text, he necessarily is more full, is more juicy, is more information. My problem - to interest my reader to find this or that of them and to read.
the coauthors and writers who have rendered directly or indirect the help at opening-up of definite sections of this book, above mentioned, on the back of a cover of the book. By him(it) and all by other, whose large and small grains are used in the book, manual of editions and publishing houses, which one were decided them in due course to print out, and also their editors and journalists, which one by the talents knew how облагораживать, to grind and to inform up to the readers coarse authoring самородки, - all of them I from themselves and, I think, from the readers of this book I express sincere gratitude and delight.
The special gratitude - that MASS-MEDIA, which one I for a long time and sincerely like:
- To the log-book « MIRACLES and ADVENTURES » (chapter ред. Hermann Владимирович СМИРНОВ) - for кладезь of the spiritually saturated and fascinating articles;
- To the newspaper « CAN NOT BE » (chapter ред. Игорь Иванович МОСИН) - for a placer accumulation of the fine prescriptions gathered by collective of edition on all immense весям to great Russia and only partially used in text of this book, only partially used in the text, also idea of an off-gauge title of the book.
It is necessary to mention and
- Radio station « a GERMAN SURGE », which one, except for transfers(transmissions) on momentary political, economical and other "«severe" subjects, illuminates for us, Russians, customs of the great german people, plutonic fundamentalses цивилизованности, наработанные by long hard centuries, - them could not eventually поколебать Адольф ГИТЛЕР and Nazi past, today's accelerated технократизация and монетаризация. By best that remained unaffected or nearly so by unaffected time, we are furnished with the workers НВ lovely Элизабет ВИБЕ and Анастасия РАХМАНОВА. Fragments from their some fascinating transfers(transmissions), including given by them personally, we present here. To us, Russia, which one the special greatness предрекают many prophets in the most near future, is sure, is what to take from the germans. - As well as germans for us, already now.
At last, I admit, this book could not appear, if not the support of my friends, native, close, familiar, which one is surprising perspicacious and very much in time gave me in life the arm of the help and support. Among them I especially shall tag(mark off) before all parents - Алексея Демьяновича МИНИНА and Марию Александровну СМЫЧЕНКО-МИНИНУ, then Владимира Сергеевича БЛУМЕНТАЛЯ, Зинаиду Ивановну and Вальтера Карловича ШУЛЬЦ, Бронислава Сергеевича КРОПОТОВА, Валентину Антоновну МУРАВЬЕВУ, our absolutely adult son Игоря, certainly mine hardworking помощниц Юлию Александровну АКИНДИНОВУ and Татьяну Александровну КЛЕНИНУ, which one have undertaken a hard transactions multiply to reprint, to correct, to grind, to glaze the manuscript and eventually to bring up е ё together with me to a level, which one now lays before YOU, dear(expensive) reader.
However I hope, that YOU, despite of all these grindings, will treat all written here, sometimes mutually contradicting, if not opposite, on - philosophically, from an owing fraction of scepticism, at all events, is strict with reference to a construction and capabilities of the organism, is proportional to needs(requirements) of your personal privacy and capabilities of the will. Furthermore, that of a sin to conceal, many writers, and I too, sometimes, let not often, but speak not the truth, sincerely receiving desirable for real...
the pattern of the book is not absolutely usual. She is selected by us by a principle of presentation from the general to the particular, that YOU, dear(expensive) reader, as though step-by-step got used to set up here conclusions(injections) sometimes shocking, saw them all time updated and simultaneously in all their inconsistencies. And even of some conditionality. So they will not seem to YOU by trues in the last resort - whether there are in general such?.. You see even constants константны only in certain conditions. - Even such, as speed of light and the more so gravitational constant, not speaking already about conditions social.
So that ещ ё of time we shall invoke YOU for philosophical perception everything, that YOU here will read - from some fraction of scepticism and healthy doubt. But necessarily design, if for YOU is what to oppose written. Such pattern, if it becomes boring, will allow YOU in time to stay, nevertheless having squeezed in itself main(basic), that I would like to YOU to say. For saving time, holding of YOUR attention and demarcation more from one less relevant, the most interesting pieces of the text are selected(allocated) by the applicable type faces. My own inserts in the quoted text as a rule, are concluded in square brackets or are collected by an italic. It will allow better отграничить them from someone's interrupted thoughts. The bold type face and capitals selects(allocated) by us words and phrases of higher informative value. In any case pleasant to YOU of reading. And strong health in any age, up to which one YOU will live!
... « 100 YEARS — NOT AGE » - so the note from the newspaper « starts CAN NOT BE » №3 (77) 98. There are, in USA more than 50 thousand перешагнувших 100-year's boundary. And it not дряхлые the useless old men. They continue to conduct an active way of life, they know how easily to suffer troubles, easy communicate with other. And than we are worse? And in general: what feature 50 тыс, instead of 50 млн? — you see of years twenty back United Nations promised, that by 2000 the mean age will be 100 years! By the way, the note comes to an end by words: « Вкалывать it is necessary! »
Beforehand, up to the applicable text in the book, we shall pronounce: for us перешагнувших a 100-year's boundary as if about 19 thousand. But we is quick(rapid) we blossom also each of us the pioneer should be ready, as! Each should make the pitch to the best future - and all of us. Certainly, nobody will shift the hour Ч, nobody is insured from a brick on a head, on that, speak, God's will. It so to say, his(its) absolute prerogative. But artificially to not abbreviate the health to be always in pleasure ambient and, you see something is necessary "«вкалывать" — depends and on us! the destiny is always ready to give us chance.
we have collected for almost half-centuries something from wise advices on this score and the turned out concentrate have tried to set up here.
Let's repeat: our health - physical, mental, psychological - the meal and charging(charge) is far from being only. For those to whom this book is intended, is more exact than those who е ё will purchase and will read, it is only 50 or even 30 percents.
we - entity biosocial, and for us a social factor - everyone, who encircles us, as encircles - and even the spiritual motives are not less significant, than that we едим. Therefore in the book it will be possible to find and social pieces, and not only as invariable constants, but as the object for the appendix of our creative and design forces - for itself and for all. It also will be our contribution to public progressing.
Differently what for коптить a palate?
In communal and whole if to summarize all guidelines, available on our horizon, and speculations, miscellaneous lectures on the subject of « How to be healthy », it is possible to say following
the huge value, as it as it is strange, plays a genotype, i.e. that to us is transmitted by(with) the parents. They transmit not only biophysiology of our organism, but also largely psychology of our behavior.
Therefore maiden: young I can advise to not be run up behind a material wealth or смазливостью, as a rule exciting attractiveness and even sexuality. Search for qualities biological and mental. Biological it is easy to see on a skin on arms: what she, same and for internal bodies(organs). Mental - only by dialogue. And overseeing by behavior in extreme situations
second, that essentially determines our health, is an environment - physical, chemical, aesthetic, ergonomical, psychological... Sometimes they essentially reduce(descend) ours тонус, and then the strife is necessary. But thus our will is steeled.
a feed(meal,power) - third factor defining our health - physical and mental. We consist that we едим and drink. In spite of the fact that I have tried many diets, I had a hard inclining, what not so it is important, that you ешь and even as far as are miscellaneous (indispensable our organism knows how to synthesize itself, from this that to him will hit, down to transformation(conversion) of members - nuclear fusion, see activities Б.В. Болотова). Major - as: separately, the plus not overeating a plus all is as much as possible degermed. For around of us and in nutrition of is full miscellaneous entities, helminths, which one willingly settle in our organism.
Антигельминтный a potential. The helminths are our constant satellites, they infect many our bodies(organs), occlude all best that we едим and drink, essentially reduce(descend) ours тонус. And the more qualitatively your organism, the охотнее they it(him) occupy.
the exercise stress - is indispensable absolutely. And business not in hardening from humanoid or from malicious elementss, she is necessary каждодневно with the purpose of creation of maximum tension in our muscles and maximum disadvantages присосавшимся to our body to parasites, for massage of vessels and acceleration кровотока, ensuring delivery of products a feed(meal,power) to all our bodies(organs), for accelerated framing эндорфинов, without which one the normal operation of our organism is impossible.
the light head, free from dogmas without the cemented brains and glazed over eye, head which is capable of reception(trick), treating and adequate selection(sampling) of useful ideas - another's, and if will be lucky(carry) - and. And then you will be not only explorer, but also oscillator of paths of public progressing. Can be, besides we only and are allowed коптить a palate by(with) superfluous days and years.
all these listed above factors defining our health, are closely interdependent. Each of them is indispensable and are together sufficient to live long and major - in health. If, certainly, for Всевышнего concerning you there are no other schedules. But as something depends and on us with you, I have undertaken to write this book.
SO, except for strife for the public status, material status and ideals, the strife for health, strife with the pernicious favours, with exterior невзгодами and internal enemies is necessary. And the will is necessary for strife.
Alas, the will is not inherited, she(it) can be earned only on personal expertise in strife for own ideas, in particular(personally), for most long-time - spiritual. For education and keeping up in us of high ideals попса, especially fulminating television, малопригодна. The thoughtful reading is necessary is, by the way, promotes comprehension of the people, with which one you share кров and palate. Involvement in the solution of public problems and in satisfaction of great social needs, skill to step in a leg in due course.
desire to be to someone necessary - someone is particular also much, all - carries on to occurrence(appearance) for any of us « of great ideas », radium which one,maybe, Всевышний and gives to us a definite right to live without disastrous illnesses.
But also with this disclaimer to despond and to be pull downed it is impossible! Therefore here we shall give some advices so to say, home nature.
It is necessary to begin that concerns to moral and morals
1. DO NOT ENVY OTHER. — BUT ALSO DO NOT OVERESTIMATE ITSELF! Envy and гордыня erode our mentality, очерствляют our reason. Store: if want, you can be better! And more better! — that is why трудитесь, вкалывайте! At first, it will allow you not too to grow old. And can be even and go вспять, as for mine liked Софи Ротару. Remember, how has explained неувядаемую youth? - « And I envy nobody! » Secondly, it will shield you from empty and harmful enticements, it how much will give to company — and you personally,maybe, and money. But not in them happiness. Major — will allow to realise itself. And then advice:
2. BE the ACADEMICIAN! In the business be better than all! On all 100 use your talents! Businesses for your healthy inquisitiveness and hands around is indefinite much. All around is incomplete, « all not so, guys »! - sang Владимир Высоцкий. But one ambitions, without mind(wit) and diligence, are ridiculous and are fruitless.
3. SEARCH for prime TARGETS! « By Diverse all life — one game, well though do not take out for them конфетки from a mouth ». Catch the large, very large, jumbo business. Be necessary to other. A capability in only case when will appear to grow old not hurrying up. More in detail about it below Explanations And are lower — see
4. NOT ВАМПИРСТВУЙТЕ — by bad nature, coarse voice, дубовостью, greed, занудством... Not сволочите and not идиотствуйте. But also do not descend by other, it of you will be медвежья service. Идиоты in an edge(boundarouse) непуганом are dismissed up to беспредела, that is загоняют the illness inside. ВАНГА: greed — this very terrible quality... She should disappear from the person of ground.
5. BE AFRAID of MEDIOCRITY — in science, in music, in art, in the literature.... Each has the right to creativity, but right on duplicating — only best. are not loopun with dull — Not without reason speak: hour to an impotent will communicate — week go as lost. And hundred times valid are such supervision(observation): better with clever to lose, than with the fool to find. As speak, the fool too can make something clever, but in many - many more slowly. Generally there are no people absolutely dull. There are people not woken, not by exited present incentive. If on yours to the score there is even one by you woken, it is possible to consider(count) it as your gold fund.
6. DO NOT CREATE to ITSELF an IDOL, from itself too. Know how to occur on a throat to an own song in a name of favour for everything, for other, in a name of the truth, which one you should feel by a skin. But not переусердствуйте from воспаленности of the brain — radium own health. And in general, « if the tack not лезет in a wall, means to him there there is nothing to do(make) ». Features with her, with this wall! It is worse.
7. NOT BE ХИТРОЗАДЫМ, be forward(straight) and honest, even before itself. For successes, for homing to the nature it is enough to have honest thoughts, asserts(approves) Анастасия through Владимира Мегре. She is difficult for not believing. No, it is possible as, somewhere and схитрить, but it not for a long time. Long to deceive the nature it fails. The people too. IT IS NECESSARY TO BE, BUT TO NOT SEEM. Only own blindness, and спесь, and envy us on stagnation and mountain doom.
8. NOT ПРЕСМЫКАЙТЕСЬ: « I knew so to live all is impossible, meandering(crinkling) and sliding(slipping) ». МАРТЫНОВ. But be sometimes estimated by a hose pipe, so is more secure.
9. RESPECT THE ILLNESSES. Only in strife with illnesses we find the health. The illness — it and our personal detecting instrument, where, that for us is fractured (that is our own diagnostician), and check on паршивость, and call-up to operating, and hint on a method of treatment.
Only be afraid "of «symptomatic" drugss — today by them the advertising pages are full. Having removed a sign, they загоняют illness inside.
Be close to itself, but not скатывайтесь up to morbid мнительности: at desire each can find in itself all. And advice on one fines: from frequent налетных of colds well helps insist Calendulaes — by the pin in nostrils.
10. BE MORE INTELLIGIBLE: without the special need not лезьте by other in douche and body. Also do not substitute. Another's throttle — потемки, sometimes, alas, with пригретой by the snake and dump miscellaneous гадости. Be not pull downed up to primitive общений — for example, with a home dog. Not be equal to her by a doll. Do not overlook(forget): she — not дитя of the nature, she — yours холуй, biorobot, you зомбированный. And furthermore often bitter entity, dangerous for other. Search and find to itself the good friends among the people. They search for you! - see.
11. DO NOT YIELD ЗАПОВЕДИ ВСЕПРОЩЕНЧЕСТВА, do not substitute the second dog. Speak, if the violence is foregone, be returned, take pleasure and be prepared to отмщению. The truth, absolutely wise speak so: « it is not necessary to struggle, it is necessary созерцать ». Китайцы: « It is necessary to sit on a coast and to wait, while past you will be floated by(with) a corpse of your enemy ». It almost on - христиански. But it disarms all of us already тысячелетие. The total not best. But revenge — not an ideal of life. Think. IN ALL!
12. WE SHALL BE GRATEFUL. To all and all. Already for the fact that you are (« you see it was possible to not be born at all »), for the fact that the parents suffered your excrement in an infancy and yours пакости in youth, for the fact that you and today suffer — yes is simple for the sun and palate above a head. Be grateful also добрейте.
ВАНГА: the future belongs to to the kind people. They will live in such fine pattern, which one are difficult us now even for introducing (incident, 5/98). But while « be kind owes with fists ». And in general, Спарта was strong and is healthy, while she was at war. Copious leisure her(it) доконал.
А. So, TO GROW OLD — NOT HURRYING UP. Each of us with age is rather quick(rapid) by something is burdened: by things, illnesses, Adeps, fatigue... By a wrath to best, to younger... At first from all it a physical sluggishness, then emotional dullness, and here and up to a senile marasmus by an arm to give. On this score there are some not so complex(difficult) advices. Each of us something, yes can from them take.
Master the personal complex of gymnastics — it is of difficult 20-40 minutes each day. Extrude from itself aggressiveness! Hold down the body permanently in high тонусе: it, probably, alone warranty in strife with the internal and exterior enemies. More precisely — of balanced coexisting with them not on last roles! Die, but these minutes should be found. Radium what? LOOK.
... From one Squad of safety КГБ irradiations, which have obtained a lethal dose, have died everything, except for one Бориса seconds. He has survived because each morning, years, did(made) (in a park) for two hours труднейшей of physical charging(charge), with dumb-bell shaped figures, on shells... — and in an all weather. It was long not of the child with the liked wife, but also it Борис has overcome. Still: And. Хапугин in Ryazan has committed the next parachute jump... Per 86 years (Television - 1; 5.8.96). Etc. etc. - in the book other examples will be given also. As it is possible видет, the game costs(stands) of suppositories.
Master a method of a breath holding (К.П. Бутейко) — a fine method, improving and medical, from mass of illnesses — speak, from two hundred of all known 30 000, but most "«popular"! The path to health, is spoken by(with) the yogis can be from below, through famine, and from above, through breathing. The method is extreme simple, but also is so difficult. If you on him(it) on the present were decided is simple for a health maintenance, daily, even till some minutes, up to получаса, hold back breathing so that it was very uneasy. It will be pure by the way before cold douche. And if be sick — 3 hours per day — continuously or in the sum, if with interruptions are pressed from all forces on 2 -. To a problem on treatment бесплодия the women the method Бутейко has the most forward(straight) attitudes(relations). Interestingly that children after a Method are the present child prodigies. Only future(next) it is necessary to the mum for this purpose really вкалывать. The method of application КП — a strongest resource of an angenesis, all organism. Two weeks on a method (with full self-recoil!), and your hair becomes black as смоль, the voice becomes as for Левитана, and the person will flare by a bright blush — though completely skin of the person, as is known, is renovated in 7 years (compare: a stomach — each 17 days). I shall note: the bright blush, if he is honestly earned, always differs from plaster, from colour of any quality and stratum, worthy only laughters and contempt. As well as sound body as against supercool clothes.
each day лезьте in the most cold douche — after him(it) is possible and in ardent. Earn to itself pleasure per day, quench I throttle also body! And if have begun заболевать, master bathings in a bosh with absolutely cold water. In the winter too. This prescription me has presented Л.К. Кретлова, which one so was salvaged from a chronic chronic illness.
Certainly, not on war and not at famine to create to itself such difficulties a little to whom it would be desirable. I too,, how залезть maiden time in a January bosh filled with ice water, hour went around yes about. But then... Then each time after полуминутного of stay in a bosh pleasure is tested(experienced) indescribable. By the way, who wants to try, I prevent be turned out of a bosh помедленней, that, do not give the God, to not break an arm! - speak, the case such was, alone. And more anything bad.
And in general this whole art - to live without war and to be as on war. The eyewitnesses tell, that during Second world in окопах, in mud and chill, anybody even by a nose not шмыгнет! There was anywhere no mentally ill. After these testimonies I was even more approved in the old judgement, that the overwhelming majority among multiplied in a peace time "«mentally ill", miscellaneous with mental deviations and "«attitudes" - is simple the dismissed types.
the market, even ours primitive, is something! Number ill and the simulators he has lowered many times over.. And still to us Александра Лебедя, that each day raised all in six and on five kilometers of jog, - we is quick(rapid) have turn intoed the most healthy nation a pattern!
the following guideline approximately on the same business.
Extrude, proscribe from itself toxins by all possible(probable) paths — гадости in us enough. Three most simple advices: 1) If not each morning, почаще натощак ешьте rice кашу without salt and the oils(butter) (seem, Chinese prescription); 2) before her in companies - sunflower oil(butter), перекатывайте it(him) there of minutes 10-15. Under the language for us the whole web венозных of vessels, communicating with oil(butter), they return oil(butter) all harmful (From advices Н. Кондрашовой — РАМН). But do not give you the God to swallow turned out белокипенную fluid — it is the present poison(venom). As have conducted severe experiment with two козами, have mixed by him(it) выплюнутое with a forage. One is quick(rapid) подохла, other all облысела. 3) If there is a capability, consume more often citric an acid, even and artificial: only with this acid all depositions will derivate dissoluble salts easily injected from our organism (from the prescriptions seconds. And. Аракеляна). Explicitly is see lower.
a malice, спесь, envy, greed and laziness — whales of our poverty and our misfortunes, major reasons ours нездоровья. And MAJOR PATH — THROUGH OUR STOMACH. That is why:
Not обжорствуйте. Like famine — only in this state healthy cages поедают ill. In remaining time for them a genuine democracy: live and are multiplied all — both good and bad, both useful, and harmful. Not can fast — it is necessary to select time for strong-willed normalization of breathing on Бутейко Alas, the will is here again necessary. The will does not suffice to all of us, all Russia, all mankind. A problem of a mass hyperalimentation explicitly has studied Н. Амосов. His(its) concluding: it is necessary is tastelessly. Or is expensive, but to pity(regret) money.
do not misuse with animal nutrition. She is not beneficial and already therefore is harmful. Also is ineffective: for cultivation of 1 kg. Meats 10 kgs are required. Green mass, and on digestion of 1 kg of meat 90 % it(him) ккал is spent. — to us remains 10. So, whether the efficiency = 1%— is small? A plus to this — all meat poisons(venom), including and трупный. A plus now « the cow rabies » for парнокопытных.
the ethical side here not last, will ponder: I NOBODY ЕМ.
Ешьте vegetables and fruit, whenever possible crude — of the guideline Атерова Тер-Ованесяна, personal doctor former шаха of Iran. I shall remind the one who does not know: on сыроедение he has passed per 60 years — already дряхлым by the old man after tragical loss of two children. Only it became then obvious, that they have died of a hyperalimentation and acquisition from it of mass "of «civilized" illnesses. In 63, after transition to a feed(meal,power) by crude vegetables and fruit, for Атерова the second life » has appeared «. And absolutely healthy дитя, girl, as well as daddy, — absolute сыроедка.
And consequently, when you see, if what or the mother, пичкая liked дитя by meat and in general well processed nutrition, assures, for example, that he « should grow », do not believe its(her) any word: подспудно she(it) is supervised by(with) one desire - without delay to see дитя « large and strong ». On business she steals from him(it) the future health and if he in time, повзрослев, will not conquer маминых of whims, she will see дитя gentle and ill. All of us have passed through it, and thank the God, if who in time has come round. (It is good to know how in time to learn(find out) such women, that with them for anything to not get children!).
But we shall return to our actuality. Than to feed?
in the summer and early autumn there are no problems. In the early spring rush on young greens: редиска, onion, parsley, young pages of a dandelion... — that is. It is possible to find the greens cut together with beforehand welded « in мундирах » картошкой, hardly seasoned by salt and sunflower oil(butter) — what still is more tasty(delicious)!
in the winter it is more complex(difficult). If you the person held (and other look-alike of a slip will not read), a dish of the day for you can be « living борщ »: in boiling water with полуготовым by a potato throw finely нашинкованную cabbage and beet, add on taste salt, подсластитель and citric acid, hardly baking sodas. Finish before rimming action, add a garlic and set aside for 20 minutes. It is close clone that the Sidereal path » is given in the book «. He not so is pleasant, as борщ Ukrainian, but is beneficial and costs(stands) in a refrigeration cabinet about one month. For the held person — it is the present find. To the extremity of winter, when in cabbage anything useful does not remain, replace with its(her) white редькой. And in general here it is possible to do without boiled water, and to top up a structure by tomato juice or yogurt. When you are hungry, this бурда will seem very tasty(delicious). Bon appetit!
have not a fancy fresh yeasty bread: yeast previously not exposed to frost (in a freezer) bread is active пожирают us. Also is active litter us with the excrement. If for you after copious grain трапезы gravity in a body and dullness in a head — it from them. Proceed(pass) on general перемораживание of yeasty kinds(views) of bread. By the way, in time you also with surprise will find out, that the cockroaches step-by-step abandon your flat.
do not misuse with Saccharum. At increase of consumption of Saccharum in 2 times the death rate from cardiovascular diseases is augmented in 10 times! (З.М. Эвенштейн, 1990). As recently have detected scientific, without a glucose of cancer cells go on suicide. There by him(it) and road. Is you see now there are alternate materialss.
Saccharum - fine medium for micro-organisms and everyone дряни in a mouth and in our organism, is a caries and fatty depositions. Thanks God, now it is easy to find on сахарозаменителях,say, water such as Ранова or Pepsy-light; while no, but soon there will be pies and cakes. And if anything such will not find, then even carefully rinse of companies after meal and tea with Saccharum!
do not overlook(forget) to filtrate water. It is better to hold down in her серебренные subjects.
the alcohol — a fine resource will be weakened, is quick(rapid) enter a contact... Thus remember: choral песнопения are very beneficial. And more: « For постную an erypsipelas in a holiday this in fish gigs land » (Peter I). But этанол is dangerous! Not only that peels brakes, dims eyes by a mist, but also especially physiologically. As if and natural the matter, also is injected not bad. But his(its) major заноза: being instantly absorbed in walls of an intestine, he carries away behind itself(himself) all present there пакость, which one, if has passed a usual path, for certain would linger over healthy to cookies. And so — all this remains in us for ever.
But if you on a visit have sinned, even with very tasty(delicious) appetizers, be not too lazy to occupy a toilet on 10-15 of minutes and хорошенько to flush the stomach кипяченой or filtered water or as a last resort by water with марганцовкой. I admit, however, not only I am surprised, but also I envy concrete health those who is always drunk and thus is healthy. But only introduce by what eternal they could become, not yielding the pernicious whims!
than nicotine is even more offensive. Smoking and carcinogenesis   for a long time is demonstrated, that; корелируют too close. Though the reason, and where a consequent is not demonstrated, where (!). And that with it(him) is quick(rapid) grow of a mutation, is shattered on зернышку a folded gene pool: female — all descendants, man's — also by the activity for life, is already it is known authentically. Добротное descendants from smoking or smoking — it, alas, is too improbable.
coffee — most harmless of ours приятностей. To live only on a nem... Alas, he promotes the ascent from our bones of calcium. For the women death rate in old age almost half — from fractures of a journal of a femur. And you see all starts from the youth...
Protect the dents: Forget about Saccharum. Besides all toothpastes (except for гелевых) — are a sandpaper, which one you (under the guideline those who makes them) daily трёте the dents. The odontolith has not time to heal wounds - unless the nature can will manage(consult) technological progress?! Dry milk a plus marine or крупномолотая salt — the best clone of a toothpaste. After waiving usual Pastas you soon will find out, that an odontolith almost has disappeared, the fetor from a mouth (if he not from inside — from rotting meat) has disappeared; the number of demanded seals (except for as for the earlier derivated wounds) will decrease also, the gingivas will cease to bleed.
eyes — the most difficult problem. With years the lens закальцовывается, hardens, and close it is possible to look only with glasses. I know, there are chargings(charge) for eyes. But itself I shall not master. Though my high comrade Ростислав Михайлович Тихонов asserts(approves), that his(its) fine vision - from these chargings(charges). Can be and truly... Or someone knows more radical permission of this damned problem? As has appeared behind some days before delivery of the manuscript of this book in Publishing house, it is. Briefly about a nem and his(its) writer - m. Норбекове - in the applicable section of the book.
For eyes there is one more "«home" prescription. Who from us not щурится from a light, wind... Delay back that should be behind, thoracal cage - hardly forward... Позвоночный the pile will ease a clamp of a nervous pile and you experience what to be puckered to you was ceased to want. Alas, it will not defend from a dust.
eyes in general - most mysterious body(organ). In childhood I could not understand why, for example, the grapnel looks to us in eyes (instead of in companies, not at a nose...). In the book « From whom we have taken place? » Эрнст Мулдашев has delivered before itself the same problem: why we look in eyes one another? He idealized designs(elaborates) and creates the working tool under the form(shape) of an eye to determine types of the people. Also finds a lot of interesting. But about it later.
the intensive sexual life so gives, but much... Always something takes away: time, forces, attention... In economy it is called as outflow(leakage) of incentives. A plus of wearing of all systems of an organism. But соитие in high love — it is the warranty of happiness. And major — a lien of healthy descendants. But - in high. Differently — it is substitution of any other life, it when the kind wants to be multiplied, but to not develop. — Too path, but as though тараканий: they are multiplied millions, if not billions of years, remaining all by the same cockroaches. Assert(approve) (НВ, 04.98), that on statistics Russian on sex activity on the second place after the Americans. Too to me, have selected an example... In an ideal соитие it is necessary only for the child. But absolutely to deprive itself of this pleasure too is silly.
And the men still know: very difficultly. There is a truth the ancient prescription — caliche in tea. The modern witnesses to us are obscure. But most relevant nevertheless — love. It is known (НМБ, 1996, № 69), that at all-embracing passion the organism during affinity(proximity) knows how excellent to sterilize all aggressive microflora. The wise nature! And in general love — the whole art. Let's remark in brackets, that the nature at соитии has provided many-staged protection of descendants against inferiority. And the love in her — a most necessary member, is see lower. Still, as one german doctor, intensive sex - best resource from cold asserts(approves). - but it so, to a word.
Б. « the TWO SHOULD BECOME UNIFIED ESSENCE » — it is third,maybe, main(basic) of three postulates of health, reduced in most ancient манускрипте, earlier to nobody yielding, which one only recently has decrypted And. Масленников. He was written before the invention клинописи and expressed, probably, sources of knowledge about health, wisest.
It is uneasy to guess, that the respected reader, is higher than a head held by superinteresting businesses, will find nevertheless time for conventional paths guard rope to itself of the claimants (претенденток) on a strong place in the life. Then you in the help we shall offer to use a concentrate from expertise of your colleagues.
they tender in every possible way сторониться: nervous and emotionally dull, impatient and cold, хохотушек and continuously хныкающих, чистюль and нерях, mottled albinoes and with a skin as the cracked ground, and also: from nationalities which are not liked by you or your parents (national features, at first малозаметные, will blossom by soon magnificent color); дурно educated (at any capability will wipe about you legs); too родовитых (зазнаются), жлобовитых (it will be a shame from the friends) and беспородных (kind yours for a long time will fail downwards, the descendants will not forgive you it); indifferent to your business (it will be not life, and penal servitude both for them, and for you); with "the «lower" formation and not aimed it(him) to increase (on statistics, in families with "«low" formation the predisposition of children to drunkenness and smoking is much higher, than with "«upper", for which one, by the way, and health is better (at same and even the reduced earnings). (Looking up №468).. .. Still advice: have not a fancy that shines, зацикленными собачниками and кошатниками is is unsafe and induces(guides) on thought... - WHAT, ANYBODY REMAINED? Then it is necessary to keep looking up. Will grow, лучшеть, and all will come. And if you and one, without family handicapes(interferences) to mount have failed, in family with crying ребятишками to you over-horizon далей to not see. And then these pages — not about you.
Indefinitely selecting, you can remain and on beans. Alas, who does not risk, that does not drink anything good.
But advice latest: if you will meet the very good person even with something from the set forth above troubles, stay in the run, look narrowly and decide to be returned, even contrary to cries it(him) (its)((her)) parents and miscellaneous other advisers. Twice in life such can and not take place.
Why, you ask, these of a slip for the people held, creative?
At first, they — the people thin not only in a part mental, psychological, but also in a part of physiological health. And there where is thin, there often is torn.
Secondly, their congestion as a rule is higher than any limit, of wearing goes huge, and without special attentions, natural resources(safe lifes), here to not do without. But they,
Thirdly, are acquisitive to healthy ideas and are quite capable to accept even it would seem the completely absurd prescriptions, maiden to see in them a grain of true to make out favour.
in - fourth, the final outputs of their grandiose transactions are be somewhere away beyond the horizon, they considerably more "«длинновременны", than outcomes of a transactions the typist or ditcher. Often they are not stacked and in normal life. But unless it is possible to consider(count) such life normal? — that,
in - fifth, they are almost irreplaceable. After their anticipatory demise, after burial service, about another's heritage other simply overlook(forget). And diverse to this also are pleased: all can be begun at first. - With what here progress!? Топтание in place .!
In sixth. To the men it has the special attitude(relation). The men, as against the women, descendants transmit through a gene of quality not so much parents how much extracted by own active expertise. And those promotes to progressing of mankind. If the daddy - itself молокосос, he is at its best tramped in place ., transmits without variation obtained from the parents, in inferior — from alcohol, smoking, of venereal diseases and that look-alike pulls a gene pool of mankind downwards. Therefore to us, men, is simple health not only vitally is necessary that on a maxima to prolong it is natural to give rise the genesial century, yes ещ ё to manage to like to the young beautiful and clever girl who are capable correctly,, but also поучаствовать in correct education of descendants, and to keep a reserve of health for education of the grandsons. And consequently we are obliged maiden to perceive ideas of the organized strife for the health. Frequently there is all on the contrary.
Remember: the quality of a man's genetic material with age slowly, but confidently grows. But, alas, with age we become more intelligible and less attractive...
There is no number of the agents exterior and internal environments, with which one to the person "«I" am necessary to defend. viruses, microbes, elementary, biorhythms, alien natures alternate concerns, natural cataclysms... And all this to him should oppose the immunity and nature, without it to not survive. Alas. "«Communicating" with liked, care of the body. The body almost everything, even for the small girls, on statistics, on 60-80 of % is tainted very much and very aggressive "by «elementary". It is not necessary without need to suffix to another's. In the quite reasonable judgement Тамары Fistulous, these elementary, their bodies, also are раковое of a swelling, they — a reason of blockage of vessels, etiology of cardiovascular diseases and masses other ours « of illnesses of century ». She recommends TINIDAZOLUM + NISTATINUM (for balance), all time per one month. Is lethal to them and solution of an economic soap - but not inside, certainly! Moreover kisses дряхлых старцев children should be afraid, as light(fire).
In general our microcosmos is hostile to us as, as well as environment. See at the nails. Some of them literally изъедены грибками. Speak, today best resource — ЛАМИЗИЛ. Nails — it you see only exterior sign. All remaining in us, in you изъедается грибками as. A dandruff — it too грибки. Some drips of a НИЗОРАЛ-SHAMPOO of time per one week — and you are free from this гадости. About a difference between symptomatic and этиологичным (causal) treatment. To be saved of sweat maiden through bright advertising tender us tens (not cheap) facilitiess for daily reception(trick), and only from an odor. And second will call ДЕКАРИС, that удушить of червей-parasites, calling(causing) a sweating, inside us. More than once and not for ever, but for a long time.
Abundantly clearly, that from aggressiveness same elementary — spots, угри, any neoplasms. And ours гиперсексуальность. But she also — from too, too @ of a low rod of the requirements to the partner (unintelligibility). A plus from будоражащих us of films, books etc. Do(make) conclusions(injections). But it is necessary to you to notify: today third from 38 млн. россиянок of genesial age are fruitless (Week, 1998, № 14). — In it are guilty both female instigatings and man's impatience, and subsequent then female payments. the prescriptions effective no. Unless find to itself interesting business. Still know: the girl, being betraid only to kisses, risks little. But the boys, as know adult, then test(experience) huge flours(torments). The girl, not be эгоистками! Or: « I did not fall in love often, I admired », has said as the film director Эмиль Лотяну (Television - 3, 16.4.98). — Too method. As a last resort do not overlook(forget) about caliche in tea.
you will say: that that here is written, to carry out very difficultly, it is almost impossible. — Yes. But almost. And that it was possible, it is necessary to have, we shall repeat, large, very large purpose. It is much more, than life only for itself. So that high philosophy — it not slyness, prime targets in company — it also health of a nation, and not just its(her) purses and protection of boundaries.
Пушкину the words belong to: Russian are silly and are not curious. Now, with the beginning of an aeon Водолея, we become other. From time Крылова we, tried out Russian, all and so, and сяк to sit(land). It would be time each of us to something too to learn. Successes to us!
major here about what: ВКАЛЫВАТЬ IT IS NECESSARY.
an epilogue — from ВАНГИ: I see a collar(ring), which one is step-by-step subtended around of the Earth. But the very stringent voice continuously prevents me, that I did not attempt anything to explain, as the people merit that life, which one carry on. Other, kind people will be to the future: to conservation and progressing of life. The extremity a light it is not expected.
Concluding set up. TO LIVE, DEVELOPING
It is impossible to be praised, that all or even half said in this book - absolutely new. Speak even, that вс ё new - well forgotten old. But it is not true. And still it is necessary fortunately or unfortunately to recognize, that much from here set up far from well-known and the more so generally accepted. It is more than that, in many respects it contradicts prevailing and officially approved, as though is to him an antithesis.
Most of all it happens to equivocation there, where true to demonstrate difficultly, if at all the true at all purpose, where major - faith, and in medicine, in public health services as a whole is possible, for example, in religion, where.
the state of health of each of us - physical, mental, moral - depends on the genetic factors, i.e. from transmitted from the parents through a gene of predispositions, malfunctions, violations(disturbance)...; from personal behavior, including in sense of optimization of a feed(meal,power) and exercise stresses, and also from the social environment, социума, effect contributing or, on the contrary, precluding to achievement by us of a way of life, expedient from the point of view of conservation and progressing of our organism.
medicine - problem not indifferent for almost all us. But also now, in epoch of market freedom, there of brakes, oppositions немереная mass - more often because of tear-downs of the specialists among themselves. And mad behavioral policy of masses - медиа, advertising, show business...
the state in all social production, which one, at first, leaning(basing) on principles already of capitalism, which has survived from sober mind,(wit,) and violent глобализма is not better, maintains without delay our whims, than necessity, and already therefore it is wasteful. Secondly, it as the main(basic) argument of the existence exhibits everything, everything: exterior, sales, workstations, profit... - but only asocial usefulness made. Thirdly, the producer, capturing territory, consuming natural and human resources(safe lifes), exterminating around territory or creating risks of deposition to company of damage by production and consumption of commodity, actually does not respond for this damage.
At last, the mankind is increased exterminating natural resources, including irreplaceable, is unrecoverable contaminating an environment, is quick(rapid) comes nearer to fatal shear of conditions on our planet - insignificant from the point of view общепланетарных of scales, but completely disastrous from the point of view of the existence all living on the Earth.
There is an impression, that we shall be rolled somewhere downwards, in to disappear, but on the move for vivacity we tell ridiculous jokes. It seems, and before submergence "«Титаника" the orchestra вдохновенно played cheerful tunes under the order of the captain. Who our captain? And whether we sometime can be saved of his(its) obsessional care? Or in ecstasy of a suicidal fever the mankind itself, voluntarily has selected to itself a development program by multiplying of the quantity, quick(rapid) shift of morses and birthes, - that is quantitative expansion, instead of qualitative self-perfecting, attempting to progress on animal tradition, how cockroaches? It also does(makes) it, is increased killing millions and billions of years stored natural resources and own health, storing variations in the nature and prepares conditions for a self-destruction.
the surprising program this is stronger than all of us, taken together, therefore that now in medicine same, that were also hundred, and two hundred years back... There occurs time, when we shall be obliged all this to understand.
It appears, it is quite real.
the astrologists assert(approve), that per the most nearest years the Earth leaves epoch of Pisces, dark epoch, and passes in epoch new - Водолея, favouring the humanities and confessor. All existing human priorities, ideals, installation will change. Настанет, let not at once, but for a long time, epoch благоденствия and pattern. Certainly, of itself it will not happen. Some companies the Indiums assert(approve), that the God to us already has come, what is it was in 1936г. But you see correctly speak: the god himself will not help, and someone will send. Whom? - problem. Who, what company, what country with what leader becomes провозвестником and explorer of a new aeon on the Earth?
By predictions of the prophets, in the beginning of this new coil of a human spiral, already to 2030, year Russia becomes great country. Russian will aspire(try) to study, to us in the visitors will go from all a pattern the best minds(wits) of mankind. She - speak, together with India - will be center of the Earth and ideal землян. It is interesting, that the ingenious german - Генрих Шлиман, has opened that, which one, having opposed itself all archeological pattern, Трою and has demonstrated, what is it she, Шлиман, which one is more than once experienced in Russia, Шлиман, which one should be believed, in the beginning of century as has said: « Russia - alone country of Europe, for which one the large future ».
From Indiums the numerous spiritual emissarys go to us now, there are miscellaneous brotherhoods. I could meet one of them more close: it Брахма Кумарис. I shall not speak about that knowledge, which one they to us bear, they are not indisputable, - however, as any system counted on perception through a faith, as well as any other religion. The reason of attractiveness of indian schools, on my view, in that atmosphere, which one carries away, attracts and holds. It is an atmosphere of steep peacefulness, взаимоуважения, purity. She is fine. And still... These and look-alike companies, "«brotherhood" - whether many people they are capable to envelop? - Speak, thousand. Alas, it is a drip in ocean is bad! And if to judge on with what тщением there concern to the new schoolboys, all billions of inhabitants of our planet by him(it) will manage to be furbished in many centuries. It very much, is very barren!
But it is even more difficult and more painfully it is done(made) by our religion, which one too is unconditional, is almost blind to a critic and to all мирскому: « But also in church вс ё not so, вс ё not so, guys! »
Also there is a problem: as to us, Russians, while by such by far from an ideal, inept and not knowing how to study to leave on levels, worthy our near future, which one already « throws a shadow » on our present. Purely, it is necessary both much and a little: to create an indispensable field of interest to line flow of our life, today's Brownian motion in the miscellaneous sides, in one, useful for company a direction. The nature is silly, but is not malicious. And human too.
While that we line « an edge(boundarouse) непуганых идиотов », while there is a capability to go in all sides. There and we also go. But so be does not owe. We should find the most effective and most economical methods of the assembly(collecting) of an intellectual(intelligent) and creative crop from all - both with young, and with very adult. To find and to use them for effective and economical forward motion.
In the introducing we have reduced in one of sections interesting generalizing prepared by the newspaper "«looking Up" on materials of the log-book "«Economist" for December 12, 1998. In the newspaper "«Looking up" it is placed under header « Remain healthy ». Commenting the schedule(chart) of a subscipt of health on countries (Sweden on the maiden place, Russia - on last, in 3-3,5 times is worse), the writers draw a conclusion, that a controlling factor of health is not the climate, and « any special national traditions ». In particular(personally), meliorates health a correctly balanced diet - high specific weight of vegetative Adepses, vegetables and fruit, availability of midday strain-relief crystallization, smaller density of population and smaller pollution of the environment. In the article is spoken and that « that губит West »: an obesity from a hyperalimentation of animal products, physical ненагруженность, алкоголизм and smoking of tobacco. In USA on the maiden place began to exit illness Альцгеймера, dotage, - such now about 4х of millions the person, in the main(basic) ambassador 70 years. In 1997г. this illness occluded 48 млрд. Dollars. Will be farther more... If we shall not refuse blind copying of a western path, all this waits for us and
There is ещ ё one trouble, which one expects us, if we and shall follow further to ideals western company, founded on a traveler of material benefits.
the number of the retirees to number working in developed countries now compounds 5:1 and soon will reach in USA 3:1, and in Japan 2:1 (that is on two working one retiree on the average who is not so capable to work, helpless and ill). In Russia it is supposed by 2030 ещ ё above - 1:1. « In Russia medical and pension crises actually already have begun... Russia starts to troubleshoot by a method of the African countries, where up to real old age live only few ».
And further to be spoken literally following: « If any medical discoveries will improve health elderly and will diminish the medical costs, because of communal growth(increase) of a life time the pension payments, and conservation of a modern level of pensions will sharply be increased... Will appear impossible ».
So, the subject of our book - is irrelevant or even общественно is harmful? You see the stand of the writers of this generalizing really corresponds(meets) "to a «mean" stand resisted as of today.
it is represented, however, to us, that everything, that was now resisted, - is turned around(revolved) concerning a reasonable stand on an ill head, at all events набок. And from this inconvenient rule(situation,position) all is esteemed: both problem of health, and problem « agings of company », and « economy of old age », and pension problem.
Instead of whether to try to us these problems to deliver on legs?
At first, to give a task extensions not of term of life, and term of productive life, when the old man, it is better to say, adult, taught(learnt) and умудренный by life, healthy physically, mentally and is moral, lives so much, as far as he will be necessary to company. And is necessary to company so much, how much he will live. Secondly, absolutely optionally his(its) pensions should be esteemed as подачки from the side younger, manufacturing members of company
For example, it is possible to introduce all pension deductions as his(its) own contributions, from which one it is necessary quite definite bank percent. Let's make such counting for среднерусского of the retiree for среднерусский the experience 20 years. Let's forget', that the nested sums work, since 1-st contribution, and we shall begin to consider(count) percents from an output(exit) on pension. With the mean salary 1 thousand roubles (we shall conduct all in the present prices) for 20 х 12 = 240 months it 240 thousand roubles, deduction for this time in a pension Fund - about 50 thousand roubles. At среднебанковском a level of charge 10 % annually is of 5 thousand roubles annually or 400 roubles per one month. Is rather poor. But if we shall imagine, that the salary any more 1 thousand, and is more, that each can now pension contributions augment arbitrary (by the way, at the expense of waiving a superfluous sleeve of vodka), that often it not 20 years, and 30 or 40 what to start the score it is necessary nevertheless with maiden (instead of from last) contribution, will appear that retiree is quite capable itself to support. Itself! Not gathering young! And even each keeping the young successors after the mors all sum of the contribution, from which one to the retirees was given by(with) pensions.
But whether the healthy and productive old age is possible(probable)?. Somewhere in the Foreword to the book, mentioning about a source е ё of a title and about 50 thousand 100-year's in USA, we especially have pointed out: these of 50 thousand - not дряхлые старцы, they continue to conduct an active way of life knowing how it is easy to suffer troubles easy communicating to other people...
That is the speech goes, that each has learned to do(make) the regular contributions not only in the bank, but also in the health, and the state всемерно would encourage activity, instead of the idleness of the retirees - is natural, voluntary, but maximum active and useful to company and simultaneously for itself personally. For is already well-known enough, that up to the most steep old age, up to the ending for us the offloading is absolutely beneficial: for a body - physical, for a brain - intellectual(intelligent), and for douche - spiritual and creative. Together with drop acting(going) to us in an organism of toxins - chemical, physical and mental all this is capable to bolster us healthy about last day of our life.
It is more than that, I take to assert(approve), that at a health maintenance the the person is more adult, the is more beneficial, and it start to understand the employers in West.
It is possible to master "«high technologies", higher requirements to an educational level and education of a civilized society, putting off(taking out) per the nearest decade of military opposition of races and peoples as most actual factor of concern of company, and as a consequent - drop of margin requirements young бойцов, reduction(decreasing) of a role of a primitive physical and intellectual(intelligent) transactions, which one to the person hardly till 30-50 of years, and the rise of a role creative and spiritual, implementation in consciousness and subconscious mind of surprising simple and correct thought, that perfectings of a gene pool takes place basically at the expense of transfer(transmission) to descendants of the information stored during all term of life of each individual and, therefore, generically of absolute futility of early man's discards and on the other hand - a physical reality to travail to the women of very adult age - all this is foregone will raise both image, and actual public role healthy, active and высокодуховного of the person and hundred, And more than years.
this book just, how all it to reach(achieve). And to start all this it is possible and it is necessary already today. A problem behind creation by each of us of the applicable incentives. A considerable role thus belongs to to company, социуму.
the particular gears of a public organization necessary « fields of interest » already are, they are visible, are studied and are worked. If the God has created the person, he has made it ingeniously. And company we, the people, have undertaken to create, and we do(make) it with a not best image. As well as what to do(make) is a problem for the separate book further. While we need to express only reliance(confidence) that from the great future to us to not leave anywhere. Let's plot it(him) together. And to plot it(him) it is best with the people completely healthy and wise. And the present wisdom, as speak the clever books, comes to the people not earlier, than by hundred years. So that we shall be longer healthy and we shall try to not be sick!
The appendix 1
Miscellaneous times and peoples
5.91.. Advices of the academician Амосова.
... 1. Not the nature, not company, and person is guilty in the majority of illnesses. More often he is sick from laziness and greed, but sometimes and from unreasonableness.
2. do not hope for medicine. She not bad treats many illnesses, but can not make the person healthy.
3. to be healthy, the own gains, constant and significant(sizeable) are necessary. To substitute them it is impossible by anything. The person is so perfect what to return health it is possible from any dot of his(its) downgrade. Only indispensable gains increase in accordance with old age and recess of illnesses.
4. value of any gains the incentives by a significance of the purpose, time and odds е ё of achievement will be defined(determined) by incentives -. Also it is very a pity - but still by nature! Unfortunately, health as the relevant purpose rises before the person, when the mors becomes a close reality. However of gentle person even the mors can not for a long time frighten.
5. four conditions are equally indispensable For health: exercise stresses, limitation in a feed(meal,power), hardening, time and skill to rest. And ещ ё fifth - happy life! Unfortunately, without the maiden conditions she health does not provide. But if there is no happiness in life, where to find incentives for gains to be tightened and to fast? Alas!
6. the nature is mercy: enough 20-30 minutes of physical culture per day, but such that to choke, вспотеть, and that the pulse has become frequent(speeded up) twice. If this time to double, will be in general excellent(in general different)
... How much it is possible TO SLEEP
It is known, that Наполеону 4 hours of dream sufficed completely to retrieve forces. It is not enough to someone on the contrary, and 10 hours. And how much it is necessary to sleep "to the «mean" person?
- English scientists have placed(installed): even the small reduction(abbreviation) of endurance of dream with usual to eight till seven hours per day reduces(descends) labour productivity and blunts of intellect. The studies have shown, that the shortening of dream carries on to reduction(decreasing) coefficient of mental progressing on 15 points.
Italian медики transmit further and during the numerous tests have placed(installed): systematic недосыпание promotes an infarct and insult. So that it is necessary to sleep so much, how much organism requires(demands).
... Believe in itself
What such АЛКОГОЛИЗМ? Defect, illness? The American scientist seconds. Гроф has come to a conclusion(injection), what is it some kind of the form(shape) of sluggish suicide for the people with definite warehouse(storage) of mentality, predilection to СУИЦИДУ.
BARLEY. As soon as you will experience, that on one century the barley originates, it is necessary immediately to apply for one blepharon wet ardent тряпицу. It is possible to overlap a warming compress from gentle solution of a daisy wheel or Acidum boricum. Useful will flush by Acidum boricum and second eye, on which one the artful illness can be spanned. Abirritates a pain and softens a barley grain a warm poultice from мякиша of a roll welded in milk. Agricultural знахари advise during 2-3 days to dope a blepharon долькой of the furbished garlic.
ВАРИКОЗ. To flush pages каланхоэ, обсушить, to crush and to fill in with them half of half-liter bottle. To pour up to the top by vodka and to deliver to be insisted in a dark place. Occasionally insist to stir up. In one week the kept in repair bottles filtrate. Obtained настоем натирают of a leg from stops to laps. To achieve disappearance of a cyan GRID of SMALL-SIZED VEINS, the procedure should be retried daily within 2-4 months. For outboard treatment of varicose ulcers it is possible to use 15-percentage прополисную Unguentum.
ОТЁКИ UNDER EYES. Do not reject one-time пакетики with tea after tea leaves (better, if it will be the turf teas). Apply them. And other way: it is necessary to cook broth from linen семени (4 spoons семян to make in liter of boiled water and to take on a light(fire) 15 minutes, then to deliver in a warm place at one o'clock) and to drink it(him) with a small amount of fruit juice. A metering - till a half-sleeve each two hours 4-6 times per day.
11.91.. It is time love autumn. In September and October the fertility is increased.
... Want TO LIVE LONG?
Does not follow is « from пуза », and it is necessary only to be content with , when the stomach is filled only on eighty percents. Those who fed on this advice, have lived « 1,5 life » Their wear hardness to illnesses was much higher usual. In their stomach the bacterias are detected, which one promoted the process of digestion, instead of rotting
9.92.. Treat leeches a case from the practice have told гирудотерапевты. Have reduced in us дедка 85 years. Go 20 years - thrombophlebitis can not. Have delivered of pieces hundred leeches at once, then have conducted a course of treatment - went дедок. Пиявочки that THROMBOPHLEBITES, VARICOSE PHLEBECTASIA, ATHEROSCLEROSIS and even a myocardial INFARCTION only do not treat - HYPERTONIA.
... Vodka исцеляющая?
Александр Евгеньевич by effective gesture has got a usual bottle, on a label by which one красовалась a placard: « Женьшеневая vodka ». It, was explained by(with) he, practically output(exit) of our surveys - ANTI-RADIATION vodka. I try out, pleasant, soft taste which is giving away by thawed snow. The alcohol practically is not felt. Very much even, I would say, nice drink.
9.1995 The mind(wit) is, the force   is necessary also; a brain - body(organ) in many respects peculiar. On his(its) fraction it is necessary about two percents of weight of a body, and he requires(demands) approximately 20 percents of Oxygenium, consumable by the person. On supply of intensive mental activity it is necessary about a quarter of all power resources of an organism. Differently, the thinking the completely not ephemeral process, it requires(demands) especially material matters. And at - volume in is disproportionate plenties. Moreover, the brain is awfully choosy, he reacts to minor malfunctions in logistics system (including feeding with information), threatening "«забарахлить".
To remove fatigue it is possible with the help of durable passive strain-relief crystallization or special drugss. But in opinion of the majority of the specialists, most natural way of strife with them - physical exercises.
Do not hurry to drown In total for one years(summer) day in Russia 130 persons founder. To learn TO FLOAT all for three days tenders small брошюрка « Learn to float for 3 days » of the St.-Petersburg scientists.. In total for 3-4 days any healthy person, irrespective of age is capable to take possession of art of sailing during a continuous summer(years).
9.95 Seconds 11 How to become higher than itself.
It is possible to become higher on some centimeters. For example your growth(increase) of 172 centimeters, after mild разминки (walking in place ., slopes(tilts), knee-bend) your growth(increase) - 175 centimeters. The growth(increase) of the slouching people can will be increased on 5-7 and even 10 centimeters are necessary by him(it) to straighten shoulders(arms) and приосаниться. The circus actor is direct on eyes was augmented by 20 centimeters. To seem below he tightened "«creasing" muscles, that is "«piled" a backbone. For вырастания he relaxed creasing muscles and as much as possible tightened "«straightening". There are special complexes of exercises, which one at regular fulfilment allow to save an increase in growth(increase). Hardly to stand on legs in the turbulent sea the captains nestled by a back on masts. A spin there was even as a cord and there was a marine bearing, which one остаётся for ever.
9.95 Seconds 15 From the invalids - in the champions. Негритянская the girl on a name Вильма was ill a poliomyelitis. Wishing to cause close less efforts attempted to learn to go independently year, other, third almost... Began to go as everything, only each pitch was given to her вс ё-таки arduously. Her have advised to do(make) jogs. She began to run вс ё more, is more lighter and is more lighter. She began to play sports by sprint - спринтом. So she became best бегуньей in the country, участницей of Olympic games in Rome. Вильма Рудольф - the present name спортсменки - is those has conquered in Rome two gold medals.
12.95 seconds 15 a medicine against STRESSES - Red fault. They are capable to peel stressful states twice more effectively, than other spirits.
About favour of fish days Actuation a fish in a nutritious ration even of time per one week is the guarantor against a CARDIAC ATTACK. The scientists came to a conclusion(injection), that minor quantity of a fatty acid is capable essentially to lower danger of a cardiac attack.
3.96 meal and whim the crude vegetables and семена of plants, огородные and дикорастущие edible grasss, berries, fruit, nuts, honey, семечки, сухофрукты do not know to themselves equal on bioenergy value.
To whims concern animal Adeps! Are harmful and refined Saccharum condensed milk (carbohydrates and squirrel), копчёности.
3. 96 seconds 9 Соломон paid to the personal doctor, only when was healthy. And as soon as заболевал, then peeled беднягу from a ration. The truth, he and strictly executed(designed) all of his(its) instruction.
4.98 seconds 16 riddles of a usual saliva the SALIVA - surprising matter, which one struggles with a caries, deoxidates an adamantine substance of tooth, help the digestive process, kills of microbes, helps us to talk and to feel taste of nutrition and even precludes with originating of a CRAB in a mouth. That is the saliva creates miracles!
That the American specialists from university Poops of the doctor Роберт Вульф, Ира L tell about beneficial influence of a saliva. Shannon, Кичел To. A park And Майкл Левин.
- The saliva has qualities of antibiotics and kills microbes.
- Saves of companies in purity. Each day of Ferri lactas work out almost 2л of a saliva, which one purges dents, language and slimy stomatic cavity. Частички of nutrition, the bacterias and отмершие of a tissue of a mouth are swallowed with the help of a saliva.
- Acts against a CARIES. The saliva neutralizes after meal formed on an enamel of a DENT of a bacteria, which one result in a caries and illnesses дёсен.
Deoxidate an enamel of dents. The saliva is saturated with such building materials, as calcium and phosphorum. These mineral matters are sidetracked in трещинках of an adamantine substance of tooth, deoxidating е ё.
The saliva envelops of companies from inside, creating thus protective layer against matters, calling(causing) a boring, which one can cause originating of a crab.
- Helps digestion; as soon as nutrition hits in companies, the saliva is received for the part of the digestive process. Maiden is she helps to split nutrition on small fragments, which one are then more lighter are digested in a stomach. Second, that she does(makes), it slivers carbohydrates, that the organism has received indispensable energy.
- Is the detecting instrument of your emotional health. The emanating of a saliva is abbreviated, when, for example, the person is in a state of pavor or stress.
- Helps to determine taste of meal. The saliva informs nutrition up to special бугорков on the language, with its(her) help the person feels taste.
1.99 seconds 7 the Americans prevent breed "«Next": "«Софтдринки" are dangerous to health.
The producers газировки permanently worked above image of the commodity. An example агитпропа, spent by national producers association "«Софтдринков": « Газированные drinks are a source of fluid and energy, which one are indispensable for us. They well supplement a balanced diet... ». Let's interrupt this current(stream) благодушной of chatter.
THE OBESITY influences progressing of an obesity set of the factors - from low physical activity up to meal, rich calories and heritable predisposition. Газировка adds in our ration waste food calories.
Bones and OSTEOCHONDROSIS. Those who drinks газированные drinks instead of milk or other dairy products, will have most likely lower of consumption of calcium. Today girl - adolescents consume лишь60 of percents of recommended calcium. Adult lose capacity to store calcium
DISEASES of HEART. Saccharum has capacity still to augment quantity триглецидов in a blood. And it promotes progressing of an atherosclerosis and diseases of heart. So that to persons with инсулинорезистентностью "«Софтдринки" specially counterindicative.
ROCKSS In KIDNEYS. One of problems connected to a coffeine, relates to an already mentioned osteoporosis. Д ело that the coffeine augments emanating calcium with a urine. The coffeine can call irritability, sleeplessness, nervousness, palpitation. Children consuming many(a lot of,much) of a coffeine are more restless, badly cover, often suffer from head be sick.
2.99 с16 to itself the doctor
If you will be...
... To drink pair milk, you will not have DYSPNEA.
... There are apples, you will not have ANGIOSCLEROSIS.
... To receive молотый столетник, you will not have INFLAMMATION ЛЁГКИХ.
... To drink ardent milk with a butter, you will not have CATARRH of the UPPER RESPIRATORY PATHS.
... To receive an aloe with honey, for you will not be ГАСТРИТА and CONSTIPATIONS.
... To weld up and to drink as expect a mix(mixture) of two grasss - зверобоя and золототысячника in equal proportions, you will not have NIGHT INCONTIENCE of a URINE.
... To drink tea from fetuses of a dogrose with honey - you not only consolidate the organism, but also will not be sick of CATARRHAL DISEASES.
... Will help of honey
Honey has miracle property:
If you suffer by a SLEEPLESSNESS, in a cup of honey add three spoons of apple Acetum. Receive before dream till two tea spoons.
If the HEAD hurts. Two tea spoons of honey with each meal peel head pains and prevent progressing a migraine.
If torments strong TUSSIS, boil thoroughly one lemon within ten minutes. Squeeze out from him(it), specially from кожуры, juice, add two restaurants of a spoon of honey two restaurants of a spoon of Glycerinum. Stir and then долейте of honey.
If you ОБОЖГЛИСЬ, grease a morbid place with honey
If you want NEVER TO BE SICK, ешьте of honey each morning on one tea spoon. Specially it is useful to give to his(its) children.
If you want to have white DENTS and longer to save by their healthy, use domestic Pastas, of time per one week clean by their denture powder and more often change a toothbrush - А.П.Баев, stomatologist
12.99 page 9 old age - not pleasure? the majority of the people by 60 years dream of the deserved strain-relief crystallization, long-awaited capability to relax. The person, approaching to a pension boundary, considers(counts), that сво ё he has completed and has earned the right all stayed life to gain the dividends with spent. But how to be with health?
I want to quote Заратустру, which one spoke,: « There is a lot of ignorance and the fallacies have become in us flesh. In us wakes up not only reason тысячелетий, but also their folly. Dangerously be his(its) successor. » The old Age is not age, and loss of muscle activity. It детренированность.
the people, which one at enough plenty of lived years both pleasure and vivacity in life and valuable existence. Such people know the price to health. They know, that health is a transactions, constant transactions. The organism of the person has vast resources(safe lifes) for selfregulation, selfrecovery practically in any age, for this purpose it is necessary to know and other digits apart from parameters(indexes) of arterial stress. The muscle tissue should compound not less than 40 percents of weight of all body. She, relating to a controlled connective tissue, is that resource(safe life), having addressed to which one it is possible to retrieve valuable capacity for work practically is boundless. The muscle tissue is resource(safe life) only in the event that the person with her is engaged, that is is regular упражняет all muscles of the body. With age force and the power fatigue life is reduced(descended) unsignificantly. A maxima the power fatigue life of a musculation reaches at 60-65 of years. The body of the person, if it long laid, rested, the every possible scleroses, rockss in bodies(organs), chondrosises in joints start. I want to quote ещ ё one thought Заратустры: « the Person is a cable rope stretched between an animal and the superperson, cable rope above an abyss. ». Either animal, or superperson. As the superperson I consider(count) any, who could be pulled out from an abyss, and any serious illness is an abyss. There are three completely secure exercises, which one it is possible to run in home conditions without any consequences, stern of a minor muscle pain easily removed by contrast hydrotherapeutic procedures after occupations.
1. Отжимания from a floor. The initial position - faceing on laps a body is prolated in before, that at creasing arms in ulnar joints the body completely concerned a floor.
2. It is possible to execute(design) the second exercise, which one at once for maiden, - knee-bend with a forward(straight) back, being held down by arms for any bearing and not creasing a leg is lower than knee joints.
3. Third exercise - exercise for muscles of a stomach. Laying on a spin and having undertaken by arms for any fixed bearing to raise forward(straight) legs on a corner(angle) of 90 grades.
All three exercises are done(made) an identical number of times, but there are 10 times the contract to execute more(design more) it than is not recommended. Also it is possible to increase gravity between exercises. The pulse should not exceed 160 shocks one minute. If the pulse is higher than this digit, the offloading while is great, if it is much less 160 and thus you do not test(experience) high-gravity отдышки and incompetence, it is necessary to increase an offloading. In 5 minutes after fulfilment of the program the pulse should be same as up to gymnastics.
7.99 seconds 8 inventors go in attack on...
... ПАРОДОНТОЗ. Корюшка - one of the most tasty(delicious) fishes. But the scientists - медики have revealed and е ё medical properties. Adeps by this small-sized рыбёшки of steel to use as a medicine for many illnesses. Пародонтоз and erosion of a ulcer of an intestine in a state to cure this miracle Adeps.
... MICE. There is a resource, which one they at all do not bear and try подальше from him(it) to run away. It... An odor of needles. To such conclusion(injection) came in ВНИИ of an agricultural microbiology of the St.-Petersburg timber college.
... КЛОПОВ. Russian изобретательница In Панова has opened a new repellent against клопов. It is a powder from соцветий пижмы, горсть which one saves per annum from hated кровососущих.
7.99 seconds 9 the cages of a brain too grow. To such paradoxical concluding came нейробиологи. The truth, they knew, that the neurons in adult age grow for birds and for крыс, but supposed, that these exceptions only confirm the general rule. And recently explorers have detected, that for the monkeys the new cages in гипокампусе occur during all of their life. Moreover, продуцирование of new cerebral cages ceases, only when the animals are enveloped by a strong STRESS.
If want to shun an INFARCT... The serial of popular conversations with the specialists Д. Фаст has set up in the book « an Omega - 3: breakthrough - new scientifically reasonable diet ». Still recently scientists have become interested in that the eskimos practically do not have myocardial infarctions. It was marked at that, that they едят much fish. Definite kinds(views) холодноводных of fishes - mackerel, salmon, хамса, herring, the sardines, иваси - especially contain of polynon-saturated bold acids much. These acids sharply reduce(descend) concentration in a blood of cholesterol. If the eskimos for any reason changed the ration for conventional European nutrition, for them number of myocardial infarctions at once was augmented.
Adeps selected(allocated) from called above fishes, have called in West «Omega "- 3". In our country the scientists have given him a title "«эйконол". If three times per one week are rich by him(it) a fish, it will defend from an atherosclerosis and it(him) грозных of complications. So, in group previously receiving эйконол, the death rate from an infarct has appeared in 6 times less, than that has not gained эйконола. The reception(trick) of capsules эйконола reduces developments of an allergy for children. Онкологи of Institute of a name Герцена have reported, that this substance decelerates progressing SWELLINGS. Is more lighter the DERMAL ILLNESSES flow past are have detected in III the Moscow medical institute.
emulsion from эйконола in treatment of a ULCER of a STOMACH and DUODENAL INTESTINE Wonderfully has exhibited itself: already after third - fourth session the pain faded, and then adhesion started.
Минздравом of Russia has approved of applying эйконола as the food component.
9.99 Seconds 9 a medical banana. the new studies of the Norwegian scientists demonstrate: bananas are contained all same matters, as in modern drugs lowering bloody stress - of two pieces daily enough, that the state of health ill was considerably improved. For 73 percents of the participants of spent experiment consuming exotic fruit, the STRESS was normalized without applying medicines. The most useful matters are contained in inedible кожуре and in a pulp, directly прилегающей to her. It is necessary to use in nutrition only absolutely ripe fetuses: in accordance with their maturing the significant(sizeable) part "of «antihypertensive patients" dives вс ё more deeply inside of a banana.
12.99 с13 funguses against ALCOHOL. funguses, which one can suspend alcoholic relation in our band, exists much. The fungus паводник, known in the scientific literature as навозник grey concerns also to them. The fungus this has interesting property: after his(its) use in nutrition during rather(pleased) of a long time the use of spirits calls(causes) temporary poisoning, the signs soon pass which one. The operational matter of this fungus - тетраэтилтиурамиддсульфид oxidizes alcohol, entered into an organism. This matter is obtained by a synthetic way under a title "«Antabusum"
12.2000 seconds 10 sex from COLD. It is possible, that it is necessary to search a resource against for colds not in a home first aid kit, as it has got used to do(make) the majority of us, and in a bedroom. In opinion of many authoritative specialists from medicine, the regular occupations by sex consolidate an immune system.
The endorsement to that - outcomes of the recent studies which have shown that for the people, engaging sex one - two time per one week, organism is worked out on 29 % more immunoglobulin And - by(with) a squirrels having activity of antibodies and playing a barrier role in strife with virus taints. But вс ё it is good in a measure. Too often occupations by sex more than four times per one week, result in return outcome: reduce(descend) a level of an immunoglobulin.
4. (114) seconds 13 ПРОТИВОСУДОРОЖНАЯ mint. For winter maximal field mint is prepared and each day since morning we prepare strong е ё insist - three restaurants of a spoon on two sleeves of water. We weld up in a usual teapot.
POLYPS In a NOSE a Small slice of Propolisum to put in a tin to deliver on a light(fire). As soon as will tumble down a smoke, to remove from a light(fire) and to breathe by a smoke, by turns by right and left-hand nostril in the morning and evening. One more prescription: 1 restaurant a spoon fur-tree иголок on 1 sleeve of boiled water to make and to drink натощак 30 minutes prior to meal 1 time in the morning till 0,5 sleeves. The scheme such: 3 weeks to drink, 3 - strain-relief crystallization, 3 - to drink, 3 - strain-relief crystallization.
FROM УГРЕЙ. To burn a little долек of a garlic, to mix ashes with honey up to кашицеобразной of mass slightly to wipe by this Unguentum угри. To remove a scab марлечкой, moistened in урине.
FROM FURUNCLES. To collect 5-6 pieces of birch pages (better young), запарить for 1 minute by boiled water, that they were softened, to soap листочки by an economic soap to overlap on a furuncle and to attach by bandage.
LUMBAGO. Натереть on a grater the radical of a horse-radish to mix with горстью of a flour(torment). A mix(mixture) to heat to lay out on clean тряпочку and to make a compress on an ill place. To hold down no more than 10-15 minutes
ГРИБОК ON NAILS of ARMS. To weld coffee and some times to dip(submerge) arms in it(him) insist, but to not shake a deposit(residue). After several repetitions грибок will disappear.
JOINT PAIN. In is pressurized closed down capacitance to put a not saline butter (700 grams) and birch kidneys all these reductants stack by strata till 1,5 cm not stamping. Densely to bar(shut) by a cover and to hold down on even fever 24 hours. After that add 2 tea spoons камфары (it is possible by the way камфарного of oil(butter)). Втирать Unguentum in morbid places, and for night to tie by their woolen scarf.
ПАРОДОНТОЗ Massage десен кончиком of an index finger of a right hand, which one adheres by the large pin. Duration of massage - three minutes.
GYMNASTICS In SAND BED Endurance 5-10 minutes. Be pulled, Smile, Delay on some seconds breathing, Поморгать by eyes, To pound a bridge, To shrink(tighten) and to unclench arms in fists, To tighten laps to a stomach and to clasp by their arms. In completion - douche.
DEPOSITION of SALTS, TRAUMA, FRACTURES, КОНТРАКТУРЫ of JOINTS, BACKBONE, GOUT. Лютик diabrotic (night-blindness) - 5-листковый, yellow. The assembly(collecting) at the end of May - beginning of June. Горсть цветков in пиале размять ложечкой up to a state of a butter, скатать in лепешку and to put on a demanded site(segment) of a backbone, knee, ulnar joints and т.п... From above to overlap polyethylene of the greater size and to stick by an adhesive plaster. It is desirable to do(make) for night, as in one hour there is a burning sensation. But before to fall asleep and to suffer a maxima 5-13 hours. Then to remove a bandage, under her there will be a white spot. In 10-12 hours the blister (combustion of 2 extent), charged by yellow fluid, it(him) will be derivated to pin up from below and to drop. The fluid is quick(rapid) crystallizes. (At learning these chips they it appears by salts To, Са, and Мg). So flows from this blister of day 4 - 4,5, gauze gaskets therefore are necessary. Then emanatings will sharply be reduced. After the termination(ending) to cover by white Streptocidum, not breaking blisters. For 10-th day after the termination(ending) it is possible to be washed. If was контрактура (enslavement), carry out(conduct) exercises on an extension. There will be a crash. The procedure can be conducted not more often 1-2 yearly. If to apply more often, the allergic reactings will be increased.
This prescription поведал to me tireless Вальтер Шульц, until recently worker of law enforcement bodies managed ещ ё till forty years on trainings to receive high-gravity traumas of a shoulder joint. From four doctors inspecting it(him), the four have sentenced to the foregone operation. Nickolai Георгиевич Обуховский has salvaged it(him) from this procedure. To the present time Вальтер already has conducted some such refinings and asserts(approves), that after each of them there is a surprising upgrading of an organism.
THE COLD, FLU, NOSE, THROAT Communal - голодКак only will begin, Tinctura Calendulae by pins to wipe a nose a Match with ваткой обмокнуть in Vietnamese Unguentum, to throw in boiled water in a mug, надеть on not ё a whirlpool and to breathe.. To rinse by solution of Tinctura Calendulae. Ardent, only welded, potato in мундире in a saucepan to breathe having covered. A lemon with Saccharum съестьСовершенно a cold bosh 5 - 20 sec. (Winter); daily till 2-3 times per day (It in general potent терапия. *) (from Елены Кретловой) Milk ardent with honey пить0,5 ч.л. A citric acid on 0,5 sleeves of water to gargle or nose and through companies выплевыватьРедька with honey
TUSSIS In 0,25 l of milk to cook 4-5 pieces of a fig and съесть
ECZEMA Juice редьки to smear
THE OSTEOCHONDROSIS Rice in the morning daily, without salt and oil(butter), is possible tablets of Saccharinum an Elbow on desktop, forehead to press in a palm 10 times по10 of seconds per day
LUMBAR PAINS a pump Plunger - прокатыватьСок редьки to triturate for night
SCIATIC NERVE Зверобойная Unguentum, Гиперикум - втирать in joints and backbone.
INTERNAL ABSCESS Запеченная a bulb (under a wad with Emplastrum)
LOIN КОСТОЧКА ON a LEG To tramp a backbone a Belt from собачей of a wool of a cutting Edges remiss of acetic acid; after lubrications by oil(butter) to smear by this solution
AVULSIVE WOUND Пихтовое oil(butter)
COMBUSTION the Salvor Левомиколь (Nizhniy Novgorod Unguentum) - from Victoria Никитиной.
ITCH FROM a MOSQUITO To spread пихтовым with oil(butter)
KIDNEYS water-melons of 15-25 kgs with black bread, in ванную and to suck oil(butter) till 0,5-1 items of l.
RADICULITIS an Egg in a dark wine-glass to slosh with Acetum, after dissolution to mix with 100 grams of a butter, to deliver in a refrigeration cabinet - to smear БИОПИН 20-типроцентный; (5 % - decontamination and reactivation of wounds, combustions, decubituses)
БОРОДАВКИ To take a not synthetic thread, above each of them to knot nodules, to crumple and ткнуть in ground. Сгниют and бородавки will leave. Or to apply a fresh shear of a potato. Or having massed to make above them захватывающе, and then discarding motion. The chip, 2001 № 42
LIGHT-BLUE STREAKS ON LEGS of a Leech, at first 10 pieces: 2 basins till 2 cm of water, in them of a foot. Leeches присосутся between pins. Beforehand to cook 0,5-1м2 of an old sheet and "«Белизну", when присосутся - from the large basin to drain in small water, in other to deliver legs and to wait, while will fall off. To slosh them Белизной, and to reset in a water closet. To wait, while on legs will pass a blood, закутать each in a tissue + newspaper, from above nose and to sleep.
- Random an occurring: the woman HAS GROWN THIN on 26 kgs. (with 96 up to 70) only as a result of waiving grain items and daily cold douche. She directly glowed with pride.
- The cinnamon allows to treat DIABETUM of the second type.
- PULMONARY And RHEUMATIC ill 3 times per day for 20 minutes caused(urged) to write the compositions about the most high-gravity experiences. Is vague why, but in 3 months for them the state was considerably improved in comparison with writing on an abstract subject or at all not writing. For healthy quantity of visits to the doctors was abbreviated, and the state of health was sharply improved. It demonstrates the large value of psychological methods of effect on our state. Би-Би-си
- 500г. of tomato juice, 200г. of yogurt, 4 yokes, 20г. of greens. Is shaken up, the cocktail "Iridescent" is received. ТВ31 31.10.00 — is acquired. Vitamins — 90 %, instead of usual 30 %.
- Ostrich's Adeps: to lubricate a WOUND - tightens on eyes, a body - the CHONDROSISES fade, inside - fade РАКОВЫЕ of a SWELLING (natives of Australia knew тысячелетия, to us have slightly opened a secret just now).
1. It is better крупномолотой) to mix 2 parts of a cognac, 1 gram of honey and 1 part of common salt (in glasswares. To give to stand day to wash a hair, to wipe. Having trapped in arms of a mix(mixture), having taken and not dissolved salt, slightly, is very gentle втирать. To keep on 30-40 of minutes, anything a head not coating, then carefully to wash off by warm water, to wipe. So time per one week 3-4 months, not less; the year, and more is possible also. Consolidates a hair gives them biotic force and strength.
2. For a dry hair: to lubricate a skin of a head with mayonnaise, it is better not too acidic (such as olive), to bar(shut) by polyethylene and towel - on 20-30 of minutes. It is good to flush by a shampoo. In mayonnaise there are those ingredients, which one well act on a hair. So that try, we wish you beautiful and magnificent шевелюры, completes the transfer(transmission) of a Wireless of Russia 12.06.01
МИНИН. My prescriptions
БОРЩ MASSED (on 3 liters)
Water 1,5л with a potato to deliver on a sluggish light(fire) approximately on 10 min. After boiling there simultaneously to put beforehand prepared: нашинкованную cabbage of 1 kg and 0,5 kgs натертой of beet. To deliver on the large light(fire) and to finish before rimming action. At once to remove from a light(fire). There to put: the citric acid 1 item a spoon, salt 1,5 items of a spoon, Saccharum 3 items of a spoon (but is better сахарозаменитель), about 20 г of a garlic. Is ready in 20 minutes. Before the use it is possible to dilute (1:1) кипяченой with water.
Advantages: remarkable taste, safety of nutrient materials. The month and more is stored in a refrigeration cabinet. It is possible is cold and ardent (to preheat not before rimming action a cast portion).
1 kg of champignons to flush to crush, to slosh with boiled water and at once to drain. To give to flow down, to stir up. In чугунке or казанке to kindle 300 г of sour cream, 1 item a spoon of a flour(torment), 3 items of a spoon of a butter, salt. To mix and to deliver in an oven on 15 mines, to mix — and more on 15 min. Ready — in bank.
Half-buckets of cherries, better wild (not удобряемых) to flush to drain water, to press by a bottle sparkling up to copious juice (or through a juice squeezer, previously having selected косточки). Juice to pour in a saucepan through a dual(twin) gauze. To heat on a very sluggish light(fire) up to 70 — 80 ЁС and to dissolve Saccharum (sand) on weight 1:1. Остудить to pour in banks. To store in a refrigeration cabinet — for cooking морса on cold water; for the visitors (if in any way without it it is impossible): in a bottle with a syrup to add 1/3 vodkas (advantage: unsurpassed taste, absence сивушных of oils).
" The Person who has anticipated time "
Савелий Кашницкий
( Moscow Комсомолец from 2.12.99)
we do not like the time, we do not respect. Earlier — other business: " the fountains beat light-blue, and the roses red blossomed ". Classics of sciences and arts забронзовели in неотменном greatness. And present эпигонам and apologists it is necessary only to quote great. What you have created, if will estimate, after mors. ЛЕОНАРДО be living, it(him) длинноносую would hang up unless in foyer of a house of culture. And ПАРАЦЕЛЬСА for certain would sweep up under the article for practice of medicine without the diploma. To become классиком, it is necessary to die. Or live unrecognized. There is a selection — of pluralism all the same. And if who is broken out from frameworks, if the scalene talent is not stacked in one heading, if the most weighty argument of the experts — " it can not be "... To such "anticipatory" person earlier by hints, and now is opened speak: in America you by the millionaire would become. If he of a hint does not understand and obstinately wants to let the maiden steam locomotive in the fatherland, пеняй, as is spoken, on itself.
in the morning to an office building ДСК has taxied up мужик in телогрейке with пенсионерской by a bag on caster wheels. Has got from a bag a brick, has lubricated butt end with glue and прилепил it(him) to a wall. Has extracted the second brick and has pasted it(him) "тычком" to maiden...
Soon from a wall of a building began to be diffused strange brick perpendicular. Чудака the people have surrounded, set silly problems such as " what for? " And " how? ". He did not respond on them - glued to itself and glued...
When the brick barrier almost has partitioned off sidewalk, the director ДСК from above was dropped. Having stood near мужика in телогрейке, has set a problem:
- How much? - me стройматериалов on "дачку", - the stranger answered.
This very day trucks with concrete desks and brick of steel to be discharged(dumped) on a suburban site(segment) Болотова. And he has transmitted to the director of house-building centre the leaf from a notepad from receptomas of glue.
Today "дачка" Бориса Васильевича the greenhouse is selected(allocated) in a settlement шлемовидным by a glass cupola, under which one -. The glazed roof(cover) — is the fifth level of facility. On four other the machine tools and computers, fume hoods and oscillographs, radio station and electrooscillators are located.
the sunbed, however, too is in a court yard. The truth, пустует: and itself Болотов, and three ten his(its) employees always at business.
- All have got used to consider(count), — speaks Борис Васильевич, — electrons in an electron tube fly to the anode. And I predicate - to cores of the anode. Also beat out from them neutrons. Specially by dosimeter measured — really, neutrons. Varying a material of the anode, I receive different values of selected(allocated) energy. It, certainly, not such scales, as on atomic power stations: it is less time in than hundred. But it is a million times more, than at incineration угля.
- There is, an electron tube - nuclear reactor? - Certainly. And the nuclear reactions go in her at usual room temperature. It is enough to complete a way of pick up of energy — and electron tube it is possible to heat the house.
Therefore Болотову for small nuclear power engineering the uranium is not required. For him(it) a fissile material become phosphorum and is grey. Conveniently, is accessible, and major — is secure. To you and solution of an energy problem without Чернобылей.
the home nuclear reactor was tendered at all by(with) the patient психушки (those Бориса Васильевича will make later), and high scientific employee of Institute of an electrodynamics of an Academy of sciences УССР, candidate of engineering science. Small nuclear power engineering have pronounced лженаукой, and Болотова have dismissed as a mismatching post. Have offered to write the application "at own will" — would leave silently, without scandal. But Болотов has refused. Then to him have arranged "mismatch" and even have conducted through All-Union certifying commission the solution on forfeiting a scientific degree of the candidate.
the truth, for Болотова by then was ready doctoral. But not on engineering, and on biology. Furthermore subject - practical immortality of the person - on a rating "лженаучности" hardly overlapped a room nuclear reactor. So that it was necessary to do without a doctoral extent Борису Васильевичу too.
All more than once was watched by(with) circles missing on water from a rock, casted in it(her). But a little who examined a return oilpainting: if by a hoop to stir up a surface of water, the oscillations will be left to center of a circle - and there there will be a splash. This phenomenon Болотов calls as a self-focusing and connects to it(him) a capability of self-concentration of energy. The conventional science does not recognize her(it), that does not hinder heart to rock(pump) a blood, mosquito and bee - to fly, flapping крылышками. These paradoxes well are explained by(with) antientropy physics, which one many years develop Болотов. The energy not only is dispersed in an environment, but also in a number(series) of cases takes from it(her), is focused in a dot. Heart - natural perpetuum mobile. If to overcome an aging Болотов considers(counts) this problem really soluble.
In Ukraine the gasoline is even more dear(expensive), than in Russia, and rises in price is more quick(rapid). Болотов, similar, one of few, whom it does not frighten, though. In barn it(him) "дачки" three automobiles are parked.
Is simple for that auto motor engine, that has created Болотов, the gasoline is not necessary. This ДВС manages a crankshaft, without barrels and in general without трущихся of details. Only two disks on bearing boxs with a small backlash(gap) between them. On huge turnovers air is partitioned on Oxygenium and azote. At 900'С the azote burns down in Oxygenium. The motor engine of mass 8 kgs develops power 300 horse powers. Gasoline it is required most a little - for initial run-up(spin-up) of disks. Further in a role ignitable — air.
108 known chemical members are, on inclining Болотова, the 100-th fraction that meets in the nature. There are chemical members very similar that are entered in the table Менделеева, only with smaller nuclear is powerful. And property for them absolutely other!
So, geometrical modifications of hydrogen Болотову it is known 9, they differ from each other on crystalline pattern.
Болотов makes a variety of Carboneum, which one in 200 times is firmer than diamond (by the way, this solid matter Ukraine even exports). The "diamond" powder on the basis of silicon - too, certainly, exotic - maintains 4000 ’. The turbines can be done(made) of fusible aluminium. But if on blades the cover(coating) from heat-resistant silicon is marked, such turbine is not afraid of heating.
ten thousand chemical members - the table Менделеева in treatment Болотова is those.
As Болотов the crab has conquered
Борису Васильевичу - 70 years. Lean, mild, with little bit sunken dogs, he is striking is hardy and is efficient. Many years are sick of nothing.
- Also I shall not be ill, - is sure Болотов. - Give you, certainly, the God, whether but not too it sounds self-confidently? - I mind to him. - Not too. Not I you see one am unique. My wife, my son, friends, all employees, which one you see here, on "дачке", have ceased to be sick. And to them do not threaten neither flu, nor crab. - your merit? - the Nature has provided all: absolutely all illnesses are treated by natural facilitiess. And me посчастливилось to understand how to not admit disease. - So you do not enable disease by a crab or cure it(him)? - For those who yet was not ill, I do not enable(grant). Falling ill I cure. - What kinds(views) of a crab you are capable to treat? - All. - And in what stage? - In any. - Means, you guarantee healing oncologic ill? - If they will execute(design) my guidelines, I assure(ensure). - So it is possible ill to route to you? - In no event. Eight years I for it already have stayed. More, know, it would not be desirable.
- I on a speciality of engineers - electrical engineerings. In medical did not study. The diploma of the doctor for me, naturally, no. Therefore to treat I have no the right. When I have understood the gear of originating раковой of illness, here, certainly, beginnings with her to struggle. Kiev — city small. However, the hearings about healing from a crab in any city scatter is quick(rapid). To me were pulled familiar and unfamiliar. There was a time — in middle 80 — sequential queue ill was expanded for the whole quarter. All to salvage it was not possible. Not because there was something not so in algorithm of treatment. Many people, accessing to me, psychologically were not ready to change the way of life. They died. And though I managed to facilitate sufferings even of such disobedient patients, about me поползли already other hearings: treated - treated Болотов, and ill all the same has died. Now I keep the law — another's I do not treat.
However, two years for wrongful practice of medicine Болотову have hung to those to eight, which one he has received for the antiSoviet propagation. Whether there was those?
- Was, - recognizes Борис Васильевич. - I read the lectures in club ГВФ. That and business exited on philosophical generalizings. Therefore sounded also of critic of war in Afghanistan, and word of support of Polish "Solidarity". When in my house have conducted a search, have found the 13-languid manuscript of my activity about immortality. In her the chemical, physical, biological aspects of a scientific problem are researched. And social too. From which one follows: neither communism, nor all other "измы" to immortality of the person do not approximate. Exposure from the manuscript figured in court.
the Soviet penal system, as is quick(rapid) could to experience Борис Васильевич, was oriented on physical decrease of a quota. In three-thousand криворожской of colony, where he left term, each week removed a minimum one corpse. Or зэки killed one another, or the mors occurred from exhausting. On баланде with tracks a fish, liquid mashed potatoes from rotten картошки yes a chunk селедки - at that not each day - to hold on it was possible not to all.
Болотов attempted to survive in own way. Behind barracks instilled in ground empty banks. In them toped up by water bread and Saccharum (on a spoon per day gave) - in ten days was gained квас. The products of fermentation did not allow to be ill.
When bread or Saccharum did not suffice, insisted квас on a crust, отодранной from boards(planks).
It happened, Болотова tracked down. Informed the heads or out of envy broke down banks. It was necessary all to start anew in the other place.
the business was sewed long - by(with) two years Борис Васильевич has conducted under a consequent. In the beginning in психушку have hidden. But the attorney has insisted to expertise - have routed to Moscow, in Institute them. Serbian. On an admission of a sanity seven months are cunning.
all this time beat up to полусмерти, pricked tranquilizers. The organism has reacted to effects unexpectedly: there was a capacity to проскопии - prevision of the future.
— the Ambassador of injections all around seemed glass. Even if I do not want, I see all latent, masked, it is easy for thought of the people считываю.
Once at night has woken up, has notified сокамерникам; this hour the on duty doctor will come - will begin экзекуция. So all also has taken place. Болотов has found glory ясновидящего, which one went behind it(him) from one zone in other.
In a following zone, in a Curve the Horn, Борис Васильевич has arrived by such celebrity, that the security guards at once with his(its) beer have treated.
As Болотов two генсеков has replaced
in the summer 83-rd Борис Васильевич suddenly has experienced: in one half-year, namely February 9, 1984, the Gen secretary ЦК of a crew Юрий Владимирович Андропов will die.
Has informed by a guess with someone from сокамерников - soon all zone was accepted to read out days before significant event. Some chuckled, twisted by the pin for a temple: have not cleared up, they say, "Serbian", Васильич, precisely, that.
Has set in on long-awaited February 9. Болотову of passage do not give: " Well? " - " Already has died ", - reported ясновидец. And the public loudspeaker, as назло, is silent. When, at last, from a loud-speaker classic music - without any words has poured down, зэки let's to rock(pump) Васильича.
However, one security guard of a miracle has not recognized: some in "Спортлото" 6 numbers from 49 precisely guess — probability theory! And you, Васильич, are simple date has guessed. And if it not contingency, say, when following помрет?
In one year, one month and one day, answered Болотов. The speech went about new генсеке, of a name which one as early as one nobody knew.
Has flown by year both month and one day. The masters of a technical inspection department Болотова on March 9 have freed from a night shift, " Go rest, gave reasons the heads, and that then will say: is tired, say, and has failed ".
When the public loudspeaker was suddenly cut off, Болотова have woken: before it(him), having removed caps, there was all camp люд. Though the communique has not sounded yet, the zone was convinced — among them the prophet.
At the end of 85-th someone from зэков has let hearing: Болотов at all any not political, and sits he for rape of the daughter. It was bad — such usually, having lost in maps, killed. That to sense to demonstrate: For Болотова and the daughter no - hearing of authorship has no.
Was decided Борис Васильевич to run. There was in a zone one more political — sat for antiparty jokes. He also has joined.
On forthcoming escape Болотов has notified a zone beforehand: исчезну per day of discovery of congress КПСС, is even in midday. The camp heads from this "chatter" contemptiously has waved away — from криворожской of a zone as early as one nobody ran, and this седовласый "Монте-Кристо" and подавно will not run away.
Per day of discovery of congress fugitives is quiet, not being melted, were collected in the auto pod and have gone away behind a gin. Проверявшие have opened doors, have had a look inside and, nobody having seen, have barred(shut).
Having exhausted from famine and the chills, were handed. Болотову have added for escape two and a half of one year. Which one, however, скостили for construction of the reactor.
Болотов became not only maiden, who successfully has committed escape from криворожской of prison. Before there was no зэка, which one, wholly отмотав term, would refuse to leave on will.
" Should complete the oven ", - explained Болотов. And is real, yet has not completed(terminated) business, a zone has not abandoned.
the oven — it for the heads, it is not enough that in engineering смыслящего. Actually — a cold nuclear reactor, about which one so much years were dreamed. However, anybody Болотов has not deceived. Литейке the oven — he was required has produced the oven. And that "incidentally" it also a nuclear reactor, which one, by the way, all литейку heated, - so this private affair Болотова.
he also completed(terminated) the business. Сверхсрочно.
What for Болотов drinks an acid
the person consists of cages, which one at all long-livers. The cages of kidneys live about six minutes, cage of a liver — about one month, heart - about three months, skin - up to a half-favour. Only cages of tendons live longer - about one year. Let's take mean weight of the person, we shall divide it(him) on 365 (number of days in one year) and we shall take into account, that the majority of cages of an organism lives much less than year.
Then, quits, 500 grams of cages daily die. It is calculation Бориса Васильевича.
the day has passed - полкило of died meat as it is necessary from an organism to inject. To free a place for young divided cages.
— I have found the gear of the ascent from an organism of died cages, - asserts(approves) Болотов. Is makes a gastric juice composed of Pepsinum - of a digestive enzyme, proteolytic, and hydrochloric acid. The fatty reductants are slivered by cholic acids. How much it is required to an organism of a gastric juice? Медики consider(count): about six restaurants of the spoons per day. And how much generates a stomach? Eight - nine liters - ten times are more. 98 percents act(goes) in a blood to digest died cages. I studied this process and has come to a conclusion(injection): the gastric juice dilutes not only died cages, but also injured nitrates, free radicals, heavy metals, канцерогенами, radionuclides... And even a cancer cell the gastric juice successfully digests. To you and conclusion(injection), absolutely simple: if it is enough of gastric juices in of an organism, whether he can be ill a crab? No, can not — a gastric juice will dissolve all: Papillomas, бородавки, any growths and swellings, as not malignant, and malignant. The life for all for us now such, you it is fine know, as nitrates, both radionuclides, and other гадости we нахватываем enough. Means, of dead and injured cages for us inside is greater, than was for our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. And gastric juice is worked out as much. That is it(him) acutely does not suffice for an evacuation of heightened quantity of incomplete cages. Naturally, the organism needs the help - complementary quantity is gentle of a massed hydrochloric acid. Каковую and I, both mine home, and all my employees am daily consumable.
- But for updating(replenishment) of an arsenal of gastric juices, - continues Борис Васильевич, — are necessary also Pepsinums. And it is a full set 26 аминокислот — 13 interchangeable and 13 irreplaceable. All 26 are contained, for example, in тюльке. We съедаем each day till three - four тюльки also vary remaining nutrition, in each kind(view) by which one is contained till one - two kind(view) аминокислоты.
- And it is impossible to proceed(pass) to one тюльку to bar(shut) an aminoacidic problem?
- But in тюльке there are also harmful reductants. So that it is meatless, яиц, cottage cheese, different каш all the same to not do without. And gradually hydrochloric acids — one restaurant a spoon on one - two liter of water. Except for a salt organism it is necessary to help also with chamois and hydrogen nitrate. The liver delivers them to an organism. But the bitter taste — pepper, horse-radish, mustard is necessary for generation,say, sulfuric acids. We you see like sweet more. And to us is necessary is grey. Also it is necessary to supply her(it) with a horse-radish. At such help to an organism we is guaranteed we are not sick. By anything neither chronic illnesses, nor usual cold. Also we shall not be ill. By anything. Especially by crab.
In the basis(fundamentals) целительского of the approach Болотова and his(its) view on an organism - principle парности.
- In the person all till two, — is spoken Борис Васильевич, - by(with) two arms two legs two eyes two a fish soup, two mild, two kidneys two hearts...
- Let, you were not started talking?
- Two hearts, certainly.
- But nevertheless studied anatomy...
- Badly studied. Second, the right heart is usually underdeveloped, but it is. And sometimes surgeons and pathologists find it(him).
- And I, have, two hearts?
- And for you. Is simple you it did not know. Because did not know a principle парности. And if to know, will see, as liver for the person two (the pancreas is actually second liver), and stomach too two (12-перстная the intestine and is the second stomach), and sexual bodies(organs) for each two — man's and female, are simple one the hermaphrodite, generally, - normal person is underdeveloped, therefore. Two systems of blood circulation: in порфировом a core of a haemoglobin of a blood - iron, and in порфировом a core of a haemoglobin of a lymph - cuprum. Chlorine there is on кровеносной to a system, Iodum — on a lymph. Potassium — natrium. Медики leave out парности, therefore do not treat many illnesses. And even of the approach to such, as a leukemia, do not know.
- And you?
— I treat her(it), as well as all other illnesses. By the way, probably, too by a principle парности, Russian ground already gave rise to one genius on a surname Болотов. Андрей Тимофеевич was the agronomist, selector, лесоводом, парко-builder. He for the first time in our culture - two centuries back - has evaluated poetry of Russian manor.
Выйдя from colony and becoming famous — of a telecast, the documentary film, hundred articles in a press, own books and brochures, - Борис Васильевич has planned to use the popularity for the public good. When Ukraine selected the maiden president, among the claimants one time was and Болотов.
he went in an authority with the slogan безналогового of the state. The vehicle of an authority should not parasitize on the citizens, taxing their tribute, is convinced Болотов. Vice-versa, the state should earn for them money. Why the Emirates can lay on the scores of the citizens of tens thousand dollars, and we no? For them, speak, oil. And for us of intellect. Which one is capable to effect high technologies and is expedient to sell them to all a pattern.
Болотов to this day does not understand, how such simple and obvious thought - state in quality соучредителя of the nation-wide corporation - does not reach broad masses.
More he does not go in an authority.
Гениальность гениальностью - will not be full by her(it). By something you see should Борис Васильевич earn on bread. And not only and family, but also those three tens devotees (among them, by the way, two doctors of sciences), which one трудятся on "дачке".
Secret from sources of the incomes Болотов does not do(make). Bypassing бессчетные of putting "дачки", we bend that and business of a mountain of white sacks. In them Saccharum — alone "currency" Болотова. Some years back he has learned to squeeze out of sugar-beet not 17 % of Saccharum, as have got used on all sugar factories, and it is much more. Этакий, from the point of view of science, the trifle has appeared is more lighter to sell, than,say, low-temperature reactor. Some Ukrainian sugar factories which have inserted болотовскую know-how, pay with its(her) writer by Saccharum — 3 % from the excess profit. And further already goes so осточертевший barter: both oscillographs, and trucks, and химреактивы - all on "дачке" sugar.
It is understandable, that from sweet tea is simple воротит.
I hold down in arms a tile similar on ДСП. We put her(it) on gas конфорку. Not only does not burn, but is not heated at all from a back side. To our countrymans such building material - mild, strong, технологичный and the ideal isolator(insulator) of heat, — certainly, on figs is not necessary. And in Slovakia have undertaken to plot a factory on production of such tiles.
Обложишь by them the house — and in most лютую стужу are not necessary neither battery, nor electric heaters. It is enough of heat of a human body to warm a room. The ruse that any calorie will not leave for limits of a house.
These capacities, difficultly yielding to explanation, Болотов determines as unity of thought and operating. In youth by long hours he trained, achieving this unity.
Only one example of such training. Болотов holds down in arms a thermometer and achieves by concentration of the thought that mercurial столбик creeps upwards. Having mastered this exercise, he complicates it(him) - runs Hydrargyrum upwards, not concerning an arm of a thermometer. Having learned to catch up столбик up to a limit, has passed to stronger thermometers. Already and 100 With, and 200, and 300 подвластны of thought. Further - to ignite a paper without a light(fire). To operate(control) palpitation. To stop on spacing interval the going machine. Any operating - is accessible literally to person it is necessary only to want.
It was possible to ferry out from dying already,appear, mors, which has taken possession of him(it).
Though to misuse with this skill it is impossible, has understood Болотов. Do not note, where transfer boundary legal to the person.
Киево-Могилянскую the academy, or board, was based in 1632 митрополит By(with) Peter a Tomb. It was, essentially(in essence), maiden in Russia the university of the European type.
In 1991 Болотов has achieved revival Киево-Могилянской of academy and was selected its(her) president. Soon, however, president of Ukraine Леонид Кравчук has barred(shut) academy.
To struggle Борис Васильевич did not begin. Only smiles.
Вослед closed Киево-Могилянской have created Russian academy of sciences. Болотов - its(her) member.
Рекультивировать by contaminated irradiation of ground easier simple, is convinced Болотов. On them it is necessary by a lamina to scatter sulphide of ammonium. Then высевается elementary, also well-known a grass, the radicals by which one vigorously acquire sulphide of ammonium, and together with it(him) - all radionuclides, contained in soil. The grass will need to be bevelled, to burn and утилизовать a massed radioactive waste.
This way is licenced in Byelorussia. But so, similar, also is not applied. Understandably why: and Ukraine, and Byelorussia easier also is more expedient вопить on all civilized patterns about horrors Чернобыльской of tragedy, than silently and is robust to overcome its(her) consequences.
The century of airplanes and missiles leaves, considers(counts) Борис Васильевич. We already could be displaced by air, sitting in a seat. Cranking in a force field air, is possible to receive lift. But Болотов has gone further: on his(its) prototype installation the vacuum is cranked. The trs by power only 50 milliwatts create under vacuum by a hood thrust(link) 100 grams. To accumulate values - any more focal point. To dream of flyings on Mars and is farther, sitting on burning missile tanks, is unpromising. Vacuum for the motor engine — he, already in arms, only claim!
For Бориса Васильевича there was of exclusive talent a school teacher Василий Иванович Васильковский. Working in far глубинке - Ulyanovsk field(area), he taught children герметизм - эллинское the doctrine uprise to доантичной of philosophy. From childhood Болотов has acquired six principles of true, which one then transformed to 24 principles, and then in 384. It is a limit of dividing of a matrix of consciousness, he considers(counts), but 384 meshes are contained the answers to all possible(probable) problems. To expand the consciousness to a scale of consciousness of mankind —, on Болотову, worthy intellectual(intelligent) problem. On a background by which one the creation, for example, devices which is turning down a pathway of a bullet on 90, - is simple a workaday trifle.
By results of consulting 10.05.01 the prescription of acid solution is updated: on 1 liter of water 1 ч.л. Salt + 1.ч.л. of sulfuric acid + 0,5 sleeves of grape Acetum + 2 Tabulettaes Nitroglycerini. To drink on 2 ст.л. 2 р/days before meal, morning of m at once after dream. Тюлька or sprat in any kind, including in a tomato, but not in oil(butter).