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RULE About a SYSTEM of VOLUNTARY CERTIFICATION   COMMODITIES (goods and services, activities) software to QUALITY
- SCQ -

The system is designed and is submitted(shown) on registration ФГУП « Central research and development institute of consummer services » (ЦНИИбыт).

Group of authors SCQ:

МИНИН Б.А. (International Academy of public progressing, Federal center of certification, ЦНИИбыт), — the chief of development; 
ТЕРЕХОВ А.Г. (Institute of microeconomics Минэкономики Russian Federation); 
СЮТКИН Г.Н. (Department of Government of Moscow); 
КУРИЦЫНА В.В. (Federal center of certification,   ЦНИИбыт) 
ШОКИНА Л.И. (Chamber of commerce and industry   Russian Federation). 



    1.1 The present document establishes(sets) assigning, pattern, function of the participants of a System of voluntary certification   commodities (goods and services)   on quality   and rule of realization of activities on certification.
    1.2 System of voluntary certification   commodities (goods and services)   on quality (further system SCQ) is derivated according to the Law of Russian Federation « About certification of products and services » by the legal person - ЦНИИбыт. The address: Russia,   121002, Moscow, пер. Сивцев   Вражек, 29/16, phone/fax: 241-38-08, 241-39-03.
    1.3   the present document is designed instead of the document « a System of voluntary certification of products (goods and services) on quality - SCQ. Original positions and order of realization », operational it is ground of state registration of the indicated system of voluntary certification from 01.04.1994 №   РОСС RU. 0001.040008.
    1.4 The document is mandatory for all participants of the given System of certification.
    1.5 On the basis(fundamentals) and in progressing the present basic document are designed(elaborated) and other documents of a system SCQ, reflective different aspects е ё of operation affirm.


    The present document is designed with allowance for of following legislative and normative documents:
    2.1 Law of Russian Federation « About certification of products and services » (with variations and additions(appendices)).
    2.2 Law of Russian Federation « About guards of an ambient environment ».
    2.3 Federal act « About industrial safety of dangerous manufacturing objects ».
    2.4 Rule of realization of state registration of systems of certification and signs of correspondence which is operational in Russian Federation, утв. By the order Госстандарта of Russia from 22.04.99г., № 18.
    2.5 Rule on realization of certification in Russian Federation, утв. By the order Госстандарта of Russia from May 10 2000г., № 26.
    2.6 Corrected of certification of activities and services in Russian Federation, утв. By the order Госстандарта of Russia from 05.08.97, № 17.


    The terms, used in the present document, and definitions of the main(basic) concepts correspond(meet) to the Law of Russian Federation « About certification of products and services », Rules on realization of certification in Russian Federation, Manual ИСО IEC 2, МС ИСО 8402.
    In addition to them in the present document the terms will be used:
    DEGREE OF QUALITY - relative parameter(index) of usefulness of the object of certification for a customer, company owing to deviation(rejection) of actual values of figure of merits (consumer properties) concerning established and - or of the steadied requirements.
    LEVEL of ECOLOGICAL PURITY - relative value describing exceeding of a degree of quality (usefulness) of commodity owing to a reduced contents in her of harmful matters and other genesis, conditioned by ecological conditions, production, waste-handling, haul etc. negative   the factors rather normatively established and - or of the steadied requirements. In case one or several established requirements have a field of permissible variations, the level is established(set) concerning lower (worst) of set values.


    4.1 The system SCQ represents set(combination) of the participants of certification executing voluntary certification commodity, goods, services, activities (further commodity) by the rules established in this system.
    4.2 The main(basic) purposes of certification are:
    Improvement of the quality of commodity by conditioning for an opened and free competitiveness of firms on a unified commodity market and   services;
      protection   a customer   from unscrupulous activity of the manufacturer of commodity (initiator of services or activities);
    Endorsement of figure of merits of commodity, including ecological purity (further: figure of merits), stated by the manufacturer (initiator);
    Endorsement of a capability of the manufacturer (applicant) to effect commodity with stable figure of merits;
    Assistance to customers in competent selection of commodity;
    Assistance to perfecting of social and economic gears of environmental protection, improvement of the quality of life and health of the person in concerns of steady progressing of company;
    Assistance to environmental protection from impurity.
    The system SCQ does not substitute   mandatory certification.
    4.3 The system of certification bases on observance(holding) of a principle of independence of entitiess conductive a rating of correspondence, from the manufacturer, seller, initiator and customer of commodity.
    4.4 The certification is executed by(with) bodies(organs) on certification accredited and registered in the registry of a system SCQ, under the method of applications, programs and procedures adopted in SCQ. The activity of bodies(organs) on certification implements under terms of the contract with a leading Body of a System.
    4.5 During certification is carried out(conducted)   definition of actual values of figure of merits and - or of ecological purity of commodity, correspondence of these parameters(indexes)   to the established requirements and rating of an extent of meliorating concerning these requirements of actual values of parameters(indexes) of commodity   in preferential to a customer and company the side, that is mirrored in the certificate by the way of complementary information.
    4.6 Correspondence to commodity established   to the requirements (including ecological) is carried out(conducted) by matching actual parameters(indexes) with the baseline requirements (parameters)((indexes)) established in the standards SCQ.
    Established in the standards SCQ of the requirement the parameters(indexes) of particular kinds(views) of commodity, parameters(indexes) established in the state and branch standards can actuate in THAT on commodity, in other normative documents,     or   steadied среднерегиональные of value of parameters(indexes) of clones   — all   and - or within the limits of a particular price category.
    In a chance fluctuation of parameters(indexes) from baseline at will of applicant the degree of quality of commodity and service (including ecological purity) is complementary determined. This activity actuates:
      definition of the nomenclature proprietary (or groups) parameters(indexes) of commodity;
    Selection(sampling) of parameters(indexes) of commodity by a principle of necessity and sufficiency for definition of usefulness and ecological purity of commodity from the point of view of concerns of a customer and company;
    Definition of actual figure of merits metrological, эконометрическими, социометрическими and sociological methods (working commissions directly and - or it is ground of the correctly made out and not overdue minutes before the conducted trials and - or ground of special trials by labs involved(attracted) on the agreements);
    Matching of actual values of figure of merits (or their part - for example, ecological parameters(indexes)) with established baseline and definition of relative value of usefulness (потребительной of the cost) on each of parameters(indexes) or groups of parameters(indexes) of commodity separately and as a whole generalizing parameter(index) - degree of quality or level of ecological purity.
    The certification on correspondence to the established requirements is completed(terminated) by issue of the certificates of correspondence with the right of applying by the applicant of the sign of correspondence of a system.
    In case of obtaining higher parameters(indexes) is issued the certificate with the indicating of a degree of quality or ecological purity. In this case right on applying of the sign of correspondence with the indicating of the same degree of quality or level of ecological purity also is represented. In this case sign of correspondence executes(designs) a function of the sign of quality.
    In case the certificate can not be issued (for example, at negative outcome), is given expert   the concluding.
    4.7 Voluntary   the certification is carried out(conducted)   under the initiative of the entitiess - manufacturers and customers,   bodies(organs) of domestic control,   public associations and entitiess.
    The certification is carried out(conducted) ground agreements (contract) on realization of certification between the applicant and body(organ) on certification,   which one actuates, in particular(personally), responsibility   the sides: the body(organ) on certification bears responsibility for entirety and   objectivity of a rating of quality on the moment of certification; the applicant bears responsibility for fidelity of allocation during certification of actual values of parameters(indexes) сертифицируемой   commodities, and keeper of the certificate for their correspondence during all validity of the certificate   to values established in the process   certification.
    The certification of products and services implements under the schemes of certification established accordingly in « the Order of realization of certification of products in Russian Federation » and in « the Rules of certification of activities and services in Russian Federation ».
      4.8 For commodity,   the applying (consumption) by which one is potentially dangerous for health of the citizens and their property, can plot of a harm to an environment and for which one   the mandatory certification is established, the voluntary certification is carried out(conducted)   is preferential after realization of mandatory certification when due hereunder.
    4.9 The system is opened for involvement in her of firms and entitiess of different patterns of ownership, personal businessmen and diverse persons interested in activity on voluntary certification.



    5.1 The organizational structure of a system actuates:
    - Leading body of a system - ФГУП « Central research and development institute of consummer services » (ЦНИИбыт).
    - Methodical center (МЦ SCQ)
    - Bodies(organs) on certification (operating system SCQ).
    5.2   the leading body of a system SCQ executes(designs) following functions:
    n executes a communal system control SCQ;
    n will organize progressing a system SCQ;
    n provides when due hereunder interplay in   fields(area)   certification   with   by bodies(organs) of other systems of certification,   Госстандартом of Russia,   by chamber of commerce and industry of Russian Federation, territorial and domestic chambers of commerce and industry, with foreign entitiess and bodies(organs) on certification, with federal executive bodies;
    n concludes the agreements with the entitiess which have expressed desire enter in a system SCQ as a body(organ) on certification, including on realization of accreditation.
    5.3   methodical   the center is organized on the basis ЦНИИбыт and operates with engaging of the indirect specialists.
    Methodical Center SCQ   executes(designs) following functions:
    n designs(elaborates) rules both order of realization of certification and other организационно-methodical documents of a system SCQ, provides with them the participants of a System of certification, executes   perfecting of documents of a System   SCQ;
    n carries out(conducts) accreditation of operating system SCQ;
    n executes teaching and certification of the experts SCQ;
    n esteems on a commission of a leading Body of the appeal;
    n executes methodical supply and keeps account   operating system SCQ, provides with their forms of the certificates SCQ;
    n will organize management of the registries of the issued certificates of accreditation and experts.
    5.4 The body(organ) on certification executes(designs) following functions:
    n esteems the applications for certification and determines as agreed with the applicant   the schemes of certification;
    n concludes with the applicants of the agreement on realization of certification;
    n reshapes and will organize work of commissions on certification;
    n carries out(conducts) certification;
    n makes out and register in the registry the certificates;
    n keeps account the operational certificates;
    n executes inspection check behind certificated commodity;
    n executes interplay with administration of locale, territorial chambers of commerce and industry, public organizations.
    Operating system has the right to afford(grant) the information for MASS-MEDIA about entitiess,   obtained the certificate, and about the cancelled certificates.


    6.1 The certification is carried out(conducted) on correspondence to the requirements of the standards SCQ, reshaped on the basis of state and branch standards, technical conditions establishing(setting) requirement to particular kinds(views) of commodity, branch and communal technical publications and - or of steadied practice in the particular market. The normative documents of a system SCQ are designed(elaborated) or (at availability) will be used ready for each subject (object) of certification. The customer gets acquainted with them without pay prior to the beginning realization of activities on certification. The list of commodity subject certification, and materials indispensable for forming of the standards SCQ, is adduced in the Appendix And. The documents SCQ contain as the requirement to commodity, and to methods of their check (rating) and calculation of a degree of quality and - or of ecological purity.
    6.2 Standards on quality of commodity for   the registration of regional conditions, basically on rendering services, can be adjusted operating system SCQ as agreed with Methodical Center and be applied as agreed with the applicant.


    7.1 For activity in frameworks SCQ as a body(organ) on certification (operating system) the entitiess —   can be accredited; the legal persons and their subdivisions, departments, branches presented for accreditation by the chiefs of these legal persons.
    7.2 The accreditation of operating system is carried out(conducted) with the purpose of installation of competence entitiess and е ё of availability to conduct activities on certification at an indispensable level according to the requirements of a System   SCQ.
    7.3 The accreditation can is carried out(conducted) as on all complex of activities on certification, and on separate kinds(views) of activities within the framework of a System SCQ.
    7.4 The accreditation of operating system is carried out(conducted) under the initiative of the entitiess which have made a decision to execute(design) a functions of operating system. The entitiess claiming for accreditation and operation as operating system, should documentary express the admission of all rules SCQ, its(her) symbolicses (including its(her) sign of correspondence) and hereinafter strictly to abide them. The accreditation is completed(terminated) by issue of the certificate of accreditation with the indicating of field(area) of accreditation and validity.
    7.5 The order of accreditation of bodies(organs) on certification are established(set) by documents of a System SCQ with allowance for of requirements a GOST Р 51.0005-96 and GOST Р 51 0006-96
    7.6 The agreement on accreditation includes conditions of realization of accreditation, and also condition of relationship of operating system and leading body of a system at a stage of operation of operating system.


    8.1 The realization of certification actuates:
    - Application for certification;
    - Decision marking under the application;
    - Design of the economic agreement;
    - Check of correspondence of actual parameters(indexes) normatively established, baseline;
    - Rating (calculation) of quality and - or of ecological purity of commodity;
    - Decision marking about issue of the certificate;
    - Design, registration and issue of the certificate (structure of the minimum indispensable items of information, which one should contain the certificate, is adduced in   the appendix Б);
    - Allocation to the keeper of the certificate of the right on applying of the sign of correspondence;
    - Implementation of inspection check;
    - Involvement in development of correcting measures at violation(disturbance) of the established requirements and check behind their fulfilment.
    8.2 The applicant accesses in the accredited body(organ) on certification with the application for certification (Appendix В).
    If there is several bodies(organs) on certification the applicant has the right to route the application to any body(organ).
    8.3 Body(organ) on certification,   obtained the application, esteems her(it), not later than 2 weeks from the moment of obtaining makes a decision under the application and at a positive solution routes the contract draft to the applicant.
    8.4 After obtaining from the applicant of the signed agreement   and repayment of activities the body(organ) on certification starts activity on certification.
    In case of the negative solution on the application the argued failure(refusal) is routed to the applicant.
    8.5 For realization of certified check the body(organ) on certification reshapes a commission, structure by which one is actuated the experts of a system SCQ, candidates in the experts (trainees) and advisers,   if necessary, experts and specialists   from particular branches,   from Methodical center. The procedure of certification is determined according to the selected scheme of certification.
    In a System the schemes of certification established will be used:
    ·   for the goods — by the Order of realization of certification of products in Russian Federation (with Variation № 1);
    ·   for activities and services — by the Rules of certification of activities and services in Russian Federation.
    Thus the different kinds(views) of ratings indicated in the table will be used.


      № п/п

      Rating on each particular parameter(index)

      Rating on groups of parameters(indexes)

      Rating of production

      Complex(integrated) rating (commodity and production)






          For certification of the elementary commodity of quantity production 


          For certification of the goods issued by small serials, and also personal services,   activities,   different kinds(views) of activity


          For intermediate cases (between the schemes 1 and 2)




      At   certification of products,   for   which one the values relevant for a customer of parameters(indexes) without analysis of the production conditions and used know-how cannot be placed(installed) or expensively




      At   certification of firms for appropriation by him(it) of the class, group, category(discharge), different number of stars, level of ecological purity etc.

      8.6 Commissions on certification:
    n executes(designs)   indispensable   studies   (at   necessities   -   with   by engaging   proof-of-concept   labs) methods economical   and - or социометрическими (measuring of socially oriented parameters(indexes) by means) and - or sociological (анкетирование, interviewing, interrogation);
    n carries out(conducts) a rating of separate figure of merits and - or of their groups, definition of correspondence of their values to the established (baseline) requirements and if necessary calculation of a degree of quality and - or of a level of ecological purity.
    The commission on certification is headed by(with) the chairman, the candidature which one will be defined(determined) by the chief of a body(organ) on certification.   the chairman of a commission reshapes a structure   commissions.   At   the solution   questions at issue inside a commission he has advantage at equal number of voices. The structure of a commission affirms by the chief of a body(organ) on certification.
    8.7 At positive takes of certification and the ratings of a degree of quality (level of ecological purity), i.e. at average values of any of parameters(indexes) are ((better) established (steadied) values, body(organ) on certification   above; makes a decision on issue of the applicable certificate.
    In case the average value even of one parameter(index) of certified products will matter below minimum established (steadied), the certificate is not given.
    8.8 The body(organ) on certification makes out the certificate with installation of validity, registers it(him) and gives to the applicant.
    In the associated documentation to the certificate   all documents, serving basis for his(its) issue are indicated according to the used scheme of certification, and also main conditions of applying of the sign of correspondence.
    8.9 Validity of the certificate - 1-3 years, depending on the scheme of certification, repeatability of the production conditions etc.
      8.10 Items of information on the issued certificate are introduced to the Registry of a body(organ) conducting certification, with the indicating of the main(basic) outcomes of certification. Copies of the registries of the certificates of operating system SCQ is regular (time per one quarter) introduce in МЦ SCQ.
    8.11 The information on the firms which have obtained the certificate, and also about dissolving of the certificates is afforded(granted) for the possible(probable) publication in a local press.
    8.12 Commodity, on which one the certificate is issued, can be labeled is familiar correspondences SCQ. The right on applying of the sign of correspondence is received by(with) the keeper of the certificate under terms of the contract with a body(organ) on certification. The sign can be used in advertising, circulars, menu, labels etc.


      9.1 Inspection checks (IR) behind certificated commodity are carried out(conducted) by a body(organ) conducting certification, on the contractual basis(fundamentals) with the applicant.
    IR is carried out(conducted) in case of receipt(entry) of the information about the claims to quality of commodity, systems from   customers, trade entitiess, bodies(organs) of state check, public organizations.
      9.2 Inspection checks as a rule contain following kinds(views) of activities:
    - Analysis of the acting(going) information about certificated commodity;
    - Creation of a commission for   realization IR;
    - Realization of check of commodity;
    - Design of outcomes of check and decision marking.
      9.3 At realization of inspection check and at forming conclusions(injections) about quality of commodity it is necessary to allow for the claims of customers, public organizations, bodies(organs) of state check and supervision.
      9.4 Outcomes   inspection   check are made out by the act,   according to which one the rating of correspondence to commodity to the established earlier requirements is given during certification and is concluded a capability (impossibility) of conservation of operating of the issued certificate. The act is stored in a body(organ) on certification, and his(its) copies are routed to the keeper of the certificate, entitiess which were taking part in check, and in МЦ SCQ.
      9.5 Outcomes of inspection check are mirrored in the registry of the issued certificates.
    9.6 By results of inspection check one of the following solutions can be accepted:
    - To save operating the certificate;
    - To suspend the certificate;
    - To cancel operating the certificate.


    10.1 By results of inspection check the stay of operating of the certificate implements in case the deviations(rejection) from the requirements, established at certification take place, which one can be removed within a month. Thus the firm together with a body(organ) on certification designs(elaborates) correcting measures on canceling the detected violations(disturbance). After fulfilment of correcting measures the body(organ) on certification peels the prohibition of operating of the certificate and on labelling is familiar correspondences.
    10.2 Dissolving operating of the certificate implements in case of essential mismatch of values of figure of merits of certificated commodity to values of parameters(indexes) established during certification, - owing to variation of a master schedule, default of correcting measures during one month or their ineffectiveness.
    10.3 In case of dissolving operating of the certificate the issue of the new certificate implements when due hereunder (see section 8).


    11.1 At variance with outcomes of certification or inspection check the applicant (the keeper of the certificate) can make appeal in МЦ SCQ. The appeal is esteemed by(with) the specially created commission at a leading Body.


    12.1 The repayment of activities on certification implements the applicant under terms of the contract between it(him) and body(organ) on certification.
    12.2 At a conclusion of a treaty on realization of certification the applicant has the right free to receive from a body(organ) on certification the indispensable information on the order of realization of certification, about the nomenclature of parameters(indexes), on which one the check will be conducted, and also to define(determine) the scheme of its(her) realization.


    List of objects of certification in a system SCQ and normative
    The documentations used at certification


      №п/п The naming of commodity   the code 
      ОКП 005-93,

      The performance of commodity

        identification and naming of documents establishing(setting) requirement   to commodity (goods and services, activities) and standards, used for forming, SCQ

      To the population

          010000- 012000 Aesthetic 
      Comforts Sanitary
      Culture of servicing
      The nomenclature 
      Ethics of dialogue
      GOST Р 50762-95 
      Public catering. Classification of firms.
      GOST Р 50645-94
      Туристско-excursion servicing. Classification of hotels.
      Rules of consummer services of the population in Russian Federation утв. By the governmental order of Russian Federation from 15.08.97 № 1025.
      2 Not food 
      The goods national 
      Aesthetic Ergonomical
      The transport
      GOSTs, EAST WINDS, THAT, СанПиНы, establishing(setting) requirements to the applicable commodity. 
      GOST 22732-77 Methods of a rating of a degree of quality of an industrial output. 
      Original positions.
      РД 50-149-79 Methodical indicatings according to a technological level and quality of an industrial output. (Publishing house of the standards, 1979).
      Rating of influencing of working conditions on his(its) productivity(output) and production efficiency. The interbranch methodical guidelines.
      3 Food
      The goods national 
      Ecological Sanitary
      State standards establishing(setting) requirements to groups   uniform commodity.
      РД 50-149-79 Methodical indicatings according to a technological level and quality of an industrial output. (Publishing house of the standards, 1979).
      СанПиН Sanitary regulations for firms of food trade.
      МУ SCQ.ЭКЛ - 98-01 (Ст SCQ.01 ЭКЛ-02-00)
      4 Services by a rating
      Property and technological 
        010000- 014000
      HUNDRED РОО 21-01-95 Standards of professional work in the field of a rating of the real estate. 3СТО РОО 22-01-96 Ratings of manufacturing facilitiess, machines and machinery.
      Ст SCQ.02 ИНТЛ-12-004 HUNDRED РОО 23-01-96 Ratings of objects of intellectual property.
      5 Commodity 
      ( Goods and services)   производственно-
      Technical assigning and production activity
      ОКП:130000 - 650000
      ОКДП5 40100000-6400000
      Public usefulness (or harm)   and social significance
      State standards establishing(setting) requirements to commodity (services)   and test methods (check)

      The appendix

      the FORM(SHAPE) of the CERTIFICATE 

System of certification of products (goods and services) on quality - SCQ



      Date of issue......
      Is real on ............  ;

      The sign SCQ

      Date of issue: ............

      Valid     until: ............

  № РОСС RU.SCQ. 000.000.....
The certificate is issued to firm 2 :
Body(organ) on certification 3 ...



      The complementary information 6

      English transfer(translation)


      The chief of operating system  МП

      Certificate is prolonged up to....
      The chief of operating system   МП 

EXPLANATIONS of a software to INFILL of the FORM of the CERTIFICATE
1. In this stand if necessary complementary it is underlined: «... Under the requirements of quality » or « under the requirements of ecological purity » and - or equivalent definitions
2. In a stand « the Certificate is issued to firm » the naming entitiess of the applicant and his(its) address is underlined
3. The naming and address of a body(organ) on certification is underlined
4. In a stand « the OBJECT of CERTIFICATION » it are indicated the naming and indispensable   identifying tags   commodities (for example, manufacturers, code ОКП, ОКУН or ОКДП,   number of the contract, kind(view)   prepacking, packaging etc.)
5. In a stand « CORRESPONDS(MEETS)... » The namings and - or numbers normative   are underlined; documents,   on correspondence by which one   the certification was conducted. At a significant amount they are indicated in the appendix to the certificate
6. In a stand « the COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION » the mean ratio of values of the actual and established (steadied) parameters(indexes), and also полученый a computational degree of quality or level of ecological purity of the object of certification or equivalent items of information can be indicated
The form of the certificate is spacefilled(stuffed) in two languages: in Russian and in English.

      Appendix In

The form(shape) of the application on certification

    To the chief of a body(organ) on certification (naming of a body(organ)) 
    The address


    1. Firm:

                  the naming of the entities - applicant (in Russian   and English languages) for простановки on the certificate

      the legal address:

    The telephone:                                                                                 the fax:                                                                         E-mail:
    On behalf of
                                                                                                  Ф., И., О., chief

    Asks to conduct certification of the object of commodity (naming of the object in Russian and English languages for простановки on the certificate):

    2. It is required to conduct certification of following commodity (necessary to point out): · of the goods, · of service, · of production: — with a rating: · of a degree of quality · of a level ecological чистотысроком on: 1 year, 3 years (TO AGREE and necessary to point out)

    3. The applicant is obliged:
    — To execute(design) all rules and conditions of certification;
    — To pay the cost of activities for certification according to the Agreement

    4. Documents, presented By the applicant, and items of information (as agreed with the initiator):

    1. The brief specification statement of the object of certification with technical arguments (copy THAT either GOSTs or applicable sheets of the engineering specifications);
    2. Copies of the Certificates of Correspondence, Hygienic certificates (not overdue, with the minutes of trials, correctly and completely filled);
    3. Advertising commodity granted a customer (client);
    4. The specification statement of certified products and е ё of a rule(situation,position) on market space: 
        1. The specification statement of the product, his(its) identifying tags (difference from other look-alike). 
        2. Clones executing(designing) data of a function, competitive, changed(substituted) сертифицируемым by the object; public practice. 
        3. Public necessity in сертифицируеиом the object. 
        4. Parameters(indexes) of heightened quality (usefulness for a customer), conditioned by features of the product (causal investigatory links). 
        5. Comparative performance (verbal and quantitative datas).
    5. List of clients of the corporation (10-20 чел. With telephones);
    6. The bank properties the request to indicate on the back of the application or to transmit by fax
    7. The quoters of the Applicant for interplay and their telephones: ________

    For the beginning activities: the agreement with a signature and printing, copy of payment documents.

    The chief entitiess

    Signature, surname, initials

    The chief accountant

    Signature, surname, initials



The appendix Г

I ""predicate"

Зам. The directors ЦНИИбыт

___________ Б.А. Минин

  a system of voluntary certification of products (goods and services) on quality —   SCQ.
The sign of correspondence.
The form(shape). Sizes and specifications
  Moscow — 2000

The sign of correspondence is designed by Methodical center of certification (МЦ SCQ). The present sign can not be completely or is played partially back, тиражирован and is abundant without permission МЦ SCQ.

The sign of correspondence is the form(shape) of finishing up to a customer and other parties in interest of the information about the conducted certification of the commodity, notched with him(it).
The data about the requirements, the observance(holding) makes sure which one the sign of correspondence, it are indicated in the certificate, ground which one apply this sign.

The present document establishes(sets) the form(shape), sizes and specifications to the sign of correspondence at certification of the goods and services (fig. 1) in a System of voluntary certification of quality of the goods and services registered in Госстандарте of Russia (рег. № РОСС RU. 0001.040008 ССК).
All requirements of the present document are mandatory for the participants of a system.
The sizes of the sign of correspondence are determined by(with) firm (organization) obtained right on his(its) applying, installation of a baseline size Н (fig. 2). The baseline size should be not less than 5 mms. The sizes of the sign of correspondence should guarantee a definition and conspicuity by a unaided eye of basic elements of the sign.
The code or title   a body(organ) of certification issuing the certificate, render on the certificate under graphics image of the sign by a type face, reduced in a figure 3 (or close to it(him) on a trace) altitude not less than 0,5 Н.
The character image should be precise отличимо from a surface, on which one he is rendered.
The sign of correspondence is executed(designed) by different technological ways ensuring his(its) precise and clear map. The technical implementation of the character image should envision definite measures of protection from a possible(probable) counterfeit.

Federal Center of certification is authorized to conduct on territory of Russia certification of quality and ecological certification, and also accreditation of regional and branch centers - any locales and any branches. Ph. (095) 241 39 03, 38 08.

The chief FCC - Boris A. MININ:Тел.:241-39-03. The fax: 241-38-08. E-Mail

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