Rating of an environment
By the designed employees ФЦС the scheme ecological каpтогpафиpования, as against existing, which one mirror only proprietary factors of impurity, gives интегpальное value of social - ecological damage to the population, pассчитанное under the data local измеpений on location, that will allow hereafter to enter the legislation on indemnification of full damage with allowance for of social - ecological aspects.
As is known, impurity of aerial basin - one of major environmental factors defining damage to health of the person.
The impairment of health at impurity is determined not only quantity of the harmful factors (dust, toxic substances, radiating etc.), but also their concentration and time of effect. On this map the harmful factors "are suspended" on damage for health and the social - ecological perils is joint in a unified parameter(index), relative extent. If you change a flat or compare damage to health to yours and yours familiar, cognates, it is better to use the comparative data.
Allow remaining and do(make) selection.
1) HELP. The input datas for calculation are obtained ground of systematic measurings in Moscow of each of the factors indicated on face side of a map. The coefficients весомости are counted ground of large biomedical material.
The development of maps of other cities can be ordered on telephones:(095) 241-39-03, 241-38-08
2) TO UPDATE variation of social - ecological damage on particular streets, on each of matters, dust and as a whole of social - ecological damage, you can ring up on one of telephones: 241-39-03, 241-38-08. The answer will be deported to you by the payment forward.
The objective definition social - ecological perils will allow to substantiate selection of priorities of protection:
Volumes of the costs on protection (even there, where available there is only social damage);
To differentiate payments for ground and labour forces more precisely;
To value, alongside with economical, social progressing of locale;
To determine sources of negative consequences and, on the contrary, overall performance of nature protection bodies(organs), different corporations, companies etc. more precisely
Ecological certification of products
Recently under aegis of the Ministry of an environmental protection and natural resources of Russian Federation is designed and one more testimony - ECOLOGICAL CERTIFICATE is given, which one confirms a level of ecological purity of your goods. For many buyers it becomes a key factor.
Both the ecological certificate, and certificate of fitness envision calculation of complementary usefulness for customers concerning a baseline level - it a System SCQ much more perfectly other known threshold ("yes - нетных") systems of certification.
For operating obtaining of the Ecological certificate the data from the minutes of trials on safety (which one are as much as possible allowed are carried out(conducted) for usual design of the mandatory certificate). If necessary Center carries out(conducts) additional test.
Ecological certification of entitiess, firms, corporations
This type of certification actuates a rating of public (socially economical) damage from impurity of the environment at pressure bumps and resets(drops), damage from consumption of natural resources — all this in matching with an existing “общественно-normative” level.
At a pollution of the environment considerably higher, than average value for the producers of the given branch group, the ecological certificate is issued can not.
Non-polluting products - what is it such?
Really, what this such?
In the dictionary seconds. And. Ожегова "«clean" is determined as « not containing anything of a stranger(extraneous), neat » (seconds. And. Ожегов, « the Dictionary of Russian », изд. "«Russian", Moscow, 1990, page 883). Therefore, the non-polluting product is a product, which one does not contain stranger(extraneous) impurity(additives), in this case - matters, which one could penetrate into this product from the contaminated environment, from packaging or to hit in the product during his(its) production. And of itself it is meant, that in all these cases the speech goes about matters unfavorablly influential in health. However now, when all know, that ДДТ was detected in a body of penguins in Antarctic Continent, and диоксин is contained in mother milk, to speak about absolute ecological purity of products it is not necessary. Even if by production, for example, agricultural products the pesticides or even chemical fertilizers were not applied, with confidence to speak about ecological purity of such products it is impossible: and where the warranty, what in them has not hitted something from air, with ground or поливными by waters?.. Between that, the labels of the goods dazzle by placards: « the non-polluting product »; « the product is made in non-polluting region »; « without chemistry »; and т. д.
Why these placards have received so widespread occurrence and what кроется behind such applications of the producers?
a reason more and more widespread occurrences of marking of products as non-polluting - aiming of the producers to involve(attract) attention in the commodity, «having "played" on natural concern of the buyers with impurity of the environment and broad infiltration of chemistry into master schedules of production as food, so, especially, and articles of food. And only it in most cases and кроется behind such marking: aiming to be dedicated in the market to be remarked, to involve(attract) the buyer with a promise. But ask for the sellers of the goods having such marking: « And than you will demonstrate it? » And he will not be what to answer, as document verifying, that his(its) commodity really is non-polluting, for him(it) no. In the best case he will inform, that the commodity is made on бесхимикатной of know-how (that really can to take place) or will refer to a high name of the corporation. But even by production on бесхимикатным to know-hows the impurity of commodity by other paths is possible, about what was already spoken. An alone way to straighten out(find out), are contained or the harmful matters, - are not contained in commodity to carry out the applicable analytical studies.
And they are executed(designed) at hygienic certification of products. But the hygienic certification gives the answer only on one problem: whether the product is secure. Issue of the document verifying ecological purity, that is at forward(straight) comprehension of this term — absence in the product of pollutants, the hygienic certification does not envision as because it is not its(her) problem, so - and first of all - because true non-polluting commodity presently is a myth. It is possible to talk only about a level of contamination, or, if to be attached to the term « non-polluting commodity », - about an extent of ecological purity.
To decide this problem and the ecological certification of products being one of directions of a System of certification of quality is invoked. The commodity, successfully elapsed expertise, will receive a legitimate right on advertising as non-polluting, and the level of its(her) ecological purity will be consolidated by the way numbers. This number demonstrates heightened usefulness in comparison with similar products having hygienic parameters(indexes) at a level of the standards. Ecological certification - business voluntary. But it is an alone path, which one will give the buyer objective reference points by selection of commodity under the performances of ecological impurity and will create conditions for fair competition of the businessmen. Our Center, decides these problems, and first of all, according to the authorized purposes, - conditioning for the best attitude of the population in safety issues of a feed(meal,power).
DW, Анастасия Рахманова. 03.98. About the FOOD COMPONENTS (presentation)
... Нестле and Фореро, Эрманн and Dr Окер, Кнорр... To counter to them is useless.... Concerning cubes, where курятина: “ the Soup врет ”, - speaks Ганс a Make-up. It is dishonest to loopin of the people for a nose... Пакетик of a fill for salad... Now there are more than 40 % of the germans at all does not know how to prepare. Today ours major кулинары have maximum engineering or химико-technological formation and are named by the designers of taste.
fruit mass for cooking yogurt without the flavoring components resembles old noses. There everything, only not fresh fruit. In main(basic) Amylum, osteal flour(torment), soya squirrels. All world production of a strawberry will not suffice for satisfaction 20 % of appetite of the population of USA - therefore and make substitutes. A food citric acid work out плесневые funguses. On one major concern manufacturing a citric acid, simultaneously make gypsum. The yogurt is obliged by the taste not триходерме, and pink color - to a stain Е674. Ванилин is synthesized from sawdusts, on permission of the American legislation he is named by natural aromatic matter.
Today chemistry can make everything of everything. Earlier коптили sausage in special коптильнях. Today they are substituted by(with) ten--minute douche from буроватой of fluid with a stain a plus a chemical flavor. That the sausage was not mared for following day, her(it) pump by antibiotics.
sand тесто do(make) of a fish flour(torment)...
Have conducted such experiment: two groups of pigs. The maiden group gave a usual forage, second - with flavors. These счастливчики съедали on 20 % more also suffixed till 320 grams daily, i.e. on 7 % it is more in comparison with maiden, which one suffixed only till 300 grams. [Clearly, who benefits: the producer of forages] thus the illnesses of the domestic animals (crab, asthma and obesity) have grown on 60 %.
it is possible to explain our favour generally by genetic memory. For us associates sweet - with quick(rapid) recovery of energy, acidic - with vitamin With, saline - with mineral matters.
most of all suffer From a fraud children. The relation to flavors and from the gustatory components, from chemical including, is similar with drug. But the person has the right to know, that he ест. “ Know how to appreciate that have ”, - the large admirer of Russian galley has said on farewell Ганс a Make-up.
Federal Center of certification is authorized to conduct on territory of Russia certification of quality and ecological certification, and also accreditation of regional and branch centers - any locales and any branches.
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