Д.э.н., к.т.н. МИНИН. А.
к.э.н. СЮТКИН. Н.
к.э.н. ТЕРЕХОВ And. Г.
All over the world it is necessary to create the whole kit for stabilizing market attitudes(relations). To these facilitiess, unconditionally, the institute of certification of products now mastered in all developed countries belongs to also.
Certification of products (goods and services) as certificate by "third persons" parameters(indexes) of safety and as a whole qualities was officially entered in Russia by the Law on certification of products in 1993.
According to a law in force of Russian Federation, to certification on correspondence to safety requirements (mandatory) are subject the objects, which one introduce definite danger to an environment, life, health and property of the citizens. The certification on correspondence on other parameters(indexes) is voluntary (item 17 - 19 " of the Law on certification "). As well as certification on safety, this system envisions of the well enough spent nomenclature of parameters(indexes) describing, as a rule, not only consumer properties, but also internal (for example - characteristics). In real-life systems during this certification the correspondence of the actual performances normative, остированным is tested only: each of them should be not worse normative.
This kind(view) of certification, according to the legislation, can be subjected basically any objects, including services, though for them it is complex(difficult) to evaluate a lot of socially significant parameters(indexes), which one, as a rule, are not standardized. Both systems are threshold, т. е. The certificate on them can be either is issued, or is not issued, without any gradations. Both work within the framework of an official system " a GOST Р ".
Certification on quality as a whole with апределением of a Degree of quality (too voluntary) is esteemed as a highest level of certification. It is clear, that the threshold certification, that she(it) could be passed by(with) the majority, is forced causes(urges) to pose a threshold not too highly. But thus all its(her) elapsed are equated to this level and one another.
As against it(her), the certification on quality with definition of an extent of exceeding of usefulness above a "standard" level has demanded development of the developed vehicle квалиметрии ground theories потребительной of the cost and applicable algorithms of calculation.
METHODICAL CENTER and FEDERAL CENTER CERTIFICATION are created specially for realization of certification commodities (goods and services) on quality. The System, formed on their basis,(fundamentals,) of certification SCQ is registered when due hereunder in Госстандарте Russian Federation - fixit N РОСС RU.0001.040008.
As against other Systems of certification, we give not the Certificate of correspondence, and the CERTIFICATE of FITNESS making sure particular degree of quality of commodity is real.
Are designed and the ECOLOGICAL CERTIFICATES are given also. Till understandable reasons, the problem on ecological certification has demanded the greatest attention and forces, and only since this year the in-depth procedure of payments of a level экологичности ground of items of information partially received during usual certification on safety in frameworks a GOST Р. was fulfilled enough
The ecological certificate is given at the considerably reduced contents of harmful impurity(additives) rather ПДК, ПДУ... Under these data after the applicable calculations it is possible to receive a Level экологичности, or Level of ecological quality, which one in our interpretation determines, literally, extent of rise of usefulness (value) сертифицируемого of the product concerning the product with a "normative" contents of harmful matters with other things being equal.
These items of information can be beneficial to the persons delivering commodity to a customer. The proper leaving out of the buyer (customer) will allow or to accelerate sales of commodity, or to raise the price a little. For for a number(series) of customers the problem of ecological purity of food - for them and the more so for their children - has essential value.
Now on a System SCQ the bodies(organs) of certification in several cities, among which one - St.-Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Сыктывкар, naturally, - Moscow and Moscow field(area) are accredited. The accreditation of other centers is prepared. In bridge there is perfecting the System, creation of subsystems for certification of bank services, advertising, риэлтерской of activity etc. the hard works till entitiess of a system of certification of scientific activities on an extent of their potential public usefulness - here, probably Are carried out(conducted), we in something go in bridge with activities методологов of the Nobel committee.
Among the specialists of corporations accredited on our System, - scientists - professionals in the field of the theory and practice квалиметрии, creating the hard basis(fundamentals) for correct (objective and authentic) certification on quality. Moreover, during last 10 years the serial of activities by the order ГОССТАНДАРТА and ВНИИ of certification was conducted. Naturally, методологи SCQ are closely connected to set of the specialists from particular spheres of activity, including and from the customers. This activity is carried out(conducted) by Methodical center of certification of International Academy of informatization.
Thus, we in country had a developed system of certification principally new in comparison with gated in in West, with the very large capabilities, while only mastered and up to the extremity not detected. If the principles, trusted to in its(her) basis,(fundamentals,) will be distributed to the majority of locales and branches, including conversion production, science etc., it will be by a noticeable stake to becoming new, really opened, really honest market with present соревновательностью "by results of", instead of today's, declarative and illusionary.
Минин Б.А., к.т.н., д.э.н., проф. -
International Academy of public progressing and
Federal Center of certification (ЦНИИбыт);
Horses В.А., д.э.н., проф. -
Center of strategic developments, Moscow;
Тыжненко-Давтян Е.С., д.э.н., проф. -
The Central European Academy "«ELITE", Prague
So was received, that in Russia, where since 1994 has arisen and has appeared developed principally new in comparison with gated in in other countries a System of certification of quality — SCQ, with capabilities, while completely only mastered and up to the extremity not detected. If the principles, trusted to in its(her) basis,(fundamentals,) will be distributed to the majority of locales and branches, including conversion production, science, formation etc., it will be by a noticeable stake to becoming new, really opened, really honest market with present соревновательностью "by results of", instead of the market today's, closed, that is why and in many respects only declarative, illusionary.
In spite of the fact that SCQ 6 years actually act only, the certification more than 400 kinds(views) of commodity of firms and entitiess, corporations of the most miscellaneous structure(profile) is already conducted.
SCQ as a member of the gear of public progressing
The availability for firm of the certificate of fitness and his(its) variety — of the ecological certificate in a definite extent determines priorities of his(its) commodity in the market; on the other hand, he is the weighty basis for occurrence(appearance) and anchoring for customers of the applicable preferences.
Thus there is a basis(fundamentals) for achievement of the purposes, radium which one in country the certification of products — of the goods (items) and services, activities is entered: not only as a resource of safety control of a customer, but also as the basis(fundamentals) for urging social progress of company.
Defections of the Russian firms in competition with an off-standard asymmetry import in a number(series) of cases take place from failing to introduce the own goods by the person and from failing to conduct the advertising company with objective submission(representation) of the best properties of own commodity. Implementation of systems of certification of quality — any, correctly formed, — will force not only our producers continuously to be pulled upwards, but also our suppliers of import products to take best of available in other countries and at the same time to count on full and objective submission(representation) of heightened quality of the commodity in our market.
The items of information on outcomes of certification (data about a Degree of quality, Level of ecological purity and Category(discharge) of firm) can and should be used for leaving out of customers and other interests, including state. The certificates with located on them Is familiar qualities (or separately Sign of quality) should be in a place, friend for familiarization of customers. The sign with the value, established on a nem, of levels should be played back on the circulars, vouchers, container, packaging and by the way of separate copies for assertion outside of territory of the firm - manufacturer.
Certainly, in itself certification — it only elementary (though also relevant) member of the complex(integrated) gear of public progressing. As a whole in Russia such gear still should be created. But already now, mortgaging those or diverse not harmless parameters(indexes), the certification softly imposes to the producers some development trends. So, in the nomenclature of parameters(indexes) of services (activities) the data about the costs of self-progressing and on charities are sometimes entered. There is in SCQ and parameter(index) of a price level rather среднерыночных in the given locale — it too incentive for their drop.
But any economic-mathematical vehicle of a rating, even it is enough objective, — it only impartial vehicle of a rating. In itself knowledge of value of this or that novelty, this or that commodity, scientific or industrial, nowadays certificated, will be absolutely useless, if on the basis of this knowledge it will be not possible to form effective economical controlling instruments of progress — both technological, and economical and, major, — social: " To operate(control) — means correctly to stimulate ".
In connection with that SCQ not equalizes those who has received the certificate, it(he) can be esteemed as a resource constant подбадривания, "подпружинивания" of the producer upwards (for "yes - нетной" systems it no).
The certificate of fitness and Ecological certificate, if they are really correctly prepared and are made out, should be not only complementary argument during competition on market space. Basically, they should entitle to legal recovery of price and obtaining of definite state privileges, — for example, tax.
By results of certification the guidelines as a rule are given, in what directions it is necessary to perfect сертифицируемый the object — the goods or service.
The specialists of a System SCQ, participating in its(her) methodological progressing, as far as possible and expediency participate in International conferences and commissions directed on generalizing of national and international expertise on realization of certification of products and looking up of paths of accelerated social progressing.
On the camp-up there is a hard problem of perfecting on new principles of tens registered Госстандартом of voluntary systems most answering these principles. In this direction already there are shears. Some ЦСМ Госстандарта already have expressed availability for accreditation on a System SCQ.
It is recommended to a manual of other existing bodies(organs) of mandatory and voluntary certification to be accredited in a system SCQ as addition(appendix) to functions, already existing for them.
It is necessary to note, that on one of last, 40-m a congress the European entitiess on quality (ЕОК) now only mounts a problem on attitude of the standards ИСО on a customer, thus the links at a new system TQM as продолжателя (or even of an antipode) ИСО 9000 multiply are done(made). But at system development SCQ philosophy Total Quality Management uзакладывалась from the very beginning.
We consider(count), that cardinal perfecting of legislative base on certification now is required. Are indispensable development and acceptance of the Law about certification of quality of commodity. The original positions of this law are already designed.
SCQ — a system opened for progressing
From middle of 1999 under the initiative of the specialists of Federal Center of certification SCQ and International Academy of public progressing with active involvement of the specialists of Chamber of commerce and industry and national Committee of ecological safety of Russia the development of a Complex(integrated) system of certification (КСС) is carried out(conducted). To development the specialists of other entitiess are connected: Госстандарта, Госкомэкологии, Research center "«Экобезопасность", auditor "«ФинЭскорт" corporation, company « Веритас Moscow » - all about полутора of tens entitiess. In 2000 this system should be transferred(handed) for state registration. КСС synthesizes in itself all forward thoughts in the field of certification: certification of quality, ecological certification, certification on essential(much) improved, supplemented and rendered concrete international systems of a serial 9000, 14000 and system of the social responsibility. As a matter of fact, КСС — it is creative synthesizing of many operational systems without their dissolving. But any firm, having addressed in a Central body(organ) of a system КСС, can be sure, that it will receive all complex of services on audit, certification and consulting with coverage by any of demanded systems - including by a System SCQ.
Is planned(glided) SCQ, and in due course and КСС to introduce for a mutual admission by bodies(organs) of certification of other countries and as the proposal of accreditation of that of them, which one will express the applicable solution and for this will be prepared enough — technically and psychologically.
Uneasy to itself to introduce, that unified, the philosophy, adopted by all countries, of a rating both certification of quality and ecological purity will help to place(install) more transparent attitudes(relations) honest соревновательности between all partners, between any countries.
The implementators SCQ are ready to perceive from any specialist any proposals to perfect a system. A major and alone effectiveness criterion of any proposals — their social (public) usefulness justifying indispensable economical, psychological and diverse costs. The guidelines and specific proposals on rise of performance SCQ, regularly acting(regularly going) in МЦ SCQ, are closely esteemed, are valued and will be realised. They are received on telephones (095) 241 39 03, 38 08 or to the address: 121002, Moscow, Сивцев Вражек, 29/16, ЦНИИбыт — ФЦС. The philosophys and number(series) of methodical problems are placed in a special site www.aha.ru / ~ fcc.
Basically, for a System SCQ the rigid frameworks on an orb of applying are not stipulated. All problem in guard rope of the specialists. But at all those who only well knows technological problems, and those who knows how competently to perceive an item, service from a stand of a customer. It both is easier, and it is more complex(difficult).
Progressing and extension of a sphere of action of a system of certification of quality and ecological purity — it and capability definitely to influence life to create incentives for self-perfecting a social production and active form(shape) of involvement in public progress.
to those bodies(organs) of domestic, regional control, which one will understand certification of quality as the potent lever(arm) of social progressing of the locales, follows to try to stimulate engaging to voluntary certification of the implementators, producers and suppliers by regulation of the local taxes depending on a degree of quality elapsed certification of productions and their commodity. The logician of such operating is transparent: the heightened degree of quality and the more so the reduced social - ecological damage by production — it means complementary общественно useful effect, which one and as a matter of fact, and under the form(shape) is similar to effect exhibited from usage of the tax sums.
In the issue all this, outside of doubt, will promote improvement of the quality of life.
For this reason from the very beginning of operation « of Center of strategic developments », created for the assembly(collecting), synthesizing best, that is in country, and forming пред- and послевыборных of the programs then ещ ё of the only foreseen new President of new Russia, in him(it) a number(series) of materials with the proposal on creation of a national system of certification of quality was transferred(handed). The necessity of such system is dictated by realities of today and precise comprehension that now it is possible to consider(count) quality of commodity as one of the most actual technical, economical and social problems of the Russian production.
However all these problems should be esteemed as though also relevant, but вс ё a detail, the piece from all huge complex of problems of public progressing, which one will come to decide of Russia.
Минин Б.А., д.э.н., к.т.н., проф;
Демиденко Э.С., д.ф.н., проф;
Курицына В.В., to. Seconds - х. н.;
Варниченко Ю.В., Марченко a M.t.
Federal Center of certification (ЦНИИбыт), Moscow
the technological progress — is a ring of progressing of our civilization, the beginning can be referred which one to period well in advance of New aeon. Without modern achievements of science and technology, without the values, granted by them, it is difficult now to introduce us the life. However achievements of progress производственно-technological and technological are essentially underestimated, and frequently and are cancelled at the expense of regress of social and biological progressing.
The progressing of the theory and practice потребительной of the cost originated непрямолинейно and unnaturally long.
Let's try to enumerate a little scale socially aggressive phenomena — at all not tampering with creation of arms, facilitiess of a defense and attack, the scale multiply exceeds which one, as is known, real needs(requirements).
Creation as though peace, but extremely dangerous productions, frequently radium human whim and ambitions. — For example, australian золотообогатительных of firms, founded on the prohibited know-hows with usage of Cyanidums. The debacle only has brought one such firms in January, 2000 in Romania to Europe of damage (economic, ecological, social) on the sum about 0,5 млрд. Dollars the technological activity frequently renders an irreparable harm to the nature, and consequently, economical and social harm to the person, company.
The main(basic) contribution to an air contamination is introduced by(with) firms black and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemistry and petrochemistry, стройиндустрии, power engineering, pulp and paper industry, motor-vehicle transport. The high level загрязненности is conditioned by pressure bump of particular (ecologically dangerous) matters: бенз (а) пирена, formic aldehyde, ammonia, freon, hydrogen sulphite etc.
More than in 200 cities of Russia, where lives 63 млн. The person (42 % of the populations of country), среднегодовые of concentration of pollutants exceed ПДК. The exceeding ПДК on three and more harmful matters is registered in 12 cities.
The list of cities, in which one is watched the high level загрязненности of air is invalid, is rather great. In 1995г. he has compounded 45 namings, and in 23 cities the high level загрязненности is marked during last 5 years. In their number have come of Bratsk, Ekaterinburg, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Lipetsk, Magnitogorsk, Nizhni Tagil, Novokuznetsk, Novosibirsk, Body heights - на-дону, Tolyatti, Khabarovsk etc.
Now ecological capacitance of an ambient environment, which one is determined by capacity to a self-cleaning and selfrecovery of its(her) main(basic) reductants, is considerably exceeded on territory of Moscow and Moscow locale, in a number(series) of fields(areas) of Central economic region, in the majority of locales of Ural, Поволжья, western Siberia (Kemerovo and Novosibirsk fields(areas)), in the largest cities of Eastern Siberia and Far East.
Last years ХХ of century техногенная the offloading on grounds of settlements and territories, flanking to them, as a whole in Russian Federation is reduced(descended), the tendency to accumulation of pollutants in soils near to sources of industrial pressure bumps and transport mains(lines) however is saved.
unbridled global reproduction of a motor-vehicle transport. It and ugly destruction billions of years of stored hydrocarbon resources(safe lifes) of a planet (oil), it both toxic, and audio environment pollution. But many are not less significant(sizeable) also other общесоциальные the negative factors of this phenomenon. And you see it was possible to note these factors and damage from them for заре of becoming of motor transport, to note, to evaluate, to enter rules of indemnification(compensation) plotted social damage - and now we would live in a cleaner and природно-beautiful pattern.
Especially we shall point out: today simple детоксикация of pressure bumps of a motor-vehicle transport does not troubleshoot. In Japan after overcoming this problem the rough progressing of the personal transport is watched. But unexpectedly it has reduced in much to other, first of all — to multihourly fuses. The nervous stresses from unpredictable delay become a usual phenomenon, and it carries on not only to losses of time, but also to firing health of the people.
Ещ ё an important stroke: on the Earth in automobile auto debacles the person perishes annually up to 300 thousand
As a whole, under the data of the explorers, on territory of Soviet Russia the main body of pressure bumps, all about 70 млн had. т., on territory of USA - in 2 times it is more. But in calculation on 1 rouble of commodity - in USA — in 2 times it is less. If to keep in the side usefulness (or uselessness) made commodity (meaning, that the territory of USA approximately is twice less, than it would seem to Russia), our ecological conditions much better. But it on the average. Settlements, specially cities, have due to rise of concentration of a motor-vehicle transport an offloading much above, than territory on the average. So, under the data for 1992 - 93 гг., the social - ecological damage (for the population from unfavorable ecological conditions in Moscow has compounded in the today's prices about 36 billions руб/year, or about 100 dollars annually on 1 person - inhabitant of Moscow and visitor of capital. Now approximately same damage on 85 - 90 % is determined by exhaustes from motion almost 2,5 млн of motor vehicles, on the average damage compounds till 400 dollars on one motor vehicle (certainly, greatest — for cargo motor vehicles and buses).
Quality and ecological purity of food sharply has decreased. World statistics of lethal outcomes from poisonings practically is absent, however it is authentically known, that the rise in nutrition of toxic substances reduces(descends) immune properties of an organism, degrades state of health and increases дискомфорт, carries on to many diseases. That ours zigzag social and spiritual взросление, natural, difficult and durable changes of aircraft attitude of mankind were not suddenly ceased, and the mankind would not pass on a steady path of a self-destruction, so is active started two century back, the human company in the most short time owes, all sharpened mind(wit) is obliged all forces to route on looking up both implementation of paths of stabilizing and transition to steady social progressing of all peoples and biosphere of a planet the Earth.
However at such global and promptly increased scales of activity to hope for personal reason of any president, any chief of country, especially of units of countries, any, even of most ingenious of the scientist and the inhabitants of the Earth it is hardly probable possible. Even the huge splashes of an alert and enlightenment for separate from them will be involuntarily connected, are held down general, all-embracing psychological, legal, administrative both everyone other удушающей and killing atmosphere, personal conservatism of the people, and also - state and international corruption and inertness.
Therefore speech can go about usage of the only well organized collective reason for framing effective social and economical gears of depressing of any factors of deposition to the person and company of a harm, framing of facilitiess of urging of secure public and natural progressing.
Nearing to the optimal solution, too cautious
Even the sketchy analysis of the world tendencies and phenomena is demonstrated, that by(with) mass, detected in Russia, of inconsistencies the pattern is generic also to many other countries. No and there can not be one, the unified monosolution of all these inconsistencies. But can be established unified basic principles. Social safety a plus social progressing at all levels — global, national, state, commercial... — the rod, on which one is necessary and it is possible to form already today unified positive human self-consciousness. On the basis it also can be plotted парадигма new жизнестойкой and humane civilization.
As to a prohibitive function of the legislation and authority, executing it(him), rather radical measures here are required. It is substitution of numerous dominant "installations", " of the legal responsibility ", — by the responsibility adequate to plotted damage, i.e. it is accepted to speak the introducings new, "«возмездного", now: "the «reflexive" right. The social - ecological certification — is one of practical gears of implementation of this right.
As the foreign specialists (radio station « a German surge », 1997г.) assert(approve), the maiden problem — a role of the state in market conditions, than it owes and than it should not be engaged, than him categorically counterindicative to be engaged. And second problem: how to join up market performance and social justice.
Actually these two problems are closely connected among themselves. If to speak about a role of the state, here traditionally there are two approaches. Maiden: the state should be engaged in everything, i.e. the state should be engaged in investment, care bodily of the citizens, should plan(glide), should interfere with the economical process. And second approach: the state should provide conditions that has earned the market to create the environment, which one is favorable for operation of the market. Particularly these problems can be reduced to three or four ports of reference:
1. The state should provide a healthy money system and create conditions for operation financial and banking system.
2. The state should provide the effective competitive environment.
3. The state should create the effective social order, at which one each has a capability first of all to take care of itself, not shifting these problems on shoulders(arms) of company.
In Russia there is no healthy money system, in Russia there is no real competitiveness, as the dancing party is corrected by(with) the largest monopolies, largest firms, which one dictate the prices, in outcome we have not freedom of the prices, and we have monopoly prices.
Problems, which one cause(urge) to design(elaborate) and to input for us effective economical gears, even in conditions of market attitudes(relations) are very close to those, which one test(experience) also foreign countries. Перейдя seven - ten years back on market attitudes(relations), Russia and the Russians have received from the market much less, than expected. Thus the supporters of the market refer that not enough time has passed. The opponents speak, that all defects of our economy today are conditioned by the essence of market attitudes(relations).
The advantages of the market are, that he, he, creating the competitive environment, can in the best way reveal quality of any goods and by that stimulate общественно useful activity. But in that and business, that between our market and market ideal, with a honest competitiveness and opened соревновательностью, — a distance(range) astronomical, and on very many parameters(indexes). But even and the most advanced market requires state check, differently he can degenerate in a pursuit of profit to the detriment of to company and person.
It is accepted as though to select(allocate) one of the relevant parameters(indexes) — submission(representation) of quality of commodity and his(its) separate, very much of prominent aspect, which one today especially — of ecological purity of commodity and productions.
Without an owing impartial assessment of quality even then, when it is a lot of goods in magazines, the customer frequently can see only packaging, at its best aesthetics of the item, form(shape), color and only separate sides, which one, in his(its) judgement, are for him(it) relevant. Behind staff(frame) there is a mass major for a customer of the performances: for a home refrigeration cabinet, for example, current consumption, noise level, service life... Between that, is real потребительная the cost of a refrigeration cabinet is piled from all it. The price from the actual cost compounds only small е ё a fraction (10 - 20 %!). At one time Маркс was surprised, that on exchange by sale угля the strife goes for each percent of the cost, while caloricity of miscellaneous sorts distinguished twice and it is more, nobody allows. The problem with углем and ore is somehow resolved. But hundreds, thousand new kinds(views) of the goods and services in quality remain not rated. And their producers act in a measure, often rather эгоистичных of submissions(representations) how to work in the market.
Many countries, for a long time перешедшие to the market, create and bolster the whole serial of absolutely indispensable facilitiess of stabilizing of market attitudes(relations). To progressing of these facilitiess, in particular(personally) to rating and then urging of quality of commodity of the domestic and foreign producers, idea of creation in a pattern of institute of certification of quality also is slave. In Russia the certification is active enough became to be diffused with acceptance the laws « About protection of the rights of customers » and « About certification of products and services ». These laws formally has opened a road of broad implementation of a system of mandatory certification of products on safety requirements, and also voluntary certification of products.
One of varieties of such systems sharply distinguished from remaining, became created in Russia (for the first time in a pattern) System of certification of quality — SCQ, including as an independent member and certification under the ecological requirements (conditioned in the main(basic) ecological conditions of a genesis, haul, waste-handling and consumption of commodity)... On expertise of development and practical activity on a system SCQ basically a material of the given article also is constructed.
Social - ecological certification — certification of quality and ecological purity commodities, that is formal statement on the unified methodical basis(fundamentals) of complementary usefulness of commodity, switching on, at first, exceeding above a baseline (normative) level of attractions and, secondly, the drop is lower than a normative level negative — it is a pitch, which one is invoked to help to all: to business — посоревноваться among themselves by the main(basic) yardstick of productivity of the activity from a stand of a customer, client, company; to a customer — to receive a solid data about the one who and as works, to the state — to receive the serviceable tool challenging quality of consumer goods and services and, therefore, directed(directional) on rise of health, of directed on rise, on rise of psychophysiological immunity, drop of social tension in company, on rise of satisfaction by life.
Ecological certification — the special (proprietary) kind(view) of certification qualities of commodity. Recently to be effected ecological certification activities (productions). All this allows especially to evaluate and to dedicate products and productions, least unhealthy people, among all mass those, which one have passed a normative threshold, i.e. are secure only nominally.
The problem of detection of non-polluting commodity, in particular food, is equally actual both in our country, and in foreign countries. In West and for us two principally miscellaneous systems of certification in bridge develop: made commodity and systems of quality organized on particular production. the purpose maiden — definition of parameters(indexes), arguments, in the best extent describing usefulness for a customer, company of an end result of production (his(its) commodity), purpose second — definition of the factors entitiess productions, in the best extent warranting extension(issue) of the goods of this or that quality or if to speak on the language of philosophy, — потребительной of the cost.
Unfortunately, production, inserted for itself a system of quality, can exhaust and bad goods. And, on the contrary, the good goods can be exhausted and without implementation of systems of quality. This inconsistency will allow to permit only introducing for systems of quality (СК) of special systems of certification of a new generation — with a quantitative rating of quality these СК. The development of such systems is envisioned to be made in the near future in frameworks already of mentioned Complex(integrated) system of certification (КСС).
Certainly, customer a finished product first of all interests. But nevertheless availability of systems of quality as некоей of the warranty of repeatability of production for a customer too can not be outside of a zone of his(its) concerns. Therefore certification of systems of quality — an independent problem, he here is esteemed will not be. However one kind(view) of certification of production — ecological, as an end result of nature protection activity of firm, will be set up explicitly enough below.
As well as the commodity, with which one directly contacts the population, and production, in this or that measure contaminating an environment and compelling us through bodies(organs) of breathing, through a skin to perceive to occlude harmful matters, in steady international practice are the relevant factors defining quality of our life.
All or nearly so all uplifted here problems directly are connected to a problem of an adequate social and social - ecological rating of quality of commodity, ecological purity and performance of productions, that is their public usefulness, потребительной of the cost.
The progressing of the theory and practice потребительной of the cost originated непрямолинейно and unnaturally long.
When the philosophers speak about quality, mean availability of any definite internal differences of one thing from other. Let's say, airplane "qualitatively", structurally, differs from a steam locomotive. When the economists speak about quality, the trade workers or квалиметрологи (specialists according to quality), more often mean, that one item is better, is ""more qualitative" than other. It meant To. Маркс in "Capital", when spoke about " потребительной of the cost " of things, their capacity to be "better" or "worse".
The maiden approach (structural differences) determines ""thing - in - itself"", other (exterior development of internal differences) — " a thing for us ". From the point of view of the second approach the facilitiess of moving(movement) of freights, whether whether it be steam locomotive the motorship, if they have identical arguments, have identical quality.
It would seem, two completely miscellaneous approaches. But it is uneasy to see, that they are closely interdependent. If we shall compare any clones, as it and do(make) at certification of items on the Sign of quality, at a uniformity of constructions the distinction(difference) will be in an extent of their public usefulness. To learn her(it) more precisely to meter and to stimulate, the adaptation of a number(series) of complex(difficult) problems of the theory and practice and eventually — supply of priority потребительной of the cost before the cost, quality before quantity is required. That is considered as though of itself азумеющимся, actually developed during durable strife of ideas and methods. And at once it is possible to mark: « of classics of Marxism - ленинизма » have managed to make in this business much more, than our economists for 70 years of the domination. And that have finished our production up to full, practically of full defiance of quality that it makes.
Till now in very many activities Soviet послеленинского of period as само ся was considered, that the progress basically economizes. The matrix material mean or below the average level of developments so, purely, also influences a social production — they economize the costs. But principally advanced designs, the best inventions change in engineering the whole spectrum of properties, that is considerably change value of engineering for those to whom this engineering is intended — for an orb of consumption.
It is clear that to allow it is necessary both quality, and saving. However till now rating of quality, unfortunately, implemented disregarding of problems of economy; the economists, not being sunk in problems of quality, and speak: " performance And quality ".
However obtained from the for a long time and strongly verified only economical expressions (for definition of effect in view of the reduced costs with « by not identical outcome ») the formula for definition of effect of any achievements, any innovations includes both value appraisement (quality) To and rise in price Д. Effect under this formula:
Э = scale, volume of production (М) ґ performance (To — Д).
The value To — is a degree of quality, in which one the economy, and other disciplines is engaged at all: idealized — квалиметрия, practically — a system of certification of an industrial output, now — of certification of the goods and services. The value of a degree of quality at the registration of drop in commodity of harmful matters determines also level е ё of ecological purity.
Most explicitly sources of definition потребительной of the cost (usefulness) were elaborated by(with) the socialist and economist To Маркс. Obviously, there is no sense to confuse the theory of socialism and its(her) ineffective (distorted) implementation in Russia. Маркс closely approached to learning both sides of commodity as outcome of any production, any activity: and cost, and потребительной of the cost (quality). However for the best substantiation of the approach adopted in a system of certification of quality and ecological purity, there is a sense to return to some политэкономическим to conclusions(injections) made Карлом Марксом and Фридрихом Энгельсом.
... " The Usefulness of a thing does(makes) her(it) потребительной by the cost... If she (thing) is useless, also transactions, loiter on it,(her,) is useless, it is not considered for a transactions and will not derivate any cost " — these words To. Маркса ten years back were, perhaps, main argument not only for the benefit of protection "результатного" of the approach in economy, but also simultaneously against the wasteful approach which has been lead up in доперестроечное time up to the high level of accounting analysis and still failing to provide major: adequate urging of material and social progressing of a social production. By our theorists with availability the remark Маркса was accepted that « the science only then reaches perfection(efficiency), when to her удаётся to use mathematics », but it is accepted at the most primitive, accounting level.
By the way, anybody spoke other, how Маркс, that потребительная the cost emerges only in the market, if a thing purchase. If it no, потребительная the cost (i.e. the usefulness) is not exhibited.
There is one more expression Маркса, which one until recently was ignored by(with) a matrix material of our economists hypertrophying the wasteful side: " Потребительные of the cost will derivate a public contents of oof, what there was his(its) public form(shape) ". And more: " Потребительная the cost expresses natural attitude(relation) between things and people, actually — life of things for the person "; " the Error Рикардо is, that he... Pays the attention only on relative quantity of a transactions... The qualitative side of business for Рикардо is not advanced ". Our economists all so-called epoch of socialism used... домарксовской by a methodology!
Those who trained us to the bases(fundamentals) of Marxism - ленинизма, not always attempted to penetrate into his(its) essence, and extracted(drew) from him(it) only that it was useful for ruling class " and pleasantly ". The true nobody interested.
The wasteful slope in our economical science and practice is already convicted, and now there is a problem of urgent correction of committed errors. At once we shall remark: the foreign expertise will help to us in it, but is far from being so considerably, as it is represented by the Russian liberals. Much there was done(made) and is done(made) only by especially trial-and-error methods and up to a limit pragmatically.
The relevance of principles of the approach to a rating of quality stipulates necessity of consideration of problems connected to a nomenclature, used in the given material.
The term " потребительная the cost " has appeared as a result of ill-defined transfer(translation) on Russian of "Capital" in 1907 — 1909 гг., that is even before revolution. Маркс applied to this word: der Wert, der Gebrauchhswert, meaning in a literal translation, value, usefulness, приятность (for a customer), but in any way Kosten (costs).
The definite tangle in the terms which have arisen because of incorrect transfer(translation), promoted the subsequent incorrect explanation of the main(basic) principle of socialism: from each on capacity, each on a transactions. It is known, that a word "transactions" has three components: the costs, process and outcomes. In the german language "transactions" in the given context is applied to our word a word die Leistung — performance, output power — that is outcomes, but not the costs. Obviously, the incorrect treatment, which has implanted till now for us, of the main(basic) principle of socialism (« from each on capacities, each on a transactions » instead of diametrically opposite « each on capacity, each by results of a transactions ») in something is determined By initially incorrect transfer(translation), desire of the translator - socialist, as now speak to exhibit популистский the approach, to like masses, to involve(attract) them on the side, to give each advance payment, promising to each to be paid not by the reached outcomes, and is simple on that, how much he has stood for the machine tool, has stayed behind a desktop — i.e. просуществовал. And all 70 years this "«concept" was bolstered due to much more simple book keeping of the costs, than outcomes (and idealized, and in practice). The negative consequences, to which one were reduced by(with) this approach, already can not be ignored, they need to be patched and most difficult here — to patch it(him) in our consciousness.
It is necessary to point out, that a lot of the outstanding Soviet economists, including academician this year. Струмилин, sequentially have used instead of the term « потребительная the cost » the term "value".
Now already vehicle of definitions describing all парадигму of social - ecological progressing well enough is advanced. he will be beneficial to the readers to creation of a general concept.
It is necessary to mark, that in 4-м, most interesting volume of "Capital" To. Маркс in потребительную the cost actuates also objective, it is possible to say — material usefulness, and приятность for the person .Когда speak, that " all useless harmfully ", means not only utilitarian need(requirement), but also internal satisfaction, comfort, safety and many other things.
All this has also forward(straight) attitude(relation) to ecological purity. Well-known, that some gases practically are harmless to our organism (for example, sulphurous), but are extremely offensive for our olfaction. The effect can be qualified them as the moral damage. Is, on the contrary, ОВ (battle poisoning matters) with an odor rather pleasant, for example, свежеиспечённого of bread. The damage from them can be referred to biological. Many toxic substances create both kinds(views) of effect, in that, and in the other case it is required to allow damage available, for it(him) at ecological certification.
At the same time to have to distinguish an economical contents of quality from social. In maiden the creation of material objects, never mind is switched on, they are directed on a repletion of wants utilitarian (for example, in nutrition or housing) or spiritual (for example, production of musical tools). The second contents contacts to production (creation) of the applicable sanitary-hygienic and psychophysiological habitability, working conditions and household activities, achievement of the definite safe conduct (personal, labor, national) and т. д.
About priority economical and social. There are polar points of view: to economize to give more things for the personal and collective values, or, on the contrary to do(make) more things, that something to economize. Spores on priorities in such cases assimilates spore on priorities of a current or pressure(voltage,stress), egg or chicken... It is clear, that basically both statements(confirmations) are equivalent, and only by virtue of long-term and deepest приниженности of social aspect the greater value here is given to him.
Thus, the social effect is independent and imperative by yardstick of a rating of progressing of a social production. Unfortunately, to demonstrate it it is necessary still rather often. As marks В.Г. Эйдинов "... Speaking about innovations and new engineering, we though foot the profits and saving, but they for us not end in itself, and only resource of the solution of social problems. And time so, why we aim to allow for social effect passing through money, and we disregard received directly? ".
This quotation completely determines a stand, delineated earlier. But then the significance of the miscellaneous factors for the person was leave outed весомость.
Between that, the economical and social value of different subjects and services for the separate people and even for company as a whole is not absolutely stable neither in time, nor in space. Ton of clean sweet water yesterday, today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, in Moscow, Central Asia or and moon has miscellaneous value. Accordingly, the saving of water will be valued variously at the expense of innovations. So there is a problem ценностного of weighing (gear of such weighing already is designed).
Ценностные reference points were reshaped for the person in any company and were determined by the costs of acquisition, deficit, matching with other values, availability of clones and т. Item. It is possible to assert(approve), that the costs of acquisition of values include, except for the price, also the complementary costs connected to the miscellaneous costs plus, losses of time in sequential queues, in waiting delivery and т. Item. In aggregate all this determines concept "availability"("accessibility") of the values.
The system of a rating of quality guesses the registration of the majority of major factors of economical and social nature which is listed above. In practical systems it is accepted to partition a technological level of an items reshaped at a stage of his(its) development, then workmanship supplied on a production phase, and eventually quality on an operation phase, which one actuates also costs of repair, on a meeting the requirements of fire, ecological, sanitary - epidemiological and other safety etc.
Now division(separation) of concepts of a technological level and quality of items unfairly rigid. It is accepted, that the technological level is determined ground of technical arguments indicated in the requirement specifications (ТЗ), the technical conditions (THAT) on development of items etc. After development of their production and interference in the ideal scheme of real plant conditions there is a real sample, which one is already characterized not only technological level, but also real consumer properties, figure of merits, in which one except for the actually reached technical arguments the conditions of fabrication, aesthetics, ergonomics — all from a stand of a customer enter.
However on closer examination there are, that definite arguments of an item (speed, энергопотребление and т. Item) remain essentially(in essence) (but not quantitatively) same, as at a stage ТЗ (when the problem of their achievement - was only put if this problem is put correctly and full&), and at a stage of completion of development (when these arguments are updated depending on the adopted design concept), and after development (when the arguments can really be metered by facilitiess of a technical metrology). It is natural, when there is a sample, realised in "metal", these arguments can be defined(determined) with the greater fidelity, than it could be made at a stage of the technical condition ТЗ, But you see and after development, trials, after fabrication of an item they not definitive: only it is possible to consider(count) values of arguments of the serially exhausted items, and definite in the particular operation conditions, authentic; It is possible to consider(count) values of arguments on all remaining production phases only approximated in relation to values obtained in actual conditionss of exploitation.
But for us now it is important to understand other: main specifications remain on the physical essence same, and at very correct, ideal entitiess of development and the fabrications do not vary and on value.
It is necessary to remind, that in number of figure of merits are actuated set(combination) of all properties significant for a customer, including saving of his(its) costs on-stream (disregarding of costs in production, price and т. The item) — of all properties or their significant groups, for example, defining heightened ecological safety for the nature, person and company — that, as is provided with ecological certification.
In philosophical value the quality, as well as exterior developments of any phenomenon, process or object, is determined practically by infinite number of separate elementary properties.
It is possible with confidence to assert(approve), that in such comprehension to create rules of thumb of a quantitative rating of quality practically it is impossible. However when quality is understood as usefulness, capacity to content(fit) this or that need(requirement) (including safety at usage) problem of a rating is essentially simplified, becomes more definite. At first, objectively it appears what to allow it is necessary only those properties, which one are essential to enough exact definition of an extent of satisfaction of any need(requirement), and at a quite definite orb of usage of valued objects. And as to ecological safety, they are precisely enough limited to the official standards, which one and can be for basic points at calculations of a level of ecological purity.
It is natural to expect — and it is confirmed in practice, that from the point of view of usefulness of the object, their property it is essential неравноценны and the distribution law of relevance of property is close to normal.
At last, the problem of a rating becomes more definite if to operate during a rating of quality and ecological purity not with properties (lawfully statement(confirmation), that in natural expression they are non-comparable), and data about their relative changes. Thus, unsolved, if at all the decided problem on confrontation of properties is substituted on where more definite problem on comparability of their variations. But the variations of arguments of properties also influence communal usefulness variously. It also should be allowed " by(with) coefficients весомости ".
There is a problem: usefulness — for whom?
There are two answers to this problem. In one case the object — we shall say, object of new engineering, — is studied only from the point of view of usefulness for the one who consumes it(him), will use. In the other case in a rating, except for usefulness, the costs on production are allowed also. This so-called " integral quality ", which one is determined as attitude(relation) of outcomes to the costs, that is expresses performance of all costs, including the used natural resources. In world practice the quality is accepted for esteeming in the maiden sense; to the same view on quality the implementators SCQ adhered also.
And вс ё that in the formula for calculation of effect (see is higher) the data about quality and cost will be used, there is a sense to stay on two general-theoretical problems: whether it is possible соизмерять as a whole потребительные of the cost (usefulness) among themselves and whether it is possible them соизмерять with the cost?
The problem on a principled capability of confrontation потребительных стоимостей among themselves, such acute in spores with the conventional economists, could be rather easily resolved and 50, and 70 years back are simple outgoing from activities Энгельса (then such quotations had crucial importance). For example, in activity "Анти-Дюринг" he wrote: " When the company enlists possession of production assets and applies them to production in the directly socialized form(shape), transactions of each separate persons, is as though various there was his(its) particular useful nature, becomes from the very beginning and directly social activities... The people will make then all this (weighing and confrontation of useful effects of different consumer goods — М.Б.) is very simple, not resorting to services glorified " of the cost "...
More complex(difficult), already by only metrological problem is the commensurability and comparability of the cost and потребительной of the cost, costs and outcomes. But, as it was visible from the earlier reduced formula for calculation of effect, their forward(straight) confrontation is not required, as in calculations "quality", and concept "degree of quality", not by the cost, and rise in price is possible to operate not by concept. Briefly it can be illustrated on a following simple example. It is possible indefinitely to dispute about absolute usefulness of water, oil and т. Item at their abundance or lack. But the problem at once gains a quite precise determinancy, when we put it(him) so: in how much of time the scoring of a customer will be increased, if the advanced design of the vehicle for clearing the same water or oil will be used...
Degree of quality in the given context — this attitude(relation) потребительных стоимостей of unit of valued new and baseline objects of engineering, in general commodities.
It is clear, that basically it is possible and it is necessary to speak about a ratio of usefulnesses not only objects (engineering and know-how), but also in general of novelties, реорганизующих, destabilizing a social production, — material (economical), social or scientific on definite time, while they (novelties) are new and useful is and there is a so-called term of an obsolescence. On it a method having lot of advantages before all by other known also is grounded trusted to in the basis(fundamentals) SCQ a rank method, R -.
The problem for the registration as "equivalent" economical and social factors for the economists is for the present farly from being resolved. As it was already marked, they prefer wasteful economy, ignoring social problems connected to quality. By the way, only in last version of the national document according to performance (from 03.03.88) the most communal principles of definition of social effect are given. Major — in a nem "equal rights" of economical and social kinds(views) of effect is officially professed and even the capability of their summation is indicated. For us this document has played in due course role almost of major argument in strife with the infinite opponents - Soviet economists.
Between that, for XXVI of conference ЕОКК (1982) the known Dutch specialist on quality Ван Донкелаар has offered new treatment of a category "quality". In his(its) judgement, the product has high quality only in the event that at minimum life cycle cost he provides the maximum contribution to a health maintenance and repletions of wants of the people participating in his(its) engineering, fabrication, usage, keeping up in a up state and recovery, and his(its) consumption or exploitation are connected to minimum energy consumptions and other resources(safe lifes) with reasonable influencing on an environment and human company. As it is possible to see, here again social factors face as equivalent alongside with economical.
The problem of definition of a degree of quality occurs if necessary matchings of things, objects of engineering, know-how and services among themselves. This matching can be between objects in bridge existing, and then for a base of comparison the object rather arbitrary is received by this or that. Most often matching is made between the object new and baseline, selected from existing. Methodically concerning the approach to a rating and certification both these happen are identical.
The science about measuring new (НОВОМЕТРИЯ), certainly, was not born anywhere and masss in itself mass of problem capabilities - including for certification.
Before to give definition of certification, there is a sense to consider, what such "quality" from stands of the modern normative literature?
According to the international standard ИСО 8402-86, — it " set(combination) of properties and performances of commodity (goods or services), which one give to them capacity to content(fit) the conditioned or suspected needs(requirements) ". Thus, quality — the main(basic) rate of competitiveness of commodity.
And what such competitiveness? В.И. КОЛПАЧЕВ and В.В. КОРМЫШЕВ in a manual " to the Exporters about certification of products " (Moscow, 1995) characterize her(it) as " the complex of the consumer and cost performances of commodity (goods) defining its(her) success in the world market " — that is capability of successful sale of commodity at availability in this market of other competitive goods. Р.М. Тихонов esteems quality as е ё the main(basic) component.
The market has caused(urged) many to mobilize the internal resources(safe lifes). That here, there of steel to occur the present pearls of a domestic commodity production. But any new even the super-qualitative goods are easily lost in the huge market sea. Moreover, it is possible to assert(approve), that in mass not qualitative, but the mediocre goods decorated with bright packaging, advanced броской by advertising, dominate in the market, surviving on unhealthy feelings престижности, модности and so on. As well as any weed, he is active blocks ростки rather valuable and significant. A direction and intensity practically everything, many components ours progress are selected practically without demand those, for which one,apparently, this or that novelty (whether it be new goods either service or new social and even a political innovation). Not being in time are interrogated, the people are then forced to consume that them give. The progress appears imposed, false.
Борис Минин,
The chief of Federal center
Certification of quality,
The president of International Academy
Public progressing
I admit at once: I not аудиоман. As well as not кофеман, not the drug addict and so on. And not аудиофил. In general is impossible to me everyone -филия: audio, гемо-, any other. And in a sound for me music is always primary.
As well as many mine сверстники, not perceiving is severe соцреализм, per the fiftieth years I was educated on ideally clean средневолновом a Aether, when Europe with its(her) high musical culture was as on a palm, when any, who had something receiving, could enjoy the musical programs carefully reshaped by maximum yardsticks of quality. For at availability limited number of stations, and stations state, the selection(sampling) carrying on, producers was most severe, and those as severely concerned to guard rope of repertoir, ruthlessly rejecting(jettisoning) any waste, something ephemeral - it(him) you see always for each singer, for each composer, poet, for each creator great majority. - Was, is and will be. To distinguish it(him) from masterpieces, which one will maintain trial by time - years and even by decades, - can farly from being all. A role maximum Level of taste of mister of the producer who is carrying on, knowing how to become on a head above valued, is huge. In West such taste was educated by breeds. Taste -,maybe, major difference "us" from "them". Then these differences were specially noticeable.
Radio stations of Paris, London, Berlin, Prague, Budapest, Yugoslavian Wirelesses - новисад, Radio-Zagreb... They transmitted fine concerts of the best actors of the time!
So, there was medium waves; fiftieth. In the sixtieth Aether disastrously загадили глушилки, and then and безалаберно, тяп-mistake состряпанная every possible engineering irreligiously beaming in all sides miscellaneous handicapes(interferences).
But the amateur sound has appeared. At first on "crossbars" with a unimaginably high screech and by noise and all прелестями almost that prohibition, but free repertoir. The plus has remained КВ, with many aesthetes starting too with prohibition then 13 meters. Глушилки them did not reach, and there reigned purity and transmittance. But nevertheless, as is known, with федингами and with seasonal, sometimes for months, falls of a cue and with to that by look-alike not so pleasant features.
Not prime conditions of reception(trick) compelling to listen only best, well and, probably, some personal and family factors have educated in me sacred attitude(relation) to purely music - to its(her) semantics, whether that.
Now, with occurrence(appearance) for us of two VHF, tens commercial stations and unlimited duplicating СD,appear, настал Paradise. But this Paradise has turned back slightly Hell. Elementary access to a Aether and to recording бесталанным, with the requirement only of dense repayment, at a minimum of communal culture and us of the listeners, and multiply in more малоприятной of an extent - those who in a case has taken places carrying on - at all this taken together the yardsticks of selection(sampling) of pieces of music, as all of us see, sharply have falled, waste, at improbable take-off of a tonal quality and availability(accessibility) of every possible repertoir, current(stream) выплеснулся out, наводнил almost all Aether, almost all market of a sound by so-called novelties, sometimes good and excellent(different), and in mass bad and гадостного of a level. Music with any, i.e. By bad aesthetic and spiritual qualities meanly encodes hearing and I throttle of the people, imposes to him spiritual regress (ostensibly progress), which one he not приемлет, to which one he is deaf(indistinct) also which one hates. The absence of rigid selection(sampling) pumps a dissatisfaction by life, democracy, which one purely has spawned all this freedom in communal and. Freedom гробит itself. Even the radio station "Орфей" on a VHF of Moscow runs in mass лабуду, and the excellent(different) brilliant, remarkable classics remains for the people closed. So that if with a jazz, classics or even with популяром I began to get acquainted today, I, probably, them люто возненавидел. For ever.
Fortunately, to waste for me had time(was in time) to be worked out steady immunity, and in to music for me both was, and remained by main quality of music expressed in талантливости of a tune, rhythmicity, performing art... All this strongly takes me all maiden and second places. Behind a tonal quality there is a role only of fine appendix - appendix, which one, certainly, can and удесятерить satisfaction from a major dish, but nevertheless remains by the appendix, garnish.
And now we shall proceed(pass) by two floors below - to engineering.
The vehicle, any vehicle is a resource, no more. But on it facilitiess depends much. Specially that it is possible to call as the technical interface, that already is customary called by an aesthetics and less customary - ergonomics. Let's agree, that without perfection(efficiency) in this field(area) the life seems is slightly more sad... When I see " a coffin with music " - box of the tape recorder with is coarse отесанными by edges(boundarice) or I turn the stick of a volume control of the domestic booster - stick certainly with a millimeter backlash and dry slip, me all wrenches...
As some delayed introduction is possible to guess from this, I have quite definite attitude(relation) both to radio engineering, and to квалиметрии (rating of quality). It so. At first there were maiden, now, of years ten, second: in our Center of certification of quality I - chief.
As an entity synthesizing in a little bit(some) of concerns and comprehensions, взаимопересекающихся on a field of this log-book, the truth, in something is simple at a level обывателя, it would be desirable to inform with the readers by some by reasons of a number(series) of pieces from a pattern of audio.
No doubt, for the spiritually developed person - and number of these people per following decades will be steadily to grow - music is and always remain to one of potent facilitiess of emotional satisfaction, spiritual progressing and even, as though today have said, natural decipherability, from сглаза (as the connoisseurs, multitemperamental разнонациональными by booms by this напасти speak, of invisible war all atmosphere, all body of unfortunate Russia) is pierced. And consequently engineering of a sound, звуковоспроизведения, certainly, will have always steady the social order for self-progressing, i.e. never will stay.
Should not stay. You see while that, despite of all потуги электронщиков and soundmen, the quality of a played back sound is rather far from perfect, at that, that we is aural, only disastrously is distant resembles the primary source - even elementary on a structure of overtones аккордеон, not speaking already about a human voice or a symphonic orchestra. There is an impression, that all strife for cables, tone arms, boosters... Comes to an end by that instead of differences from the primary source on 80 % it is possible to reach(achieve) непохожести on 78 %.
Certainly, someone will say, that sometimes distorted, the re-manufactured sound is better, than whose douche it is more pleasant, than clean. Yes. But only sometimes and only with whose. To listen a symphonic orchestra and even a unpretentious rock group of a house let through best аудиосистему - not same, that in a concert hall, even sitting in last number(series). And even аккордеон sitting near to аккордеонистом.
Forward send systems "сераунд". The specification statements of idea сераунда I did not see, but all business in simulation of reflexs originating from walls miscellaneous (on selection) of halls, with demanded delay and from the necessary directions is possible to guess, that.
The idea is simple, that is why quite can be ingenious. For certain she is suitable for any systems, even моно. I.e. the potential scale of its(her) applying is huge. Having continued a path, which one is passed for us by(with) a quantitative rating of a rank of technological achievement, it is possible further to admit, that trusted to for the basis(fundamentals) of instrumentation сераунд the idea for certain was formulated only by one - two writers. She could be pronounced and many years back realised, and consequently by our yardsticks has a high level неочевидности. All together it gives very much high rank of the invention. I think, when the writers and implementators will doff cream (till 500-1000 dollars for the vehicle), all this will be realised for many аудиоцентров as the mandatory appendix.
And so while that in аудиотехнике only calm and changes of aircraft attitude, that is rather soft, slanting stage of progressing аудиотехники. But he, outside of doubt, soon will interrupt several revolutionary by jumps(discontinuities). WHERE IT IS POSSIBLE TO EXPECT BREAKTHROUGH?
Probably, most ridiculous in today's engineering is a MECHANICAL SYSTEM of MOVING(MOVEMENT) ЗВУКОНОСИТЕЛЯ.
I think, that per the nearest years will be executed(come true) about what подспудно (alongside with transition to battery-drive vehicles from smoking, брызгающих, sneezing, not cultured авто) I dreamed many years, - about transition on безмеханические carriers(launchers) of a sound, we shall say on magnetic chips - with exterior triggering and synchronization. That, dream by mine is speed(faster), probably, it is fated to come true: already chips with the sealed speech for a long time live, have appeared безмагнитофонные telephone answering devices with a sound. Still some years, also there can be a mechanics will leave from a sound for ever. It would be desirable to hope.
But most by bottle-neck any аудиосистемы now nevertheless is the AUDIO UNIT. Multi-kg boxes take a lot of places, they are uncomfortable not only in a usual flat, but even on the large scene. I think, black multiton extinguish of speakers soon перемрут as dinosaurs. The oscillating diffusers (diaphragm) will bend, they инерционны, are large. They oscillate out-of-phase, maculae, the wirings of coils(spools) are connected to them not so rigidly, as it would be desirable...
Were done(made) and the attempts   are done(made); of it maximum to be saved. But successes in this field(area) it is necessary to refer without delay to art, to random good luck, than to science and strongly run in engineering. So that many types widely issued speakers of last years of the twentieth century do not exceed production speakers of post-war years. Alas.
I am surprised with obvious poverty with principled ideas in this field(area), specially in a part звукоизлучения.
Certainly, the ideas in human community always were the deficient goods, and at the same time extremely morbidly perceived, specially so-called "professionals". More often contrary to customers, people. It I can say as the specialist on НОВИСТИКЕ, i.e. on problems connected to upgrading of a social production. Not without reason this phenomenon Маркс окрестил as профкретинизм.
It is known, that a pair тысячелетий back emperor August executed the inventors on production of a glass, only to comfort стеклодувов.
Pair of centuries back, thanks God, on look-alike measures the government of England   is not stale; concerning textile machine tools - even in reply to mass bundles текстильщиков.
But nevertheless perception new to mankind till now remains by business not prime.
If you remember, the writer today's ксерокопировальной of engineering three years went on miscellaneous corporations, while contrary to successes already developed by then of photoengineering not has risked to take электрографией малозаметная then the "Copier" corporation. Now she strongly takes half of market of copy engineering (other half she has missed, only due to an imperfection of a system of patenting).
But we shall return to speakers. On "genesis" I - radio engineer, moreover, in the aerial(antenna) to engineering I have some patents (then it were the copyright certificates), and I am amused by(with) straight-line(rectilinear) audio engineering of transformation(conversion) an electricity / surge sound a little. Of years thirty exist aerials(antenna) with where more by linear systems of transformation(conversion) an electricity / surge electromagnetic. Returning to to a problem on an electroacoustics, at once I admit, that I have some expertise of constructing very many promising audio clones of aerials(antennas), is and the definite trials them in anechoic cameras with more than interesting outcomes, are also publications, already at all by all позабытые. But not lost, on my view, urgency. Then trials in НИКФИ of our constructions in field,(area,) accessible to us, of frequencies have affirmed: yes, here there is a considerable spare...
And to charge to me now, as still recently the writer электрографии, for three years to go on miscellaneous corporations with mine too небезрисковым by the proposal. But for me these three years no: too much other interesting activity. And whether will be modern "Аудиоксерокс" for embedding facilitiess and attention in idea, which one will have by the competitors (enemies) almost all producers of all today's electro-acoustic systems?
Understanding, what potent industry, what huge army of the specialists, designers and the scientists costs(stands) behind the industry of production "говорителей", I can is only very retiring to hint: yes, really there is a field(area), while by nobody affected. If will be in an electroacoustics the "Copier" corporation, we with her we can work.
I think, that if the log-book will throw клич, many specialists from miscellaneous fields(areas) on principles of analogy can introduce many valuable suggestions both to boosters, and in tone arms, and in other mainest members аудиосистем.
Moreover, I dream to make the special log-book "НОВИСТИКА" for exchange "комммерческими" and major - "noncommercial" novelties, mainly socially significant, i.e., it would seem necessary to all - and anybody separately (ecology, medicine etc.). It would be the exotic log-book. He should have for itself(himself) the especially selected editors. The special submission(supply) of a material will eliminate free outflow(leakage) of most valuable know-how, but will give clearly and the specification statement and rating of a final scoring is simple, will interest many, including state bodies(organs), in implementation of novelties - and in deduction a definite fraction from a scoring in case of implementation commercially and socially valuable innovations of deductions both writers, and log-book; on these deductions he also will live.
Having studied years ten in a system Госкомизобретений, I precisely represent: such is possible to make.
Basically, the headings with the specially organized treatment schedule of a material such as "НОВИСТИКИ" can be entered by(with) any log-book having real, palpable point of issue, this or that socially relevant "business".
Well yes it is a problem separate. Let's return to problems technical.
Developments, look-alike mentioned by me is higher, - not from simple and not from cheap.
The speech goes about what any of a system quits for the user (customer, listener) by. And in what he to no small degree feels charm (or гадость) dialogue with аудиотехникой. That " on finess " does(makes) our life краше or more oppositely.
I already have mentioned ergonomics of our regulators(control units). I think, if to machine tools will cease to admit everyone пьянь, yes will ask from more rigidly to designers, all this беспредел with regulators(control units) is quick(rapid) will be completed.
Затрону problems, about what in mass no neither for us, nor in import constructions.
In - maiden if any are highlighted the push buttons (and on it even are the valuable American patent) why to not unblank the cartridge camera? Why almost all manufacturers of tape recorders do(make) black bottom under cassettes? Why other corporations (Denon, ЕСР...) is persistent щеголяют in general непросвечивающимися by bodies of cassettes? If at all to speak about black color, кой of features in him(it) colour all today's instrumentation??
Further. It is clear, that all tape recorders to furnish by meters it is unprofitable. But then for attitude why in the cartridge camera to not deliver a transparent rule with millimeter dividings luminous in a tender green light?
Let's go little bit further. It is not clear why to not switch on recording through an equalizer (instead of as usually: by him(it))?
Is known, how in connection distortings частотки хулиганствуют even the sound assistants, respecting: or chorus will cut mean (such recordings in mass!) or suddenly will raise low, or high. A plate of Peter Лещенко by the comrade by the sound assistant (already in послесоветское time) are recorded practically in a narrow bandwidth about 3х кГц - to break loose to him уши and all other vital bodies(organs), that not плодил to itself look-alike. The Lynch law not bad to arrange and above the guys, изгадившими Литтла Ричарда, Лулу, Мулинтона, Пэта Буна, even recordings from a compact disc of group " a Gold Collar(ring) " and Марину Капуро.
Alas, the equalizer can help not always. That have made with a concert Игоря Талькова at translation till a Television - 1 May 9, 1991, is to a mind(wit) is not conceivable. There гадили is more thin, nonlinear, them already by equalizer to not correct.. Сукачеву too was not lucky(carried), конь there too повалялся. And to what коню these guys transfer a road? Certainly, " business of the sound assistants ", as the business of the doctors " is no time, in Stalin time, " to get to anything, but personnel conclusions(injections) I would make.
And still equalizer before recording more than is necessary!
Well, and unless the push button of a slow roll-off of a recording level before the termination(ending) in the recorder cassette of a film would be superfluous? You see the extremity of a dark film for 3-4 seconds is easy for noting, especially, if the cassette is lighted. And how is received now: "to tear" recording or to keep the empty extremity for 1-2-3 minutes is not business.
While we shall complete with tape recorders and WE SHALL BE REVERSED To СD. Except for high fidelity, ВВВ (term today подзабыт, and зря!), one doubtless advantage even before   is known them; by a film with the digital recording, - ease of looking up of necessary "staff"("frame"). But here sticks out potent lack of today's recording: a huge excess nobody pleasing, useless "waste", коего it happens up to 80 %. Thus to be carried each time with the installation of the program is so малоприятно! And you see some signs in center of the disk for зачернения a plus elementary фотосчитывающее - and the automatic programmator is ready!
All what I here have spent last thousand signs for, - I realize, мелочевка. To not license her(it)! But if what corporations will realise all this, many will say by him(it) large thanks. And they, I hope, us. In the decent form(shape). And log-book, which one has published all this for the first time. So we program existence of the log-book "НОВИСТИКА".
Would not like to introduce business so, that in a sound worst has collected, that it is possible to watch for us concerning music. Therefore to ask to me to print out small additions(appendices) about a tuner. - Those, about which one in "Wireless" to write indecently: there reader other, - dry engineering there dominates.
Simple piece: let's recollect old. Let's unblank for a tuner a scale, " we shall change life to best "! Let's make a scale more more, and not dumb, and with cities - radio stations - even almost fraudulent. Or, by the way of package(packet) of stickers on empty windows with miscellaneous sets of stations for conditions of miscellaneous countries and locales. It is good, if the designers have entered not absolutely, truth, simple, but also not so complex(difficult) scheme of свето-electronic development(display,scan) of a range along a scale with automatic fixation of working stations. Moreover with a mark of frequencies of stations. Or it is better - than their name.
You have noted: I at all do not make mention substitution of a normal scale by the display: as all this is not touching, it is not romantic.
... About systems of set-up. A vernier - piece not prime. The normal verniers allow to set up(adjust) or is quick(rapid), but it is difficult, or it is easy, but very slowly. Your humble servant at one time has thought the fine invention: the nonlinear vernier and, seems, has received on him(it) the copyright certificate. Or patent. Why it(him) to not enter even into expensive(dear) radio communications centers?
... Of steel for us to do(make) recipients with a double rated VHF. And why to not carve a site(segment) between sub-bands, you see it is of percents eighty vacuum! To carve to stretch effective ranges. Such knew how to do(make) still germans up to Second world - truth, схемно too is rectilinear, now it is possible where more gracefully. By the way, not bad stereodecoders of a double rated VHF to do(make) on both ranges. It is a pity as this shortage...
Two words about quality of radio transmissions. Behind the board(console) of commercial radio stations, certainly, Russian sit same on a level, as in sound departments new: smart парни, but - with a floor of confessor and taste. Is sure, they too read such log-books, by him(it) I address to these words and. Yes, up to 3 кГц for them the business does not reach, thanks God! And extreme frequencies - those what for many raise up to a disgrace - from deafness, whether what?
Still pair of breeds, and our grandsons, will save us, listeners,maybe, from such psychophysiological damage. And while that is necessary to appeal through the log-book.
For these парней повальная epidemic: why that, well is absolutely not clear why, each, almost each song, pair - triple of seconds not having waited of the extremity, by a volley toggle to other. As though for these guys is direct жжет from turpentine in one treasured place. Or they from bore томятся, маются, are exhausted with compulsion, from thirst without delay, without delay to launch a following song, following composition - any, but following, following without delay to complete this infinite working day! Where there for you, guys, scabies?
Well, and about percents of waste in today's our Aether and to speak it is not necessary. I shall be repeated: if with a jazz, or with "попсой", or even with classics - with any music I for the first time would meet through a today's Aether, I all her(it) am strong возненавидел. Even at the first-rate quality звуковоспроизведения.
The guys, in your possession - huge фонотека, fine selection. It is not necessary to be afraid, that you will have repetitions of masterpieces. From millions hours all насочиненного will quite be set up hundreds, and that and thousand (it is a little, but also it is a lot of!) hours most - best - "jazz", "популяра", classics... - yes it will suffice with a head on tens stations. For pleasure to millions. Instead of it will be possible (while that!) itself - Sirs, find, наймите of the people with taste, do not regret(pity) on it of forces and money! This transactions costs(stands) of good repayment. You see the rating, selection(sampling) by maximum yardsticks is a spiritual education забитого, forgotten, зачуханного of the people, us with you!
" To value - means to create. Liking and созидающие - who always was the creator of goods and evil " - So spoke Заратустра Ницше. So we speak also.
Television " AS the CLASS " itself охаивать I shall not become. I shall drive(result in) only such words: this box - major evil in normal family.
The TV I, certainly, look, but is extremely rare. Unless the latest news and debate of the deputies - are unimportant, the deputies in as where, but all the same, are almost natural strife for life, instead of empty игрульки in бирюльки. Except for all such - only movies КВВК. With грустью I shall tag(mark off), them from an infinite soap recognize not at once. And consequently the losses of time are huge!
In Тв-engineering I am not strong. But on finess. In any way I shall not realize, why it is the designers of remote boards(consoles) cause(urge) millions spectators at use by their fine systems each time unnaturally to bend an arm - unless so difficultly to guess to deliver for an output(exit) of a beam(ray) a curved chunk луженой жести or at the worst of white cardboard, that this beam(ray) to curve grades so on ninety. Or to deliver the radiator in such rule(situation,position) at once. By the way, thus and front panel of the board(console) it will not be necessary from eyes to turn away...
At the same time I shall note: as is curve, as with boards(consoles), today is received and with use by the Тв-programs. - Till now too I shall not realize, as it is their makers will not agree in any way with me to begin to compound them in the chronological order (instead of under numbers of channels)! I have come,say, at 21-30 and at once I see: there is on 6-th film such, till 2 in 5 minutes any film, on 3 - again soap etc. One editor such program will begin to do(make) will begin - you see all remaining here this idea will accept(take), so she is logical. But it, as is spoken, already almost from other opera.
Probably, the one who will read these recordings, will say: absolutely расскрипелся old брюзга. Though something is pleasant to him in this life? I answer: almost all. The life expensive(dear) friends, became much more fine, though and it is more surprising. "There", I think, the life will be where more boringly. But that wholly насладиться by life "here", there are some tender critics with крохами конструкта, I think, to anybody from us will not damage.
Exposure from the Appeal of Coalition Squad of the Spectators (Шамбала, 1929) on behalf of Association of extra-terrestrial Civilizations
The basis(fundamentals) of the extreme poor person are the concepts "«yes" also "«no", as ostensibly real-life...
absurd cleavage of the logical foundation on concepts "«yes" also "«no", is the largest encumbrance on paths of knowledge by you of life, and, as the consequent, knowledge for you now is in a rather incipient state.
From here is foregone the conclusion(injection), worthy extreme regret arises: if it is possible arduously to call your method of perception of life also as thinking, this system is itself primitive of all possible(probable).
your public and personal moral is guided by the rules polarizing concepts «love "- hatred", «kindness "- evil", «life "- mors" and other in the same spirit... You are not helped even by own supervision(observation), that the sense of these diameter concepts for the miscellaneous peoples is various, and he " varies with the course of time. And now, including yourselves by high - civilized mankind, you and in the jury trial determine culpability or innocence of the indictee by a principle: « yes "»-" no », that can be and is permissible for destiny of one person, but can not be reasonable to the solution of futures of nations in any way.
Now on the Earth most primitive of all - engine civilization dominates. She encompasses all mankind, holds down it(him) under check and does not give to arise of a new civilization, if only will not erase itself and if only mankind will not take check in the arms its(her) state to other kind(view) of a civilization to other kind(view) of a civilization to other kind(view)
From кн. Н. Левашова « Last appeal to Mankind ». — Moscow, 1997.
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