Certification of quality on market space
Beginning of global fracture in public progressing (Moscow for Russia and for all) *
The certification of quality on the market space as the global turning point in public development.
Борис Минин, the chief of Federal Center of certification, president of International Academy of public progressing, д.э.н., к.т.н., academician of International Academy of informatization |
Boris Minin, Head of the Federal Certification Centre, President of the International Public Development Academy, candidat of Technical sciences, doctor of Economical sciences, Academician, International Informatization Academy |
Despite of high paces economical and specially of technological progressing, social progressing, the augmentation of “happiness” of the people takes place more than retiring paces even in so-called “ developed countries ”, let alone the population of other three quarters of countries.
For us, in Russia, contrary to high ideals defining and as though justifying occurrence(appearance) and existence, as though justifying of a occurrence,(appearance,) any reached pitch of augmentation of a national wealth — whether it be occurrence(appearance) new transport facilitiess or new household aplliance even of a new kind(view) of weapon not was is guaranteed is conditioned by consumer and social concerns of company and was frequently possible(frequently probable) just because the negative consequences from this pitch — in particular(personally), ecological, — were deeply latent and is realized (or is not realized) were leave outed.
Contrary to waitings, yardstick of a survival rate of firms and their commodities the ambassador of a beginning of forming for us of the market also have appeared by rather far from socially conditioned. As a rule, they leave out all spectrum of stands, not indifferent for a customer and especially for company as a whole.
While that really, at a level “ life and mors ”, us nothing forces to active self-perfecting, and even in the latest time, when the negative tendencies техногенного of environmental impact, specially in so-called developed, civilized countries, and danger of self-destruction of mankind sharply were boosted at the expense of unreasonable technological and social and economic policy. The deterioration of natural resources was sharply accelerated, and not only because of ineffective usage them in military, it would seem the justified purposes, but also for satisfaction of consumer psychology, continuously urged forward by mass media. Sometimes it is done(made) is simple to create new workstations for those who can not or does not want to work with favour for company. Mass of productive forces, creative and intellectual(intelligent) energy is spent for development and production of the product not only inferior quality, than already exists and is exhausted, but also product harmful to the person and the nature.
Even there, in West, where both the civilization is higher than ours and people more in a civilized way, much clearly, that the real market goes not to an ideal, and from him(it), е from l and...
... If instead of implementation of a honest competitiveness that and business, on any channels of the mass information, hear that there were chiefs of such international corporations for the units of such commodity markets on our terrestrial globe;
... If three jumbos of motor industry already there are a lot of years dead strong brake progressing the electromobile transport, because by him(it) it does not pay to overhaul the production (do not believe - look the almanac " the Moscow reviewer " shortly before his(its) closure after assassination of the major editor);
... If we on country насоздавались miscellaneous associations of the miscellaneous producers and almost for all by the maiden point have protection of concerns of these producers - and not so public;
... If both in West, and for us the major supplier for company of the information about the made goods and services, advertising, - most sure, that does(makes), so it calls the producer, but as features ладана is afraid - or is simple is lazy - to ask and to declare true quality made and for damage from inferiority in any way does not respond;
... If any mean magazine responds for everything: for a beginning and extremity of the daily activity, for the sums (up to rouble) and for terms (about day) payments of duties to the suppliers etc. - but too only not for quality of the commodity. The certificates, demanded for his(its) activity, - only on safety to not confuse them to the certificates of fitness!. In quality almost anybody in anything, as before, is not interested;
... If for all “non-state” stomatologists, which one,apparently, should compete among themselves on quality and price, price-list unified, and nobody in the right it(him) to upset, and quality... It(him) nobody is simple meters...
What is this market, if to realise fruitful idea, is necessary years to go with the proposal on miscellaneous corporations. The writer электрографии some years upholstered thresholds of corporations, while the small “Copier” corporation, contrary to “logician” has not undertaken development. The truth now she controls 50 % of the market ксерокопировальных of vehicles. But how much it costed to the writer of forces and what losses of company from delay with implementation of the useful product were.
But near to it соседствует and converse. Many if not to say the majority of consumer goods are imposed to a customer apart from his(its) will. The natural on their productions natural and human resources(safe lifes) appear completely or nearly so completely vain.
Examples such the antilogicians can be reduced as much as necessary.
It is known, what even the peace development of atom, let alone defence jobs, bears to mankind potential threat of full instant destruction(annihilation).
At is invariable to existing practice the further ecological impurity of ground, water, air will put(cause) to sluggish loss or at all events to a full degradation of mankind and all highly organized forms(shapes) of life.
The mass automobile entrainment,apparently, absolutely innocent, as has appeared, bears damage many times greater, than it was possible to itself to introduce. So, according to our in-depth enough ratings, in calculation on one automobile the annual social - ecological damage, for example for Moscow, is commensurable with the cost of the automobile, and as a whole for Moscow he is valued by billions of dollars annually, in tens times more usually taken into account value of damage economical. The speech goes not at once giving a task indemnifications(compensation) of this damage. It is necessary about a nem even to recollect, to introduce, to realize and to recognize as significant and already further steadily дестимулировать as any reasonable facilitiess — technical, economical, social - psychological...
Despite of the huge help of computer equipment and in business life, and in a household activities, creators of computers and specially software, as demonstrates even surface analysis, is still rather far from an admission of priority concerns and capabilities of customers or even to adequately proportional professional capabilities — while that basically oriented on own pleasure from augmentation of waste functions. It баловство is forced to pay the ultimate user, company. A vivid example: planning(glide) of the huge costs on progressing of computer equipment of playing back and transfer(transmission) on computer networks(grids) of huge number of type faces, “ in an ideal ” (from the point of view of the designers) up to 10-15 thousand. — the Guys, yes are asked by(with) you those who will read the texts collected by these type faces, and they in overwhelming majority will answer to you, that ten, well from force suffices to them, of tens type faces! Appease пыл and itch, engage in useful businesses — well, even boring, but useful business of perfecting of the interface. Regret(pity) public dollars, roubles, yen... — by billions exhausted from company on your command and on this sum the really useful effects, not obtained by someone!
Even more expensive for human community is pleased abundant “баловство” умельцев of constructing of computer viruses — as speak, умельцев basically Bulgarian. The damage from these viruses is valued too by billions of dollars. — And all this too pays company. For there is no while even a legislation, which one would guess a full liability guilty — of “designer”, his(its) corporation, country..., even if they will be caught with поличными.
And such examples of antisocial activity both useless embezzlement of natural and human resources(safe lifes) can be resulted ad infinitum.
Maximum science, in which one are collected the most worthy citizens of the Earth, too not without a sin would seem.
From science we have the right to expect — and already very much for a long time — of the introducing общественно of an effective system of a self-rating, which one would stimulate to not cling to own dogmas, and caused(urged), would force is quick(rapid) to go forward, to give общественно the relevant outcomes. Without such reorientation instead of rapid motion military, диктуемой by “class” inconsistencies and national hatred, we, земляне, for a long time shall stick in a sprocket of rapid motion other, not less exhausting — economical, the conditions will dictate to which one not less pernicious human defects: envy, competing in модности, петушиные of the game in престижность — and from here prolongation of intensive destruction of natural resources and human kindness, wasting in vain of creative energy... — everything, at the expense of that lives and the mankind develops.
Yes, us for waiving all it should be rebuilt much: both manufacturing reference points, and scientific method of applications, and even ours миропонимание, зашориваемое until recently by all by ours is coarse материалистическим by education.
The science creative is the most effective tool of progress of mankind. And still there are many not unfounded opinions, that science — at all what she gives herself for, that as if in her steadily, the objective truth is persistently pursued. Actually scientists under such cover decide the political, social and personal problems.
And as in science there are no internal motivations of a method and norm(standard) of rationality, as and in company and his(its) history the relativism dominates, the random multiplying clashing(impacting) and incommensurable one another of events — is words of item. Фейерабенда results А.А. Али-back in the state-of-the-art review “ Science — the strategic factor of becoming of a new civilization ”. Probably to some extent, and in considerable, here there is an essential fraction of the truth.
If earlier, at a minor scale of activity of the person in a scale of processes happening on a planet, all could be neglected it, now it is far from being so. Due to science, as a whole of technological activity negative outcomes of technological, practical activity of the person — and on a fraction in power engineering, and in the radiation contribution of the person sharply have increased. And under some factors (for example, radio emission) he notably exceeds natural activity of the Earth.
Баловство of the person becomes dangerous not only him, but also planet.
The costs of science in miscellaneous countries колеблятся from one up to three-move three-back of percents of the national income. But the damage for a public consists not so much in the large value of these costs or in an ineffectiveness of facilitiess, consumable by science, how much in irretrievability of losses from ineffective, and sometimes and общественно of harmful usage of clever brains. The problem is, that the company should have learned to use them wholly. As we know, the coarse - administrative, bloody methods доперестроечного of period have reduced in rather scanty outcomes. The new realities of transition on market attitudes(relations) cause(urge) us to study in new methods of control both science, and production. In general by all social production, all human activity.
Many attempts are known to realize and to introduce negative consequences from activity of the person on a planet — of attempts enough bright and figurative. All problem now in at last undertaking creation of definite rigidly operational gears of effect on antisocial and antiecological activity of the person, and therefore, except for art figurativeness, we should master practice of quantitative submission(representation) of damage in an ideal - for full exception it(him) for the subjects rendering this damage, that is for creation is active and logically operational negative feedbacks.
Maiden, there can be one of most simple and indispensable at the given stage a pitch, — this creation of security systems of suppression of forward(straight) seld-poisoning of the person from outcomes of an own production activity by mandatory certification of products. These systems are already abundant enough in the majority of countries. They clip from broad usage of commodity, of a harm from which one exceeds a definite threshold. At sufficient bona fides and carefulness of activity of bodies(organs) of such certification the obviously harmful products manage from a customer to be dissected away.
But it, though also necessary, but small, only first step to creation of the operational gears дестимулирования of damage. As of today this pitch is established basically outgoing from economical yardsticks. Further there is a problem of coverage by certification of all performances, not indifferent for a customer and company, and with allowance for not only economical, but all spectrum of the performances social. That is the speech goes about creation of a global system of CERTIFICATION of QUALITY of COMMODITY — both goods, and services, including certification ecological, and then and ALL ACTIVITY of all firms and entitiess, with allowance for of all effect, plotted by them, and damage for the person and for an environment, whenever possible all observed and предвидимых of consequences.
All these kinds(views) of certification by us are now run in and widely, in a measure of power of our “manufacturing capabilities”(“production facilities”), practise.
In the basis(fundamentals) of development of certification, spent by us, of quality SCQ the substantial foundation lays.
At first, it is long-term (within the framework of two institutes Госкомизобретений) system developments of a rating of a degree of quality of commodity, which one was done(made) in concerns of well-timed recognition(identification) produced, " relevant for a national economy " of the inventions and discoveries among a huge current(stream) usual, ordinaries. It was actual then, it, in my opinion, is actual and today. But about it with arrival of the market have forgotten (naivety or intellectual(intelligent) powerlessness?)
Secondly, later, it is long-term activities by the order Госстандарта and ВНИИС of a lot of key problems of selection of the nomenclature of figure of merits of services and rating on their basis(fundamentals) of a degree of quality of services and activities, actually — of activity of firms and corporations as a whole.
All this has allowed us to create and eventually to defend original positions of a system of certification of quality essentially(much) distinguished from known us by a lot, of known for us, components " the formula of the invention " of our system — identical both for services, and for the goods, т. е. As a whole for any commodity.
These features:
Major difference SCQ and its(her) advantage — issue of the certificates which are making sure not only correspondence of actual parameters(indexes), arguments baseline, reference, i.e. such as "yes - no", the certificate — is issued is not issued, but also registration of an extent of exceeding of quality, public usefulness of certificated commodity above baseline.
That is our certificate - is real the CERTIFICATE of FITNESS, and for elapsed our certification of firms, corporations there is a quantitative differentiation them on a degree of quality (i.e. on relative usefulness for a customer).
So, available second advantage: the registration of all spectrum, nomenclature of parameters(indexes), not indifferent for a customer, each of which is indispensable, and all together - are sufficient for a full rating of a degree of quality. In SCQ they, basically for a simplicity of perception and the ratings, are parted into 4 groups:
1) Figure of merits purely services (forward(straight) effect);
2) Figure of merits (culture) of servicing;
3) Costs of access to service;
4) Spurious (complementary) effect or damage.
The third advantage: designed by us the system of calculations requires(demands) the registration not everything, but only resized (in comparison with a baseline level) parameters(indexes). Thus, for remaining parameters(indexes) their rating and definition of coefficients весомости basically it are not required. It became possible(probable) due to development of special design formulas and registration not absolute, but relative values of parameters(indexes).
The fourth advantage: designed by us the approach to a rating of a degree of quality, except for parametric methods, equally allows to allow and item of information on forward(straight) effect either damage from those or diverse separate parameters(indexes) or even as a whole from usage of certified products (in comparison with usage baseline).
The fifth advantage: the introducing in a rating, and also in a structure of the items of information pointed in the Certificate, not only degree of quality of each of certificated kinds(views) of services, activities of firm (corporation), but also average weighted degree of quality (if these kinds(views) two or more), and Category(discharge) of firm (not to an equal average level, if the firm has shown for certification not all commodity). If the firm has mastered extension(issue) of forward high technology products of a new generation, it allows for the Class of production as a parameter(index) of his(its) progressivity, наукоемкости...
The sixth advantage: a capability of issue of the certificates which are pointing out this or that общественно useful group of parameters(indexes) - for example, high экологичность, maximum гуманистичность: we really have elaborated and we give both ecological, and honorary certificate. — look the log-book the Standards and quality, 1996, №7, seconds 36-41) More in detail.
In connection with that SCQ does not equalize those who has received the certificate, she(it) can be esteemed as a resource constant подбадривания, подпружинивания of the producer (at "yes - нетной" to a system it no! - there has received the certificate — and can почивать on laurels).
Registered according to the legislation, operational in Russia, a System of certification of quality SCQ (Госстандарт Russian Federation, рег. №РОСС RU. 0001.040008) is oriented on certification practically of all spectrum of the goods and services. It became really possible(probable) that as against many other systems, our experts allow not for technical essence of the goods or service, but only that quits on consumer company — so to say, not “"thing - in - itself"", and “ a thing for us ”.
So, at certification of the TV them the horizontal frequency or staff(frames) in itself - but only as a condition for creation of a picture, its(her) quality does not interest. This quality also is metered. The plus stability(immunity) of the map, plus of tens other — but especially consumer performances (for miscellaneous kinds(views) of products and services their number oscillates from 20 till 40-50).
We is fine we realize, that in itself certification is that elementary (though also relevant) member of the gear of progressing, which one to us still should be created. But already now, mortgaging those or diverse not harmless parameters(indexes), we attempt softly to impose to the producers some development trends. So, in the nomenclature of parameters(indexes) of services (activities) we enter now data about the costs of self-progressing and on charities. There is for us and parameter(index) of a price level rather среднерыночных in the given locale - than not an incentive for a reduction of prices!
To be recognized, when we only constructed the system SCQ, we only guessed, that the effect her(it) on a social production will be possible. Now we were convinced, is what is it really real. Now it is possible not without pride to mark, that many (thinking) chiefs of firms introduce our certification and as a resource itself to see the lacks, and as a way to stimulate quality of activity of the employees - for example, indicating them that we can cancel the certificate at the next inspection check.
SCQ does not substitute and does not cancel mandatory certification. Moreover, the certification of quality is carried out(conducted) only after mandatory (if she is stipulated by the legislation), and at ecological certification — and with allowance for of its(her) outcomes.
Ecological certification in general interesting and общественно a useful kind(view) of certification. The year back stored experience in the field of ecological ratings was joint by us for creation About ecological сеpтификации (registration in the Russian Academy of Science N 1078). This system acts within the framework of a system of certification SCQ and is oriented on ecological certification and services (activities, activity), and socially significant goods (items), and also working conditions, ecological state (quality) of the environment, ecological purity of commodity (first of all food) etc. the Activity is carried out(conducted) under aegis of State Committee on an environmental protection and natural resources of Russian Federation.
According to the rules SCQ, the Ecological certificates of fitness are given on elapsed mandatory certification properly identified services and tested goods, ecologically harmful the factors, property which one — for example, contents of harmful impurity(additives), radiatings, vaporizations and т. д. — is normative of a tolerance level at the considerably reduced contents of harmful impurity(additives) rather ПДК, ПДУ below... Under these data after the applicable calculations the Level экологичности is determined, or Level of ecological quality, which one determines, literally, extent of rise of usefulness (value) of the given product concerning the product with "normative - permissible" by values of the harmful factors.
So, the System SCQ is analogue, i.e. пpедполагает quantitative calculation Уpовня of ecological quality (Уpовня экологичности). She does not equalize elapsed сеpтификацию objects. Напpотив, she gives them a comparative rating and by that creates for the buyer a capability of selection of cleaner commodity, and for the producer — incentives to further improvement of the quality and competitiveness of the goods. The items of information on the comparative performances of ecological purity of different commodity at really proper leaving out of the buyer (customer) will allow or to accelerate sales of non-polluting commodity, or a little to raise on it(her) the price, that will promote a reduction of prices on commodity ecologically contaminated. For for many a problem of ecological purity of food, furniture, instruments... — for them and the more so for their children — has now rather essential value.
Much more complex(difficult) and expensive is the process of ecological certification of production. In this case, except for ecological certification of products (goods and services), the rating of damage is necessarily carried out(conducted) at the expense of his(its) pressure bumps, resets(drops), down to the registration of a pollution of the environment of vehicles, used by production. We face on a firm position of necessity of indemnification(compensation) to the population of all damage, plotted to him.
It is natural, that across the nation such activities can call(cause) noticeable opposition (though legally, since two Laws of Russian Federation and finishing a number(series) of the subordinate legislation, in Russia it is possible to consider(count) this problem practically justified(reasonable)). The breakthrough in strife with natural opposition can be made through development of a tendered system by the order authoritative international entitiess — for example, ЮНЭП. Such development and foster care of the process of implementation would allow to break significant(sizeable) resistance an industrial lobby of any countries and eventually, to cause(urge) to respect an ecology, which one, as is known, introduces maiden of the factors of a modernity defining today a problem of survival of mankind. Eventually, the adjustment of the applicable gears of rating - indemnification of damage will allow ecological entitiess nowadays existing on scanty budget appropriations, to begin worthy life.
We could offer to implementation the whole program on system development of a rating both certification of ecological damage and potential risk.
Immediate tasks should become:
- Improvement with engaging of the domestic and international specialists of principles and details of the working method of applications of calculation of social - ecological, actual damage and potential risk, if necessary — selection(sampling) and перепроверка of the method of applications of definition of экономико-ecological damage from a pollution of the environment (air, water of opened basins, water potable, soil and nutrition) with allowance for of regional and national features;
- Creation of computer application packages for calculation of damage and potential risk;
- Improvement for the guideline internationally of gears of exception - indemnification of damage;
- Development of the guidelines on integral social - ecological and even as a whole to social mapping of terrain of miscellaneous countries and specially — of large cities;
- Development of the method of applications of a rating of performance of ecological activity.
Besides it is possible to dedicate and strategic, long-term, area of activity:
- The looking up and development of paths of implementation of a unified system social - ecological, as a whole ecological, and then both communal social monitoring and mapping of large cities also is international of known terrains — of health resorts, special defensive zones etc. with a quantitative comprehensive rating of their state on all major factors defining a state of health of the people in communal (ВОЗовском) comprehension;
- Opening-up of the guidelines on creation of effective international ecological patterns similar to international peace-making forces of the United Nations for reconciling of the sides in regional conflicts.
If it will be possible really to aggregate scientific and the creative power interested in ecological upgrading of company company will be received by(with) in-depth study and substantiation of the used approaches for calculation of social - ecological and экономико-ecological damage from a pollution of the environment, method of application of definition of damage, computer programs for calculation under this method of application, principles of development of operating programs for deployment of activities in international and national scales, operating program of measures in a scale of locales, agree on involvement in this activity, system of a rating of performance of activity of ecological entitiess.
For implementation of the ecological program we tender following initial pitches:
1) Forming international working group for coordination of activities and realization of joint studies
2) Realization of sittings of working group, generalizing of available materials on the given problem
3) Forming the scientific program of joint studies
4) Realization national and international (in two-four locales) experiments on implementation of philosophys of the tendered program at financial participation ЮНЭП
5) Adjustment of look-alike activities by the order of miscellaneous countries and international entitiess
Now main(basic) activities on certification of quality are carried out(conducted) By(with) federal Center of certification, the methodology is provided With methodical Center SCQ, originally organized in 1993, in Moscow, under aegis МАИ.
Certification of quality it is possible and should esteem only as a pitch to prompting(guidance) in a human production activity socially - is oriented of order, injection of a definite dose of an antientropy with allowance for of real needs(requirements) “ for itself ”, and also actual (and anticipated) consequences for the Nature.
Together with certification they can stage the steady enough and effective gear of industrial and technological progressing of human community oriented on social progress as against existing — predominantly antisocial, antiecological — that is ущербного.
To us in Russia the mandatory certification of quality has come because of a boundary. Between that, the new system of certification of quality was born here, in Russia, in Moscow, and now, to 850-летию of Moscow, it is possible to say, that are made not only separate, but also vast enough approbations and implementations of a system both in Moscow, and in other cities.
By the way, mentioned by us before digit of social - ecological damage were obtained too as a result of fulfilment of the forward(straight) order of Moscow — of Committee of economy at its(her) Government. By the same order is designed and the social - ecological map of Moscow is constructed, which one has introduced all social - ecological damage for the inhabitants of capital. To introduce to indemnify at the expense of contaminants. The present relation of the price to the present quality, whether full indemnification(compensation) of all damage — is pitches to forming the present gear of public progressing?
Both on certification, and on social - ecological mapping we are ready to transmit our expertise in all Russian locales and in other countries.
But the scales ущербной, barren, entropy activity of mankind indeed are borderless. Let's look narrowly that around of us — daily and everywhere.
Quite often our advertising is done(made) in calculation on very low and even a low level and tastes of customers (buyers) and, that it is even worse, wholesale intermediaries between them and producers.... Inclination and quality of a wireless - телевещания which one are not adjusted(regulated) neither broadcast listeners, nor telespectators, — it so, by the way! — all this pay of percents on 80-90.... Elections — this competing of money and at its best skills to promise — but in any way competition of electoral programmes and capabilities of their implementation. So is actually in all countries.
Therefore further there is a problem: whether expediently to expand our approach with a rating and certification on all human activity, including social, legislative and political? The problem is put about a capability and expediency of reorganization of all social production.
For occupation these wide area enough problems create new International Academy of public progressing (Registration Минюста № 3216 from 29.05.96). By the way, the idea of this Academy also was born in Moscow.
Among primary goals of this Academy it is possible to call:
* Creation of a system of well-timed recognition(identification) and ratings of maximum achievements of mankind - including for д for щ and х, for well-timed detection and dense social protection высокозначимых of the inventions and discoveries;
* Usage of this system for a rating of achievements п р about ш l about г about and opening-up,, Encyclopedia "2000" with emanating of two thousand achievements, which one have made our Civilization such, instead of diverse (the economic-mathematical vehicle for this purpose already is present);
{The encyclopedias "2000"}
* Creation most favourable of conditions for progressing business, specially "small", including by the facilitated allocation to small enterprises (МП) of the credits and investments with allowance for of public usefulness of the created intellectual(intelligent) product - but simultaneously and introducing about full indemnification(compensation) of damage from activity МП;
* Development of the guidelines for native born reorganization educational and воспитательного of processes in country, organization and involvement in opening-up of the special manuals, books for the mass reader reshaping diligence, independent innovative thinking etc.;
* The creation at first public, and then state Maximum qualifying commission - (in bridge or even together with ВАК) for awarding, without usual формалистических of procedures, creative extents of the candidate, doctor, member - correspondent and academician of public progressing is strict by results of a rating of public usefulness of authoring achievements of a maximum creative level (economic-mathematical vehicle for this purpose is already created);
{Maximum qualifying commission}
* Development of the guidelines legislative and actuators under the mandatory registration at acceptance of any solutions of social consequences as key factor for their implementation;
* The persevering effect on legislative and actuators with the purpose of implementation in company of a global principle " operating is equal to counteraction(reaction) ", unconditional and full indemnification to the citizens of any damage, plotted by him,(it,) - material, social, social - ecological, moral... - including from wrongful acts, missed profit (effect) and non-optimum нормотворчества;
* Looking ups of paths of implementation п р I m about й, true of democracy instead of existing, indirect (representation), implementation of a system of operating referendums of an in exchange historically adding up procedure of forming of units, crews — procedure, founded on взвинчивании, polarization of masses and on usage of interparty strife as almost alone facilitiess of social progress — on business extremely ineffective neither on costs of involved public forces, nor by results of.
We face for social performance in all.
In spite of high tempo of economics and science-technical progress the welfare of the mankind is very slow. It is quite common that new products have lower quality but are harmful to people and nature. We offer new Global Strategy of Product Quality Certification which includes goods and services as well as the whole activity of the enterprises involved in the social progress with calculation of effects and damages caused by them. It will be sufficient stable and functional mechanism of social development.
By results of voluntary certification of quality of commodity (goods and services) in Moscow
On a System SCQ
According to the Law of Russian Federation “ About certification of products and services ”, in our country, except for mandatory certification on safety, are entered and the different systems of voluntary certification act. The majority of them is systems of certification on correspondence (definite requirements).
As against these systems, the system SCQ, designed also is active used by us (Center of certification accredited at ЦНИИбыт), guesses not only matching with baseline values of parameters(indexes), but also values deviations(rejection) and “weighs” them on usefulness for a customer (company), that is at the end of analysis by results of certification the degree of quality as an extent of complementary usefulness of certificated commodity in relation to baseline is received. At a positive take of certification on a system SCQ its(her) total is the issue of the CERTIFICATE of FITNESS.
THE ECOLOGICAL CERTIFICATION — is enveloped by her(it) activity of entitiess, corporations, together with food commodity.
Into practice of our Center of certification even more often enters (as the responsibility) issue of the guidelines to each of certificated objects on perfecting his(its) activity. It allows us to some extent to participate not only in ratings of finished products, but also to originate perfecting manufacturing activities. That our experts are armed not only skills of a rating, but also, most important, — by psychology of detection of the customer, relevant and interesting from stands, quite often our guidelines appear valuable enough. Though more often both outcomes of certification, and the guidelines remain as though internal business of the corporation.
In advertising we usually point, that certification of quality:
* Increases selfdescriptiveness and cogency of advertising,
* Essentially meliorates image of the Corporation,
* Increases attractiveness her(it) for clients,
* Allows objectively to justify a rise in price (where it is),
* Educates in the employees pride of the Corporation.
As it is possible to see, the voluntary certification can be esteemed almost only as a resource of moral incentive.
However at sufficient mutual understanding with domestic government bodies the role of certification of quality can essentially increase.
The requirement the strong link with domestic controls suffices is among original positions adopted in a system SCQ (item 4.5. The specification statements SCQ). The same guidelines are given to the chiefs all аккредитуемых by us of regional centers especially, and to them often to listen. An example of close activity of our regional centers of certification with administration — city of Ekaterinburg. Unfortunately — it is obvious, because of significant(sizeable) scales, and it is possible also of other reasons — in Moscow on the part of a manual of city and field(area) this attention minimum.
Between that, the certification of quality can be used and for more severe purposes, than organization of moral incentive — for the introducing in practice of the present economical control mechanisms by quality of commodity. Meaning, that the quality is clone of complementary effect for customers (for the population), would be to the quite logical introducing by results of certification of quality of economic incentives — for example, by regulation of the local taxes, prices, grids of the wage etc. (last is especially effective for official bodies, which one require a constant rating by yardsticks of public usefulness not less, if not it is more, than commercial structures).
Moscow can become the maiden city, which one will manage to enter such gears as the relevant piece of the social and economic policy.
( Information material)
Profitability of voluntary certification
Legal aspects
The law of Russian Federation “ About certification of products and services ” stipulates two kinds(views) of certification: mandatory and voluntary.
The mandatory certification implements in cases, when normative documents on продукцию* — the standards, the rules etc. — contain the requirements to safety control of an environment, life, health and property of the citizens, and also to supply of technical information compatibility, transposability of commodity, unity of methods of their check and unity of marking. The remaining requirements contained in normative documents, are recommendational, and their observance(holding) depends on the discretion of the manufacturer of commodity (initiator of service) and his(its) contractors. At a positive take of mandatory certification its(her) total is the issue of the certificate of correspondence to safety requirements.
The voluntary certification can implement:
- With reference to commodity (services) which are not subject to mandatory certification;
- With reference to that part of the requirements of normative documents, the fulfilment which one is not subject to endorsement by the way of mandatory certification;
- In cases, when the requirements of normative documents are formulated only in a general view, and the actual quality of commodity (services) is expedient for characterizing more particularly;
- In cases, when the normative documents regulating quality of the given variety of commodity (services) are absent;
- In cases, when on commodity (service) there is a certificate of correspondence, but the manufacturer of commodity (initiator of service) supposes expedient to certify, that the quality of his(its) commodity (service) is higher, than that, which one is stipulated by the normative document.
At a positive take of voluntary certification its(her) total is the issue of the certificate of fitness. Such certificate makes sure not only correspondence to adopted yardsticks, but also extent of deviation(rejection) in the desirable side by the way of complementary usefulness.
Profitability of voluntary certification
To the manufacturer of commodity (initiator of service) — she is expedient, as increases his(its) competitiveness: about availability of the certificate of fitness it is possible to indicate in the advertising information, on packaging of the goods; the certificate or his(its) copy can be hung out at office, in trade or floor broker.
To the intermediary she is expedient, as he can count on increase of his(its) fraction at undertaking the bargain, and also on increase and acceleration of sales of commodity (volume of services).
To the seller she is expedient, as she promotes increase of sales volume and in a number(series) of cases allows to execute more effective price policy.
To customer she is expedient, as guarantees the best satisfaction of his(its) needs(requirements).
After a conclusion of a treaty on fulfilment of voluntary certification the initiator — the body(organ) of such certification — compounds a list of parameters(indexes) which are taken into consideration. Among them formation parameters(indexes):
For the goods — parameters(indexes) of its(her) assigning, safety (including — ecological), ergonomical, aesthetic parameters(indexes), correspondence to the information about her to the requirements of the Law of Russian Federation “ About protection of the rights of customers ”, parameters(indexes) describing spurious useful effect or damage etc.;
For services — parameters(indexes) describing quality purely of services, quality, culture of servicing, availability(accessibility) of fulfilment of service, and also spurious useful effect or damage etc.
Each group of parameters(indexes) includes proprietary parameters(indexes), the list which one is differentiated as applied in the given variety of commodity (service).
The generalized parameter(index) — “ an Actual degree of quality of certified products (service) ” is further calculated, i.e. “high quality” is made sure on is simple, and his(its) is given quantitative характеристика* *, which one and is arrested in the giving certificate of fitness.
In number of kinds(views) of the goods, which one can be the object of voluntary certification, all commodities, contained in The all-Russian qualifier, (ОКП) enter practically. The capability of such certification of a particular kind(view) of commodity is determined, on the one hand, — by conditions which are listed above (see section “legal Aspects”), and with other — by interest of its(her) manufacturer in rise of the competitiveness.
In number of kinds(views) of services, which one can be the object of voluntary certification, the services of trading enterprises and public catering, firms rendering miscellaneous information services (advertising, consulting, data banks etc.), firms rendering personal service, firms of the transport and link, service of business banks, educational entities (except for state maximum and mean educational institutions), service in an orb of public health services, service of travel companies etc. enter
Federal center of certification
The status. Center is a regional (all-Russian) body(organ) of a System of Certification of quality (SCQ), registered Госстандартом of Russia (№ РОСС RU. 0001.040008). He is accredited by Methodical center of a System of certification of quality (МЦ SCQ) International Academy of informatization at state research and development institute — ЦНИИбыт. Center is organization independent of the manufacturers of commodity and the coauthors of services.
Authorities. Center has the Certificate of accreditation № РОСС.SCQ. 011, according to which one he is authorized to conduct certification on all kinds(views) of the goods and services without limitation. Besides ФЦС, being by regional center, has received the right of accreditation other regional, and also branch centers of certification.
Subject of activity. According to a rule(situation,position) about Center, he executes:
- Official certificate of high quality of the goods and services on the basis of their voluntary certification;
- The inspection check behind activity of the legal persons and citizens executing enterprise activity without formation of the legal person, obtained the Certificate of fitness, in a part of observance(holding) is issued by them of conditions, on which one the Certificate, indicated by them;
- Assistance to rise of competitiveness of the goods and services of firms in the exterior and internal markets;
- Protection of concerns of the manufacturers (suppliers) of commodity both customers at opening-up and concluding of the agreements on its(her) delivery in a part of the coordination of the requirements to quality of commodity, to methods and control procedures of quality, to certification;
- Involvement in opening-up and retraining of the specialists in a control area by quality both certification of the goods and services;
- Accreditation of regional and branch centers of certification on the right of realization of activities on a System SCQ.
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On a System SCQ are accredited and is active the regional centers in a number(series) of cities of Russia work.
Federal Center of certification is authorized to conduct on territory of Russia certification of quality and ecological certification, and also accreditation of regional and branch centers - any locales and any branches. Ph. (095) 241 39 03, 38 08.