Our approach to expertise.
The speech goes about essential rise in any expertise (and further, therefore, both at pricing, and in production) the roles of a customer, in general of person, now afford(grant) to which one the scantiest information about consumable by them of the goods, services, providing only definite minimum Ч the registration of safety. On it all huge industry of certification in all countries lives. It is supposed thus, that all remaining concerning quality incurs the so-called market.
But due to this (in many respects due to this) company also is tramped by way of social progressing practically on one place, doing(making) on ten steps forward and nine pitches back. On it loses both person and nature... The outcome it Ч a huge offloading per capita and nature, improbable exhausting human and natural resources, sharp social gravitational segregation of company, is not proportional to their real, physiologically conditioned capabilities of the people, from here enforced necessity of politization of company clustered for protection of the concerns, and as sluggish, but sure degradation of an environment, geologic and biological processes on a terrestrial globe.
Our system guesses the introducing of a set of measures on объективизации of a rating of any achievements with allowance for of all their pluses both minuses for the person and introducing of ranking of these achievements on their significance for company (public progressing).
THE DEGREE OF QUALITY is to final parameters(indexes) during expertise and realization of certification methodically most simple, already issued, sold goods and services. A degree of quality as relative value of a gain(increment) of usefulness till matchings with set norms and - or natural, steadied level Ч instead of correspondence something to something, as it is done(made) today in all systems, known for us, of certification.
The approach, as you understand not absolutely usual. As well as in many radical cases, in this business the speech goes not so much about substitution with what or from the operational systems, for example, system of certification “ё¬, abundant in Germanium, our system, how much about education in company of new need(requirement), stimulation in already available patterns, including administrative, public and other desires to create a complementary system of a rating and certification, at first: the goods and services, secondly: scientific, organizational, technological, social and any other for advertising, acceptance the solution on financing, and also for decision marking about incentives and sanctions to any participants of a production sequence.
In what the contents of our method of application consists particularly?
The contents of our method of application Ч is a well spent method of a rating of usefulness, effect and damage to customers for detection of heightened quality of commodity (goods and services), it is ground of the registration of useful properties Ч useful financially, socially, psychologically, ecologically, aesthetically etc.
In science in very narrow sense it is known as transfer(translation) of a multicriteria problem in one-criteria. I do not know of other studies, which one concerning quality of the goods and services and the more so technological achievements do(make) it more deeply, than we.
Advantages of our method of application.
The advantage of our method of application is, that are taken into account(discounted) indispensable and enough of consumer properties (exhibited and objectively and subjectively) at quantitative weighing of each of them of the rather objectively established measurement standard Ч of the established standards and - or to public practice.
It at a rating of single commodity, as to potential performance of scientific achievements just(now) being on a light, Ч that is calculation of economical, social, scientific effect, of term of an obsolescence and odds of usage of a full potential Ч all this should be determined by(with) the Nobel committee, but, as is known, he manages the rather simple expert method of applications; we could this thing organize by the way of российско-German project.
For what groups of the goods the given expertise can be applied?
The data methods have no forward(straight) limitations. When us ask, as it basically is possible, we respond: a customer do not interest in the TV neither quantity of resistors, nor number of chips..., it(him) the chromaticity, permission, repeatability of a picture interests, the durability(longevity) Ч same interests also us, but only by the way of quantitatively instituted(quantitatively spotted) arguments. You understand, that instrumentation, specialists and т. д. Should be picked up on each kind(view) of the goods separately, and for this purpose we use of the most different labs.
Federal Center of certification is authorized to conduct on territory of Russia certification of quality and ecological certification, and also accreditation of regional and branch centers - any locales and any branches.
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