Obtainings, expertise, treating of input datas and submission(representation) of outcomes
Certification of products:
The activity is carried out(conducted) by agreement № 41-245 from 02.11.2000г. on certification of products
Corporations (firm) ООО "Start"
Terms of realization of study: 19.11.2000г. - 20.12.2000г.
The purposes of realization of certification of QUALITY. The certification of quality is carried out(conducted) for reduction(abbreviation) of risk of a customer, with the purpose to give him whenever possible full and objective information on quality of the goods or service in the form(shape), is most simple perceived, permitting it is easy to a customer to compare quality of the miscellaneous goods among themselves and quality to the price of commodity; to branches and productions, their marketing and advertising services - to have the tool for the objectively conditioned pricing and confrontation of outcomes (income) to the costs; to the government departments — the tool for forecasting(prediction) both programming of technological progress and urging of social and economic progressing of company.
the basis(fundamentals) SCQ are the long-term developments of methods of a rating of a degree of quality and ecological purity of commodity, which one were conducted within the framework of two institutes: Госкомизобретений, and then ЦНИИбыт with the purpose of well-timed emanating under the economical and social performances most produced, relevant for a national economy of innovations, inventions and discoveries among set usual, ordinaries of the applications. The activities spent now within the framework of International Academy of public progressing (МАОР) and the Russian expert league (РЭЛ Russian Federation), allow designed earlier principles and methods permanently to refill with newest advances in field(area) аксиологии, sociology, социометрии and social expertise, including in attitude(relation) of socially active environmental factors. All orb of a social production and consumption, including certification of a production activity can be now enveloped. Thus it is possible permanently to bolster an indispensable methodical and methodological level of realization in frameworks SCQ of certification of quality and ecological purity, i.e. social - ecological certification.
At certification of quality the rating of usefulness is made, basically, at the expense of the registration of a gain(increment) of attractions, and at ecological certification — at the expense of drop of harmful properties (rather normatively established level); the expertise spent during certification of quality and ecological purity includes expertise of the performances of quality of commodity and е ё of ecological purity, and also factors of production (pressure bumps, resets(drops) of toxic substances, audio, electromagnetic, ionizing and ionizing radiations..., whenever possible effects not only per capita. But also on biothat.
The certification on a System SCQ allows to envelop all complex of activities according to balance of all pluses and minuses, usefulness and harm of a social production, and on "«end results".
The communal principles of certification of quality in a System SCQ essentially differ from known similar systems of certification by a number(series) of features of selection and realization of stages of certification:
Э т and п 1. the selection of the nomenclature of figure of merits (or groups of figure of merits), is necessary and enough for commodity, describing functional property, and even complementary effect (or damage), tracking е ё usage, and, whenever possible, salvaging. Thus, during expertise as indispensable stage of certification the registration of all spectrum, nomenclature of parameters(indexes), not indifferent for a customer is envisioned, each of which is indispensable, and all are together sufficient for a full rating of a degree of quality — of relative usefulness of certified products (concerning a selected base of comparison).
Э т and п 2. Selection of baseline values of parameters(indexes) (under the proposal of the Customer):
- Particular clones — of the competitors of certified products on market space, including on the basis of the Technical conditions, Standards... And - or
- On the average commodities existing in the given time in the given locale by all or
- Selected on yardstick of approximate equalling of the prices, i.e. located in one price category.
Э т and п 3. Selection of coefficients весомости (socially economical significance for a customer, company) variation of actual values of parameters(indexes) concerning baseline.
In all cases the definition of coefficients весомости of variation of actual parameters(indexes) (arguments) concerning baseline is made from a stand of concerns of a customer and company.
Independent procedure of definition весомости of variation of values of figure of merits commodities, their parameters(indexes), is made by simple enough methods:
- « Of social and economic analysis », by installment in-depth calculation of effect and damage from "«tentative" variation of each parameter(index) in both sides, or as a last resort —
- By method « of price correlations », by engine calculation coefficients of correlation by methods, known in mathematician, of multiple correlation it is ground of enough volumetric data on a massive of clones, coexisted on one market space, commodity.
The registration of weights " is enabled automatic " in case of expression of values of those or diverse parameters(indexes):
- In balls (as a rule, in a five-mark system and only for parameters(indexes) with the expressed psychological, emotional effect per capita) or
- By the way of relative social and economic effect (damage) for a customer and company from variation of each proprietary parameter(index).
Э т and п 4. The treating of materials of certification of products, during which one is made (under the requirements of the Customer) calculation of a degree of quality of commodity:
- Concerning a particular sample (samples) — i.e. particular levels of the particular functional clones accessible on given market space (of a Degree of quality — К) or
- rather среднерегионального of a market level (Кс) or
- Concerning an average level of samples of commodity, at the price of applicable to certified products, i.e. goods or service (activity) in the given price category in the given locale (КЦ).
In any case of selection of a base of comparison on each particular parameter(index) is calculated on independent sources or on запрашивамым for the involved(attracted) experts and respondents to values of losses or scoring of customers (users) because of deviation(rejection) actual values of figure of merits of commodity concerning values of parameters(indexes) of a selected base of comparison.
the primary input datas on clones on demanded market space (depending on dots of implementation, from region of actual or scheduled(budgeted) export of certificated commodity) and full spectrum of the data on own commodity are afforded(granted) by(with) the Customer of particular certification.
Demanded documentary material, optimal procedure of expertise and studies, compounded(drawn up) the nomenclature of parameters(indexes) and method of application of their rating for issue of the certificate are made out for each kind(view) of commodity by the way of normative document SCQ — of a Methodical material SCQ (MM SCQ) on particular commodity compounded with the Customer.
Э т and п 5. The design and issue of the certificate of fitness is made with the indicating of the data on a degree of quality of each certificated kind(view) of commodity concerning the preselected baseline levels. On a field of the certificate it are indicated, as the body(organ) on certification, kind(view) of commodity   is usual,; elapsed certification, and also Degrees of quality or ecological purity and base (bases) of matching(in comparison with).
Simultaneously with the certificate, in correspondence with the Agreement on realization of certification, gives the right of use by the Customer of the Sign of correspondence (Sign of quality SCQ), which one can be used by the Customer in advertising and diverse purposes.
By the special order it is ground of the data about quality of all commodity made by particular firm, his(its) Category(discharge) is calculated, and under the data about usage of new technological achievements with allowance for of their obsolescence the Class of production is determined.
On certification of products
« Крашение of leather items »
THE STUDIES ARE CARRIED OUT(CONDUCTED) by(with) the quoters of bodies(organs) of certification of a System SCQ, in this case — of Federal center of certification (ФЦС) together with by the involved(attracted) experts — by the specialists on each kind(view) of certified products. Algorithm of expertise, study and the working materials are saved in each of bodies(organs) on certification.
The nomenclature of parameters(indexes) for the given commodity defining its(her) quality, is adduced in tab. 1.
1. Deviation(rejection) of each of proprietary actual parameters(indexes) concerning baseline (established or steadied on given market space) is determined on the basis(fundamentals) outcome of measurings whenever possible in physical units, methods metrological and - or эконометрическими or sociological, if the speech goes about the factors subjective. The deviation(rejection) is valued from a stand of concerns of customers (users) and company and expresses in ё % of a gain(increment).
2. After an average of deviations(rejections) parameters(indexes) the rating of the gain,(increment,) conditioned by them, of effect (or damage) and   is made; the proprietary degree of quality Кn of each of N of proprietary parameters(indexes) or groups is calculated.
Algorithm of recalculation of deviations(rejections) of natural parameters(indexes) in value of effect (damage) is if necessary resulted by the way of references in the applicable points of the Table (or by the way Appendices to her).
3. The communal degree of quality of items is determined by multiplication of proprietary levels: To = П (Кn), where П — the sign of product, or summation of incremental values of proprietary parameters(indexes). The rating, since a communal parameter(index) of a degree of quality is possible(probable).
4. At availability for the members of a Commission and experts the remarks and proposals on perfecting commodity they it are marked whenever possible with the indicating of facilitiess of implementation.
As a base of comparison are received среднерегиональный a level of similar activities
The body(organ) on certification bears responsibility for entirety and objectivity of a rating of quality on the moment of certification; the applicant bears responsibility for fidelity of allocation during certification of actual values of parameters(indexes) of certified products, and keeper of the certificate - for their correspondence during all validity of the certificate to values established during certification. The given certificate does not substitute the certificate of correspondence on safety requirements.
THE CHAIRMAN of a Commission:
Peters П.П.. — the position
Сидоров С.С. — the specialist on a methodology SCQ
Сергеев С.С. - specialist ФЦС
№№ |
1 |
1.1 |
Quality of ready activity:
- Quality of used dressing materials
- Quality of fulfilment by the foreseen agreement of services
- Эстетичность and accuracy of fulfilment of activities (absence of impurities, scores etc. on items)
- Ergonomics of use by an item
- The granted warranty for executed(made) services
1.2. |
Entirety and variety of rendered services (activities)
- The nomenclature of granted services (activities)
1.3 |
Speed of an execution of an order
( Attitude(relation) of an actual run time to regulated) |
1.4 |
Parameters(indexes) describing repeatability of qualitative activity of the corporation:
- Correspondence and level of equipment of a master schedule
1.5 |
Quality and entirety of the information, granted the client, (selfdescriptiveness) at a conclusion of a treaty about servicing or by allocation of the estimate (cost of services) |
1.6 |
Activity of policy of administration:
- On self-progressing
- On permission of conflict situations
- Availability of a floppy system of repayment (discount to the repeat clients)
2 |
2.1. |
Эстетичность of office of the corporation |
2.2. |
Ethics of behavior of firm personnel at office, including
- Politeness;
- Competence;
- Fairness;
- Goodwill;
- Objectivity at compiling the estimate and fulfilment of repair
2.3 |
Quality of advertising and informative materials (clearness, entirety, эстетичность) |
3. |
3.1. |
Activity of the corporation in friend for clients time (for design of the orders) |
3.2 |
Convenience of arrangement of the corporation (affinity(proximity) to central mains(lines) and streets, availability of parking place, convenience of an entrance and approach) |
3.3. |
The general costs of time of obtaining of the information about activity of the corporation, on execution of the contract |
3.4. |
Convenience of activity of the specialists on fulfilment of the special orders of the client, including - in friend for the client time |
3.5. |
Capability and convenience of obtaining of an advance identification information by telephone (fax) and in advertising |
4. |
4.1. |
By-effects after colouring:
- Offensive odors,
- "«смазываемость"
4.2 |
Pressure bumps and resets(drops) in an environment (in air, in soil, in opened basins...) harmful matters and audio radiatings (noise) during activity |
According to the purposes of realization of certification of quality, she is carried out(conducted) for reduction(abbreviation) of risk of a customer, with the purpose to give him whenever possible full and objective information on quality of the goods or service in the form(shape), is most simple perceived, permitting it is easy to a customer to compare quality of the miscellaneous goods among themselves and quality to the price of commodity; to branches and productions, their marketing and advertising services - to have the tool for the objectively conditioned pricing and confrontation of outcomes (income) to the costs; to the government departments — the tool for forecasting(prediction) both programming of technological progress and urging social and economic progressing of company.
About profitability of voluntary certification of quality
To the manufacturer of commodity: she increases competitiveness it(him) commodities by much less expensive(dear) way, than conventional "«figurative" advertising. About availability of the certificate of fitness it is possible to indicate in the advertising information and on packaging of the goods; the certificate or his(its) copy can be hung out at office, in trade or floor broker.
The intermediary can count on increase of his(its) fraction at undertaking the bargain, and also on increase and acceleration of sales of commodity.
To the seller she is expedient, as she promotes increase of sales volume and in a number(series) of cases allows to execute more effective price policy.
To customer she provides the most capacious operating, objective and precise information on quality of commodity.
According to the conducted calculations on a lot of type certifications of quality and ecological purity, the cost е ё lays within the limits from 1/10000 up to 1/1000 a volume of production. Thus a gain(increment) of outcomes of certification much above than gain(increment) of the costs. So, under the data of Seaside edge fund of protection of customers — of Agency of expertise and certification accredited on the right of activity in a System SCQ, the income of implementation of commodity having the ecological certificate, is augmented on the average on 10 — 15 %. Under the data of the Kaliningrad center of certification, on some sorts of commodity certificated on quality, the demand is augmented ещ ё in the greater extent.
By results of certification of products
« Крашение of leather items »
The federal center of certification (FCC) according to the working method of application and outcomes of activity of a Commission and involved(attracted) experts has conducted certification ground designed and взаимосогласованного of a list of parameters(indexes), reduced in the Table 1.
As a whole greatest contribution introduces to a communal figure of merit a proprietary (formation) degree of quality on by 1-st to group, his(its) formation gain(increment) of a degree of quality compounds DК1 = 0,272. (Tables 2)
Following on value a proprietary degree of quality - till 2 group; DК2 = 0,132.
As a whole gain(increment) of a DEGREE of QUALITY compounds 0,591
As a whole commission marks, that the corporation in the activity is guided by concerns of clients. The members of a commission and clients of the corporation mark high quality of commodity, high level of culture of servicing.
— To actuate advertising activity, having used in advertising the Certificate of fitness;
— To actuate a system of the assembly(collecting) of the proposals of the customers, for example, by the way of special log-book of the remarks and proposals;
— More often to conduct interrogations of the direct users on algorithm, designed and approved on a level of a management of the firm.
THE CHAIRMAN of a Commission:
Peters of items.
Сидоров С.С.
Сергеев С.С.
the aggregate TABLE of OUTCOMES of a RATING
№№ |
The members of a commission |
The polled respondents on a list of the table 3 |
Average value
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
10 |
5 |
9 |
a resultant gain(increment) of quality rather среднерегионального of a level of activity of firms of the given price category |
50 |
25 |
59,11 |
1 |
30 |
20 |
25 |
25 |
30 |
15 |
60 |
25 |
15 |
27,22 |
1.1 |
Quality of ready activity:
- Quality of used dressing materials
- Quality of fulfilment by the foreseen agreement of services
- Эстетичность and accuracy of fulfilment of activities (absence of impurities, scores etc. on items)
- Ergonomics of use by an item
- The granted warranty for executed(made) services
1.2. |
Entirety and variety of rendered services (activities)
- The nomenclature of granted services (activities)
1.3 |
Speed of an execution of an order
( Attitude(relation) of an actual run time to regulated) |
1.4 |
Parameters(indexes) describing repeatability of qualitative activity of the corporation:
- Correspondence and level of equipment of a master schedule
1.5 |
Quality and entirety of the information, granted the client, (selfdescriptiveness) at a conclusion of a treaty about servicing or by allocation of the estimate (cost of services) |
1.6 |
Activity of policy of administration:
- On self-progressing
- On permission of conflict situations
- Availability of a floppy system of repayment (discount to the repeat clients)
2 |
20 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
30 |
15 |
10 |
10 |
4 |
13,22 |
2.1. |
Эстетичность of office of the corporation |
2.2. |
Ethics of behavior of firm personnel at office, including
- Politeness;
- Competence;
- Fairness;
- Goodwill;
- Objectivity at compiling the estimate and fulfilment of repair
2.3 |
Quality of advertising and informative materials (clearness, entirety, эстетичность) |
3. |
20 |
10 |
20 |
15 |
20 |
7,5 |
3 |
10,61 |
3.1. |
Activity of the corporation in friend for clients time (for design of the orders) |
3.2 |
Convenience of arrangement of the corporation (affinity(proximity) to central mains(lines) and streets, availability of parking place, convenience of an entrance and approach) |
3.3. |
The general costs of time of obtaining of the information about activity of the corporation, on execution of the contract |
3.4. |
Convenience of activity of the specialists on fulfilment of the special orders of the client, including - in friend for the client time |
3.5. |
Capability and convenience of obtaining of an advance identification information by telephone (fax) and in advertising |
4. |
10 |
5 |
7 |
5 |
20 |
5 |
10 |
7,5 |
3 |
8,06 |
4.1. |
By-effects after colouring:
- Offensive odors,
- "«смазываемость"
4.2 |
Pressure bumps and resets(drops) in an environment (in air, in soil, in opened basins...) harmful matters and audio radiatings (noise) during activity |
the table of clients of a dry-cleaner
№ п/п |
№ kw |
The telephone |
Kind(view) of service |
The price of service |
1 |
348 |
Иванов И.И. |
132-44-52 |
покраска of a jacket |
300 р |
2 |
349 |
Сидоров С.С. |
243-34-42 |
покраска of a raincoat |
500 р |
3 |
350 |
Peters of items. |
687-65-12 |
покраска of a jacket |
300 р |
4 |
351 |
Васильева Е.П. |
265-45-89 |
покраска of a jacket |
300 р |
5 |
352 |
Савельев М.П. |
108-67-21 |
покраска of a jacket |
300 р |
6 |
360 |
Сергеев В.В. |
125-34-12 |
покраска of a jacket |
300 р |
7 |
355 |
Павлов М.И. |
432-56-78 |
покраска брюк |
100 р |
8 |
363 |
Александрова Ж.М. |
572-13-23 |
покраска of a skirt |
50 р |
9 |
340 |
Иванова М.И. |
234-57-24 |
покраска of a jacket |
300 р |
10 |
376 |
Рогова А.П. |
687-94-34 |
покраска of a jacket |
300 р |
Federal Center of certification is authorized to conduct on territory of Russia certification of quality and ecological certification, and also accreditation of regional and branch centers - any locales and any branches.
| |